Living off TAKIS for 24 HOURS

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living off Takis for 24 hours but not me what you said we weren't filming today no we're filming and you're gonna do everything with Takis and I mean everything what do you mean by that no you'll find out let's go have breakfast do you like tea like English actually I love Chiles that's my favorite I didn't know that well today I was gonna make Takis chilakilis oh snap but the sauce you're gonna make is gonna be blue heat sauce I'm gonna start cutting the cilantro I mean you're just picking each Leaf but like like that is that how you do it yeah is that weird nothing too right yeah yeah and they get the onion [Music] all right let's get it that's it no you gotta add more you gotta add more is this the first blue he Taki salsa yo this looks like like my mom's green juice add the Takis Fuego tortilla base let's see ready Mexico we're sorry what are your thoughts it's giving Indian food it's because it smells good that's the only reason why I'm I still have hope but let's try it see it's just like my body is just telling me no but what about your heart what does your heart say it's given a heart attack finish that up because we got something else planned for you so right now you are gonna guess the Takis flavor okay um I'm gonna try my best but disclaimer I have only tried two Takis before in my life if you guess all the Taki flavors correctly you will win a hundred dollars how do I know that's a hundred though let's see I'm gonna feed them to you first one that is Fuego number two I want to say blue the third one is that Pepino I'm gonna do Mystery okay because it tastes like Peppino and you said there's no Pepino there's no Pepino flavor let's go with the next one oh what a heck it brought me back to 2006 going to the yandita and I'm picking up a random bag of chips and I open it and I smell that and then I hear my mom screaming at me because the lady took more money because I didn't know how to count pesos I think that's fajita all right last one that's got to be Nitro so it was the first one Fuego blue uh heat okay you said it was a mystery bag the new flavor yeah yeah yeah okay fajita then um ham sandwich uh what is it Nitro so I will take off the blindfold I'm sorry but this stays with me so I was really awesome yeah you got one right I did let's go to lunch for lunch you're gonna be eating Takis nachos all right I thought y'all gonna make me do some weird nasty things so the kettles are the base nice intense nacho and cheese it's just Takis cheese and you have other Takis as your ingredients throw your cheese you know remember to hold the bag yeah yeah yeah Ryan Garcia who Ryan Garcia who if you want like what you get for making me drink Prime every single day remote cheers Louise all right so please uh melt it for me I'll set my bowl I'll try my best I'll be back all right all right we got crunchy fajitas juego can't go wrong with Fuego how high think I can make it go whew let's just throw that in there and I think honestly I think we're good looks like Ramon is pulling up with the cheese is that the cheese this is what we got this is your cheese bro this thing stinks see when you mix cheddar and Chihuahua you get a chupacabra yo why we got Cosmo awanda here bro so let me explain so right here we have the blue heat salsa that we made earlier I swear I saw you guys throw it out so you've had that before but look at this this pink substance here is actually sour cream with Nitro Takis and the salsa we're going at the cosmo one there hahaha [Music] oh no that does not look good yeah what's bubbling why is it bubbling I don't know you said it wasn't gonna be that bad yeah no you gotta get one with the works [Music] taste straight like throw up what your bounce like that so we just had lunch and now we need to play a little game of horse but not just horse we're playing Taki t-a-k-i so that means I can win I can finish you we'll see about that so wherever you make it that's what I gotta shoot it from yes all right LeBron ah let's go it's what I needed I need a little pressure oh you got tea oh my god oh I still up that's a nice shot oh my God this is like that shot where it's like looks easy but it's hard it sounds like right there they're all hard I can't see anything photo let's go yeah the bank's closed right now t-a-f-t-a oh okay you suck ah Corner three I'm back baby oh ta oh I'm a man on a mission [Music] oh oh yo one more yeah one more is the last one well I gotta do it big this is a curry three oh uh right here okay this is a lot of pressure because it's those easy shots that are hard you know oh my God t-a-k-t-a-k the curry three there it is It's Not Over oh snap this one goes out to all my haters Look At Me Now grandma look at me look at me now mama I lost to that so there's a punishment and I guess it's on me all right so we just played basketball and now who won you all right go on sorry now it's time for dinner we're gonna make some talking breaded chicken and some Takis rice little chicken right here give it a little bath get it boom and don't be scared and that's it all right we got a chicken little right here let's dip them in don't be scared don't be scared gonna throw that bad mama Jammer into the backy crumb based solution don't be scared now yeah all right let's get the other one yeah but let's make sure these are properly cooked I don't want medium rare chicken also made some rice but we can't just have rice there it is blue Takis rice it doesn't look that bad looks like something like someone in The Simpsons would eat put that bad boy right here you gotta see if it's cooked we might have did something did we mind this one now look let me see what we thinking is it cooked serving some rice over here oh five star right here five star I present to you some blue heat rice and some Takis Fuego breaded chicken how do you feel about it I feel pretty good um the smell is a little weird chicken does look cooked well it's like getting a chicken tender but the rice scares me a little see it moving I see it blinking I'll start with the rice I'll start with okay one blue Heat Rice so is it good no okay Moment of Truth right oh what we thinking the chicken was cooking very good very juicy okay it's good it's good yeah it's good you want to try some might have done something it's not bad at all hey yo Beast Burger watch out cause here comes gorilla chicken gorilla chicken come in soon I have ideas in the kitchen so finish your dinner you think the video is over because if I have recall you lost a basketball Challenge and I didn't forget I've been punished all day now's your turn Okay finish your chicken I'll get my punishment ready I can't do this no I might vomit look at my eyes [Music] yo my eyes are burning right now guys I need you to like the video I need you to subscribe I can't look at this if you want to breathe as much as you want to succeed then you'll be successful life is not our sunshines and rainbows It's a cruel cruel world and it will knock you down if you let it ah it's Taki water I tried everything you tried give it a sip just give it a sip there's the end take a sip I'll take another big one this is my punishment tastes like dog water your ride just tastes like Taki it'll work you lived off Takis for 24 hours that's the aftertaste right now unfortunately I had the punishment you tried it but I think you did great you came you saw you conquered [Music]
Channel: TheCrazyGorilla
Views: 1,116,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Living off TAKIS for 24 Hours, Takis, Addicted to TAKIS, Takis Fuego, fuego, Mexican chips, Mexican, chips, spicy, spicy chips, challenge, cooking, yt:cc=on, takis challenge, surviving
Id: E8bu0p-JFJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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