LIVE Friday Night Vesper| Pastor Mamon Wilson

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my soul's desire is to be used and empty that's so longing to be filled by you my soul's desire is to serve you lord to do your perfect will to work each day and build your kingdom this is my soul's desire [Music] lord i do not seek to claim your glory i only wish to be under your control for i know that you alone are worthy and as you who place this longing in my soul my soul's desire is to be used an empty vessel longing to be filled by you my soul desire is to serve you lord to do your perfect will to work each day and build your kingdom this is my souls jesus [Laughter] [Music] my soul's desire is to be used an empty vessel longing to be filled by you my soul's desire is to serve you lord to do your perfect will [Music] is [Music] [Music] we're going to skip tonight uh praise reports uh unless there's an urgent one that's here tonight we will skip that and we'll go right to our scripture reading for tonight and keep it moving keep it moving keep it moving is that all right we're running a little bit behind schedule so we want to get back on schedule all right our scripture lesson tonight is from hosea chapter 4 verse 6. i said my people perish because of a lack of knowledge and we want to be informed enlightened instructed that we would know what to do because of the times in which we live in we live in some very urgent times some serious times that we need to get ready to get out of here amen lights i were presented tonight as mayman wilson a herbalist and also a medical missionary he brought his team with him part of his team with him with him i don't think it's all the team but i think this is part of his team right ben all right all right so after the next musical selection we will have our presentation for the night for time's sake we will go right on into a message tonight [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] or someone to just be there you [Music] he's the piece [Music] jesus [Music] again i give you jesus [Music] when the pressures [Music] when your body is [Music] [Music] [Music] remember on the [Music] is [Music] understanding [Music] i give you jesus he's the perfect love that can't take out all your fears [Music] give you [Music] first jesus i give you jesus [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] yes i don't know okay amen and amen that's just to bless my soul i was totally exhausted and she refreshed me i tell you what i i've been blessed with many gifts many gifts but one gift i covered just be able to sing like that they know it i mean if i could sing like that then i could soothe my weary soul i really could and but god didn't give me that gift the gift he has given me is to understand the language of disease and i know it's not any intellect from me because i have not one moment of medical school but i converse with biologists scientists doctors physicians all over the world i understand their language they baffle to understand how i could understand those things but give me jesus and i know i know what it is and so i've been at this thing for a moment or so i'm into my 51st year doing this work and i'll tell you what i find nothing more pleasure than working for the lord i said a brief word of prayer and i'm gonna get started dear loving father which i in heaven dear lord thank you so much lord for your everlasting kindness thank you for your grace and operation of your holy spirit bless us now lord as we converse here about your word and lord we have been grafted in as participants lord to hasten your soon coming and prepare people lord for trying times lord that they may be taken out of this place to a better land bless us christ's name amen billion healthy families one man at a time you know in god's search for one man he counted a thousand women but out of his search he found one woman one and so god want to find a faithful man if he can find a faithful man then he'll find a faithful woman and a faithful family and so we're going to look at different segments of how we can be made whole how we can be healthy we're living in the time of the pandemic and oh boy i'm trying to figure this thing out right here uh i don't think i have it on it's a little power switch on the left hand side okay i got it i still don't have it see i'm you remember when i told you see i got one gift and that that medical work every other gadget i struggle with do you have that other one level yeah okay we're going to look at dealing with how we can deal with this pandemic this weekend and other associated problems uh problems that really lay at the foundation of this pandemic given us so much trouble and to begin with i begin from the very beginning when god created adam he created him a single-minded person single-minded for the glory of god do you all understand that adam had no competing thoughts about nothing but the pleasure i give pleasure to god he was single-minded but after the fall adam became double-minded and so in order to save him uh he became double-minded and the gospel was given to adam to choose you this day who you're going to serve so in that double-minded spirit adam had to make a choice and god presented the gospel to enable adam to make that choice now in genesis the third chapter you see what i'm talking about the first verse now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field that means he was conniving he was slick and clever he had no human intellect but simply he was being used by the devil which was a very smart creature which the lord god had made and he said and said woman yea has god said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden in other words he looking for some kind of avenue to deceive the woman and he had to get in a conversation with her and the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the tree of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden god has said ye shall not eat of it neither shall ye touch it unless she die you see eve was doing the very thing that we do eve was trying to set this serpent straight he had his information all wrong and she wanted to correct him but he was used in that conversation to see if there was something there a little small something that deviated from the principle of god you know the devil don't need nothing but a little small inch and he can take a mile and he listened and when the woman said but the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden god has said ye shall not eat of it neither shall ye touch it god didn't say all of that but it was enough for the devil to test eve and to cause a fall and the serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die he challenged her now he don't be so naive you're not quite right there for god do know that the day ye eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods knowing good and evil he making a proposal to her that if she would follow his instruction she would be a goddess an object to be worshipped and so eve listened to the enticing word of the devil and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food how did eve come to that conclusion she saw with her eyes she perceived from her sight that it must be good that it was pleasant to the eye it did look lovely and it looked delicious and a tree to be desired and yes she was tempted to make one wise she perceived that the wisdom that this serpent had had to come from this fruit because no other creature could could converse like that it must be the power of this fruit she perceived so much so that she forced herself to take the fruit there up and did eat and gave unto her husband with her and he did eat now adam was not with his wife at that very moment i want you to understand that but soon after she ever took of the fruit adam showed up now when adam showed up and saw his wife what do you think adam must have thought what was it what was his thoughts in his mind he perceived eve in a different light a light he had never seen before in his life you see that holy kind of glory that eve had it had faded away and all adam saw was her well-proportioned symmetry eve stood about 15 feet high well in symmetry beautiful above imagination adam had never seen his wife like this and like any man he said wow what a woman after comparing her with all the monkeys and and and elephants and tigers and dogs he said what a woman and he began to think i don't ever want to go back to that time without this woman i love this woman and i'm sure every man feels that way and knowing better for the bible said adam was not deceived but the woman was what the seed adam took of the fruit and ate joining her in her rebellion and the eyes of them both were open they could see all the time but now they began to perceive new things they began to have a concept that god never gave them and they knew that they was naked and they sowed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons in other words they looked at themselves and and he looked at brother adam and she said honey i i think you look all right to me and he looked at her and he said baby i think you you look fine i i don't see nothing wrong with that i don't see why god won't accept that little that little fig leave many skirts you got on you see the problem was adam was looking and he was looking through a carnal fall in nature you see just that instant they had fallen from grace and now they were shown and covered in sin and sin is at enmity with god do you understand that neither can it please god and every thought of even every thought of adam was evil continuously even when they sought to do right paul said they thought they did wrong and when they knew better they did wrong you see they was in the midst of romans the seventh chapter and so they now feel that they was okay but they began to hear the voice of god walking in the garden in the cool of the day god always came to visit his children in the cool of the day and aveney and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the lord among the trees in the garden in other words the closer god came the more naked they felt and to the point that they hid themselves i believe the true part of proverbs would be in those last days those that are not covered in god's grace gonna hide themselves in their thickets in the caves they're gonna be just like adam and eve the closer god come will you be dressed right you see dress is important i read the dress was an index of your character and people said dress is not important but it's a reflection of your very thoughts and it preaches a sermon before you open your mouth i remember uh pastor el montempa years ago i was up there doing a seminar like this and he said brother wilson i tell my members if you ain't selling take the sign down i hope you all understand that and you know what that stuck with me and in genesis third chapter verse 9 and the lord god called unto adam and said unto him where thou now god knew adam was and he said i heard thy voice in a god and i was afraid because i was naked and i hid myself you see he was afraid what god would do to him and and genesis the 3rd chapter 11 verse and he said who told thee that thou was naked has thou eaten of the tree were of i commanded thee that thou should not eat in other words god was bringing adam to an investigation adam is standing his day of atonement do you all understand that we all have an appointment in a day of atonement when we're going to stand before the great the great judge of the universe and he got some questions for us like he's questioning adam who told thee and the man said lord i was minding my own business i wasn't bothered about nobody i was at peace i did not ask for no woman didn't do it but god you went ahead and brought that woman forth god if you had never given me that woman i would have never sinned against you do you understand that now what do you think a holy god would say he would have said no i didn't do that no that's not god he said all right it's my fault and the sins of adam was laid on his shoulder now i know you're saying that ain't fair but it's the only avenue by which adam can be saved you see adam cannot carry his sins but jesus christ he is the sin barrier he can bear the sins of adam that he cannot carry and so he said all right adam it's my fault and god took the sins of adam but in the exchange he said adam would you take my righteousness and you know god is judging his church didn't have the two members preacher adam and late woman eve they're standing in the day of atonement and the lord god said unto the woman what is this thou has done now he's coming down to lace us to eat and the woman said lord i knew you was going to ask me that question god i just got a question to ask you why in the world did you create a serpent in the first place you know if you hadn't created that serpent i would have never been deceived you see that's the human nature do y'all understand what i'm talking about i can paraphrase that because i believe that's what my response would be and now they know they on death row and a man is trying to save himself but my bible tells me that if a man seeks to save himself he's going to lose himself because in his effort to save himself he's going to interfere with to save his plan to save him and so she said lord the serpent begot me he tricked me and i did him and the lord god said unto the serpent now i love this don't miss this one you see god asks adam and eve what is this thou has done notice god did not ask the devil what did he have done if he had asked that serpent what is this thou has done that means the devil would have been what invited into the investigative judgment but my bible tells me that ungodly shall not enter into the judgment then judgment is set for god's people the world is judged and condemned already and it's our job to make them what aware that a judgment day is coming and the lord god said in this sermon because thou has done this you see that how he said that thou art cursed bro above all cal and above every beast of the field upon thy belly shall thou go and dust shall be and thus shall thou eat all the days of thy life and then he said uh very most important statement and i would put enmity hatred between thee and what the woman who is that woman that's the church now if he had to put enmity between the church and the devil that means what didn't have it that means the church loved the devil at that time y'all don't believe that do you listen to this the bible says whatever master you serve that's the message you love and eve was serving the devil when she obeyed the devil and so in order to save her and to save the church and to save adam god had to make them what double-minded he didn't erase her love for the devil he didn't do that she still loved him but he put something else there that is an inclination to love the lord now there are two contending forces competing for her for mental faculties one is obey and love the lord other is obey the devil and so in order for her to be able to make that choice god had to give her a blueprint and the blueprint is the word of god so she can make a proper choice the devil had a blueprint too in all the things of this world but god had his word his holy word and so he said i put enmity between thee and the woman between thy seed and her seed it shall bruise thy head and thou shall bruise his heel and so the warfare continued and people don't be troubled about the devil he has no strength at all i remember talking to a brother he was from one of the islands and i won't call it and he said that we into all kind of black magic and i said to him i don't believe in it he said you don't believe in black magic i said man no power to that that john i said if you believe it you give it power and i said you be rebuked that demon and he was solely convinced that it had power i said the only power we've got is your belief in it and god has given us a power of deliverance if doubt will diligently hearken to the voice of the lord our god that means god wants to make some efforts and we'll do that which is right in his sight how you're going to know without a blueprint and will give ear to his commandments the commandments of the god is the transcript of his character and keep all of his statues his statues are given to govern our relationship with each other his commandments is given to us so that we can keep our relationship with god i will put none of these diseases upon thee which i brought upon egyptians for i am the lord that healeth thee so god is telling us that if we keep his commandments and the statues none of these plagues will bother us corona has no power at all do you all understand that it has no power we give it power by believing in it and if we would hear the word of the lord there be no fear at all god has given us precise commandments if we will hearken to his voice there'll be no fear one and as i get into this subject one command was that we were to breathe good wholesome air are you following me uncontaminated air do you know that everyone in this church is throwing out carbon dioxide gas that's why you got a mass on do you know that carbon dioxide gas is floating around this church being what inhaled by us we are breathing off each other's breath now i got a little nose ring in my nose right there that's not for fashion statement at all i'm far from a fashion statement so you see that little ring right there that's not i'm not trying to be cool that is a charcoal nose filter that i put in my nose that catch that carbon dioxide gases before it get in my body and when i don't if i don't have them i have a mask on like you but god was big into social distance did you know that i meet a lot of god's people and they say well i ain't gonna obey no social distance because the state came up with the government came up with governor ain't telling me to do nothing i'm not gonna wear no mass because the government ain't gonna be telling me what to do i'm gonna exercise my freedom look when you when you decide you're gonna be a child of god you exercise your freedom to make that choice that's it see you got two choices in this world you can serve the devil you can serve the lord once you make that choice the freedom is gone because god got a certain way and the devil got a certain way are you following me and you got to choose one of the ways you're going to follow so god said i want you to breathe pure uncontaminated air you cannot do that in the city now we in what cleveland ohio you cannot bring pure air in cleveland ohio i'm sorry you can't do it now you've already broken that commandment now so we we we we're in trouble a little bit right there i'm not going to go much further than that but god said we should loan many years ago to be out in the country why did god tell his people to move to the country because the trees do what to the carbon dioxide gases it sucks it in it breathes it in to the leaves and the stalks and it converts it to what pure uncontaminated oxygen so the trees work in unison with us clean up the air from all the sediments and toxins and debris in the air clean out corona get rid of that and give us good air to breathe and we've been living out in the country among the trees we wouldn't have no problem with it and then he said that my people should live alone and not be reckoned among the nations how about that one now what was god saying in a nice way saying practice social distance if we would obey the word allah we wouldn't have no problem do you know the world would be seeking for us for instruction and direction they would do it in the light of the covet 19 pandemic and the reopening of the city the people of the seven day event church bring to your doorstep the following tips to help you remain safe and healthy we got a work to do we are god's ambassadors you see this community i read in timothy she said timothy said they are dead why they live it are you with me dead why are you living living these people are dead men and women walking they're dead and god has given you the power of resurrection because you're cold labors with him god said i've given you the power to raise up the dead many of you kept saying i wish i could do what the disciples did you can do greater things god has given you the power to raise up the dead and the most powerful evidence is to take a dead soul and show him how you can be born again that's the resurrection that god is concerned about god can easily tell somebody to get up out of that grave but what god wants to do is to resurrect that heart and god has given you as cold labels with him to be participants in that the field is white and it's ready but where are the workers will the 11 hour workers steal our crown i believe so and if we don't tear up the stones gonna speak out in our behave people we got to go to work we cannot sit back and expect the pastor and elders to do this work you are the army they are they are the captain and the sergeant yes they can't do it they give you opportunity that's their job they encourage you but you've got to go to work anytime you fight in an army there's casualties somebody's going to be what lose their life it's dangerous out there but that's about being a soldier all right so it this work has been brought to the doorstep of the seventh-day adventist church the global data indicate higher higher covet 19 case fatalities rate among men than women most countries will avail available data indicate a male to a female case fatalities ratio higher than 1.0 range up to 3.5 in some cases in other words men in particular uh having more problems with covert and because we involve ourselves in more at risk occupation we are out involving ourselves in the community more so than women do and we're having more problems with that i'm going to speed up for the sake of time and basically just a brief here we can see it's not just in america but it's all over the world the netherlands you can see in that first graph right there that blue line represent men and that gray line is women so you can see that the men ratio is much higher than the women all the way from italy all the way to canada and every incident men are having more problems with coronavirus than women more problems and this is why god needs these brothers to take better care of themselves and we're going to be looking at some of those things in particular washing your hand regularly with soap using some type of sanitizers especially when you're out of the home and women will do this more than men we have a kind of a macho attitude ain't nothing gonna hurt me women outlive men almost eight to ten years do you understand that brothers you may think you're stronger than a woman but you're not you're not i deal with disease every day of my life i have done all kinds of surgery thousands of them pull tumors out of people's bodies as big as your head and i've seen women and i'm sitting there trembling and saying it gonna hurt you don't do it take it out out i met a young man in new york city big guy about six three six four had a keloid on his ear and he said brother let's take that keylord off my ear i said i'm not going to do it he said you can take it i'll be taking these tumors out take that keylord off i said i'm not going to let you trouble me he said why can't i get it off that's because you can't handle it he said these women handle all these tumors how can i why can i do it i said man you can't take what these women take don't you know that he kept bugging me i gave him a little piece of herbal salt i shouldn't have done it i said when you get home stick it on your ear and put a bandage on it twelve or one o'clock at night he called me hollering and crying brother wilson please stop it i took it off and it's still hurting i said i told you that you can't take what no woman take how many men think they can have a baby the way a woman have a baby forget it no way you don't even want to test that that out i know i don't i used to run a sanitarium and i was over the midwifery department i was a physician on call so that when something go wrong i supposed to fix it they almost had to fix me i was a nervous wreck no way i'll never do that again so we need to wear mass masses are important they really are and we should exercise regular exercise help us release stress it purifies the blood and boosts up our circulation so stagnated blood is a breathing place for disease uh we should boost your immune system and so there are many ways we can do that by proper exercise diet and keeping the body clean and hydrated we can do that also we should drink at least what eight glasses of water a day we should drink our half our body weight and ounces keep your body well hydrated and that increases the risk uh when you dehydrate you increase the risk of what respiratory problems and infections eat healthy a healthy diet comprised of fruits grains nuts and vegetables anytime you eat fresh food you put an offensive protein in your body an offensive protein is a protein that should not go in your body your body cannot recognize it the reason your body can recognize plant-based protein is god gave us permission to eat it okay he gave us permission to eat it he's awake gave us permission to eat chicken too for how long i tell you a couple incidents in the garden of eden he said i'll let you eat some meat he's but i'll require your life by every meat uh chicken you eat he said i'm gonna require your life that's genesis the ninth chapter verse five all right he says i'm gonna require your life okay now that ain't good enough and then you can go to numbers and he said what here long they had it in their mouth they broke out in the play and that was clean chicken are you with me clean chicken but yet it was an offensive protein for the system that means the body's immune system did not recognize that protein and it created what free radicals which we call cytokines cytokines that inflammation in the body and if you're hearing more about cytokines i'm going to talk about it a little before i stop cytokines we're hearing because of the coronavirus we think cytokines is the coronavirus it's not cytokines is your immune system reacting to defensive protein called corona corona is a protein it get in your body your body see it as an offensive protein your body try to get rid of it because it should not be there and it brings out the tank brigade the nuclear arsenal it brings out all kind of weaponry to try to blast it out of there and it creates what we call collateral damage overreactive immune system this cause all type of damage to our respiratory tract and our men of our organs we need to sleep at least six to eight hours a day and this is really important uh we need to maintain an adequate amount of vitamin d now in cola climates you may not can get the proper amount of sun you know especially in the winter months you may need to take 5 000 ius of vitamin d vitamin d3 and by the way vitamin d3 they get it from the wool of sheep okay vitamin d2 you get it from plant-based stock but d2 is not nearly as strong as d3 so if you got a deficiency you may have to go with d3 also we should avoid eating sugar sugar suppress the immune system it weakens the immune system it lowers your immune system reaction and so sugar robs the cells of oxygen that makes your immune cells sluggish and it cannot respond to microbes and bacteria and offensive protein and we need to pray and thank god and meditate upon spiritual things another good principle is doing a contrast shower hot and cold shower you know many people say well i ain't taking no cold bath give me a death of cold when you get a cold shower do you know it makes your nose run you blowing your nose you think it's giving you a cold you know what it's doing getting rid of the cold now let me back up and explain that because some of y'all ain't following me now you throw some ice water in the person back and the nose go to run and blowing the nose and hey this gave me a cold that didn't give you a cold you had the cold all the time it was laying dormant in your body the hot and cold contrast shock your immune system cause the acceleration of your metabolism your body heat shot up loosen up that old cold mucus that's trapped in your body and now you're blowing it out you catch a cold into what summertime you get rid of a cold wind in the wintertime ain't that something and that that's a baffling to think about because everybody think uh hey you better dress heavy cause you don't catch a cold a day you catch a cold you walk out in little shorts and tank talks and all that stuff you catching a cold cold virus and bacteria love hot humid dry climate people in siberia i i was in northern alberta alberta i was up in the yukon and it was 40 below zero me and this boy here and his mother 40 below zero we go outside and spit before it hit the ground it turned to ice it's so cold that they had to put a special solution in the tires to be able to drive the car they got to hook the cars up at night with some kind of electrical device so that you know the oil would be thin enough to crank the car up and so i never experienced cold weather like that but i found out people ain't having the cold we haven't i go to jamaica i go down to dominican republic i go to honduras and i run across pneumonia flus and everything so it's not about catching no cold because it's cold do y'all understand that so a hot and cold contrast increases circulation it breaks up that old mucous land dormant and get it out of the system and let me go back here i get to talking sometime and i can't even follow these slides let me just let me get myself back in sync here okay now here's some things you can do to help fight those infections you can take rosemary rosemary is really good it it fights micro bacterial fungus uh it's really good it boosts the immune system thyme is the same thing oregano use about a teaspoon of the powder of each one tablespoon of dry leaves you can use that if you don't want to use the powder steep this into a tea in about a quarter water and you can sip on that that can help fight infection internal in fact especially respiratory infection you can add a little lemon juice to it a little honey a little stevia if you've got diabetes put a little stevia instead of honey in it and that really gives a nice taste to it and also will help boost your immune system drink about three to four cups a day this is immune booster once again orange uh especially orange extract we found that no virus or bacterial microbe can live in that cayenne pepper helps with the thinning of the blood hepatic respiration grapefruit is one of the most powerful herbs we have it is antiseptic antimicrobial antibacterial it will wipe out the coronavirus it is just that powerful lemon the citric acid and lemon also deadly to colds and also the coronavirus garlic garlic will lower your blood pressure at the same time it is deadly on any type of respiratory infection onion in the same family as garlic and you can make this up into a nice little solution drink it as a tea put a little eucalyptus a little peppermint in it sweeten it with a little honey uh stevia and it's fantastic uh if you got a sore throat you can simply goggle with a little table salt and a hot cup of water something as simple as that this is a simple cough syrup these are simple things that you can do in your home instead of running to the drugstore and running down getting them to get some allopathic drug try god's little simple remedy sometimes just try it it will instill faith here's a little simple concert half a cup of lemon juice half a cup of honey five to six garlic cloves of garlic one fourth uh uh that's about one-fourth ounce i mean one-fourth of a cup of red onions you blend all that up together and i put a little eucalyptus in there about 40 to 50 drops of eucalyptus oil in it and you can give this to children about one-eighth of a teaspoon to children when that dog they can take about a half a teaspoon and it's ellen white said take a little eucalyptus and a little honey she said it works wonders for any type of cough of colds and so for any kind of congestion that you may be having you can slice some garlic and put it in a clean glass jar put enough honey in it to cover the garlic add about a little eucalyptus in it and you can just age that the longest set the stronger to get and take a little every day these are just some of these simple remedies that we can use now i want to get just a little personal but it's alright obesity obesity is a problem it is no secret that overweight and obesity are big problems in the united states at present two-thirds of all americans need to lose weight and the number of overweight children and adults is growing at an alarming rate why is the epidemic of obesity so high in america and it also is not a secret that obese people tend to have what bad health excessive body fat raises the ldl cholesterol that's the bad cholesterol that's the cholesterol that's going to clog up your arteries it's also uh increases your what triglycerides which also as if your triglycerides and ldl cholesterol go up it brings down your hdl cholesterol yeah hdl cholesterol is your good cholesterol obesity impairs the body responsiveness to insulin it interferes with your body's ability to properly use insulin it raises your blood sugar causing you to need more of a substitute insulin but obesity does more than produce bad numbers it also leads to bad health increase the risk of heart attacks strokes hypertension diabetes gallstones cancer arthritis and so on now all of these conditions make it easy for the coronavirus to attack you and particularly black people have a lot of problems with these conditions a lot of problems that's why the ratio of black people getting coronavirus is so high and it's because we're what got these particular problems and when we got these problems we had to be on a lot of drugs and drugs also suppress the immune risk immune system so obesity also called sleep apnea and that's a respiratory problem fatty liver and depression so it's it's a known fact that you are creating this and creating a foundation for corona to cause big problems obesity is a killer in fact obesity and a lack of exercise are responsible for about 1 000 american deaths each day that's a thousand people dying today now when you had a thousand people dying from corona day it was a big deal but people can eat themselves to death at a ratio of a thousand a day and it's okay if the trend continues they will soon overtake smoking as the leading preventable cause of death in the united states and what is it we eat we get drowsy we go to sleep and we what store those calories obesity affect men and women about equally but you may be surprised to learn that men bear a particular burden since obesity take a special toll on the male hormone now i didn't mention nothing about depression i'm going to stress the depression i'm going to bring it out now in particular men is seriously affected by obesity because it affects the male hormone are you with me now the one thing about it when i go around the world giving lectures more women going to come up to me and say well you got anything for from for male my husband got some problems are y'all with me i don't have to spell that out to you you know what i'm talking about all right my husband got some problem it ain't just a husband she got some problems too and it's causing stress in the family all right you see god meant for man and wife to bond together you know what i'm talking about bonding when you have a baby you nurse that child the mother's bonding with that child right but god has a way of man and wife to bond themselves to become one flesh and sometimes we can eat ourselves out so much that it can bring stress in the family not only that it can bring on conditions such as prostate problems now brothers and sisters take an observation in the mirror look at yourself okay now don't look at no more funny mirrors you know the more funny mirrors make you look skinny and tall don't do that get you a regular mirror and look at it turn to the side turn to the front and be honest with yourself yes it's out of control all right it's out of control now i know i'm a man i know we look at ourselves we go and buy some haynes you know what haynes undergarments are haynes cause micah jordan he advertised hands you know undergarments and we see michael jordan up there with his hangs on and we said boy he looked good and we put them on we sub there and somehow we messerize ourselves think we look like michael jordan but we don't we don't look like that okay you got one of them funny murals so don't play games with ourselves don't do that anyway scientists know that while no exercise i mean snow while no excessive body fat is good abdominal fat is the most harmful variety that's somewhere heavy below the waves so to find out if you are at risk simply measure your waist at your neighbor for men wrists begin to rise at the waist now if you wrap it always circumference all the way around and it come out to be seven 37.5 inches and that's okay don't go above that anything above 37.5 is trouble if your waist is measuring about 40 inches you're in trouble okay you're in trouble so it should be down a little lower than that 37 to be honest with you but if you get up around 40 inches you know you're in trouble when that happens it's going to affect your testosterone level testosterone is the major male hormone such as it is responsible for deep voice have you ever seen these boys you know uh they eight nine years old they got those tweeted by voices you know what i mean sound like a little twitter pod they got about 15 16 years old you wonder where that come from testosterone is rising all right and also they begin to buck up muscle mass and strong bones and muscles he's developing his male gender and so from his male reproductive organs and so if he gained too much body fat body fat is a steroid it's a hormone but it's almost identical to a female hormone called estrogen do you all understand what i'm talking about man and woman both have estrogen men have estrogen women have estrogen woman has testosterone men have testosterone but at different ratio men have a low ratio of estrogen women have a high ratio of estrogen women have a low ratio of testosterone that means the woman start exercising too much running track playing sports lose her body fat she's gonna stop having a monthly period she's building too many muscle mass too much muscle mass all right and she started bucking up like a man i i'm not saying she a man but her body thinks that she's building tumors testosterone if a man starts building too much body fat it tricks the body to say hey you are becoming a woman not psychologically but physically he still feel like a man but that increased body fat is converted to estrogen when that increased body fat is converted to estrogen what takes place is the estrogen out run or multiply faster than testosterone blending the testosterone male hormone with the estrogen hormone you end up with a counterfeit hormone called dihydrotestosterone they were diameters ii it simply means two hormones female and male hormone mixed together not a man gonna start having a lot of body fat he thinks well i'm getting old and because i'm getting old i have to have a big belly i have to have all that that's that's the aging process that's ridiculous there's no reason to have a big belly all right no reason the bigger your belly the less your testosterone gonna be i'm talking i'm talking straight i i have learned to tell you the truth okay so you know don't tell me i you know i'm a ball of fire you got to tell me that i can look at your belly and tell what you're doing okay i can do that i mean because it's it's a blueprint and so uh we got to stay in good physical shape we got to do it it's important testosterone level surges at puberty and peaks in early adulthood then after a few years of stability the hormone began is slow drifting downward and middle age so it starts going down as your testosterone go down you increase your weight activity you increase your activity it's the same thing with your sisters if you have too much estrogen you're going to grow fibroids polycystic ovaries uterine problems you're going to have all kind of problems you're going to do that this is why young girls have such a high ministry a heavy ministry cycle when they're young and administrative cycle all off the child they having severe menstrual cramps why because puberty increases the estrogen estrogen goes up at its peak and that makes her have a lot of female related problems so how does she bring that down proper diet exercise exercise will build what testosterone testosterone would counteract estrogen bring estrogen down don't do too much exercise do enough to what bring it down so i'm not going to finish this because i'm looking at the clock here and i'm not going to wear you but i just really wanted to you know to try to deal with them things that are really important and it means a lot because god want to build happy families he really do and if i'm talking too personally god forgive me that's not what my intention is my intention is to help the family to have wholesome healthy families now for example a harvard study found that a man with a 42 inch waist is twice as likely to develop problems as with a 32 inch waist you see what i'm talking about right yeah i thank god for your pastor look at him man he he he in his senior years but he's got the body of a young man now that's good that's a blessing though now he could have made excuse i'm old and he just sit back and let that belly and some of them are doing that young guys in the ministry belly's so big they can't get behind the roster are you following me and i thank god when i seen him i said man he looks good i know it the lord is good man that's all right so that is good i have one other subject here and then i'm going to stop y'all and uh and i cover i've covered some more of this i'm gonna i'm gonna bring it to cold i'll bring it to a close right there maybe for a few minutes pastor they want to ask me a few questions they can't because it's after nine o'clock and if you any questions you want to ask me feel free to do that on any subject yes yes any processed sugar all processed sugar is bad uh you for instance if you're diabetic eating dried fruit can raise your blood sugar level it can do it eating drinking fruit juices with no sugar added can raise your blood sugar level the only sugar that we need is sugar in the foods now that will not do it but yes raw sugar is just as bad turbinal sugar ain't no good it ain't no good uh it's it's still going to do the same thing uh it's got a little more minerals and vitamins in it but it's no good and i know as seven day adventists we give up meat eating but we become sweet eaters and we eat a lot of sweets we got to reduce those sweets because the sweet is really especially during the time of the pandemic you got to be on god because if your immune system being challenged then you're going to be a greater danger if you're eating a lot of sweets did you talk about any organic sugars well well organic cane sugar if you eat it directly from the cane you're eating this sugar in the fruit it's not a problem with that but i'm talking about if you're going to process it that's what a big problem is but even if you eat it from the cane sugar cane eat it in moderation eat it in moderation i've seen people eat organic cane sugar and have all kind of uh dental problems teeth rotting out so you can get carried away with it but eating it in moderation there's no problem god made it very plain he said a little honey is good but too much honey do what make you vomit so hi if you all have any questions online you may press star five and we will um you're lying that you may ask questions you can have a copy of i gave it to young men in the back and i didn't go 1 10 for what this powerpoint is it's got a lot of recipes on it he can feel free to give that to you the whole powerpoint presentation yes anyone else um and okay so maybe we're going to stop with that pastor then i thank y'all i really enjoyed it talking to you and uh to be in fellowship with you and if we can be of any service to you while we're here please let us know thank you ladies and gentlemen it's late we've got a date in the morning at 9 30. amen 11 o'clock and 3 30 right amen so invite someone to come with you tomorrow is that all right shall we stand and have our clothes in prayer uh our person who's praying for us here tonight so jamel you wanna close us out thank you ella wilson for the information i'll make sure i get a copy of the powerpoint myself and we bow our heads the most gracious and heavenly father lord we thank you lord for the words that were spoken here tonight lord within we ask lord as we depart lord that you will continue to be with each one of us that you will give us safe traveling mercies home and that you will be with us in the morning lord that we might come out lord we thank you lord for all that you have done and all that you're going to do in christ and we pray amen amen thank you sir you are officially dismissed hello everyone i am going to open up the line momentarily for you to say your good nights oh yes okay
Channel: Glenville PresentTruth
Views: 584
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Id: tHUhbUNjLmc
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Length: 75min 7sec (4507 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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