The Dead Heart by Muhammed Hoblos

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in al hamdulillah al hamdulillah he no matter how honest I know honest a pharaoh when I all do Belial I mean to reinforce in our Messiah a TR Molina many a dealer hotarla fala model Allah Rama you'd lil fella hadiyyah-lah Machado and ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lah ashhadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh amma bad here I bear the law OC common FC b taqwa law my dear respected brothers and sisters we start first and foremost by praising allah subhanho wa taala the king the master the creator the source the essence he is the one that gives life he is the one that takes life he is the one that sustains everything depends on him he depends on nothing everyone relies on him he relies on nobody we praise Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and we say that all praise is due to Allah because praising anything other than Allah is injustice towards Allah spanha wa taala you imagine the one that creates and then I praise the creation where's the logic so all peace and blessings all praise is due to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and we send peace and blessings upon his beloved and his favorite and the best creation of his and that is our master muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam my dear respected brothers and sisters I remind myself and I remind you all to have fear of Allah sperrit Allah the fear that he is most deserving of the fear of Allah my brothers is different to the fear of anything else because the fear of anything else when I see something I naturally run away from this thing that I feel but the fear of Allah is different because I lost my analysis for federal illa llah he says and run run way says run to Allah Sobhan WA Ta'ala that's the fear of Allah that I run back to him I don't run away from him My dear respected brothers there is a beautiful story that I want to share with you and I'm sure Annie I'm sure most of you have heard this story is mentioned in Alice Riley yet it was made famous by no other than made famous by no other than chef Yusuf Estes and the story has it that Jesus is a Lisa left was salam was traveling with his companions he was traveling with his companions so they got hungry so they collected some money and he gave some money to one of his companions and he says that the companion his system go into the town and buy us some food so this companion grabs the money goes into town and all that the money could buy was three loaves of bread but his hunger was so much so that he couldn't wait to get back so he smashed one of the loaves came back with two so when he comes back to easily select wassalam Jesus says to his sister who ate the third love the man trees are a shock system but there was only two so he didn't argue the men they travelled after some time they were successful in hunting a deed they hunted the D they killed it they cooked it they ate it and as they set around this carcass as they set around water whatever was left over which was basically bones I saw Lisa led to a Selim he asks Allah and by Allah through Allah so Allah he gave life back to the D and the D came back to life and ran away and this happened in front of them so he turns to the men and system I'm asking you by the one who gave life to this D who ate that third life the men insisted he says but there was only two say they're not you'd make continued as they traveled I came to what was a flooded river a river that they had to cross so I get to the flooded river and I solicit or sell em he asks his companions his system let's all gather and we'll all hold hands and he asked Allah smart Allah and by the cutter of Allah so Allah he allowed them to walk on the surface of the river then I get to the other side and this was a miracle so he turns to the man in system I'm asking you by the one that allowed us to walk on the face of this river who ate that third life the man insisting says but there was only two they continued on after they reached they reached a particular area a salads Elettra Salam he sits down and he collects three powers of the three powers of the and then through a lost planet Allah he turns the he turns the dirt into gold so he says to the man his system one pile is for you one pile is for me and that third pile is for the one that ate the third love of bits so the men immediately jumps and said I ate it he said he said I ate it it's system then you take all three but you can no longer accompany us anymore this is where our journey ends so the mainly only now overtaken by his new fortune couldn't kill this so he sits back and he's looking at his newfound fortune not long after three thieves three three thieves came they see the man with the gold and the first thing that came was they killed them in this gold throw vast as one of him so they killed them in but they were hungry too so they spoke amongst one another and one of them said listen I'll get into town and I'll grab some food the other agrees the other two agreed so the man took off heading in towards town and he's planning against the other to the other two said this is a perfect opportunity to plan against him so he says I'll get into town I'll buy some food and a poisoner the other two said look on his return we'll kill him and who split his share in half so the man goes into town buys the food poisons the food on his return before he could do anything they killed him they set to eat their food and soon after they both died sometime past and then I saw Lisa let wassalam walking on with his companions walks back and sees all four men laying on the ground they form a companion and the three thieves and the three piles of gold were left untouched so he turns to his companions and his system this is the life of this world this is higher thought dunya it was the love of this world that destroyed all four and it is the love of this world that is destroying every single one of us in this room today especially the man that stands before you so now I bother me I was a below I don't love what Allah says in the Quran but - hey burn and I hope Benjamin losses verily you love wolf you're clinging on we're clinging on to rubbish we're clinging on to that which will be left we're hanging on to that which will go nowhere and it's killing every single one of us he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says yet bow may at the forever he says three things will follow you to the gray he says I know who AM L who are Malou who he says three things will follow you my brother to the grave he says your family your wolf and your are men he says two things will come back and only one thing will remain with you there brother painter how do you want this is the reality because rasulallah saw solemnly antique while in horror he doesn't speak from his own vain desires rather what he speaks is revelation from allah and you try this I've tried that many times when you go to the funeral and I remember asking myself how does your wall follow you to the grave so I remember one time someone in the area and I need to mention names some big-timer was shot and naturally he at the mosque all the boys or the tats or the big gold chains the Gucci hats the lamborghini gallardo parked outside and these all followed him to the grave the money went the Louis Vuitton shoes and the end there in the end the inner and the brightly watches with the diamond bezels and it's all of these fun of the man to the grave they buried the man 20 minutes later everyone's walking away sure where we gonna get what are we gonna do it what the family said there made aa couple of tees walk back and what was he left with my brother nothing he was left with nothing he was left with his arm and if he did good he will verily see and if he did bad he will surely see my brothers the love of this world will Allah they meets crippling us this heart you know a lie I went to Hajj DC and hamdulillah has been on Dean Farah now how long and you know in an hour and lessons and sitting with machetes and whatever have you but even on the day of artifact I struggled I absolutely struggle to get a pee just one tea I want something to fall nothing because this ha can only take so much and this her instead of filling it up with the love of Allah I filled that up with the love of this dunya so I'll give you an example I want you to imagine now one of the brothers bought a Mercedes Benz bought a brand-new car whatever it is bought a brand-new car parked it in the driveway and next morning the car's gone so automatically we're gonna ask brother you insured and we're holding on to the reply if he says yes hyung Dalila if he says no but yeah your heart is gonna burn so when the brother and I brother the Mercedes Benz wasn't insured oh ma ha ah you could just cry but the brothers been missing for 10 years and you haven't moved an inch because of it Rasool Allah Salim he says not forget forget for sure he says the sooner afetr the suniverse - raka is worth more than the world and what it contains and the oume is missing a day after day day after day no problems salicin but if a piece of metal wrapped around some fancy lever if there was to be taken away from the man that hurts why because this heart my brother has been filled with the love of this world and it hasn't been filled with the love of allah we understand the value of the mercedes-benz we understand the value of a Breitling watch I understand the value of a Gucci head but I have nothing absolutely nothing no understanding no comprehension whatsoever for the way of muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that's why it's easy that's why it's easy you know today naturally gaza whatever is happening you know you have to touch on gaza well I I don't know how to speak politics I really cannot comprehend it what like really where do I start where do I start to talk to you about Gaza if the ha that's going to tell you about Gaza is indulged in this dunya then what changed is day for Gaza it's the people that are going to be listening about what's happening to Gaza are swimming absolutely swimming in the love of this world then what chance does Gaza forget Gaza anything else in the world ever trades nothing hey sallallahu alayhi wasallam he's sitting down with his companions and my brother really I mean let's just sort of give me your heart give me your mind and your imagination and let's try to live the moment let's try to live the moment sallallahu alayhi Salaam is sitting there with his companions and as soon as our solemn and the Companions they say that we were given the quality of fee the distance of one month the distance of one month the only the enemy would be marching and I still have a month to reach the Muslims and already the fear of the Muslims would enter their hearts already the Muslims were generally speaking generally speaking outnumbered right the enemy always had more men more advanced men more trained men more military weaponry more money more technology more everything and yet were just the thought of having to face the Muslims the fees the NT they had the distance of one month so you imagine rasool allah is speaking to a people who knew very well who knew but imagine halloween Walid and men who the Christians or the kuffara at the time they scared their kids you know like now when the inner in a I'm gonna call Bradley or whatever it is you want to scare your kid with something right and you do this I'm gonna call they is to scare their kids with Khalid bin Walid our Mohamed el italiano a woman was summoned to see him he summons the woman to come see he was a middle movie name he needed to speak to the woman so the people came to her and said to her look Robin hobb is asking for you so she says oh my they want from me that I said we don't know he wants to talk to you so she started to panic she says but why me why does he want to speak to me for this well we don't know he's asking on the way to say I'm gonna cut that she lost her baby she was pregnant she last thing the fear of having tested before the man who was Muslim and she was Muslim the fear she lost her baby so he imagined the rasa Salim is speaking to these men his system that there's going to come a time there's going to come a time when the enemies of Allah will come together like you come towards us Ofra we went to a fancy dinner nice big sofra you know the man serve the roast the chicken the pizza he says that will come like you go towards the Supra and they will sit and the conversation will be you take this part of the old man and you take this part of Dharma and all the lease with that and older so the companions were amazed we are preferable no way the Muslims this will happen to us the enemies will come together in this fashion system yes so one of them naturally couldn't comprehend so he jumps up his system I prefer of Allah and he's thinking already we're little in number and we're smashing we're little in number and we're dominating so he's thinking a prophet of Allah will we be that little are we gonna be so few in number that we can't even defend ourselves so soon no no no no no no he says but until Cathy you will be heaps in fact he gives the example of the froth of the sea millions upon millions millions of Muslims be where I was the ordinary 1.6 1.7 billion is not even a figure anymore 1.7 billion so the Companions allahu-akbar like you putting salt to the wound so you're telling us we're great in number yet this is still gonna happen so I asked why I prefer evermore why is this gonna happen his system because verily one hand will enter the heart so this word one is not an Arab term so the Companions and he looked at each other and said to my prophet of Allah what is one what's this one that you're referring to he says from who but dunya Walker are here to move when this quality enters you are when you love this world and what it contains and you cannot even bear the thought of death your enemy will do this to you Ya Allah he sometimes I think this hadith came out last week it's not 1400 assault it's all relative it's a relative it's almost like Rasulullah SAS Allen said in a week ago he says because the quality of one will enter the heart you will love this world and you will hate to die when the Muslims were conquering the Roman Empire imagine imagine these Muslims were Arabs Edwin's they're barbarians they lived in an area that more the Persians more the Romans one of the irony it was dead no-man's land already gonna do them the Arabs that they eat the dead yeah and what are we going to do with them so when these people started dominating the Roman Empire naturally the Empress thinking what is going on how are we the people that were peasants they were there were nothing how are we the greatest empire the world ever knew how were we losing to these men so he pulls up one of his generals it's just what's going on so the general buckles say this to him do they have more weaponry than us sister no sister do they have more money sister no he says are they more trained are very more advanced than us sister no he says then what's going on what's going on hell are we losing his system can I speak freely it's this week for crying out loud we're losing he says how can you destroy an army that loves to die like you love to live how were they gonna use scare tactics where do you start where do you start my brother's the love of this world is crippling this oh man it's crippling us we have forgotten Allah and His Prophet and we're more concerned with Caesarstone or do you think we should get for granite do you think we should get for granite brother oh well I mean look I respect my wife the other day and and I think we've agreed on this color this heart my brother is crying for Allah this heart is crying for Allah but we're drowning it with the love of this world we're drowning at my brother's and it's killing us all who look only Heather in al hamdulillah another honesty no one else on the island have been Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tell our brothers if I can get you guys to me forward because there's brother standing on the door so please if we can just move forward and share logic so the brothers can come in brothers please come in please just tell the boys outside so my brothers I think the golden question now is okay so where to now where do you start my brother's well no he there's there's got to be a million theories I'm sure if you grab the hundred thousand dollar man and told them okay give us a solution I'm sure you're gonna come up with a hundred thousand different solutions my brother's the most practical one that comes to mind is first and foremost we need to start turning towards a lost planet Allah and we need to start making some serious changes in their lives some serious changes we need to turn back to Allah and we need to come back to the Deen of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala because rasulallah SAS Allah Allah so Allah he reveals to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam alikom Dinoco he says al mohammed today your religion my religion has been made complete in our Jew came to our marble table he says to my amar there's a verse in your Quran listen to this Julius he says terrible hot OB system amar there's a verse in your Quran if it was revealed to us we would have made it day of Revelation I eat I remember hearing the story automatically I started thinking which verse which which not me Samar Pratap didn't give him a chance to braid his system a Jew I know which verse you speak of you say you would have made it day of Revelation right I tell you it's day of Revelation spirit for us it was revealed and the day of Jummah which is read and it was revealed on the one and only Hajj of muhammad sallallaahu rsn which is another it was he says the verse you speak of is a yama Atmel to Lokhande nakum well at montalais community what I did to lock on isla medina that today your religion has been perfected it's been completed and I have bestowed my mercy upon you and my favours upon you and I have chosen Islam as my way and my religion so why is this verse so important because when a lost planet Allah makes such a statement he's saying that your religion has been perfected whether you live in stone Age's whether you live in the rocket ages no matter what ages you live in your answer your solution to whatever harm to whatever whatever mishap whatever difficulty comes your way your answer your solution is the Deen of Allah in the sunnah of muhammad salallahu alaihe salam and if you look and if you turn towards anything else then Allah Himself will disgrace you don't wait for the Jew today ally himself is going to disgrace you because he opted for something other than his way here update for something other than the way of muhammad sallallahu alayhi assalam this it Allah Himself will disgrace you so I'll answer to any problem be it yourself be it your couple as a husband a wife bear as a family bear as a community bears a country bear as an Ummah a kludge any problem that comes away our solution is the Deen of Allah and His Prophet anything else you're going downhill Habib painted however you want we came to change the world we have the answers for the misery of the world but the Muslims have left the way of Muhammad sallallaahu Selim and they've turned to other means my brothers my time ashore I want to live with this hadith and this hadith in essence of rasa Salim is speaking about Dawa giving Dawa but why is this relative you'll understand when I say it he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says in the authentic hadith he says well let in FCB ad look how starts yeni automatically he's here for six las olas assalam is taking oath by Allah he says by the one whom my life is in his hands does the restless I solemnly to take enough does he does he need to say to me what law he this no mystical I mean he says well and enough cbid let that meruna bill maher roofie well attend how one honeymoon car he says you will enjoy good and you will forbid that which is evil meaning that way you will get out there you will be active you will be talking about Allah you will be talking about the humility of this world you will be talking about death you will be talking about His Prophet you will give dower you will stop that which is wrong you will enjoy that which is good he says let that meruna bill Marouf e-wallet on her own and in mukha lau she cannot know her and you Baraka alaikum high-carbon min he says if you don't do this then verily Allah will send them a punishment upon you sumit adorn Allah fillets the gerbil ago he says and when this punishment will come upon you you will raise your hands to make glad to him and Allah will not accept your daughter my brother's there was five million people in Hajj DC who raised their hands and cried cried cried our love is Omer our lost Syria I want my Palestine cried I bawled their eyes out yet Allah has an answer there are I want to ask you and excuse me for being a bit vulgar honey he's a lot defiantly I'm I can't hear their cries huh he's a lot blind Allah couldn't see him I was over there but there's a condition my brother that you need to fulfill before Allah can enter that right so my brother's our answer is clearly purely turning back towards the Deen of Allah and the Sunnah of his beloved prophet My dear respected brothers I believe tomorrow is our Shura yeah tomorrow's Ashura depending on calendar if you are from inciting you'll need to check regardless Las Olas our Salaam has encouraged the Ummah to fast ashram which is tomorrow Othman so I think then you'll need to check with the min sighting and he sallallahu lisa lavie encouraged us to fast the day before it which is today now if some of you haven't fasted then he said you can fast Ashura and fast the day after him so you fast Saturday and Sunday okay and I believe the virtue of this is is he will he will forgive you one year previous years Allahu Alem he will forgive one previous year of sin I'm sure all right this is gonna undo the Shia Shura is completely something else so my brother's this is happening tomorrow my brother's you now cause really what usually happens is we sit for the hood bear masha'Allah the brother was palm it was very very very nice and then we walk out that door and we start talking about dunya sure when I cuz I have this and then the hood was gone five minutes later this is why we're drowning we need to proactively walk out of this and ask yourself what am I going to do with this hood but what am I going to do with this knowledge that I've just gained with this perspective that I've just heard what am I going to do with it he says if you don't give the our what will happen you will raise your hand and you do not be hurt so my brother you have a job rather than talking about where you're going and what you're coming when you okay I saw talk to the brother tell him brother what was your perspective on that hood but what did you understand talk talk when you go home to your wife tell about the hood man when you see with your kids tell them when he got back to what speak talk by the talk talk share it let this heart move this is an Amana now that's upon every single one of you are you all ready for this you're all ready for this my last part Allah reward you all nice Allah so Allah and you fed me Nina I'll he well and what we ask Allah sparked Allah to return this woman back to his Deen back to the full Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we ask allah smart allah to give victory to the muslims wherever they are we ask allah o allah to take the love of this rubbish bin take the love of this rubbish bin out of their hearts and put the love of allah and his beloved prophet into the heart who asked allah so allah to make us from the people of her dorsal allah who ask we ask allah smart allah to make us of the people who on the day of judgement is no accountability for them there is no he said we get strength agenda be eaten later Allah who asked allah so allah to make Jahannam haram upon us who ask allah spent a lot enlightened assumed and once again bring us back to his beloved Deen the
Channel: One Islam Productions
Views: 343,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: islam, muslims, muhammad, allah, quran, koran, nasheed, zaky, one 4 kids, lecture
Id: CCEzA6-We_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 44sec (1964 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2013
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