Friday Vespers | Newlife SDA Church, Nairobi | 23/9/2022

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[Music] come Christians joined to sing [Music] through Christ Our King hallelujah [Music] praise is [Music] [Music] let praise [Music] nobody [Music] don't lose [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen [Music] is goodness [Music] foreign amen we now welcome August to sing with us [Music] just before Jails of Papa's praise sing a song there's a lesson I've learned this week when you praying be direct or be precise so when you read Matthew chapter 7 verse 7 it says ask and shall be given seek and shall find knock and the door shall be opened so this week I have a friend um there's a wedding that's coming up and now let's put the wedding I just aside some of a friend I asked him hey you know because one particular party of this of this wedding uh as in my friend was interested in the lady in this wedding so I asked him hey what bread you pray when you are interested in this lady because you know he's going to attend the wedding and the lady whom he was interested in is going to be there so I asked him what prayer did you pray then he tells me oh Wayne maybe I prayed the wrong prayer he this is how he prayed God may you please bless me and this lady that you maybe may have awaited or maybe in the same wedding you know when you tell God he told God that I want to be in the same wedding with this lady rather than being direct to God bless me with this lady to be my wife so now coming the wedding is going to be in the same wedding as a lady but the lady is going to be on the pulpits so I learned a lesson when you're praying to God be precise don't make it too wide because God will make it also wide for you Amen on a light note welcome jewels of purpose soon to today [Music] me know when you're away [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you chest what's up check foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I've been broken but today is salvation [Music] my Redemption [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] try to break free but I am powerless often times yes sometimes I am down yes [Music] [Music] I am [Music] come on is the means of my righteousness I'm in need of your Redemption even [Music] though you are my Deliverance [Music] [Music] confidence [Music] [Music] [Music] my name [Music] but Hear My Cry oh my God [Music] that's what do you say to that church and then that's a prayer to God that I'm sure most of us make this prayer to God we go through challenges in our lives and we want to be like Christ and you know we have a sinful nature we always ask God to forgive us but we find ourselves going back and that's a beautiful Prayer by The Jewels of Papas and just something unique about the name jewels of papas a jewel is a precious stone a stone of value trust me if this Stone's had value then we find ourselves most of the time having chisels and Hammer trying to just get a piece so that we can make we can monetarize it but now jewels of purpose does it mean that we can be precious but still not have a purpose in the in the vineyard of God as a fruitful thought welcome his own [Music] for Jesus [Music] [Music] Glory Be magnified heal and revivals [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] praise thee O Lord for us from above [Music] Glory Be magnified heal and revive us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] rocket to repeat [Music] [Music] no origin animal causes [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] no regime [Music] [Music] [Music] seasons [Music] [Music] [Music] man what do you see it's that church amen I'd like to now welcome the new life youth choir to bless us with two items karibusana foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] have mercy oh Lord [Music] my hands [Music] [Music] twins wait always [Music] [Music] teach me thy way I will not be thy goodness tells me Teach Me to dwell in his house [Music] I see [Music] his Beauty me be sure I see [Music] wait wait always [Music] [Music] like we live on the lord always [Applause] [Music] [Music] wait always [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] tonight [Music] [Music] nothing nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everywhere tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your series [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so Glory Be [Music] better more [Music] times [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yes [Applause] [Music] man if this is how it sounds you can imagine how heaven will be how beautiful heaven will be so when I have a twin brother and when we were young we were very notorious we would always demolish anything called food ahead of us until the body tells us to stop so I'll always feel bad when my mom will tell us this is enough you cannot go beyond this but my tummy had a cavity and I could still feel it so the system now my mom said if you want um so my mom says if you want to eat to your Phil then go ahead and eat and we were happy finally we could fill up the cavity in our tummy so we ate an ate and ate but we didn't know that the more you eat the more you are is it that from continues to move upwards so your lungs the space within your lungs the capacity becomes smaller so you can't breathe really well and you know I'm with my brother I don't know if we can call it pure pressure or sibling pressure because I I you can't allow me to outdo him and I can't allow him to to do me when it comes to food so we'll eat and eat and eat until a point to her we say crying telling my mom we can't breathe we can't breathe why am I saying this we've sung and sung and sung I wouldn't want us to fill up our tummy till we can't breathe so it's good we take a break well we'll have our prayers and also we'll welcome our speaker to without with the award of this evening but before that I'd like to welcome the choruses to take us through him for 78 Sweet Hour of Prayer the first two stanzas then I'll welcome our speaker to do the prayer welcome thank you so much we will sing song number 478. [Music] sweetheart sweets [Music] [Music] call my wife [Music] please [Music] and all of days [Music] [Music] [Music] see beats receive his face [Music] [Music] [Music] for thee these [Applause] [Music] okay let us humble ourselves before the Lord even as we pray Heavenly Father king of glory and yet our friend we are here before you this sabbath day for the life that you have given us for the health that you have accorded us oh God for the much resources you have placed in our rich for the goodness for the week that has just ended for the Sabbath day and much more for your son that you sent to die for us we are grateful we are full of appreciation in our hearts for allowing us to gather here in the in this inspiration and even to Adore You O God your word says you inhabit the Praises of your people dear God humble us that we may also be accepted in your sight father sin has much separated us from you and there seems to be a gap but we thank you because of Jesus Christ the bridge we want you through the merits of your son to forgive us oh God extend the hand of Grace extend the hand of Mercy to our sinner cleanse us from all unrighteousness that we may be found worthy this sabbath day we come with this key in hand called prayer to open the storehouse of Heaven oh God we want to drink largely from the fountain of life oh God we ask that you may bless us in all our endeavors our desires our needs Our God meet us at the point of them we pray that you may take hold and take charge and even as we are transiting to hear you what arrest our thoughts rest our minds oh God give me also some clearness in thought in Jesus name we pray and believe good evening and happy Sabbath happy day those joining us virtually we are here at New Life and today we want to hear God's word my name is and I would like to present to you hashtag was present truth now today's subject is the labor of pain our key text is coming from Hebrews chapter 12. two now let us begin from verse 1 Hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 and 2. Bruce chapter 12 verse 1 and 2 Hebrews wherefore Brethren seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of weaknesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset us and let us run with patience the rest that is set before us looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and he set down at the right hand and the Throne of God my interest is verse 2. looking unto who Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy for the joy that was set before him he decided to endure the cross he despised the sin that came with it because of the joy that was set before him friends he endured the same he despised the cross because of the joy that was set before him what Joy the joy of Fellowship of having his loved ones friends for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life God loves us so so much that he thought it's not a thing to be ashamed of the Cross he thought it not a big deal to leave his throne and die for Humanity friends let this mind be new which was also in Christ Philippians let's go to Philippians Philippians Philippians chapter 2. Philippians chapter 2 we can begin from verse 3 let nothing be done through Strife of vain Glory but in loneliness of Mind Let each esteem other better than themselves look not every man on his own things but every man also on the things of others now let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a man of a servant and was made in the likeness of men he was made in the likeness of Sinners he took the form of a servant remember this is the king of the universe and being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself became obedient even unto death he humbled himself became obedient unto death even the death of the cross looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame Luke Chapter 2 Luke chapter 2 verse 7. our subject the labor of pain Luke chapter 2 verse 7. and she brought forth her firstborn son and robbed him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a ninja because there was no room for them in the Inn hmm Jesus was laid in a Manger the trough that the animals feed on Jesus was born in a stable beside the animals the king of glory was born in the most destitute of places friends this is a king who was born in an obscure Village and raised in another obscure Village just because of me and you let me make it plain let me make it clear it was a cold night a very cold night Mary had some labor pains and you could see blood coming out of her friends Mary was in dire deep pain she was about to deliver and there was no place no goodly place no place that could accommodate the birth of a king the birth of our creator done the stable friends there was no midwife to take care of Mary as she is giving birth Mary had to do it all on her own with the help of an of noble Joseph the husband with his calloused hands he prayed and he helped friends the child was born keep attacks beside the animals humans were not there to receive him the king of the land the governor of the area did not recognize that a king has been born friends just because of me and you while men Mary is passing through this pain she's thinking and not thinking of the pain because this is not a level of pain friends this is a labor of love this is a labor that gives life the Bible tells us for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life to Jesus Christ Our Lord this is what the Lord has to offer the love that he has bestowed upon his children there lived a doctor named Dr M.L Rose Valley he was a sajun in the American Army at the time of the Gettysburg War now when this war ended many lied dead many were killed in the war hundreds were injured among those that were injured 28 of them required amputation some required amputation of their arms or a single arm some the legs but there are others who are to be amputated to be cut off both the arms and the legs all the limbs among these soldiers was a young man who had joined the army at 17 years old he was just three months old in the army and he could not fight or he could not actively engage in war because he was too young so he was enlisted as a drama in the Army Band this young man's name was Charlie Oxon now he was to be amputated and so the assistant surgeon and the steward told Dr Rose Valley that Charlie refused to take the chloroform that you had instructed us to give him and so he has called for you the doctor came and asked Charlie Charlie you know what in the battlefield there were so many people lying down I thought you were far gone I thought you were dead but when those large blue eyes opened I knew there was hope for you and so I instructed them to carry you and bring you here therefore we would like to perform a surgery on you we would like to operate on you but you're too weak and you cannot handle this operation without this chlorophyll so I am begging please take it and Charlie positively respectfully refused and he stood his ground and he said to the doctor doctor when I was nine and a half years old I gave my life to Jesus and since then Christ has been leading me all the way doctor let me make it clear to you that Jesus Christ has been my strength and stimulant I don't need it when the doctor brought Brandy we all know what Brandy is right alcohol for to give Charlie and Charlie was given but Charlie refused again and it's all the doctor doctor you know what when I was five years old my mother knelt by my side and she prayed for me this was our prayer Lord do not allow this child become a drunkard but let him be an ambassador ambassador to the rest of his people of his peers teaching them and warning them against the take of alcohol my mother made me promise that I will not know any strong drink on alcohol doctor since then the only strong drink I have known is tea I cannot take this alcohol Dr Rose Valley was a Jew who hated Jesus Christ because Jesus was an imposter Jews don't believe that Christ was the savior but with the much head he was interested in this Jesus because of the Loyalty of this young man named Charlie Coulson now Charlie knew he was going to die he knew he was never going to make it and so he called for the for for the chaplain and the chaplain prayed with him he instructed the doctor the chaplain to write a letter to his Sabbath school superintendent not Sabbath School Charlie was a Sunday Goa Sunday school superintendent and he said thank him thank him for the good things for the prayers for the good advice he has given me I have been carrying all these things in my mind everywhere I go even in the marching band I want you to also write to my mother tell her I have not left the faith I have been true to duty I have kept the word of God in my heart that I may not sin against him it has been my meditation day and night it has been my recitation when I sleep I sleep thinking of God's word because of you when I am in the marching band I am reading God's word in my mind I want to thank her now it was time for the surgery and the doctor could not master the courage to perform this he could not even hold the knife so he took some alcohol because he could not do it in his senses with all soberness of mind he could not do because it was going to be painful friends he took the knife and cut his skin and the flesh and then he took the soul musuman now while he was cutting his flesh Charlie didn't say anything he didn't even move an inch but when he took the saw and he started cutting through the bone of Charlie Charlie held the pillow by its corner and took a grip of it he was feeling a lot of deep pain friends it was excruciating but because Charlie promised never to cry he did not cry but he started singing a song he started singing a prayer song and he went on to say Jesus blessed Jesus Stand By Me Now Jesus blessed Jesus Stand By Me Now Jesus blessed Jesus Stand By Me Now it felt like eternity the doctor was Restless he had no peace within himself how could this young man forget his pain and think of this Jesus how could this young man forget what he's going through and only think about his savior of this imposter a disturbed his mind he could not even sleep friends the doctor could not sleep in the middle of the night he came back to see how Charlie was doing the reports were that some were dead Charlie was not dead he went and saw him then he went back five days later he came to see Charlie he found Charlie and they had a conversation Charlie took this opportunity to present Christ to this man and he said doctor I know you are a Jew and you know what I also have a friend who is a Jew he is my best friend so the doctor was like who Jesus Christ and I want you to hear about him the doctor started crying he could not hold himself so he took off quickly and Charlie called for him he sent the steward but the doctor adamantly refused but then he came and he told the doctor that I have been praying for you you see when you're performing the surgery I was praying for you that one day you will come to the friends in the pain Charlie was praying for somebody to become a Christian few minutes later Charlie he died peacefully his wish was because he did not know the truth or the doctrine about state of the Dead but he believed and he told the doctor that he would not want to go to heaven with alcohol in his bed he would not want to meet his savior with filthiness in him friends the labor of pain Christ through a lot of pain as I bring this to a close even the mother of Christ passed through the same pain and it was a labor let me make it plain he says foxes have holes birds of the hair are Nest but the son of man had nowhere to lay his head friends the only possession he had Was His Garment and you know what even his garments they took away they split it Among Us themselves that was the only possession Christ had there was no goodly thing to look at him and friends they called him the son of a carpenter is this not the son of the carpenter the son of Mary the brother of James is this not the brother of Justice what good thing can come out of Nazareth friends I'll talk about Jesus who went far and deep to endure pain for the sake of me and you friends I talk about a man who thought it's not pain but love friends see him on the cross he is going ah let's not go even to the Cross let's go back to the Garden of Gethsemane as he's praying he's down on his knees my friends Jesus is praying and he's saying if it be possible father take this cup away from me it was too much for him friends for a moment he thought of withdrawing but looking the joy that was set before him that Joy made him say not my will but your Will O Lord father take this cup away from me the second time he's praying if it be possible take it away was it possible it was father not my will but you will let your will be done yes it is painful but it is for our what he calls love friends today I make plain the truth because the truth shall set us free my friends I cannot be silent The Three Angels message calls for a loud cry my friends to talk about this man named Jesus Christ of Nazareth the lion of Judah talk about him and in a loud voice I Proclaim him everywhere I passionately make him my friend I am no longer ashamed of him I will desire that you would no longer be ashamed of this man named Jesus Christ friends I don't know if it is clear to you that evil thrives evil tribes when silence shouts let me make it clear in the words of Martin Luther King Jr silence is betrayal it is time we saw forth the goodness of God in our lives we tell of the word of a God that loved the world and died for it friends I see Jesus let's go to the cross I see Jesus carrying a heavy burden he's carrying the weight of the world in him he is falling down for it is too heavy Simon of siren is helping him see friends The Scourge is having Hooks and it is billing his skin off it is exposing his flesh to every Jam he's feeling great pain but he's saying it is worth it my friend see they have nailed him on the cross my friend Jesus is crying he is letting out a loud cry only to realize that I am the one causing his cry I see him crying but I see also myself holding her armor and and and and passing a nail through his flesh my friends I see him sorrowful I see him sorrowful my friends I see him with a sad melancholic face ah cumber it's it's it's it's it's my mocking voice it's my mocking voice in the crowd that is making him be hearts friends Christ is hot now I am afraid that I have hurt him so much I am afraid that I am doomed to death but I hear him say father forgive him for he does not know what he's doing I am afraid I am doomed but I hear him say I hear him there in the Throne of God he's he's removing his Rob he's showing the scar in his side to the father he is telling the father touch the scars on my hands on my Palms and he says forgive him give him a chance ah friends this is not the labor of pain this is the labor of love Christ is seeking us out he is praying for us even though we did everything we could everything bad everything evil to him the wounds that mother the chosen one friends brings us many of us to Glory those wounds which my him bring us to Glory and Christ has been lifted up on the cross and I hear the scripture say and I if I be lifted up will draw all men unto me lift him up in your life let him be the banner when people see you let them see the Christ who for the joy that was set before him and do at the cross despising the shame and now he is in the father's throne pleading for me and you let's pray teach us Lord to meditate upon the way of the cross teaches Lord to lift up your son in our lives teach us Lord not to be ashamed of you teach us Lord to do your beating give us the strength and we cannot forget to say thank you o God for dying for a sinner just like me thank you for making a wretch your treasure in Jesus name we pray and believe amen God bless you amen and amen the labor of pain the labor of love the labor of pain that Christ said to go through when he was going to the cross and at the same time the father had to go through the labor of love because his sacrifices only begotten son that we may have an opportunity to share heaven with them I'd like to welcome the yesqua to bless us with two items afterwards he'll be followed by his own and with and will have the jewels of purpose finish with three songs caribou foreign foreign oh I need to see yourself [Music] [Music] is all [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] videos [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my review [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] who is the keys [Music] thank you [Music] Spirit longing for the Lord for God's coming Kingdom shall be there foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] blessed are the merciful for Mercy shall be mercified [Music] [Music] Lead Me [Music] and we believe foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] let's see um [Music] billion because [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] our money [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] live on foreign [Music] who wants it took on two words check happy Sabbath on to sing a song to most of you try to remind him to write [Music] so much for me [Music] me no one ever cares so much for me when I see him face to face Glory [Music] I will Marvel at his nails and a talking for the pain ful because he cares so much for me [Music] [Music] no one ever so much for me [Music] there's no place [Music] so much for me there's no place [Music] nobody and look at so much for me no one ever again so much for me no one ever cares so much for me for me check I hope you saw one happy day uh how many are happy to be here yeah so we'll be singing a song expressing how how happy we are we are to be here amen Ara [Music] praise God much better foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm so happy very happy singing this song song for you share the joy that Jesus gave me I'm happy to share it with you I'm so happy very happy singing This [Music] Joy that Jesus give me I'm happy to share it with you [Music] so so glad [Music] I'm so hot song [Music] [Music] the joy that Jesus gave me I'm happy to share it I am so happy [Music] the joy that Jesus gave me I'm happy to share it with you [Music] with you and to this [Music] I'm happy to share it with you [Music] that is to the last one check there's no need for standing up for the right there's no need for standing up for the right unless you're gonna stand up against the wrong tell me unless you make your mind up to be strong well you've got to do right cause it won't be long it don't belong [Music] [Music] YouTube don't let me tell you that is easy to love your friends [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] don't you know the Bible he's fulfilling you've got to do right cause it won't be alone yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you've got to do wrong you've got to do right amen amen let us come to the clues
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 1,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaither Vocal Band - Hear My Song, Lord Gaither Vocal Band - Jesus Messiah, Gaither Vocal Band – Reaching, No One But You (Live) - Hillsong Worship, King of Kings (Live) - Hillsong Worship, Hallelujah – Pentatonix, God Only Knows - Pentatonix, Mary, Did You Know? – Pentatonix, Can You Feel the Love Tonight? – Pentatonix, LLUC | Heritage Singers, Katy Perry - Harleys In Hawaii, Taylor Swift - ME!, Katy Perry - Small Talk, God Only Knows – Pentatonix, Wintley Phipps
Id: JCmb62DAl2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 55sec (6295 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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