Mind-Blowing Food Facts You Didn't Know About

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facts first presents incredible facts about food number one the oldest soup in history the next time you sit down to enjoy a can of Campbell's soup think about the first soup ever made the oldest evidence of soup goes back to 6,000 BC the ingredients of the first soup were hippopotamus meat and Sparrow meat it certainly is not what you will find in the soup on the supermarket shelves today number two where did pound cake get its name you ever had a piece of pound cake and wondered why it's called pound cake some people believe that it got its name because that's how much it weighs one pound well that's not the case it got its name from the original recipe it called for a pound of butter a pound of eggs a pound of sugar and a pound of flour since the recipe called for a pound of each ingredient it was called a pound cake number three strange corn-on-the-cob fact most people don't sit down to eat corn on the cob and count the number of rows of corn that would probably take a while well this fun little fact proves somebody actually did do that they counted the rows on more than one ear of corn and on the average year of corn there is an even number of rows of corn in most cases it's 16 number four you might not be eating wasabi the next time you go out for a nice sushi dinner and you have wasabi you should know that it might not actually be wasabi that you are eating there are many sushi restaurants who use horseradish coloured green and they serve that to their customers they do this because it tastes slightly similar and it's less expensive than real wasabi number five apples are actually roses that Apple that Red Delicious crunchy apple it's classified as a fruit however it's a member of the rose family the same is true with pears and plums the next time you want to buy a loved one a dozen roses you can save a lot of money and buy them a dozen apples now unless they know this fun fact the gift might not make as much sense number six Brazil's most popular pizza topping in the United States the most popular pizza toppings are pepperoni cheese and sausage some people prefer vegetables on their pizza like onions green peppers mushrooms even black olives in Brazil things are a bit different in Brazil the most popular topping on pizza is green peas it's a topping you'd never see in the United States or anywhere else in the world for that matter number seven real balsamic vinegar is much more expensive than what you have in your pantry the average cost of the balsamic vinegar that you keep in your cupboard is between three and five dollars per bottle if you want to buy real aged balsamic vinegar you better be prepared to pay a lot more than that a whole lot more the average cost for real balsamic vinegar is anywhere between $75 and $400 per bottle number eight the most expensive pizza in the world most families spend between ten and twelve dollars per pie on pizza night there are some pizza places who charge more there are some who charge less the most expensive pizza in the world though costs $12,000 that is more expensive than a used car if you're gonna order this extremely expensive pizza you'd better order it early because it takes 72 hours to make it it's a long time to wait for a pizza number 9 Dunkin Donuts in South Korea is really weird when you walk into an American Dunkin Donuts you can expect to see well doughnuts glazed doughnuts chocolate donuts frosted Boston cream doughnuts but if you walk into a Dunkin Donuts in South Korea you're gonna see doughnuts that you've never seen before they don't sound at all appetizing at least not to me the most popular types of doughnuts there are kimchi croquette and glazed garlic number 10 chocolate was once more than just a tasty treat today people walk into a store and they buy a chocolate bar and they use money to do that well that was not always the case in 1400 the Aztecs used the cocoa beans which chocolate are made from as a form of currency yeah the chocolate was the money the people who grew the beans were ordered to give them away as tax it was called a tribute back then the Spanish conquistadors also used chocolate as currency you could trade 100 cacao beans in exchange for a canoe filled with freshwater or a turkey hen number 11 there are beetles in your skittles skittles candy uses a red food dye called carmine it's also used in a variety of other candies to give them their red coloring but you might not know is that this red dye is made from boiled cocktail bugs which are a type of beetle the next time you're thinking about buying a package of skittles keep that in mind you might decide to go with a Twix instead number 12 pufferfish can kill you if you're planning to order pufferfish the next time you go out to eat you should understand that it could be deadly to you unless it is prepared properly it'll contain a toxin that is 1,200 times deadlier than cyanide because eating this fish is so dangerous chefs who prepare pufferfish must study for years and years before they can work in a restaurant that serves the fish number 13 McDonald's is a busy place okay you probably already knew that but you probably didn't know how busy they are every second of every day 75 hamburgers are sold that doesn't include other popular menu items like the Big Mac or Chicken McNuggets number 14 ketchup wasn't always for burgers and dogs today people put ketchup on many things such as hamburgers hot dogs french fries well back in the 1800s ketchup was used as more than just a condiment back then it was used to treat medical conditions including diarrhea not exactly sure how you apply that though hopefully orally number 15 if you're on a diet stay away from the Chinese buffet if you're trying to watch your weight avoid going to a Chinese buffet yeah sure the food is delicious it's cheap and you can eat all you want and that could be part of the problem your waistline though is going to pay for it later if you go to the buffet and you fill your plate three times you will have consumed about 3000 calories much more than the recommended amount of calories that you should consume in an entire day number 16 fruit loops all taste the same if you have ever sat down and eaten the bowl of fruit loops you know that they are delicious well since you don't eat cereal piece-by-piece you probably don't know this little fun fact no matter what color fruit loop you're eating they all taste the same the only difference between each fruit loop is the food coloring that's used number 17 honey is disgusting this is what are the most disgusting and incredible facts about food honey is a sweet food that comes from bees we all know that most people think it's made from the nectar while that is true it's also made from something else there is bee vomit in the honey the next time you decide to put some honey on your toast you might want to think twice hey honey could you pick up some bee vomit at the supermarket number 18 Chuckie Cheese was created by a computer nerd chucky cheese is one of the more popular restaurants for kids in the united states they have rides games pizza and a friendly Mouse walking around named chuck-e-cheese but you might not know this restaurant was created by a computer nerd Nolan Bushnell the man who invented the Atari video game system he was the person who created the Chucky Cheese franchise number 19 where did spam get its name spam no we're not talking about the stuff you get in your email and talking about the meat spam it's an acquired taste some people love it some people despise it it is ham in a can well if you ever wondered where they came up with the name spam it's pretty simple it stands for spiced ham spam number 20 the inventor of the popsicle popsicles are a delicious summer treat they come in a variety of colors and flavors and both children and adults love them you ever wondered who invented the popsicle most people think that it was a chef or somebody who worked for a major food manufacturer the truth is that the popsicle was invented by an 11 year old child back in 1905 number 21 why are there holes in crackers you ever eaten a cracker and seeing those tiny holes in it they're actually there for a reason the small holes are put in the crackers before they're baked so that air bubbles won't ruin the cracker during the baking process number 22 so many apples there are over 7500 varieties of apples growing all over the world if you wanted to try a new type of Apple each day it would take you 20 years to try all of them that's a long time and a lot of apples no thanks I'll just stick with my Honey Crisp Thank You number 23 pineapples can destroy your taste buds the next time you decide to have a few pieces of pineapple you might want to think twice about that there is an enzyme at pineapples called bromelain this enzyme helps to break down proteins unfortunately it can also destroy your taste buds because well your tongue is made of protein if you eat pineapples on a daily basis in a few years you might lose your ability to taste all together number 24 the most expensive fruit in the world most people don't expect to spend more than maybe five dollars on fruit when they go to the supermarket the most expensive fruit in the world is the Japanese Yubari cantaloupe two of these melons were sold at auction recently for twenty three thousand five hundred dollars a typical cantaloupe in the supermarket will run you about five bucks makes you wonder who would be crazy enough to spend over twenty three thousand dollars on a couple of pieces of fruit number 25 chicken years ago didn't contain as much meat over the years chickens have been getting larger thanks to the hormones that are given to them by farmers the larger the chicken the more money it's gonna cost in 1957 chickens were relatively scrawny in 1978 they had doubled in size today chickens look like monsters compared to what they once used to look like many chicken manufacturers say they're actually no longer using growth hormones to their chickens but judging by the size they might not be completely honest about that subscribe for more [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Facts Verse
Views: 885,626
Rating: 4.5254879 out of 5
Keywords: Mind-Blowing Food Facts You Didn't Know About, facts, food, eating, nutrition, kitchen, health, fast food, meat, mind blowing, diet, cooking, grocery store (industry), ingredients, industry, fda, cheese, restaurant
Id: cLHk3RBVzKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2017
Reddit Comments

I could have gone my whole life NOT knowing that about Skittles. Thank you jerks. You ruined Skittles for me.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
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