LIVE: ASUS PN51-S1 Mini PC with Ryzen 5700U, 32GB DDR4 and Sabrent 8TB NVMe M2 SSD!

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[Music] let's try this again welcome in everybody I'm trying to see if we're having a YouTube uh audio wait a minute it must be a a Friday welcome in everybody um yeah I think we had a little YouTube Studio conflict uh we've got a lot of shows lined up and it looked like two overlapped for today's date and time and they were using the same stream key and it went to the wrong one so just had to resolve that I was on and talking to you guys and had no idea you guys were seeing what are you going to do it's February the 9th 2024 and my name is Carrie Holzman and today we've got a Mini PC to review now we going to talk a little bit about this but first I want to say that uh first of all thank you all for your patience as we work through that little technical issue that was weird we'll watch for that in the future um note tomorrow we can't have two shows starting on the same day we need to uh make make sure that when we have pre-prepared shows in our upcoming stream list we when we set those up we pick a future date at random and then I will adjust it as I'm ready to do the show and so what happened is this was a last minute change and um I should have gone and and and checked that I didn't know I've never been in that position before so I learned something new today all right now um I want to say thank you to those who have contributed a super shout out to our friend Frankie B with a very generous Amazon gift card earlier today thank you so much Frankie and let me give a shout out to our friends in the chat room who've already contributed if I can pull up the right stream on my side see if I can do that I was actually looking at it and I was watching your conversation but apparently OBS was broadcasting to something else entirely that's not at all confusing so thank you to our friend planet cryos with a $5 contribution he says his fiance is in for surgery right now to repair a toe going sideways he said I'm so glad I can watch today or until they call me well I'm glad to hear that's a a minor surgery so welcome in and thank you for your support Paul O'Brien with a five euro contribution joins us from Ireland Nick Gaffrey renews his membership he's been a member now for one month and contributes 5 he said here's my late fee yeah turns out I'm the late one huh thank you Nick Mark gains contributes 10 pounds Mark joins us from Northern Ireland he says hello Carrie Marina and everyone in the chat welcome in mark thank you there's our friend Buster Peter Lok joins us from Scotland he contributes 10 pounds and says good evening Carrie and marlina and everyone in the chat all the best from Bonnie Scotland where the temperature in Edinburgh is is 40° fah or 4° C and it's raining cold and wet in Scotland yikes there's our friend Gregory Howard with a $10 contribution he says hello Carrie Marina and chat room well thank you guys so much thank you Buster thank you Gregory uh Planet cryos Mar Gaines Nick Caffrey did I say Paul O'Brien and Paul obrien Buster thank you guys so so so much and all of you for joining us today I had a different video schedule for today and I was going to review uh one of the many many pieces we've recently been sent for review but the problem is right now many people in China have a national holiday that goes on for about when you include the weekends about 10 days it's their celebrating their Lunar New Year they're Year of the Dragon and it's a big deal for us it's one day right it's one evening well I guess it's one one day off for them it's a week off so most of the Chinese companies that we work with that make these mini PCS they're closed up for the next 10 days so they basically you may even see when you go to a website like minis form it'll say you can place an order but we won't we won't be able to fulfill your order until we're back in the at the office after the holiday where nor normally they would ship out right away so their websites are up and taking orders but nothing no work is going to get done for the next week or 10 days depending on the company as a result I needed to make some last minute changes so we have um there's a there's a YouTube content creator well there's several there's one in particular I I really look up to I really admire his name is Patrick and his YouTube channel and we site are called serve the home and he recently moved his Studio from Texas out here to Arizona and it's right down the street and he invited me over and uh went over there about a month ago when he first got the studio and he's been trying to get me over there again I've been really busy in fact the last couple days it's just been crazy but uh he invited Mitch and I to stop by because he said I won't even recognize the studio now he's been at work putting it all together I think he's doing this on his own or he's got someone that helps from time to time and he's still trying to use the studio as he's putting it together well at the same time still doing the work for the website and all the other stuff he's got so you know I don't really don't want to bother the guy he's super busy he's like come on over so Mitch and I jaunted over there yesterday and he was right I mean that place is almost filled to the brim I'm like the studio looked pretty big and now I'm like you've almost outgrown it you know holy cow so he's like well I got a lease so I'm stuck with it I'll have to make it work and it's impressive he's got some really nice production equipment stuff I was drooling over and he has some really cool computer equipment and he was trying to give some to me because he is in the same position that I am once you're done reviewing it what do you do with it some of the stuff clearly says not for resale review unit only you can't sell that stuff so you can use it yourself or you can give it to a friend I guess but uh he's like here do you want this do you want this do you I'm Patrick I didn't come over here to to to get stuff from you I I just I wanted to see the studio and how things are going and um he's a super super nice guy and I said you know if you have any mini piecs I haven't reviewed I I don't want it but I'd like to borrow it and then return it to you and then maybe grabb another one and then if there's anything I have you're certainly welcome to it and he said I've already got so much you know I I'm scheduled out for the month and I'm like yeah look the I just want to be able to return the favor you but in the meantime um I said uh let me borrow this Mini PC and you'll get it back he I'm not sure he even wants it back but we both have the same problem like if so if I keep it then what do I do with it right now this Mini PC is a bit older this actually came out last year so many people here on the channel are saying hey um that's not available on Amazon well here's what's happened we never had a chance to review this um assus I know they just won't work with me I maybe I'm not big enough maybe they don't like me we have tried a half dozen times and we just don't get a response so clearly they're not interested but they do work with Patrick so for whatever the reason is you know after he's reviewed a product he says this goes on a shelf and he's got a lot of shelves and a lot of product and a lot of it is Enterprise grade you know big equipment and he's a super generous guy and I've got a link to his YouTube channel I hope you subscribe to him a lot of what he does is Enterprise business stuff but he also does home lab and of course mini PCS which kind of cross over they overlap into all those categories so our channels do have a bit of overlap and it's also pretty interesting to see some of the home lab stuff that people are doing even though I'm personally not interested in doing it myself I don't mind watching somebody go through all that effort and then of course some really high-end business equipment so it's a it's a great Channel and the video quality is amazing and he's always full of energy so I I can't say thanks enough to our friend over at Patrick at serve the home and they produce more content on their website where it's written articles they probably do 10 articles for every one video they do so if you're interested in that be sure and check out their website as well I also want to talk about acronis here for a minute before we get started um the folks over at acronis have a support page I've talked about many times over at red it and I can bring that up here on the screen because I really like that and I wish more companies would do this that rather than emailing the company or calling the company and waiting during business hours for them to return your message you're posting a public request for help meaning anybody can answer your question and you're likely going to get an answer that much faster and our friend Bowen who's a representative there at acronis part of his job is to regularly Monitor and interact with the Reddit support page there for a Cronus and so what happened is you know the benefit of having it public is if you have a question and it's answered publicly then someone else with the same question who does a Google search on it is likely going to find that thread and doesn't have to write their question and wait for a response somebody else already did so it benefits the entire Community to have that whereas if it's a private email between you and the company that might have to be repeated hundreds of times for a commonly asked question so to have it there publicly uh where it's searchable can make get you the answer you want faster because it's already been done now one of the other things that that's the benefit of Reddit is you can kind of get a feel for what people want based on the comments you're getting right this may not always be recorded properly or noted properly by support so one of those things is that people and I've heard you here on the channel some of you don't like this subscription model that aonis went to you want that Perpetual license and aonis said we're not doing the Perpetual license anymore because it costs too much money there's way too much support costs and and the problem is is once the Perpetual license ends the problem with the Perpetual licenses you'll get no support no updates for all the new hardware and um compatibility and performance and features that new versions offer so what aonis did is they said okay we we're going to put antivirus and anti-ransomware in our product because threats on the internet are getting really really aggressive and pretty complicated complex so it's scammers are getting better at tricking people and infecting files everything is Advanced now in the older versions of aonis aonis trimage they don't have any protections for this furthermore they've improved the um performance of a cronis they've optimized the compression ratios and speed it takes it's about 20% faster they say their current model than previous versions of a cronise but because they've added this antivirus component to protect the uh the backups that acting virus has to be updated on a regular basis and you just can't offer that for free not indefinitely you know if you remember malware bittes had a lifetime license they offered and it almost put them out of business because they soon realized that they were SP spending more money to give people you know costs money to send those updates out to pay for the bandwidth it was costing them more money than they charged and it was a continual loss it was a NeverEnding loss that was only going to get worse so what they did was they said okay if you have a lifetime license with malware bites as long as you leave it on that one computer will continue to update it for free but the minute you have to reinstall it or move it it's no longer valid now that upsets some people but look if you were getting something for free and someone took it away from you well I paid for that I I I got a lifetime worth of uh free whatever and if you're really using that in the case of of antivirus you're going to get updates it's not like you have to do anything the software goes out and does that on its own and you multiply that times you know hundreds of thousands of users it's doesn't take a math Ard to understand how that company is uh is going to be reducing their income and increasing their expenses so when you have a Perpetual license it means the license is good for a specific period of time so typically one year and during that one year you get your updates but you don't get any upgrades so if there's a new version if it goes from version six to version 7 you would have to buy version 7 you don't get that for free on a subscription you would get that for free Perpetual licenses cost more and the reason Perpetual licenses cost more is it's a one-time purchase that has endless calls for support and the older the license is the older the software is the more likely a support call is and at that point you you're not making any you haven't made money on that in years and well support's not offered it's still reddits free and everybody can use it so all these questions start coming in resulting in issues they're going to have specifically running older versions of aonis with newer Hardware newer controllers newer storage devices that it doesn't recognize larger capacities that it won't see older versions won't see and uh also some security issues so acronis has heard loud and clear that there are just some stubborn people out there that absolutely refuse to pay less for a subscription and have endless support and to support the company they like I guess they want to see the company go out of business as far as their like that's it's like going to your favorite restaurant and wanting to get the food for free if you really like that restaurant and you're getting the food for free and you're doing it over and over and over again don't be surprised when your favorite restaurant doesn't exist anymore so acronis management said okay we get it some of you just want the Perpetual license and you don't care but we care we want to make sure that you're having the latest protection and we want you to have a good experience with our product so what we will do is if you own an older Perpetual license of a cronis and you never signed up for a subscription version you know if you're one of those people we will offer you a one-year Perpetual license to the current version of a cronis the price will vary depending on how old the current version is how old the the version you have is which is going to be a few years old right because they've been doing the subscription stuff for a while and we're going to give you the antivirus updates for the year however when the year is up you get no more support you get no more updates no more antivirus updates but the product will continue to work no differently than any other Perpetual license that goes out of its support window on the one hand I can see why they did this and on the other hand I'm just like uh here's what you're going to find when you look at how much a Perpetual license is and you look at how much a subscription is for pretty much any software offered Perpetual licenses are always more expensive because the support costs are higher so even with higher uh prices in most cases companies lose money on a Perpetual license because customers will I mean I have customers using Microsoft Word from 2003 and I tell them they shouldn't be using it and they don't care so until they have their identity stolen and then they'll go crying to the media and then potentially Microsoft will have to bear a story that's really not accurate regarding their software is not safe and then Microsoft is going to say you know they were using obsolete software that shouldn't have been used blah blah blah and around the wheel go so I think pronus might be trying to hedge that by saying look to avoid any negative PR that might come as a result of you refusing to upgrade but to continue to use an old version of a coronis we'll make it available so they gave in so so there's a a Reddit Forum post about this right here and it's quite a long post so I'm not going to read the whole thing out loud but I will say that our friend Bowen from acronis will be here very soon in the next week or two and we'll talk more in depth about this but if you have a current Perpetual license well there is no current Perpetual license if you have an old version of acronis and you've never signed up for the subscription service of any acronis product you may have already seen a popup offering you this offer if not you can log into your acronis account at and it should be there in your account if you've never created an acronis account it's free you just create it you know use an email and password and put your product key for whatever acronis product you bought even going back 12 years whatever and that it stores that for you so you never have to worry about losing it and if you're eligible for the upgrade offer it will give you the details and the details will vary um depending on how old the version is you have right so there's not one set price on this but I think you'll find universally that um the subscription is cheaper you could I'm going to guess not knowing the prices you could probably get two or three years of subscription for a similar price instead of one year of a perpet a license but you know that kudos to aonis for offering this to people who you know absolutely refuse on the subscription but still use a product they probably shouldn't be using given today's uh Advanced threats so again bad and I will talk more about that and we certainly want to thank our friends over at AC Cron us for supporting us here this year and offering you guys 30% off any of the acronis subscription products so um if you've never used acronis we have a walkthr video we have several but if you watch the latest one you could follow right along with us to downloading and making your first backup so you can just follow Click by click with us it's a 15 it's a 30-day I think it's a 15 or a 30-day free trial and no credit card is required so you can evaluate the software you can make a backup that's all free for the trial period if you decide you don't like the product but you keep your backup restores are always free so if you make your backup you decide you don't like the product but you keep that backup and then two years from now your system unexpectedly crashes and you go oh you know what I made that backup from that software that I didn't buy you can download whatever the current version of acronis is for free of course you've already used your trial period up but regardless of trial period or license it will always allow a restore always I think that's a pretty upstanding policy I wouldn't have done it that way I would have said you could always back up for free but if you want to restore you got to have a valid license I talked to him about it said I think this is a backwards policy they're like no no we want to make sure our customers can get their data back we don't want to hold it hostage I'm like I get it but you're probably losing a lot of sales that being said you know having a two-year-old backup may not be very satisfying because you will have lost everything you've done in the last two years but I'm just picking two years randomly whatever the period of time is just the idea that you can Restore for free regardless I think is a it's a pretty generous policy so again I thank you to our friends over at acronis for supporting us this year and for offering all of you guys 30% off any of their subscription products now someone else that's supporting us is our friends over at instant house call that's the remote software I use when I need to log into somebody's computer remotely to do a repair it's not necessarily uh let me put it this way you can certainly use it for just regular remote access but it has all these other Bells whistles and features on it that are specifically designed for PC repair right all the other remote access software is just that some of it like a lot of the free ones won't let you do file transfers they're pretty Limited in what you can do you just pretty much get use of the keyboard and monitor in the screen instant house call very inexpensive it's a smaller company so if you write with a product enhancement suggestion feature suggestion or even if you download the trial and you feel like you need more time you haven't really made up your mind you can ask them to extend your trial and you're going to pretty much talk to the owner of the company that's very satisfying and you know so many times I email companies and I get boilerplate automated responses I I'm offended because I took the time to thoughtfully write out and send this email and I just get an automated response that nobody could be bothered to put any effort into it's the same response everybody else gets it's just offensive so knowing that you're dealing with a smaller company that's going to give you better attention and care more and they're going to work harder for your business and they're cheaper way cheaper so when I'm when I've got a customer says hey I'm having a problem can you log in and look at it say let's go to inston house call it's a very easy thing for them to download I don't run through the struggles of other remote software where my non-technically educated customers understand what you know when I tell them to go to a website they'll type it into Google search instead of going up to the URL they don't know what a URL is I have to explain to them where to go to click usually they just search for it and and it's just getting that half of the remote software installed for some client is the worst part of most remote software but not with instant house call it's so much easier it takes that and and simplifies it and um and then of course once I'm connected well then I can get the problem typically resolved it's just that initial connection and that's where instant house call shines and also all of the little bells whistles and features that you might need when repairing a computer remotely from restarting in safe mode um executing a control out Delete transferring files um some utilities and things like that for just regular maintenance and repair but decide for yourself check it out at instant hous get your 15-day free trial everything that I endorse here as something I use myself I use it in my business I'm very picky I don't endorse too many things here because most things won't meet my requirements and we're so honored that not only do we see value in these companies but they see value in US and again with instant house call a discounts just like a cronis specifically for you guys so a shout out and a thank you to both cronis and instant house call for supporting us here and then of course our friends over at VIP cdk deals where you can get legitimate legal Windows 10 Windows 11 Microsoft Office licenses at like 90% off the manufacturer suggested retail price why would you pay 90% more than you have to there everything's guaranteed you've got a a 30-day guarantee your license is going to activate and I don't recommend you buy licenses or anything to use six months from now buy it when you need it because when people call for support after 30 days it's what scammers do so it's really hard to tell a legitimate request for support from somebody scamming so well the buyers are worried about company scamming them companies are worried about the buyers scamming them welcome to 2024 so if I'm endorsing it I back it up personally and if you have any issues whatsoever with any of the companies that I endorse and you let them know and give them a chance to address it and they fail to make it right right you reach out to me personally because the buck stops with me I don't know any other YouTube content creator that takes accountability and responsibility for what they endorse as far as I know I'm the only one who does it for third parties like it's not my own merch it's a third party that's how confident I am in these companies and it's the same guarantee I give to my customers when I'm actually using these products to service them so why would I not offer the same guarantee to you guys but decide for yourself it's the best thing I can recommend is for you to determine if it meets your needs and your budget so getting back to the Mini PC have I missed anything in chat hold on a second let me just take a quick look see David Moore with a 10 pound Super Chat says hello Carrie from pool in the UK hey David thank you for your contribution and pl cryos another $5 Super Chat says I think I'm going to be switching over to a Corona cyber protection after my mware bites and MC soft ANS I already use it for backup so why not yeah and you know what you should test the antivirus capabilities of a of a cronis I was recently at one of my customers computers who got a virus it's a really weird virus Meer bites won't detect it but it's blocking an outgoing attempt to connect to a website where's it coming from mware bite says I don't know I don't find anything Windows Defender I don't know I don't find anything M soft emergency kit I don't know I don't find anything and then acronis just for the heck of it I thought i' try and acronis found uh a zip file that the customer downloaded that contained a virus unrelated to this issue because whatever this is we still don't know exactly what's causing it but the fact that a cronis anti m malware or their antivirus found something MC soft malware bites the paid version and Microsoft Windows Defender just passed right over that's pretty interesting in fact when Bowen is here from acronis we're also going to talk about the antivirus and how it Compares with others he wants me to do an antivirus test live and I'm like no I am not running a virtual machine with viruses on it it's too dangerous but maybe if he wants to do that and share his screen with us that I'll watch it that's how confident he is and how good their antiviruses but again the best answer to your concern if you're concerned is it any good is to try it and see for yourself see if it meets your requirements so let us know Planet cryos when you do that what what you think of it after you've had a chance to uh familiarize yourself with it now back to the Mini PC this PC was reviewed and I've got a link to the review over at serve the home last year as far as I know I don't think they make it anymore they might but it's the technology moves very quickly and since we're being restricted from the latest mini PCS because everything shut down in China for 10 days I'm I've got some other content that I'm going to review here and I thought Patrick has this older stuff that I've never had an opportunity to review let's take a look at it and I want to look at it for a couple of reasons one I want to see in just one year how much things have changed and uh what was funny to me is when I opened it up it has a an 8 terab nvme and I mentioned that to Patrick and he oh yeah I forgot that was in there he's got so much stuff I have one 8 terab drive they cost about $1,000 after sales taags I know exactly where it is at all times so it's funny how you know he's dealing with some really pricey Enterprise th Ripper server stuff that's tens of thousands of dollars and oh yeah that 8 terabyte drive I said well don't worry I'm going to give it back to you but it was funny to me that he could just forget now this was sold as a barebones computer meaning you have to put your own RAM and your own storage in it and provide your own operating system now that means you could put on Windows you could put on Ubuntu whatever I think when Patrick ordered this he was under the impression that it would have a license code embedded in the BIOS on a barebone system I've never seen a bare bone system come with a license code embedded in the Bios unless it came with Windows if it's Bare Bones that's on you to provide it so I wasn't surprised when he said that that you know like but again this is my bread and butter and it's not his bread and butter so in any event this was also a year ago um it also appears when I open this up and show it to you this is how I got it from Patrick um you never put the screws back in on this but that's okay it it just snaps open and snaps closed you really don't need the screws anyway but when I initially received it I tried to I'm like where are the screws it looks like it's supposed to have screws well it did um and it also has a vub mounting plate and that's missing all I all that's in the box is the uh power brick and the power cable so I think what happens is I think he has numerous employees and it goes to one person for photos uh for the website they get some product shots it goes to another person perhaps for review and it may yet go to another person for testing I'm not sure I'm not sure what the process is and I think through all of that when it's all said and done they don't need it anymore so they just take it put it back in the box and somebody forgot to put the screws and the Visa mount back in here so when this was purchase new it did not come with ram it did not come with storage and it did not come with an operating system but it did come with a B out and screws so the way this opens is pretty neat if uh let me bring this up to the camera and I'll show you I haven't seen one open like this before now this is made by Asus and if you're not aware Intel sold the license to make Nooks the Intel Nook uh they licens it to Asus so Asus can build and support Intel Nooks but now they're assus Nooks Intel also made that a non-exclusive license which means if another manufacturer also wants to build Nooks they can negotiate that with Intel so in the meantime Asus was already making their own mini PCS so it makes sense for them to pick up Intel wants basically to shut that department down but they're licensing it out and this is prior to that happening now just to kind of go over the front of it here we've got trying to focus we've got our USB type c a type a uh headphone jack audio jack looks like a hard drive LED which is nice nice to see this is our power button nothing on the sides and then on the back we've got HDMI I wish this will focus HDMI display port and that looks like it's interchangeable you see the way that's cut out we also have uh another USB type-c uh 2 and half gig ethernet two more type A USBS and then a barrel style power connector now what's interesting is if you go back and watch Patrick's review on this and I encourage you to do that and then watch my review on it and watch how our review styles are very different so I'm not going to bother testing the noise one of the reasons I won't test the noise is it's so variable depending on the environment that it's in and the person's ability to hear who's using it so if you're in a big empty Hollow echoey room it's going to seem louder and if you don't have very good hearing or you have very sensitive hearing whether or not something is loud is very much a subjective perspective unless it's excessive so I think it's a waste of time to talk about I also think that you need to be realistic if you're somebody who really obsesses about fan noise don't buy a powerful computer the more powerful it is the more power it uses the more power it uses the more heat it's going to generate the more heat it's going to generate the more aggressiv the fans have to be to cool it now this machine is a 15 watt processor that means this costs pennies a day to run it so if you live in a country where electricity is really expensive the total wattage on this when Patrick tested it he didn't pull more than 30 Watts from the wall in total and you say well then that'll be too slow well no because it's got eight cores and 16 threads and that's compensating and it's actually quite impressive when you consider the low power low heat that means you're going to have low fan noise and you add all these cores to make up for the difference in the frequency and you end up with a machine that's very very capable now when Aus released this Bare Bones it was $529 one year ago and then when you add your own RAM and your own storage and your own operating system you're at least at 700 bucks now today I think you can get a lot more for your money but I'm want to show you how this opens because I thought it was really very unique uh I got no instructions either I'm sure it came with some instructions but you see here it says uh what P so if we take that and we slide it it just opens now normally there would be screws that would prevent that but you know what it locks in place you really don't need the screws and inside it looks like the folks at Sabrett sent Patrick some RAM and storage to test and he just left it in there so that is an 8 tbte sabrin nvme uh this is only a gen 3 by the way um I'm not sure if the nvme is Gen 3 but the the socket on the motherboard is Gen 3 and then he put two 16 gig DDR 4S in there for a total of 32 gig so he equipped this really well it's got an Intel ax200 which is Wi-Fi six so remember it is a year old and you can see you know now we're going to start seeing Wi-Fi 7 built on we saw a lot of Wi-Fi 6E last year uh we can run up to three monitors back here with HDMI display port and that type-c USB we can put that out to uh you can get a USBC to display port or HDMI adapter cable feed another monitor so you have three monitors running off of this it's a 90 watt power brick but you know it's only going to consume like 30 Watts so really low power let's plug it in and see how fast or how slow it is I made some notes watching Patrick's review and uh it's only USB 3 gen 1 all the way around so it's very slow of 5 gbit per second USB which he was a little disappointed it's about 4 and2 in wide by 4 and2 in Long by just under 2 in tall so a little taller than some minis but not by much and yeah I think that's the important stuff let's plug it in and see what the boot time is what I did is I didn't want to have anything Patrick might have left on it impeding or having an effect on performance so with his permission I wiped it clean and completely reset it with a fresh install of Windows 11 and um made sure I did all the optimizations right Uncle carries Windows 10 Optimizer the latest AMD adrenaline software uh all the updates all the drivers just my typical everyday regular thing you see me do here all the time so that when I test it I can see consistent results across the board and let's plug it in here this is going to use a clover leaf style or a Mickey Mouse style power cable and then I will turn this on fan is you can barely hear the fan right now but it will ramp up as the system you know if you pushed hard on the system but I don't think it's annoying or overly Loud Let's go to our HDMI input so we can see what this thing is doing right now and don't worry I will restart it so we can see the actual boot time bear with me here just a second I'll put camera one in the corner it's already booted so again I want to emphasize this is a year old so it may be hard to find one but you probably wouldn't want one because or the amount of money well unless you find one used actually you might get a good deal on one of these used now that I think about it a lot of people who are on fixed budgets are looking at all this new stuff we review and of course when this stuff comes out whatever it is it's always pricey and all the stuff that came out last year depreciates rather rapidly in many cases in this it world so you might look on Facebook Marketplace or breaks list or eBay eBay is a a bigger shopping market you know there's a lot more sellers potentially there's a lot more buyers but you might find one of these used or refurbished really inexpensively uh let's go over here let's see I need to go full screen on my side okay so first things first I did not plug in a keyboard or Mouse did I probably going to help if I have a keyboard and a mouse now the unit does have two where is it hold on I got to look okay I I thought this had some USB 2 no it's just USB 3 gen one all the way around so if it had USB 2 I would use the USB 2 ports or the keyboard of the mouse but since it's only USB 3 just pick a USB port doesn't matter which one and what I'm going to do first and foremost is I'm going to just shut this down and you'll get an idea of how long it takes to shut down and then we'll fire it back up here soon as it shuts off okay it's off now I'm going to fire it up and you can time how long it takes us to get to the desktop you ready 3 2 one here we go now last night while I was working on it I did see there was a bios update available ailable and it is an older style text based bios you don't have the graphical user interface of uh more modern bios but it is UEFI it is Windows 11 compatible and if we take a look at the specifications of the system go down here right click on the start menu go to system you'll see we've got the uh ryzen 75700 U they did make less expensive models using the 5600 U and a couple other lower models that of course were pric less at the time this was the top of the line which was why it was $529 in this particular product category you'll see we've got the 32 gigs of RAM you'll see 31.4 gig is usable and that's because the Onboard video is borrowing some of our Ram we have Windows 11 Pro installed version 23 H2 that's what I put on it and if we look in the device manager rightclick device manager we see that everything is happy we got all the drivers for everything mostly just all installed automatically under network adapters our uh Intel Wi-Fi 6 ax200 is identified here in our realtech 2.5 gbit ethernet uh land controller there is identified of course under security components that's how you know your windows 11 compatible here and if we run Crystal dismark I'm kind of curious what this 8 terabyte drive will do and again I'm not sure if this model of 8 terabyte drive was Gen 4 as most of the 8 terabyte drives that I've seen have all been Gen 4 but it will be gen 3 on the motherboard regardless so I don't expect more than 3600 on our reads or rights but I also don't expect less than say 3,000 so see what that looks like and you'll see here on the C drive it shows 7,451 gigabyt that's incredible amount of space I think that 8 ter drive cost as much as two of these mini computers and he forgot it was in there I wish I had those problems uh cracks me up so Patrick said I could use them as a library basically I can take some things out on loan and bring them back and then take some more things remember what libraries were I told him he needs he's got so much stuff he needs the Dewey Decimal System and a card catalog to find anything so he's got some other stuff there that we might might play around and explore that I don't normally do here on the channel because let's face it the price is right and it's Unique content I haven't done before so we've got that to look forward to I mean if if the guy's going to offer to let me borrow some stuff and he doesn't need it all the more content for us and of course if you watch his channel then you'll already know what it is I'm reviewing you'll know all about it because it'll be something he's already covered and something he no longer needs but of course I'm going to review it and show it in My Style hey acronis joins us in the chat room welcome in that's going to be Boden hey Boden good to see you my friend lenia joins us from Vermont says be sure to thank Patrick for Lending this community this Mini PC and any other hardware for review we appreciate it or at least I do yeah yeah if you guys do that that'll be super cool of you he also loaned us uh an 8600 G and 8700g AMD ryzen processor they came out on Saturday he reviewed them on Monday he's like here you want to borrow these yes please he okay you can't sell these they say not for resale these are review products only I said said dude I'm not even going to keep it I'm giving it back to you in fact if you want I'll build it into a computer and you can have the computer no no I don't need a computer I said okay I don't need these parts either but I do want to build you know make some content with them he like here take it he's like looking around for stuff let me see what else I can give you it's pretty funny and I said you're going to have to let me give you something back you know I can't just keep taking stuff anyway he's a super cool dude and his channnel is really good and he's really good at what he does and I was really impressed with the professional studio equipment blows mine out of the water Nick caffy says hello to acronis and says he's a happy customer with all his backups automated look at that how cool is that David Martinez says thank you Carrie I built two computers two years ago and they're still working good well I hope you'll get at least eight years out of them you'll probably find the computers that you build are likely the best computers you'll ever own that's the general conclusion most people come to far better than any pre-built you'll ever buy I do hear this fan ramping up just a slight tiny bit I was looking at um refurbished computers on Amazon and I saw somebody was selling some old Dell desktops and they had stuck like gold glitter on them like a vinyl sheet that turns the black computer into like this sparkly gold or sparkly silver and they said it's an i5 like quad core CPU but they wouldn't say what CPU it was other than core i5 and I looked all over the reviews and the reviews are all positive and you know it's an older machine that's refurbished but how old is it well when it told me the ram was DDR3 that's all I needed to know be careful if you're buying used equipment if the price is too good in this case if you would buy that machine it's going to come with Windows 10 it's not going to be Windows 11 compatible and it likely is going to run great for you right up until Windows 10 support ends in October of 2025 and then what are you going to do because you will have just bought the machine and owned it 18 months and then it's going to be you're going to have to do something with it you have to put Linux on it or get rid of it or take it offline or potentially get yourself infected so just be aware of that when you're buying refurbished you need you really need to know what is the generation of CPU if it's older than an eighth gen Intel it's not going to be Windows 11 compatible so likely these were like third generation these were super old but they were also a little over 100 bucks but at the same time you could get a mini PC with like an n100 processor that is Windows 11 compatible for probably right around the same price on the low end and 200 bucks on the high end and now you've got a machine that's good with Windows 11 it has a warranty you know and so if you're buying an older machine don't buy it too old couple of years and you go more than two three years you might as well not buy it because you'll just be right back at square one unless you're doing like a home lab thing and you want a box for experimenting you just want something cheap you can break that's a different story if you have any questions for acronis they are in our chat room right now and feel free that if anything's on your mind about the software the acronis software they are here to answer your question and that man he knows more about a cronis than anybody I've ever met so I am sure he'll have an answer and the right answer now looking at our final results here we've got 3448 on the reads sequential reads on the top left and our sequential rights are at 3,000 so that is typical gen 3 Performance on the higher end of gen 3 and then if we look at the C drive we go over here right click and go to properties we can verify we have 8 terabytes here don't pay attention to the numbers on the right because these are calculated differently we want to look at the number here this number and that is8 terabytes of envme storage H that makes me so happy all right um what else can I tell you about this Asus makes these little PCS they make a number of them and so if this one's not available anymore it's because they moved on to newer Tech why would you want to buy Tech from a year ago right why would they want to continue selling it so we will likely cover some more ofus also there's a company called simply Nook and they sell some pretty high-end mini PCS but they're also around $1,000 so if you think this is expensive just wait but the reason I mentioned isus has other makes and models is because they vary across the price range of budget from entrylevel machines to higher end machines um some you know offering uh the AMD ryzen rdna 3 graphics for better gaming experiences and some for Better Business experiences and so you can be sure and check out their current catalog that's up to date at any time but just you can either go to asus's main page or just simply type Asus Mini PC there at Amazon and just take a look at what's being offered now let's see if anybody has any questions for me about this PC that I haven't already covered and I'll do my best to provide you an answer if I know the answer I want you to know that even though this machine is a year old you could fully expect the same eight-year lifespan out of it that you would If This Were a full-size desktop so a lot of people when you're watching these YouTube videos you're accustomed to seeing only the latest and greatest and everybody quickly forgets about what used to be the latest and greatest but I assure you last year's latest and greatest is still good today it's just going to cost you less money if you can find one for sale so keep that in mind let me go back to camera one full screen here we go better get my glasses I think 2024 is going to be a good year for mini PCS because the Min PCS that I have received so far this year I've never been so excited and I'm I'm not excited very often about some of these it's another black box it's another you know budget build but I'm telling you what um there's an upcoming gecom A7 I cannot wait to show you oh my gosh it is it it was like if I could design a Mini PC this would be how I would design it that's how good it is we have uh some upcoming minis Forum PCS that are going to blow your mind with how much power they've packed in such a small package well I think that's true of all of them quite frankly I'm getting so impressed with just how much you're getting you know the the the gecom and one of the minis for they sent me are stock shipped out with 32 gigs of RAM by default are you kidding me that's amazing yes please understand that a lot of times manufacturers don't do that because it raises the price of the machine but when you you sell a Windows 11 computer with four gigs of RAM on it it's going to be a dog I don't care what processor it's got so yeah you paid less for it but at what cost to your time and you know your sanity so it's nice to see the opposite being offered now as standard too right don't alienate any of us offer the the better stuff on the higher-end machines the better equipped higher-end machines and then offer the budget stuff to keep your price down for that crowd Gary Tatum sends a $25 Amazon gift card well thank you Gary a reminder again over to our friend Frankie B sent a very generous Amazon gift card me certainly can't thank you enough for that extreme generosity from Frankie B Peter VZ joins us is it from the Netherlands and he contributes one Euro thank you Peter Scott says it's very nice that Patrick over at serve the home is able to loan some things to share with everyone one thank you right let me tell you something when I went over to C Patrick Studio I didn't think I was going to leave with anything it's not why I went there and uh he's like do you need a Nas please tell me you need a Nas I'm good on nases speaking of nases I recently ordered a uh a qap from Amazon a tubay qap and they're normally like $550 which I think is overpriced qap and aous store I don't know I just think they're really expensive compared to say sonaly or teram but that being said uh there's pros and cons across all these manufacturers I have issues with all of them the qap um when I was looking at this was very interested in it and they're not sending us anything they never have um and Patrick has some stuff but it's all rack mounted stuff so it's not not what I'm interested in however um somebody returned this qap to Amazon and it was 325 bucks being sold by Amazon warehouse and I keep telling you guys when you're looking for product see if it's available from Amazon warehouse because if it is it's still guaranteed with free returns for 30 days just like a new product and sometimes it's significantly marked down other times not so much I mean I've seen it where they're only taking five dollar off if it's only five or 10 bucks or even 20 bucks I'll just buy the new thing why take the risk of having to return it maybe so this was almost $200 off I'd say so I ordered it and um on a lot of the Amazon warehouse stuff there's a bit longer of shipping that you don't get it in the normal super fast like this took four or five days that's fine to save 200 bucks I can wait four or five days so it shows up and it's like brand new except somebody left a hard drive in it one Bay was empty and the other let me show you this crack you up now I don't know if the customer who bought it put this drive in it and they were so upset that they sent it back they sent the qap back or if somebody at Amazon that does product testing on returns maybe this is a a drive they use for testing it wasn't formatted so it didn't have any data on it but look at what was in this let's see how many things you can find wrong it's 14 years old no 12 it's 12 years old it is not a Nas designated Drive meaning this is a desktop drive it's not intended to be put into a NZ so if you're buying a $550 NZ don't take your old drives and throw it in there you're not going to have a good experience and I'm wondering if that's why someone returned this Nas I am super excited to review this NZ with you because the only qap I've reviewed so far is that envyme qap which is 600 bucks and then when you populate it with envm you still have a pretty ptry amount of space you can use compared to what you can do with a a two Bay or 4 Bay for half the price so um I put a couple of 22 terab drives in it and I set it as a raid one in fact it defaulted to that automatically and when you set up a drive of your first time you're setting up the array it does this thing called synchronizing the drive and that will it's doing it right now it's been doing it since last night that will run depending on the size of the driv so in my case I have 22 terabytes that's likely going to be finished either late tonight or tomorrow morning so I put it in the other room and plugged it in you don't have to plug it into the network once you get it set up and it's synchronizing I turn it off I move it to the other room so I don't have it on the bench and I just give it power and when I turn it on it continues synchronizing where it left off and I can tell because the hard drive lights are blinking like crazy when it's done the hard drive lights will be either steady or off entirely and then I'll just push the power button in it'll properly shut down and um and then I'll be able to um schedule a video so I can show it to you so it's got two 3 and 1 half inch bays and two envyme bays that can be used four different ways you can use the envme slots as a cache for smaller files that get frequently accessed you can use it to extend your array so that you can combine or create separate arrays you can use it to move frequently accessed files regardless of size onto the envyme and it moves it off of the slower R drive onto the faster envyme and then there's one other thing it can do uh there are no included heat sinks however like the qap NV minz comes with heat sinks this one doesn't so if I'm going to put envyme in there I will get ones that have heat sinks on them there's room thank goodness for a heat sink um anyway I'm really excited to show it to you it's got eight gigs of ram in it by default which is pretty unusual two 2 and a half gig networking ports it does have Wi-Fi support if you want to plug a Wi-Fi dongle into it but it'll be slow as a dog if you do that you know sonaly removed that ability because it was creating too many bad experiences for people with slowness and reliability in any event um I I'll be keeping this qap I mean for 325 you know that's a really good deal and then back over to some more stuff that I borrowed from Patrick I want to I want to show you this because I think it's pretty neat first of all this looks like a regular AMD box but if you look on the back here cannot sell this right a lot of products that are sent for review for manufacturers cannot be sold and Patrick likely got this a week or two before it was released publicly so there's like an NDA you sign that we're going to send it to you early so you can do your review but you're not allowed to publish a review until a certain date and if you agree to that they'll send you the product and they don't want it back and usually AMD will send you a motherboard and RAM everything you need um I think he said they didn't give him any storage so then he used all that and he's got this bare board he goes here do you want this I'm like well again I would like to borrow it from you but no I don't want it I'm going to bring it back so that gives us another build we can do so what I'll do is I'll disassemble it and then we'll build it here on camera cuz it's just a bare board he never put it in a case or anything and he can't remember if he left storage in it so I'll prep that and we'll do an 8600 G build that was not on our schedule but what is on our schedule is we are doing an 8700g build using a jbow case and a jbow cooler liquid cooler which I had to order from South Korea they don't sell it here in the United States so even though I said my goal was to reduce the number of bills builds this year I've already got five builds scheduled so uh that that didn't work out the way I thought it would but I love don't get me wrong I love doing the builds what I don't like about it is how much they cost and then I end up sitting on them for a long time before I sell them and so when I sell them I'm selling them for less than I paid and it's a financial loss so if I can go borrow stuff over at Patrick's and then bring it back to him that is so much better um financially for the channel because once we he's in the same position I am once we make the content we're on to making the next content the difference is he only makes content like twice a week whereas I make content sometimes every day so um but but at when I say making content I'm referring to YouTube content he's making a lot of content for his website serveth so he doesn't just do the YouTube videos and he also travels all over the world for all these different conventions and Expos whether it's Germany or Paris uh he just recently went to um to the football stadium to look at the servers and everything they use there anyway check out his channel it served the home I I think you'll like it give him a thumbs up give him a subscribe uh he was in our chat room he joined us during the project zero build and it was really cool to see him in there and he wasn't feeling well that day and so we gave him a good distraction and it's always neat um when somebody you like likes you back I guess that's all I'll try to say all right uh let's see you guys have any other questions for acronis Nick poverman wants to know when are we going to see the solution to the HP so I have that HP computer sitting right down here and I am trying to make a point that all these knowt alls online that always claim that they had the answer after I've shown it who come out of the woodwork and say oh I already knew that I'm giving them an opportunity so far most of the suggestions have all been identical and I'm looking for different suggestions completely different from what's been offered and if I've got to wait a year then I'm going to wait a year I'll wait as long as it takes until I feel like I'm getting my point across but rest assured that computer is right there I'll go pick it up and show you if you don't believe me and because this is a this is a lesson I'm trying to teach this is not I I got some stuff on top of it I feel like some people dismiss these lessons and I'm trying to find another way I'm trying to find another way to make it indisputable I don't like it when people challenge me when they don't have all the facts or they don't consider um or they they just make stuff up so in this way we're doing this in real time so we can better envey this concept of the information the reliability of the information you're getting online from complete strangers and I can't tell you uh well I can tell you every single repair video I have shown has ultimately led to no less than one person and usually several going oh I knew that the minute you got started whatever the solution was they already knew that oh as soon as you told me that was the problem I knew that was going to be the well where were you when we were live with it right where where was this knowledgeable person beyond that when you go to Reddit or you go to other websites looking for support there's a lot of bad support suggestions out there some very irresponsible suggestions that are more ritualized than they are logical you know you put your right foot in you take your right foot out why because that's what fixes it well why does that fix it I don't know I don't know but that's what I and that's what fixed that I'm just trying to help you that's their thing I can't run my business that way so I'm making a point and when we get there we will revisit it all right so I appreciate the question Nick poverman said he wants to see some remote support from your company tied into one package you know does does a cronis have a remote support I think they have a Remote Management more on the Enterprise side I think it's a good good point he says he wants it for it people like me so I can remote into another computer and deploy a backup over in network as well as patches so I want to say and you know we'll let AC cronis answer that officially but when I was at the acronis their um Summit meeting they had in Miami before the pandemic was at 2019 they were already offering Remote Management but it was not on the consumer side it was on the business side and I haven't followed up with that in the years since so I'm not sure where that's at get aonis says yes you need to look into aonis cyber protect connect ah there we go and he provides a link to it ask and you shall receive look at that I told you he'd have the answer where are we at of time oh we're still good Steve Mur says could the not for sale parts for review be given away uh no in the sense that the problem when you give away those parts is the potential for a a warranty or support request so somebody may forget it was given away uh as a review unit or somebody may have false expectations and then turn around and write nasty things about the company also sometimes the review units very slightly from the final product and those companies don't want them out in the public they basically want you to keep it for yourself or to destroy it those are the two conditions uh you cannot sell it and they really don't want you to give it away because they're afraid that the person's going to have a problem with it at some point who you gave it to and they're going to reach out to support and support's going to say we can't help you and then they're get tugged off and then they're going to write nasty things and reviews all over the Internet and you know no good deed goes unpunished so in general when you receive a review unit it is yours to keep and of course if you give it to a family member or somebody who you know is going to reach out to you personally that's a different thing you know as far as they're concerned you're keeping it for yourself but no to send it to a stranger no and likely the punishment if that happens and then somebody's calling for support and they clearly know from the serial number that that unit should not be in the hands of a consumer they know who they sent that unit to and they likely won't be sending you anymore they don't need that hassle so that's why it's done that way you'll notice a lot of companies will do that with display models you're like will you sell the display model no we have to destroy it we have to and then of course they have to prove they destroyed it in order to write that off but that beats selling it for cheap and then having a pissed off customers got a problem with some display unit that you know wasn't new and had perhaps it could have even been a display model made differently than the model people buy so for example I've had um a Mini PC here that had a 1 gig ethernet port but online it said it came with a 2 and a half gig ethernet port and I said to Min Farm I said um is there a typo did you send me the wrong thing thing and they said no no you got a pre-production unit you got it before it was available for sale and while we were in production we found that we can basically change it to two and a half gig for no more no added expense and we didn't have to retool a factory or just changing a chip so we decided to at the last minute to make it two and a half gig which you know is a sales point right why would you send me something not as good as the final product but on the other hand if the final product comes out and then you get it for review well it's already been out so how do you deal with it if you're a manufacturers what you do is you make um sample products that are prototypes and you send the prototypes to trusted reviewers under the condition that they don't publish the review until the day the product is released and that way people can buy it that day having watched the review that day right so so it's fresh on their mind they'll be motivated to buy if you show the review a week early they might forget and um it also gives everybody who's given a sample the opportunity to be the first at the same time there's no favoritism there so don't think don't assume that the products reviewers get especially when they're marked is not for resale are the same products that you're going to buy there's often little design changes that occur and those products are sent to reviewers under conditions that have to be met so that's how that works but if I if I had one of these units and I gave it to my mom or something like that that's different story but yeah for the most part you keep it or you destroy now anything that we buy when we use the contributions that come in here at the Channel and membership money when we go and buy stuff from um Amazon or new EG or Ebay wherever we're buying from potentially we have the ability to give that away or sell it at our discretion aonis was also talking about this ability to deploy backups remotely he says that uh when it comes to being able to to deploy a backup remotely that's the approach many of their managed service provider partners are in fact using so what Nick is asking for they're already doing very cool very cool and like I said I remember them talking about this in 2019 I just haven't followed up with it because I don't I don't use the software that way myself in fact for the most part I barely scratch the surface of the cronus's capabilities I primarily use it for my own personal backups and for cloning during hard drive upgrades that's it sometimes I've used it for for data recovery and well acronis doesn't promote their product as a data recovery tool they depending on why the drive isn't working I have in the past successfully been able to recover customer data by doing a sector by sector clone onto a healthy drive and physically being able to pull the data off and of course they don't promote it it's kind of off label use but since I already have the product I got nothing to lose by trying it you know Paul O Brien contributes to Euro he says this is Field's contribution and another twoy yearo this is for the Mouse and his next meal I don't know what that means but thank you Paul Ryan contributes a dollar Canadian thank you Ryan and Peter with another Euro contribution and Billy zoo with $5 Australian in Super Chat thank you Peter thank you Billy and of course Ryan and Paul appreciate you guys the gronis is is still talking about this feature he says uh managed service providers don't even have to send text on site in some cases they just tell the customer to plug in the USB drive that was provided earlier and once the drive is installed the acrona software kicks in and starts doing the backup I do something very similar with my customer backups I don't I don't do system Imaging because I'm trying to back up the nas so for that I just need file synchronization and while acronis can do it um for me for this backup I use different products for different projects to accomplish different things so I will use file synchronization to go to a USB drive that's plugged into one of the machines so typically the the main person of char in charge of the office not the boss but like the boss's right-hand man if you a right-hand woman and I will leave a USB drive connected to that and then I automate the synchronization to just make up to follow any changes that are on the nails onto the USB drive and then I go out there once a month and I swap the backup Drive I take it out I plug another one and I take that drive home and that way if the building catches fire or is burglarized or if something wipes out their data with ransomware I mean there's a thousand different things a pissed-off employee deletes everything because they're angry I have a copy off site that's no more than a month old now they can do that more frequently if they want to pay me more but we've never needed it and then if they have simple file deletion they have the on-site backup which I can connect remotely and recover and that's all I've ever had to do is use the local backup that's why we have the local backup it's fast but on the other hand if we didn't have a backup or if we weren't keeping it updated they would have had several situations in the years that I've been their MSP where they would have permanently lost data and so it turns this potential crisis into no big deal really nothing um one time customer called me on a Saturday and they said I can't believe I just deleted the word document that I I came in on the weekend to do this work and I just deleted it and I even hit the yes when it confirmed I don't know what I was thinking can you get it back and in this case the nas has a recycle bin and all I had to do was remote in and the recycle bin is administrator access only and simply restore the file it's two clicks once I'm logged in remotely and I did that with the customer over the phone the whole thing took less than 10 minutes customer I said to the customer the file should be back now and she's like oh my gosh it's like exactly as it was when I saved it it didn't miss anything yeah oh you saved my life thank you so much so then you know you get on with your life but if that file was gone forever I'm sorry you're going to have to recreate the work all over again and that person Saturday is going to be a lot longer than they initially planned and you like likely aren't going to do it exactly the same twice right it won't be exactly identical so in this case even if it didn't happen it wouldn't have been the end of the world but for this person you know they didn't want to be there to begin with they certainly didn't want to have to start over from scratch so it turned out to be simply simply no big deal because either the recycle bin or the backups have it and I can't tell you how many times that saved a customer because quite frankly it's easily forgettable but you know what isn't easily forgettable is the trauma when you've lost something permanently or if you've lost a lot of stuff because then you could multiply that times how much stuff you've lost and you won't soon forget that it's extraordinarily traumatic for most people and yet restoring from a backup it's no big deal and it's easily forgettable just how close you were to the edge if you didn't have that backup and that's why I'm such a big fan of acronis because you know you can open up an acronis image file as I demonstrated and you can just pull a single file out if that's all you don't have to restore the whole image you don't even have to open the acronis software as long as the acronis software is installed you just double click on the tibx file that is your backup and it'll open it up as though it were a drive letter you can scroll through the folders and copy and paste it um out of it one way you can go out of the backup file back onto your drive without having to load the acrona software or reload the image you can just pull a single folder or a single file multiple files and multiple folders no differently than opening a zip file it's pretty pretty darn cool David Graham says you always miss mine look back you might be contributing while I'm in in the middle of talking in the camera and then it Scrolls by and then when I'm done talking and I look you might already be off the list but my uh my um YouTube Studio should keep a record of all of it regardless but sometimes that doesn't work so let me go back and take a look and because if I missed you I I'm probably missed other people as well um let me go all the way back up to the beginning so I mentioned and those and [Music] those yeah covered it covered it Dustin Fuller yeah I think I missed Dustin thank you Dustin for your $2 contribution he goes here's a little something for the channel well thank you uh there's David Graham $2 he says Carrie this bucks for you right on thank you David and then Paul o Bren contributes two Euro see I if I missed one I probably missed a few so I appre appreciate you bringing that to my attention okay then that's where I got that's the first one I saw here was the the one from Paul O'Brien that says it's for Garfield and then uh Ryan in Canada with two Canadian dollars says I'm having poutine for supper Great Canadian dish gravy in french fries it sounds like it's going to be very heavy in the cholesterol and delicious Ian G contributes 10 pounds Ian says good evening Carrie from London cheers Ian David Graham contributes again $2 he says this Sunday who's eating pizza the Super Bowl Sunday right it's kind of a pizza and wingsday and planet cryos with a $5 Super Chat said she's out of surgery his girlfriend his fiance and doing well by the way like always acronis is awesome thank you planet cryos and then thank you David and and Peter and Billy all of you for supporting the channel appreciate you guys very much Steve multiversos contributes one50 right on thank you Steve hey there's Mitch Morrison joining us I mean I see somebody saying hello to him but I don't see him yet I'm assuming he's in there usually he pops in with a dad joke thing one joins us says good afternoon from a sunny Cape Cod all right welcome in thing one oh yeah there he is there's Mitch I am far behind in the the chat that's been going on yeah Mitch is in there all right well I'll check the phone one more time and I think we're just about done for the day um just want to check to see if I missed any more ah yes mortant our friend Morton sends a $50 Amazon gift card he says here's 50 bucks for the channel have a great weekend right on thank you Morton and ABD Patel with $777 says which brand of Mini PC would you recommend including today's Asus Mini PC would it be an Intel or would it be AMD of all the many PCs you have reviewed well uh Abdul thank you for the contribution and for the question it depends on what the need of the PC is are you looking for something small are you looking for something for gaming what's the primary use of the PC going to be are you looking for something within a certain budget are you looking for something that has a certain expandability typically the lower the budget is the less expandable the less likely for example you could add RAM or storage if the uh machine is these entrylevel cost conscious machines is it something you want to Game On is it something where the size Matters is it something that you want to have RGB lights on when it comes to probably just the overall best mini PC regardless it'll do all of it I would have to say the tank 03 is one of my favorites currently it's also the single most expensive Mini PC we've ever tested what are the odds but I will say the upcoming um we've got a review coming up on the EM 780 which is a little tiny PC that packs a Whopper it's a punch and again it's going to be on the price your side of things but it's super tiny you can even power it through USBC which is so cool and you can do a AAA gaming in moderate settings on it same is true with the gecom A7 once again you know we're still up around an $800 $900 price range now if you take gaming out of the equation you know that cyberpunk PC that I looked at that has the crazy RGB and cool case design um I think that's really a neat looking PC uh and it's you know right around a $400 $500 price range and it'll do some very very light gaming or better yet no gaming at all quite frankly but you could do light gaming on it and then when it comes to like budget stuff looking at uh many of the n100 models from Intel or looking at any of the ryzen 3 models from AMD if you're looking at something that's really really low priced there's some real Bargains out there for machines that are great for just regular web surfing checking the email P bills online everything but gaming essentially or or video editing you wouldn't do anything too intense on that so asking me what my favorite is I mean I've got a favorite for each type of category in each kind of use case there's not a one- siiz fits-all other than I would say the tank but you could also buy three or four regular mini PCS for the price of that one tank that we've got but there's a reason why it's the tank and it is probably the single most powerful machine of that size that we've ever tested but you know you look at machines from Ace magic cam ruy minis Forum Paladin gcom Asus uh and and we review them here so that you have the information to make the decision that's best for you and because I don't know you it'd be very difficult for me to tell you what you're going to like and I don't know your budget and I don't know what expectations you so I hope you watch the reviews and then if you're interested in a a specific model don't just watch my review look for other reviews and look for like Amazon reviews and if possible I recommend if you're uncertain buy it from Amazon so you have that 30-day return window but again thank you for the contribution and thank you for your question oh and I have I have uh deployed a couple of these in businesses and in businesses we don't want the RGB and we're not playing games like this one here would be great in a business environment or in an environment with somebody older who's not interested in playing games gaming is getting more and more expensive as a luxury um entertainment option and so video cards are the most expensive I've ever seen them in my life that's why you're not seeing me do you're not you're not seeing video cards on this channel because quite frankly they're costing as much as the whole computer and then that reduces what content I can show you and I also think our audience here in general are people 40 and over and I think most of you are not Gamers however uh and I think that's why you're here a lot of the YouTube content that's out there now is this Enthusiast gamer content there's a lot to choose from and so when you want to move away from that then you talk about like serve the home or you talk about Network chalk or myself and there's Doug bets of course and planet cryos and our friend Jim kj3 and all have channels so you want to get away from that gaming non well it's not nonsense if I was 30 years younger I'd probably be totally into it and maybe would have the Expendable thousand to drop on a graphics card plus the additional money and time to buy and play the games but the older I get the busier I get and the more responsibilities I have because I'm self-employed if I'm playing games I'm not helping customers and I'm not earning any money I'm doing the opposite I'm spending money and um the game I like to play at my age is what's wrong with this computer I like solving that and how many people can I help today is it possible for me to help more people today than I helped yesterday that to me is a game and the difference is I don't pay to play that game that game plays me to pay it I find that game so much more rewarding because the results of that game make a difference in the real world so that's how my mind has changed now that's not to say I don't play games but when I want to play a game I want to play a real game I want to bring up Galaga you know Donkey Kong and I have and I've shown you before these arcade machines in fact I've got a side project where I'm building another arcade C Machine and I'm going to share the um the choices I have in building that and show you the quality of the different games the boards they can do this now are really small and I've got a number of them to introduce you to and I'll be able to Output the feed right into the capture card so it'll be like the video games right on your own screen from the arcade so I can't wait to show that to you because For Me video games are all about that that controller first of all standing up we stood up to play video games and the controller for each game you know you had the joystick and the buttons those were set a certain distance apart and they were differently configured for each game so I don't want to load it up on MIM and use a keyboard sitting in a chair that is not how we did it I don't find that fun and I don't find it similar it's not if I can't stand up and play the game with the right controller it's not the same game Abdul says he's liken the Asus one well Abdul keep in mind that Asus has a number of different mini PCS this one was offered last year it's no longer available but just look over at Amazon you can type in Asus Mini PC uh we sent we we bought an assus Mini PC and we ended up giving that to with a contribution from Buster our friend Peter Lok we gave that to a gentleman named Bill wickens which we see here in the chat from time to time and that was a really nice Mini PC so the assus build quality is very similar to the Intel Nook but also gecom and the Intel Nooks can also be the exact same parts and build in everything so you if you like the Asus you might also like the geekon all right guys I think that is going to wrap it up for us for today thank you de Mara for doing our thumbnail and video notes today and thank you all for joining us thanks to acronis I wasn't expecting them to hang out that's really cool we're going to [Music] um to have them on the show here very soon Corona says he's been playing the same game which is helping customers and partners every day since 2010 that is so much more rewarding to level up by helping customers than to level up in virtual reality where it doesn't matter I it's so much more satisfying Steve M here says [Laughter] asteroids all right that'll wrap it up for me for today thanks again to Frankie B for that very generous contribution thanks again to Patrick over at serve the home for not only loaning us this but some other stuff coming up and hopefully even more like when I take this stuff back go shopping at the library and thank you of course to everybody who has contributed the Super Chat and of course the PayPal contributions we like to stay independent here and be able to provide you our opinions without worrying about any push back for manufacturers who don't like what we said not that that really happens very often but a lot of times they wouldn't want a 2hour live video they'd want to see something before it airs and tell us if that we're allowed to air it and we don't have to play those games here because you guys support the channel can't thank you enough for that it's an amazing community and it's also a great place to go if you're having any trouble at all the community here uh is very knowledgeable and certainly happy to help you if you ask for help so take advantage of it and uh yeah I think that's going to wrap it up if I'm forgetting anybody I'm just getting old and forgetful what it's not on purpose I appre appreciate each and every one of you thank you so much for joining us and we'll see you again very very soon I might be broadcasting over the weekend because I got a lot of catching up to do if the opportunity avails itself and I think it will just watch for the notifications so if you're not subscribed be sure and subscribe so you get the notification and if you haven't already hit that Thumbs Up Button if you like this content and you want to see more like it that's what the Thumbs Up Button tells the content creator and it also tells YouTube that you want to see more content like this so it's um suggestions to you useful all right that'll wrap it up for me I will see you all again very very soon and until next time bye for now he
Channel: CareyHolzman
Views: 4,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASUS, powerfulminipc, ASUSminipc, careyholzman, careyholzmanlive, careyholzmanreview, minipcreview, minipcreviews, ASUS PN51-S1, PN51-S1 review, minipc, best mini pc, minipcvsdesktop, bestminipcbuild, bestwindowsminipc, bestminipc, bestminipcsthisyear, asusmini, minicomputers, bestbudgetminipc, PN51-S1 unboxing, AMDRyzen5700U, AMDRyzen, amd mini pc, ryzen7, asus mini pc unboxing, Sabrent Rocket Q NVMe SSD, Sabrent, Rocket Q, Rocket Q SSD
Id: AphPRwCWk8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 35sec (6215 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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