Liz Taylor on Oprah Winfrey Show, 1992

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] American royalty my guests today would be considered she is the queen she is a living legend from the time that Hollywood gave us not just actors and actresses but honest-to-goodness movie stars she has dazzling beauty I was looking her the other night a Cat on a Hot Tin Roof I've never seen anybody pretty in my life she has talent and it seems eternal youth this past week she celebrated her 60th birthday in true fairy tale style a party at Disneyland for 1,000 friends many of them very famous [Music] and they rode ticket rides feasted on wonderful food and into the evening with the fireworks extravaganza outside Sleeping Beauty's castle well I am honored honored is not even the word I wish I could find a word to describe what I am to have the birthday girl herself as my guest today please welcome the legend herself Elizabeth Taylor for to speak I think it's good again it's really you I know everybody's going cotton she looks beautiful the other night what was you the most fun celebrated part of the evening for you well after we kept the cake and everybody went home I asked one of the executives if they could keep it open for like a half an hour maybe an hour more for Larry and I and we went on every single ride and just we were like two little kids in a hog heaven you know that's great you know I heard you say on the news that you did this for the child in you was that better than childhood was that experience better than childhood you think well I've worked all during my childhood so except for riding horses and getting away I was at the studio amongst adults my peers were all grown-ups mm-hmm so the child in me was really suppressed it worked and was paid and it was on the screen but it wasn't me it wasn't mine and so now the child of you has been set free the child in you yeah yeah yeah and it seems to me I I read the Life magazine article y'all seem like magazine first of all that you look fabulous on it and purple I love that and you seem and the Harry Benson photos are great you seem happier than you've ever been in your life I feel great I am happy my life is wonderful and I don't know what all the fuss about turning 60 years huh well I never think about growing old I barely think about growing up and so what is it so what does it mean then to you anything nothing the big 60 number no no it means nothing it I think it all depends on how you feel did 50 mean anything no I enjoyed that I didn't like dirty didn't know I hated 20 AIDS yeah yeah for some reason I just woke up crying on my 28th birthday I don't know what yeah but what was it wrong with 30 for you well Richard and I were in love and we decided we couldn't be together because we were hurting too many people and we were apart and it just seemed like the end of my life and 30 just seemed very old really felt I bet you felt older at 30 than you do now Oh much older really because I had no sense of hope really and now I'm so full of expectations and a sense of adventure and I'm happy and hopes marine seater I don't what has Larry done for you well Larry is so supportive and everything I do you know we were at Betty Ford together and we have a deep understanding so how did you get connected at Betty Ford together because from what I hear they don't like you getting together not nuts it ya know we were friends for a year before we got together in that sense mm-hmm so what was it about him because everybody's sort of peeling the onion kind of pulling in layers revealing themselves it's a lot of it's painful very painful we just kind of helped each other in that painful process we kind of gravitated toward each other and felt what did you see a bond what you see in him where you were physically attracted was it a sweetness a kindness I say I need his macho exterior a great sweetness and a very astute understanding of people and wonderful instincts mm-hmm and a very smart man mm-hmm and we just had fun together and we got to know each other and would go for rides and picnics and I'd go to the supermarket and do things I've never done and I thought yeah I'd like to see you in a supermarket I don't I don't want a supermarket is as bad as sticking me loose in car ji by everything really yeah so is that really one of the first times you'd been to the supermarket having this relationship with him but really don't you want to know this well I had been before and I'd always liked them but it wasn't something that I did on a daily basis Larry isn't mad about taking me because I buy too much uh-huh what kinds of things do you get I'd like to know about 10 different loaves of bread different kinds and you know like I don't know they things that I've never heard of and I want to try really a couple shopping carts or just one as many as we can push push push so so what what I what I gathered from everything I've read is that you really became friends first yes mm-hmm and that there was a light in that there was something of that you were friends long before the whole lover things were our own support system mm-hmm and all the people around us were part of that support system but we were mainly our strongest support and out of that friendship grew love and a profound kind of understanding now do you think had you not been together at Betty Ford peeling away the layers of yourself that Larry for 10 ski who's a working man construction worker with Elizabeth Taylor the legend could that union ever have taken place had we probably wouldn't have met mm-hmm because he lives in Orange County I live in bel-air you know our powers probably never would've cross I hate the way the tribe tabloids treat him I really don't like oh so do I I really don't like that one thing they make him look like he's just trying to live off of you and and the truth of matter is he goes to work every day which is so amazing to me and one of the came today to be with me because it's pouring with rain again in California and they can't work the earth while it's raining so he was able to come but I heard you were gonna instead of doing Disneyland that one of the thoughts ideas was to go on the Orient Express and then end up at the Cipriani in Venice but Larry couldn't get off a work or didn't want to take off of work to go is that true yeah I love that about him I love that I'm growing up a child star but first here's a clip from her first movie y'all remember National Velvet when she starred in at age 12 take a look very bit I'll go get a bit no there's no good one in town my please you can help him he's ours mine would you trust me father - I'm not very lucky I might guess wrong but would you trust me yes you won't hurt him more than need go get some blankets and some whiskey and some more hot water hi Pat Sajak here with your channel 7 celebrity programming lineup now right now it's about half past Oprah and up next is what Donahue Donahue yes and then at 5:00 standby for the channel 7 news the right shows at the right time right here on channel 7 what is your child learning at school reading writing or sex when teachers sleep with their students next Donahue today at 4:00 on channel 7 that's a moment a conversation it shouldn't feel any different when you're talking long distance we think you should be able to call anyone anywhere any time and still save money that's why we invented the new AT&T any hour saver plan we don't think you should have to make lists or watch clocks 10 dollars for an hour of calls anytime then bonus prices of just 11 cents submitted after 5:00 and on weekends because how you talk is your business making it more affordable is hours every day you can count on peanut butter and jelly with a friend and savings from lucky on all the foods your family loves in fact our commitment to lower prices means you will save 5.6 percent over Safeway 5.2 percent overlap he'll and 5.1 percent over Albertsons savings that can really add up to help care for those who count on every day lucky the low price leader every day if you've been thinking about losing weight now you can do it and help others at the same time because if you join our program this month we'll make a donation to Easter Seals you'll be helping people with disabilities too many things most of us take for granted join our three week get acquainted program for just $19.99 Evan News at six [Music] is Elizabeth Taylor we were talking about how the tabloids treats the union of you and Larry for ten Sookie how does he handle it how has he adjusted to it or is he does he still get angry does it upset him uh he handles it on the whole very well but it does upset him it upsets me when they say one of them sort of indicated like Liz knows how to keep Larry happy you know like spend spend spend spend spend to give Larry a present it's very difficult because he doesn't like taking things for me he's very like he doesn't want me to spend money on him at all wrong that hurts his his pride he does work you know he's uh is he still working everyday except now it's raining in California does he go to work every day yeah takes a little lunch pail yes well a big one a big lunch pail and uh there he is going out to the construction site now have you ever shown up at the construction site no I thought that might blow their minds really brendi a great big stretch limousine and dressing up in like a little maids uniform you know black silk and little lace apron little lace hat and taking out a silver tray with little finger sandwiches and going down but then I thought maybe that wasn't too cool how-how-how have his friends reacted to the fact that he is with Elizabeth Taylor Oh his friends are all really cool really I'm very nice about it yeah now was he nervous meeting your friends because you have a lot of famous friends was he nervous well I introduced him to my friends gratulate the ones that were really close friends first and he became friends with them and that I introduced him gradually to the more famous ones and by that time he was very relaxed he should be he's with the most famous one he could impossible I often wanted to ask him though maybe you could ask him this for me when he kissed you the first time did he go home and go yes and dance a little jig you know like I don't think so cuz he went home with me really and he wasn't doing yes when you finally knew that it was turning serious were you a little bit scared yes very cautious I'd been single for 11 years he'd been single for I don't five years as I mean neither one of us wanted to get married again hmm but after almost four years it just seemed the right thing to do it seemed like we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together and there is something different about being married there's I mean the sanction the respect I think for each other in the relationship did it change did you feel it change yeah even though you've been spending a lot of it it's better yeah it really is marriage does make a difference mm-hmm are you in love oh yeah really I wouldn't have gotten married if I am I hear people single for in seven years and I was gonna keep it that way uh-huh and so did you think to yourself I mean I'm sure because this was eight times so you're thinking what all the press is gonna say in the world did you think about that or are you grown-up enough now you don't worry about what other girls I really don't care what other people say really isn't that growth and it's eight eight times my credo in life has always been unto thine own self be true I cannot live for others I can't live for the media I have to live for myself the people I am responsible to and for my family my loved ones of my behavior to them I'm responsible for but nobody else that's wonderful Taylor about her friends or lovers and we'll be back in a moment event of the year when Liz said I do for the eighth time two rugged construction worker Larry for ten ski if practice makes perfect it's a match made in heaven Elizabeth Taylor's first marriage took place in 1952 Hotel air Nicky Hilton in 1952 Elizabeth Wed actor Michael Wilding then in 1957 she marched on the aisle with Michael Todd who tragically died in a plane crash one year later in 1959 she married Eddie Fisher many thought her tempestuous pairing with Richard Burton was the love match of the decade when they married in 1964 they divorced but said I do again in 1975 and in 1976 Elizabeth Taylor married politician John Warner Elizabeth Taylor broke off two engagements after that but made the trip down the aisle again on October 6 1991 for the eight and friends say last time with husband Larry fort in ski I had thought long and hard about ever marrying again I mean this is it no matter what happens this is it from the kitchen of the real Sarah Lake have kids coming over get out of Sara Lee pound cake slice it and spread fresh fruit and cream and layers and when the kids get there just take about its fact the little cold that turns into a miserable cough this is the cold Triaminic was made for it helps stop cold symptoms cold treat your child's cold early with the pediatricians choice Triaminic it helps stop cold symptoms cold Angelo you gotta see this deshone of pasta that's a pasta from a grocery store it's in a refrigerated case tortellini ravioli four cheese sauce marinara DiGiorno with the read our menu and taste oh if people can make pasta this good at home why come here ambience for restaurant taste at your place you ever noticed how the minute those little canvas shoes got really popular the prices got really ridiculous well that's when I sort of discovered pay less pay less has the same simple styles same classic colors only a paleis is somehow managed to keep the price as popular as his shoes seems sort of ridiculous to go anywhere else doesn't it hurry right now at Kayla's canvas shoes for the whole family are on sale starting at just $4.99 shop smart skip the ridiculous prices due to guests failing I've got no one to play with because my friends are sick and we can you feel better with Kleenex ultra they're really tough cuz they're made with emotion well actually there's a lotion in Kleenex ultra tissues an oil-free lotion so unlike others they're never boylee only ultra soft it's no fun being stuffed up even if you're always stuffed up yeah Kleenex ultra ultra softness is all you feel a gentleman walks by me and winks I assume he has something in his eyes does home alone sound like the story of your love life I get enough nerve up to say something they're usually married your mama teaches you that that's not ladylike to do give a monk the secrets to success with men odds of ours over we're talking about the tabloids earlier you know I think it's a bad rap one of your friends I think Michael Jackson gets a bad rap too because he's always portrayed as being this weirdo but he's obviously not so weird that he isn't a great entrepreneur and that he doesn't know how to handle his business the dearest most intelligent brilliant people I've ever known generous he does things anonymously the people never know about he's uh quite clearly a genius in the music field or anything he puts his mind to he's a visionary he's a dreamer he makes things happen I love Michael I mean he's one of the most endearing real true friends I have really mmm and so why do you think he's always getting this bad rap because he just doesn't want to waste the time with the trouble to fight back mm-hmm it's like if that's what people want to say he's not going to in that sense we're alike mm-hmm you know yeah you you you spend too much time worrying and thinking about it what are the big ones yeah National Inquirer and one because I had had it up to here with him and you have to determine what is the big line you're gonna which is the one you're gonna fight for go after and what was what was it after they said he's in the hospital had pneumonia and they said that I was having a fifth of Jack Daniels smuggled in daily and that I was on suicide watch and the doctors that all told me if I kept on drinking I'd die that I had lupus and that my face would be disfigured for life now I had about three blood tests every day so I had absolute proof that there was no alcohol in my system I had all the doctors that was never a question of my having lupus so everything in the article was a lot Wow and very damaging to me because being clean and sober is something I'm proud of [Music] the saddest thing about it is that they can get away with it and it's really on you know it's very difficult to explain to the American public that people just absolutely make up things because I've heard people say oh they couldn't just make up everything you have to be able to prove malicious intent right and so people continue to buy it right so I want to know when you were in the hospital was there ever a fear because from all the reports not just the tabloids reports were that you were really very seriously ill oh I was told and my kids were brought in and I was told that I was dying they say they said Elizabeth you're dying you are a dying woman and you have to go on the life-support machine we would like you to do it voluntarily because if we wait it may be too late Wow and they didn't open lung biopsy at the same time which I also rebelled against because I've had so many surgeries and it was being cut open from here to here and taking pieces of my lung out to send to laboratories and I said no no I cannot face any more surgery and they said well if you don't you will die you are a dying woman and they told my two sons that so they said mom you got to do it Wow so what was getting any oxygen well so you had to force yourself to breathe yes and they put a little thing on your finger to show how much oxygen I had - one that goes up your nose and a face one and I just was not absorbing because my lungs were filled with fluid and blood and the I clearly wasn't getting any oxygen to my brain which may account for my behavior [Laughter] so were you afraid of dying no I wasn't I was really cheesed off and it lasted so long it lasted six weeks no three months what am I saying because after six weeks was up I had developed Candida albicans of the blood stream mm-hmm so every organ was infected and they said you have to stay another six weeks and that was just like somebody had taken a gun to my head and I think I cried for the first time then I read that you said goodbye to Larry that he was in the room and you said goodbye I called for Larry to come in and just talk to him like just the two of us cuz he he couldn't grasp what was really happening and I said you know I may not when they take me down and do the surgery and put me a life support I may not come to and I just want you to know that I love you and I'll always be with you Wow and he just ran out of the room he didn't want to accept that and he didn't accept that and thank goodness it didn't happen I was very glad when I came to I couldn't talk or anything which I hadn't told me hmm and I was running a temperature of a hundred and five and because of the lack of oxygen to my brain I was delirious as hell what brought you through what brought you through you think determination they say yeah because they had they didn't know what virus it was so they didn't know what antibiotic to give me they gave me so many antibiotics that's why I got Candida albicans hmm when we come back our audience our audience gets the rare opportunity to ask Elizabeth Taylor questions there's a good for my favorite old times as vision Maggie and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Big Daddy tell big daddy what happened go on go ahead tell him you're a sports announcer give us a a running account at the all-american bust to Big Daddy how many times skipper fumbled and stumbled and fell apart on offense if he was useless on defense and he was a coward and it was all over Chicago 47 Dixie star zero bad brain no in off days no baby without you skipper was nothing they started running a long time ago we attracted a lot of attention the more they ran the more people watched they became household everybody Alex Trebek run of white that's it jeopardy and wheel of fortune to Bay Area favorites running tonight at 7:00 only hunt Jensen what makes blame it on the bellboy the funniest British comedy sin to fish for wonder well I don't know I'm not a killer am i is it the romance is it the music feeling or is it something completely different as we like Dudley Moore Bryan Brown and Bronson Pinchot in this year's biggest import check it out sister blame it on the bellboy repeater 13 starts Friday at theaters near you that wintry Don I was making my rounds when I'm a surprise to see a new shopper glow a Bake Shop of a mr. Thomas a world of wonderful smells there in a professional capacity I inspected a hot English muffin with nooks and crannies a policeman's lot is a hard life but someone's got to do it Thomas's English muffins for over a hundred years a delicious taste of England in America listen to your heart so full of margarine has great taste and no cholesterol great taste and no cholesterol great taste and no cholesterol believe me I know how bad it feels where do you think let in a per the crowd but taking drugs to Philly I'm just one for that teachers and school employees who sleep with their students next onto you [Music] [Applause] [Music] and our audience is extremely lucky you lucky audience you because today is the first time that Elizabeth Taylor has agreed to take questions from an American audience uncensored I might add so we're thrilled about that I wanted to before we went to the audience I'm going to give you a chance honest I am really did you not have a near-death experience earlier I did in London about 30 years ago and I was pronounced dead four times once I didn't breathe and I had no vitals for five minutes Wow and that was the time that I had the near-death experience I want you to tell us what that was like but I was asking about this experience with the pneumonia because I was wondering if the near-death experience makes you not be afraid of dying oh absolutely mm-hmm I know I wasn't afraid because of that it was when I had the out-of-body experience and could see the people working around me I tried desperately to move and I lit a finger something to let them know that I could hear them saying well I think we've lost her I was saying to myself no you haven't I'm here but I was like out and then I went into this I sort of floated into this tunnel and there were other figures that I recognized and this welcoming like Sun white Sun and warm and like being in liquid mercury was like being weightless Wow and Mike Todd was there and I wanted to be with him more than anything in the world he'd been dead about three years and I was still mourning him and he said no baby you can't it's not your time you can't come over you have to fight to go back you have to fight to go back and I said but I want to be with you he said you can't now I'll be here you have to fight to go by and evidently while this was happening my hands were like in fists and they tried to unclench my hands I was reported dead it was on the bulletin board I read my own obituaries really how it was in all the papers oh my god that I had died I've never had such good reviews [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and so how do you know it wasn't a dream how do you know that I don't and I didn't talk about it for years when I came out of it when I came out of the whatever it was I mean I wasn't breathing they were about 11 doctors in the room and I told them all what I'd experienced because I felt like I had to tell somebody so they wouldn't so I wouldn't later on think I was crazy and then I thought that does sound so crazy I don't think I'm gonna tell anybody else and for years I didn't say anything and then I started reading about other people having the same kind of experience here all very slightly then I thought there's got to be something to it they're just too many people who've gone through it I know I did just because I haven't talked about it doesn't mean that it wasn't as real as the day it happened you're even more beautiful than I could have ever imagined but my question is with all of your thousands of friends male friends why did you ask Michael Jackson to give you away because Michael is like my brother he gave us the use of the ranch for the wedding and it was like being given paradise I mean there couldn't have been a more beautiful spot in the world I couldn't exactly have made him my matron of honor [Laughter] so my son Michael and Michael Jackson gave me away because I wanted this because I've always been such a fashion plate do you have a particular designer and clothes that you favor and why and did you ever feel that something wasn't quite right for you oh I don't know I just love clothes and I've been in the Hall of Shame 10 times and I don't care I just like what I like and I wear what I want and I'm a tailor on motherhood first here's a clip from their memorable performance with Richard Burton in the taming of the shrew for five women we have a you not speak when they shall not touch the [Music] introducing Campbell's new broccoli cheese scenario cookin that's good great recipes start with Campbell's new broccoli cheese soup [Music] careful nothing do you think I think I'd like a diet dr. pepper Diet Dr gravity's more like regular dr. pepper when you want one there's no stopping the taste Simpson do I smell waffles delicious waffles Jenkins I guess some of us care about our bodies and some don't shake as I'm hurt these are egg Oh nutrigrain waffles made with nutritious whole-grain nutritious you absolutely and no cholesterol no sugar added no preservatives I'm impressed do they taste as good as they smell there's only one way to find out if you and says hey let go may I go taste the wholesome goodness of neutral green waffles from a go hungry grandeur Campbell's tomato soup make it hearty make it Philly make it a meal Campbell's tomato soup make it as hearty as you are hungry when you're hungry for something hearty reach for Campbell's tomato soup at your neighborhood Petrine ease bring home the tradition of quality and value when you shop for Trinis for 1-800 dentists can you help me find a dentist for my family I sure can okay but tell me what's so special about the dentists on your service well they're all private practice dentists and we refer thousands of patients to them every month so we have a lot of confidence in their work can you tell me something about their background I have a full profile on each of them education office hours special services who do you have in the downtown area there I call 1-800 dentist today my question is do you ever worry that someday that one of your children will write a Mommy Dearest book about you and how do you feel you've done as a mom oh god no I've got the neatest kids and we're a very close family and I just know they wouldn't do anything like that there's their four children right four huh for children 4 yeah they're really sweet wonderful people there's not a mean bone in any of them so I did something good after everything you all you've been through you seem to have kept your children out of the limelight and kept your children away from all of the stuff I have because their life is theirs I am very protective about therefore their privacy they have their own homes and families and they live their own individual secluded lives and they do their thing I do my thing they do their thing and we get together and when we get together it's a private thing it's for us nobody else how do they feel about Larry they love him they do yeah were you nervous when you met his family no there's such warm wonderful people on great fun I don't know what I wish Larry was here we could ask him what's it like when you bring Elizabeth Taylor home to dinner what does the family say does everybody was everybody treated me like you know hi says hi you know really yeah they're really relaxed normal super people very funny Wow you wanted to say what um speaking of children did you have to practice tough love at all during their teen years or really college years and which child was the most difficult if one was difficult during those teams well I do believe in discipline I guess you could call it tough love I call it discipline none of my kids were difficult that went through difficult phases but doesn't everybody got the live in truth yeah I'd like to ask Elizabeth how many grandchildren you have and what do they call you I have eight with two on the way and what do they call you what do they call me grandma Ganga I love Ganga well you wanted to say I just wanted to ask you what's in everyday what do you do every day with your time now that you're not acting as as much as you did when you were younger what do you do every day well Larry's at the construction site what are you doing well I'd uh I haven't retired into the woodwork yet I worked very hard for the perfume company but the main thing in my life my main involvement is with AIDS and that's never ending when we come back we're gonna talk about some of Elizabeth Taylor's leading men hahaha flooding of the Southwest in a dramatic rescue of children trapped in a school bus submerged in rushing waters we'll have the latest good afternoon I'm Don Sanchez also coming up on Channel 7 News at 5:00 they said they were cops and once they got inside houses they robbed residents can tell you about a South Bay neighborhood living in fear and hold on the king comes to school meet Elvis the cop joins Cheryl Jennings and me for Channel 7 News 5 [Music] [Applause] capture the moment with Twinings tea so evident so tasteful morning breath so is that my coffee it's all wrong whether you admit it or not it's a problem okay we have morning breath but it doesn't bother anyone don't be so sure points not so bad morning breaths not as bad as you think it's worse so get scoped it's two powerful ingredients kill 90% of the bacteria but Cosmo breath there is no denying morning breath and so save your breath let's go definitely who's holding their breath for a new pizza Contadina really what makes it better oh I put it together that's easy mind if I add some pepperoni looks delicious oh it's good it's terrific actually how do we convince the rest of the world [Music] very clever introducing new content in a pizza all you've got to do is taste it I'm gonna tell the audience at home are you guys these guys the audience I said this is their show this the first time Elizabeth Taylor is talked to an audience and they're all nervous the audience is nervous they're asking me are you nervous no I'm not nervous but you all are nervous you wanted to say what take a deep breath yes okay out of all the leading men there are now who would you choose to be your next leading man and would you ever consider working with your husband Larry what on the construction [Laughter] Lari is not an actor he has no aspirations to become an actor he likes doing what he's doing okay good you want to ask I love this yes are your days and nights as passionate as mine since I started using your passion for film well I think mine were before the perfume came out what you know I'm glad it worked speaking of passion I was reading in the life article about you guys going fishing which isn't exactly the most passionate thing I heard of but tell us about that experience going fishing I will never go fishing with that man again as long as I live he becomes comatose Wow yes he stares at the line you're not allowed to talk you're not allowed to have any kind of conversation and if you move it's like don't move the boat it's terrible it's the pit you can do all the fishing you wants to not with this job also in that life Bartok you should get it's great because it's a conversation between Larry and Elizabeth Taylor and there's a wonderful shot of the two of you at somebody looks like a diner or something you pouring some ketchup on some fries I mean it's one of the most like normal shots of I mean we were eating I mean it was to hell with the photographer was all right but we're eating so he seems to have brought us some sense of normalcy r--'s I don't mean to say normal but you know what I mean he seems to have you mean I was abnormal no I mean to say he seems to have been a very calming sort of natural you seem much more mellow than you were I mean I talked to you several years ago you were not this mellow I was a basket case and I really apologize for that show as I told you backstage I was awful but I am much more mellow and is that Larry or is it just time you just got in season it's Larry it's the sense of support we give each other it's our companionship it's the sense of trust that we have a in each other we really truly are companions as well as lovers and that gives you an enormous sense of confidence and strength I think wow and the the press that you so often get is that he is a construction worker and you're the legend as if being a construction worker makes you not be a person or something that's their problem doesn't it yeah I think so I'm married I'm married for four years tonight to the dearest man in the world and when we were in Hong Kong honeymooning I was mistaken for you so you're very special to him because everyone thought who's that with Liz Taylor but anyway I one day asked what's your advice for me for marriage for marry mmm-hmm for successful marriage for successful marriage you're asking Elizabeth Taylor I hardly thought I'd ever be asked for advice I'm glad you said successful just I think each person each partner should give it a hundred percent because one person at some point in the relationship is not going to give 50 percent or not going to give a hundred percent they might give 30 percent if you give a hundred percent you're there to help make up the laps if he's there at times when you don't feel like giving your present you feel like giving five he'll that be there to support you if you both give everything you've got I don't see how you can go wrong thank you we'll be right back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I lay awake thinking in my mind jumping around and then I couldn't keep away from it and I started to think about bread I was thinking about Brett my mind started to go and sort of smooth waves I lay in bed and listen to the heavy trams go by sleeeeep obsession Calvin Klein now your gift with any $30 obsession purchase at Macy's [Music] you can take this if you thought no microwave popcorn could taste as good as the stovetop Jiffy Pop you loved as a kid try microwave Jiffy Pop [Music] hey I don't get it what is all of this about real California cheese I mean what is it blonde is it rich famous maybe it drives a Beemer with a car phone to the fax I know okay a real California Chief goes to the gym does yoga surf skis snowboards no skateboards Tom's iron power locks power lunches and of course its producer no its director no an actor Oh waiter kent region california real california cheese you want everything that touches your baby to be gentle like his first friend and his first formula we chose carnation could start it's different from other leading formulas good starts protein especially processed into smaller pieces to make it gentle easily digestible no formula is more nutritious remember breast milk is best but good start formula is made to be gentle gentle for you no carnation good start it's made to be gentle the right shows that the right times are right here as I get I mean that commercial about getting older you're not getting older you're getting better I think it's really true cuz I think I think I look back through my journals when in my 20s or what a sick puppy I was and so I think of the things that I've learned at this age I want to know what are the the best life lessons you've gotten I think just opening and expanding and allowing experiences to come in and learn from them you can't change your past you can't change your past behavior but you can learn from it so as not to repeat the same mistake and if you keep your mind open the older you get the more your mind opens because it has more and more experience and more knowledge and you can still keep learning you wanted to ask Elizabeth reflecting back and are your former husband's can you tell me like who was the most fun who is the biggest jerk who is the laziest who was the most romantic and aside from Larry because I realize you're partial who's the best lover I'm a lady good for you for you yes what I wanted to ask I know you're really strong with the fight against AIDS and all that I was curious what you thought about Magic Johnson and how he's brought such awareness to the media and the use with the NBA and all that how do you feel it could he do something different is he doing the right thing in your opinion or I I think magic is doing an amazing job I think he's making the youth more aware it still isn't enough people are not listening the rate of teenage AIDS is going up so rapidly in students high school students either they're not being taught or they think I'm invulnerable it can't happen to me it only happens to certain segments of society what got you involved in them in the first place I was asked to put together the first ever dinner fundraiser in America a PLA and it was before I even knew that rock was sick it took seven months to put the dinner together because everybody said we don't want to be involved hmm it was astonishing and people in my own business and then I heard that rock was sick and I went to see him and it became more personal and I thought nobody is doing anything and I was so outraged and so incensed that there was this in the closet kind of attitude and I thought you know I'm putting this dinner together but what am I really doing nothing I'm getting angry and I'm doing the same thing that a lot of my friends are doing they're talking about it and getting angry so I started amfAR what I wanted to do today and I I don't think you were worried that I wanted to do this because everybody talks about and says that they care about it and this was absolutely nothing Elizabeth Taylor asked that we do but I thought that since she was going to be here today and as work so hard and has raised millions of dollars for amfAR for AIDS research for and that I know Larry works with Project Angel Food he goes and cooks meals at the end of the day for AIDS victims I wanted all of us to involve ourselves because people say they care about AIDS but I wanted to really find out how much all of us in here and all of you listening really cared when we come back I want you to grab a pencil and some paper because we come back I'm going to tell you how you can help change the world you can do it the right shows at the right times are right here nobody covers the Bay Area like channel 7 and for a first look at the news of Northern California its Channel 7 News at 5 and at 5:30 I hope you'll stay tuned for ABC's worldviews tonight a look at the day's news from the rest of the country and around the world then a complete wrap-up of Bay Area news on Channel 7 News at 6:00 the bay area is only hour long Evening News Channel 7 News at 5:00 world news tonight at 5:30 and Channel 7 News at 6 from our little Suzy [Music] and when your dad's to the big bands live through ten kids and watch plastic slipcovers common girl happy 29th anniversary I'd do their introducing personalized greetings from hallmark a unique line of cards you customize right in the store and just a name or a special date or even write the whole card yourself just call 1-800 hallmark to find the store nearest you with personalized greetings see you at Hallmark sausage introducing tombstone pizza it starts with real Wisconsin cheese over our crispy buttery tasting crust so what do you want on your tombstone napkin no every month millions of California families take hundreds of dollars and throw them away this rich was called paying the rent now consider this for about seven hundred and fifty dollars a month and eight thousand dollars total move-in you can own a beautiful new Kaufmann abroad home call one eight hundred three three to nine nine to six why waste all that beautiful cash paint with Kaufman and bird homes you can have it all and have it now this is only my idea this is not Elizabeth Taylor's idea I thought it'd be a good idea for every one of you who's watching this show right now and about 20 million people watch every day I hear would you just get an envelope and put a dollar in it or ten dollars or hundred dollars I like even numbers so make it a dollar ten or hundred if you have somebody in your life who has has AIDS or has been victimized by this disease a dollar won't do it but if you care about aids in this country and you want some answers you want some research you want to be able to help the people who are suffering from it I'd like you to do this donate to the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation the address is P o box seventeen one six oh there on your screen Los Angeles California 900 one seven she is that one seven there she did not ask me to do it but I would I think it would be a nice thing for us to do because if you all make a donation I will make a donation I will be giving more than a dollar and I know I know that that would be helpful to you so I'd love God it would be wonderful thank you [Applause] [Music] guests of our show fly our official carrier American Airlines American flies to over 270 destinations in 45 countries American Airlines something special you
Channel: Bloqk-16
Views: 174,374
Rating: 4.7359357 out of 5
Keywords: Oprah, Oprah Winfrey, Oprah Winfrey Show, Liz Taylor, Hollywood, Richard Burton
Id: cjeOySBodhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 28sec (3508 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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