I'm Officially Being Sued

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Backstory is that Greg made a video reviewing dumb craigslist ads and is sent this absurd ad asking for 6 grand for a computer; he critiques the ad and shows how the computer can be made for way less. The ad poster ( Dustin Ellenwood ) was an owner of a computer repair shop who posted his business's address on the ad. Once the video goes semi-viral, trolls start ripping this shop to shreds online for how absurd their price was for the computer through google's review function on the business page. Ellenwood then threatens Salazar with a lawsuit and proceeds to file one through the Allen Superior Court of Fort Wayne, Indiana for slander, defamation and liable.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/critikalhd πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Business posts public ad for pc.

Ad comes to the attention of the Public.

Public doesn't like ad.

Business is upset because public ad is disliked by the public.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EvilKrikkit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

oh Dustin you goober... just let it go man

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/orphantosseratwork πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HomosexualOrangePeel πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is absolutely hilarious!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mr_NiceGuy113 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I want that wallpaper.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/unr34lgaming πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Posted this on their Google Reviews.

Google Review I made.

He needed to see this directly. The guy is absolutely bonkers TBH. Just completely wrong in every way. I really do feel sorry for his Fiancee and who she picked to be her husband. Terrible choice.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nexxusty πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
so the day has finally arrived I am officially being sued and I expect the claim will arrive in the mail and either today or tomorrow sent first-class so I'm sure it'll be here in a few days but I was greeted with a very pleasant email from Dustin the owner of grace computers who decided that it would be just the perfect opportunity to sue a 24 year old youtuber from making a Craigslist video about his ad that contained his business address that he voluntarily included in said ad now I must confess I actually had a video ready to go about this very topic although at that point I hadn't been sued yet so when I show you that previous video in this one you'll see it all kind of meshed together if you will when I change positions I actually filmed it over there you'll know that that was before I actually received the claim now I haven't actually received the claim and mail yet but Dustin was again so gracious and kind to send it to me via email he didn't have a lawyer sign off on his claim he also sent it himself which is really weird usually you have your counsel do that for you so I'm not sure if he's trying to do this on his own or not but I think what he's trying to do is intimidate me and get me to hire a lawyer and pay hundreds of dollars to defend myself against something that says sham is this I don't think I need to hire a lawyer but I will do it on a heartbeat if I feel it is necessary so I'm gonna give you a brief synopsis of what will happen if I do have to show up in court what I'm going to do is file for dismissal and that means I'm going to basically write a letter to either the clerk of court or the judge directly who's assigned to this case and say that that Court has no jurisdiction over my company or myself in a state of Florida because in the case of a small claims case you cannot sue somebody out of state unless that person is in your state when they're served or if that business for something the business has property or a few other things in the state maybe they do business directly in Indiana that would be an exception but then you'd have to sue me for something that I did in the state of Indiana like some sort of business opportunity I was pursuing while I was in the state so there are exceptions I wrote all that down I kind of know how it all works but he basically can't sue me here because I'm in Florida and this is where I do business so he'd have to sue me in the state of Florida and I'm sure he'd be willing to fork up the money to do that so that's my first step filing for dismissal I'm think I think he expects I'm going to do that he did at one point say that he would have to come down to Florida to sue me and he said he would do it but he hasn't done it yet I think he's trying to again intimidate me and make me hire a lawyer up there but okay now for that I'm gonna show you the previous video now I think you'll find it very entertaining I show pretty much all of Dustin's messages he thinks it because he puts disclaimers about like confidentiality and at the bottom of his messages like I can't publicize them because yeah if I put a confidentiality notice at the bottom of anything that means that my messages are perfectly secret and concealed right so I show you all those because I don't give a crap and I'm not legally bound to that I also show you the Better Business Bureau complaint I think that's very funny as well so if you're in for just a good laugh at the very least I invite you to watch the rest of this video stay tuned maybe comment down below I will catch you guys in the next video where hopefully we don't just talk about court cases anymore yeah all right here we go many of you have asked for this follow-up video so I figured I'd throw this out there just a few minutes along to close things out and that's what I expect this entire ordeal will come to the owner of grace computers has no case against us so why he continues to harass us is beyond me it's a waste of his energy and it takes time out of our day to have to sift through his crap that he sends us we've never promoted violence of any kind in any of our videos especially the two pertaining to his business rather all I've done is prove that revealing the name of a business whether it be online in a public forum like Craigslist or in a YouTube video like this one is not illegal and we will not be bullied into thinking otherwise so following the release of this video right here the owner of grace computers began sending threatening messages yet again to our science studio Facebook page by the way a little plug for us you can support the page by following it via at the link below I should note that we've never once at least since the airing date of the last video talked to the guy right he keeps sending us messages and our generic auto response usually follows so everything you're seeing here is raw and unedited you can sit here and make little YouTube videos with your false claims and how you used PC parts picker to build my machine but fail to even properly put in half the parts to make it as it's not worth what I even remotely had it close to anything it was not to say that he wasn't the one who filed the privacy complaint that we talked about in our last video however in YouTube's own Terms of Service the only people who can file these complaints are the subjects in question who wish to have their identities concealed or removed outright and on top of that why on earth would anyone else a year later try to do this try to flag our original video for a privacy complaint so in our last video I discussed how a public business right in this case grace computers has no expected right to privacy especially if it's address and phone number are plastered all over Google and Facebook it's not even like this is his home address if it was his home address you know I would probably remove it just to be a nice guy but this was a public business and it's something you can literally Google and that's why I have a problem because he's trying to bully us into thinking that the law says something else when it in fact it does not and even if you didn't want to look at Google or Facebook you could also look up any of this information in the state business registry at any time that's because businesses public businesses have no expected right to privacy why would a business that provide services to the community want to be private then you'd never actually do your job now this next chunk of words and this string of Facebook messages goes into the price justification yet again he cannot stop with this we've already debunked it numerous times as have other people on Twitter many of you have done this research yourself he says that including outlet PC was essentially lying to my viewers he also says that I only make videos to troll and put people down sounds a lot like defamation to me he also says I hide behind my channel kind of like how he hides behind Facebook messages he says I tried to hide things I I have absolutely no idea what he's talking about here he says we deleted tweets not sure again what he's talking about he also says many have called me out on this I've I mean 99% of you have been on our side here and those who understand the law and understand basic civility so yeah not sure to what he's referring we've been in the right from the start here I'll make that very clear we have done nothing illegal we've never promoted or condoned violence in this channel especially in those two videos again so I don't understand what his problem is Dustin however has deleted posts and yes even videos he uploaded one response that was so comical ended up taking a a few days later probably because you thought we'd use it against him we downloaded for good measure the next few messages consist of baseless threats he threatens to sue us and practically every message it's a bit crazy if you ask me he's gonna take down my entire channel folks better watch out don't be displaying business addresses in your Craigslist videos especially when the posters themselves are the ones including the business addresses this does any of this make sense to any of you I think it makes sense to Dustin and that's why I kind of feel bad for the guy now a funny part of this entire chunk of messages is that at one point he includes what looks like a copied and pasted confidentiality notice it's it's pretty hilarious this guy honestly thinks that by posting something like this it's somehow restricts me from publicizing it what's wrong Dustin there's nothing to be ashamed of he'll probably try to sue me for this too I'll keep you posted so at this point he supposedly opened an FBI investigation yeah this message right here still waiting for them to barge into my apartment at any moment that's sarcasm and then he starts threatening with the lawsuit again then we get a final notice and then we get another yeah final notice then he gets into this personal stuff and I look up to this point we have not responded remember we haven't responded a single time personally either will or myself to these messages just our automated response that he knows is automated so I'm gonna talk to you now Dustin this was never about any anyone else other than you and I this was never about your family your kids whatever I'll publicly condemn anyone publicly condemn anyone who threatens the life of you or your family or mine for that matter obviously but you can't accuse me of harassment and violence for making these kinds of response videos I've never pointed violence on this channel and I never will so stop trying to lump me in with that because that right there is dangerous for you legally to defend in court I'm not pressing charges at this time but I certainly think I have enough to at least get a restraining order on you because it's getting a little out of hand oh throughout this time by the way the owner filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau which I mean come on the BBB really you're gonna bring the BBB into this it's just first class Priority Mail comedy at this point and it Dustin alleges that I yeah insinuated a and harassed my viewers he says that I lied and misinformed viewers based on quote my opinion he then accuses some other guy of like filing the privacy complaint that we talked about in our last video which why he would do that a year later I'm not sure and I'm sure if he can do that he then accuses me directly of harassment to conclude the entire thing the balls this guy has and the complaint ends with a request to I'm just gonna read it I says I am seeking removal of all videos and a public apology asking users to remove the reviews he's talking about I guess some negative google reviews and a no-contact order stipulated that there is to be no further videos contact or information posted but let me tell you dust and the reason why this video this one right here that you're watching exists is because of this complaint I'm not intimidated by the BBB I don't care about providing services anyone else outside of these videos so I'm not intimidated nice try as probably as far as you'll get you're not gonna be able to sue me and even if you do again good luck in court but the reason why this video exists is because you sent this let it go if you don't let this go I will continue to make these videos I don't care if anyone watches I don't care if I get one view I will still make these videos because you deserve to be called out when you do stuff like this when you try to pull this crap and defame my company I yeah I take it personally oh by the way the public apology that's not happening the removal of all videos also I'm not gonna happen I think the saddest part of all of this is the fact that Dustin does not understand the law at least in my eyes he doesn't understand that he can't lawfully silence the speech of law-abiding citizens and businesses it doesn't matter if you're in the United States or some other developed country it's in most most countries out there probably have some law that protects this kind of speech in the United States that's the case that's the issue here and it's likely why he took drastic measures and opened a complaint or whatever with the FBI okay I doubt he even called oh gosh the if the guy thing was really funny ultimately nothing - the amount of even a cease and desist letter has been received on our end he has her business address it's how he filed the BBB complaint but I highly doubt anything else comes with this he's I mean he's publicly detested his local police department and his court system if you really have no faith in them then you probably are motivated to follow through with another lawsuit that will require you to show up in the state of Florida contrary to what he originally thought he thought he could pull me to Indiana now if you're gonna sue me here you got to come here where I live and you gotta take me to court we'll be interesting to see how that plays out if it even does but now - Dustin straight up let it go you have your livelihood I have mine if you'd have buried this when the original video aired we wouldn't be here today let it blow over don't play The Verge do not play victim okay you won't get a youtube ban on my channel we've done nothing that violates their Terms of Service and again we've never ever condoned or promoted violence find it and I'll call it out when I see it that's where I want to end to all of you watching leave this guy alone don't leave fake reviews don't harass his family capiche we're good all right thank you all for watching thank you for the support and we'll keep you updated if anything else is thrown our way this is science video thanks for watching and thanks for chatting with us you
Channel: Greg Salazar
Views: 1,402,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: science, studio, lawsuit, i'm being sued, grace computers, science studio lawsuit, small claims court, sue me bro, science studio sued, science studio craigslist, jurisdiction, science studio claim, craigslist lawsuit, greg salazar lawsuit
Id: EiAA42lzs0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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