LIVE: Testing various CPU coolers 2021

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hello everybody welcome to my latest live broadcast today is friday it's may the 7th 2021. my name is carrie holzman and don't you hate it when your computer gets pop-ups i got a real problem with this machine over here with the pop-ups right oh it's really good oh okay so we're gonna struggle a little bit with the internet connection here what's been delaying us is getting a decent connection and i'm gonna work on that but i thought we'd go live for those of you waiting thank you guys so much for hanging out uh it's chat room it's friday but it's not a freaky friday build it's a just a regular friday they need to be able to see you a little bit yeah come over this way get guess what shirt i'm wearing no it's not toto it's lead yeah led zeppelin all right i am gonna try changing connections bear with me here for a second guys see what happens standby okay let's see if this works for us any better and uh thank you to the contributors what have we missed it looks like well we've got a few contributions peter laycock kicks us off with a 50 pound contribution thank you so much peter he says good evening carrie and mitch and everyone in the chat from bonnie scotland hey peter i received your email today i'll i will respond to you um as soon as time permits thank you so much for your continued support you think you think the weather would be good in may and scotland in may i mean i have a temperature there we could look it up depends where he is in scotland yeah rick lakes contributes 20 thank you so much rick and tony walla with 2.99 and uh just now planet cryos with a two dollar contribution and all those edits uh planet crafts yeah he's getting better each one that's funny how that works yeah so today uh you know typically mitch and i we do these uh weird builds but not today we like to do some unusual computer cases and unusual computer builds and we do have two more see if i can tell you what the schedule is we've got uh we're going to test coolers today because i'm really concerned about those intermax coolers performance that we did on last friday just just wasn't doing it yeah i just expect a liquid cooler to do better but i just need to know is it the machine is the bios you know pushing too much voltage to the chip or is the cooler in fact underperforming so we're going to run some cooler tests today next week we're going to have an unusual build in the week after that another unusual build and in the week after that the next three weeks mitch will be gone yes but then uh in sp i'll be here in spirit so what to tell you thomas backing stone with 20 says hello friends hey thomas good to see you thank you so much for your continued support um no but uh do i have a body yeah we have to figure out a way to do this anyway um i just look like a head back here i just want to say that uh i'm working on a bunch of things here for you guys that i'm really really excited to be able to hopefully be able to make you some great offers from uh products and services that i'm that i use in my real business and then i'm going to recommend to you guys now although i was going to kick this off yesterday the time didn't well i made a video yesterday but it turns out the i was on the wrong camera the whole time so i have to completely reshoot it it's only like a five minute video and it's just basically letting you know that if you're looking for another deal with roboform we are kicking it off officially right now but i will make a dedicated video for it robiform is a password manager if you don't know what a password manager is uh do you know the phone book in your in your on your phone when you want to dial somebody's name you just look up their name it's not the 70s or the 80s or the 90s anymore you don't have to remember people's phone numbers in fact i don't i don't even know your number at all i just tell my phone but it's called the total man and it does anyway when you're still trying to remember all your passwords that's like trying to remember phone numbers you don't have to live in this night this is the 20th century isn't the 19th it's the 20th century right anyway you don't have to live in the 1900s anymore there's no reason for it a password manager is essentially like a phone book is to your contacts on your phone it can uh help you to manage all those passwords remember all those passwords and if you're one of those people it's like i just use the same password everywhere don't do it yeah here's the problem let's say you use the same password everywhere or in multiple places and it's a good strong password and you you're doing a good job but unfortunately the company you're logging into has a crappy it staff or crappy management or just simply made a mistake and now the hackers have your email address password that you use for that site it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to just be able to go and try your email address password that they just pulled from this one site into other popular websites see what works so even though you did nothing wrong and you had a good secure password and you kept it to yourself the company you logged into dropped the phone right it's just like a credit card like you could be very careful with your credit card but then the bank gets hacked and they the hackers steal the credit card info and start making charges on your card or you used your credit card to make a purchase from a website and that website got packed and they stole right this has happened to what tj maxx and wendy's you know depot and i mean the list goes on and on and on and on and on even though you did nothing wrong i hope you're getting a picture of what i'm telling you so roboform is look let me just let me just let me show the folks real quick do you think it's more important mitch uh what would you say is more important what you know or who you what you know exactly because i i know you and that's not saying a whole heck of them well let me ask a question do you think okay let me let me let's put it under a different space okay would you say some people are luckier than others or some people there i would say that they're luckier than others what they know has to do with their luck or who they know has to do their luck um who they know yeah because we've seen a lot of uh actors whose parents are in hollywood right maybe not as actors but they could be working screenwriter i mean sigourney weaver yeah keeper sutherland clint eastwood michael douglas and on and on and on because of who they know no that doesn't take away from the fact that their actors you know nicholas cage changed his name because he didn't want that he wanted to earn it but he still got the door opened because of his yeah it was family so that becomes who you know but you still have to come to the table with talent which rules you well but but let's see if i can turn window capture can we bring the window up yeah okay so if i go up here and and i'm going to just demonstrate this so let's say you know about roboform you know what a password manager is you know how valuable it is and because you know you go to roboform i probably have to spell it roboform instead of robofrom yeah that's pretty important see shows you what i don't know actually in all fairness it's just a blur to my eyes right now so robo form is how you spell that and you say okay uh you can get it for free and you can try it or use the limits within the free version but you want the personal version let's say and you're gonna buy so you buy what's called roboform everywhere and that allows you to have unlimited installations of roboform on as many devices as you want for your single account so you click buy a license and you are going to pay oh it took me two i i made a mistake again one of many all right let me see if i can do this without without the coupon code outline that's robo form that's robo from our form for forum gosh darn it and it's downloading now which is eating into my bandwidth personal buy everywhere is it going to take me to the coupon page buy a license so it's remembering my cash settings okay this is normally 23.99 and you don't know me right see what i'm getting at yeah so you know to get roboform but you don't know me right but because you know me this is the way this is this happened because i filmed this last night and i didn't get any of the screen capture so we'll go to but this time because you know me you type in the word you know forward slash carry and it's going to just take you right yeah i did it again i did that again stop using those 10 thumbs all right all right get this deal right special offer right a special offer from roboform for kerry holtzman viewers get 50 off the new robo everywhere subscriptions just 11.90 a year i went to arby's for lunch it cost me 12 and a half dollars that lunch isn't going to last me all year it might have felt like it cost that much for the kitty meal yeah i don't know okay okay so let's turn that screen now you can buy up to a five-year subscription at 11.90 a year if you're already a robotworm subscriber you can extend your subscription to a maximum five-year subscription if you have three years now you can buy two more years okay if you have four years now you can buy you see what i'm saying if you have five years now that's it you've topped it off now um that's what i bought the last time special yeah you may have to reach out to roboform uh directly for the renewals at that price if you're a new customer of course you'll have no problem 11.99 less than a dollar a month yeah for peace of mind and they've been around for over two decades and they've never had a yeah they don't store your passwords on your site and believe me yeah they do store it but it's encrypted even they can't give you like if you forget you have to remember your rogue one one password make it a good one because if anybody cracks that password you know don't make it one two three or four five don't make it something simple and then because if they hack that then they can have it and don't make it i love carrie holtzman because that's his best but but i'll tell you i was fighting i was fighting having a password manager for years and i had two two different passwords and i just said to myself it's just a matter of time and went with the last special got the five years set it up easy peasy and for peace of mind let them pick a beautiful 16 character like that yeah password for you and remember them for you and uh you should go through all of your passwords and start changing them yeah and don't use the same password twice come up with something unique come up with a passphrase yeah you know something like uh mitch is the total man yeah 2021 exclamation point something you know right but you got to remember it yeah kryos contributes 11.90 and he says this is for robo problem okay yeah and again and again it works on you know my desktop laptop even my even my macbook air and and and your phone that's what's important because now phones are important to people they're like will it work on my computer but i do a lot of really people yeah they should be calling pocket computers that can make phone calls yeah not phones froms no not fronts yeah they call it a matthew says check your mic is my mic bad i mean check not my mic i had it on mute so they were picking me up through your mic oh okay i must uh i was moving my mic pack the cable keeps getting caught under the hook and then it pulls on me and then i was gonna put it on my left side it didn't feel right so then i was gonna tuck the cable under the clip but then it's not long enough and i didn't have time to okay so i guess you see where my thumb is it's over the mute button so when i hit the mute button now i'm coming through your microphone thank you for alerting me to that i would have done the whole show testimonial brought to you by mr excuse thank you bro i explain reason okay all right action and reaction now he says that's better okay thank you that's good so you you know you need it don't delay get it today hey that sounds pretty good so everybody it looks like numerous people brought my attention to that okay so forward slash carry this is good through the end of the month so this is may yeah the last day of may the end of the last day may 31st 2021 you can take advantage of this offer it is active now i suggest you do not procrastinate don't don't wait till the end all i'm going to tell you is this roboform and i have no formal contract so if roboform decides tomorrow ah you know we don't want to do this anymore it's done i will say it's never happened before right but i will also tell you that i get numerous folks commenting after the expiration special like two days after oh i missed it yeah so uh feel free to spread the word to any of your social media sites it's good for the channel it's good for everybody else to save a little money it's good for robiform to get new customers and and of course there is a free trial you can download if you want to evaluate it in fact it's a free version it's a little bit limited in what you can do with it obviously but it's under a dollar a month you're supporting the channel and you're helping yourself out it's again it's if your phone didn't have a phone book built into it to save numbers would you pay under would you pay 11 and 90 cents a year for that convenience you kind of are with your phone service anyway but but any event that's sort of the best analogy i could come up with again my thanks to the folks at roboform for uh being generous enough to make this offer again for people who missed it or for people who bought one year and now they realize how valuable it is and kicking themselves for not having bought five years so now you can extend those subscriptions you may have to reach out to their if you're extending your subscription and you have any difficulty leave a comment after this video has been posted and we'll make sure that uh simon over at roboform will will help you he'll he'll watch the comments and i did get the five years uh i'm an old man so i may not make it to the five to the five years but uh keep talking about that yeah but i wouldn't uh i wouldn't say it unless i bought it it uh it's easy it took you a while to get the concept yeah but then yeah then it clicked clicked and i'm like how did i live without this and so it's just peace of mind knowing that i don't have to think about these it's just boom i go to the site it loads it up username and password and and you know it sounds like sales pitch but when you're enthusiastic and you truly believe in a product like i'm sure there's something that there's something in your life you purchase that you absolutely love and then for somebody to say we're just a salesman for that it's kind of insulting there are people that just don't care they're very good at manipulation yeah but i run my business as a professional computer technician and these are roboform is a product i use myself and i've been using it for i want to say i've been using it since at least 2005 probably prior to that so when you were this tall no no i remember all the way back when i was the same height i am now okay so get it today don't delay what do you think the average person has oh gosh 200 websites at least a hundred at least a hundred i played the average i don't know about the average person but people that just use their computer for like email and paying some bills probably have no less than i'd say a dozen okay and then if you want to be able to use those passwords uh you know to log into roboform on numerous other devices your smartphone your computer your tablet you're not gonna do that with the free version but with that eleven dollars and ninety cents it synchronizes everything automatically and instantly so if you make a password change on one computer it'll reflect it on all the other computers and devices that you've installed it on there's no limit to how many devices you can install okay so now that we've taken care of business i'll give you the business if we don't keep more if we don't get enough if we don't keep moving on and so it's cooler friday today not in phoenix arizona what do you think i'll bet it's 90 out there easy yeah let's see what the phone says sorry did i call it a phone that's the prom okay the from the from 93 it was 100 yesterday we had our first triple degree yeah triple temp triple digit temperature yeah chad that's why i'm going the end of the month for a couple of weeks i'm getting out of this heat and i'm going to see my brother there in eagle colorado and get out of the heat and i'm noticing even at night it can get down to like 45 that's still pretty chilly i'll tell you that so i'm like dennis says they got a freeze warning in detroit are you kidding me when last month yeah eagles by veil right yeah somebody's confused they're typing in did i ever say that those words never came out of my mouth no so i'll just type it down because people aren't it's frustrating i get frustrated when i speak and people don't hear me there you go did you listen to what i just said did you say something i wanted to mention in the chat room uh doug has a youtube channel uh still growing okay it's a seedling all right sprouting yeah and i joined him on his channel the other day he had a customer that had an undeletable folder and i'm like ooh can i you know he tried a few things getting figured out and doug would have figured it out but i'm like you know what that sounds like a fun channel you used your magic wand i kept i kept my pants out on and i i said you know i bet i could solve this in 20 minutes two hours later i got it solved yeah so it's sort of like you know stop boasting all right when when the wife says i need 10 already in 10 minutes you're like that's going to be two hours yeah or that'll be an hour so you double it 20 minutes and yeah yeah anyway um so then are we going to are we going to take this cooler off or do you want to retest it i want to retest it in fact we should test it while we're talking okay because we want to run uh 20 minutes but basically what i have done since the last time you guys saw the video is i have totally nothing all right there's some truth to that yeah it depends on own up to it all right all right i'll cut that out i did make some minor changes to the system which is i hook the cooler pump the water block directly to the power supply just to see if maybe it's not spinning fast okay and then i went into the bios and i cranked the two fans on the front all the way up because they're in a pull configuration right and it dropped the temperature two degrees it was hitting 83. so it dropped it to 81. i feel like with a liquid cooler we should be in the 70s after 20 minutes prime 95 26.6 so uh so let's hook it up real quick let's get this started because we need it to run for 20 minutes so power i'll give the keyboard and mouse are already there i just need the dongle and i need a video cable to go into the capture card so thanks for tuning in guys and gals ladies and gentlemen boys and girls from all over dogs and cats all over the world girls and squirrels you're hooked again all right yeah all right we're having a cable control issue all right that should be all we need and yeah fire it up the lights on the motherboard are on even though the system is ready you should see these fans start now yeah all right and pretty pretty let me step over here and him too much hello mitch right back at you tim what is that camera two let's turn on camera two there we go and then what we're gonna do is let's see i need this mouse over here hw monitor bring this up it's going to tell me there's a new version probably let's see where's our temps at right up here so you'll see our coolest temp our minimum temp is the middle section okay our current temp is this left section and our highest temp since we started the software it seems a little warm when we haven't even done anything yet and i'm not real confident that this cooler is doing a good job so i just want to verify my suspicions we'll bring up prime95 this is a 16 threaded processor 8 core 16 threads and then we will put that window on top of that one move this one over here and we'll keep an eye on this let me start my uh from i mean your phone my from your chrome you know start my from which has a stopwatch i know a lot of a lot of a lot of viewers are i hope are not real technical people but on most modern smartphones if you're at your home screen of your phone and you tap on your clock the time that's displayed you'll see an option for the world clock if you want to know what time it is any place in the world a stop watch which is what we want and a timer like let's say you're cooking something you got to check it in 20 minutes which is a countdown stopwatch is counting up um we'll let that run for 20 minutes we're going to see what our total temps are and we have some coolers and i thought to myself uh manufacturers have sent me some coolers they want me to showcase on the channel okay and i don't know how mean or cruel it is to test an actual cooler or an nzxt all-in-one against an intermax cooler or versus a silver stone cooler cooler master has their all-in-one on sale today it's normally 75 for an all-in-one cooler that's the normal price okay today they're offering a 25 rebate so if you send in your rebate you can get an all-in-one cooler master 240 millimeter cooler for 50 dollars the same price as a mugen five the same price as the noxua u12s uh redux i don't know how well it works i'm not ordering one to be honest but uh so one one mr grant 50 beans bucks right yeah grant grant's on isn't he on the 50. benjamin's on the 100 that's right i think you're right david dewitt contributes five dollars he says here's to keeping the channel ad free cheers hey thank you david michael dane contributes ten dollars he says carrie and the mitch stay cool who's michael the man that's right michael's a man getting a trade yeah robert jones says hello welcome in robert photo mixed media is in there so do you have are they new in boxes or have you opened them up and kind of looked at them and what uh yeah they're all brand new i haven't even looked at them i have no idea so i was i was well i'm busy man i got other things going on in my life but i've got uh i got a good excuse to unbox them and try them initially i was just going to just put them in the giveaway computers and but there's no way to really compare them yeah right you can say well this is what it costs and this is what it looks like but um i wanted to find that offer and tell you more about that and it's not an affiliate deal here so it's just something i was reading about today and i'm just trying to find it and my website's not loaded it's taken forever to load my bandwidth here is so bad i think it's under news um let's see where is the cooler deal well this deal might be from i hope this deal isn't already over still 75 bucks for a liquid cooler at normal price how much was the one that we're running here was that 75 uh i think it's i think it's a hundred dollars i have to look again i'm not sure we'll we'll get all that information for you here in just a moment i am trying to find pc world had an article on it maybe it maybe i'm in the wrong section let me just go to amazon maybe i'll just find it in amazon i'll just type in uh yeah this pc world website is where i read it they're just filled with advertisements this computer doesn't have all the ad blocking stuff most of my computers have because i want it available for streaming so this will be uh cooler master aio240 should be 75 bucks okay 79.99 if that's the one in stock they're even offering free same day delivery of for amazon pride now if i ordered it now i would get it today between 5 and 10 p.m i don't believe it seriously and it's already you're probably 130. you're a prime guy yeah i'm definitely a prime guy i love my amazon prime uh is this the one that's on sale this the one with the rebate or is there another one now i'm having trouble finding it see this is why i need to like uh i go through so much information every day sort of remember that the the gist of it but not the details i think i'll just look it up when i need it then you can't remember the gist yeah well i got i got the gist i just can't remember the details yeah that's the pro here it is keep your cpu frosty with cooler masters big liquid cooler for fifty dollars cooler masters 240 ml that's master liquid aio cpu cooler are they seeing the screen or us no they're not seeing the screen but i can certainly share it with them if i could get rid of all the darn ads let's see there it is keep your cpu frosty with cooler masters big liquid cooler for fifty dollars so this is the cooler okay blah blah blah blah blah it's 50 bucks after a 25 mil in rebate making the upfront price 75 bucks so if you want a liquid cooler you're going to find one that big for any less than that so there you go and that's over at's website okay and you'll click the links they're the ones if they're the only if you click the links on their website they're the ones that are gonna make affiliate money not me so i have no dog in this race so when it comes to uh liquid coolers versus air coolers we're gonna talk a little about that while we're waiting we've been uh six minutes on this test yeah but let's see how it's performing let's go back down the camera too it looks like i can't see it because it's so tiny we're already hitting a max of 62 degrees celsius which is okay i'm not worried yet we'll let it run the full 20 minutes but i don't want this to ever hit 85 and with a liquid that's with an air cooler with a liquid cooler it should be a good 15 degrees below that or at least 10. so anyway that's what i'm keeping my eye on we'll watch that in fact let's try this okay well just put us there how's that now we can see both a couple of contributions have come in jared blackmore with five pounds says i'm watching the i.t crowd at the moment moss gets stuck in the claw machine all the best i fixed two laptops today right on the ic crowd is the best show ever it's not on anymore but still undefeated okay robert catna contributes five euro he says i have he says have a nice day carrie and mitch greetings from slovenia right now robert thank you so much thank you for your support i've seen videos like tourist videos and stuff from slovenia on youtube it looks beautiful one of these days mitch yep uh all right so air coolers versus liquid coolers gather your thoughts i'm an air cooled man myself air coolers have gone up in price for good ones and liquid coolers have come down in price we're reaching a point now where you can buy a 240 millimeter which is the size we have in this computer all in one ready to roll liquid cooler for the same price as a tower cooler now in general the liquid cooler should cool better but unless you're overclocking doesn't seem to be any real benefit to having it unless you want the rgb and you'd like to show off the motherboard because you don't have a big radiator on there you just have the water block over your cpu and it's usually rgb or something pretty to look at but liquid coolers have a very limited lifespan you're looking at an average of five years i'd say as little as four years maybe you could get seven but the problem is you can't see the liquid inside it starts to get sludgy when the pumps die it's not obvious for most people you won't know that the liquids not moving or when the radiators get clogged up and you there's plenty of videos from other youtube content creators where they disassemble um older liquid coolers and you see all the sludge build up they're really not repairable uh timmy joe is uh really like his work and he's done this a couple of times where he's taken apart the coolers to look at the condition of the insides and they are plugged up it's sort of like looking at an old radiator in a car right the fluid starts to deteriorate the antifreeze an air cooler however will run indefinitely the worst possible thing that can happen is that your fan will fail maybe it starts making a vibration one voice yeah or it stops spinning altogether it's anywhere from three dollars to 25 for a fan and clip it on you don't have to take the heat sink off in most cases and uh you plug it in you're done so if you're looking to own a computer for a very long period of time and you want it to be as maintenance-free as possible you definitely want the air cooler if you're looking to overclock the computer to push it harder than it was designed to run or you want the the front of the motherboard to be displayed because if you have a big case window and all you're seeing is a giant you know especially like some of these noxua inside coolers they're like this big you can't even see anything but a cooler the top of it it's just not much to look at it's on a mini itx board it's the same size as the entire board and if you don't have a case window where you don't care about the inside of it what it looks like those can cool nearly as effectively as a liquid cooler and again they do so indefinitely the only liquid i want on my computer is my big glass of blue moon right here's how he's playing for them i'm not getting paid okay so anyway um i like to install air coolers as much as possible because they are easier to install they're not as complicated to install they uh reduce the shipping cost because of the weight of the coolers again with the exception was big but you never see music the regular size and you know the mugen fives the be quiet like the the pure rock ii the uh noxua u12s they're not adding a whole lot of weight but again they're not much to look at now they do have some rgb fan versions in fact silverstone sent me a couple and we'll take a look but i thought this is intermax's product and i've never really had good luck with innermax products we're using an intermax power supply in an intermax all-in-one cooler because intermax asked me if i would have an open mind and look at their you know they haven't been around 30 years because they make bad products right i mean how was that possible i've just had some bad experiences well i didn't i really struggled with the installation of the back plate on this cooler i don't like that installation process but i know it's sitting on there correctly i'm very confident we've seated it well so i thought would it be fair to put a silverstone 240 millimeter all-in-one cooler on this at the same price range to see how if there's any performance difference but then it occurred to me intermax also sent me a tower cooler right here so what if we compared intermax's coolers against themselves okay right then i won't be like a jerk i'm just like all right let's see which one of these coolers is quieter performs better it's easier to install and compare that to their price so that's what we've got now i don't know anything about these coolers so let's just quickly i'm going to go over here to amazon and i'm going to look up that is an intermax ets dash f40-f5 or is that an s or fs yeah i think you're right it's a 60 dollar oh no that's the t50 that's not the same one f40 fs it's looks like somebody's got it for sale but it's not amazon it's like a third-party seller for 63 dollars it describes it as it weighs just under two pounds shows it was released october 27 2020 so not that long ago it seemed really again it just seems to be offered by third parties here oh it's through the intermec store so it's being offered through intermax through amazon all right so 6286 now the liquid cooler we have is an intermax i should have the thing right here no that's the power supply it's uh no that's the case one of these uh the lick max 3 rgb i really don't like that name sounds more like a request let's see intermac slickmax3 that's a 360. we know this is a 240 240 black all-in-one well that can't be right i can't it shows 207 dollars can't possibly be right like max 3 rgb version you can't be right there's no way oh i thought like you said last week it was coming in at 100. well here's a well that's the cooler master one we were already looking at maybe here what's this one i think this is it intermax lick max 3 240 rgb so it's not a rgb it's just rgb okay and it sells 69.99 okay 69.99 all on one wow okay well that might explain some of the performance experience here premium 400 millimeter weaved tubie i'm gonna put a link to the amazon page in the chat room here panormax liquid cooler sixty nine dollars and then the i'll put a link to the other intermax cooler it's just talking about if i can find it again here it is this one's although so the air cooler is only six dollars cheaper and we're gonna find out the performance both are rgb all right there you guys have the links in the chat room you can pull the links up and this is all based off uh what amazon is listing it for here in the united states we've been running us uh we're just in about 17 minutes let's check the temps we can't see it so yeah i gotta bring up the screen here oh we're already in the mid 70s yeah this is not pretty this is for me in my opinion uh although this is a new board in a new build i would expect that to be the maximum 75. like if it went above 75 i feel like something's wrong and we're 17 minutes in if it doesn't go any higher i'm happy with the cooler but if it goes higher than 75 like i said i expect an all-in-one especially a 240. now if it was a 360 i'd expect it to be even cooler but i expect that to be uh i would i would expect that max to be 10 degrees less than a single fan tower cooler i could have sworn last week it ran hotter well remember um i had it hooked up to the cpu right initially that's right where the cpu fan voltage was upgrading that so then i said okay go max right and you put the and you can also hear it running because the fans are running on macs right now right so whatever you did helped i mean but it's louder it's much much louder because i wanted to see if that was the reason like if i was pushing more air through the radiator i thought maybe that'll drop the temps it only dropped the temps it was hitting 83 and then after i did that it was hitting 81. i expect this to hit 81 again um i've got the house ac on and it's it was on it's been on every day but i don't know what the ambient room temperature is i'm not going to be that precise because you're not when you're in your room with your computer or your office you have your temperature never maintains the same temp throughout the day of any room or any any office building so to to to be that critical of it is unrealistic because there's nobody who lives in an environment like that so uh let's see five dollars for matt power hey matt thank you so much for your contribution and so we're having a great friday so i've got this one and then silverstone sent me this one now this is an argb and that is the silverstone type in amazon so i can provide a link hydrogon d120 argb so it's 120 millimeter fan silverstone doesn't show it on amazon again what is going on here i might have to go to silverstone's website to locate this one interesting i see fans from silverstone so we'll go to silverstone's website see if i can't find it there who's gonna battle godzilla hydragon all right so here's silverstone's website on this product i don't know what the price is but this is a pretty large air cooler you can see just the size of the box is bigger yeah and um it looks like it's got a two radiators with a fan sandwiched between them and a fan on the end so it's gonna have two fans okay the outside fan being rgb if the inside fan is rgb that'd be stupid because you wouldn't be able to see it uh and the intermax cooler but that's just one fan that's rgb i don't know what color they have this shown on the box is white or black these are all taped closed so we'll we'll take a look at that and we've reached our 20. yeah there's 20 minutes thinking mitch i wasn't time flies when you're having fun any place but here all right well that's actually running good okay whatever whatever magic you did in the thing yeah i'm i'm happy with that okay especially for 70 bucks yeah that's a good deal but as i mentioned the fans are running at full speed that's you know what it's not a fair test because nobody would run the fans at full speed because it's too loud right so let's let's make a change let's do this i'm going to shut her down yeah i'm going to shut her down so well here and watch how fast watch how fast these temps drop yeah watch this aisle right here yeah watch this it's pretty funny and boom go from 73 to 53. but remember it takes liquid a bit longer to cool off so an air cooler this would probably drop a bit faster but it's it with the liquid cooler it'll drop lower take a little longer and it'll drop lower all right so yeah that fans are driving me crazy yeah but that's those are good results okay i'm totally happy with those results but these were not the results i got when i tested it but i don't know what's changed um very strange maybe the room temperature is making that difference i'm going to go into the bios or not it's not going to let me go into the bios you need oh i was on the wrong keyboard keyboard silly me okay let me just take a quick look where i hook these fans up trying to remember how i hooked them up so that they were running full speed the fans these fans are plugged into what oh they're on the cpu header that i had go full speed that's the problem remember i said i had so i originally i had the block on the cpu header and it was running really hot and i realized oh i've got to uh turn the cpu cpu fan setting to either the all-in-one because you want a pump running full speed but not the fans too noisy so then to so i thought the quickest way possible to make the fans run full speed is to now plug them into the freed up cpu fan hitter because i plugged the i wasn't quite sure if the cpu fan hitter was giving enough voltage okay so the pump could run full speed so i put the adapter on and plugged it directly into the power supply so that the water block the pump in the water block would definitely be running full speed at all times freeing up the cpu header which was defaulted i change the default to full speed right so i need to go into the bios and i want to set that back to just the default setting which is to ramp it up and down as need be and i'll use the right keyboard this time okay so you see cpu fan right here right so we're gonna go to advanced and we're going to go to tweaker let's get us out of the way so people can see the whole screen anyway so once we're there i want to look for the fan speeds smart fan pc health trying to remember where i found that right here see it's running full speed right we'll just put it under normal okay did you hear the noise go down that made a big difference yeah a huge difference in the noise so this is how you should be setting up your liquid cooler unless like on the nzxt's and some others you can plug the fans directly into the water block and then you load the company's software like nzxt cam and then you can control your temps and the fans can are controlled through that i prefer to let the motherboard control my fans so with that um and we can see our temps and everything here in the bios we'll go ahead and hit escape on the keyboard hit f10 and we'll say yes to that and we'll let that reboot we're going to start this test one more time because i want to show you the difference that one change will make okay now most people don't run their system that hard for that long anyway which is another reason why running the fans full speed uh is unacceptable it's too noisy and it's gonna wear those fans out even sooner keep clicking on the wrong stuff here mitch got the wrong keyboard at the wrong mouse that time all right so we'll run uh hardware monitor once again we're looking at our [Music] attempts here okay okay you see we are hitting 5 gigahertz on the cpu cpu if you recall remember what cpu we put in here mitch uh 99 9900k yeah i'm gonna move this stuff out of my way remember i'm running prime95 version 26.6 okay and i run it with the defaults i don't change anything i just hit ok so we're going to let that run we're going to start the timer again or the stopwatch i should say and we're going to monitor the temps one more time this would be a very realistic and proper test because now we're running we definitely with uh with the water block plugged directly into the power supply i have no doubt now that the block is going 100 percent as it should and the fans are being controlled the motherboard's treating them like their cpu fan so as the system gets hotter uh the fans should speed up and slow down accordingly so it's whisper quiet right now no complaints but we shall see in a bit yeah well we're waiting does anybody have any questions the meaning of life i'll take that answer you don't want to know the answer it's completely pointless okay don allen contributes five dollars thank you don stay on the wrist off with a doll uh sorry one pound ninety nine he says aziz light cool fifth element all right stan says soon people will start installing air conditioning units in their pcs you shouldn't joke about that it's probably going to happen you want to talk about an environmental nightmare the fact that so many underdeveloped nations are now having air conditioning is leading to a worldwide issue in refrigerant this is bad it's getting really bad i saw something about that 60 minutes or something do you know taiwan semiconductor manufacturing corporation in taiwan may be the only thing that's keeping the chinese from invading taiwan because if they disrupt that it's uh it's it's going to cause a very serious uh economic breakdown worldwide because they're kind of the only fish in the sea right now making these chips and it the pen and teller they used to have a show on showtime and i talked about the thing that keeps peace between nations is trade as long as you have something i need and i have something you need we're not going to fight with each other tsmc may be preventing the chinese from going to war and trying to overtake taiwan it's the rumor and then the chinese are also trying to shut down buddhism that's why the dalai lama lives outside of uh where is he from um tibet trying to remember i can't remember anyway normally he names a successor and the chinese basically named their own successor and that's not how that works and they're trying to discredit that whole it's sort of like uh what's that called when governments do that to a group of people with religious certain religious beliefs persecution yeah it's like religious persecution and um and furthermore rather than than persecuting the people they're trying to take over as the leader of the people forcibly and the dalai lama just kind of laughs about it because he does everything and he says i may not have a successor i might be the last dalai lama it's a very interesting situation uh in any event i just find it interesting and i'm glad that i'm not involved in that region of the world because that would not be good oh and just to remind chad both carrie and i are huge fans of mr elon musk who tomorrow night will be hosting live from new york saturday nights how does that happen how does this guy think about it think about wait a minute in the last seven days well let's take the last 10 15 days two weeks launched a rocket with four astronauts with cooperation with nasa for the very first time and it's been 20 years that we put our own astronauts into space with our own rocket okay no problems with the flight the booster module landed successfully um it was our booster master yeah i think so trying to remember that one then two days later he launches no no so anyway so let's fast forward here a couple like one week the module that the astronauts arrived in is at the space station so four other astronauts on the space station have been up there like six months they get in that module they return to earth they do a splashdown at night just off the coast of florida everything's perfect two days later a falcon 9 goes up launches 60 more satellites for his internet service providing his better than nothing internet service two days after that he does starship uh number 15 which takes off and lands but it was a really cloudy day in texas so it was really hard to see but it did it was a little fire at the end but it didn't blow up then he's gonna do saturday night live tomorrow yeah and he's running tesla the battery company the neurolink company the boring company building the tunnels he's um we're missing one he does more than i can even tell you what he does he does interviews all the time he's always very calm i would be stressed out what do you want hurry up let's go i got things to do um i can't wait to see him on saturday i think he's going to be hilarious he's always been funny in all the cameos yeah i think he should dress up as jeff bezos and he should have ideas for rockets and lunar modules and everything should be phallic shaped because that's what jeff bezos's rockets and everything look like and maybe a little dogecoin joke in there somewhere and elon should have like really terrible ideas that he's thinking about like inventing glass eyes for one-eyed cats yeah or maybe a new drone that can control humans i was thinking about this maybe he should get lee majors to agree to come on the show to do uh experimental cyber surgery so he could run 60 miles an hour yeah but if he trips and falls he could be putting him in a bad situation imagine if you were running at 60 mi it's a bionic man joke anyway i would like to see him play iron man since uh robert downey jr says his inspiration for creating iron man was elon musk i'd like to see the tables flipped on that right but i think this the whole idea that elon could have these really terrible terrible business ideas would be knockout hilarious well we'll see tomorrow night and that it like you said on other things like when he was on big bang theory i mean he seemed very natural he didn't he wasn't the best actor in the world no but i mean like bezos would be horrible because bezos he seems like a likable guy but he's got this boisterous laugh and if he breaks character into that laugh everybody's gonna laugh right and and bezos he's always looking at the camera and that's gonna they're gonna elon's clearly gonna be looking at cue cards there's no way he's gonna memorize live time but i'll tell you what the fact that he's doing it at all because he's based in texas and california saturday night live is in new york how do you have the time and just think or the energy think of all the lives are at risk how stressful is that you got four human beings on a rocket going up you got another four human beings coming back down you're launching your satellites for your internet service you're launching your giant starship which keeps blowing up and you finally gets it right and then two days after that you're in new york you're in new york doing this how does that guy do that yeah all right how are we doing on the uh testing uh we've got about eight minutes and let's see what we're in eight minutes or in how long has it been over eight minutes over eight minutes okay so we still have 12 minutes to go uh maximum 65 that's all good all right what am i missing in the chat blackwatch gives to canadian dollars he says i'm a little late today is it freaky friday or is it freaky yet it's uh it's freaky not freaky friday that's only for weird bills i think we got to pay disney a royalty i guess yeah tell tell elon to wear a dress in a tutu i don't know what this i've never understood why people think it's funny when a man dresses as a woman i never i never got joke there but pc fishing contributes 25 he says i'm i've arrived late to the stream well at least he's fishing at the stream you see anyway best tag team pc duo on youtube but other any others yeah thank you for the contribution your kind words have i ever seen tim allen in the movie zoom he trips at a fast speed i don't think i've heard of the movie's galaxy quest i always used to think that a bionic man steve austin crashed in a landing yeah and skidded across the ground in a big fireball and his whole body was torn up like darth vader you know right so like darth vader they they give him a cyber cybernetic arm they called it bionic back then a bionic eye two legs two fast legs and bionic hearing so he can was a hearing was that a bionic woman i thought i think he had that one eye that worked like a telescope i thought the hearing was the bionic woman yeah it might be but it would he would run it and he'd show it slow motion but i thought what if he trips wouldn't that be the same as that the whole thing that got him there to begin with i don't know apparently you don't trip and then it was the bionic dog for a while yeah so the bionic man battleground bionic dog is that yeah wagner was banned man i'm old holy cow be proud hey there's marco joining us in the chat room hey marco hey did they ever show that picture of us take it up to the camera i gotta find it oh i can't show that one yeah did he use your camera or his i don't want both marco did this great great picture of uh the three of us when we went out to dinner yo marco was like marco i'm really busy marco wouldn't take no for an answer he's a good guy i'm glad i made time for him is it gonna rotate on me or not okay i guess not that's all right android phone okay no i just don't know how to use it because i'm old okay i gotta i gotta make the uh screen bigger yeah [Music] there now i can see so here's uh here's marco and mitch and i out for a bite of supper or half a mitch so yeah well that's what marco was intending to do two short guys and a tall guy um two normal-sized guys and then a giant marco and i could see eye to eye yeah so is he gonna let me flip it this time no there's the real one right there yeah now who's so tall that was me crouching that's you on your knees that was fun that was a good day it was good dinner yeah good company all right almost at 12 minutes oh what happened we went to sleep almost at 12 minutes i know i'm almost asleep but dog excuse me all right we're still doing okay we're still okay all right we got eight more minutes to go yep and then that one these these kind of videos you know i'd really like to edit them i'll have uh plenty of christmas shut it down at the time but at least everybody will know it was live and there was no trickery or uh bias involved that it is whatever the results are i have no control over it marco says mitch is too tall well i couldn't help but maybe mitch's director's cut yeah my my twin sister never lets me live it down how come you got the height and the good skin go shadow wants to know how could they keep his arms and legs attached when he used the super strength like if he's lifting a car with his one arm how is that staying attached that's a good question i darn it now that it got me thinking about that al perez says he saw the rocket launch from his home when it's clear skies this time it was cloudy so he must be in texas texas chomps the bionic dog that was a movie yeah was it chomps or was it chomp chompy or chomp no no see so i always liked the benji movies the herbie the love bug movies that's in my adolescence trump imdb that was chomps 1979 so i was 11. oh valerie bernelli is your iq not hearing those aren't mutually exclusive let's say about the storyline a young man invents a robot dog that has super strength x-ray vision and can detect crimes being committed yeah his name's jimmy okay he's a greedy oh a greedy businessman tries to steal the invention from him that's the whole plot two sentences yeah it's a horrible movie but if you like oh jim backus is in it conrad bane is in it redbuttons is in it and there's somebody named hermoine and has nothing to do with harry potter yeah i remember seeing that movie i was i'm a dog person and a sci-fi would you get into the movies for 50 cents back then i probably got gotten in for free as a baby dollar teddy k contributes five canadian dollars thank you tennie tenney then he tell me i'm trying to think of the early movies i saw growing up at the local movie theater in detroit i remember seeing smell brook silent movie uh the james bond moonraker and the one before that where they introduced jaws the teeth tea spy who loved me i thought it was a spider let me and the lotus that goes in the water and then i remember seeing um the apple dumpling gang don nuts tim conway yep and i remember seeing um star wars that was i was so that was in 77 so messed up the only movie in my life that right when it ended i would have gone out turned around and bought another ticket except that the line was so long that's only happened on that one and indiana jones so i i think it was star wars raiders raiders of the monster i think it was star wars so and yeah it had to be star wars it could have been empire what year was empire released i don't remember was it after 1980 was it three years later i know anyway i want to say it with star wars and they were sold out and this guy says now remember i'm about 10 years old 9 or 10. this guy says kid you want to buy a ticket i said yeah he goes all right it's 10 bucks no it wasn't that much it's five bucks give him the five bucks he gives me the ticket i don't even look at the ticket and i'm standing in the line and i'm just kind of looking around i look at the ticket i realize this is a used ticket it's got a previous time on it so i get next to some adults because i was there alone and i and they had tickets in their hand and i hold my ticket in my hand that was already torn but i was i was like i'm just going to just walk like i'm pretending like i'm with these people they didn't even realize i was with like i was close to them and i just got let in i was like oh my goodness because that was all the money i had talk about unscrupulous taking money from a kid like that anyway yeah crazy so you saw it twice in a row no no no that would i don't remember that was my first showing but i kind of wish i i didn't really have much interest in seeing it i had a friend tell me you got to see this movie and there was some theater down on eight mile was the only place running it in 70 millimeter yeah this wouldn't have been that i remember we had to go all the way down you know downtown from where i lived to go see it but again that theater had the 70 millimeter screen with the beautifuls i had to be nine or ten years old came out in may i'm sure i didn't see it in june i know i waited a while and i was used to watching you know speed racer godzilla those were the you know a lot of the japanese influence in my mother yeah godzilla versus you know mothra hydra um godzilla versus king kong godzilla versus mecca godzilla baby yes son of godzilla yeah this movie's just so stupid ultraman johnny sacco and his flying robot this was tv in detroit in the late 70s and so i'm like it's just more the same you know when did superman come out it wasn't it was okay they made a big deal christopher reeves it was okay but anyway um i go see it and you know star wars kicks off with that long scroll you know it's different and this big ship it just keeps going at that point i think my mouth just went yeah and then immediately it's into action the music is very dark the bad people are wearing dark clothes and have a deep voice yeah and there's there's a lot of inference that's happening without any explanation and i imagine i was gone i wish there was somebody putting a camera on me just to watch my face just carrying his raisinets i was just no raisin nets goobers goobers yeah hits are gross snow caps i used to enjoy snow dots weren't those the chewy dots they were mike and ike's like dot yeah dots you could get those in your gums yeah keep them all moving pull the fillings right i used to like snow caps but i could never afford them now i don't like them no no i like them as a kid though where are we at 19 and a half minutes let's check their temps and and we're looking we're still looking good we're looking much much better i wonder what's changed i am absolutely surprised amongst elaborate no explanation for this i didn't change anything i literally took the computer down did some other work brought the computer back up made no changes you saw i had to change it back it's much quieter now maybe i let it run for a half an hour maybe that's the way it happened well there's our 20 minutes but we're going to go 20 minutes because we don't want to sit here forever yeah so we're at 20 minutes we see a max of 77. what was our max with the fans on full speed was it still 70 it was 75 right 75 so it made a two degree difference okay all right so you can see i'm not making stuff up when i'm talking about the previous tests that i can't show you now because they were filmed blackwatch contributes eight dollars and 88 cents he says ah mitch me i don't have my toto shirt on oh wait i had it on backwards okay now i'm gonna pick it up that would have been an odd hot shirt yeah okay not a fan about uh no yeah no i really cared for their work well shut her down and uh go shadow says he's got rain and hail outside outside where the outside let's see um yeah i have to go full screen so i can see your screen all right so we're looking at a max we need a pen and paper to start making notes of this stuff let me grab a pen and paper so this is the intermax liqui max well i don't have to specify we'll just say the aio 240 and it reached uh 77 on what's after 20 minutes okay or at 20 minutes we're at 22 minutes is it going up staying locked in i'm happy with those numbers okay i'm pretty sure i ran it for a half an hour and it'll go up four more degrees but again very unrealistic for any end user to push a computer that hard now of course we're going to have to clean off the thermal compound again and then reapply it but that's all right it'll be worth it to know the truth we'll get some close-ups i'll close this okay and then we'll go full screen on camera one no that's camera four camera four there we are okay i think we're we can all agree so yeah so we'll turn the power off yeah tony wella with another dollar 99 and the tech vlogs with a five pound contribution things like this too yup yes please and we'll grab the keyboard and mouse dongle put that there oh you know what we can leave the keyboard or mouse downloading because we're still keeping this machine up here but by freeing up the cables we can spin it so now we can set it on its side i guess um take that bad boy off let's not let's do this instead stop the timer will you keep this from spinning on me we'll see how your up your thermal compound ooh whether it's nicest something's warm 20 minutes high that's just spinning back there isn't it yeah let me hold it i mean you're not going to be able to hold it you think you're that strong yeah you're gonna need some pliers or something it's gonna hurt yourself you ready yeah yeah what'd i say these are men's tools here is not a toy oh thanks you wait wait do i say wait i know i'm just prepping okay not not yet no but wait now what are you using now those aren't going to be good i have some snub notes that would be much more appropriate for grabbing the uh the end yeah these should be ideal these are i haven't even taken these out of the package yet see yeah these are bigger so you're going to get more leverage well it's got a staple it's holding it literally never taking these out of the package i said these are going to come in handy one day guess what today is one day what else it's right here you got i got safety glasses where's my glasses now i need the pliers to get out the pliers okay see how that works like get the staple out there you go now you should be able to slide that cardboard straight up just like paul abdul said who all right so give me a second here yeah of course go unplug these fans we're not even nobody can see nothing that works much easier see it's all about having the right tools do me a favor and plug that cable yeah thermal compound looks good on there i should move one of these cameras this way yeah or fire up the little one the pistol grip you know see if we have wi-fi well we shouldn't have well we can because you're connected hardwired right so it shouldn't interfere no i'm not hardwired oh i thought you're working i mean i've got this other camera but i don't have another uh cable okay yes i use one of the cables i've got over here yeah let's grab this bad boy over here put it over here see what happens i'm gonna extend the legs on the tripod we should have at least two assistants for that i know i need a production assistant bring me a fresh coke and then what button do you hit the turn it on here there's like a little recessed button on the back of it i see a square don't call me that and then up and it down so the stop button you think it says on off oh it does not on the other side the back of it oh yes it does press once yeah it should recess it's didn't uh stick ah what do you call that yep it's not a momentary switch it'll it'll stay okay and then once it connects what did i call this this is camera three i think that's camera three yeah that's looking right it's synchronizing there we go it's a little tilted but story of my life well i'll take it off i'll take it off and hold oh you're gonna hold it yeah well then it'll really really be tilted yeah give it to me so this hold on people people that here you take that and then i'm gonna show something with somebody might not realize what we're doing because they might be new here so show people what you got show it to camera camera one there pistol you'll see that's fully wireless if you lower it down you'll see it's got antennas on it there you go and that's the holy land uh hdmi wireless system that sells on amazon for about 650 bucks it's totally worth it though yeah freedom of yeah wireless no no cable hanging off yeah and we have the pistol grip to it a battery camera battery and uh yeah so we're gonna go to that camera that mitch is holding let's see how steady his hands are you ready now all right i have to sneeze okay sorry uh let me grab a paper towel and clean up the thermal compound let me have you stand to my right thanks we're going to go right here clean up that mess i like that the whole bottom is copper oh okay i'll before i reuse this of course i'll hit it with ruby alcohol but for right now i just don't want it to get all over the furniture so that's good enough then we'll go up here to see view we have good thermal application here if anything it's a maybe a little light but that's i think that was all that was in the tube that they gave us i think there wasn't enough so you didn't want to use that tube you used something else i could was this the one that we had that issue with yeah that's possible i can't remember anymore so that takes off the bulk of it now when we want to get off the little film that's on there i'll use 99 alcohol rubbing alcohol you can see here i've got the i picked this up off amazon for like 10 bucks way overpriced but and then i got just regular old everyday q-tips so what i'm going to do you'll see that i'm gonna just dip the q-tip and get it soaking with the rubbing alcohol this rubbing alcohol is going to evaporate all by itself just using the other side just to pick up any little dirt while it's wet this thing does it not it doesn't have to be perfect again we're probably going to see maybe a maximum two degrees difference by cleaning it so you know if you don't clean it it's just kind of cleaning that i mean while it's wet i suppose i could continue to use it i'm not worried about making it perfect right now because we're taking it off yeah well i definitely don't want it uh getting all over the table top or anything like that you can see the q-tips yeah getting dirty good enough for now okay left a little smearing but again it's still a little wet it'll evaporate a bit that's fine it's fine and then come over to the front and we'll take the you know i probably don't even have to take the liquid cooler off i can put the air cooler on okay that's a thought yeah i can just leave that hanging so the air cooler which one do you think i should try first um i have some more too i have others but i think what we'll try intermax is cooler yeah let's try that right here it's right here all right so this is intermax's own cooler right here and i'm gonna cut the tape on it let's get the keyboard and mouse up out of my face i've got a razor in here somewhere so this is what i say seven dollars cheaper for this it's going to be a lot easier to install i think documentation oh it's got rgb at the top of the heatsink [Music] wow that's a big fan it's a 140 it says f40 i'm guessing that's okay i'm counting eight heat pipes or on the left four on the right i like that this is already attached usually like on the on some coolers like be quiets and uh you've hyper 212 you have to put that piece on which bothers me so set that down and then we've got the box of mounting hardware everything else in this box is empty place your bets ladies and gentlemen do you think this tower air cooler is going to run cooler hotter or the same remembering it's from the same manufacturer and it's pretty darn close to the same price range what do you think mitch cooler you think the air cooler will be cheaper and cooler than the liquid cooper indubitably indubitably oh it looks like the same exact is it backplate exactly that's a little disconcerting well hmm it's a little different i'm gonna take this back plate off no i'm not i've got to come around the front take those little plastic stand uh spacers out of there remember those why is the last one always so tough why is that do they do that on purpose some force there muscles do i look like a jedi did everyone have a good may 4th no i had a good revenge of the sixth okay surprisingly the number of people who i said that two on that day may the fourth be with you they're like you're the first person today to to say that oh i'm gonna use these twice in a day never used them before by the way when we fix that tooth yeah no thanks mm-hmm just just offering you want me to break a tooth not my teeth so this on this back light you can see where this was spinning see how it scored it just didn't lock in for some reason okay and that of course goes to the liquid cooler so we'll keep that all together okay now we've got a number of different back plates here this is probably something that goes on top and then this will bolt on too that's what that looks like yeah and then here we got a number of brackets these are the fan hangers they only give us others are four in there looks like they're giving us three it's an odd number is there literally three in there no there's four so they give you an extra set if you wanted to add an extra fan that's pretty common i should probably look at the documentation let me just sort through what we have here this this is the same style of mounting system which i got to tell you i'm not a fan of what intermax is doing with this mounting system it seems much more complicated than it needs to be and that's common for me these little standoffs are for like a 2011 or 2066 intel so we're not going to use those or these these are some brackets for oh i see so these brackets or this bracket one or the other i'm guessing one must be for amd once for intel the brackets are not labeled we're back to the same little standoffs that are going to hold the bracket in just like the other cooler and then those are going to be something i don't know oh probably for the screws that hold this in okay okay set up washers here time to break out the documentation and the glasses i'm gonna need some glasses mitch stay where you are i'm coming to you all right what do we have um this is the one we have and this is our parts list the back plate this is an amd mounting plate so we're not going to use that the intel mounting plates okay those are the lga 2011 2066 standoffs that those screws are for amd the fan clips okay step one point one once again we're looking for the the bracket so the two holes see how there's two there's it's an elegated hole it's got two little indents so you can put a screw at the top or the bottom that's for amd the one with three indents is for intel and we're doing a socket 1200 or 11 50 51 55 56 that goes in the middle so we're going to prep that which direction are they going in with the intel side facing it's going to face the back of the motherboard which again i find very confusing but one side of this says amd one side says intel so with the intel side facing up you take one of these screws see how it can go at the bottom the middle or the top for this socket we want it in the middle and we'll rotate the screw until it seats down and locks in like that and to hold that where it is we put one of these little washers on it see that there's three levels where this is going to fall out on its own if you don't have these and if you don't have these little plastic spacers so these hold the screws to the back plate and those hold the black black back plate the black back plate to the motherboard so that your hands are free to then put the water block where you put the brackets on and then the water block so that's seems pretty straightforward but i wish like noxua gives you this already done we're not using right we're not using a water block we're using air cooled sorry yeah thank you the heatsink see mitch is on it today that was i was just uh seven cokes and i'm on it yeah let's just uh checking to see how many of you got that yeah because i didn't so see that see how it's holding the screw in for us so if i didn't have these little washers they would spin no it's not so see how it's i'm going to rotate it until it sinks down into the groove i don't know where the flat spot is i suppose if i wanted to pay more attention what's the point i'm just going to find it one way or the other there it goes but you see now screws stay in place can you imagine pushing this back to the board and the screw backs the backside of it so these are critical but again what nacho was uh what is it secu mount or secure sex secu something that's already done so you just put the back plate in so much easier it's also a lot more money but um you know time is money so i guess if you got a lot of time you're rich yeah there it goes you know today's kind of not exactly today but this week's today's not exactly today no but this week's the day isn't this week's kind of special because three years three years ago this week was when uh you met me and we did the original i was back and three years ago 2018 yeah and your life has never been the same so that's true all right so we're going to take this it's going to say amd the intel side is going to go towards the board and we're just going to slide it right through there see that yep okay and then we'll come back around this way and now i'm going to use so we said that's for amd and these screws are for amd so i need the spacers you're a spacer you didn't seem impressed that it's been three years actually chat when i say three years oldest relationship i've ever been it's been three years um did you get me an anniversary card or um no jeez magic's over huh got you a box of snow caps all right you know me well yeah so then all right let me trade places yeah i'm gonna get on this side and we're just gonna actually it was a pretty good idea to do it this way because we're familiar with how the other system came off and you'll see that intermax is using the same mounting system here certainly given plan and cry on some good good close-ups excellent excellent thanks let's see the screw kind of came out i'm in trouble there it goes and that's of critical importance and can certainly affect your cooling if the screws aren't fully through and flush then the water block or the heatsink depending on which cooling you're using isn't going to have a secure enough pressure against the cpu to uh effectively stave off the heat okay so with that done then these brackets are going to go on like that again we're going to focus on that center hole and we want to make sure that we don't put this on upside down we want the screw that comes out of there facing up because that's what the cooler is going to lock onto see that yeah and then in this bag right here mitch these little like thumb screws those are going to hold the brackets in place an odd choice but um because i don't know how you this can only be there's no tool for this you can't how would you tighten that down see i'm saying there's there's not a phillips end or a straight edge end okay i'm a little confused a little is that a short joke that's kind of disappointing i probably should go back to reading the directions because i'm guessing but that's just yeah that's what the directions show finger tight weird you know what i'm putting these on backwards remember i was warning you not to put them on upside down yeah but you see how there's like a parenthesis here with intermax that's got to face according to the documentation the opposite way but you can see there's nothing that prevents you from installing it backwards so it's got to go on that way isn't that interesting there's a lot of play and that's uh not good my opinion is intermax needs a more secure positive feedback locked in system and they need only look at noxua's system or look inside the system and then you know if they don't want to pay any royalties they need to come up with their own that achieves or requires that same end result in my opinion that's what i'd like to see now i did drop one of these stand ups down here and i don't know where it went somewhere down here standoff i'm gonna have a standoff with this standoff gonna have to shake it but don't break it but shake it more than twice am i playing with it is it in the oh it's in the cave i thought it fell right down through this hole another reason why you don't want your power supply fan facing up because then you'd have it inside the power supply and if that power supply was plugged in even with the switch off create a big spark blow a fuse start a fire all kinds of fun stuff i found it that's why you always work with the power unplugged don't listen to what those other youtube content creators tell you because they won't be there to rescue you neither will i so don't put yourself in that position i don't like this at all that is just that's not that is not ideal see what's see so the back plate gets squished up against the back of the motherboard and then these brackets are supposed to squish and sandwich together the back plate and then the cooler is going to sit on top of this and squish it down on top of the cpu so we're making a sandwich here but this has to be very secure and there's no way i mean if you're 75 years old how much dexterity you think an older person or somebody with arthritis there's no tool you can use for that okay actually there is a tool mitch do you know something it's kind of a miraculous day today that tool you used earlier to get the cooler out and the tool that i used mr green yeah that tool is the ideal tool which is a snub nose pair of pliers and it will enable me to look how much more that turns yeah so once again if you were an older person or not that arthritis is limited to older people but it's more common and i always tell people anybody can do this intermax has uh really made this difficult what a shame all they had to do was put a cross thread on that for a phillips screwdriver because this fan is going to vibrate and over time it's going to loosen unless it's really super tight were they thinking i'm still thinking about a sandwich make mine roast beef on rye all right we'll go to arby's thing yeah no no i'm feeling wingy oh yeah we gotta get some chicken i haven't had wings those are turning quite a bit wow amazing tool what are these they're good you're from japan i was there i liked it you been to japan they kick you out uh no i was back when i had long hair and i thought the gals would really go for me because i had the long blonde hair and they did they didn't give me a second look see and i was very just like you were back home yeah and i was very disappointed so it was a beautiful country great people had a wonderful time with my brother-in-law we have a number of millet we have at least one military base out there riding that bullet train was very exciting went from tokyo all the way down to kyoto i have no idea how far those things are is that distance when you're going 190 miles an hour it you're doing well you could do that here on the 101. they had a sign up on the 101 it said you know the digital signage it said 101 is the name of the freeway not the speed because that's how fast phoenix drivers drive yeah well some phoenix drivers trade most phoenix truck well most what would you say would you say mostly about 75 to 85 on a 165 mile an hour yeah they go about 15 to 20 over yeah i'm pretty much if it's a school zone it says 15 they're doing 30. yeah if you don't you're gonna get people really irritated at you and if you do you're gonna get people really irritated this is phoenix stan wants to know if you're gonna have beef wings or pork wings uh chicky chicky wings yeah medium flavor here's the other thing intermix does it drives me crazy they put plastic i can't take this off without a blade yeah how are you supposed to get that off there's not a pull tab could they have made this any more complicated so again if you have dexterity issues like arthritis or carpal tunnel anything like that if you've got ms parkinson's anything that affects your dexterity you do not want to buy an intermax cooler because there's no thought consideration i've never seen anybody do this before i've never seen a thermal compound tube that i had to uh that was sealed like this that i've had to cut away i shouldn't be using this glove for routine see how that i twisted it kind of forced it once again you're gonna have to have good strength in your hands or know somebody who does mitch yeah okay all your hands holding up there with the it's a bit much all right it looks like i need to use this this stuff is coming out super thick not good now the plunger moved it feels like the plunger moved a quarter of an inch that's how empty this tube was that was so hard to get open okay it won't go down any further so wait there's a little more let's keep going let's see push it up as hard as i can a little more comes out oh my god we should be able to set that down they do not give you a screwdriver like scythe does size cooler is on that side you know i'll show you on this side you want mitch certainly not yours that's clear how's everybody doing on this friday none of your business okay that's beeswaxy here starting to tighten up good luck finding a screwdriver long enough to do this so this side's wide open this side is easy to get to can you film over here can you i want people to see how tight this fits with the screwdriver can you see the screwdriver in the groove of the cooler you have to stand that was a little dark raise it up higher and then tilt straight down yeah you guys can get an idea oh getting a little bit of a little glitchy all right go back i think that wi-fi is interfering okay yeah as soon as you move we're gonna we're gonna try again on a different little better they seem to trade places we started with this one and it didn't no no it's still dropping us isn't it well now it seems okay well that's fine the kids home from school and everybody's jumping so i don't know when that started looks like we're doing okay right now so we'll just keep going it's not that big of a deal the deal i'm not quite sure because with my back was my eyes were focused on what we're doing here but all i have to do now uh nate says it started about four minutes ago so hopefully you saw the the screws going down you saw the thermal compound applied i'm hoping and then the screws lock the cooler down and i'm going to attach the fan and so there's a little connector here that's going to power that rgb okay that little cable i showed you that's plugging in here and then this cable optionally can connect to a compatible motherboard with argb headers and then that's your typical fan power connector right there so to do this i guess i'll just leave this wire ties on it for now because we're just testing because that might just end up taking this off the part with the supports is going to face the cooler we're going to push air towards the back of the case and i just realized we don't have a rear fan for this case did i take it out or did it not come with one i don't think it came with one it's i usually like to have a rear fan it's not important with the actually i take it back you need an exhaust fan that could have affected our temps all right we're going to keep it this way just so our attempts our comparisons are similar but before i ship this i will definitely put a rear fan on it i just realized it's not there and i i might have taken it out to seat the motherboard but i have to go back and look at the video i can't quite remember now this is what happens when i get too busy you know the the benefit of being a home user and building one computer is you don't have all the distractions and all the how many coolers do i have here like 40 yeah i've got oh around 40 power supplies and trying to remember which one goes where or which ones are extra or which power cable came from which one or if i'm missing a power cable where did i put it things start to get a little bit a little bit confusing as you scale up so that's my excuse go with it all right yeah i'm going with it i don't want the cables coming out of that side though i want the cables to come out this side which means i have to put these fan clips on go shadow contributes two bucks he says it started when you were applying the thermal paste sorry guys we've got plenty of videos yeah it's it's basically the same it's basically the same and i'm sure you you've heard the audio just fine i'm guessing or mostly and then i'm guessing you just got some skipped video frames you should have got the gist of it i hope we're working on that along with working on getting computers out along with getting sponsorship deals along with uh you know everything else in the life that's going on so i don't like these nothing's holding these clips in they just fall right out okay so there's going to be another complaint where intermax needs improvement here in my opinion yeah that's just which is not humble no because time is money and things that are overly complex uh no it's fine it's fine it's typically when you're building you don't have four hands right but you don't normally i don't normally need one so let me show you what's happening nothing holds these fan clips in as soon as i turn the fan and do anything with the fan clip it just falls right out and you wouldn't normally have need two people no to do this and this is something that has to be done after the heatsink's in place you can't tighten the screw down with the fan so the fan has to be out so i'll tell you what let's do this um somewhere in there i dropped a fan clip [Applause] let's go ahead and put it back on its feet for me wouldn't you please you know even with this well yeah that'll happen yeah that's fine i hear it there it is so this is a real easy problem to solve then how are you going to solve with strategy can i see the um hmm yeah there's there's nothing to hold these clips in they just fall just fall right out that's horrible that's that's one of the worst designs i've ever seen the level of frustration here between the end screws required to be tightened by hand the lack of thermal compound the the the seal the plastic seal around the thermal compound tube i don't even know where to where to stop complaining so what i have to do is i have to keep back pressure i have to pull on these hangers or they fall out so i have to somehow learn how to pull on them anyway it's the way this could be easily fixed is that the hangers should be bent in such a way that they can lock in to the plastic of the fan instead of just hanging loose and a pair of pliers will take care of that i can just bend that wire now once it's attached you know we're fine but these are mistakes i wouldn't expect an experienced manufactured to deal with so i'm just a little surprised i already had preconceived thoughts about past experience with intermax and well i don't have any the biggest complaint i have about their power supply is this yellow cable that makes me very uneasy to see that yellow wire i shouldn't see any wires i mean if they're up here i've never seen a power supply that exposes that it looks like they just don't care at least make the wire black but i suppose the color is representing some voltage but regardless that is just ugly there's nothing yellow here why did you use a yellow wire so maybe i'm finding reasons to complain but these are the reasons why i haven't used intermax in the past i did say i'd give them another another shot yeah i'll look at them see if things have gotten better it doesn't appear that they have but let's see how the cooler performs so at least maybe it's worth all of this if we see really good performance let me hook up the rgb cable so that is going to be a tight can you hold that there for me please so now this cable is really really short it's like an inch and i've got to figure out how to put these two together oh my goodness this is really difficult oh my gosh i mean if you've got big hands it ain't happening so you need to have small hands with no arthritis okay and this uh this is just a rgb i'm just going to drop that back in the back here this one yeah good enough it's hooked up it's done thank goodness okay not happy now we can hook it back up i mean look it's nice they send me the stuff recharge they're asking for an honest review okay so you're getting an honest review i'm not it's not that i'm not appreciative are we ready staggering i'm staggered by the stamp what's the word stupefied go ahead turn that on and see what it does is the thing lit up yeah no no the fan on the inside uh it's spinning but uh there's no rgb on it the logo can i see the flashlight again maybe i have to plug the argb into something normally it works without being plugged into anything and that's not compatible with this motherboard so it should have a default color selection here so it looks like you need a compatible board it's a rgb only and this board doesn't support argb there should be some kind of adapter to kick those lights on all the argb should do is allow you to control the lighting what if you don't want to control it what if you're just happy like let's say for example the front of this is blue um never mind the rgb deep cleansing breath all right once again we'll bring up the temperatures it's already cooler look at that it's already it's a 27 we were at 35. well don't smile at me like that you may not be right yet we're going to run the test said the lefty all right once again i'm going to start my timer now after we've started the test can i get a lemonade i'm quite parched yeah will you grab me a gatorade out of there here take this with you oh it's nice having an assistant let me get used to this thank you mitch uh get it gotta raid uh lemonade this cooler what do we call this one this is the 80s this is the innermax bts f40 fps it's a terrible name hey is that the ets f40fs what my fax machine yeah or is it the lick max watch your mouth there's children around sound effects nobody can see what you just did though that that's a universal sound there and it's not miller time yet all right so while we're waiting we'll keep an eye on those temps while we look through the chat and see what i've been missing yes everybody if you're liking content like this you can hit the thumbs up button just below the video give that a clicky clicky it costs you nothing you want to show a little human kindness you can do that for any youtube content creator you don't actually have to like the content you could just be nice and hit that subscribe button yeah now if you do like the content you want to be made aware when new content is posted you can click the bell icon after subscribing to turn notifications on if you don't turn the notifications on then it will just be in your uh subscription list that you can manually look at on youtube stan ristof says he's predicting a max of 70. that's uh pretty low yeah i would be impressed if it could pull that off and john paul bacon is suggesting it'll be just a little warmer overall maddie says he loves your t-shirt mitch oh thanks patrick russo says just use the same backplate i thought about it patrick but if the problem with the liquid cooler is that it's not sitting flush against because that liquid cooler should still be performing better if it's not sitting flush and it's it's that mounting and because that screw kept spinning that suggests to me the screw wasn't all the way through and just being a little tiny bit off means that that cooler couldn't press against the cpu evenly on all four corners and i suspect that would explain the behavior of the temperatures we were seeing which to me were still too high even though they were cooler than i would having a rear fan to help we can find out after this test how about we just i'm just asking you know if it would it i don't know would it drop at another degree we can we can hypothesize all day it takes 10 minutes 20 minutes to run the test okay so we'll we'll try it and of course putting the panels back on would probably make a difference too but one thing at a time stan says this one is a bit cheaper but it will have the same performance as the liquid one michael dain says may the schwartz be with you so where's everybody watching us from today in the world last friday we had people from all over the place so every continent almost go shadow you says you're supposed to tighten those standoffs with your bionic thumbs oh thanks points good for the sound effect stan suggests we just weld them into place gorilla glue that's good i'm scrolling through the comments here guys while we're waiting i was missing a lot here blackwatch contributes a dollar twelve canadian chris garrett contributes five dollars he says what is the point of a raid setup uh there's lots of points to a raid setup and they generally involve um either performance or capacity or being shared among a number of people trying to use that data storage simultaneously like in a small office with anywhere from two to twenty employees all sharing the same data location on a network along with redundancy security and um already said capacity so raid 1 would be for redundancy raid 0 would be for performance rate 1 plus 0 would be for both but all of my small business clients all use a raid a raid 1 or raid 0 nas so that everybody in the office can work on the same files wouldn't doom you any good if i'm working on a file and you're working on a file it's sort of it would be like if uh if you had a checkbook and i had a checkbook and we're worldwide and checks how do we know what the balance is i just like the uh on my synology uh 918 plus it's a four-bay drive and one of the base yeah is the redundant and because i've got 200 blu-rays on there and a thousand dvds that i don't want to lose the fact that if one drive goes i can just pull that one out slip a new one in it rebuilds i've lost nothing that's what uh and stan mentions i have a video if you just search youtube if you type in carrie holzman is one word then a space and type the word raid it'll pull that video right there's actually a number of videos ah let's see patrick russo says their t50 model works with argb or without and colors are basic okay good to know black watch with another [Music] two dollars canadian says smile dammit smile ac's drafting with 20 contributions says intermac should give you guys a check for dealing with that amen brother yeah disappointed but hopefully this information will help intermax make a better product if they take what i'm pursuing saying with any sincerity uh bike man can is for watching us from trenton michigan rick lakes is in minnesota ac is drafting also in minnesota mort mod is in maryland siegfried joins us from spain and uh kenny is in louisiana chris is in georgia aydah is in san juan puerto rico russell joins us from mcpherson kansas i love the band kansas all right andrews and uh morkam in the uk zesty dragon is in oslo in norway stealth mode joins us from st augustine florida t l gur is in sweden daniel joins us from hampton tennessee olay peterson is in denmark is it olay or would it be pronounced differently in denmark all over the place john lewis is in salvador brazil salvador bahama brazil robert jones is in north carolina charlotte north carolina daniel joins us from wolverhampton england wayne drexler is in new jersey william season north carolina dan joins us from malmo sweden stan kristoff is in kent in the uk danny joins us from british columbia john is a yuper upper peninsula michigan luke greenia joins us from vermont of course and let's see john peck is in the uk arto is in finland there's a funny comedian a funny american comedian no he's finnish and his name is ismo okay i-s-i-s-s i-s-m-o isma and he talks a lot about the language learning he says in england finland they teach us english and i thought i knew english and then i came to america yeah i don't really know english he's like i found out when somebody says what's up you're supposed to say back what's up i feel bad because i'm not answering their question he's looking on him what's up he's like uh when even the body language when i when i'm when a man in england says hello he tilts his head up and when they say like okay or i'm trying to think and then you simply tilt their head down stuff that we take for for granted every day i never really thought about it and he's confused he says uh the first time i heard somebody say uh that's a big ass plane i thought what does that mean you know he said that's a grown-ass man the man has a no the whole man is growing not just the ass he says you can use the word ass in any sentence in america it doesn't change anything and then the size of the ass he says that depends on the size somebody could be a dumbass that's a bad thing somebody could be a piece of ass a small piece that's a good thing anyway he was like conan and and uh if you search uh ismo on youtube he's got just a more language um observation i personally find it hilarious i love it how's our time so far let's take a look because we can't see it guys so we have to manually so we're at about 12 minutes 11 and a half but by the time i get the screen up here for us where are we at oh the screen went to sleep on me sitting at 68 max so far so good it's quiet yeah yeah rgb isn't working rock and rob joins us from little genesee new york how's the weather out there john paul bacon in federal way washington sujit joins us from bulimia india boy they're having a tough time in india right now ron hillier says he's in illinois for another three weeks he's coming out to phoenix to stay permanently oh my friend is coming back yeah and i'm gonna put him to work john williams joins us from madison wisconsin old man 55 is in arkansas george varusia is in oakville ontario canada nicholas joins us from newark delaware tony joins us from benzonia michigan i don't even heard of that no i grew up benzonia yeah we both grew up there where is that near where's the neck let's look it up let's look up in benzonia wrong keyboard ben zonia it's a village first oh he's way up is up by a traverse city yeah that's way up there i bet that's beautiful yeah yeah oh i bet that's beautiful and it sounds expensive can i be your friend can i stay at your house for a while and your neighbor it looks like he's by the la lilana peninsula right oh man beautiful look at the little downtown the cherry hut's there i can't be right there's a cherry hut i went to the cherry hut in beulah dairy i drove by a dairy king i almost took the picture i'm like there's the king yeah so the cherry had some beulah okay which i went to when i was in michigan because it wasn't it's maybe an hour from where you are from um traverse city it's a beautiful little city it's got a crystal lake it's the name of crystal lake is what the name of it is friday the 13th was that on friday 15th crystal lake i might have yeah or that it was a goalie i wasn't sure rick hubbard contributes five pounds hey rick good to see you my friend i know rick joins us from the uk frequent contributor here he sent that course here 200r filled with walkers smokey bacon chris that was a classic move right there man those are tasty those are good good blackwatch is in windsor ontario canada stan is saying the air cooled is way better still too early to tell luke says he set the usual 20 bucks via paypal to contribute to the live stream that way paypal doesn't get any cut or make me waste 60 days or appreciate that yeah where you can contribute amazon uh gift cards yeah then they'll always take any appreciate it as they say in england here it's always appreciated charles watches us from chesley ontario todd is in paris very ontario that's my brother's name todd that i'm staying up an eagle wouldn't it be kind of interesting if we ever had a president named todd or chad it just doesn't sound very authoritarian yeah what's your name todd okay todd chad yeah what a shame because i'm sure that there's some probably very intellectual intelligent people named todd my brother is a smart guy i never met him yeah he's related to you yeah i don't believe it little brother by five years adopted no jab jab all right let's see where we at uh maximum 71 and we're nearly at 16 minutes interesting cheaper less cabling although the rgb is not working it's performing as it should now see this liquid cooler should be right it just jumped to 74. 75.77 here we go right at about 16 minutes 16 and a half minutes 79. we've already exceeded 80. yeah yeah here we go 81. what'd you do to it um that's prime95 man it's working it yeah 82. it's only 16 and a half minutes i i hate losing does that say 85 no 83 oh i'm gonna sneeze nope 84 17 minutes clicked over on the time stopwatch 86. so right there that violates my personal role of exceeding 85. let's see how far it'll go it's still got three more minutes left 87. oh boy boy you better start calling in those collecting those lost bets right about now 89 yep boy it will throttle at 100 so we'll see if it gets that hot um i know some coolers that might just not even be good enough to give in the giveaways you want some coolers to take home uh no thank you 90. i operate i'm mailing people but i don't want to spend the postage yeah oh this is not good folks this is not good you saw it here this will be one of the worst performing coolers i've used in a long time i i know intermax is cringing right now but i'm sorry guys i warned you yeah i warned you and like carrie said you would normally most people would never press oh yeah they wouldn't but if you want to you should be able to right right you would never you would never you notice on a delorean in back to the future he's got to go 88 miles an hour but the speedometer on a delorean only goes to 85. yeah just saying yeah so if this computer is pushed this hard i guess what i'm saying is it should be able to do that without heat issues now i realize a lot of store-bought systems wouldn't pass my test but i'm building systems of a higher requirement a more demanding a level of tolerance and i want an adequate cooling system that can keep the system cool remember we're not overclocking this this is purely stock it's just being used the way it was designed and 90 is still below the threshold but it's we've only got 10 degrees of headroom right now and we've got one minute left of the test we just hit 91 and it will throttle at 100 to protect itself what do you think of that what do what do you honestly like if you had a choice of cooler to put on this machine knowing what you know now what would you advise us to test all all in ones seem to be the way to go you think so what do you think of a scythe moving five or an actual i like the noxial we're 19 and a half minutes we're going to go 30 more seconds and we're going to end this torture test yeah we're at 91 is our maximum that's very very close to the 200 degree throttling point i realize i'm mixing celsius and fahrenheit you'll see on the screen 91c is 195 fahrenheit 10 seconds i can't wait to end this test i i feel really bad right now cpu is like in a sauna boom we're at 20 minutes shut her down maybe i shouldn't have used the word boom yeah all right bye-bye see those temps drop pretty rapidly mediocre i don't think we need to put a rear case fan on and test it it's not going to make much difference so but before i ship it right this is going to go to ryan okay but i want to utilize it for my own purposes right now before it because i'm i'm gifting it to ryan he's been so generous to the channel i want to give back a little bit here so but before i send it to him i want to make sure i do what i want with it first power turn the power off yeah please and then pull the two cables okay thank you i am disappointed so what next um well we have silverstone's cooler but it's got two fans on it so that's not a real fair test i'd like to test another single fanboy we better write that down yeah we hit 91. thank you almost forgot so that's a full 14 degrees centigrade hotter i just don't know what to say about that stan ristof with four pounds 99 says uh uh jinxed it carrie here's my lost bet oh should it get stopped i don't i don't think betting's allowed to stop yeah you can reset thanks tim's watching us from idaho luke greeny says well that cooler was a bust try the bigger air curler no i'd like to try the same size any others around here that you want to try i mean we could try moogan five or we could try the noxia but let's do the moog in five okay so i'm gonna just pull this cooler out of here i mean at least if the installation was a pain in the butt you think it would perform well as a reward for my hard work getting this fan out it's fun too i thought it was hard to put in come on what do you need i need a straight screwdriver there that's like old yellow yeah so here's what i want to do yeah this is a just a bad design it wasn't very good i want to get like a little zip lock bag and keep all these parts together okay maybe on a core i5 it'll be oh i'm going to need that i'm sorry i didn't mean anything maybe on a core i5 you know it'll be fine but it's definitely not i9 material i know a lot of people will look at the tdp of the cpu and the tdp in a cooler but that's not an accurate assessment to know if that coolers not in my experience if that cooler is going to work i i like to actually test them and come up with my own results because again motherboard fluctuations and voltage silicon lottery along with how it's mounted your thermal paste a lot of things may only make a couple of different degrees um but add it up together can can be significant can we put all those parts over there in this bag along with this documentation so i know what it goes with please thank you and i'm going to remove the cooler and we'll clean the cpu once more don't rock it not one bit i'm gonna need those green handled pliers again we're gonna use them four times today getting the money's worth i've had them for months i said these are going to come in handy one day because i i had a situation where i needed them dealing with some laptop screws that wouldn't come out like last year i said man if i just had like some these pliers are designed to hold onto the head of a screw so you can hold on to this like a stripped out like if the head of the screw is stripped out you can hold it by the you see the indentations oh yeah but then it turns out they're they're also good because the edges of these uh thumbnail thumb screws are rigid in the they have ridges and these have ridges so it didn't slip or scratch anything up they locked right onto those yeah i am beyond disappointed here i i like to think that intermax has learned from lessons in the past but their installation process is overly complex it's easy to get it wrong and you wouldn't even know it thermal compound is really really selfish and uh the cooler performance is very disappointing they have a very aggressive price point but i do think you are you can do better in the marketplace there's too much competition this might have flown uh back in the day when there was less competitors let's put that in the bag please oops but these days tolerance for this um it's gonna be tough give me a favor and grab that back plate got it and then go ahead and pull that back plate off now yeah now now and we'll keep all that together along with this and try to get oh i can push these out right now leave them in the bag amen well that was a bummer but i got it out there's that craig what no total shirt no i've got all 43 total shirts at the dry cleaner so you dry clean t-shirt that must be a bachelor yeah how's our uh our stream yeah are we in the green i can't tell i can't tell either see yep okay yeah you know that wi-fi we started with that wasn't working yeah yeah it's working now and the wi-fi that we went to that was working it's not working just throughout the broadcast i don't like mysteries but it does seem a bit coincidental that when we use the wireless camera the problem started but you think when we turned it off they would have recovered right yeah and the fact that it may have been coincidence i don't know when i get to a hardline connection here we can use that without question but or if we broadcast or rather if we record traditionally without going live we can't use it so craig no total sure today but did you go on youtube and watch the video i told everyone to watch till the end oh till the end that's right yeah live that they did the live stream via new york that comes out on blu-ray here in june very excited to get that added to my collection what did i say this was a 9900 or 900k so that is a hot chip i mean that's a very hot chip um even the sides may have trouble with that one yeah that's a high-end chip so well i'll tell you what it's what's the tdp on this glass there i got them on my shirt yeah tdp that i have to believe it but the be quiet one i saw was 150. hmm i'm not sure what's the tdp on the noctua and actually says it's got a six-year manufacturer's warranty i don't see gdp rating on this either huh i don't know mitch um tell you what let me move let me clear this i'm not digging this cooler at all because of the rgb if it didn't have the rgb i'd put it on an ipod yep i don't know maybe it'll show up in something what's the list price on that chip carry the 9900k uh i think it's about what are those going 380 maybe what are those going for currently today yeah prices fluctuate constantly depending on availability the market look it up on amazon real quick 377.99 at amazon i also see it at 4 or 10. i wonder what the difference is this is a 95 watt chip 380 activities why is amazon listing it three different times look at this is processor count one then it says processor count eight running at five gigahertz this one says processor count eight running at three point six all over the map yeah but we use this one the with the uh plastic yeah like the plastic cube what was it called what's that called a kind of hexagon it's not an octagon it's like a i can't remember what you want they were 60 because of the packaging okay yeah so the one we're using is out of the plastic uh right for 380. can't think of what that's called no the one here that's for octagon it's not an octagon it's um it's the retail packaging of the core i9 9900k that's that amazon still has in stock at 459.99 it might be a collector's item because of that really excessive packaging i'm sure somebody in the chat will probably tell me what that packaging is called dodecahedron i don't remember so the cpu that's in there mitch just to clarify because i got a few of them here i might have had these in inventory for about a year now and you can see still not being used ninth gen yeah that's what's i had four of those now i have three because i just put one in there yeah so that's what we're using these are 460. even though it's the same cpu for 380 it's the packaging okay like i said these have become sort of a collector's item yeah i'll take the stupid i'll take the money and uh yeah i mean you could buy a cooler for the price savings i don't know should we try the mugen i recall using a movement five on one of these and it wasn't good enough it like exceeded 85. yeah i am kind of curious i mean it's a good opportunity it's so time consuming and then of course i can't put it all back in the box i got to leave it out until i use it in something yeah i've got an open be quiet cooler i could use and i've got the let's see how the document performs and then we'll compare it to the chrome account i'm dying to know okay we might if we'll see what time we've got yeah maybe we'll revisit the mugen five i would not recommend a mugen five on a 9900k because i just remember i did it before and i had to go i decided to go liquid cooling the other thing we could do mitch is i have the nzxt 280 millimeter the original one in the xenos build and it's right here and we could probably slap this on real quick it's already got the fans on it we don't have to mount it okay but that you know that's not really a fair comparison well it's a fair comparison cooler cooler even though it's a smaller cooler that sells for one-third the price um it'd be easy to hook this up because we can leave the radiator just sitting out because this is like this would be more ideal if i was building this for me or for an actual customer when you're spending that kind of money on this board this case chip this cooler yeah and that chip this would be more in line in fact the uh zenos has a ks chip which runs even hotter so yeah let's let's do this we can hook this up real quick yeah i'm pretty confident we can do this fast and then i'm not unboxing everything and then we'll see where we are with time how long have we been live two and a half hours or almost three hours and it's wings wings chicken wings medium buffalo style hot's too hot miles too mild suicide is like the princess and the pee over here it's a suicide it's ridiculous you bite one and all your tastes let's go yeah you can't taste yeah anything you have to i remember in my younger 20s when we were going for wings it was still kind of a new new thing you know they were you know the guys were like oh i eat thai food all the time i can handle hot food and they get the suicide wings you know and then the guy's like sweating you know he's not sweating but he's his words are coming up here oh deep down i don't feel big like you can hear yourself right yeah your lips are so numb you can't even feel the it's a little dusty all right so to do this properly um let's get these down out of the way please set it on its back no no so we've got to install the back plate oh do you ever use ziploc bags for food carry no this is all computer parts this should go this way no not this way right this one nobody's you see how they kind of move they slide i think you got it is it in no oh it slides here let me give it a look-see oh you've already tightened one a little bit let me take a look i can't see yeah you see how these slide yeah right so we want them all pushed in close to the center it should just fit right in there yeah make it look easy don't worry they couldn't see any of it it was really complex please am i getting any shot at all there i know yeah i'm gonna have to put a camera over here i'll work on that put that on my to-do list next to the other 37 computers i've got to build the 40 emails i have to return the 40 messages on facebook for people reaching out they're bored and they want to talk to me about ridiculous stuff because they have nothing better to do and think that i'm uh somebody reached out to me and said they sent me a friend request i approved it and they said hi where are you from i said what they said are you in that business i go in what business okay what do you what can i help you with well i just saw you were one of my friends so i friended you isn't it nice to have friends so i got 56 million video views you think i could be friends with 56 million people i mean even if i wanted to and then you unfriend it for some reason you didn't include the 40 message you have on your cell phone no i don't even talk to yourself wrong this guy mitch texts me all night long moddy yeah i'm not i'm just kidding i actually know you guys that makes a difference if i know you is that on yeah seems loose back here yeah it's supposed to when the cooler gets uh when the water block screws down onto it it's gonna sandwich it gotcha a bullet wing sandwich yeah tell you what let me get that out of the way for now it seems to be like we're going to knock it down we'll come back and revisit that if time permits i need thermal compound and a glove all you need is gloves i'm actually curious whether it would interfere if that just gets away if you left it there and we didn't move around with it is it worth no not now but i mean that's something to add to you to do thanks that was bored i was wondering what i was going to do for the next six months yeah glad you got that taken care of what are you my agent how does elon musk do it i just don't understand man i don't understand only so many hours in the day well i guess if you never sleep i like sleep too much that is a thermal compound tube it's reasonably priced there's probably enough for three applications you buy it on amazon like eight bucks for that big old tube ooh i might have put a little much on there that's all right want me to get your paper towel no q-tip you shot in a beer yes yeah is it a vaccine shot or i just need one shot give me a shot one and done okay we're ready you're ready to do this thing me putting this on vertically is really stupid so do it yeah that's why yeah i'll do it because i shouldn't right like how can i make this harder than it already that would be probably it yeah see folks you don't get this on other shows it's all polished yeah it's all professional professional and you know anybody can be a professional you know all it takes is great editing that's right and just doing it over and over and cutting all that stuff we'll fix it we'll fix it in post takes it and post that's what they got you do it perfectly they're like one more time for safety right but but it was perfect i know but just in case there was an equipment issue we just we want you to do it again and you'll never be able to do it again you'll be like all right set the bar too high i knocked off two of the thumb screws we're sitting here on the counter what happened is the radiator slid down and it knocked the two thumb screws down on the floor that didn't hurt anything that's a professional who ever said i was a professional you did certainly not me only when i'm getting paid yeah if i if i ain't if you ain't paying me i you're a professional you gotta pay me show me the money that's right and i'll show you the profession otherwise i'm having a good time love that movie yeah that's a good movie uh let me see my electric red okay will up will ya i might be getting hungry you presented well thank you i'm a bit peckish don't be so hard on yourself people like you can i see the sides driver please this is an nzxt kraken x62 that's a 280 millimeter fail you know how are you gonna lay it on its back like that no i'm not gonna keep it i'm gonna just uh sit tight up i'm gonna have you hold oh okay we'll figure something out let me hook these fans up let's see so you know nzxt is gonna control the fans for us chris johnson i must get back to work work for that hopefully i can catch the end of the today's stream of test coolers i think this is it yeah i got a feeling you're probably gonna be right i'm still really curious what the nanaksha was on the side would do on a 9900k so i might pick it up without you later i would appreciate that there's a power connector there would you grab that yeah oh yeah and we're going to plug that we did with the intermax cooler now this is a bigger radiator right the intermax is a 240 millimeter 70 dollar cooler this is a 200 160 dollar 280 millimeter so it's not a side-by-side comparison by any stretch of the imagination however when you're purchasing a cooler depending on what your budget is if your case can handle certain you know your case may not handle anything bigger than a 248 you should expect a larger radiator to perform better that goes with we'll just put it up here and that's it we're hooked up once i plug this cable in okay so i'm just plugging sata power into the nzxt cooler that's going to light up you'll notice i don't have any rgb cables to deal with there is a usb cable to control it right oh and then there's the cpu header we'll plug that in right up here cpu fan header that's it it's all hooked up so as far as like how we're gonna set this i think maybe just like okay power and video all right gentlemen and ladies in the chat room what do you think our max temp is going to be after 20 minutes with an nzxt cracking x62 on a 9900k time to release the crack so far we've seen 77 degrees from enter max's 240 millimeter 91 we've seen 91 from intermax's ets f40 air tower this was the cooler that was in the xenos build before i replaced it with a z63 and if you'd like mitch you can uh hold on wait a minute let me do this turn on camera two now we're ready go ahead let me see if the cooler is lighting up it's not lighting up how come that should say nzxt oh it was a fast food we're already booted huh yeah and if you those fans are loud if you think i'm holding this for 20 minutes you're smoking weed i'm getting a crane go ahead and let it go sure yeah some other chat saying 70 86 why are the fans so loud 77 i'm not feeling this pump work at all i missing a cable soon is it not seated all the way in no that looks good but you should feel the liquid going through the pipe right well i guess it's happening but why is the nzxt logo not lit up missing something don't answer that what's it gonna should light up oh i gotta hit your uh oh we haven't started i just don't know why the nzxt logo is not lit up i don't think you have to have the usb plugged in for that whoa there's so much airflow coming out of this feel this come over here so these fans are like full speed right now for some reason put your hand right there it's like a hair dryer like it's not hot but i mean it's forceful that's a lot of errors pushing through but i don't know why are those two two 140s yes for a total of 280. i feel like we're missing some i don't know what that is way too loud it is going gangbusters yeah it's like i'm not feeling the pump run it's very strange did i not plug it into the power correctly am i on the wrong one well that seemed to solve that clearly we have power so what's the problem it's not my day-to-day i guess blame it on the biomes hmm nothing happening mitch am concerned do i have to have the usb cable that was optional what's the chat room saying ricky lake says plug the usb in yeah i gotta find it pump may need usb i didn't think it was required i thought it was optional might be remembering it wrong okay he's looking chap keyword there is looking maybe in the motherboard box to the xenos build i gotta go in the other room okay entertain the troops would you all right yeah those fans are on full blast well i had chad i haven't ridden my motorcycle in about uh it's been about a week something like that so it's just been too hot out so i reckon i'll do uh probably not tomorrow morning but i'll get up sunday 6 30 head out about 7. i know the weather's cool somewhat cool and go for a ride from seven to nine something like that seven to ten i don't like not riding a bike for a full seven days starting it up taking it for even kind of a short ride so that's what i'll do on my sunday morning if i haven't had too many blue moons hmm why would a cable just disappear this is why it's important to keep all your stuff together my ocd must be getting weaker yes and you had too much stuff how much stuff have you seen me empty out of here the last three weeks i'm quite impressed and it's still we're still buried yeah so but i haven't been taking on anything new getting there hmm so the usb cable would have been in the xeno spill and i took everything out where did i put it i think it's way too loud something ain't right harry kerry just blast it with your 10 12 gauge that's too much money to blast with the 12 gauge making that kind of kills are very expensive hmm wonder if i can steal one from something else it's a pretty standard usb cable oh no it isn't it's got to have a motherboard header on it gosh darn is that an nx nzxt yeah yeah tim too much says requires usb for pumping rgb it does require for the pump that's what 1021 says well you know i'm supposed to have it it's not like i would have used it for anything else yeah i wonder if i can what if i have an extra one laying around i know what it looks like i'll steal the one off the kraken we have in the xenos build okay i think it's the same no you know what this looks different i'm not sure now let's see by the way you shouldn't do this with the uh system on some people in chat we're saying shut it off yeah let's go ahead and turn it off this is the wrong this is so this has um the z63 has a different connector it's like a micro usb instead of the mini and the camera won't focus i'll get out of the way there it is so i cannot take the one from the z60 go ahead and shut that down for me or here i'll just shut it down yeah sounds like it's running hot something that simple shuts the whole thing you know shuts our whole project down okay let me put this back um [Music] you can cut this part out in editing right mind boggling well it's not in the xenos parts box okay it appears that it doesn't exist but it's nothing i would have thrown away when i take everything apart you saw how i had all the yeah you'll find yeah but i need it now oh right now i did such a good job installing it too if i don't say so myself just trying to think any place i might have put that okay i used to have all the xeno stuff right here in this corner so you'd think if it somehow fell out it would have been right here chris johnson with a nice ten dollar contribution i guess i'm going to use that on amazon to buy another usb cable thank you for today's insights i'll be sure to check out your thoughts about coolers from the beginning later this evening it's a great song by emerson lake and palmer from the beginning that ages me all right i was gonna say something you beat me to it yeah love that band psalm song elp huh yeah saw him with a 70-piece orchestra there no never really cared for elp i like yellow yeah yellow soda no elo electric light orchestra i've seen them quite a few times myself too well mitch i am completely you know it's possible no that's not possible we didn't take that nzxt cooler out until we put the c63 in and i'm assuming it was all hooked up and running and that cable should be should have been right here with with the cooler but you know i can order one it's not a you know it's not it just can't get it today yeah you know what else is missing or the radiator mounting screws there's got to be a bag somewhere yeah that has all of the like amd mounting parts yeah you'll find it just happening and with that bye-bye you're ready to wrap it up that's your most riveting camera experience today i have disappointed in my role of producer here to keep things moving what did i do with mike land i saw elp at the california jam in 1974. ooh so yeah i saw emerson lake and palmer both as you know just a trio as the group and twice with a 70-piece orchestra and uh that was great oh sorry yeah it's great this is frustrating i mean i went through all my stuff at studio a and i didn't find any spare cooler mounting kits also chat thanks uh for many of you for um tuning in to see my latest acting gig there uh either on i am my imdb page all the drift or on youtube that you typed in uh dustin james layton it's called adrift and i think he's up to about uh 3600 views so he's quite pleased they've gotten great feedback on it and hopefully the next thing he does i will have a speaking part whereas this one there's a dialogue so it was fun watching him work a drone for a beautiful drone shot the young lady acts in it with me very talented 21 year old actress and so yeah it's a good time here but now the weather's getting mighty hot like jerry's today it's uh 93 pretty warm we're still in may but two weeks i'll take that ride i'll drive i'll i'm gonna drive i'll go phoenix to moab utah usually i can do that in about seven and a half and then i stay overnight in moab and then i'll go um the next morning uh moab on into eagle colorado for my brothers so be a nice change of pace to get out of the heat for a couple of weeks yeah i'll have to remember to bring a light jacket because it can still get a little chilly there in the evenings so got some nylon zip ties okay i was thinking because you know i have that z63 in the birthday build and i thought i might have put a z6 an x62 in here originally but um ac ac's drafting with a 20 contribution he says wings with a side of chicken i like it i think i think we're kind of shot down today okay because i well i'm curious how well the uh the actual cooler is going to do versus you know let's say chromax versus the redux of the same cooler and i am curious how the mugen 5 is going to do i know i'm pretty confident neither one's gonna meet my requirements on a 9900k i know this will but i'm just wondering what that difference is between what we've already tested and as you can see this is a very time-consuming process todd in chances mitch it's on the table i think we've looked on the table as much as yeah it won't be in this box because that box that's a brand new board so it can only be in something this cooler was in and this cooler was in the xenos build and when it was taken apart see the xenos build because it's gone on for like three or four years uh parts have changed it three or four times and i try and keep everything together um and then sometimes things get in the way you have to move things aside and then maybe it didn't i don't know because the xenos is not going to a customer i'm a little um less obsessed with everything because it's my problem it's not a customer's issue so i don't care like anything with that i can solve and the xenos build is all it's booted and it's working it needs cable management then of course there was this build this is for me it's booted and working i'm just trying to think if there's another place i can i might have one of those nzxt coolers i've installed about four or five of them but i think those all went to customers i might have one in the nuka-cola yeah you just have to make a note of it yeah and that's back at studio a so it might i might have to steal from that one or just go online and order some spares because it just occurs to me i cannot mount this radiator without the shallow screws i don't care if i have the amd mounting stuff that doesn't matter but i will need the shallow screws and i will need the uh usb plug-in for it i thought it would i thought the usb only i thought it was optional for the nzxt cam software it turns out not so much so lesson learned um yeah i'm a little bummed out if you can't tell because it stops me dead in the water on a live broadcast once again if we were filming this nobody would ever know yeah we did we'd just postpone it till next week we'd come back we'd wear the same shirts re-edit it and fill right back in and yeah yeah so this is a this is one of the downsides of live video not to mention the intermittent internet stuff an audio issue because i had my mic my mute on yeah so this has been a challenging broadcasting day however we did accomplish reviewing the intermax stuff right um and well the intermac stuff will probably be equivalent to the mugen 5 i would imagine in its cooling ability as i mentioned the mugen 5 in my experience was not enough for the 9900k it's good enough for i7 good enough certainly for an i5 as soon as you get to the i9s then the heat really starts to ramp up so i would have been pleasantly surprised right but i did think that the 240 millimeter liquid cooler would have been enough i'm a little disappointed and i'm very disappointed in the whole mounting system intermax has gone with yeah pay the damn royalty and just use uh asymtex design and you know mark your coolers up a couple bucks or come up with a better design tim too much says once you upgrade the firmware the usb is not required for the pump well once i got it plugged in i mean you know what are you gonna do i might have missed some super chat so let's see what you got stan ristof contributes one pound ninety nine says carrie i think it's time to break out the nitrogen okay yeah that's just for me though i read chris's i read ac's draftings alexander's dilemma contributes two dollars says a regular micro usb cable will work on the cooler well on one end but the other end has to be uh usb pin outs for motherboard most micro usb cables that i would have are like for charging devices so they're going to have a usb type a on one hand for plugging into a charger so what we need is one with a motherboard in it it doesn't uh that's just not a part that i would ever use unless it was designed for a specific piece of hardware like a cooler it doesn't have the he's making it sound like it's universal it's not a universal part in other words you wouldn't use that to charge your phone you wouldn't use that to charge a flashlight you wouldn't use that for charging so all the different usb cables type a type c all of those i have here my micros and minis what i don't have is one that terminates in a motherboard usb pin out now i realize i realize you could you know take a micro usb and plug it into the back of the board maybe that's what he is suggesting um an interesting idea i might be able to do that you think have you got one maybe so anybody else besides me planning a road trip this summer i of course i've told chad a couple of times that i'm kind of here idling waiting for international travel to open up and then i'll uh i'll go i've got my 40 liter backpack and away i'll go for two or three months with my vaccine card and uh my backpack and looking forward because i was gonna do it last summer and so been delayed a year when you're an old guy like me time is of the essence so i'm hopeful by july maybe august malaysia where i want to go and the philippines will open up and allow us u.s travelers to come in i don't think i've got a usb cable that terminates in a micro i think we're a mini i think they're all the smaller the micro ones and i need a mini now i know i have those at studio a but i don't see that that's like typically used in older usb stuff i don't know i got a lot of type c stuff i got a lot of type a stuff i got a lot of micro stuff but i don't think i have anything that takes a mini let me just look one more time craig says international travel not looking good in europe oh let's type c everything's type c or well one can always hope what isn't watching me look for stuff exciting man man says yeah you're old mitch like what 70. i'll use one of kerry's terms how dare you no not and you won't be with that attitude it's the international travel that keeps me young a lot of people don't like traveling alone i wasn't sure i would like it till i spent that month in thailand and sure i mean i would have liked to have gone with somebody but nobody can take you know 30 days off of work so i said i'm not waiting i'm going watched a ton of youtubes on how to do one bag travel how to pack your 40 or 42 liter backpack and um did it and liked it yeah except that it was oh that was that was in july so it was probably 90 out 80 percent humidity it's a bit much warming around during the day looking at stuff but i had a had a little day pack on with a beautiful water bottle yep did you just describe your water bottle yes beautiful bottle all cool all day and uh gotta have good walking shoes if you're gonna walk around a big city like bangkok and uh yeah it was fun yeah i think i'm out of luck here uh mitchell okay you don't sound too disappointed about that though well we usually go to from one to five and we're getting not close i mean it's four i think you're just getting hungry four thirty two was it four thirty four thirty three yeah wow so time flies when you're having fun not right now with you but i mean hey i'm fun size yeah i'm talking about richard no more toto oh well richard here let me uh well he's looking i will uh because i don't think this was on the last chat oh we're on a 45 second delay right so i can't see oh there you go huh huh always on my key always is that the coolest keychain you've ever seen always i'm a subaru keychain the boys are always with me their biggest fan and they know i think i have too many parts yeah we ought to go through it well i don't want to be organized the thing is is when i get all these computers i got about 30 more in here to get out once those are gone there's going to be such few things remaining right it kind of solves itself yeah and this wasn't planned i just sort of made this up as we were going live today and i just i assumed that i had put everything i needed right i did honestly think the usb cable was optional but i still should have had it regardless don't beat yourself on i'm going to because i'm upset i mean it's ready to rock and roll and i can't test it over one stinking cable and i got a ton of usb cables but none of them end in that large you know that by today's standards that micro usb is pretty big what's this one down here type c yeah good idea though yes dangling there yeah yeah um what's this one well this is one of those uh yeah split ones that the external drive use um that's gonna be type c it's going to be mini it's like mini or micro it's the opposite i have a bunch of the one and none of the other here but i do have more at studio a which is more than 30 miles from here so it's not like i'm gonna jump in the car this is all video cables more video cables i got display port dvi to hdmi vga to hdmi you have to understand how many different adapters and cables you've got to have it's not like i'm just dealing with usb cables different length power cables now different like hdmi cables the cameras use mini hdmi and then there's micro hdmi yeah there's just a lot of different types of cabling involved in this xlr cables for the microphones 3.5 millimeter cables for the headphones and headsets and then adapters that split those 3.5 combined headphone microphones and splits them into separate 3.5 for headphone and microphone separately it goes on and on and on it's not as though yeah so i appreciate the suggestion that's just unfortunately not helpful tim too much with a five dollar contribution mitch you don't like the overtime of course because he's buying the wingies in a blue moon mitchie like wingies beautiful medium is hot just hot enough got a bite but the hot is too hot hot is too hot hot is too hot what do you think they call it hot yeah but medium has great flavor that you can taste but enough heat that there well that's not universal though be nice if it was i was checking my roku because that's usb but it's the it's the little tiny usb it doesn't it's not the one we need uh let me check one more thing nope it's a micro as well that's not going to work everything so because the age of that cooler i'm guessing everything is so much smaller now yeah i think i'm out of ideas now okay i think i've officially run out of ideas here so ladies and gentlemen as riveting as today's video was maybe we should just stick to building computers and maybe i should do this the testing offline yeah and just uh you know film it and edit it because this is moving too slow however uh as far as enter max goes i don't have anything else from intermax as far as coolers go i have another one of their power supplies this power supply is working well like i said i don't like that yellow wire exposed but otherwise it's fine i don't have any complaints we'll see how it holds up over time when i send ryan the machine when i'm done with it i'm going to ask him to report any problems to me over the course of ownership and ryan sent me another case uh which i showed you and we'll have that build coming up in a week or two so we've got two more builds you and i and then you're off to colorado would a phone charger cable no no no phones use this kind of cable things that would use this kind of cable would be sort of like uh i mean maybe a phone would back in the day right this is like a usb 2 style oh yeah that's the problem everything's moved on to usb 3. so you don't really see usb 3 cables with that and i can't think of what it's called it's microware mini i can't but hey uh thank you guys so much for hanging out i apologize for all the hiccups today whether it was audio or internet connection or missing parts it's uh it's live it's real it's unscripted it's unrehearsed it's one take so it is what it is yeah and you love it because it's not slick or polished so yeah i'm disappointed and i think maybe i'm getting a little grumpy because i'm hungry and you talk keep talking about wings doesn't help yeah and you had about this much for lunch what did i eat for lunch goldfish goldfish crackers so that was breakfast i didn't have lunch oh then yeah okay they stay crunchy i'm still i keep looking in this corner thinking that it'll be over there but it's it's not yeah but it hasn't wiggled itself over ago pick me up i'll i will do that i will look in the same place six times like it's going to magically appear because i'm like that's where it's supposed to be well that's embarrassing okay well this is why it's important you keep all that stuff remember i always tell you guys always keep your stuff together because it when it's brand new and out of the box of course but then what happens in six months when you need it good luck finding it my grandma says a place for everything and everything in its place remember i always remember that when i go to the graveyard she's always there and with that our positive upbeat we'll get out of here thank you guys so much for joining us thanks for all the contributions during today's uh broadcast and we'll give shouts out it looks like youtube hasn't erased them this time that's something working well tim too much and uh demi kay with another two dollars canadian and that's uh alexander thank you for your suggestion i'm sorry i just don't have the cable a few from ac's drafting today thank you so much aaron uh chris johnson and stan ristov a few times today rick hubbard and uh blackwatch chris garrett as well as ghost shadow tony wallow the tech vlogs michael dane the man pc fishing let's see we got a few more from blackwatch don allen more from stan ristof matt power rock and rob robert catch down jared blackmore another from michael dane planet cryos david dewitt thomas back in stowe and of course our first contribution was planet christmas is our favorite editor that's right we've got some more edits coming yeah certainly this show i don't know if this one can be saved we'll just i'll have him just maybe do what he can right unfortunately we had to have the internet drop while we were yeah couldn't happen while i'm looking for a cable i'm looking for a cable yeah it's good it's rock solid yeah and then the intro is all screwed up because my mic wasn't on i don't know if this one's eligible we'll see we'll have them look at it but it's not that important i don't want to make a video to put down a company i'm not happy about that at all they're good people at work there it's nothing personal i just don't like the mounting technique i don't like the performance i like the price yeah especially if it performed better and it was easier to install yeah but uh yeah well you guys have a great weekend think of uncle mitch riding his beautiful motorcycle on sunday morning when the weather's cool listening to toto in my full-faced helmet with my earbuds on and uh it'll be good all right uh thanks to all my friends in blue for helping keep it civil in the chat room look pretty pretty easy in there today but i'm sure that's with the help of friends in blue that prevented me from having to deal with it and if you're not blue yet in the chat room it's my goal to turn everybody blue you just have to show up be nice be kind supportive if you have nothing nice to say don't say it come in and say hello yeah ain't no harm in that everybody's welcome as long as you're not a jerk that's all going in next friday because i'll have a different shirt no toto i got i don't know i want to write i got five other bands left and then i'll have to go back to the my 42 i'm gonna wear your katy perry shirt next week uh oh you spoiled it so that's a no then that's enough lady a what about you used to be antebellum right but then they shortened it so all right so so uh so no katy perry no so we'll just expect you with the uh jonas brothers then not even close so guys thank you again so much for watching um i think we're both hungry i think we need to eat i'm a little frustrated and uh we'll see you all all again absolutely i will be back alive very soon as a reminder the robo-form deal is back on 11.90 that's 55-0 half off the normal 24.00 price annual price that's less than a dollar a month check it out carrie kerry you know you need it you know you want it you're gonna get a t-shirt that does that yeah mitch is coming up with all kinds of plugins today it'll be great to wear in the bar yeah i still want that ain't that a mitch love it there's three ideas okay just spread it forget it you know you want it you know you need it you know you need it you know you want it i think yeah and then uh ain't that amazing ain't that a match i think we got a whole series of shirts in here is to offend parents worldwide yeah so get roboform it'll or we know what you've got whether it's a low price where you can deal's good until the end of the month i don't even know am i on this camera or that one i guess it's this one yeah this one over here okay and then i'm gonna try maybe when i have some time i'm gonna move one of the cameras prominently over there i know you mentioned moving this monitor switching places so that i'm aiming more towards the corner a lot of people don't like the boring background they like the kitchen because there's lots of things for their add to pay attention to right we might do something with this but not only if i get an ok from the owner which isn't probably going to happen anytime soon but i am aware of your preferences and i'm doing what i can the shirts i still haven't done anything with i'm still working on um other projects that are taking priority right now um one of the viewers who's ordered two computers for me his name is jeff i told him i was going to get a system out on monday it ain't happening it's already friday so jeff if you're watching i'm gonna try and get your system finished this weekend so i can push it out monday and get that out to you uh so you can have it and i appreciate your patience and your understanding and uh and then i have some more giveaways to do we gave away so far four of the veterans giveaways four of them okay there's only three left and they're not prepped yet so all the ones that were prepped are gone so to chris and uh who whoever else i don't even remember busy boy yeah it's been crazy but they've all been this time around everybody's been emailing me and saying oh my gosh thank you i can't believe it they didn't just go radio silent so instead of having the community pick them i've been picking them and um that's been working out better because i can kind of tell from the tone of the email a little bit at least so far it's been working and it feels good that's four more systems that are out of here do you remember how many we counted we were at 40 yeah something like that and now i'm at um hold on real quick just before i wrap it up i got this one that's going to ryan okay i got one two three four motherboards prepped for giveaways and look i got and look chat there he is hey everyone have a great weekend it's too hot here in phoenix so i'll see y'all later hold on i'm counting let's see okay he's come one my birthday build over there that's that's counts that's two i got a motherboard prepped here that's three four five six seven then the one for jeff that's eight xenos it's nine mini helicopters ten the tube computer is eleven the robot's foot is 12. there's four to the lawyer's office that's 16. okay there's one two three four more prepped that's 20. there's the be quiet build that's 21. there's three more to give away for veterans that's 24. so i think we were at 40 and we're down to 24. i think that sounds right i think i got 16 out of here in the last two weeks so if i can pull another 16 out of here in the next two weeks that means by the end of this month uh i'll be dead yeah no i mean it's i'm not bringing any more in everything is going one way only right let's get out of here so it feels good to make some progress as i mentioned ryan's got a new case coming to us we've got the mx410 mesh somebody sent me a cougar mx410 mesh probably a year ago 10 months ago whoever that was please give me a give me a shout out send me an email or dm so because we're gonna do that one well i'm gonna do it probably next week and then i'm trying to get a couple more offers uh for you guys oh here's a real quick thing i'll do a separate video on this but since you're sticking around many people don't know my brother is a as a journalist he went to college for a journalism degree that didn't really work out too well you know because journalism it doesn't pay well and it's everybody's a journalist now with the internet but he has a passion for hockey any hockey fans any out there i mean i know we have some canadians watching i think that's a law you have to be a hockey fan so my brother wrote this book taking on up shown let me have you uh will you hold this for me okay i got the wrong video feed up again keep doing that so i want to give a plug here to my brothers but he doesn't even know i'm doing this by the way okay hockey fans this book is a few years old it's how the nhl conquered hockey deceptions and double cross and you'll see the author's name with maury holtzman and joseph nyforth and deceptions and double cross if i just read the inside jacket it says hockey lovers will be fascinated by the truth about how the national hockey league was founded and how through less than savory means it captured permanent possession of the stanley cup deceptions and double cross begins with the 1917 conspiracy among montreal among a montreal contin contingent of the national hockey association to oust toronto owner edward james livingstone from the league the result was the transformation of the nha into the nhl with frank calder as president leaving livingstone out in the cold under cold calder's iron fisted direction the nhl became the only major hockey league in north america and gained exclusive claim to the stanley cup so that's book one and my brother just published just a couple months ago the odd fellow's heart which again follows a hockey story this is almost like uh documentary type writing right it's it's it's not a novel it's a historical uh recreation or not a it's a historical he had to do a lot of research and put all this together to show how it all comes together and uh this book is uh the inside jacket here says few hockey historians remember jimmy stewart's contributions to the sport because he was an understated and modest digger slash worker never seeking the glory he just wanted to get the work done he was just the kind of hockey just the kind of guy hockey teams love to have jimmy stewart's mother died when he was just six years old his father died 13 years later and stewart chose to support his younger sister and his stepmother when he wasn't working he involved himself in changing the way hockey was originally played into the sport we watched today now jimmy was an honest amateur even if amateurism was from its beginnings a shaky and often phony proposition he was a believer and there's something to be said for that the stubborn and defiant steward was on the losing end of the amateur slash pro battle and the winners always get to write the history until now the odd fellow's heart is a story about jimmy stewart's blue-collar background merging in with montreal's social elite and how his efforts gave hockey a set of rules that are the genesis of today's game including sudden death overtime the size of a goal net the weight and material of the puck the permanent introduction of a referee's whistle and perhaps most importantly a battle with trustee phil ross to help bring the stanley cup into prominence so this book was just published in january of this year these are both available on amazon i'll include links if you're interested in the history of hockey you got to be a true hockey fan you know to get that nerdy into the history and how it all sort of came about i personally find it fascinating although um i'm not a sports fan i'm uh i'm a nerd so i don't mind watching hockey but i don't know who any of the players are anymore but in any event just a little uh plug there from my brother that's his passion project this is not what he does for a living that's what he does for fun nice that's a lot of research involved in that and i'll have links to those i'll add them to the show notes after the video for top gun rig with a five dollar contribution right here at the end thank you guys so much enjoy your friday enjoy your weekend i'll try and get back here ooh i don't know that i can do it for sunday or monday broadcast but maybe i might have something edited or recorded i can share with you i'll definitely be back tuesday with something all right yeah and then we'll see you again friday at 1. even though i'm not on a permanent schedule i kind of am right now you can count on a live stream every friday at 1 p.m pacific time arizona time unless i'm out of town i'll still do it yeah even with or without you must go on yeah and nutty will replace you okay he's your understudy yay thanks guys for watching we'll see you all again very very soon until then bye for now [Music] you
Channel: CareyHolzman
Views: 9,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Holzman, motherboard, cooler, small, how-to, DIY, build a computer, build a pc, build, assemble, create, computers, windows, microsoft, samsung, ssd, storage, install
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 33sec (13113 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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