hey God, it's me again.

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for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] forget what you thought and all that you [Music] want and all that you said when straight my hey God it's me again sorry we haven't talked for a while and uh sorry I only come to you when life gets hard I think I only know how to talk to you when I need [Music] something and I know you just want to be my friend but uh I'm not very good at letting you into my life huh it's been it's been tough lately I feel so alone sometimes not even sure if you're actually real and if you are real I don't even know how you could have enough love for a guy like me [Music] [Music] I don't deserve to be seen by the creator of all the universe but yet you don't just see me you know me better than I know myself and you still love [Music] me God I'm terrible of [Music] Life the world says that it can satisfy me but just leaves me more and more [Music] empty why do I keep believing it why do I keep running back to to it when I know you hold the key to unspeakable [Music] joy I don't know which way the wind will sink I don't know the hour when it will rain I don't know which way the lightning [Music] strikes I don't know the reasons why [Music] May the day comes soon where every tear will be wiped away and Death Shall be no more neither shall there be mourning or crying or pain May the things of this world all pass away Jesus please come back [Music] soon do you ever think you're in a dream do you fight against the mystery hello [Music] goodbye hello [Music] goodbye hello goodbye
Channel: Isaiah Lapp
Views: 311,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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