Lives of Sahaba 73 - Abdullah Ibn Zubayr Pt.1 & various fitan of his time - Sh. Dr. Yasir Qadhi

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SMIL alhamdulillah wa salatu was-salam ala rasulillah Ali hey wasabi hey woman well ahem about so today inshallah tada we're gonna do the biography of abdullah IBN az-zubair and in reality this is a trick and a ruse i will be doing much more than this but i want to embed what i'm going to do in the biography of a Sahaba there are a number of incidents that every serious student of knowledge needs to know about that took place in this era these are sad incidents these are traumatic incidents I have covered one of them two years ago and that is the issue of Karbala now the reason why I'm not having a separate lecture on these topics is because the methodology of a hallucinogen ayah is to trivialize the fit end between the Sahaba you guys understand this point we don't put it in the spotlight bygones be bygones leave it in the past at the same time advanced students need to know what's going on so I was waiting for an opportunity to discuss a number of incidents that took place in this era that all of us should be aware of and Abdullah Abu Zubaydah is this opportunity and when I got to him which is this lecture we're gonna actually go not just through the life of abdullah bin is obeyed but what happened in his lifetime which is a number of very traumatic incidents one of them I will skip over because we already covered it that's Karbala okay it happened during the time of evens obeyed and it's indirectly linked to even severe I don't need to go over that because as you know there's a long lecture I gave it here I think a two-hour long lecture is good enough for our level but other incidents took place some of them are directly linked Abdullah be no debate some of them indirectly linked so we will in shallow use the story of Abdullah Abu Zubaydah as the framework and I never wanted to have a lecture just on the fit end of this era so insha'Allah in my long series of the Sahaba whoever gets to this Abdullah bin is obeyed after 56 60 lectures they will then hear this that's what I want I don't want to have a separate lecture just for the time of the fit on so we'll start with insha'Allah who tada the life and times of Abdullah Abu Zubaydah is gonna be maybe maybe even three part I don't know try to do it in two maybe even three and warning the same warning I gave when we did Karbala so many years ago that when you study history it is eye-opening and humbling many average Muslims romanticize Islamic history and they think oh the good old days when this happened and that happened when we had a falafel when but you know what when you actually study history you see the good and the bad you see the beautiful and the ugly you see the magnificent and you see the horrible and what you realize is our Islamic history is a very human history it's full of human beings we have this notion of this romanticized past and maybe at some level for people who are not knowledgeable is good for them to think that but when you actually study you humble yourself and you realize that Allah even amongst the Sahaba things happened and etc etc and the reality is that once you study this era and over all the time of the Sahaba and early Islam subhanAllah even your framework of understanding political Islam changes because there are many groups out there they have this this this very utopic vision of the kunafa so although this political turmoil happening now is they say oh we have to have the falafel it'll all be solved and these ignorant masses don't know that when we had a Siddhartha so much of it was involved in civil war even in the time of the early Romans the Khilafah is a great thing to have by and large but it's not a panacea that cures everything it's not a one prescription you know cures all over all there's no question having a philosopher brings more is that they're not having one over all that is the case but having a falafel does not guarantee Jena whereas not having a Qaddafi does not guarantee Jahannam so when you study history and your study the era of the Hadassah we're gonna study an era where there were sahabas still alive and yet so much is going on in this series were actually gonna discover and read about the fact that the Umayyads attacked Makkah and Madinah and they destroyed the Kaaba this is in the time when the Sahaba alive and the guy who did this as the Haditha we need to just flirt her back to earth and realize that our history has good and it also has evil in it and that's a human history and a falafel is not just to slap a finger and everything will be fine and dandy quite the contrary a falafel is a political tool sometimes it has good sometimes it has bad and this is the reality of human history and when you study especially abdullah bin is obeyed and what happened in his time and especially the tragic death of Abdullah Abu Zubaydah and I'm just jumping the gun here but well nah it is tragic and you yeah the first time I heard this I couldn't and I was like what 19 20 years old I could not believe this actually happened I was like this it must be I don't understand the Arabic on my page you know I don't understand you know cause it's literally said you know quote a double sediba imam al kaba is like there is no way this says what it i think it's saying and of course it is that he was killed and crucified in front of the camera the body of this Sahabi was crucified in front of the kaaba by the Haditha of the time o think about that right and it's not vintage sube her mother his mother you know is hugging the body and we're just like unbelievable absolutely unbelievable and this is taking place when the Sahaba are still alive he himself is asabi his mother a SMAW the same ass ma that goes to the beginning of the serie she is alive so you will flutter down to earth and you realize you know what there are a lot of good and there's also a lot of evil in our past history and this is allah other this is allah any sunnah of allah he honking that this world is not gender this world is a trial and tribulation whether it's at the hands of the tyrants of syria right now or the French or the Russians with the Americans or the Germans or whatever they are doing or it is hydrogen Yousef and it is Yazeed and it is Ferdinand and on this world is a world of sabor and Abdullah and if it's not this guy it's gonna be that guy you just have to understand and accept this and that's not a defeatist mentality it gives you a sense of pragmatic realism that you know what we're gonna face face some trials and tribulations wherever it's from and that's why for me it's so important to study history because when you study history subhanAllah it grounds in reality you cannot become a fanatic when you study history you cannot become the pseudo jihadis or these canal fad movements when you study Islamic history you become more realistic about the expectations of how to solve problems and that's why for me Abdullah bin Uzume represents a very fascinating figure in particular even a bus the famous had been a bus was once asked about him and he said subhanAllah abdullah bin is oh babe he was a part of the book of allah he was dignified throughout his life with Islam born a Muslim died a Muslim he was never a pagan and he was born in Islam his father is obeyed his mother is a SMAW his grandfather is Abu Bakr his Ummah is Khadija his hala is Aisha and his grandmother is Sofia what's left what do you want me to say about the man his mother his father his uncle his aunt his grandmother his grandfather is this who's who of Sahaba I've been a bus said wallahi in my view his status is something that I don't even give to Abu Bakr and Umar meaning in terms of nessip obviously not in terms of Iran and taqwa but in terms of family no one has that status and it is quite true when you think about it who else amongst all of the Sahaba had such a family whose father and mother and grandfather and grandmother and great-grandfather's as a hobby as well because ibaka hoffa himself converted to islam so his father grandfather great-grandfather are all sahaba and he is a Sahabi think about that right and his uncle and aunt and his aunt is aisha and the other aunt is Khadijah as we're gonna come to like who else can claim this lineage like Abdullah even as your veil as if that's not enough there are so many other things about him he was an Adam he was a thought it mean a half of the Quran he was a person whose robada was legendary and this is something that is motivated in the books of history he lived as we know he was the governor in the holiday he declared himself the hood II felt give that away right now he considered himself to be the political ruler for his time and his base was Mecca so he established his capital for almost 20 years in the holiest of Holies and he is the ruler and the share and the atom and the mufti like a legendary time of his time that he is the person in charge of the Kaaba and basically the basis the ages and on top of this he was a person who worshipped Allah in a manner that other people could not believe it is said that when he stood up to pray sometimes people mistook him for a pillar of the harem because now Tom had pillars it would be so still that at night people might think he is a a pillar and ibanez obeyed as well was blessed with a strong body and a very loud and deep voice when he would give the hozeva and imagined for twenty years he's giving the whole tuba in front of the Kaaba his jumera and Eid is in front of the Kaaba he is the Imam of the harem literally literally the Imam not just a prayer leader but the Haditha of the harem because he's the Khalifa at the time when he would give the hota it is said the whole city of Makkah could hear the whole tuba it was so loud the two mountains of Makkah would reverberate with his holy book and he was a very handsome man as well he had long hair that went up to his shoulders and he would die his beard later on in life when it became white he would dye it with a yellowish henna and on top of this he was a bloody they say a genius in every single respect I'm ribbon of ice one of the famous stabby rune he said abdullah bin azib a he owned a hundred slaves and he would speak to each one of them as if it's a different language which means he would treat every one of them in a different way what he would say the harshness the gentleness he is a true leader he knows how to deal with a hundred different people he said if you were to see him while he is worshiping you would have you clean that this is a man who can accomplish nothing of this world because he's lost in everybody but if you were to see him when he's in the dunya you would think this is a man who has no time for Allah even for a millisecond what an amazing leader when he's in sauna you would assume that there's no way he can do anything for the dunya because he's a worshipping fanatic but when he's in the dunya you would think this guy has no concern for the after ah because he's such a genius in the matters of the dunya so enthusiastic that he's not a religious person so this is the true leader when he's with the dunya he's with the dunya and when he's with me bad he is with robada and of course Abdullah his father is known I did a whole Holika last year I think about is available and I want we all know is obeyed him deny one survey tip not a WOM WOM is the full brother of Khadijah khadija bint avoided a worm even who waited khadija bint elevated so surveyed even Allah womp even who waited hands Khadijah becomes literally his great aunt his grandfather's full sister literally the full sister our worm we did this biography in zubayr just two minutes I one passed away in the days of jahiliyyah so he never embraced Islam and I won married Sophia bin Abdul Muttalib okay cuz I wanna miss one generation above right I won is the older generation I want married the aunt of the profitsystem the daughter of Abdul Mutallab Sofia beat Abdul Muttalib and then I won died so debate is there Abdul bait is there since always a bit is their son and zubayr therefore is the cousin of the Prophet system as we know the first cousin of the process of them through Sofia we already mentioned the story of zubayr that he was of the earliest converts he's of the 10 promised gender this is the zubeida banana WOM the father of the 10 promised Jana he marries Abu Bakr's daughter in Islam Asma as newlyweds they migrate to no habit shed they migrate to Abyssinia they go to Abyssinia they participate in all of the battles as obeyed is named the Hadi of the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam the main companion or the main helper of the prophet salallahu alayhi wa seldom he participates in every single battle when umar dies he's one of the six put in the shorter this is obeyed is one of the six he participates in the battle of the camel he's one of the leaders in the battle of the camel him and Aisha this is o Bale and Ali says to him how can you fight me don't you remember the prophecies and once said that me and you are gonna fight and you will be in the wrong and zubayr immediately said you are right and I had forgotten until you reminded me and so he turned and walked out of the battle after having walked from Medina all the way to Basra to have the Battle of the camel Ali said how can you fight me don't you remember what the process I'm said thirty years ago one time me and you were together and he pointed and he said one day you will fight Ali and you will be in the wrong and zubayr right then and there said Siddhartha you're speaking the truth and literally he turned and went up went away can you believe that Iman like literally you're right I forgot this hadith I forgot the process said this you're right and he walked away his son Abdullah the livin is away the guy we're talking about now he said yeah but II people are gonna say that we are cowards how can you do this they're gonna say we're cowards and zubayr said since when has anybody dare to call me a coward my track record is established basically rather this is a hadith I heard from the prophets listen this is why I'm turning but as he turned as you know an arrow came and hit him and he died on the battlefield despite the fact that he did not uncheck this order so this is obeyed even I want that his story I already gave in a lot of detail and a smart binti Abu Bakr we have not supposed talked of the women Sahaba yet that's gonna be inshallah be denied ila after Ramadan we're gonna be doing the female Sahaba so we will be doing amongst those we're gonna do a SMAP in TV but good but you already know a little bit about asthma she is one of the few so happy yet from the beginning of the Sierra all the way to the end she has a role to play and asthma of course is the one who is known as the one that to natal pain right the one of the two belts because as you know in the Hegira she's the one who took her she did not have something to tie the food with so she took her own belt ripped it in half and then used one half to tie her her garment and the other half she used for the profitsystem in his food so she was ever forever called that to a neutral plane and her courage and bravery is legendary from the time of a young girl all the way till she goes blind after the age of 100 and she hugs her dead son's body and corpse on the cross on the Salif that was there when we say cross don't think of a cross it was a pole and they were just hanging the body so when you say crucified don't think of the cross crucified like Christians crucified here saliba means to put on a peg and to just hang as a punishment and a torturer so this is a smell all the way to the end and her speech that she gives out the loudness to bathe a few hours before he dies is legendary in the books of history the courage that she herself displays even though she is a hundred years old and she's lost her eyesight but the courage that she has to the very end is something that is legendary and we'll talk about that even from the beginning so again I don't want to jump the gun but as a young girl when Abu jahil visits and says where is your father where is the profit where's Muhammad system and after the hijra and she says I don't know so Abu jahil slaps her across the face she's a young girl at the time she's probably 11 12 years old at this time Abu jahil slaps her because she knows she's lying and so a SMAW says if you can't control your own men you come and you hit the women at an 11 year old girl you can't even control your own men meaning he's flattered the worker said you're supposed to be the chieftain of karesh you can't control your own men so what do you do you come in you hit the women subhanAllah like what courage as an 11 year old girl to speak to Abu jahil in this manner so her whole life is a life of courage and bravery and of course debate and asthma they marry and they have many children Abdullah is going to be the oldest and the most significant important for our history here they go to Abyssinia as newlyweds they come back to Makkah and then the Hegira is announced and they are of the last batch to migrate from Mecca to Medina and one of the reasons for the delay as well is that asthma is pregnant and they're going very very slowly as well and so she is pregnant she's traveling she's in her final trimester when they're on the Hegira and so they're going very very slow in the meantime the majority of sahaba have arrived in Medina so Abdullah and sorry surveyed and asthma Zubair of the was in the womb now zubeida and asthma or of the very last batch that arrives and it so happened that during these four or five months when the sahaba had begun to do Hedra no Mohajir had given birth to any child and a rumor began to spread that there was a curse on the muslims from the hood they who did a magic say and there is a curse on the muslims that they're not gonna have any children and perhaps some books mentioned maybe there was a stillborn or two that kind of added to that stigma as well so as soon as asthma arrived in Koba she felt the pangs of childbirth and she gave birth to a healthy boy Abdullah in Baba and the Muslims took this as a positive omen and it is said that the streets of Medina were filled with takbirs for the joy at the birth of Abdullah because they were happy that there is no such curse there is no such black magic or be evil eye and everything is fine so Abdullah's birth was a victory literally from his birth he was welcomed and asthma brought him in a small blanket to the prophet salallahu alayhi wa send them and he was the first child that we know of that technique was done that technique as you know is to take a date and put it into the mouth of the child so the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom gave technique to abdullah bin Uzume and his grandfather abu bakr read the Adhan into his ear what combination is this what's gonna happen if this boy think about him write the prophecies and the technique al-bakr did the eye that what is gonna be the fate of this boy that's what history so that's why this particular Sahabi is a very interesting case study of that of that era and his father's obeyed obviously he participate in every battle as you know Abdullah was too young to do anything because he was born literally the first month of the Hegira so by the time the process and passes away he's gonna be nine ten years old what can he participate in however there are still incidents narrated about Abdullah ibanez debate when he turned seven as ube told his son of the law to go and give the oath of allegiance to the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa seldom which was typically done at the age of 14 when he turned seven sube said go and give the oath so as a young boy abdullah went to the prophet salallahu alayhi wa seldom and said my father sent to me to give you the oath of allegiance and the prophet saw some smiled smirk because he's a young kid but he gave the oath of allegiance to abdullah at the age of seven and obviously he did not participate in any battle as we said because he's too young as a child but a very interesting anecdote is found in the tertiary books of hadith in a very healthy and and Hakim and others that of course he realized Asia is his aunt his hala aisha is his hala and so the books of cearĂ¡ mentioned abdullah bin azib a was somebody who would regularly visit the Prophet system as a child just come back and forth because this Honda is there so he grew up basically in the household of the Prophet SAW said I'm visiting his aunt almost on a daily of every few days and being with the Prophet sallallaahu Selim so one day the Prophet SAW I seldom did he JAMA on himself and he JAMA as you know is blood cupping which is one of the soonest to do that you extract blood from various parts and you cleanse the body in this regard he did hey JAMA and the Hazama blood is viscous as you know and it is very thick blood and he gave it to this young boy of the lobna sube probably eight years old at the time and he said go dispose of this blood and make sure no one sees where you throw it away because the Prophet systems blood cannot be taken by somebody else and I would the belong done to it or disrespect to what not so make sure nobody sees you and dispose of it in a way that nobody can find it okay so Abdullah went outside when he was all alone he drank the blood he drank the blood of the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam this hadith is in Berkeley and in hack him and attaboy Ronny and it is an authentic hadith so he drank the blood of the prophet salallahu alayhi wa seldom and then he came back walking back so the problem said what did you do with it he didn't want to tell him so he said I thought of the one place nobody would ever find it and I stored it there my stomach meeting but the Prophet SAW said him either ghibli you told him or intuition of Allah either way he figured something out and he said did you drink it and Abdullah said yes so the Prophet said why did you do that way how come in an ass a way to look I'm in a squadron way to lean a seam in Kesari way look I'm in an ass that whoa to the people from you means the people are gonna be have to be scared of you and you're gonna have to deal with the people as well like what you have just done here is gonna change everything the people are gonna be careful of you you're gonna be careful of the people and it basically means that abdullah is gonna have a shot and he's gonna have a status and amacom that it's not gonna you know affect now by the way this issue of drinking the blood of the prophets allah lorry sinem this has raised a lot of fifty and theological issue of course the problem or the issue is that blood is typically images of this regard and of course anybody else's blood it would be Haram to drink of course it goes without saying is there an exception for the prophets allah salem or not that's the if Tina and is his blood like our blood in in terms of his Najah so or not that is the extra laughs and frankly in my humble opinion this issue is a emotional one that has no Ben it's because it's not as if we have access to the blood or anything that we're gonna do with it this is a one-time it is important to note the prophecies have never commanded Abdullah to drink the blood nor did he thank him for doing that nor did he allow it rather he gave a somewhat ambiguous phrase way Lula come in a nasty way didn't ask him in that woe to you woe to you from the people and woe to the people from you there are gonna be some issues now so he did not tacitly accept the drinking of the blood but what is gonna be done now he did it what are you gonna do now so whatever the controversy is of no relevance in our time but the realistic thing is that emotions get involved and people start accusing others are who the Buddha of Cofer and what not how can you say the blood is how the process was not just and he is a human being in the end of the day and I just leave it at that he is not a demigod he is a human being regular human being he eats he drinks he marries he has children and everything else is regular about him but he is the most blessed that's all it is he is the most blessed in the most pious that doesn't make him superhuman in this regard and that is why he did not accept Abdullah drinking the blood but what are you gonna do once he has drank the blood so Abdullah is the only Sahabi that we know of that is authentically narrated that he drank the blood of the prophets of the law body who said oh and one of the tab UN said we used to believe that the strength of Abdullah was because he drank the blood of the prophets was in him we used to believe that's where he got his strength from and what strength did he have even ABI Malaika reported that we used to notice the Leibniz obey fasting for an entire week continuously and on the eighth day he would wake up the strongest of all of us as if nothing had ever happened and he mama the hubby said perhaps the prohibition of continuous fasting did not reach of the Leibniz away because it is against the Sunnah to fast continuously okay I add to this Allah knows best it doesn't make sense that he's not eating or drinking for seven days biologically speaking you need water you're gonna die after two or three days Allah knows best maybe maybe what is meant here is that he fasted from food but not water because you need water to drink and it is humanly possible to live a week with only water and you're not gonna die so perhaps Allah knows best this is a meaning here even this is against the Sunna the profitsystem forbade any Muslim from consecutively doing whistle which is non-stop fasting for more than a day that should not be done in any case that was his his strength as well it is well known that he reached a level of kosher that is unbelievable and a few of the Severinus also reached this level where once he entered Salah nothing bothered him like he was in a different zone literally says if he cut off from the world around him and this is well known by many incidents once he was praying in his house when people began to scream his son Hashem was there people began to scream there's a snake there's a snake and typically when you're a father and there's a snake in the house and not that any of us have experience inshallah you're going to panic you're gonna break you are allowed to break in the Salah but he did not even know that there was a snake and his son was in the room with the snake until he finishes the Salah and he hears the whole story and they have dealt with the snake on their own like he's in a different zone altogether and it is reported as well that when had judged attacked the Kaabah and he's throwing catapults on the camera but one of these tragic stories were gonna come to next week each other not it's not gonna be today but next Wednesday sha Allah he's throwing catapults when it was time for Salah Abdullah the survey would stand and pray even as the rocks are falling around him so much so that on more than one occasion the rocks fell on him and he's still praying in Salah not even paying attention to what is going on that level of kosher is simply unimaginable in a regular person and Mujahid the famous student of women abbas the most famous student even a bus he said there was not a single action of worship except that we believe up the Leibniz obey did it and he gave the example and this is a trivia question that is asked many times in Islamic quiz competitions of an advanced level and that is the question that you're gonna hear the answer to right now you will automatically know the question which I had said there's not a single act of worship except that abdullah bin azib a did it once rain fell and the kaaba was flooded and so abdullah bin is zubayr swam seven times around the Kaaba you all know the trivia question that would is a stat that okay which is the Sahabi who did know off by swimming around the Kaaba the only Sahabi we know who did the off swimming seven laps mashallah tabarak Allah around the Kaaba is abdullah ibanez obeyed and by the way that's pretty impressive because for a person of that time to even know swimming to even know swimming at that time it's pretty impressive much less being able to do Pavia nice mashallah seven times around the Kaaba so as we said other than is obeyed he was a basically a child at the time of the process them so he is considered to be of the what is called the children of the saw the children Sahaba the young Sahaba not the children of the Sahaba but child Sahaba because he was of those who interacted with the processer he narrated hadith but he would didn't reach bahlul he dies in the I'm sorry the process him dies in his ten years old so his status is amongst the very last level of the Sahaba in terms of interacting but that doesn't change the status of his in terms of lineage and in terms of no seven in terms of of shut off and the first battle that he participated in was the Battle of Yarmouk and he was only ten years old and his father zu babe took him on his horse all the way to the Battle of Yarmouk to the lands of sham and even though he didn't allow him to fight he participated behind the scenes with logistics and helping and whatnot even though he was too young to actually carry a sword and he reached is fighting years in the time of with man or the Elan so even at a time of Umar he's not really still at the age of fighting it is said he participated one or two in the time of with man is one he becomes a general of that level and he played many significant roles in the battles against the Byzantines of North Africa and the Muslims of especially of what we now call Tunisia and basically the tripoli region of North Africa they owe a lot to abdullah IBN az-zubair Abdullah Abu Zubaydah was very active in the Far Northeast because by that time Egypt had already been conquered so he's now basically in Libya and in Tunisia in those regions and this is the heartland of believe it or not the Byzantine Empire us Muslims and Arabs we don't think of those lands as Byzantine but in reality you know the famous lands of Carthage and what not that is those lands if you read the books of history that's those lands over there and if you still go to this day places in Algeria and Tunisia you will find massive palaces and magnificent buildings from the time of the Romans the time of the Byzantines so the lebanese debate is the one who is conquering this and he played a key role in the conquest of what we now call tripoli tripoli the famous city of Tripoli Abdullah Abu Zubaydah probably the most important role and his story is mentioned he himself narrates it and that is that there were around 10,000 Muslims against maybe a hundred hundred fifty thousand of the byzantine empire and the battle was going pretty harshly against the muslims and her blood mr. Barry said that I saw in the distance very far away all the leader of the army armed the the the commander and his name was in English it's Gregory the the patrician and in Arabic it is Georg's or something like this Gregory is the Englishman Gregory the part of the patrician and Gregory is basically the governor and the one appointed by the Emperor so he is the big guy I saw him in the distance and I recognized him how because he's on a pavilion of you know beautiful embroidered carpet there were two ladies there with peacock feathers you know doing this so he you can tell way behind in the distance so look at his tactic he brought 30 people together and he said divert the army to where you are just fight ferociously and I'm gonna go behind you and they created a diversion and Abdullah bin is obeyed put his sword in and simply walked solidly confidently from the battle all the way to the pavilion so much confidence that when the army saw him if anybody saw him they assumed he must be an invoice on an emissary who would possibly walk with his hands normal and his weapon by his side nobody even figured out that he's actually going to attack single-handedly the governor of Tripoli like walking into army lines without any reinforcement this is the bravery of Abdullah vanessab a truly mind-boggling he literally just strolled in after creating the diversion and just walked through until finally when he's passed the enemy lines and there's nothing between him and Gregory that's when he pulls the sword out and rushes in and when Gregory sees this he realized that he's coming to attack obviously you can imagine these people are not fighters themselves they're whatever fat whatever you want to say this is not a person who's gonna be putting up the fight he turns and he tries to flee but abdullah bin Zubat catches up to him decapitates him single-handedly raises his head on a javelin and spear and shouts out allahu akbar and the muslim sea and the Byzantine army sees and this creates havoc in the Byzantine army and the cheers of the Muslim army such that they actually won the battle Subhan Allah this is Abdullah Abu Zubaydah's tactic that what can you say this was a Las blessings that he gave those miracles to those to those great Sahaba and when the the battle finished and Tripoli was conquered in that region of North Africa is conquered the commander of the Muslims was so impressed he honored him by sending Abdullah Abu Zubaydah to give with man the good news you go back and tell him and obviously this means the reward and whatnot you're gonna be given so he sent up the Lubner zubayr back to Medina to give him the good news of the conquest of basically what is now Libya that entire province of Libya this battle that our balloons obey led was the one that conquered it along with this of course he was a scholar and a fatty and already mentioned last week which you guys all remember of course when Zeta bin Thabit was put in charge of the Quran in the time of Earthmen the committee of four people and of them was abdullah IBN az-zubair one of the four people who wrote the quran so again we all power or ons protection to these people including abdullah IBN az-zubair and that's why it was said in three matters no one could outdo abdullah bin zu bale number one in worship of allah number two encouraged and number three in eloquence the reason why he was chosen for the Quran is because of his eloquence he was off sovereign out of a very eloquent Arabic speaker and that's why earth man said to the committee What did he say to them remember that Zaid you write because your writing is better but who dictates the Cora she is dictate right they're gonna dictate and you write and if you differ you will write what they say the wording the spelling is going to be from them because the Quran came down in the lava and the language of the aurash and abdullah bin zu babe was very loyal to earth man i've been a fan radi allahu ta'ala and in the in the time of the mob in the time of the the fitna of earth man and in fact what i did this trevor earth man i mentioned this that abdullah bin is obeyed was one of those who kept on insisting that earth man should fight and he said let me fight i'll deal with these guys one can say the most vocal person to take on the mobsters outside was abdullah bin is available and you know what earth man said he's not gonna allow this but kept on insisting insisting so much so that when a skirmish did take place because multiple skirmishes took place Abdullah Abu Zubaydah was involved and he fought so ferociously that in fact he was wounded so bad they had to carry him out on a stretcher this is before they killed her with man when the sky images and whatnot he's in his anger he's defending with man and the people are fighting back and you know harshness leads to harshness and then basically they attack him so they had to take him out on a stretcher and that is why not surprisingly him and his father they after the death of earth man what did they do is obeyed and abdul-allah they wanted to get vengeance for the killers of earth man as you know and they marched a Becerra with Aisha and follow her these are the three leaders in the battle of the German and they did fight in the Battle of the jungle Zubair did not fight as you know but Abdullah did fight even though his father left but Abdullah fought in the Battle of the geometry and abdullah IBN az-zubair fought a very very harsh battle and it is said that one of the leaders of the army of adi rhodiola and in fact the right hand of adi his name is Malik eben and Ishita is a very famous tabary a very famous military general he was the governor of Egypt for a while so he has a long list also on his resume Madi cabinet Ishtar was added at the Alon's main lieutenant and he trusted him more than anybody else and he was also a very physically strong man Sullivan is obeyed and Matty Cuba and Ashdod had a one-on-one and realized these are all good Muslims on both sides that's the sad tragedy here right you have idea of the Aloha & magicka minute I thought it was a great man in many ways and you have evening surveyed and others on the other side that's why it's called a fitna that's why it's called the fitna and so Subhan Allah when you look at these times what is happening now in the Muslim world is nothing compared to that cuz on this time you had Sahaba on both sides whereas today you have fussa on both sides okay okay if not even for soccer maybe even kuffara on one or both sides and you know so drinking tequila and wouldn't have anyway so it's pretty clear now that tani it's like there's no question that the the things have changed immensely so the point being that so was the Levinas debate and Miley cabinet a shark are fighting together and Malik was stronger than Abdullah he was not able to all serve in a survey at this time is still in his 20s he's not as mature as a 40 year old whereas Malik was in his 40s and when he realized he's not gonna be able to win him somehow Allah would it on the live in his rubadoux he threw down his arms and he jumped on Malik and just held him tight and he then shouted out to the archers shoot go ahead and shoot even if it kills me shoot the both of us he literally used the tactic that I'm not gonna win him by sword let the marksman just shoot me but because he was so beloved Abdullah bin is obeyed his own people did not shoot and so it ended up neither of them killing the other and that was benefit for Islam because both of them went on to do amazing things and he fought with such ferocity that for a while his news went missing what happened to him nobody knows they for a while like for a few hours and it was at this point in time that I shadowed the allahu and his aunt she became so worried at this that she made an announcement that anybody who gives me the news that abdullah is alive I shall gift him ten thousand dinars just get me news that he's alive I shall gift him ten thousand dinars and as soon as the person came in tell him we found Abdullah he's wounded twenty wounds here and there but he is alive Ayesha and her tent fell down in sajda and thanked Allah subhana WA Ta'ala it is said that I should have the allah on her she loved the Prophet system the most and then after the prophecies of her father Abu Bakr and then after Abu Bakr her nephew abdullah abdullah was the most beloved person alive at the time - aisha radi allahu ta'ala i know of course as we know eventually the battle of general does not come out to be a victory they are as you know defeated and ali does not take any prisoners so they go back to medina as you know the story we did this way I talked about Allah so they go back to Medina Adi is assassinated by the cottage now more alia comes into power Marija comes into power and there was some tension between the two of them Abdullah bin Isabel did not view more area to be the most worthy at the time at the time he did not be Malawi to be the most worthy of the Gaddafi it appears but he did not challenge the rule of ma how is very important to note Maria's rule was not challenged by a Venezuelan and throughout Maria's life even as zubayr remained not happy but not rebelling he was under Maria's rule and a very famous incident takes place now which is mentioned by many many historians and it shows the massage of both of these men even is obeyed and while we are the Elohim I mean of course I'm the loser bit is living in Medina obviously that's where he's you know he's born there he's lived there his whole life that's where his houses his places in Medina and he owned land and more aware of the O'Laughlin also owned some land in Medina that was next to the land of admissible and the workers of morale via one day they did something in the land of even a Zubat and they messed up some vegetation and they manhandle some of his servants and whatnot whether it was intentional or we don't know but essentially his land was invaded and not invaded but basically you know encroach there's no you know there's no there's no barbed wire there's no fence in those days it's just like you understood this understood these are the markings and you mention the marquees so the land of ribbon is obeyed is encroached by the people who are in charge of the land of Marya and they destroy some vegetation pluck some fruits whatever happens even as obey became incensed and he wrote a letter to more aware in Damascus and the letter was a blunt harsh letter and it went as follows from abdullah IBN zubair you know hawai'i rasool allah even with that in not natalie i am the son of hawaii i am the son of that tuna topping two more are Weah even hint who is hint what has hint done what has hint done everybody knows guys you know what Hinda is done exactly nobody's gonna forget this two more are we're not even amirul mumineen not even halifa two more are we're the son of hint so I am even Hawaii rasoolullah and you are the son of hint and he said I'm a bard as to what follows as to what follows your workers have transgressed onto my land if you do not stop them then I shall deal directly with you what's Silla in an America shine like which is a threatening thing you know in English we would say you just dare and see if you don't stop what's gonna happen literally that's how it's gonna be in English you just dare unless you put it in check you just dare and see what I'm gonna do to you so you see the called it the bravery call it the whatever ferocity whatever you want to say no he does not care who is he talking to in this regard and he's like your oh ma your workers mess with my workers in land you had better deal with it or else while we are at the Aloha knees in Palestine in Damascus and he is the Fatiha and whatnot and he is sitting in his chambers and his room whatever and on his left is Yazeed so he says to his Eid what do you think I should do and you see this Yazeed and he shall be as it when he does what he does and he has Eid in his anger he says ya betta you should send an army that begins here and ends over there like you have continuous people that's like you're from Damascus to Medina have an army and they bring you back his head cut off this is use eat and to be brutally honest well la he those people who defend him I feel sorry because we're going through this revisionism of history now that even the most well-known fact we have to rethink through it he is heed as Imam Muhammad said that can a mock me never loved his eat can a movement ever love you as Eid no movement can love this man yes it is true we don't curse him because it's not in our culture to curse but by the way many of our ulema like Imam was so UT like maybe about like others they said Yazeed should be cursed because the exception doesn't apply to him because of what he did and we're gonna just mention three things the next lecture as well if any one of them happened it will be enough to make you as Eid a bad person all three in his lifetime under his rule some of them by his direct command number one without a doubt as you all know is Karbala number one there is no question that this is the greatest tragedy under his heed and I gave the story of Karbala and we're gonna come back to that as well number two is the incident of Hal rock which happened in Medina and number three is the killing of even Isabel which is II did not directly cause but he sent an army he's the first to send an army he is eid sent an army to attack makkah and to attack medina think about that the two harems you're not supposed to unchi the sword and Yazeed sends an army to fight and that army does attack medina we're gonna talk about this next Wednesday Allah Ta'ala the Battle of Hara and it's of one of the most tragic stories and again most of us have never heard of this and we'll like it's better we haven't many ways is better but sometimes some things need to be said where hundreds of people were killed and thousands of women raped in medina just well I even just saying it is so sad but this is the reality of what happened in the time of the Sahaba when they were alive an asymptomatic was alive I mean unbelievable to think but this is the reality of war it is the reality of evil rulers and it is across the world it's not just as I said Syria or Iraq or something since the beginning power does this to you so yeah Zeid was in charge and use heed sent them and yes it allowed them to do everything and use e did not punish anybody for anything that happened in Medina or in Karbala and others as well it is enough to know this happen and Yazeed is there behind it and it is truly phenomenal to see now some Muslim saying we should respect him and whatnot no it's not possible to respect such a person we leave his affair to Allah no need to curse no need to go beyond this but we leave his affair to Allah so easy this next to him and now he assessed to his son Yazid what do you think we should do Yazeed says chop his head off send him the largest army so Marius smiles and calls the scribe and says rights dictate so he says that from Ameer al-mumineen more are we even Abu Sufian he changes I am amir al mu'minin whether you acknowledge me or not and my name is Marya bin abu sufian not gonna even hint for me Amira moving in while even abu sufian to abdullah even is obeyed even o hawaii rasool allah you know that's in the talking all that you mentioned I'm gonna put it back for you no worries as you describe yourself I will describe for you umma bird as to what follows if this whole world could be a gift I give to you and make you happy I would willingly do so so as soon as you read this letter realize my land is now your land and my servants are now your servants was set up moire weeow when ya Abdullah Abu Zubaydah got the letter he then responded back to Mahara and he said to Amir al-mumineen mahalia even abu sufian assalamu alaikum WA Rahmatullah may Allah prolong your rule and may Allah keep you doing your wise decisions to benefit the ummah wasilla Maher we are called Yazeed and said look and he told his son a lesson of only his son learnt it if only his son learnt it he said that he who can forgive shall rule and he who can control his temper she'll be great but her son didn't learn that lesson never he did not learn it at all but more alia is also happy in the end of the day we respect more alia and no doubt he is not like the great Sahaba the first ten will the Mahajan he's one of the minor Sahaba but in the end of the day we say nothing but good overall about Marya and we don't doubt his sincerity to Islam even if we might disagree with some of his policies and whatnot so this is in the time of Mariah and it appears that because of this he might have even softened the heart of Abdullah bin is avail and some books even mentioned that he gifted him stipends as well and this also helps because the Amir can choose with the Holly if I can choose who to give and he gifted him large amounts and this kind of softened him as well for sure Abdullah Abu Zubaydah suppe 'td continued to participate in the conquest of the Muslim world and one of his most honorable battles was that he participated in the battle of Constantinople under interesting the leadership of his Eid interestingly as Eden and the loop news of a were obviously now in the same army against the business teens and subhanAllah in 20 years 30 years how those two are gonna change and what's gonna happen but this is Allah Scudder and we all know at one point you can be best friends or not even close to somebody and then things happen it's not mentioned they were closer or not but they must have had some interaction in the end of the day Abdullah Ibanez debate is too famous to not know who he is and Yazeed is the leader of the army because again where we ascent the first army to the Byzantine capital which is now Istanbul guys remember from where to where look where they're going and of course who is buried because of this battle who is buried there abu ayyub al-ansari it's buried over there a boy you belong saudi is buried because of this battle he's also in the army so this is during the time of morale we are the Alon and that is why it is authentically narrated in the books of history that even a zubayr his attitude towards one area did soften and so when Marija died hypno surveil how would our hotel avila and he was genuinely saddened and he said I would not have a problem if mahalia's rule lasted till the end of time like he is going to be a good ruler doing the job and you know here's the point there are some critics of morale we and our times especially amongst the the you know Islamist parties type of people that they say that the fact that he started kingship is what destroyed Islam and this is a very simplistic understanding and in reality it is very possible that and I'm not defending kingship but people who don't know politics should not pontificate about it you cannot rule as an angel you cannot rule as an angel you have to have a harsh and a mean and a nasty side otherwise your rule is gonna fall and if you just look at what happened in our countries other in Middle Eastern countries when a soft Islamic ruler came what happens it's not not possible and I'm not defending or critiquing but power is different than him and that's why I'm happy I'm in myself in that side and the point being whatever you want to say about morality Allah on he established peace he expanded the Muslim empire five times he fought in India in North Africa in whose Beck Astana and Tajikistan he expanded the Dominion of Islam he created the naval force he created an you know empire the way that hardly anybody did and that's what a politician does and he did it and he did it amazingly well now as we all know while we're in his HD hat and the brutal fact of the matter is he was probably right in this regard even if we don't like the guy he chose he thought that instead of having a civil war let's just create a dynasty who's gonna fight over this no let my son be in charge as is the way in the rest of the world where there's a dynasty and yes it is true he created a dynasty it's true in his HT had he decided you know what let's just stop this once and for all and let's be in charge in this way so as we all know he announced in his lifetime that my eldest son at the time Yazeed Benoit we he had an older son he passed to Evelyn my son Yazid even Maria is going to be in charge and the people grumbled a lot of them were not happy and some people refused to accept this even when mahalia was alive but since when I was in charge you're not gonna rebel openly has it happened yet and five people who were the senior-most Sahaba who said no they're new spread amongst the crowd amongst the world that these five refused to give the oath to use Eid when wow he is alive who are these five number one Abdul Rahman even ABI bakr the older son of a worker number two of the law even roman the son of roman number three of the law even a bus number four of the law even a zubayr all of the abided at the three are bad that I hear and then number five who is number five all of you know hussain hussain no D alone hasn't passed away at this time hasn't passed away when he is eid is announced right when use eads nomination has announced Hassan has passed away Hussain becomes the eldest of the Banu Hashim and so Hussein says no way and her saying we know what happens Joe say so these five said no we're not gonna accept use heed to be our next Khalifa but more obvious alive so what are you gonna do so few years go by and and by the way why did they say no to this for many reasons of them is that yes they did not want to start a dynastic legacy they didn't know how to start a dynasty its day felt this is unassuming and they have a valid jihad and that's what I'm saying I'm not defending either side here both sides have hackle and both sides have a a perspective also and this is something that is awkward to mention but it is true it is well known and water water in the books of history it's not a shiri conspiracy it isn't in our own books that years Eid was a drunkard and he would lead the Salah drunk and he would delay the Salah because he was drunk and again you these sunni historians wanting to sanitize disease and that makes the shia so irritated even more so and this is a tit-for-tat we don't care what the shia are those who need say what does history tell us let's be fair and in our own books why do you think the Sahaba did not want uz to be the honey for think about it is it just because he's the son of Marija he was a fast and overall he was not a good man it is well known now in hindsight compared to our kings of today so what if he drinks some tequila that's a very trivial thing and you know big deal you know compared to the it was going on now no big deal so what if he's delaying the sauna at least he prays five times a day right but again for the Sahaba how dare somebody who's a drunkard be our Hanif and they have every right you see what I'm saying in our times if our ruler just drinks with that happened early laughs that's a big deal hamdulillah were more than happy if you're just you're only sin is that you're drinking then you're a really good person you know compared to what everybody else is doing in our time in our time every ruler has blood all the way out on his hands all the way on his body point being for the Sahaba Yazeed was a no go no way they did not want somebody like him and there were plenty of people more qualified and Subhan Allah why should I'm don't live in a bus and I've got a bucket and I'm 11 is ube you're saying why should they accept this guy when there's a challah think about it and they are more qualified and they're more noble and they're more doctor everything is there so they have every right to say no and this also shows us and I have to go into this tangent here brothers and sisters that we're having so many Fitton in our times Ridhima getting involved in politics or the mass reporting resurrections Ridhima going against protester ahmadis and that each one quoting that eve each one doing this and that and this is a messiah and a fitna none of these Ridhima by and large is a politician they don't understand politics is not books it's not what you read and what not and in the end of the day it's not simplistic to have an answer here you know in some countries you'll find the right emma saying it is a part of islam to obey the ruler you must be quietest you're not allowed to have any demonstrations and then in the same country saying oh we have to fight and we have to go and each one is quoting precedence and guess what guys each one is right in their own way there is precedence Abdullah Bluebell is a precedent he did not want wo maja and he did not give her they bear to them Hussein is a precedent and so those remember the talk about part woody a number huh in reality this is a concept that developed hundreds of years later it's not in the beginning of Islam you have a spectrum and just like all issues within this spectrum people are gravitating towards one opinion versus another opinion and it's not clear-cut which one is the correct one in fact there's an element of truth in each one of them politics is a dirty business it's not hot and Barton it's not clear-cut Harriman Helen which is why it's best from with to hone to kind of stay away from it right v is much easier okay tough see it is much easier you could but politics how do you deal with human beings it's very difficult so these five people they said no we're not going to give the mayor but Marija is alive then obviously while we're dies Yazeed is put into power he has heed demands these people by name he is a vindictive guy from the beginning he's that type of person he knows exactly who said no he demands these by name but they're no longer v Abdul Rahman has died so there's four left okay by the time Yazeed gets to the seat the courtesy Maru is dead rowdy Aloha so now Yazeed is in the courtesy he wants the names of these four and he mentions them by name get their barrier by hook or through crook I want their forced baya and it will be done in public and all of them are in Medina that's where they are that's where they're born and raised they are in Medina so Yazeed demands from his governor in Medina it was his father's governor now his father's death his governor his governor in Medina is a 22 beretta that get the oath from these four even if you have to force it get it from them so he takes these four and eventually even rumor and they've been a bust they say okay Hollis fine we'll just give it to you just let us go our way it but no matter Nibin our bus with the law and we talked about them and their political ideology is the one I personally admire the most and this is my philosophy stay out of politics let the people fight for the courtesy and you just get involved in the elementary bada and let the blood be on their hands to me this is the safest and the best a been a mob and they've been a bust their whole lives was dedicated to robada and knowledge and being with the people and wars are coming and going they don't fight in them between the Muslims not their business but something much more important to do so even rumored and even Abbas they became a political Hollis forget it you won take the Salathe we're out of here and they gave the oath and they never ever explicitly supported or opposed they just immerse themselves in worship and knowledge and they I've been a bass went to Fife and hippodamus started his school in Medina what that just involved in teaching Islam refusing any political post not doing anything just the bare minimum call us we accept you the Haditha now let us be so this is the philosophy of those two who is left now to Abdullah bin is obeyed and who saying that he a longhorn now already de Villota has been given the license you can do whatever you want so he arrests them and he puts them in and he says you have these few days and then we're gonna move it up one notch like he's been given the license do whatever needs to be done to get their oath of allegiance now it appears in Allah knows best that Allah what he might have been the governor but popular support was for the people who as for ebon is obeyed and Hussein somehow I looked up the books that I have and I'm not a historian expert so I don't have an entire 500 collections the books I only have the main ones of Islamic history public art and I've been sad and you know there's some ones I have I looked up what I could I couldn't find the details of this story and Allah knows best what it is somehow even is obeyed and a Hussein escaped now I'm pretty sure that it's obvious what happened and that is the people of the town Medina they don't like the governor they don't like the borough Mejia and so maybe even the prison guards helped in the escape because the popular support is not for the Umayyads the popular support and here's what I say even to us in this room here subhanAllah if you had been alive at that time in all likelihood you would have supported her saying overuse eat ie you would have been she at Wadi think about that because that is what she had two ideas think about that psychologically on the one side you have a drunkard on the other side you have Hussein the grandson of the Prophet system who amongst us would choose the drunkard over the think about that right so it's very easy for us in hindsight to but when you're there when in the real world the popular support was for these people not for the drunkard back in Damascus so what happens even as you obey and her saying they run away they escape in the middle of the night and what he wakes up and they're gone the cell is empty and they had support obviously enough support somebody had to give them animal somebody had to give them food water somebody has to be their guide they have support now where's the one place they can go where they're protected by Allah Sharia Makkah that's why they have to come to Makkah there's only one city in the world that allah azza wajal has protected women dejara butanna amina this is why even as ube went to makkah not because makkah is the holiest of all the so he wants to have the capital there but because since it is the holiest of holy theoretically nobody should attack and harm him that theoretically is thrown out the window and head judge comes to power but theoretically no one is supposed to attack Makkah how can a moose him attack maka we have to be a hard edge to do that so zubeida evidence debate flees to makkah and hussein brody Allah who and flees to Mecca and hear their story splits up on the one side Hussein story which I'm not gonna go into cuz I already mentioned that I mentioned this you have it online a two-hour lecture I gave it here where the letters from Kufa start coming and her saying is convinced his people say no even Abbas says no Mohammed Ibrahim Athiya says no Joe Bates says every jabber says no but her saying rhodiola and feels that they're gonna support me so he along with his entourage leave Mecca and they go all the way to Kufa or Karbala and what happens happens okay so now he's out of the picture and only one person is left and that is of course abdullah IBN az-zubair and Yazeed now his arrogance has become even more and in the meantime of course the the massacre has occurred so what happened was that after the massacre so Abdullah Abu Zubaydah has given an oath halluf in public that he has said that I will are basically not rest until even as debate has given his oath to me this is like an hour challenge of egos the even is obeyed has to give his oath to me it appears that after the massacre of Karbala ibanez zubayr I would not ever say that he felt any fear because that's not him but probably he felt pragmatically that if this tyrant is so evil that he's gonna murder the grandson of the Prophet SAW said him then what hope do I have against this evil person so even as zubayr approached the governor of Makkah under the Umayyads because remember he's living in Makkah but still macas under the Umayyad rule and it's just because Makkah is makkah that nobody can touch him right while he's in Makkah he's anti-human umma yet always preach again coz the massacre happens and he makes an offer to the governor and he says I'm willing give the oath but to you in Makkah as a representative okay I'm willing to give the oath but to you in Makkah safe Makkah nothing's gonna happen the governor gets happy he writes a letter sends it to you seed that Tom did I have good news even a zoo Bay is gonna give the oath and he's gonna give it to me in Makkah just trying to slip it by okay even a zoo Bay I mean Yazeed would have none of that and in anger he shouted I swear by Allah enough to be lon you don't want to make a hell of it becomes binding as you know that now becomes an oath I swear by Allah I will not accept his oath after all that's happened I will not accept his oath until he is dragged to me in Chains here in Damascus and he gives it in front of the whole public that he is now under me this is nothing but pure arrogance and ego standard easy it's nothing but ego I swear and he makes a head of and as a Muslim when you make a head of it's like and as a Haditha he's making the head of and he makes it in public so it's an ego issue now right now when he calms down when years eath calms down his advisers all come and say you know you should have just accepted he would have just you know he is your main enemy right now if he was willing to let go then hamdulillah that go but in his anger he didn't accept anybody his own son Yazid son pause here don't get confused he is EADS father and Yazeed son have the same name so don't get confused WowWee even Yazeed even Walia and this more aria interesting story listen to this he was to become the Khalifa after his eid for a few weeks then he died and he didn't have an heir no children you never married so the line of moria for the Haditha stops and it goes to the cousin of Marija Marwan I banal Hakam and the rest of the Omega thought afar all the way till four hundred years later in Andaluz fourteen generations down are gonna be marwan's too great-great-great Gege all the way to what yours is from Hanna look we gave you the class in under this history ten hundreds of one thousand something like all the way until you know one thousand something see II the Umayyad dynasty is true through whom Marwan WowWee as line comes to an end so his vision of establishing a dynasty was actually not successful the way he wanted it because his own grandson did not marry did not have children and it simply filled out okay so this young Maria seems to have been a very righteous pious man not like his father and he was also always sickly suffering for whatever cancer whatever it was he dies twenty-one years old very young boy so he was Haditha for a few weeks that's it then Marwan becomes a hadith oh you got you guys falling right now right now he is the Khalifa wow he is his son and why are we a says my dear father you should have accepted his plea just get him off your back he'll be agreeing why did you have to do this and his father says to him yeah you fool yeah what do you know anything so his son Marija says why don't you ask abdullah IBN jaafar even have you thought it abdullah it been JA what Evan have you thought it the senior-most a little bit was sympathetic to you bring him and ask him so they invite abdullah and he says do you think I should accept and Abdullah said your son is smarter than you your son is right you are wrong in this so what does Yazeed do so Yazeed says I cannot take my health back why do you think he said that hmm if he swore by Allah could he take it back from a fifth perspective what give what is that a difficult thing guys learn some basic event although you should know this when you make a catheter in the name of Allah sorry when you make a high life in the name of Allah you are allowed to break the hadith by giving a kuffara theoretically you can break it so why would you did not want to break it so arrogance its ego it's nothing fit it's nothing to do with fear its ego because I made a halluf in public I cannot withdraw but he goes I have an idea don't worry he'll listen to this I have a middle path so Yazeed orders the construction of certain items and then sends them to mecca with a letter and he says that i have given an oath that i cannot break however you may come in these and what are the gifts or what not that he's created he has ordered his craftsmen to make a silver rope and a gold handcuffs and he goes you may come in these to Damascus you guys follow him huh like I'll honor you by wearing silver and gold you will come so I have to honor my halluf so that nobody can say that you want my head of my oath is gonna take place so you will come here but rather than an actual handcuffs and chain this is a silver rope and a gold handcuff and he will give the oath and return but it was too late and subhanAllah both of these yanny you know and the no doubt one of them is way infinitely better than the other but both of them they did not want to compromise and so even as obey wrote back a very sarcastic line of poetry which when you transit it loses all of the eloquence I shouldn't say eloquence the sarcasm is dripping with sarcasm okay dripping with sarcasm and it basically he basically says I shall never submit myself to the truth until rocks become soft when you chew them and grind them and spit them out like it's very crude like in your face I'm not gonna do this until people eat rocks and whatnot so he refused to do this and that was the last attempt at compromise now it's all-out war between these two parties and Yazeed becomes even more incensed and one more incident happens that causes Izzy to basically flip and send a massive army to attack the two holiest cities of Islam think about that rather than fighting the Romans are fighting the Philander Allen he commands one of the largest armies to go an attack both Makkah and Madinah what happened in Medina time is finished now inshallah on that Shahrazad note will then finish and continue next was - a load on a start with what happened in Medina so that Yazeed was so irritated that and what happened in Medina is linked as well but indirectly Devin is over the fact that it was Vedas in Makkah gave the people of Medina the courage or the idea say forget you we're gonna also get rid of you so they revolted Makkah has it been a zubayr and so the tour now is gonna be done simultaneously and that enchilada will discuss next Thursday and the next Wednesday Sharla and there's no point in Q&A now because I want to finish the whole story and then - that's my fellow with that we will start for today and let's do something - I said I wanted her to lawyer but acacho you
Channel: Memphis Islamic Center (MIC)
Views: 63,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: islam, muslim, quran, koran, prophet, muhammad, yasir, qadhi
Id: KgsJ_bfkKNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 2sec (4622 seconds)
Published: Sat May 12 2018
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