Living In A Van In The Winter | VANLIFE SNOWSTORM

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hi everyone welcome back to my youtube channel today oh freak god lee damn it bad gum let me break my ankle out guys as you can tell i'm in a van i live in a van and i'm snowed in today i've never been snowed in before especially in the van so today's gonna be quite interesting i'm freezing i don't have the proper tire as you can tell so it's gonna be a wild day so stick around for the whole video and if you end up liking this video make sure to like comment subscribe and turn on all notifications so you don't miss out on my weekly snowflake just got my weekly content okay let's go inside come on [Applause] well today is going to be a wild day millie get off the bed you got your own bed come on really off the bed come on come on you got your own bed right there okay you know what since you're being really cute and it's a snow day i'm gonna let you sleep in the bed okay i just want you to know i love you and care about you a lot okay you're the best puppy i've ever had okay i love you enjoy the bed so where i'm at currently in north carolina it's supposed to snow for today and a little bit of tomorrow constantly so i think i have a lot of snow now but in reality there's gonna be so much more snow to come and i'm a little sketched out about it but we need to make some breakfast so that's exactly what we're gonna do today there's gonna be a lot of cooking in this video i feel like because that's all that we really have to do but that's okay because we love cooking and we love food so at some point today we're gonna have to do the dreadful work of going outside somehow climbing on top of my van and then cleaning off my solar panels we should actually do that sooner rather than later actually i'm going to check my power real quick because i'm willing to bet that we're actually pretty low because last night i was gaming quite a bit i don't know if you guys can see but we're at 12.3 volts which isn't like super low but as we get into the night that's when it gets a little sketchy especially since we're not pulling in any wattage from my solar panels because there's probably a bunch of snow on top right now so we need to be really conservative today with our power which is unfortunate but it's got to be done i think i'm going to sit right here and look at the view as i eat my delicious breakfast i need i need some relaxing time i need to sort of just chill out for a second and just eat wow i just realized i can't see anything out of this window i am so thankful for this beautiful day to be able to be snowed in and have the luxuries of a heater lights food and fresh water to survive through this blizzard i am very thankful for today i'm thankful for this van i'm thankful for my life this is amazing [Music] amen [Applause] [Music] all right it's time to go see if we can clean off those solar panels and see if that really even does anything because even if i do clean off the snow on the solar panels there may still not be enough sunlight in the sky because it's so cloudy to even fuel my battery bank so we're just gonna go up there sweep it off check my app to see if it's even pulling any wattage and then if it's not i'm not going to keep cleaning them off throughout the day all right so i got a broom i have hope and i've got determination let's go clean off these solar panels okay all right we need to do this quick so basically my game plan is to climb up from the back and start sweeping so let's do it okay the door's locked real quick gotta unlock it do not try this at home kids oh oh it's slippery it's slippery we're doing it we're doing it please don't die trent please don't die i can't lose you today trent okay now we've got to figure out how to get down without dying because i certainly could die if i wanted to but we're not going to today we're not dying today oh hands are frozen hands are frozen or our oh hi it's me from the future to tell you guys about today's sponsor fantic in their brand new evo 300 portable power station along with their evo 100 portable solar panel and in the behind the scenes of this very video that you're watching right here i was actually using both of these products to help charge my camera batteries my laptop and even my phone because i was in a sticky situation where i needed to conserve on power and this was a great backup power source this portable power bank can support up to nine devices simultaneously both ac and dc and it can power up to a 300 watt device which is insane for how small and compact this thing is and when you pair it with the evo 100 portable solar panel not only is this thing super compact durable and rigid but this solar panel has a 23 solar conversion rate which is one of the highest on the market which is insane so if you want to pick up one of these bad boys i highly recommend you tap the link in the description below and claim yours today because not only is this a great backup power source but you can also use it as your main power source this thing performs incredibly well and i highly recommend it shout out to fantic for sponsoring this video now let's get back to the shenanigans uh am so cozy right now [Music] the past few days have been rough mentally for me i've been feeling very defeated trying to balance my full-time job and youtube and life and relationships and all that it's just a lot going on so i've been trying to find that that nice balance and it's been tough and i've been feeling pretty low lately but it's nice to have a day like this where it sort of reminds you of how blessed you really are in your life yeah i'm really stressed about my job and all this other stuff but at the very least i have this awesome amazing van that allows me to come to beautiful places like this and experience weather like this that could be deadly for most but for me it's for it's fun and that's a great perspective to have and be reminded of and i'm thankful for that [Music] it's a good day [Music] [Music] one two be born so here i am chilling in my van [Music] it's snowing outside but i'm still in my van [Music] it's really cold but i'm in my van and millie's chilling inside my bed but guess what i am so warm inside my van i am cozy inside my van okay i need to stop okay i'm gonna do something daring i don't have gloves but i really want to build a snowman right now so we're gonna do it and by we i mean me millie doesn't want to help she's she's too sleepy so it's just me all right my hands are already freezing okay wow he's already he's already forming okay all right that's good that's good enough he's not gonna be perfect but we don't have the proper tools gotta warm the body up gotta do some karate gotta moss a little bit [Music] boom layer two you know what he's kind of cute he is a cutie look at him he looks like e.t now he needs some eyes and a nose okay if our eyes and a nose where would i be [Music] there's no sticks wait i've got a carrot in the fridge oh okay i don't have a carrot i've got this parsnip whatever a parsnip is but it'll work it'll work come on get in okay should plant that one a little better okay let me let me redo the head okay this time it's gonna work you will not fail me this time i'm gonna dig out a hole almost there what if we oh there we go [Music] okay so we don't have much for eyes here we've got these bad boys but that's okay oh he's gonna be mean he's gonna be a mean boy dude is looking fresh right now dude arm number one and arm number two i'm gonna be honest this is one of the best snowmans i've ever made in my entire life i mean come on without having gloves that's pretty gnarly yeah but he needs a name though all right he's made out of snow kind of looks human-esque you know um snowman how's it sound you like that snowman get it cause he's made out of snow all right i've been alone for far too long i need some human interaction do you want to build a snowman damn they should have casted me for that movie frank that sounded sick what do you think about mr snowman millie do you do you care okay all right thanks i worked hard on it though whatever where is she going she's just dipping out she just left you want the ball you want the ball go get the ball i love how she jumps up like that emily come here get this ball you want this ball this is a good ball you want this one go i love that all right so the sun has officially set and i'm feeling like i'm ready to make some dinner and then watch a movie because i mean that just sounds so cozy to me okay so that's what we're gonna do and what's on the menu tonight you ask well i've got this curry sauce that i've never used before uh jal jalfrezzi curry simmer sauce so we are gonna use that with some veggies and chicken over rice and bada bing bada boom a nice delicious hot meal to accompany my movie so that's what we're gonna do you hear that oh my goodness gracious great balls of fire this looks and smells so delicious i cannot wait to sink my teeth into this okay i need to change my pantalones i need to change a lot of things honestly i need to change multiple things in my life we need to change our pants because i have jeans on and jeans and sleepy time don't don't mix okay do you guys say pajamas or pajamas you know i think it's pajamas but a lot of people say pajamas and it just doesn't sit right with me you know millie come on come right here come on get under the covers i'm trying to make you warm there you go look see okay so we are going to watch my movie of choice tonight is twilight don't judge me okay you are not allowed to judge me but we are going to watch the movie on my tablet here and what i like to do is put it up in my little cabinet like that boom so excited i cannot wait to be cozy we're getting real cozy right now got the food we got the bevy now let's turn off the lights time to get in the bed all right it's time to get cozy millie are you ready to get cozy are you ready to get cozy and watch a movie okay all right we got to do a taste test millie i know you want some but you've already eaten i'm sorry i love you though oh my gosh girl oh my gosh this is actually amazing and i am not exaggerating this is actually so good alright guys i'm gonna enjoy this food and enjoy this movie and get cozy and settle down for the rest of the night i appreciate you guys watching this video if you enjoyed it make sure you like comment and subscribe and turn on all notifications so you don't miss out on any of my weekly uploads i appreciate you watching this video but i'll see you guys next time peace i would miss my loving erratic hair brain mother and her new husband guys come on i love you both we got a plane to catch but they want to go on the road so i'm going to spend some time with my dad and this will be a good thing i think
Views: 359,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vanlife, vanlife travel, van life, ttthefineprinttt, living in a van, vanlife vlogger, Solo Vanlife, living in a van alone, solo male vanlifer, van living, off grid living, off grid, off grid lifestyle, how to build a van, van life snow, van life snowstorm, winter storm in a van, camping in a blizzard, camping in a snowstorm, winter camping, van life winter camping, van life winter blizzard, van life winter, vanlife winter, vanlife snowstorm, off grid snowstorm, winter
Id: -a73n7DD8XQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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