Lives of Sahaba 57 - Sa'd Ibn Mu'ad & Sa'd Ibn 'Ubadah - Sh. Dr. Yasir Qadhi

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Milan hamdulillah salatu salam ala rasulillah ala aalihi wa sahbihi wa ni'ma bad so this today we're gonna continue a shallow each other and our lecture on the lives of the Sahaba and today we're gonna do two sahabi who are commonly confused together and who have very similar names and who have somewhat similar backgrounds and stories and these two Sahaba our number one sad even more odd and number two sad even ibadah sad even more odd and Sarah even Avada and the two of them are generally a lot of times they're confused between each other but insha'Allah after today's lecture everybody should be clear who is who so let's begin with sad eben wahad sahib in Marthe sadly been more earth was the leader of and both of these on song sir sorry odd was the leader of the oaths inside the bigger brother was leader of the Hazara that's why they're confused because they're both leaders of the oaths and the Khazraj so sad had been more earth was the leader of the oaths tribe now does anybody remember between the aus and khazraj which one was considered to be higher ranking or remembers anybody between the oaths and the Khazraj which one was the higher ranking in terms of jahaly customs the US was the higher ranking one so sad urban Mahad was the leader of the oaths tribe and when Mosab eben-emael came to Medina after the first Treaty of Aqaba most Habiba nomads began teaching to the people of Medina and Musa Berman right of course is a Mahajan we all know his story than he died in heard and whatnot Musab had been related he was preaching in Medina and one of the earliest converts in fact the first person to ever convert from Medina was somebody by the name of Assad Evans Arara asada dinger ara asada bezawada by the way he converted when the Prophet system was walking in Mena and he saw a group and he goes who are you they say we are from Medina from yesterday so Assad was in that group the initial batch that the process of spoke with and Assad then converts to Islam Muslim eben-emael comes and aside and Musab the both of them are then going in Medina and giving their hour to the people in Medina by the way Assad was he passed away in the first year of the Hegira and so there's no story we're gonna give I'll just mention I cited in zarada was the first convert of Medina and he was the first person to die in Medina after the hit of the prophecies erm so here is the first janazah ever prayed by the Prophet system there are no Genesis in Mecca he didn't pray janazah in Mecca because there was no political authority so the first janazah that the process ever prayed was for Assad even zarada and the first person therefore buried in bokya from the muslims was assad even zarada now we're not talking about Assad Assad his first cousin is sad urban wild we're talking about his cousin Society be Mahad is his cousin from his mother's side so they're not from the same sort of tribe but his mother's from the same that the two mothers are from the same tribe so Assad and salad are first cousins what happens Musab is preaching Islam I know there's too many eyes inside here there's Musab there's Assad they're sad don't get confused Mosab is the Macan mahadji Assad and Saud are from Medina so Assad and Musab are giving that to the people of Medina and they go tribe to tribe one day the two of them go to the tribe of Saud bin woth okay so they go to that area of Medina and they sit down and they start preaching to the people to convert to Islam news reached sad that these two guys are in our camp in our territory in our neighborhood and they're preaching Islam so sorry being the chieftain side being the leader he became very angry and he said what right do they have to come to our land and to our neighborhood and try to convert people to their faith why are these foolish people tried to convert our impressionable young misguide our women and he then told his best friend who said even her right he told his best friend who said look I can't go the guy's my cousin he's my first cousin I can't go and physically beat him up because that's gonna be awkward I want you to go and handle those two clear enough you go and handle them and say either get out or else we're going to beat you up or do worse so or say it went with his spear and with a very menacing you know gesture and whatnot he said to them why are you two here if you value your lives leave and this is coming from the chieftain from side Musab as you know is a very calm gentle sahabi Musab the one who the process them sent to give the hour to the people of yesterday Musab said very well if you want us to leave we'll leave but let us speak to you first at least listen to what we have to say if you like it good if not we'll leave and again this shows us the wisdom of Musab so say it sat down and he listened to he said this is a girl you have done fair fair enough I'm not gonna lose anything so he put his spear in the ground and he sat down he said okay go ahead what did you want me to hear and Musab gave him that way to Islam and lo and behold who saved converts who saved converts to Islam on the spot then he said how do I enter this new faith and mostly baby no way I said you have to do Hasan come back to us we'll teach you how to pray and you are now a Muslim so this is what was I did and then when you say it stood up to leave he said I'm gonna go back to a person and send him to you if he converts the whole tribe will convert I'm gonna go back and send a person the next guy that comes here if you manage to convert him the whole tribe of the Russia which is one of the tribes of the ants are going to convert so who say it goes back side sees him come back after half an hour 45 minutes however long it was sad cesium comes back and sad says this is not the same man that has left us and many times in the Sierra we hear this phrase that when somebody converts you can see the change on his face and if any of you have witnessed a conversion I firmly believe this to be true you see the nurul iman if you like you see the spiritual change that comes from the person who embraces Islam so sad says this will say it is not the same who say that left something has changed but he doesn't know what so to say he comes back says what happened so here who say it said something we don't know did he not know the rules of Islam or was he using a type of todya hidden message we don't know it appears what he said was not true or maybe it's a type of double meaning that we don't understand the story behind but Hussein says to sad oh don't worry I stopped them and they agreed to leave however on the way back I heard that the tribe of Bono Haditha that was a tribe that had problems with the tribe of Saud the tribe of Banu Haditha has sent some people to kill your cousin because they know he's your cousin and they want to get rid of him to get to you and this side became worried they're gonna attack my cousin now the love comes out they're gonna attack my cousin so he took his weapons and he rushed forth only to discover there is no attack and sad understood the only reason that I would have been told this is so that I listen to these guys so I understood that I've been tricked by my best friend he told me something that didn't seem to be the case and this made him even angrier now because when you're tricked you're not happy he's maybe even angrier and he threatened the both of them that they had better leave his territory his neighborhood or else he would physically deal with them and Musab in his gentle and charming manner said the same thing that look we agreed to leave but what do you lose by sitting down and listening to us nothing to lose if just be a gentleman just listen to us and then if you don't agree fine we will leave so sad calmed down and he listened to most I believe I made most I recited the Quran to the user most likely because that's what we know that he had memorized at the time and sad ends up converting as well subhanAllah so in one day you have two people that are mainstream in the unsolved they end up converting and he as well performs also it takes the Shahada and prays in front of them and then he goes back to his people and he says all my people what do you think of me amongst you so they said you are our leader and to say you do know you are our leader and we respect and admire and follow you so then sad said if that is the case then I swear by Allah I will not speak to any of you man woman or child until you embrace Islam it's emotional blackmail I'm not gonna do anything with any of you until you embrace Islam and for the next few days he continued to preach and talk about Islam and the message of Islam and he invited Muslim over to preach to his people until finally his entire tribe converted to Islam the burner shell which is one of the subscribers of the of the O's and it is said after sod converted and they say nobody's conversion was more blessed than the current version of sound after sods conversion there was not a household in the Arab because this is still yesterday was still not called Medina this is pre adora there is not a household in yesterday except that at least one person had embraced Islam because of the stature of sad sad was the most respected one of the most respected of the unsought and out of the people of yesterday and so his conversion generated the conversion of his entire sub tribe the burner Abdullah shale and in every household in yesterday some people converted at the conversion of sad and sad then also participated in the second Treaty of Aqaba because again this is now between the first and the second treaty Moosa was sent right Mosab was sent between the first and the second Treaty of Aqaba so this is taking place before the second treaty of Aqaba so then side goes and he witnesses he's one of those who attended the second treaty of Aqaba and he participated in better and sad was one of the main people who would be given the banner of the prophet sallallaahu who said him in many of the battles and in the battle of better the banner that was held by the unsolder was held by sad even murat so sad was the one who is essentially put in charge he's chosen by the process and to be representative or the leader of the unsought and in the Battle of Badr one of the most iconic conversations one of the most powerful conversations takes place between saad IBN mu'adh and the prophets of the law or aleyhi wa salem and that is when the prophet saw some discovers that there is no caravan rather it is the army of abu sufyan a thousand strong and it has three hundred camels and horses and an ant and he realizes they are not equipped to fight the army so he then says to the Sahaba what do you think we should do and Abu Bakr stands up and says go ahead yah rasullullah were behind you so the process and thanked him made - I said ok what do you guys think we should do same question homer stands up and says 'hey rasoolallah we're gonna follow you go ahead and do it the process them thanked him for the third time what do you think we should do I'll make that David understood up another Mahajan another mo Hodja and he gave a powerful answer a very strong what he thought maybe yes isn't good enough I need something more than a yes we're gonna father you he says ya Rasul Allah if you go here you go there we're gonna follow you through thick through thin so he gave a powerful answer and the process and thanked him made dua for him for a fourth time he said what do you think we should do people are confused what's going on how can you ask the same question four times then sorry figure it out and sad stood up and he said perhaps you're intending us ya rasoolallah any four times what is the point perhaps you mean osteon saw so then the process of said agile yes I meant to you I want to know your response remember why because one the unsought including Saud had agreed at the second day of Aqaba what was the condition of the second day of Aqaba the condition was we will fight you in defense we will not fight you in offense okay and buddy was not defensive but it was taking place you know it's two hours drive outside of medina right now if you go to brother right now in the car it'll take you two hours that's not defensive that's offensive they're not attacking Medina and the Ansar had not signed up for offensive warfare that's the key point now that the processor wants to know are you going to join or not and this also shows us the the sensitivities of the process of and fulfilling the contract like he knows what was promised and so he wants to get it from them are you gonna upgrade or not because I can't demand it of you that's not what you signed up for but you have to volunteer it you have to yourself be willing to add that condition okay and so while the prophet saw said yes I meant you then sadly been WOD spoke up on behalf of the unsought and that was where sir I gave those powerful words which are so beautiful in Arabic and basically essentially he said yet oh so the law we have believed in you we have followed you and we hear and we obey so from the hater America go forth wherever Allah is origin has commanded you for Allah he even if you take us into the ocean we will come charging behind you and if you do this we will do that and you will find this patient and you will find us faithful and you will find us hearing and obeying and perhaps a law will show you through us things that will make you happy so this was sad even more odd and when the profitsystem heard this the books of c-dimension he was happy beaming for joy so sad brought so much joy to our prophet salallahu alayhi wa send them and the prophecies and made to out for the unsought and because of this of course they decided to remain and fight against the the people of butter and what happened happened and so sadly bin wad played a very very crucial role on behalf of the unsought from upgrading the status of the unsolved for only defense to also offense and after this there was no need to ask us the unsought all signed up sir Saud represented the unsought and salallahu han then volunteered to upgrade and all of his people followed him and sad also participated in the Battle of or heard and one interesting thing that is mentioned about him that when the battle were finished and as we know there were seventy martyrs in ordered the the women of Medina they began wailing over their dead at this point in time it was not Haram and each subsection or each neighborhood the voices of the women were being raised up there was a certain type of poetry a certain wailing a certain thing decadence that would take place in their speech that would be known and one of the goals of wailing by the way in the days of jahiliya was to make sure that the memory of the dead is not forgotten it's like to boast about this as our guy who died it's a type of boast that just like in this country when a one of the military dies so the the family is given a special gold star and there's his name is inscribed in the 21-gun salute so there are things that are given buried in a special graveyard the you know the Virginia the Arlington Cemetery so there's honor that's given to the martyr in every single tradition and our tradition is no different now at this point in time one of the honors that was given to the jahaly Dead was singing or wailing a type of poetry or a type of you know a particular things that were that would be said and obviously the more powerful the poetry and the more woman singing and the louder it shows you how much they're proud of their dead right so the process of entered the city of Medina and every single place that they passed by they could hear the voices of the women and our prophet sala salam was sad and he said but hamza has no one to cry over him means we don't have the women you know you guys all of you have your women my uncle died and there's nobody that can come together and probably don't have the women of them well his family members that the likes of which you do and sad heard this one phrase and so sad went to the benoit that usher which is his tribe and even though they had suffered many casualties he gathered all the women and he took them to the house of the profitsystem and he made them sit outside and they all began to raise their voices composing poetry for hamza and this wall why he shows an amazing thing they have to ignore their dead and they have to now you know concentrate on hamza because of the love for the prophet salallahu alayhi wa salem so it was sans idea inside engineered it and when the processing came outside and he saw these women he was happy that people are remembering hamza and then allah revealed the commandment that there shall be no more willing so it is true to say the last person who was legitimately will Dover was Hamza ok it's true to say the last person that it was allowed to world over was Hamza after Hamza lavalava and Carlos you are not allowed to well over anybody and the next battle that takes place ad has his most famous role and his final role remember sadly been more eyes remember this is the mild one and is his final role and it is the most amazing role that he was to play and that is in the Battle of the trench the Battle of the trench Honda a his AB in the Battle of the trench sad even while so remember what happened in the Battle of the trench that as the Sahaba are camped spread thin outside of Medina the women and children are inside a fortress on top of a mountain and the Banu Cora Heba are inside the trench in their area and so the Quraysh are outside and the Confederates are outside 10,000 strong and inside the city around 800 of the Banu Qurayza have a treaty with the Muslims that were going to defend against any external attack right rumors began to spread that the Banu Qurayza and the Quraysh have achieved a secret treaty alliance and on a particular day the Banu Qurayza will break the covenant that they have with the processor and attack from inside even as the Quraysh attack from outside and that would have been the end that would have been the end so the profitsystem heard these news this news and he called both of the sides sadly been mahad inside they've been a bottom we're going to talk about in 20 minutes 50 minutes of show sadly been Morad and sadly Bennett oh brother why because sad even more ad with the meme was the leader of the guys which one house and the site even Avada was the leader of the COS Raj okay so these two were the senior most people in the US and the huzza Raj he called the both of them and he says go and verify and also because the oath the oath tribe had alliances with the burner forever from the days of jahiliyyah and the hajj tribe had alliances with the Banu nadir and the burnup a new path and they had both been expelled okay so the other tribes as remembered the so the last yahoodi tribe left was the burn the benefit over this was the last year hoody tribe left the other two have been expelled and before that in the days of Judea the oaths and the Bernal karela were the ones that were allies and they had treaties and they had selling and they were considered one group and the cousin Raj and the others were considered another group and the wars that took place were between us and the been a pariah on one side and the Hazara and the ban okay no car on the other side right so the oaths and the bow no karada are tight they have very strong connections and Saud had personal friendships with the leaders of the Bani Kaurava so the prophets uh son sent him along with habanero bada and they asked permission to speak untruths at this point in time to verify and in in war of course in these types of scenarios it is permissible to do that and so the both of them went and they were allowed admittance inside of the fortress of the vihuela and they began conversing about things of old and you know the memory is now coming back and the camaraderie and all of the stuff they did in the jahaly days and then one of them of these two remarks you know oh how I wish Islam had never come how I wish this man had never come amongst us you know this is now a time of war they need to verify or these an enemy or not the Banu karela so the burner pariah let down their guard and they as well began saying things about stuff for Allah Islam and the Prophet SAW sermon began hinting that things are gonna happen okay so they find out the two of them they discover that the venom koruba has in fact in actuality broken the Covenant so they go back to the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam and they tell him what has happened and allah describes this moment in the quran in surah al-ahzab that well brother got a horrible hannah jeera what is the beginning of the ayah where they've to Liam were who nanika know before this before this before this was the beginning of the anyway the point is that a describes the believers as being genuinely terrified and your your your hearts reached your throats your Pulu breached your energy like you were so terrified what Avenue Nabila he'll do noona you began thinking things even about allah subhanho wa taala who now they cover to lee al mu'minin this is where the believers were tested was rudely loses a lesson EDA the point is that a larger describes they were very very scared they're human beings in the end of the day and to find out that the Haresh are outside and the bono Carrel are inside and as it is the siege has dragged on as you know for one month right some say forty days most likely 2030 days it would dragged on water and food are coming to an end so clearly this was a very very difficult time and they found out that the man who horrible had in fact broken their oath and this is when sad made a special to out to Allah as we're gonna come to before before we get to the drop one more incident that was the cause of SADS death and that is that one day well sad even more i've visited his mother in that fortress in the we talked about that fortress and as he left I should have the allahu anhu looked at sad and he was dressed in an armor that only covered the chest area you know there's armors that only cover the chest and there's armors that cover the whole hands so i shadow the alarm on has said to the mother of sad how i wish your son would wear the full armor because i'm worried that he might get hurt somewhere and that fear became materialized that fear became materialized that during one of the minor skirmishes between the the azaab and the muslims one of the people by the name of urban area thought even Arika he threw a javelin or a spear and he cuts the major artery of the hand or the the the what are you gonna call this area the arm the upper arm like the major artery i don't know the names of the arteries but whatever it is the artery that could not they couldn't heal it they couldn't you know stitch it up so he threw the javelin straight into that and the blood just began to spurt out and even Erica cried out in joy and he said who dominica take this from me and I am the son of Erica even Erica and idea in Arabic means to sweat and so sad said that may Allah Azza WA JAL cause you to sweat in Jahannam right may allah azzawajal Arabic male la serda chorus what in Jahannam and sad was taken away and they attempted to cure the wound sigh admitted to out to allah subhanho wa taala and he says o allah if there shall be another war between us and the Quraysh then allow me to live if there's going to be another major battle I want to live because there's nothing more dear to me than to oppose and to fight those people who have harmed The Messenger of Allah but if this is the final battle and there won't be any other major battle then I ask you to cause me to die a Shaheed so he made this dua to allah subhana wa ta'ala that if there's going to be another major battle i want to live and if there's gonna be no more major battle this is the end the final one that caused me to die as a Shahid then he added one more phrase he goes but oh Allah let me see what's gonna happen to the Banu Kaurava first before I die and let me be happy at what will happen to them so sad was very hurt at the betrayal of his friends because they were his friends of the Banu or Allah so he makes a really bizarre Doha and he goes allow me to die Shaheed but give me some time before I die and subhanAllah that wound of his remained uncurable or incurable and it worse and worse and worse than but he didn't die for an entire month until the bun okura the issue was resolved and then he died we're gonna get to that issue but subhanAllah this door he made exactly what he made allah azza wajal gave him ok so the so the the the wound of salad was obviously very severe and he was taken back to the camp as you know allah azza wajal got rid of the from the miracle as you remember Allah mentions in the Quran he meant wasn't a Jew know them to janu delantero ha he sent an army you could not see and so Allah took care of the ahzab without the Muslims having to unchi the sword to fight them directly a laws army took care of the largest army ever gathered in the history of Arabia up until that point in time and when the battle finished so the prophets are ordered that sad even more odds be given a special not a hospital but a special care center in the message of the prophet salallahu alayhi wa seldom so that he could visit him on a daily basis and monitor his upkeep on a daily basis so sad even more odd then lived in the Prophet SAS and Masjid you know for the last few weeks of the Battle of Oz up until it is over and then when it became over the Prophet SAW said him then returned back and as you all know the famous story that he literally got home and he was about to take his armor off and what happened Gabriel himself came down and gibreel said if you want to take your armor off you should know the Angels have not taken their armor off until you deal with the bonobo a law we are not gonna take our armor off until we deal with the Banu Qurayza and our prophecies have made that famous command it was a lot of war and he came out again in his armor they came back after fajar from the battle so he didn't take his armor off he prays a lot to daughter wearing his armor and then he turned around and he said la salle in a Hadouken Isana in Lebanon Colorado none of you should pray also except in the Banu Qurayza and the burden for Allah was an hour and a half away now that's we talked about that when we talked about it the Sahaba took a while to get ready wear their armor again and then on the way there Margaret was about to come and they hadn't tried awesome so they got delayed basically and then the issue some of them prayed also some of them didn't pray it until they came there the point is that eventually on the same day they make their way to the Banu Qurayza they surround the Banu Qurayza and after a few days the Banu Florida agrees to a conditional surrender okay cuz the bow no Florida had their fortresses and they know they're not going to be able to last out too long so after a while they agreed to a surrender and they beg for a just judge meaning a stuff for Allah that they did not want the processor to judge the whole facility they did not want the process they said we'll find us another just judge and so the profitsystem said will you be happy with your ally your heli if the one that was in charge of you sad even one or you content to make sad your judge now there was nobody in Medina that would have been more beloved to them than sad the one person they could have hoped for is the one they had the strongest relationship with in the days of jahiliyya and that is sad and so they jumped for joy they say yes of course sad and they felt 'is that ok sad he would never do anything to us and again you all understand what is going on here these guys and the worst of times betrayed their trust in the most sensitive of times when the Muslims are perhaps the most terrified of what's going on at that point in time the Banu Qurayza agreed to cooperate with the barrage and to Massacre the Muslims at the weakest point after having pretended to be their allies for five years now at the very inopportune time they become traitors and renegades and they agree that they're gonna kill the Muslims and they even talked about who's gonna get which house and you know all of this they was gonna get which land they had already distributed all of this in their in their minds and whatnot and so they realized that the punishment is going to be severe but they said ok if it's gonna be sad at least he'll do something on our behalf so they became happy they said yes we have no problem with sad even wild excellent choice and we agree to surrender if Assad is going to be the one who judges us so the prophet saw some sent for sad even more odd and sad was literally on his last deathbed no they didn't know this but I mean he's weak he had to be carried on a stretcher placed on an animal on a donkey and you know helped to walk all the way there because he's very very sick and the blood has weakened him and whatnot and on the way there so the process is in the Banu Qurayza and sad is coming on the donkey so the of the Banu Qurayza ie the hypocrites the munafa kun okay the munafa kun Abdullah blue braveness saloon and all of them they are walking with sad trying to persuade him trying to convince him remember those days remember they used to do this with us I mean just be gentle and soft and you know I mean you don't have to be harsh now and it's a mistake they did it and and whatnot and eventually sad became irritated and frustrated and he said and then walked now is the time he's about to die now is the time that sad does not care about the criticism of the critic and he cares only about Allah and His Messenger meaning if there's any a time that I couldn't care less about humanity right now is gonna be now now is the time I couldn't care about what anybody's gonna say I have to do the deed that I believe is befitting or that Allah Azza WA JAL wants to do and so he came on the the donkey and even says that sad was a broad-shouldered strong looking handsome man and he came bandaged and whatnot and the profitsystem when he saw sad he said to the unsolved or morally say ye de come that's hadith is embody famous hadith kumuda say adikam stand up to greet your leader means show some respect he's come all this way and he is your leader so he called sad thus Elliot of the Ansar Paul Muni say he become so they stood up to greet sad even Mahad and the prophets as I'm said too sad that the Banu Qurayza have agreed to take you as the hakham as the judge to decide their fate about what should happen to them and he said Allah Azza WA JAL has chosen you meaning Allah is happy with you as a judge allah azza wajal has made you a judge over the very group that was your mola that you had a covenant with this is gonna be your judgement so sad look to the leaders of the Banu Qurayza and he said to them do you swear by Allah that you accept me as a judge and that you shall agree to my verdict and accept it whatever it is so the leader said yes we swear by Allah we happy for you as a judge and that's one side of the plaintiff the other side is rue the profits are seldom so he looks in that direction but he doesn't look at the processor and he says and this side as well without mentioning because it is not befitting that sad asks the profitsystem directly so you sing and this side 1/3 of an alpha the other side as well agrees and should look at the audit and he must already have been weak or whatnot but he looks down he doesn't look at the plasma say is the other side as well in agreement and the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said yes we are in agreement at your verdict so sad immediately gave his verdict that all of you know he said the adult males should be executed for betrayal for treason and treachery and the women and children and property will be divided as venema as booty so it was essentially the strictest verdict imaginable really you couldn't have been more strict than this and sad came to it basically without any coercion from any side it was his verdict and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom said well law he you have given the kaha and the decree of Allah that Allah had decreed from above the seven heavens this is the Kalevala this is the Kaaba of Allah and Allah a surgeon has basically allowed you to speak it and he then returned to his tent and the wound continued to worsen until he passed away a day or two after this so literally as his do hours that oh Allah if this is the final battle and it was the final battle because there is no major battle after this the conquest of Makkah was not a battle it was a conquest the processer marched in and there were some mini skirmishes there was no battle this was the final battle the Battle of azib and the between the Quraysh and the Prophet SAW serve and had made that door that o Allah if this be the final battle then let me die a Shaheed now but allow me to live until I see the manticore Allah and Allah allowed him to live until he saw the Banu Qurayza and what happened to them and then he passed away in the middle of the night even side mentioned is just an Assad that G&K to the Prophet SAW cedam woke him up in the middle of the night and he said ya muhammad who is this hobby of yours that has passed away right now for the doors of the heavens have opened up and the throne of allah has shaken because of him and of course Jubilee knows but it's a rhetorical question it's not like who is it it's like he's trying to explain the status or the Manzella of sad and the hadith is in Buhari and Muslim with tefik on a hadith that the prophets of the law of martyrdom said it tells our rahman the the our shovel law has trembled has shaken because of the mode of sowed because of the death of solid even wad so the throne of allah has trembled now our scholars say either it has trembled at the crime of killing him or it has trembled at the excitement of meeting him both are allowed in this right that either Dan in any case it is an honor for sad even Mahad and we do not know of any other Sahabi where this phrase has been used the throne of Allah it has allowed the throne of Allah has shaken at the death of sad even more earth and at the funeral some of them when a few home were carrying his his his body and as we said he was a huge man he was a strong physically fit man and one of them began to basically make disparaging remarks like oh this this funeral is this pyre this procession is so weak you know what happened to that strong man like made a disparaging remark and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom said that it is light because the angels are holding it not because you you're not even holding it the angels are carrying it and you are therefore feeling it to be so light and when the body of Saud was placed in the hover and this is one of those scary hadith that all of us should be on I ask Allah refuge for and it's also inside Behati in other books of famous books of hadith that the Prophet SAW some said subhanAllah when his body was lowered down and the the sand was put on he said subhanAllah so they said why are you saying subhanAllah he said Saturday been more Earth has experienced the bomb material covering and the dome metal cover is the constriction of the cover okay so pause here footnote we learned from our traditions that as soon as the body is placed in the cover even before the fifth net will cover the fitnah is moon current Nikhil okay the fitnah is moon current Nikhil coming and moon canonical coming is called the fit metal cover and the fitness bubble is the testing ok the examination and then after the fitnah you either have a macabre or a double cover we ask a lot to be amongst the name I'll cover we seek Allah's refuge from being dried up but before the fitna there's something called bond metal cover Bhama means the squeezing the squeezing and our prophecies just have had a long sad event wad has just finished the bomba the squeezing and if anybody were to have been made exempt from the squeezing it would have been sad even worth any person will be saved from the llama it would be sad even more odd but even Saud had to go through the squeezing as for the fitna the Shaheed doesn't have it so the fitna the Shaheed is bypassed there is no fitna for the Shaheed okay so the sheet automatically jumps to not even the name will cover the Shaheed goes straight up there the che doesn't even have Naima cover because the ROO have this Shaheed what happens we all know this what happens they comes into the body of a blessed bird and the bird is in Genda flying around so he doesn't even have name of puppet it goes straight up to gender now the point here is that the prophet saw Sodom is saying that this one or this squeezing took place decide and sad was the only person who would have been able to pass it if anybody had passed it but even he did not pass it and sad even when I passed away he died a Shaheed in the fifth year of the year of the Honda right and obviously because of this there are no hadith narrated by him because obviously he died middle Medina so what hadith is gonna be narrated by him that is you know it's not there is no hadith narrated by sad even more odd but he is mentioned by the Prophet system in one more hadith afterwards most likely in the seventh or the eighth year of the Hegira so three years after his death there's a beautiful hadith at is mentioned in certain Timothy and other books of hadith in which the the in which the processing was sent a very exotic and beautiful robe and in fact in the hadith it says it even had gold trimmings on it and this created a huge controversy amongst the FACA ha can men wear robes with gold trimmings and decorations a huge controversy and the hanafis had a position event aiming at a physician others are visiting besides them the point of this class now but it was a very beautiful robe so beautiful that when the process of stood up to give the Jota the Sahaba began filming it and looking at it like they were distracted because of the the robe it was luxurious garment and this shows us that the process him did not mind wearing something fancy but he never bought it by the way that's the process m8 the best of food if he got it he would the best of clothes if he got it but unlike us he didn't go out of his way to get it ok not that it's Haram but that's the perfection we go out of her way and we have good food and we have good clothing our process M did not go out of his way boy when it came to him he enjoyed it and in this case he worried this robe that the Sahaba began to feel it in the hood but can you imagine how beautiful it must have been is distracting them so much and they said well la he Maruyama thought we never have seen anything as luscious or beautiful as this and our profitsystem said attachable una mean had you are impressed with this for Allah he lemon do you know sad even while Phil Jenna Illuminata the handkerchief of Sahib in Mirage in Jannah is better than this entire garment and the handkerchief is a dirty cloth you know you use it for your dirt and whatnot so he's saying the least item that's and he mentions now the name of side even was the least item the side of in wahad has Anjana is much better than this garment that I have so this is the famous sad even more add all of you should remember the leader of the oath the one who judged with the Banu Qurayza and the one who passed away in the Battle of the Honda the one who people confuse him with is our next character our next person of the Sahaba sad even ibadah sad even arribada okay sad even Dada was the leader of the hostage Sahiban Mahad is leader of the ocean that's why people get confused sorry Badou bada was the leader of the huzzah Raj and he too embraced Islam at the same time Assad even wand which is in between the first and the second Treaty of al kaba and he too attends the second Treaty of Aqaba and Sahib in Radha has a few specialities he is the only one of the unsolder was tortured by the people of Makkah no other unsolder was tortured by the people of Makkah so Sahiban obadah was the only ansari who was captured and tortured by the people of mecca and the story i mentioned it many many years ago and we did the serie and that is that when the second Treaty of al kaba took place a few days later the chorus heard about it maybe the second day they heard about it that had taken place and they became incensed enraged how dare any people from yesterday make a treaty with the banu hashim with the prophets of Saddam and agreed to take him away it's a matter of honour for them so they marched out to minna to see who amongst the people of yesterday are left and they found only a few they found abdominal very saloon and then you Abdullah bin ube and he swore by Allah have no idea what's going on I don't know anything about this and he said his ridiculous statement I can assure you my people of yesterday would never have done this without asking me because I am their leader even though they had already done it and you know they didn't care about him so they let him go they trusted him then they found sad even ibadah and they kind of figure it out we don't know the exact details maybe they asked him what not they kind of figured out he was one of those who took that the treaty right so they captured him and tied him up and beat him and dragged him and they took him to Makkah and they began punching and beating him so that's why he's the only unsolder was persecuted by the people of Makkah because obviously how are the people of Medina going to be persecuted and they kept him there and they tortured him in their own way until finally somebody had sympathy and said to don't you have any friends in Makkah that can help you so he mentioned yes I had a few business dealings with Ferdinand Fernan so he mentioned some names so the guy went to his previous business partners and they came and he would have must have negotiated whatever and so they managed to free him and send him back to medina and so side they've invited even robada therefore becomes the only ansari who is tortured by the Quraysh and sodomy robada being the leader of the hostage was extremely wealthy and he would make dua to Allah to give him more wealth so that he could be generous and so sad even ibadah was one of the most generous of the has raj in fact he had a daily buffet every day he would have an area of his house that was meant for the poor people to eat from and whenever possible he would give them meat and fat because fat was something a delicacy they like to eat meat and fat and he was known for being very generous and people would come to his house at any time to be fed and a number of Sahaba said that whenever somebody has an extra food they would take one or two people from the hello sofa and sad eben Avada would take 80 people from the people of sofa he would feed 80 people from the people of sofa when he had food and that's why our professors have made a very special drop which is very rare to find it's there and it's halal and is allowed most Muslims don't realize this to send your Salah upon other than the Prophet SAW said okay it is permitted it is permissible okay along with suddenly Allah Muhammad yes of course but to say along with suddenly either somebody else it is allowed it's permissible and our prophet says I made it very rarely one of the people he did it for it's not even a bada and he did it because of the generosity of san fierro bada and of course his wife and his family will cook the food and so our Prophet SAW said that oh Allah send your son Awad and Yura Hamad upon the aisle the family of sad even ibadah because obviously him and his wife are you know together I mean he's doing the the the sacrificing she is doing the cooking whatever so he the processor made the not and Salaam to the family of sad even robada because of his generosity and so this door is being made and therefore allah azza wajal bless sad with even more wealth and his generosity was well known in the conquest of Makkah the prophecy system gave the banner of the unsorted side even ibadah sorry even Mahad is dead maca he's dead so who's gonna hold the banner of the un-- saw sad even ibadah and so this shows us that sad even ibadah has now become the de-facto leader of the unsought however it was taken away right before they entered Makkah what happened sighs even ibadah started versifying some poetry and he talked about finally wreaking vengeance on the Quraysh and Umar heard this and Omar said yah rasoolallah if the Quraysh hear him he's gonna die if the chorus hear that one of non karashi is saying this they won't care about anything he's gonna be killed so the process an agreed and so to protect Sahiban obadah he sent Ali instead and so the the banner was then given over to Ali as a protection for sad now that he's versified that we're gonna wreak vengeance on the Quraysh so he got a little bit overexcited and the Quraysh or the rumor felt that there's gonna be very dangerous if the haurache find out that he said this or they're gonna get their vengeance on him so he was replaced at the last minute with Adi it may be upon him after the battle of the conquest of Mecca the process and went obviously on Tabuk and her name and in the incident of her name the process of distributed as you know wealth left and right to the Bedouins and to the people of nudged and sad eben Avada asked permission to come into the tent of the prophet's asylum and he said ya rasool allah some of the unsought or feeling that you have given strangers and better winds and the people up north and you have given and given and given and the people who have fought with you and the people who have helped you and the people who have done this they have gotten nothing from you meaning us okay you haven't given anything to us and the process and said and what your opinion Oh sad how do you feel and sad said another gentleman call me I am one of my people meaning there's something that we are all feeling we cannot help it and subhanAllah and it's very difficult although he the lure of wealth is something that and this is a halal any you know intention that they have that they want to have a halal risk so the profitsystem said to sad call all of the unsolved in a tent and make sure there's nobody but the unsorted there so again he's put in charge of this task so sad even or bad that comes and he gathers the unsought and the profitsystem then gives a very very emotional lecture it's in the books I did it when I did the battle of hunayn and he said that if the if the answer to any road and all of mankind took another road I would go with the rodeo of the unsought and I am a person of the un-- solid and the unsolder from me and I am from the unsought and may Allah bless the unsought and the children of the unsought and the children of the children of the unsought and he said that the rest of the people are leaving with camels and gold and silver are you not happy to leave with the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa said to them and they all of them cried in the tent was weeping until every one of them said ralina bilirubin what with a stamp adenine what a so the Lahore said in Obion what a Sunnah so they were happy and content and the prophesies and solved this issue and the next time sad is mentioned is the very awkward incident which needs to be known and said and that is the death of the Prophet sallallahu aleyhi will sell them that when the process and passed away the unsought gathered together in the Sabitha of benissa Ada and the Safa was a place where the unsought had a large gathering and sad eben Avada was their leader at the time and talk began to put sad in charge of the entire community ok Khalifa to put sad in charge because he is the leader of the and this is Medina and the unsought are the people of Medina and so the perception was that side would be the next or not the next the first khalifa and somebody came running to a bakr and said you had better go better go to Benny the safer right now because the unsought have gathered under side even robada and abu bakr and umar and about away the Amida majora the three of them they walked to the sofia of benissa Rida and what happened happened as you all know that some back and forth took place and our Bakr and Umar wanted to speak up and umar said and I had my anger rushing up and Abu Bakr said to me stay quiet or I'll do the talking and he goes just out of respectable bucket I stayed quiet and low and behold everything that was in my mind al-bakr said it and better than me no buck I said it and better than me no anger whatnot and al-bakr praised the unsought and he said that the process some chose you and you are this and that but in the end of the day the profitsystem is from amongst us and no one will accept the leadership of the unsought amongst the arabs but they will accept the leadership of the Quraysh and so he said that you are other was that all but we are the Omar ah you are the helpers that was Eve you are the prime ministers you are the the helpers but the leaders have to be from the parish and this obviously caused some tension one of them said let's have two leaders one from us and one from you meaning sodomy robada will be one of our leaders and you can choose one of your leaders and no community can have two leaders okay and their voices began to be raised and that was when I would have no hot dog basically said that Hamas let us give the battle but of course I would look at her before that raised both of their hands and they said no we wouldn't have one leader one leader so Omar then said no Abu Bakr is our leader let's give back to him and so they all gave their they are to Abu Bakr so dip except for salad even robada sahadevan robada in all likelihood did not give the beta and there's an awkward phrase which again I'd rather you hear from me than from other people these are things that maybe for beginning classes we don't mention them but in these classes it's best that you hear it from me and we explain it so the high D is actually in Behati and it's an every book of hadith or every book of cearĂ¡ that when they walked out one of the unsolvable hot Bob but the cattle tomb sad even Roberta you have killed our leader saheba Nevada and the patella here doesn't mean you have physically killed him it means you've destroyed his career that's what it would mean okay like you have gotten rid of him and Umar responded rather it was Allah who killed Santa Nevada and again patella does not here mean kill now this is a very awkward phrasing what does it mean it was Allah who killed side Evander bada the commentators of hadith have tried their best to find a meaning that is something they like and the number of them have said different things one meaning is it is as it appears to be and that is the anger of from what and he's making do against sad that's one opinion that he is irritated at sad even ibadah for wanting to be the Emir when he understands that it's not logical or rational for a nun Saudi tivity the leader of the entire Aryan Peninsula especially given that we have Abu Bakr and others who have been with the process from the beginning so Oman is maybe justifiably very irritated and in his irritation he says a very harsh thing when somebody says to him you killed Omar he responds rather it said but do I like that may allah azzawajal get rid of sad this is one interpretation another interpretation is that this is a statement of fact that don't ascribe sides debt to me Allah will cause him to die when Allah calls it causes him to die so that's an easier way of trying to you know make it softer and it's a nice attempt but in reality it does seem to be the first me that's and this is again in the state of anger you say things and also given the circumstance and given the tension that would have been there and whatnot we can understand our mothers justifiable irritation and a little bit of a harsh wording comes out and it does appear that sad even ibadah was very hurt at what had happened and abu-bakr did not know what to do with SADS refusal to not give the bear and one of the advisors to Oba Carr said if you're going to harm or do something too sad then you're gonna have to harm his family if you harm his family you're gonna have to harm the other the hazard Roger if you're gonna harm the closet eyes they also get involved and why would you do that just let him be ignore him and he's just one man so that was the policy of a local of silk and satin robada does not appear to have participated in anything none of the battles now the conquest he just lived literally a just withdrawn life after this then rumor becomes the halifa and Omar is a restricted to nature and he demands that you know you're gonna have to give the oath and sad does not wish to do that and so Omar says in that case leave us go find another city to live in and so sad then leaves for another city and here is where one of the most bizarre twists in early books of history takes place one of the most bizarre incidents in the lives of the Sahaba and Allah knows if it's true or not sad even robada is called at illusion the one whom the jinn killed okay this is the title of Santa be Nevada and pretty much all the books of history mentioned this that he is the Patino jinn he is the one whom the jinn killed and Allah knows best if it's true or not but it is mentioned in pretty much all the books of early history even Abdul Bari and others they mentioned this events are than others they mentioned this that in the 14th year of the Hydra in the second year of rumors Halawa sad even robada dies mysteriously and even Abdullah dimensions the famous early scholar from under Ellis and he wrote a large compilation of the Sahaba one of the first books written about the the Vargas biographies of the Sahaba is by eben Abdullah at least the Alpha value fertile Azam and he writes in it that they found sad dead at the place where he would regularly bathe and they only knew that he had died in that bathing place when they heard a voice from the wilderness cry out but Ratan saya the hostage sad even robada what am I now bizarre mainly for the mayavada the voices crying out we have killed the leader of the huzza Raj sad even Avada and we threw a spear or two Spears into him and we did not miss his heart okay now there wasn't an actual spear but he was found dead and Mohammed had been sitting who is the famous stabbed berry but he didn't meet sad but you know he's at a very he's a student of Abu Hurairah he's a student of many of the great Sahaba Muhammad Amin see Dean said that it is said that sod was urinating while standing and he fell over and died the jinn having killed him at that time and it is said if inside mentions that when they found sad his skin had turned a greenish hue okay so he had a strange death now sheikh al albani he mentions the chains of the story are not authentic even though the story is narrated and much ruled in the books of history okay so the story is well known and is found in many books of early history but technically speaking there's no chain that is connected even see Dean did say this but Emma say Dean did not meet sod directly nonetheless even see Dean is a student of the Sahaba so there is a slight broken chain but nonetheless there seems to be something it's a very strange death inexplicable death and it is possible for the jinn to harm the people it is possible for the jinn to kill the people if they get irritated for some reason and so Allah so it knows best the truth nonetheless he died in in mysterious circumstances now the bizarre twist here as well which is totally untrue the non sunni sect okay they claim that a little hot bob assassinated saturday been abandoned and this is a part and parcel of their fake legends about Obachan oma because you know they don't like these two rhodiola they don't like them and so they have a whole long list of evil things that they have done okay and they make sad into a hero from hid from their perspective saad didn't want to give that they are too those will become rama and he was waiting for honey to come they made that make this twist which is completely I mean really there's no evidence for this whatsoever and so once that is the case now they then read in that a stuff for Allah I'm gonna go Saudi Allah from their perspective I'm only telling you this so that you are aware of the lie it is a complete vicious lie it has not a shred of evidence to it but like much of their version of history they have their theological biases that they then concoct a narrative of history that fits their agenda now sad eben robada he died in the fourteenth year of the Hegira so therefore he does have a few hadith we'll just do two or three of them because he did live a few years after the death of the prophets of the law already he was selling them so sad even robada he has 5660 he has literally nine hadith no seven hadith seven had just a small will just two three or four them so that you get an idea indeed is he did narrate honey honey that he has in the Muslim by Mohammed sad him in Rabat I said that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom said that no leader will come on the day of judgment except that his hands will be tied up and it is only his justice that will open his hands up and no one who will be taught the Quran and then having been forgotten it except that he will meet a la amputated or not full okay so if you forgot the hold on that you memorize this is a sin now some of the scholars say the hadith is slightly weak some say it is Hasan Lee lady he another hadith which is authentic cytometer body narrated that's the prophet sallallaahu hardly he was seldom was asked what are the blessings of jhamora so he said there are five blessings number one Adam was created number two Angemon number two Adam came down to this earth number three Adam died on that day number four there's not a single time sorry there's not a single person except that if he asks Allah one hour of that day anything as long as it is something that is permissible and doesn't break the ties of kinship except that Allah will give it to him and number five on Jumu'ah the day of judgment will take place and there's not a single angel in the heavens or earth except that he is scared of Jamaat because it might be the day of judgment so there's an authentic hadith about the blessings of Jamaat another hadith by Sahih bitter bada that the prophet sallallaahu is seldom passed by him he said yah rasool allah tell me the best charity and the profitsystem said is spelled ma give water to those who don't have water and similar hadith which is a beautiful hadith and pay attention to this it comes in handy for all of us who are trying to help out other people Saturday even her mother said my mother passed away so I said ya Rasul Allah my mother has passed away should I give charity on her behalf he said yes so I asked what charity is best he said Sequoyah tuna or sarcoma which is to build to dig a well and to you know give the well of the water to the poor so sad built many wells for the people of medina and they were still called the wells of the family of sad and there are some other hadith as well that are mentioned the of them is loving the unsought as a part of Iman and hating the unsought as a part of hypocrisy is the famous hadith like that also mentioned by side of in Arvada the point being sorry middle brother has just a few hadith and his death is a sad one and especially the the tensions that took place and this also shows us brothers and sisters and I've said this many times we talk about the Sahaba that here we have a Sahabi whom the process and prayed for and he used the word Solly and here we have a sahabi that dude throughout his life he was of the most respected and reputable Sahaba and after the death of the process of him minor issues took place between great Sahaba and it shows us that it is possible for good people to have disputes between them because clearly sad is a great so happy and the people that were on the other side were also great Sahaba no doubt one of them was greater than the other no doubt Oh Bakr and Umar Muhajiroun but sad is of the leader of the unsought and the processing gave him the ayah on the conquest of Mecca which is enough of an honor and the process and asked Allah to send his son and his Rama upon the family of sad and so many blessings our mention about side even robada yet still there was tension with regards to the politics of this world and this is the reality of human beings brothers and sisters doesn't matter how righteous and pious you are we are humans and they're going to be issues that take place especially between other humans that are not perfect and we ask Allah Azza WA JAL to overlook these mistakes that happen with me and you and with everybody and that allah azza wajal causes both of these groups to enter general which is going to happen for the Sahaba in fact much worse happened afterwards between Ali and Muhammad of the Aloha and I know the alarm in himself defended mahalia even though they were fighting each other and going to war with each other and ali radiya llahu on made throughout to allah and he said o allah make me and malawi amongst those whom you say one is that a mafia salute him in the women in f1 and other pseudonym which accompanied our Allah remove what is the hatred that we have in our hearts remove that hatred that we have and because Allah says in the Quran sorry the door ours make us amongst those people what does the Quran say the Quran says we removed their hatred when as I am officially Marilyn we remove the hill that was in their hearts and we made them equine brothers are assorted him with the company in this world they were fighting one another in this world they're enemies of one another in this world they're literally shedding blood the both of them in war and I don't know the Allahu and said o Allah make us amongst those people and inshallah it will happen because the both our Sahaba so if this is the case with the Sahaba that there is so much animosity and friction then subhanAllah how about me and you and how about other people we should understand this is the reality of humanity and we should make dua anytime this happens that we are always are the better of the two and that our hearts are pure of such animosity and malice and hatred and that even our worst enemies if they say the Kalima and they believe in Allah and His Messenger and they have hair that may allah azzawajal remove the animosity and the rancor of our hearts and caused us to enter jannah f1 and other sovereign motorcar bidding inshaallah with that we finish today's halakhah he is good good so the issue of memorizing the Quran and forgetting it the hadith and Timothy and most of them o Muhammad and others that whoever forgets the Quran it is a sin but all of these a hadith have slight weaknesses in their chain and so there's nothing authentic nonetheless our scholars say it is not befitting that somebody has memorized the Quran and then he forgets it out of laziness it's different if you forget it because of poor memory there are people their memory becomes poor as they become older and that's normal and natural but the one who forgets it because they don't do more job of it Imam and Noah says it is a Kabira your mama no way says is a major sin but there doesn't seem to you in any evidence for us a major sin rather there is no question that if Allah Yani has blessed you with the Quran that you should keep it up and memorize it and whatnot to the greatest extent possible but there does not seem to be an authentic hadith to this effect but there are life Haddie so keep that point in mind as for Assad a man or badas departure it does not appear to have caused any issue and this also demonstrates that the leadership of al-bakr and Omar was now solidified and the Unser understood and they had agreed to this right so it was simply a personal issue and again as I had mentioned you can have great Iman and taqwa and in one area have an HT had that falls short of that level of amana taqwa society been robada did it did not affect his iman he was still a righteous person his sada hozuki haslam is still the same but when it comes to these issues of politics he had a very very strong position and he had his HT hat and he acted upon that is jihad okay he went to Bora Bora not Basra south of Damascus yeah Syria or some say he went to the city next to her I forgot the name of it but he went basically to one of these newly conquered territories and just lived literally a year over there and then passed away because it was literally just moved up there it was court so this narration is found in the non-sena books in the Sunda books it is explicit that idea of the Aloha and made dua for mahalia that allah azzawajal makes him together in gender he wasn't happy with mahalia they didn't meet face to face since the thing started and there are tensions and there are phrases that are very but it is very explicit that Ali rhodiola want never said that maui is a non-muslim he never said that mahalia is an evil person so how then if you have read this yourself how then could the other thing be true it's a contradiction so it's not found in the classical Sunni sources go and look up the classical soon resources because you have to realize Wow II didn't I don't even know if we're gonna do his his his his history because it's a very detailed one and it's a very sensitive one and there are issues that are found even in our sources that are somewhat awkward but whatever is found we do not find any of the Sahaba accusing him of being not faithful to Islam especially the great Sahaba like Hollywood they were angry with him there's no question how could you not be when there's a war going on you know people are dying you know tens of thousands of Sahaba were killed how could you not be angry each one of them is angry at the other and yes more aware of the alone as well is very angry at Holly but to get to the level of excommunicating them from Jenna this did not happen and it is authentically narrated this issue and I have read the myself in Idol Sahab I think of my mother others I mean I'll have to look at her buddy mama but definitely has it in there that I mean of the Aloha is praising not praising what he's saying may Allah make us amongst those people in general how the time is late so each other we are stopped for today and see you guys next week in Charlotte for these lectures you
Channel: Memphis Islamic Center (MIC)
Views: 58,246
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Keywords: islam, muslim, quran, koran, prophet, muhammad, yasir, qadhi, memphis islamic center, dr. sh. yasir qadhi, lives of sahaba, lives of sahabah, companions, ashara mubasharra, khalifa, khulafa, sa'ad, saad
Id: 2JnHi9c5DwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 19sec (4399 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2017
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