LIVE with Pastor Troy Brewer and Rabbi Jason Sobel

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well hello friends blessing the peace on you Shalom shabbat shalom' everybody god bless you so much Troy Brewer coming at you strong and unafraid from third-stage ranch in big time Glen Rose Texas hashtag I ain't scared and coming at you in total defiance of the the corona virus that dares to have a crown on it that dares to have a crown upon its head I will not bend my knee to that I will not be afraid I'm gonna be the people that I'm gonna be the person that God has called me to be and we are gonna be the people that God has called us to be and I want to welcome you here today god bless you so much guys this is gonna be so much fun it's gonna be so much fun because I'm not on here all by myself let me get my hair tucked up in my hat looking a little bit crazy we've been cutting down trees out here at the ranch all day and doing some really hard work and I had to stop to talk to my friend in Los Angeles and we're we're just about to cut away to him but listen I want to ask you please be sure and like this piece please be sure and comment on it and then please be sure and share this that will make you a media missionary and guys there needs to be a word of hope there needs to be a word of the kingdom there needs to be a word of Jesus Christ is ruling and reigning and guys is the first of Nisan it's another one of the four or five or 26 Jewish new years that happen all throughout the year and we talked about four of them yesterday with with Paul Wilbur and we also referred to it the day before guys we're gonna do that again but not by myself not by myself now before I introduce my guest let me just tell you this we've had a huge breakthrough today y'all know that we're feet we feed about a hundred and thirty thousand people a year through the open door Food Bank and we haven't got any food in the past three weeks because everybody has bought everything that there is and all of our huge distribution centers have just not been giving but boom today so much stuff came in that we couldn't even contain it literally our cup is overflowing and we're we are fixing to put together all these incredible outreach we've already been visiting about 60 people a day just taking groceries to isolated elderly people and Lebanon people and we've also been discovering there's tons of houses that are just are in disarray we found a whole bunch of people that don't have air conditioning and you know what we're fixing all that we are just being the hands and feet of Jesus we're loving on people and encouraging people and I just want to encourage you listen this is not a year to be put in a box this is the year to go go go and we're gonna have to be creative in how we use the new wineskin to do that guys joining me today all the way from Los Angeles California what just happened here Wow from Los Angeles California I have my good buddy rabbi Jason Sabo how are you my friend Shalom how are you it's so good to be here with you then I really wish you were here in person bro it's not like being with you is have a good time we time man so you're out in Los Angeles absolutely right on it just craziness going on out here so hey everybody for for everybody that's watching and for everybody that will watch today is a very special day on the Hebrew calendar tell us about that yeah we've just entered into the new biblical month of Nisan and Nisan is is the first month of the Hebrew calendar and Nisan and Hebrew literally comes from the Hebrew word Ness which means miracle so this is a month of miracles this is a season of miracles Nisan could be translated miracle of miracles and and obviously it's significant for us because it's the time of the Mon he retained the time of our freedom it's the time when God brought Israel out of Egypt on the fourteenth day of the month of Nisan is the Passover and so we're coming into Passover season and obviously Passover takes on new meaning because that was the first shelter at-home scenario in the scriptures a divinely ordained you know it actually sometime it's called the angel of death and sometimes it's called the plague there you go right on so yeah so Passover is huge huge huge this year so yeah so I'm believing God for huge miracles I I've done this huge study you know you and I are always bantering back and forth between kind of the Hebrew version and the Gentile version of all this stuff right and what things that I recognize is that the Lord in the 1930s the Lord rose up a warrior in America called Eliot Ness to take on Al Capone it was called touchable and that has to do with Passover it has all that right there in the history yeah we're gonna have to I mean you need goes on that man I love it yeah and it's so interesting because I think this is really important for us to understand the season that the fact that Passover takes place on the 14th day of the month of Nisan we're just under two weeks out from that happening so it's a time preparation and the significance about 14 it's 14 in Hebrew is your Dollard it means Yad it means hand so literally God redeemed Israel with a mighty hand and with an outstretched arm on the fourteenth day of the month of Nisan and it's so interesting because it happens one month after another biblical holiday which is poram so poram the book of Esther happens on the fourteenth day of the month of Adar adorns the last month of the Hebrew calendar so 14th of Adar is is poram book of Esther 14th of Nisan one month later is Passover because they're the two hands of God Passover in the revealed hand of God poram is the hidden hand of God and the message of Purim is when you can't see the hand of God trust the heart of God so it's no coincidence that that I was in Israel I put him and that's when Corona really started to break out in Israel was during Purim which was really interesting that's when it became to be an issue so it was like God was revealing his hidden hand and testing people's hearts in the mists of it that's great that's a great stuff man that's great stuff I know that I know that you were with me at the 2020 conference on January the 20th the 20th day of the year 2020 you were with me right absolutely amazing time it really was amazing you are gonna be with me next year right yes you were one of the ones that gave a great prophetic word and when you gave your word one of the words that God gave you was you specifically said you cannot be put in a box this year God will not be put in a box and then you said tell everybody I want everybody to repeat after me I will not be boxed in this year do you remember that word absolutely yes absolutely why was you giving that word what was that all about what yeah yeah I mean well I think again I think God wants us to learn to live with the times in the seasons and when we come into alignment with the times and the seasons there's wisdom revelation and blessing that is released part of understanding the times and the seasons is understanding the Hebrew calendar and and that is so significant because the Hebrew calendar is woven into the fabric of creation itself so we've entered into the year 57 80 on the Hebrew calendar Hebrews alpha-numeric the letter that represents 80 in Hebrew is the letter of the pay and the word Passover begins with the letter pay the word Pharaoh the one who tried to enslave the Jewish people begins with the letter pay God spoke to Moses and told him to use his pay to speak to Pharaoh and say let my people go and he was 80 years old which is the letter of the pei-pei as literally means mouth in Hebrew so mouths and 80 are the same Moses at 80 when God says use your mouth and and then the word page on Redemption has a number 80 so everything around the Passover is connected to the letter pay and the word for breakthrough begins with the letter paper aughts and so God just spoke to Mary clearly that this is a time for his people to come out of Egypt to not remain boxed in to not be put in a place of confinement wants us to God wants us to break out so that was that worth kind of where that came from what a really cool prophetic word yeah what edible timing listen I want to I want to describe you a chef I just think I think we need to make it everyone needs a meeting to make that declaration right now with everyone yet what's doing we just declare right now in the name of Yeshua in the name of Jesus I am coming out of Egypt say with me I and coming out of Egypt I am NOT gonna be boxed in be limited or confined I'm not but I am breaking through I am coming out of Egypt and I will see my miracles in the name of the Lord Amen amen amen amen and listen on her mind everybody that's partnering with me you can see these things for free all of our videos and all that which is my free gift to you because you guys dare to partner with me at Troy Brewer calm or you can call eight seven seven four one three zero eight eight eight if you'd like a copy of Rabbi Jason or Chuck Pierce or me or Robert Henderson or our gosh patricia king jamie galloway all of those men they're all on there and you can get up through digital download or you get a CD or DVD or however that works or you can just call eight seven seven four one three zero eight eight eight listen you need to have your word for the year and god already gave us the word before we even knew this was going to happen God already gave us the word so praise the name of King Jesus I know that your your are the only guy that I know rabbi Jason that is a crazier numbers guy than I am because I'm on numbers and it's one of the it's one of the biggest criticisms and one of the highest things that people like about me is just love how God speaks through numerical values and you have actually looked up as I have the numbers that have to do with coronavirus tell me about the gematria or the numerical value of those kinds of words yeah it's really interesting there's a few ways to look at it I mean the word for corona and hebrew actually has a numerical value of 367 is the numerical value of the word corona now the real there's a number of reasons why this is really significant but one reason why this is significant because there is a commandment one of the cert one of the seven universal commandments given to Noah it's it's call it says you will not eat of the flesh of a living creature okay in Hebrew that phrase how habberman the highe has a has a numerical value of 367 right what goes back to Noah is connected to Deuteronomy 12 23 that says you shall not eat the life with the flesh okay that goes back to Noah that phrase has a numerical value of 367 and obviously the significance of that is that it's believed Korona originated in a wet market in China so that the eating the flesh of a living creature in a creature that was prepared or are still alive when it was consumed is what actually breaking that commandment is actually what led to the spread of the coronavirus good goodly which is which is which is obviously very very very very significant and so there's there's a lot there in that number 360 367 that connects with a coronavirus it actually connects talking about the first of the month of Nisan there's actually a commentary by a famous Jewish commentator named rocky talking about the eating of the Passover lamb and he says in his he says in his commentary he says you will not eat of the Passover half-done flesh that is not roasted as it should be is called Corona in the Arabic language so Rashi is talking of on the hebrew phrase for uncooked meat there you will call it uncooked na in arabic is basically the sounds very similar to the word corona and it connects to the passover connects to uncooked meat of the passover so it's just which connects into the season which is just which is just something amazing that is stupid cool man that is so a word from the lord and it's just amazing how how all of this is all basic you'll the answer to all this is passover the answer to all this is the blood of the lamb that is the answer it is because because fighting corona is not just going to be we're not going to just win the battle on a scientific level we need to win the battle on a spiritual level as well because God creates heaven and earth and so it can never be just a one pronged approach it has to be a two-sided approach a physical and a spiritual a cure to what is going on in the world because we're not physical beings having a spiritual experience we're spiritual beings having a physical experience so the other interesting thing there that I think ties into this not only is Hebrew alphanumeric but Greek is alphanumeric as well and so the word so there's it says this in Matthew 21 21 it says yushua jesus answered them and said amen I tell you if you have faith and do not doubt not only will you do what I do with this fake tree but even if you say to this mountain be taken up and cast into the sea it will happen whatever you ask in prayer trusting you shall receive the word forecast or throw in the Greek belief 8a has a numerical value of 367 and as I was thinking about this or the word so the word forecast so the point was that we need we need to have the faith to believe say I believe that God's people are not operating on the Passover level of faith okay the miracle the miracle level of faith the miracle level of dave has trust and does not doubt and has the faith to cast down things that are not of God so we need to take authority over the coronavirus we need to pray against the coronavirus and we need to have the faith like Israel did to battle it in prayer and declaration I just wanted to clear right now like the blood on the doorpost of the houses of Egypt the corona viral not enter your home it will not your life we're applying right now the blood of the greater Lamb the Messiah to our doorpost of our house in the spirit and we say the coronavirus will not enter in and West's faith and we're gonna stand on that we're gonna make that declaration and it's gonna leave our nation whenever we looked it up Jason we looked it up in English and we looked up in Greek and it had the number the number the gamma tria or the alpha numeric that goes with it and English or in Greek I'm sorry that I don't remember but it was actually 1303 hmm 1 it was 1303 what is that it is 13 times 3 it's 39 it's the stripes that King Jesus Yeshua HaMashiach had on his back by his stripes we are healed actually in the name in the name itself is the number that indicates where the healing comes from it comes from a blood of King Jesus absolutely and to go along with that so enough so so injures were in the decade of the mouth right yes this power in the pay say that was theirs top in the pay for the mouth right and so where the month of Nissan Nissan is all about the mouth is telling the Passover story what God did for our ancestors because what he did for them is what he wants to do for us okay Moses his sister is upset at Moses Moses and complains against Moses gossips against Moses saying he's married a cush light wife and who does he think he is is he think he's better than us numbers chapter 12 and God Mirian because of the words that come out of her mouth with leprosy okay in her and in her and and in her arm you know if she begins to wither right and then Moses cries out to her el na Griffin Allah in Hebrew the phrase rafin Allah please heal her has a numerical value of guess what 367 so on the warm and there's Corona 367 that wants to kill us back the enemy but on the other hand the word for no hurt is 367 because they're they're three hundreds that God brings the heal he had the healing even before the sickness came about into the world 367 in Greek is the numerical value for your schewe goes into the synagogue and there's a man with the withered hand okay withered as a numerical value of 367 because literally Corona wants the card people's lungs to wither corona of the enemy wants to cause people's finances to wither we work there right their hand their work to wither right their lives our relationships to wither but here's the good news Shula is the great physician he's the great healer he walks in touches that three like withered hand 367 and it's completely healed so I'm just declaring right now that that I declare healing right now that your finances are not going to wither that your health is not going to wither okay that our economy is not gonna wither that your relationships are not going to wither but your finances your family your health our nation Israel is gonna be restored and strengthened like Yeshua did when he touched that man's hand on the Sabbath and he was healed and he was made whole and again but Troy this is my concern yeah my concern and I felt this is what the Lord said to me I felt like the Lord said he's urghhh has been like the withered hand because there's too many people not operating in the wisdom and power of God that had the faith to go out there and to pray for the sick and and to do the greater things than these if we're gonna be a scared sure a church scared believers we're like that withered hand we're not gonna do anyone any good God does not want his people he does not want anything to be weird he wants to strengthen us with power it is absolutely a ridiculous idea that the body of King Jesus should go into hiding right now this is a time for step up for us to step out and you know this you know our tribe this is what we've always done you know we have leprosy colonies we we actually have thirteen leprosy colonies in India and so much so I've been in so many leprosy villages and actually hugged and loved on leprosy people that every time I play guitar and my foot goes numb I think oh no there it is yeah with that said for us to bill right now I want to tell you what that is it's an unjust balance and it's an abomination to the Lord we have to step up we have to be the spirit of living God people that lay hands on people and see people healed of their sickness we have to be that yeah God brought in that sages God brought Israel out of Egypt not with a withered arm with a mighty hand with an outstretched arm we're called his arms and hands in this world and we have to be the strong hand of the Lord in people's lives a rabbi Jason we are entering into the Sabbath here and I don't have a lot of time left and so I got to get you talking about the Sabbath you actually provoked me a couple of years ago to start having my own wheat you know of course we're all Hillbillies over here and we all just call it shabbat shalom and all my grandkids are like papa are we having shabbat shalom yes we are we are and all my family's coming over tonight we we actually light the candle and we have shabbat shalom and we you're the one that actually provoked me to start to start keeping that what can you tell us about entering into Sabbath with with real intentional because what's real is the whole land has been caused to rest right now and this is a year of rest it is a year of trusting instead of trying and we have to enter into that what do you have to say about that yeah I think it's really significant because I think that it again it's it's very interesting let's tie it back to the numbers real quick it's stay on here and then we'll go into but so there's two main Commandments in the Bible at regards of the Shabbat it's suhoor remember and ksham or keep the Shabbat and those two Hebrew words that have four two letters in common and two letters not in common when you add up the two letters of each of those two words that are not in common those four letters equal 367 the numerical value of Corona the point being is that rest in Sabbath is one of the keys to fighting Corona because it says it says it says God says it says on the seventh day Exodus 32 17 God rested and was refreshed and Hebrew says Shevat vageena Fache the word Vienna Fache literally can mean doesn't mean rested it literally comes with word nephesh which means soul it means God rested and was resold so the Sabbath is meant to resole us not sol e but sul us okay six days or you know we're under the pressures of work and under the tyranny of of of space and of the urgent and Shabbat is is the time when we take a rest and remember the goodness of creation and the goodness of redemption and it's it transforms us it changes us it resold us it renews us it restores us and when we can't take a Sabbath we're still a slave in Egypt we're still being boxed in come on so good with I can tell you that my and you know you and I have only discussed discuss this I don't have any Jewish blood in me or heritage in me at all except for you know the Covenant praise God I always say the only Jew that I've got in me is King Jesus right I've looked for it I just knew it would spike but now there's nothing there so I say that this has not been a part of my tradition it hasn't been a part of where I come from but I recognize it as Kingdom and as soon as my family started saying we are gonna get together and we are going to start keeping the Shabbat our entire family dynamic changed and the hand of God rested upon us and a lot of a lot of relational things that we've really struggled with was no longer a struggle I I mean you know every family's got stuff we all got stuff but the Spirit of God just literally changed the dynamic of our family and how we relate to each other by the simple institution of on Friday nights that doesn't belong to anybody else it belongs to us and King Jesus and we're gonna do this thing yeah well I mean again I think what look there's a Jewish flaw one of the keys there's a Jewish philosopher this is not that the Jewish people have kept the Sabbath but this but but the Sabbath has kept the Jewish people Shabbat has kept the Jewish people one of the secrets of the success of the Jewish people the reason why we've flourished even in the midst of trials and persecutions one of the reason is is because of the Sabbath and because the purpose of creation of a Sabbath reminds us of the purpose of redemption which Sabbath points to is connection and blessing so the heart of Shabbat is about connecting with God it's about connecting with your family it's about connecting with friends and when you come into that place of connection the a greater measure of God's presence and provision and blessing is released in your life and so at the heart of Shabbat is connection through honoring blessing so you honor and bless God you honor and bless your children you honor and bless your wife you speak words of life and destiny you speak honor and blessing over each other it's like a mini communion when you bless the bread and the wine and you take that together as a family it's literally a mini Passover every Shabbat is a mini Passover and so there's nothing so significant I mean I've taken all sorts of leaders to Israel like my friend Sean Bulls and and and my friend Michael Miller from the Upper Room and these guys have gone back and started to in different ways to incorporate Sabbath into their family because it's they see it revolutionising their lives and their families and so you know we actually have a resource for that on our website we have a Sabbath supper club guide where it has all of the prayers people can digitally download as all the prayers and the blessings everything you need to do to do with your family it's really special where can they find that at brother yeah if they go to Fusion global org under under the store there there's a sadness supper club guide and you can just you can download or we can send you a hard copy whatever you know whatever people feel comfortable with Fusion global org tab honey what you put that on there for me please ma'am all right well listen I want to just ask you when you please pray for us will you please bless us will you please just share your heart and just go after Jesus for all of us please sir yeah well yeah just Lord I just want to thank you for everyone that is on this phone everyone who's listening live or we'll be listening to this recording I just declare over you right now that this is the time of breakthrough this is a season to come out of Egypt not to be refined not to be constricted not to be restricted I declare that God wants you to expand he wants you to go forward he wants you to be his hand he wants to demonstrate his love through you he wants to demonstrate his power through you he wants to demonstrate his Shalom through you his peace that surpasses all understanding I just declare you seem Shalom to rob rah and the hiset Arase mean that he should establish over you peace mercy goodness and kindness in the name of SAR Shalom the Prince of Peace that there is that that there is a blessing on your life that that that there is a that the presence of God is going to come and encounter you I speak over you divine wrath divine refreshment divine renewal that God should bring order out of chaos you should bring life out of death in this month of miracles you should see miracles occur like in this month where God parted the Red Sea that you should see sees part before you just have faith and speak to that see commanded to open take this that you should have the faith to take step out in faith the step into the water to believe God that it should be time for you to step out of the old and into the new he's washing the pass away you're a new creation in Haman and Messiah so I speak that Nissan blessing over you I speak that new creation transformation blessing over you now in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach in the name of Yeshua Jesus our Messiah that not one hair on your head not one member of your family not one extended family should be harmed by this coronavirus I pray the blood of the greater Passover lamb Yeshua the Messiah on you I say teach life foolish lemon I shall mine Rifat the nefesh water goof that God has done a complete healing now in the name of Yeshua our Messiah amen hallelujah all right listen I'm gonna pray for you and I want to ask everybody that's watching there's there's some 700 people that are on live right now and that's just one platform and we have a lot of platforms up and so guys if everybody wherever you're at all over the world I'd know that that I know that I know that my friends in South Africa are watching right now and I literally have friends all over the world let's all pray for Rabbi Jason so well father god I lift up my good friend I lift up my brother and I love him so much and I just declare in the name of King Jesus of Psalms 91 hedge of protection around him and he is in the name King Jesus thank you God for prospering the works of his hands in the words of his mouth I declare this a time of encounter supernatural encounter in the name of King Jesus and also I just declared the vine connection and relationship over him and all God that he puts his hand to do god that there would be a tremendous harvest through my brother through his testimony and through his ministry and I praise You Lord God and I thank you for rabbi Jason Sabo in Jesus name Amen hey brother I just want to share one more thing as we talk about Shabbat something that might be a blessing to everyone every week we publish it's free resource it's called a deeper journey torah a guide and we walk people through their weekly readings even since the days of before the days of jesus they were reading through the five books of moses we connect the old and the new we also have a section called by the numbers so every week we go through by the numbers and we kind of make that connection for people so it's on the website people can check it out their stuff on Passover whatever people need we're happy to share listen I want to I'll say this to you Jason let everybody here hear me say this everybody's I I hear all the time people like where do you learn this stuff out what are you and you know what you are a huge resource to me the stuff that you put out is a huge resources so life-giving to me man and I just want to I want to say that to everybody I'm the people that I'm bringing on here these are my friends these are all the people that I do life in ministry with and I cannot recommend you plug it into this brother stuff enough rabbi Jason you and I have talked about at some point this year we're looking at actually doing a numbers conference we bringing the Jew and the Gentile version of those things and together and I can't wait to do that with you man I cannot wait to do that more love to and I just hear man of there's a lot of teachers out there but you know for sure my favorite man I just love bringing and I love how you bring it and this does not you know I love listening to your teaching and the wisdom and revelation and just the heart of the father that you demonstrate with it all is amazing thank you sir thank you so much Jason I love you man I can't wait to see a Texas tune and praying for you and praise God for you thank you so much man for joining us live low watch alone my good friend bye-bye okay so guys there you have it rabbi Jason Sobel extraordinaire all the way from City of Angels right on encourage you guys to look him up and he is such a treasure to the body of Jesus he is such a treasure and again if you haven't been plugged in him man I really do encourage you to do that I started crying he's praying for ya baby I look guys I stole a Anna's glasses so I can see ya hey I see the Deborah Ann has saying bless you both mighty men of God continue to leave us thank you so much but I love you I'm seeing all these people that are writing all this stuff Ida how are you sweet friend can't wait for the numbers conference yay and we will do that later on this year Benjamin and my buddy from California how are you Ben should he love you man love you love you love you I love your family praise God for you hope that you guys are doing well in the far south earn of the far southern part of California overcoming victory who's always on here thank you so much pastor Troy for wonderful gifts that you bring listen we're gonna continue to do this I'm gonna do a lot more next week including Wednesday Thursday and Friday I'm doing a live conference with destiny image so they've invited me to be a part of that I will be giving you all of that information in fact I think we even have something oh I know what it is I am yeah there sees the prophetic moment online conference April an eighth ninth in 10th and then that's gonna be from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. and then I'm also going to be doing an online conference myself on supernatural sanity that's right guys I'm doing that next week supernatural sanity freedom from fear anxiety and depression it's free it's online and it's gonna happen on let's see here win ste and then it's gonna go through April the 3rd which is Friday and then guides we I have a brand new book that's coming out here what's up in the next month by the way so does rabbi Jason so cool y'all just heard him I said well at least we're not Vin Diesel and we didn't have to come out with a movie this week you know he finally came into the Marvel universe and and boom yeah nobody's allowed to go to the movies but we do have books coming out and I am doing a reboot of my book Soul invasion and I have a whole new section that is on supernatural sanity so we're gonna be going through that this week you're gonna love it hey listen thank you so much for standing with me thank you for your partnership I know that you guys are praying for me and standing with me as we're feeding so many people and fixing up their homes while we're out there we're coming across so many people who just need the body of Jesus to step up we're talking about a lot of isolated elderly people I work all over the world is continuing friends we were supporting all of our orphans and all of our because more than 2,000 girls that we've saved out of sexual trafficking in the past two years yeah and all of their babies more than more than 6,000 babies with the two thousand girls and that's where we're not slowing that down in any way whatsoever I do say that King Jesus has put a halt on sexual trafficking throughout the world right now and he's it's cracking me up all the borders are shut down and slavery is God's like now I think we'll just I think we'll just put a pause on slavery right now thank you Jesus for doing that thank you Lord God of money so guys thank you so much for partnering with me for standing with me don't forget that I have a whole room full of people that are standing by eight seven seven four one two three zero eight eight eight to pray with you and to love on you friends love you so much shabbat shalom to you I call you the head and not the tail above and not beneath and highly favored of the Lord blessing a piece on you don't forget to share this everybody bye-bye y'all and broadcast boom okay
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 8,653
Rating: 4.9465876 out of 5
Id: pE6O1h5cXOA
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Length: 37min 20sec (2240 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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