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grab some popcorn sit back and get ready to have your mind blown on these vending machines these vending machines right here in the world so 100% definitely the most expensive vending machine I have ever seen the car vending machine hello everyone and welcome to Singapore now when people think about vending machines they normally think about Japan and although the Japanese vending machine culture is unbelievable in my own personal expertise I gotta say Singapore most definitely has a lot of the best vending machines in the world get ready to have your mind blown on these vending machines to see that it's brunch time I gotta get some food this vending machine is called boon lay power nasi lemak inside this many mission you have anything from white rice with squid cooked in chili paste - steamed white rice with fried chicken - nasi lemak fried chicken wing oh my gosh I wasn't expecting there to be this many choices so I've never had fish before from a vending machine so I think I'm gonna go with that all right and then you get it there so then there's heating instructions on the side of the package here that gives you a specific number to press on the microwave hello vending machine so first impressions of these two meals just opening them up I'm absolutely blown away like where have you ever seen real fish in a warm-up vending machine also super impressed with the fry on that egg it's almost a little bit scary looking at this egg because it seems like they just did this but this fried chicken is like literally staring me in the face right now so that's what I'm gonna start with all right this is scaring me man this fried chicken of course has a small misfortune of being a warm-up food and with Fried Chicken one of the most important things is having a nice fry on the outside and a juicy inside and although this outside has some work to be done the inside is absolutely wonderful 'it's go for some peanuts some of those little fish the rice and almost make up egg sandwich holy freaking cow that patient legit like a fried egg but next let's get a little bit of this fish here on real man we are getting started off strong here and one of my deepest believes in travel is no matter where you go whether it's a city of a million or a town of a hundred there's something to offer however Singapore plus vending machines equals another level and while researching I found a few that I never thought could have existed in a million years so ladies and gentlemen welcome to a part that's simply called mind-blowing first thing welcome to the gold vending machine they sell anything from gold coins to silver coins to cool bars I were to go with a gold bar prices range from like 120 Singapore dollars to 230 to 538 yeah 538 is like the most expensive and all the coins are 500 and over over it's like the same story so 100% definitely the most expensive vending machine I have ever seen second thing is not exactly the most luxurious thing in the world but it's just shocking with salmon fillet vending machine so it looks like this machine is some sort of laser because all of the salmon inside is frozen raw salmon supposedly each salmon is measured in 200 grams and it's 290 Singapore dollars which is actually one of the draws of this machine is it's actually cheaper than most supermarkets - it's in person settlement now number three is something that I still can't believe before I see it in person and I've seen it online but it just it seems like a joke like it seems like an April Fool's joke so it's up this street I'm so excited to show you guys what it is and I'm excited to see if it's actually real gentlemen welcome to the car vending machine I don't want to make them think I'm gonna buy a car but let's see if they'll let me bring down one of the luxury vehicle it's a car vending machine how does it how does it work how does it work where you bro New York and what kind of cars are up in the vending machine [Music] it's so nice oh wow yeah yeah okay that goes all the way up to the car okay on down yeah for viewing that is officially the coolest thing I have ever seen oh my gosh oh that it spins around to wow you guys are not playing around here wonderful thank you so much yeah you're so nice have a great day yeah wow that guy was so nice for letting me test out that vending machine now every place that I visit I love to discover the little but super important details of a play and one of my favorite ways to do that is through snacks oh my gosh so many more this is a whole freakin market let's see so there's one vending machine two three four five six seven eight nine and then over here two hot food vending machines an orange juice machine in a coffee machine holy crap so I don't even know where to even start man this is like there has to be a thousand different items here to choose from can I ask you a question um so this is my first day in Singapore oh yeah yeah um so I have no idea about the snacks is there a favorite snack that you have or something like that Oh there's somebody's next year usually they would just go for this ball is there another one that you you eat seaweed - okay wonderful thank you so much yeah have a great day I'm interested to know how the corn tastes from a vending machine so my sweet corn the corn in front of us guys we have five different snacks ranging and variety from pizza to corn to seaweed to shrimp - sweet potatoes so with that said let's dive right into it those have quite a strong smell shuttle crispy but delicious the airport got it open without it falling everywhere I know this one almost looks like a crinkle-cut french fried sweet potato flavor in a bag next we have the ship like I want to be impressed by it but a piece of flavor in a chip you're asking for a lot oh holy each sub flavor that is officially my jam holy fraud I like seeing the other snack I honestly don't know why on the couch been sitting in that vending machine it's so wrong do not comment about that I will say it was probably my bed forgetting this corn from this vending machine having why would somebody get a corn on the cob from a vending machine a brief taste of plastic attached to it when you come to Singapore the snack of choice for me smacking sure is that you have to get our certainly these Pizza chips [Music] okay now traveling around the world is amazing however there's one food well many foods but there's one food that I miss specific if you've been watching my videos for a while I think you'll know if rooted it welcome everyone to be a PK 24-hour he is a second [Music] so pizza from the vending machine words cannot describe right now what my reaction is honestly look decent like the back has a nice little you know brown in there the cheese little and cheese on that [Music] and it's hot so let's see the taste [Music] I mean I'm gonna start off by saying I'm a bit of a pizza snob I literally search all around cities for the best pizza so with that in mind let's talk about this piece obviously the crust wasn't made in an oven this you know warm up pizza basically however the fact that they've kept all the ingredients like a four out of ten freshness and somehow made the cross actually crust I'm quite impressed however having said that I have in front of me a pizza from a vending machine so anyways sitting here with my warmed up pizza here I gotta say today has literally blown my expectation and they didn't know what you guys thought what was your favorite vending machine the entire day comment that down below and I'll see you guys on Tuesday [Music]
Channel: LivingBobby
Views: 3,752,499
Rating: 4.8930802 out of 5
Keywords: Vending machine, LivingBobby, LIVING on VENDING MACHINES for 24 HOURS in TOKYO, WORLD’S BEST CAPSULE HOTEL ($9/night)!, worlds best, DIY, Japan, vending machine foods, food, eating, $1, Japanese, brunch, gas station, burger, fried chicken, unique japanese vending machines, vending business, I only ate, 24 hours, challenge, fast food, Tokyo, munchies, hot dogs, French fries, $1 pizza, 1 star reviews, IMPOSSIBLE FOOD CHALLENGE, Coca Cola coke vending machine, hot foods vending machine
Id: huBM_qK0Th4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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