Living My Racecar Driver Dreams On My New Racing Sim

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[Music] [Music] d That's a legit bucket nice butt push [Music] huh hey everyone lar Chan here today we're going to do something different we're actually going to build a Sim setup I've always wanted to get into SIM driving and Sim racing the learning curve for entry is pretty steep there's so much you need to know in terms of the chassis the wheel the pedals the whole system and then of course there's the computer Tyler is here to help me because I'm a dummy when it comes to this stuff and he's actually loading a set of course up right now I'm dropping years of content into this computer I've been driving for a while my setup is very Fisher priced and uh now we're getting a little bit more legit yeah so we have uh two computers that we're setting up this is actually my desktop from MSI this is actually what I'm going to be using for day-to-day editing but we're just going to load all this stuff on here right now as you can see it is brand new and we just turned it on for the first time first thing we're doing is putting a set of Corsa on it what I'm really excited about is we're actually partnering up with Sim magic they actually sponsored a couple formal drift drivers as well as formal drift they sponsor J barion they sponsor Frederick osbo Jonathan Castro and our really good friend Ryan Lal they actually train on the Sim before they actually go to these tracks just to get a feeling of what it's like to drift these tracks even if they've never been there before it is just like you've driven there many hours and they are making it as easy as possible for individuals like me who are into cars who want to get into SIM racing but I have no idea what I'm doing so they're actually uh creating a system that is easy as possible to use sim magic sent us two separate setups we have two different pedal sets two different steering wheel bases we have a couple different steering wheels this one is interesting in that Tyler's actually going to use this but he actually has a grip Royal wheel but this allows you to still have the controls and all of that for my setup I'm going to have two different types of Wheels I'm going to have one for grip driving or racing and then I'll have one for drifting which should be cool so by the end of this hopefully we can have two completely separate setups running so we can actually run doors I think that'll be so much [Music] fun we building TR all right so all the plastic is off I fore this being a three-part project right now we're just going to use the extreme Sim racing simp setup just to get started extreme Sim racing is a distributor for Sim magic in the US but they also make a bunch of different things So eventually we'll get a legit full aluminum Extrusion chassis just like what Tyler has over there that'll be step two and I think step three will just take it to the next level I really want to add motion I think of course it's a little bit gimmicky but it is so much fun because I've had a chance to to try out some motion Rigs and it is just such a different feeling when you're actually behind that rig and it's moving you around all crazy is so much fun so definitely looking forward to that and tightening [Music] things see this surprisingly light see how oh very comfortable let's open one thing at a time take what wait this actually has fluid in it yeah dude these ones are sick dude this is ridiculous that's the difference about Sim Magic versus a lot of other companies like look at this this is all machined aluminum like how nice is this this honestly looks like a stainless steel braided line out of a actual car yo tuning Springs mhm this is cool this is so neat look at this incredible look how nice nice this piece is oh look at this this is like a shock and you can adjust the strength almost done with the pedal box setup it looks so good and now I'm just putting on the pedals the crazy thing about this setup is there's so much adjustability in every single way it [Music] works break no way yeah one flip of the switch and you've got H pattern or sequential that is so simple so nice handbrake oh this is nice nice okay so this is a pullback style but it can be switched easily to a pull up style oh really yeah all you got to do is oh you just flip this around yep Rel all right let's throw it on there okay we got shifter and Hambrick in it's starting to look like a Sim rig minus the wheel we got to open the wheel now the Big Johnny Alpha U this will break your arm if you don't treat it properly this will break your arm that's why it even has a stop button you know sick that is crazy yo this is heavy W look look look look I'm generating electricity so we have a pretty cool curved monitor this is actually made by MSI and you're actually going to be able to mount this on here this is traditionally used for like a smaller TV but uh to be able to use like a actual computer monitor that's high refresh rate and high resolution is going to be great wow a sing damn all right so we need to put a wheel up here yeah okay wheel this is so sick nice these paddles are just so nice we're so close we have to wire everything up get the MSI computer mounted to the back get the keyboard here I guess yeah everything is almost there just kind of have to adjust it to my seating position and then we can start [Music] playing [Music] p1,000 pedals so this is the set that Tyler's going to be using on his rig and this actually comes preassembled wa that is so cool you can have that if you want to Sir shoot that's nice I like how big the brake Bal is yeah here's the alpha mini the alpha mini wheel that Tyler's going to be using on his rig this one's got half the power of the big guy but more than enough for me wow isn't quite as heavy oh yeah wow mine's half the size but still very heavy so while Tyler is putting his together right now it's looking good he's doing a rightand drive setup because most of the cars that he's driving in a set Corsa are rightand drive but also he wants to have more practice and be proficient at right hand drive I on the other hand still need a practice driving leftand drive but everything is all plugged in it looks like a Rat's Nest I know everything is all over the place but I just want to plug it in to turn it on and make sure it all works and do our initial drive it's lighting up we got lights got lights on the monitor got to love MSI everything glows all the time all right so I'm going to start up for the first time you ready for this Tyler let's go look at this's go I'm so excited oh this is this is such a long time coming yeah i' been D for this moment of truth let's see look how cool this PC is look at this it has a screen in front oh here we go the Meg Trident X2 all right I think uh this is it wow this is tight so that looks so cool in my real car my shifter's a little bit closer to my steering obviously on this side but I think that I can fine-tune this just the littlest bit and get it there also I feel like that's not that bad first time sitting in the seat with everything powered up so now I'm going to sim magic website to download their Sim Pro manager 2 so couple things definitely need to move the monitor lower there's some adjustment there but I just want to start driving and see how it is all right you got steering now with the gas [Music] pedal might have to change that that oh this is I should probably just try to do that that's why I told you to come over here honestly what you should do first is grip drive right to get used to it yep here we go Tyler's going to jump on I had the hardest time trying to do even one lap in this thing [Applause] so d you show me up bro definitely need third gear right there oh little bit more left fo bre too our buddy Chris is here to the rescue because I'm having the biggest issues in that I can't get it to relate to a real car maybe that's something that you have to explain it's all about the tuning the software and you know fine-tuning it the way that you feel what the car should feel like to you and honestly in a set of Corsa a lot of the mods that are in the game some of them are really bad but then you can find some really good ones too so it's fine-tuning the cars fine-tuning the the software for the wheelbases pedals and everything like that and this is kind of the interesting thing about this era of sim racing and Sim driving it's still very amateur in that like we're using this software aotto Corsa that's modified Beyond imagination right it's not even a resemblance of what it originally was no not at all I think this came out in like 2010 and it's just been open modded ever since and for how far along it's come it's it's quite amazing like some of the graphics you can download the filters and everything oh man in VR I just downloaded this like new pure filter the immersion I get from just that alone oh it's so it's so crisp it's so clean for you when you set it up for your style of driving yeah does it get pretty close to what it is for you for real life oh absolutely I have M dialed in for like what I like I try to go back to like you know typical s13 type filings because that's my favorite type of car to drift but you know I've had BMWs I've had 350zs I've had I've got at 370Z now and you know canop Tyler's already shredding yeah he got it all down how does how close does this feel to what you normally Drive uh I mean and's driving right hand dri yeah this this is what's different here I've got I've got the right-and drive set up this time so we're getting comfortable over here wheelwork it's all the same it just feels so much better than the Fisher Price wheel I was using before this this wheel feels incredible smooth the resolution like like I feel all of it there like the resistance is fantastic there's no like like cuz what I used to use was like gear driven right like also driven also what you used to use the wheel was Tiny right yeah so this is my first time on a Sim with like a legit like actual wheel like this is a 350 mil versus like the the Fisher Price wheel I was using could fit inside of this wheel like so these are our new p1000 paddles and instead of having like a spring you know resistance on the brake we develop these little bushings or poly or Rubber and they're stackable so you can adjust the different type of hardness that they actually you know so this is like a true load cell pedal there's a load cell and there's a hall sensor so you have the option to choose between it in settings um and we we actually are getting ready to release a hydraulic adapter um so you can have a canister to make it hydraulic as well which it would still include these but I recommend for like a softer filling like something sorry this is cool cuz it actually comes with all of these depending on what kind of car you're trying to simulate I guess right yeah and there's like a there's um there's a sheet with different uh combinations that they recommend and all that stuff so right now what we're trying to do is make this brake pedal a lot softer because it was quite stiff for me yeah I I'm running the all black rubber cushions on mine and I think that's a little bit better right now you're running the base settings that Simo comes with MH uh again like I said you know it's all about fine tuning to what your your needs are or your your preing it's barely subjective because like I know so many different Sim drivers that have different settings right I've posted up my settings before and people were like oh I love them I leave the force feedback at 100% And I detune the force feedback on the actual in car inside the game so I dropped that down there's also settings that you have to mess with them in a set of Corsa as well and content manager makes that pretty easy but so then yeah let's go over these settings real quick this is so interesting to me cuz this is legitimately the first time we're setting this up so force feedback all the way up smoothness are you changing that leaving that at two I'm going to go down to 75 for that wheel rotation speed 75 are you used to real quick steering or um do you like to feed the wheel yourself I'm more used to I'm more used to it kind of doing itself s centering yeah so like my 350Z is pretty basic um and It Centers itself pretty easily I'm not I'm not used to doing it myself yet um maybe eventually but but right now I'm I'm kind of letting the car do it yeah pretty much mostly okay yeah so then the wheel spe the real rotation speed that will mess with that with how fast it okay back and for so that's 75 yeah uh feedback can tell the is kind of like kind of gives you like some of the movement like what the car is doing in a sense yeah what's so funny I knew that this had too much power for me so I turned it down to 50% power and 5 newm torque and and then I turned it back up 10 newm 100% force feedback and it's just impossible oh yeah yeah so you You' got the alpha mini over there this is the alpha U this is like 23 newon M Max which I've noticed you guys already detuned it to 10 which is which is great because I would have done the same exact thing on when would you actually need the 23 cuz it would break your arm it would definitely break your arm I don't I I don't think you need the 23 it's more it's more for like the detailed feedback in that sense when you're running it that high so you can get the finer details of the roads and the bumps and you know the curvs and all that type of stuff as well I see okay so is 10 a pretty good 10 10 is fine to set this peak to at which is what we're doing right now yeah um but in game we're going to actually turn down the cars to probably like anywhere between 20 to 30 on this wheelbase got it yeah okay on mine which one how on yours I would probably go like between 45 to 55 all right I'm going to set it at 50 and see how maybe you might even be go 40 depends on the car because the thing is with different car packs some of the different car packs have have a different rotation speed as well as like a a force feedback some cars run yab some cars run B knuckle type setups it's crazy to me that it's that detailed yeah so then what else everything else is pretty much so let's Center your wheel obviously you run what kind of angle kit do you run in your car uh GK Tech but like stock Knuckles but GK Tech like so 65° we'll keep it we'll keep it at 900 for now okay when I first hopped on this 3 four years ago um I kind of struggled a bit and I started off with the easy cars and I I slowly like kept progressing and I've been doing it now for 3 years or whatever and you know I I think I've got it down to science for for myself at least well so I I watched Jonathan Castro I watched F govo get on the like Pro cars yeah and also on the track that we were at that was an Evergreen Speedway yes it blew my mind the Precision that they had right away I mean they just threw it in just like they did in real life maybe 15 minutes ago because it was right after qualifying yeah you know so Freddy being super high in points was the last person to go and then he literally jumps on to the Sim and does the same thing you know in the same car pretty much that's kind of what what blew my mind and then I tried to do the same thing and I couldn't even get through the first corner for somebody that doesn't know how to drift and they hop on this for the first time you know it's just like in a sense trying to learn how to drive on a real car you kind of have to teach yourself what are the fundamentals of drifting right you know counter steer hand breing clutch kicking slipping the clutch keeping the car up in RPMs all those different types of things you still got to do and some people when they hop on this they still have that mindset that it's a just a video game and so they try to treat it that way and they don't they you have to think about it when you're coming on here use it as a tool for like what I would do in real life yeah you might not notice the speed correlation or that sensitivity to trick your brain but you know with time you can do it anybody can do it my son drives on this he's 10 he learn he learned how to drive stick because or manual just because of this and it's pretty cool all right all right let's see [Applause] [Music] it oh okay right away [Music] okay man making us all look bad jeez so there's nothing wrong with the actual setup may maybe your settings made it that much better I don't know we'll try it out in a second uh I think I might turn up the the self centering really again like I said I try to treat it like how I would a real car and like try to do the same type of reaction and stuff I like driving on VR a lot better than than real life no no no I love driving in real life I VR like VR headset oh VR oh I like driving in VR versus monitors cuz you can actually look around track it and it's it's a lot easier to drive in VR you think yeah [Applause] okay you get all right oh my God he's killing it look at this guy doesn't matter it's right hand drive left hand drive it don't matter jeez that's not even fair I've been doing this a long time yeah I see that what blows me away is 3 hours ago all of these things were just in a bunch of boxes now I'm driving Apple Valley Speedway one of my favorite tracks to drive in real life the track that I learned how to drift on and yeah so it it's so weird because like everything translates in terms of the corners and what I feel like should be coming up but I don't know it's it's still different it still feels different no is getting in I need just change the settings oh that looks like a great entry nice nice lots of smoke lots of angle feel like Chris you drive kind of like me not like super aggressive on the clutch very smooth using a lot of good throttle not like a million clutch kicks in five corners and this car is actually has a good amount of torque on so yeah don't have to some cars that don't have enough torque you just have to clutch kick every 5 seconds or 3 seconds I'm constantly sing got [Music] it [Music] [Applause] nice backwards basically okay all right I need more [Music] [Applause] practice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh oh a i the B so it does feel more like my car but the visual it just it's hard for it to translate yeah that's what takes practice really right you're training your eyes in a s Corsa and then you're training your hands what I like to do is I like to turn off the wheel and the hands so you don't even see those can can I do that you want me to do that yeah I could do that I don't want to see the wheel of yeah yeah okay now that we've been shading for like 10 minutes straight I am dripping in sweat so it really is a serious workout like I could see salt crystals forming now on my shirt oh my God it's so hot but uh what what were you saying Tyler we need to go drive some to Road sir okay I think it's time for us to at least try to do like one corner of Tandem oh you want to all right let's go on let's try how do we do this all right hey thanks for watching if you want to support us directly go to Larry Chen I print and sign every single one of these this is the perfect gift or it's the perfect piece of art for your [Music] wall [Music] [Applause] [Music] is
Channel: Larry Chen
Views: 49,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Larry Chen, photography, hoonigan, hoonigen, autofocus, exif, pennzoil, msi, simagic, assetto corsa
Id: xs0MD_0tEEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 16sec (1696 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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