HOW TO BE DISCIPLINED (christian advice on self control)

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discipline doing what needs to be done when you don't feel like doing it so many of us want to have the motivation to wake up early work out read the bible but we keep finding ourselves hitting our alarm clocks skipping our workouts and scrolling on our phones over reading our bibles how do we get out of this rut of doing all the things we don't want to do so we can start living the life god has called us to watch this video to learn how to be more disciplined so you can live the life he created you to live and be the woman of god he created you to be the best day to start is today hey guys welcome back to my youtube channel i'm ashley today we are going to talk about how to be more disciplined from so many of you i heard ashley i want to wake up early but i don't know how to wake up early i keep sleeping until 8 a.m actually i want to develop healthy habits but i'm not really sure how to actually i want to get into the bible but it just feels like every time i sit down i have no motivation to read it and then i end up just scrolling on my phone and looking at social media if that is you today i'm so glad to have you here for this video because that's what we're going to talk about but before we get into it click the like and subscribe button so you can be notified of new videos every single week to help you grow your faith and reach your full potential in the lord tip number one lean into grace you probably didn't think that i would start with grace as the first thing in self-discipline but we are christians here and the world says pick yourself up by the bootstraps but god says lean into grace i was getting into a habit of sleeping in till like 8 30. it was slowly creeping into my life so i was like ah it's okay if i sleep in a little bit it's okay well then it started to become like a thing that i was doing i'm like okay i gotta get back to my routine of waking up at 5 30. well then i set my alarm and planned on waking up at 5 30 and i freaking slept in until 8 30. and i was so bummed i was so upset with myself because i hate waking up late i find that my whole day and i'm sure you feel this too your whole day is just like starting later and then you just feel unorganized and yeah i was a little upset with myself but i thought the lord remind me like ash lean into grace like you can start again tomorrow so then today i set like 10 alarms y'all and i eventually woke up but i didn't wake up at 5 30 i woke up at 7. so you got to pick and choose your battles not every day you're going to wake up at 6 00 a.m or 5 30 but just lean into grace because it's going to be so easy for you to beat yourself up after you fail it's really important on your journey of self-discipline to be like okay lord i failed i'm not gonna identify myself with that failure i'm going to identify myself with your grace i know that you don't love me because of my performance and i know that i can always try again tomorrow okay next thing is to not bank on your feelings i hear this a lot and i'm going to call it out it's not good for us to think like this people will say if i don't feel like doing it i just won't do it or if i didn't feel like it was the right time if i didn't feel like it if i didn't have a good feeling then i just then i just don't do it then they just end up not doing anything because they never actually feel like it very rarely do you feel like doing the things that you need to be doing so here's what you need to do you need to do the thing before you feel like doing the thing because once you do the thing you will feel great but before you do the thing you might not feel like doing the thing here's an example before i wake up in the morning as my head is is resting on my pillow and it's that alarm is going off do you think i feel like waking up absolutely not but after i get up after i am you know drinking my coffee and it's 6 a.m and i have a whole morning ahead of me to do whatever i want then i feel good something that i hear a lot is like actually i don't always feel like opening my bible well same literally same there are so many days where i am about to open my bible i'm like i could be doing so many other things right now but i still flip it to my to what i'm supposed to read that day in my devo plan and i read and even if it's hard to focus and even if i am struggling to pay attention after i read my bible i feel so much more connected to the father than if i just were to skip it because i didn't feel like it what about when we don't feel like working out okay i don't there will be days where i live i just don't even feel like going to the gym right i don't feel like it but then after i get that run in i have all those endorphins i'm like man i feel great so your feelings are not a good indicator of what you should be doing you need to do the thing before you feel like doing the thing and then you will feel better after doing the thing number three ask god to help you i think we forget that god wants to help us with self-discipline he says in 2 timothy 1 7 for i have not given you a spirit of fear but of power love and self discipline fam if god is the one giving us self-discipline then we need to be the one asking for self-discipline from him we're not going to muster it up in our own strength that's what the world tells us that's what like self-help tells us is you know just do better like okay that doesn't really help when we pray and we say lord give me the discipline to read my bible lord give me the discipline to wake up early and because i know a proverbs 31 woman she wakes up before dawn like give me that discipline to be like a proverbs 31 woman let's ask god for self-discipline he wants to help us i've been doing this in my workouts because lately i've just been in a workout rut where i'm just not really feeling my workouts but i will literally go to the gym and before i even work out i pray say lord would you give me the discipline today to do this workout just pray and guys i feel like the days that i pray that prayer for some reason like the holy spirit just gives me this stamina where i'm able to do my lunches and my burpees a lot easier than if i hadn't prayed that prayer because our self-discipline doesn't come from ourselves it comes from the spirit of god so pray for self-discipline number four do it for the you five years from now the daily disciplines that you do today might not look like they make a big difference in today but five years from now they will make a huge difference something that i'm learning is the compound effect which basically means that if you do the right things every single day like it you're getting like one percent better each day and over time that one percent it doesn't look like anything in that day like that day it was just one percent but if you do 365 days a whole year where you're focusing on doing one percent better each day well then boom bana bang you're gonna have that curve and that's what we want so focus on just doing the disciplines for the you five years from now not where you're at right now number five get a habit tracker what i've been doing is i actually have several habit trackers which is so me have an app called habit and i will literally put in like five habits that i want to work on for that season and i will just cross them off throughout the day they're not huge habits they're like i want to get in a 15-minute prayer walk every day because i find that when i just stop in the middle of the day out of my regular routine and i get outside and i pray like i'm able to just approach my day with so much more mental clarity and i just feel more empowered to step into my day so get a habit tracker i also have a free habit tracker that you guys can get in the description below it's also going to help you start doing healthy habits so this brings me to set realistic goals many of you guys are gonna turn off this video and you're gonna go okay i'm ready to go ash like i'm gonna just hit 20 different goals 20 different disciplines and 20 different habits and i'm just going to go for it what's going to happen is just like when i woke up at literally 8 30 after setting like an ungodly amount of alarms at 5 30 a.m i felt like poo i don't want that for you the other day i was carrying my groceries into the apartment and i literally was thinking okay how many groceries can i put on my because i live the apartment life and so literally with groceries you have to go up elevate an elevator to actually get your groceries in the in your room but i was thinking i'm like okay how many groceries can i get on these two arms without having any of them fall and i literally was able to get them all up the ele like all of the elevator all my publix bags right however it was exhausting to try to carry all of those bags versus if i had just tried to carry a few bags at a time it wasn't as exhausting moral of the story pick like five things that you want to grow in this season and set realistic goals for those things again you don't want to be having all these bags on your two arms you don't want to be having like 20 different habits in your habit tracker that you want to focus on because let me just tell you before you even try you're going to fail you're going to fail if you try to accomplish everything you cannot accomplish anything but you can't accomplish anything but you can't accomplish everything so consider what are the things that i really want to grow in what are those things what do i want to have more discipline in is it waking up early is it reading my bible is it working out and going to the gym what is it that i actually want to put into my life to have more discipline in and then put it on your habit tracker and set realistic goals for those things so if it is for instance waking up earlier okay is it realistic for you to go we've been waking up at 8 a.m like for years is it realistic to say okay tomorrow 5 30 a.m grind time that's not realistic what's realistic is for you to go okay you know what i'm gonna wake up at 7 30 tomorrow 7 30 just make a 30 minute difference that's already going to be that one percent better right then the next day go okay 30 more minutes 7 a.m okay wow you're really making progress eventually you make it to 5 30 and then you you stick with that and you ask the lord for self-discipline to stick with it because that's the kind of person that you want to be and that's the kind of life that you want to lead guys actually want to start reading the bible and developing a consistent routine and discipline of spending time with god every day and you're so sick of being distracted or just feeling like you don't have a good discipline and routine with the lord i want to invite you to join my community the tree i give you a daily bible reading plan where it's going to help you go through everything that you need to do that day to spend time with the lord it's going to give you a road map to spending time with him every single day that is not intimidating and not overwhelming so go to the link in my description to join our community we would love to have you be sure to like and subscribe for more videos every single week on growing your faith and reaching your god-given potential thank you so much for hanging out with me and i hope that this helps you be more disciplined and i can't wait to see you guys next video [Music]
Channel: Ashley Hetherington
Views: 648,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to build self discipline, self discipline, self discipline motivation, how to be disciplined, Ashley hetherington, christian YouTuber, milena ciciotti, kristin johns, christian advice, faith related videos, michelle reed, kian wolfgang, how to be a disciplined person, how to be a disciplined woman, christian influencer, christian tik toks, ashley hetherington tiktok, advice for young women, HOW TO BE DISCIPLINED, how to be disciplined in life, how to be more disciplined
Id: 5oprYDW58Ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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