Answering Your SEO & Agency Questions [LIVE]

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okay i think i'm going live i think i'm live right now um can y'all confirm that you can hear me nice loud and clear before we start getting more people joining in here i see some people have already added some uh some wonderful comments and questions down below which are just awesome uh so i'm excited guys look i'm excited i'm excited and i'm excited because of several reasons okay number one is there's a lot to live for and i'll just say it like that i know that sounds cheesy i know that sounds really really cheesy that there's a lot to live for but there is today i've got full i'm full of stories today okay i've got a pink tie on okay pink ties are my favorite i'll start there i've got uh seltzer waters two of them i have two seltzer waters because i know a lot of you like to watch me talk and i talk a lot and since i talk a lot i need to make sure that i have um sufficient uh water in me so right now what i'm doing is i use a yeti microphone if you guys have ever seen these things right here and so i'm trying to figure out the best setting to actually get it to um uh you know work the best way and they're telling me that it's in cardioid mode so i'm gonna set that really quickly okay so it looks like it's already in cardioid mode so that's good um cool let me know the audio sounds guys i don't want to you know preach all of the stuff and then have bad audio i want to make sure that i have some good audio uh but look i'm live right now and so what i'm going to do is i'm going to talk a lot about today what happened today agency stuff um joelle's kid what's going on my brother you know normally i wouldn't just immediately call somebody out but you know you're my boy and you're local which is good and that text really made me feel good so thank you for that uh but look i'm gonna talk a lot about agency seo i'm gonna answer your questions talk about me a little bit and what i've been doing and overall just the typical live that i've been doing lately and let me get let me know if you've been liking this live um because it is something new that i'm doing i kind of just um i have a lot more free time now and i think that spending it on youtube is probably the most productive way of doing it because i like hearing what other people are doing in fact i learn a lot from the audience that watches me because they tell me about things they notify me about changes i didn't even know that google search console is now not doing the manual indexing my co-worker parker knew i didn't know so it's certainly good to get on here because i learned a lot from you guys and i learned a lot of different things that i normally wouldn't have known unless i took the time to go live so how is everybody feeling today look we've had a crazy month at develo mark crazy crazy month and when i say crazy month i don't necessarily mean like okay we're doing so much sales more so i mean like we're trying to figure it out we're trying to figure out our processes we're trying to figure out the best way of doing things and it's important to realize that this stuff doesn't come quickly it doesn't come overnight and a lot of people expect it to and eventually they end up just giving up and giving up is not an option for us i have to be successful i have to do what i've got to do to make my parents retire in fact i'm buying their condo for them but little things like that but overall there's just like challenges that we're coming across that we've never come across ever in history and because of that you know we're growing because there's more problems these are new problems these are fresh problems and whenever you get these fresh problems you start to stretch the muscle you have for problem solving and dealing with problems and dealing with all of this type of stuff every day there is something new that comes across my table that i was not expecting the day before and we're not even that big and so i'm scared of what's going to come when we're bigger the different types of problems that are going to come when that does happen if we get to the size that i'd like to be which is in the hundreds of millions if that does happen um then we will make those changes um but overall you know i think that it's going to be a very exciting time and right now people are getting frustrated there's a lot more expected from each of the staff members the staff members rely on each other a lot more than they used to and so when little errors happen we start to point fingers but we've got to realize that we are a team and we've got to bring it back and all collaborate together but overall it has been a wonderful wonderful wonderful week at develop i'm so happy to be alive it's exciting um to be doing this stuff and one thing that i did want to say right off the bat is there's a lot of times where something really small goes wrong but you completely ignore everything that's going well you completely ignore everything that's going well inside of your life something so small will completely disable i'm gonna use the word disable disable everything that you thought was going well in your life and i've trained my brain and i'm training my staff's brain to understand look just because one customer issue happened although we should strive for perfection each and every time although one issue happened it should be fixed over and over again which is okay but don't get so upset about that it's one of those things that unfortunately the human brain is is is is programmed to think about the negative and i don't know why that is i don't know if it's the devil i don't know what it is but what i can tell you is those little things generally don't make up for the good things that you're doing inside of your life and business and what we've started to do is create a what we've done well what we haven't done well and then comparing them on a week to week basis so look i'm going to get right into the questions i'm going to start talking a little bit about you guys because that's why you watch is because you want to learn for your own selfish beneficial reasons and overall we're going to talk about some really really good stuff here so uh let's go off and start by talking about liam who asked what is the best way to delegate work between a team of similarly skilled seos and um you know that's that's a really good question uh to answer that question you've got to really look at those seos strengths and so when you say seo i am imagining that you're talking about every different type of touch point that you need to do to optimize a website a google maps listing search results in a directory or something along those lines start with people's strengths what are people good at and what are they not good at and it's really that simple if somebody's really good at writing content make sure they're writing content if somebody's really good at optimizing url structure and creating website sitemaps have them create a website sitemap and so we did this inside of our agency and i'm going to show you a few examples tonight of real client stuff that we're doing inside of developmark uh it's gonna really really make you excited and give you a lot of clarity look if somebody's good at organizing structural site maps don't make them right content if they're good at that type of stuff then you know that that's what it is so this is just an example of of one of the projects that we're currently working on yz garage door and gates they just went live today so we were very excited about that ben thank you so much for your business if you're watching this we're going to have a very good time working with you and overall so their new site you can see that this is their new site here um overall you know when this site was made you can see that yeah it looks pretty now it looks like it's it's doing well now but when we started we started by mapping out the navigation mapping out the subpage mapping out the child pages mapping out the url and we stuck to the plan when it came to that so we want to make sure that when we're working on client accounts like this one specifically we want to make sure that we're positioning that our employees whatever their strengths are they're working on this account because unfortunately clients don't have time to work with people that aren't focusing on their strengths that's the beauty of the digital marketing agency model is you want to build a model that services specific customers and you have uh people that are specialized in every area of the product that you're selling so there should be one person doing the seo there should be one person building the site map there should be one person optimizing the google my business there should be one person writing the content one person designing a website one person developing the website one person managing the project and that's what's really cool about our business model is when you sign up with developmark you have a team of people that are working on your project specifically rather than just having like one freelancer try to do several jobs so it's we try to be like one stop shop as much as possible and that's really our goal with that so to answer that question it's really um get people that are uh you know skilled and then figure out what that skill is and that's how you can start to delegate that work i hope that answers your question uh ruan please describe your internal process system slash automation and what do you leverage tools like asana or zapier for project management uh you know that's that's a really good question uh basically what we do is um when we get a new customer uh we obviously have like what every agency does which is called an onboarding call where we gather as much information as possible we gather the login details for that customer and we really just bring them through a process of what we've decided that we need to make the campaign successful and so this is because we've done websites um for almost two years now and we've noticed that every single time we make a website there's similar things that we're missing inside of the actual build and we've notated those things that we continuously get better at those things recently one of the biggest problems that we've been having is getting domain access because once you start doing you know five websites a week or a month or whatever your your capacity is there uh you're going to start to notice you need a lot of dns information so we're trying to streamline that so sharing my process with you um really really looks like this i mean so i'll show you exactly what yz garage doors process was when they signed on with us um because this is a company that i definitely look up to they're they're good size they have over a thousand reviews inside of the google search results so um really what i'm going to do is i'm going to kind of just show you uh step by step on how we would onboard this customer and exactly how we set the expectation what we sell them et cetera so you can kind of see the entire process laid out for you but really i'm going to share my screen here so you guys can see and once again we're talking about how to systemize this process in its entirety so i like to use this tool right here aww app if you guys aren't familiar with this tool it's a great tool to visually show people what you're talking about i really like this tool for that reason specifically but basically what the onboarding process looks like is uh is this right so you have sales at the top and and this right here the sales process is completely different we're not going to talk much about the sales process for this question specifically but once that sales person gets that customer they put them into something called active campaign and so activecampaign basically is a database of where our customer information lives um their address their billing information uh anything that's uh we need to do the project that lives inside of activecampaign now inside of activecampaign we have what's called automations and we have an automation that's called new client that on board so after they get put into our automation or activecampaign they get added to a list if you've ever used the crm they use things called lists that have automations attached to them so they get added to a list and the list is called new client now once that happens once they're added to this list of new clients a series of automations gets sent out so the first automation that gets sent out is a welcome to develop email and this email kind of just outlines uh that person's information so we do have a web page set up for this um uh onboarding uh i don't know if we have it set up on this one right here uh i can show you after i have to pull it up it's a private link um but basically they get an email that welcomes them to developmark and kind of outlines our process and timeline as to what we're going to be doing now while that's happening while that email is being sent our salesperson already scheduled what we call an onboarding meeting where we have a list of templated questions that we asked the customer during this meeting so you can see right here that there is meeting one and there's really no automations that go into this but what's really cool is i can show you that inside of our email let me go over to my actual email address inside of my email here you can see that uh um we can see i'm trying to find one because we just onboarded a customer today so i can't find it but we send out an email that basically has our onboarding documents and onboarding survey that our team can uh um you know show the customer as they're going in so you know with that being said on that onboarding process we're basically asking them questions that we're going to need to make the project successful these are questions like um you know what is your goal how can we make you happy with the campaign that we're going to be doing for you little things like that where uh you know we need to make sure that um uh the customer's gonna be happy um so once that onboarding meeting happens we then have an internal design and development strategy meeting an seo strategy meeting where our team develops this physical website site map that i was telling you about before and we agree upon this and then we have the client approve it once the customer approves this this sitemap this general outline of what the website is going to look or the pages that it's going to have and we even go as far as telling them which ones they already have and which pages that they don't have and this is all based off of keyword research um so once we do this then we start talking about uh what's the design going to look like what's the content going to look like and then we start by creating the initial design and then adding the contents into the website as we go on um so we'll order content if need be if it's a vertical that we simply don't know how to write for these are like legal these are we don't do a lot of legal but these are like legal these are like uh you know manufacturing anything where there's a lot more complications into what we're going to be doing uh we'll use a tool called and we'll work with them because we have a dedicated account manager with them and basically what we'll do is we will go in and basically order content through here if it's a specialized industry now you've got to remember development also has in-house writers who are writing this actual textual information so at that time um you know we won't order that content if we know about the topic if we don't know about the topic we'll hire somebody that's specifically focused on that topic just so we don't get any uh um you know either uh hiccups with the customer experience and you guys have got to remember the moment a customer signs up with you with for your services in any type of business is the moment that they start leaving you and that was said um on that movie mad or show mad men by don draper the moment you sign a customer the moment they start leaving you because it's the truth right so you've got to make sure that that experience is consistent throughout every single account that you're selling with your agency services so my process really takes the customer from getting information to creating a website site map which is the seo planning that we do initially then it's making sure that the design they like the design we're designing the sites based off of what they've mentioned us to reference um and then it's really just making sure that we stay on the timeline and so our timeline is usually about four to six weeks maybe eight weeks maybe ten weeks depending on the size of the site generally speaking we hit that five six week mark um so that's awesome right i mean that's that's how you can get that going in there what are your favorite dress shoes um i like any dress shoes i mean i don't really have a favorite shoe i'm not a big shoe guy i'm a big i'm a big jacket shirt and tie guy hello from melbourne ruan love your work i love you too brother i love you too thank you so much for joining on uh cold calling outreach techniques ones that don't include having 100k subs on youtube to promote yourself you know i never i didn't always have 100 000 subscribers on youtube and in fact that's a that's a very small amount of subscribers to have i wish i could have a lot more i wish i could make a lot more quality content but in reality of things is you know if you're just starting out you have to have lower prices to compete with the agencies that have been in business for some time and that doesn't mean work for free that doesn't mean go out there and get free trials although you can i know somebody that's very successful free trials one of my one of my really good friends neil owns a dental marketing company and they do 30 day free trial for google ads and they target one industry and it works customers stick on with them uh so you want to do something that's going to get you into the conversation with a potential customer without doing cold cold doesn't work that well i know there's a lot of people that say you can get you can fill your calendar appointment using facebook ads you can do cold email you can do this stuff but then you search their agency and they don't even have an agency and so that's when you don't take advice from those people do not take advice from those people what you want to do and this is this advice i'd give to people they do not like it but it's exactly what i did is go get uh uh go out and start shaking hands go to your local event if you're in the us they have things called the chamber of commerce get your business registered there start taking it seriously and stand up and say my name is chris i help restaurants get more online orders using online uh menus and we start at 500 per month for a restaurant that's it that's all you've got to do with these meetings because then what people are going to do is they're going to say chris one of my best friends owns this restaurant over here he's been saying he's having issues with his website marketing company because the best thing about local is usually those clients are working with customer agencies that are out of state i can't tell you how many customers we've won simply because we were local and not out of state so it's really important that you understand that and that you literally go for the local people first and a lot of businesses do that because they understand that if somebody sees you personally chris and you're wearing an ice jacket you're wearing a decent shirt you're wearing a tie and you have a definite aim at that event you're going to get customers other than that cold we've never done it that much we've done a few cold we've gotten customers using cold email we've gotten meetings using cold email but the problem with cold email is at that time you're positioned as the person that is begging for business you're trying to convince somebody how good you are it's much better to just go physically where the business owners are and start shaking hands and building relationships there and you might have to do some prep work look i don't know how good you feel about yourself i don't know how confident you are about yourself i don't know any of that because it does take a little bit of confidence to get out there and go but what i will say is you've got to prepare for that stuff you've got to prepare to be confronted by a business owner and have the confidence that let's say i can help you i'd love to have coffee with you and use reciprocity people like helping people and so if you help that person with anything right they're going to be more to help you and hear you out probably not an easy response but how to websites rank so fast with no blog content i see some companies put up sites and they rank immediately with no blog posts um you know that's a really good question um because we we blog for customers quite often so i'm not gonna say that it's something that isn't necessary for rankings because it certainly is but what i will say is there's so many different factors that go into a site's rankings that's why i like using tools like sem rush because it'll allow me to do some basic research as to why a site's ranking and why a site's not but if you gave me a domain inside of the live chat i can certainly go onto my computer and research on this live call and tell you exactly why that site's ranking now there's been a lot of conversations about google's usability page page experience uh factor going into play so now stop thinking so much about just adding so much text focus on the signals that google sees that your site is a worthy site that's gonna rank well on the google search engines love the suit color combo i love you too i love you too good afternoon it's good evening here in connecticut it's 6 30 p.m i just got home from work very busy day at the agency uh i love your videos i got a question if you don't mind when starting a social media marketing agency is it smart to outsource all the work immediately or should you start doing it yourself um i'm a huge uh believer in doing the work yourself and i know that that sounds counterintuitive right you're starting a business to get away from working hard every single day that's what the average person thinks they're starting a business for but in reality if you don't know how to do any of the work it's going to be very difficult for you to lead inspire and train team members if you're starting an agency now keep in mind you said agency are you talking about an agency that's going to be large or just some agency that's going to be small few employees in general it's always good if you know the actual work that you're doing when mark zuckerberg started facebook he knew the code and he grew it and i'm sure he still codes i'm sure he's very involved and so the more involved that you can be inside of your agency dragon ball universe um the more that your success you're gonna have and the less people are gonna think about you not knowing what they are doing and they're gonna feel more appreciated because you know how to do what you're telling them to do so outsourcing is completely fine if you start getting overwhelmed but overall if you're building an agency that's going to last you want to have that unique selling proposition that you know how to do it you know how to sell it and your team does it in this in in your in your country because for us um besides my political beliefs um i believe that a lot of the work that we get as agencies should be given to the people inside of the united states of america because it stimulates our local economies now for anybody that's outside of the united states on this phone call don't take that offensively i'm sure you do some really good work but all that means is if i'm going to have a job opening i'm going to pay somebody in the u.s that pays u.s taxes to help our economy um so overall the right answer to that is yes or no i mean if you know how to do the work and you simply just don't have time and you're overwhelmed outsource the crap out of it but if you simply don't know how to do the work don't sell it learn how to do it first and then sell it what zodiac sign are you um i am a pisces and an aquarius so my birth on february 18th um and i am the uh the cusp they call it how can you start a lead gen business with adwords and make benefits should you care about seo if you start with adwords you know that's a really good question i know a lot of lead generation sites that don't do any seo they're not even indexed and they do a lot of money with adwords if you're going to do a lead generation business like i said pick one niche right pick one niche charge per lead and track everything that comes in through that website and that's very easy to do it's very easy to do that it's very easy all you've got to do is set up a website on duda or wordpress or wix whatever one you want to use make it a niche right so make it something like painting we've got we've done so well with painting painting is a great niche we still sell the leads to either my dad or another company my dad doesn't pay for them obviously because he's my dad um and so you know you should care about seo because there's a lot of qualified traffic that comes in from seo but you've also got to remember a lot of traffic comes in from ppc too and so with ppc you can make a lot of money just by sending qualified traffic but you've got to know how to do it very well you've got to know how to do the ppc very well because if you don't know how to do seo very well the only thing you've done is wasted your time if you don't know how to do ppc well you're wasting your time and your money and so ideally the lead generation model that i've seen work for large companies is run ads under your own account so you're paying for the ads and you sell the leads to businesses and they have the ability to dispute those leads and so if you're not good at it it's not going to be it's not going to be uh profitable for you so i want to show you an example of what this would look like um so i'm going to show you a um a google account for our moving company ct moving in storage which we love and amber and aaron if you're watching this video we love you and we hope that you're having a good experience with us but overall if you see here like this is this is their website uh so this is really really important because when you look at their call tracking you can see that a lot of their calls actually come from organic and because of that seo simply isn't something that you can ignore direct organic direct organic um so google ads it shows up here quite frequently but google organic it's definitely something you just should not ignore now look if you're getting these calls and you look and see that this call right here is seven minutes long and i listen to this call and i can see that it's a qualified lead then i can charge that company for agreed upon rate as long as i'm generating the lead and they're booking that estimate um so it can work very well um lead generation businesses can work very well is it the business that i'm in no only because i don't want to do lead generation for two simple reasons one i like working with the brand too much to just have my own asset i love working with people's businesses i it drives me i'm inspired by our customers i'm inspired by our customers sacrifice to start a business and i think that it's just wonderful to work with their brand also they rank higher because they have direct traffic and social traffic and all that other stuff that we talked about in the last video about click-through rates but overall um the second reason is sustainability is just a lot better with branded sites if i can work with a brand site and they can pay me whatever it is on a monthly basis to manage their monthly their their site overall what's going to happen is is never is google just gonna say okay this small business is gonna go away for a lead generation website that can happen at any moment so you've gotta be very careful with that i hope that answers your question um this one right here okay do you like active campaign for content management do you have a more economical recommendation um i like active campaign i mean that's what we're using right now and it does well it's it's very economical it's very very inexpensive compared to some of the other tools like hubspot i can't pay for hotspot right that's too expensive um but overall we use activecampaign for uh database customer database sending out email blasts to existing customers sending out monthly reports we do that with activecampaign and now we're starting an initiative at development where we're starting a master email and blog schedule because we have some more manpower and women power um to do that um and unidentified power if you if you want to if you don't identify yourself with any of the sexes uh it's definitely important to not make every issue into a house fire yeah i mean look it's it's gonna happen you're gonna have situations to where like i got this email the other day i want to show you guys this so badly um i want to show you this really badly so we had a uh a situation where you know we saw rankings decrease for a customer like 99 positions right this was this was something that like if you if any of you on this live chat saw this email you would freak out and um we didn't freak out because we know that we can fix the situation and we can help and this doesn't happen very often right but you know a situation like this where um you know 99 positions the site goes down i'm trying to find this email for some reason i can't tell why i can't search for emails in my thing right now um but when you make a situation really bad things just start getting worse they start getting worse and that's why it's critical to really think about what you're doing well and stop focusing on the bad things yes i am selfish okay uh what do you think about telling your best knowledge about a service or the way you do things to a client that runs away with the idea and do it to himself what type of protections do you use due to care um so juan which is the spanish name of ruan so i already appreciate you there um it's a good question uh you would have to be really really careful with that because if somebody has their own time to run away and do things that you were supposed to do for them they were never going to be a client in the first place our clients are way too busy to make a website and do an seo campaign and do google ads and build landing pages and do website chat management call tracking and all this other stuff by themselves um what i would do in that situation is i would have people start signing non-disclosure agreements if it's that serious have a lawyer write you up a very basic non-disclosure agreement and just let them know that if this idea is executed outside of this you got it from me and it's legally uh executionable now a lot of those things are hard to kind of say you know this person took this knowledge from me and i'm gonna sue them because of it because digital marketing is such a broad knowledge on the entire internet so like anything that you may think is sensitive information and is a wonderful idea etc you can probably search online so the person that you're suing the protections that you're doing for yourself and you're so when you say protections you legally mean you're trying to sue somebody right that's the only protection you really have and you can't like tell somebody in a race you can't erase their brain of what they learned um so overall you've gotta you've gotta really just set the expectations with that person and really vent out if they're an actual customer or if there's someone just trying to pick your brain um because i have that all the time i'm sure you do too if you're the agency um and it does happen good training i had to do that too as a business owner and motivate myself great idea yeah write down what you're doing well and write down what could be better and i can tell you right now if your list is you can be better you've got some changes to make right you've got some changes to make one of my mentors lawrence janeski owns a connect a basement systems company um you know he talks about when you start a business you're starting it because of your own personal goals the problem is people don't even know their own personal goals and so when you try to measure how well you're doing inside of your business you don't even know because you don't have a goal you're just kind of running you're just kind of doing what you got to do so i would definitely do that how much did you ever charge your first client um so my first client was a um a cell phone repair shop so uh this is actually their website and they're actually still with us as a customer of development which is pretty cool um but this was our first customer that we've ever had it was eye doctor uh kiosk and we gave them access to edit the site so that's why the site uh looks the way it does i'm not gonna say it looks bad i'm also not gonna say it looks good uh but overall you know the text shouldn't be space you should never have black over blue designers in here could probably feel my pain even though i'm not a designer but you know like this is this is his website this is definitely not the site we built um but you can see that our little tag is at the bottom but i mean overall um these websites are something that can definitely uh you can sell for like dollars per month five hundred dollars per month a hundred dollars per month there's companies like haibu um who sell websites for you know 99 bucks a month and that's their model and it works and you know if that's the model you want to go for is the affordable giving people the most value possible that's the model you should go for there's no there's some there's some weird this is weird like i don't want to say like i don't know there's this weird thought process about this business model the agency business model specifically where people feel like they need to charge what they're worth and yeah at one point sure you need to charge what you're worth but you've also got to understand the client is worth something and if you can give more value just like amazon tries to give the customer more value instead of amazon saying no we're just going to serve the rich people and the people that have you know more money etc because our software and our technology is worth that they want to be successful they're successful because they've made it possible for the majority of people to join onto their service and that's why i like hai boo specifically as an agency as a model because they've definitely done something like that where it's very entry level they're not price gouging for the services and the business owner the person that's valuing from the product or service not saying hi boo's great okay i'm not by any means saying that a high boo website can compare to a developer website or that a haibu website can compare to um you know any other website service program out there but overall they give you a lot of value for what you're paying so when you consider how much should you charge your first client consider how much they're getting from you and that's why i think it's so critical to make sure that you know how to do the work because then you can offer it at your means to live and you can start to grow as rep your reputation and and start to scale that way and we get we have this argument um it's not an argument i don't want to say it's an argument okay i don't want to say it's an argument but we have this uh conversation at development so many times where the team's like dude why are all the websites we you know majority of the websites that we've built on the homepage of the website nobody wants to scroll through that boring page but in the reality of things develo mark is in is in a position right now where uh you know we're not charging ridiculously premium costs we're just not and customers they do pay a pretty penny for our services and we value every penny of that but ultimately we're not paying we're not charging 5 000 a month for local seo i've heard of that i've heard people doing that and they're not that great and so at that point you're just being selfish and it's hard to grow that way you've really got to make sure what are you selling write it down what are you selling what is it valued at so search average cost of this average cost of this average cost of this then once you do that look and see competitors in your area that are offering a similar service and conquire and see kind of what they're charging for your different types of services and then you can basically see what you should set your prices at now if you're new in business you should certainly charge less you should certainly charge less and this is why people that start their businesses have less of an overhead less of a living expense ultimately that can charge less get more customers get more reputation and grow and then as you grow gradually start upping your prices what would the president ruin tell his younger self what the knowledge and experience he now has when starting out in digital marketing slash entrepreneurship that's a wonderful question kim i really like that question because if anybody had the power to go back in time they would be superhuman because they would never die right unless they could only do it one time um but but probably what i would tell myself when i was starting out is um it it's not that serious what we're doing is really not that serious and to the business to the customer yeah it's it's very serious right you're handling their business you're promising them that they're going to get growth you don't want to be a ripoff you don't want to scam people you don't want to have a product that doesn't work you want to take that very seriously but don't take yourself too seriously there was a time when i bought you know a watch where i bought you know my car which i love my car but you know you start to just like take yourself a little bit too seriously but you've got to realize if you're new at this you're new at this you shouldn't know everything you don't have to know everything nobody says there's no book of business that says to start a business you have to know everything about everything that's not the case and so i started to try to sound like i was this authority but now we've taken into our company to culture that we're not the authority we're just not people can go to different large companies people can go to haibu people can go to reach local people can go to scorpion people go to any of these large companies that have been doing this for a much longer time and probably get similar results as to what we're doing for our customers but ultimately what i will say is um it's not that serious in fact my favorite author and you guys know this for several times if you haven't started listening to this you're really missing out you've got to listen to think and grow rich there is chapters on the fear of death which basically talks about the average man average woman the average person that doesn't identify they are scared of dying and me i embrace death i really do i think that and i don't want to die i don't want to die that's not what i'm saying but if i did die i wouldn't be upset about it and i'm not scared of dying and everybody's got to go someday and so don't take anything too seriously and there's also something called the egg which you should watch if you're thinking about what you should have done when you started out that basically is a story that everybody is the same person and so you want to treat people the right way don't take yourself too seriously and do the right thing you know at the end of the day it's not about doing things right it's about doing the right thing okay it's not about doing things right it's about doing the right thing as long as you're doing the right thing and you don't know what you're doing that's okay okay that's okay but if you're charging people ridiculous amounts of money you're conning them into your services and then you're not doing the right thing you're not delivering on anything that you promised you should be in jail right um so that's that's one of the uh one of my examples there do you have a sample of the spreadsheet you can share that is great i'll ponder that i just landed my first digital marketing client i landed her by using ubersuggest to break down her seo she is a local gym uh how can i get backlinks for her um well there's there's a lot of questions that come up to mind when you say that um has anything cool or new happen inside of her business because if she's local there's a lot of papers that will talk about what she's doing so here's what i would say i would recommend that you start some kind of program for the public that rate this discounts their rates at the gym or does something that's going to get your client on local newspapers local pr those are the strongest backlinks if you can get your customers on your local publication and they can mention her website on the actual uh uh article and that easiest way to do that is has something crazy happen you can do press releases for several different things if something recent happened if they had a 10 year anniversary you can talk about that if they're offering discounted membership programs for veterans you can talk about that if they're offering a huge contest where somebody can win a lifetime gym membership you can talk about that if they have new equipment you can talk about that there's so many different reasons as to how you can create a pr strategy where you actually get these press releases done and those create really high qualified backlinks to your actual website what do you think of thrive theme plugins i don't use wordpress i'm sorry i'm the worst person to ask how do you feel about go high level is it better than click funnels by far i mean that's i don't even think that's a that's a comparison um go high level is a is a really good platform i know a lot of we don't use it personally because we're building something internally that meets our needs a little bit better but ultimately go high level is a really good tool to use if you're an agency for automation uh follow-up automation crm management for your customers and basic website builder i wouldn't use it to build a website maybe a landing page but overall i would not recommend using it to build a website what strategies do you use for your paid advertising to get actual clicks uh for facebook and google do you use linkedin anyway please talk about how to get clients using linkedin as well um training and weight loss i would like to know if you mean clients for yourself or clients for customers that you're servicing based on your name of your channel training weight loss uh i would imagine that you're trying to get customers for your program and so there's a lot of different ways that you can do that i'm getting actual clicks to your website is not hard anybody can buy a bunch of traffic to the website and immediately get visitors now getting sales and conversions is what's difficult and i'm going to give you the best tip that i can probably ever give somebody ever when it comes to paid advertising with facebook or google is don't expect an immediate return um with google ads for like a plumber yeah you can get the phone ringing over time but it's not until you see the results over three to six to eight to 12 months of how much that company actually netted from sales based on all of that advertising that they were doing so with facebook i would create a content uh a calendar of videos that you're going to produce and you can run those as a video ads campaign in your local market to create that word of mouth or to create that brand awareness but i wouldn't expect anything too quickly um linkedin is really good because you can basically get some more followers on linkedin and tap into their live feature kind of how we're going live right now uh but all overall you know it's it's one of those things to where it's it's a time thing and same thing with seo and same thing with anything same thing with weight loss right you've got to really do it for some time so start getting at the top of minded people start interviewing people that might be a really good way where you can create a podcast and you can start interviewing people um that are you know in the big in the weight loss industry stuff like that once again not an industry that i play with a lot but have really good experience with facebook and google and at the end of the day that comes down to brand awareness brand recognition and continuity but in terms of linkedin um we only use linkedin for hiring we don't use linkedin at all for getting clients we've gotten clients from linkedin uh i know a lot of people that do it uh we just that's just not our focus right now jewell's kid asked at the level you are at do you have your team manage the seo for your website or break into new local territory with location pages or you have you establish yourself to flood referrals mark's website seo um it's really and i assume that's what you mean our actual agency um i assume that's what you mean but development's website seo really took a hit when we redesigned it and kind of eliminated all of the pages what was happening is we were getting people that were contacting us asking for just ridiculous things that weren't qualified so what i'm going to do is i'm going to share my screen with you with me really quickly um and this is the tool that i use scm rush but basically you know you can see that when we redesigned our website uh in 2019 which was last year to accommodate some of the changes that we wanted to make inside of our business where we were having a lot of irrelevant contacts coming through the site and i'm not i'm not saying that people are irrelevant that's not what i'm saying it just wasn't in our business interest to talk to these people so they were just kind of like jamming up our phone lines when we redesigned it i mean the the traffic tanked right and it continues to go down because it's less and less and less of our focus more of our focus joel's is basically focusing on the actual products that we make for our customers because we found that even if you're getting a lot of referrals and leads if you don't have anything good to show those leads they're not going to sign up with you so we've we've gotten to the point to where we can actually sign people up because we have good results to show we have good testimonials um we have bad reviews too i mean look that happens it just happens right but overall um you want to get to the point to where you're not you're not relying on local seo for your website and look it's different because i do marketing youtube i do marketing with some of the influencers that i work with i do marketing on my website i do i do marketing in person but seo right now we've just built out a communications calendar for our blog and that is certainly something that we're going to focus on a lot more because this traffic trend dip that you're seeing right now from the website is depressing look i'll say it it's depressing it's not good it doesn't look great uh and we used to get a lot more contacts from the velmark website but now we're getting less contacts but there's stronger contacts there's stronger contacts i hope that answers your question are you using a guarantee during the sales process you know frederick that's a really good question so we're offering a what's called a service level guarantee and what that means is your site will be up by this date uh we respond within this time frame on the weekends we are guaranteed a response uh backups are having on a daily basis we are not we are not offering a rankings guarantee if that's what you're asking for now look i could probably do it i could probably do it i could probably do it i'm not going to lie to you we could probably do it for most little local markets that people are running in but for markets like dallas or markets like houston or marcus like los angeles you can't you just can't do that because there's a lot of people and you don't know who's out seoing you you don't know who has a bigger budget you don't know which brands are the authorities in their areas and so that's why it gets very very difficult to do but for example this is one that i could have done a guarantee with this is uh texas green plumbing roger wakefield has a wonderful youtube channel this is website ranking number two for dallas tx plumbing we're still working on the google maps and we were actually just able to get him inside of the google guaranteed program which is very exciting because we've been noticing a lot of leads are coming through there so you can see he's now guaranteed which is awesome now we're obviously focusing on reviews because they're showing the highest rated reviews um but ultimately you can see that dallas and i picked plumbing one two three four five he's position five we're going to get him position one for all of those different keyword phrases and look there's a lot of things that we could have told him but we decided not to now when we launched the site if you use sem rush you can see the traffic trend on the actual site here when we launched the site we saw a really good spike in organic traffic which was awesome and you can see that this trend is continuously going up so we want to make sure we continuously blog we want to get into thousands of keywords we really want to grow with this client like we do with every client that's engaged with us and so um you know you really can't guarantee things i would never guarantee uh number one rankings i probably wouldn't even guarantee um large traffic increases because customers really some of them care about traffic but most of them care about qualified contacts because those are the customers that they could sell you know they can't really take traffic to the bank they could take a plumbing inspection that they sold to the bank and keep doing that predictably what is the what is is the price the same for an employee compared to verbalio to write content that's a wonderful question and that aaron those are the types of questions that i i personally i love answering because that's like a business management question it's not necessarily like a super technical question i'm all about business management i love business it's what i do every single day until 10 o'clock at night every night so uh breaking that down it's it's tricky right because a what are you paying the employee that's the number one thing you have to determine b what are the payroll taxes for that employee meaning if you are paying them on payroll as a w-2 employee which means they get a document at the end of the year that says aaron traub's seo agency paid them x and you have to pay taxes on that and then see is there any benefit cost is there any equipment cost you've really got to consider all of those different pricing matrix before you can determine if verbally is a better option for us hiring people internally is better for us and the reason for that is because you know if you're paying somebody let's say an average of you know an entry-level writer let's say 18 an hour right generally full-time and they're doing 20 to 30 articles per week right if you're outsourcing 20-30 articles on a weekly basis you know you're going to be paying uh you know you're going to be paying 900 bucks per week on just seo content for your clients but if that person can do more than that and the weekly is less than that so 18 an hour times 40 times let's say five uh you know you're at six seven sixty per per week you're saving money by having an in-house employee you're also into much more in control of the contents and you can train them but verb is specifically for agencies like myself that we need content we need it to be seo optimized i love the way they format their entire software um so it's definitely uh one of those things that you definitely want to do andrew says i love your sitemap blueprint andrew i love you man that's that's my response to that you love my sitemap blueprint i love you how do you get the trust of your first client i mean if they signed up for you they trust you on a level you know what i mean like if they already signed up for you if they already paid you or if you're asking maybe you're asking how do you get the trust of a potential customer that's going to be your first customer overall they've already signed up with you if they've already signed up with you they already trust you now what you've got to do is just make sure that you don't have a um you don't have a situation to where they don't trust you and they sign up and they cancel the first month there's nothing valuable in that there's nothing uh um uh you know there's nothing productive about that we're growing pretty rapidly because of an amazing opportunity we have right now it's a limited opportunity when it runs out we will be back to grinding how do i leverage the opportunity i'd like to know more about what the opportunity is because i don't know what the opportunity is i've had situations like that where people sent us a bunch of clients under their name and we lost all that cash flow which was a blessing blessing for our business and i can't wait to talk about it and develop our history book once we have it um we had a situation to where dean i'll talk about a little bit we had a situation to where we had 30 customers on a monthly basis from one source this one source was giving us 20 to 30 000 on a monthly basis but they were white labeling our services to their customers one day they woke up and said we are hiring internal staff we will not be using development services anymore please stop service on the first of this date and my heart shattered and before i was talking to you about don't take the negative situations don't let them take away from the positive situations and what that did for us was we had a revolution in terms of we are going to grow develo mark's branding we are more focused on growing developments branding then we are focused selling for other people yeah the cash flow is not as great right now as it was when we were doing that but we now are proud to say that everything we do is under development's name i couldn't stand selling stuff under people's name it was frustrating i couldn't communicate with the client we couldn't get things that we needed to make the campaign successful we weren't redoing the website so those are some of the small things that really irked us what is the best cold approach for prospecting i kind of already talked about that go out and network how do you set client expectations regarding seo results what a great question and if anybody has an idea on how to answer this question feel free to answer it because i'm going to answer it but it might be outside of what you're thinking of so the real answer is it's very hard to do that now you could just go out there and say we're going to offer you a guarantee you could do that and you could say look instead of us giving you expectations just know you're going to rank number one when this is done that's what seos do they promise that because they don't know how to accurately set expectations when it comes to seo the reality of it is you need to do more than seo and the reason why i say that is it's real it's really hard to just do seo for somebody and get results it's just this and when i say results i mean like you know long-term results when we started develop we had a situation to where we were just doing seo campaigns for people and people were canceling left and right because they could you know we didn't we didn't do anything else for them we just kind of just did their seo and once they were number one i mean what do you do there right what's your number one i mean what are you gonna do there so i'll kind of show you what i'm talking about when i say uh do more than just the web the seo so let's start with you know the website itself right so you have a website here and this website is something that um you know is their client's website and you have it here and everything goes to this website all of your different digital digital marketing efforts now you have seo here and seo is one of the ways that gets targeted traffic to go to the website you have ppc here let's say that's another way seo traffic gets to the website you have social media which is another way that targeted traffic gets to the website um and then you have you know um advertising which can be your customers doing billboards your customers doing all this other great stuff and it's sending all of it to the website and so the reason why this is important is because you should be doing at least two of these things one is you should be doing the actual website itself because instead of just managing expectations just for seo now you're managing expectations for websites so it kind of lightens up that seo conversation and you're adding more value to the services that you're selling remember this is not a game about selling um unlimited amount of leads it's that's not what it's about it's about giving the customer value for what they're buying so if you're doing the website that's valuable if you're doing the seo that's valuable if you're doing the google ads that's valuable if you're integrating a chat option on their website that's valuable if you're doing social media advertising that's valuable and you're sending it all to the website how much would you value that how much would a business owner value that because oftentimes when we do this approach with customers they are using several vendors to accomplish one thing and so with us when we take on a new account we're taking the website the email marketing the google ads the facebook posting whatever it may be that we're offering to that customer at the time instead of them having to use several different resources for that one thing that they're trying to do so instead of just trying to set expectations regarding seo results create a more defined offering so you can set expectations around other things so they're not just focused on the keyword rankings give them an experience they will make more money and you will have less of a churn rate which means if a customer leads you you're increasing your churn rate and churn rates one of the most important metrics in business for both employees and customers what do you think about white label seo delivery is some companies offerings yeah i don't we don't do that i kind of just talked about that in terms of white label seo i don't like it because it doesn't grow our brand and that really bothers me i think it's really important that we put our brand on things because over time it's gonna have a much bigger result white label seo companies are just they're in trouble because they're offering these services under another business so there's a markup that's happening there and we love exposing that like every time i get on a sales call if you're in the underground that program you can kind of hear our sales calls and one of the most important thing that i say is the seo agency are using there's a high probability that if you're not getting results that's because they're farming it out to a white label seo company that's doing the seo for them they're just sitting back and and sending you reports and getting money for that and we're not about that i don't think that that's the most ethical way of going about it i'd rather just go directly to the client now have we built websites for people that uh want to put their brand on it and it's a good friend and it's a good business deal for us yeah of course you know we don't have to put our logo on everything we don't have to say that development everything but it's just a general good practice to grow your business to be able to do that okay what do you think of google website through google my business um yeah i mean it could work i know a lot of uh websites that rank through google my business and of course google wants to control that experience as much as they can and i kind of wanted to just really quickly uh did not i think that's you pronounce your name i'm not sure i'm going to go really quickly as to what she means here basically you can see that this result right here sunrise plumbing you can see that the domain is sunrise so they're using what's called the google website from google my business now when you click this right here um you can see that it's really nice i mean this is a really good page this works right i mean there's no reason as to why this wouldn't work and so it's a really good way to actually get this done because you're verified you have your name you have your address you have your google reviews it's all integrated within your website so it certainly is a really good way to get your website set up if you're local um if you want to do something more like a better design like for example let's go to texas green website you know if you're if you're trying to do something you know like this where it's a lot more custom designed and it looks you know looks better on the phone and you know you can kind of play with it however you feel um then yeah google website probably wouldn't be the best way of doing this but google website really is good for several things advertising speed and having basic information pulled up quickly if you're not a designer i hope that answers your question will you ever do a website process course we have a guy at each end point but we're making up the process as we go used to use ac now hubspot what's important i i i need to know where you are dean i don't know where you are you know when you say what's important every component is just as important as everything else because we look at it as you know if if you have a table and a leg is missing obviously that creates that creates conflict because if you put weight on that table it's going to go down and so that's how our business runs like it can't run with our business physically can't run without every department so yeah we've thought about making a website process course and we're we're currently in the talks with duda on making a duda specific web design course um that development will be presenting um but overall probably not in the near future we're busy doing our clients work uh and instead of teaching it but i think that over the over the future yeah it's gonna it's gonna be a very potential good partnership and definitely something that we wanna explore doing it yourself takes a lot of time yeah i mean whatever you have all the time in the world life's long don't let people tell you life's short life's very long right yeah you get older and you start to think about how short life is but if the positive people the people with a good mental capacity think life's long right think about what i said before about the death thing um you know it's gonna come it is gonna come so make sure that you put into perception that it's long yeah it's gonna take a lot of time you're going to learn a lot more about everything doing that and you're going to have a lot more experience alejandro what's the best way to build backlinks for a brand new business i'm pitching to companies but i keep getting ignored as a small local arborist when you say arborist you mean uh cutting down trees if you can confirm that i can respond to this a lot better david wardlow just joined the underground secrets great stuff david good to see you i know we weren't able to connect with that roofing company that you were working with primarily because of what i just said about white label why do you use activecampaign well hubspot is so much more feature rich right now um we're not looking for feature rich we will eventually migrate over to hubspot right now we just don't have time to fool around a lot in the crm or focus more on our product like you said before your website process your seo process your google ads process once that's really dialed in and i don't have to look at it at all which has been the case i haven't been looking at a lot of these sites one bit um i do look at them before they actually get published i do look at them in in the middle check in to kind of see what's going on so i am very hands-on involved with that but i want a team of experts who are the best at what they do to do this stuff um so then i can start focusing on what is our crm strategy how are we contacting these people what's our automations look like right so right now i would say that my time is 60 in the business 40 on the business and so hubspot crms active campaign right now it's just a solution that we're comfortable with it's not a big focus it will be a big focus next year when we start going to associations for the verticals that we want to target so come on come on man come on if you were to start your agents again what would your plan be in the first 30 90 days my plan would be to go at to as many local chamber of commerce events as possible i'd print business cards i'd buy one jacket one shirt one time not concrete and i would go to these places i would go to every meetup there is i would go to every chamber meeting there is i would go to every bni meeting there is and i would target one industry and i would say this is my business i just started it this is my offer if you know anybody connect me if you don't i'd love to connect you with people i know start building those relationships i'm not kidding the first networking event i've ever went to i got a client and in fact i actually met one of my uh uh one of my my best employees at one of these networking events so just took a bit for getting used to format still waiting for facebook group um yeah we don't have a facebook group i have to update that i know it says we do uh oh i just completely skipped like everything oh my god i'm so sorry guys okay there we are what are the best niches that can pay a lot of money but also long term you want service based businesses or e-commerce based businesses that have sustainability and have been been in business for some time now the problem with getting businesses that have been around for some time is you're competing with agencies that have a lot of experience because generally businesses want to work with other businesses that have experience right your conversation if you have no employees and you're working with a business that has 500 employees their problems are a lot different than your problems and as an agency they like working with companies that can understand that now we have custom we have customers that have thousands of employees but we understand it because of the knowledge that we you know take part in and also we like to understand their business a lot better so i'll show you an example um whenever we get into a vertical that i just don't understand i'll pick up these things like compliance and operations guide and if you want to know of a niche that does a lot of money is very long term look at healthcare and healthcare can probably provide you with a lot of cash flow a lot of long-term endeavors and overall you know getting these books that are available online of what exactly these companies do it's just going to position you well enough so you don't have to wait 30 years to get the experience that they have so overall the healthcare niche is a great niche it's probably the one that i would recommend ultra competitive so whatever that you can do that's different than other agencies that's how i would position yourself what hosts do you use for your clients greets gates from the netherlands greetings man uh you know 30 years ago this is this is never possible 10 years ago this is impossible um to see somebody from netherlands which is cool i like that but ultimately we use amazon aws uh because we're partnered with a web platform called duda duda and we specifically uh uh you they they specifically use aws which we like because we have fast uh uptime and and download speeds which ultimately gives us higher rankings prativa hi hi how are you rowan what about branded organic search calls do you separate those in your reporting um yeah i mean so you know that's a really good question the way we see it is we're trying to do everything in our power to make sure that the customer's website is successful and because of that um we do get inside of our reporting that these branded calls are in fact direct so for example if a customer if ct moving in storage one of our clients were to look at this report they would know that this is direct meaning they searched online for their name and yeah this was a good lead it was an 11 minute phone call i'm guessing they booked the estimate i'm guessing they took the payment but at the end of the day they still had to see their website right and if you had a branded search visitor and that branded traffic went to a really bad website that didn't even load you know that that can cause a disruption in the amount of leads that come in through the website so yeah we count that as a lead ultimately because we made the last second decision of that person to call in and ultimately our goal is to when a customer calls in to compliment their website or say that they look them up online and they had good reviews etc because that means we did our job and i know some agencies that are a lead agency one of them is local to us in connecticut the name street house internet group where they actually won't charge you per lead if it was a um a branded search visitor which makes sense if somebody typed in ct moving and storage company instead of southington moving services um you know that wasn't technically your lead but since we're doing a retainer model we don't do a per lead model generally speaking uh they're gonna be happy with that very happy you're getting active on youtube campaign i've er youtube again i've learned a great deal from your videos hey man thanks for watching you know i love it i love these streams thank you for asking my question you're a great source of motivation let's get this money i mean that's why i do it i want to make more money um thank you so much for the info yes i will learn it and start doing it myself i will start with outsourcing more projects much loves goodbye leads everywhere project um leads everywhere in case you guys weren't familiar is we were going to do a company that basically uh charged per lead but the pandemic happened and a lot of these associations where we were going to get our customers ended up not happening so this is definitely something that we want to redirect in the near future but right now we've found that customers don't mind paying a retainer fee as long as you have a reputation and you can show them some of the stuff that you've done in the past they don't really mind paying that reputation cost or that monthly management cost because per lead you know you've got to fight customers about you know what's what's good and what's bad and you've got to you know you've really really got to manage it the right way and at this time i just don't think we're ready to manage something like that i think for now what we're doing is we're just sticking to our retainer model growing that model and investing in creating our own technology overall that's going to help us um you know uh overall in the near future but once again that doesn't mean that we're not going to use a per lead model we'd love to do that overall but at the end of the day we've just got to make sure that it makes sense for us because um you know we have bills to pay and customers there's a situation it could be a situation where a customer gets charged more than they're supposed to be if unless they would have just paid a retainer so it just works out a lot better for us that way some clients we do do a per lead retainer with where we actually charge them per contact that comes into the site but you fall into a situation to where people are disputing charges people don't feel it's fair what they're paying and we just don't want to get into that type of relationship with our clients so we just we kind of just stay away from it as much as possible um so i hope that answers your question how to know when you are ready to pull the plug and launch your agency so should you know 100 of what there is to be known about all services you offer or is 80 to 90 percent enough to start um i mean obviously you want to go for the 100 but that's kind of counter it's kind of like i don't know it's kind of counterintuitive because nobody knows everything when they start a business they kind of take a big risk and that's the beauty of starting businesses is you really are taking a gigantic risk you're putting your life you're putting your income on the line you're putting a reputation on the line because if you do bad work you're not going to have a good reputation so you're doing all this stuff and putting a lot of it at risk and so i would say 80 is definitely enough for you to start i knew like 30 um so i didn't know everything i didn't even know how to make a website when i started i had to learn it um using some of the old seo courses that a lot of you are probably familiar with things like omg things like joshua earps programs things like tai lopez's programs adrian morrison i had to learn that way and i'm grateful that i did because now i have a wonderful skill set that i can monetize and then i can employ people which ultimately is the highest calling um you know to employ people to create local jobs in your marketplace that's the type of stuff that gets me amped up so that's why i do it i want a team of people i want an army of people that are going to be able to do the work with me and they can get employed and they can live a fulfilling life off of development so i answer your question you don't need to know a lot i mean some people know nothing and they start business i know a guy who owns an agency that doesn't even know how to do any of the work so you don't have to know how to do much of it now is it is it going to help you to know how to do a lot of it absolutely i mean you're going to have way bigger advantage i have so much more advantage than a lot of i'm not going to say all agencies but i will say a lot of them that are local because they don't know how to do the work they just manage it and there's nothing wrong with that you know once you get to that level i'm sure that you can get to that but there's nothing better than a leader that understands how the work is done and in fact when i was at a t as a sales rep a couple years ago att got so out of touch with their retail that the ceos the cfos and all these other executives had to do store visits meaning they had to go to the store and not because they didn't want to but because it would give them a gauge as to what's going on on the frontline battles so look take what you know now monetize it for a reasonable rate consider what the value of your service is and learn as you grow we run a local seo agency for restaurants in the uk any ways to help us get more clients we already rank well in seo but working on a paid funnel facebook google ads any advice to help side dish media i would start by signing up to the restaurant association and if they don't have a restaurant association in the united kingdom because they do in the u.s there must be something some type of organization where all of these restaurants go to to market their business to learn more you know to get more valuable information and all that good stuff so i would start by going to any of these types of associations where you can mass email mass market and network at local conferences and events with restaurants save up the money to set up a booth save up the money to show real case studies and you're going to get tons of restaurants you got to go to where they are they're not going to come to where you are you know having seo having a paid traffic having facebook ad having google ads that's all great most companies need you need to go to where they are uh hey everyone loved your video about click funnels how who would you recommend for a funnel builder and what have you used recently uh let me take a sip of this so we don't build funnels for people um i mean i guess you can say what we do is a funnel because you're taking people from the awareness step to the action step to the conversion step i would say click funnels is still a really good option to use it as a funnel builder my point in that video was people mislead others with how well they're doing from click funnels because they're selling a program through it and i think that that's very unethical but i really think that you really need to look at um standard website builders you can build funnel from straight html i mean you have to really just learn you know what are the core components of that funnel and there's so many options out there there's lead pages there's click funnels there's go high level there's wordpress you can build a funnel in wordpress is it going to be the easiest probably not but for an integrated funnel solution i would look at go high level or click funnels or leadpages never thought of pricing it that way thank you thank you what do you mean charge monthly for web builds do you not just charge a straight up 3 000 for a web build for example ah chris chris chris chris chris chris you are going to get a lot of value from what i'm about to say to you uh and i think that you need a lot you need this value because you need to know about this you really do uh so with that being said um you can do it a few ways okay some people don't want to pay three thousand dollars up front they just don't right and so you can offer the option to do 300 a month instead of doing it up front put them in a contract and take automatic payments right out of their account using something called wave apps or you can do 3000 per month and charge them for hosting on a yearly basis for whatever it is you charge for hosting average hosting cost is about 300 or you can charge an upfront amount like 2 500 and then charge them for seo on a monthly basis which is where we really come along to that so um you don't have to and that's the thing the industry make it what you want it doesn't have to be this one type of solution just because other agencies charge this much for this you can change the way you do your business based on what makes sense for you what makes sense for you and so when t-mobile the phone company when they unleashed their uncarrier cell phone program basically that meant they were going to do things that other carriers were scared to do and now they have more subscribers than at t and verizon so do it your own way it doesn't have to be a set way it doesn't have to be just one time fee and then hosting it could be however you want to do it i don't care if you spread it out for two years 150 a month however you want to do it i completely agree with pricing for the masses yeah it's going to grow your reputation it's going to grow your reputation look do you think you're going to get more customers if you charge 10 000 up front for the same product that somebody's charging 2500 up front which agency granted they have the same positioning they have the same recommendations they have the same referrals they have the same authority which agency is going to get more customers obviously the 2500 agency is going to get more customers price gouging is going to kill you why because yeah you're going to sell one project at 10 000 but i will already have had four at 2500 meaning when i sell again because you better be selling again you're not selling just one website this isn't you're not selling a jet you're not selling a jet you're going for volume when i go to sell again i have four websites to show this next person i'm looking to get onto development okay so pricing focus on the value focus on what you're giving that customer and value that based on your marketplace if you have to start another online business from scratch accept what you're doing now what would what would you do using the internet uh prativa i'm already doing that we are launching something called splashdash which is a agency analytics tool that you are all going to love uh go to right now it's very important that you do so and put in your email because we're going to be giving people free trials free sites it's not a free trial i should say one free website to track no no money required okay and so this is something that we're working on right now unfortunately it is not on the marketplace yet but i do recommend that you all visit there and put in your email because it has absolutely no harm and the tool looks amazing but yeah so basically what i was saying is you should do um you should do a software if i was going to do another business outside of the agency using the internet i would create some small tool that a lot of people see value in and so it's so funny our software journey is hilarious because we started with something called um uh something called uh search trends and search trends basically looks like this so this is what we created initially so basically if i typed in uh seo marketing let's say basically what search trends did was it took this topic and it just created a chrome extension on your computer and it showed you the mark the keyword the search frequency you know the months the frequency by region of where people were searching it and then kind of like the keyword and related keyword phrases now the moment that we created this uh the moment that we created this actual search trend feature we put it into the google chrome store and we charged absolutely nothing for it so if you go to google chrome and you type in search trend and you look at this one right here you can see that it has over a thousand plus users and so because of that we basically started making sure that um you know uh you know that uh you know we we can break into that software market and so the new tool that we're creating splash dash dot io you can see the interface in it right here it's gonna be absolutely beautiful you're gonna be able to change any of the reporting that you wanna change dynamically right on the spot and you're going to be able to share a preview link with your actual customer and they're going to be able to see all of their data in a very very clean format that they're going to absolutely love and so our next business model is going to be software and so this is certainly a tool that we are very excited about because it's going to help developmark and it's going to overall help you know our actual business itself and so what this will look like is if you go to this website and submit the information the name and email once we're ready to release this basically you're going to be able to go into splashdash's tool and i know a lot of people spend time on reporting you're going to be able to go into splashdash's tool and you're going to be able to basically go to the admin section add users add different sites personalize it i can change this color at any time so all of your reporting will be customized to your branding and your agency's branding you can see how it just changed purple you can put your agency stuff here integrate all of our several integrations uh enter your billing information and then basically when you go to work with a site you're going to be able to edit this view and basically make it the view that you want it to be and this will include your call tracking your google analytics your google search console anything that you can integrate and you can see how flexible this is so if i wanted to make this side by side if i wanted to take top pages and put it over here side by side you can see that it's very very very responsive and that that will actually just squeeze in there so now the customer can see that and you can break this all down however you want it to be done and this is all done off of something we call cards so if i wanted to add a card and i wanted to use google analytics and i wanted to pick okay i want to see user locations i would basically be able to add this card and then immediately from this project that i'm working with i can see user locations and i can filter that based on visitors organics uh whatever source the conversion etc so splashdash definitely is going to be my next business model once again you can go there and obviously sign up for the beta um so everybody's going to get a free site with the beta which is pretty cool no credit card required your sitemap looks pretty similar okay um andrew i if you could specify that that'd be great what's your sales process as a google ppc company i'm getting clients cold calling direct mail some more emails however i'm just starting to do some inbound youtube videos dude inbound is the best because you're spending an hour well think about it this way right the average person visits a website for 60 seconds 120 seconds 180 seconds when you're making youtube videos for in bound people are watching your videos for minutes at the least at the most hours there's several viewers in here that have watched my content for more than 10 hours and that's the relationship you need to start building digitally so yes i would recommend starting with some type of inbound marketing focus on a vertical when you try to market to everybody it gets pretty difficult to do and so if you're running google ads google ads are easy to get cold cold email customers for by the way people neil patel told me this actually people trust uh google app paying google ads more than they trust paying you and i don't know why it just it's just it is what it is that's what people trust so uh focus on creating inbound marketing because it's going to be much easier to sell and i wish i had the book on me but uh let me see if i have it ah i don't have it um read marcus sheridan's book they ask you answer it is a book on inbound marketing and is by far one of the best pieces i've ever seen published and it'll tell you everything you need to know about creating a solid inbound marketing campaign hey everyone the other day you said you prioritize retention that's why you charge lower but the value of your service is contextual if you're doing local sure but if you with large clients it's a different ball game that's absolutely correct okay absolutely correct ryan that's absolutely correct dresean ryan look here's the deal i feel like i feel like joe biden saying that but here's the deal um if you're working with a large brand there's more of a risk in the things that you do compared to if you're working with somebody local and because of that you should charge more but to a local business if they redo their website they're not going to lose their business right if you redid amazon's website and they lost 30 full days of sales you're gonna have a quarter trillion dollar lawsuit and that's why you can charge more the more risk there is and chris doe from blind agency creative design agency calls this value-based pricing whereas if you change a logo for a local business compared to changing a logo for nike there's more risk for nike than there is for the local business the price range needs to reflect that consider when you sell services how much risk is associated in that person signing up with you and that's how you should be pricing is there a problem with google search console yes there is an update that i learned from one of our valuable subscribers last week that basically google search console was not allowing people to manual index which is very frustrating because we've launched some sites this week and we want to get the new versions indexed in google search but we can't so i think determining how you charge is based upon your agency model absolutely absolutely i know some agencies that do very well one of my really good friends owns an e-commerce agency and she's doing very well and she charges 200 an hour and she actually sticks to the hour so it really depends on your creative model if you don't use wordpress what do you use um we use a platform called duda um and let me take a sip of this seltzer really quick um yeah so we use a platform called duda uh it's not the it's not the it's not gonna be a platform for everybody but compared to wordpress it's pretty good what are some niches you would avoid getting involved with um i really don't like like coaches i really don't like like consultants i really don't like like um you know like i don't know tanning um little things where the um i mean it really depends like any niche can be good as long as you get the right customers because i say i don't like taming but there's a company in connecticut that has 20 locations and i would love to work with them so i think it really depends on the type of business and their their experience the the worst thing to do is work with a company and guarantee them results but they've been in business for three months you know that's very difficult to do but any niche can do very well as long as they're established they're doing revenue they're branded they have direct direct search traffic we are thinking about implementing something in development to where a qualifier to work with us is having branded direct search traffic how do you maintain google my business monthly we use tools to do that um one of the biggest tools that we use is called the x y e x t and uh you know they they basically allow you to see a lot of your listings manage your reputation update your sites with posts etc um splashdash will be a really good way to maintain your google my business as well uh but overall we like using uh yext is there a good web design dev agency you can recommend depends on the site i know so many you would have to tell me what type of site it is i'm choosing a niche i'm looking at dentists and law firms any advice on those two niches what what would your thought process be on choosing one over the other um i'm gonna tell you why i don't like law firms not that they don't you know not that i don't like law firms why they're bad focus to target for digital marketing and i'm going to tell you why dentists are a really good target to focus for digital marketing law firms are extremely competitive and there's a lot of big agencies that are already so far into law firms that it's like difficult for you to even get to them and a lot of them that might be your advantage though to be honest with you so i really can't speak on that um we have about three legal clients that we work with right now um so it's not our biggest vertical but it works very well um and so when you if you can get a lawyer results they're gonna be very happy with you which is pretty easy to do as long as you set up the website the right way and run paid traffic um but ultimately there's companies like scorpion there's companies like find law there's companies like um you know there's companies like thomas reuters there's these large companies that nolo they have so much already on these lawyers it's hard for you to even get into that market and saturate it so dennis is good because there's not really a large player in dentists that has extraordinary results and every dentist knows them but i can almost guarantee you if you ask a lawyer if they know fine law if you ask a lawyer if they know scorpion if you ask a lawyer if they know nolo they're going to tell you that they do so those companies are bombarding legal people so that's why we don't even we don't even uh find ourselves getting into it instead um we're focused on some of the things where it's not overpopulated with agencies that's why dentists are good we like dennis we actually have an onboarding meet with a dentist tomorrow uh dr patel and it's going to be a wonderful onboarding meeting we have great experience with dennis and that's before when i was talking about i had 30 clients they were all dentists so dentists are great they make good money they're they're sustainable businesses they're service-based businesses they're focused on doing the right procedures or else they lose their license so they have to have happy patients it's just a win-win ruan what do you do with call tracking numbers when a client discontinues service with you um so we have something called dynamic text insertion and i'm going to talk a little bit about this right now dynamic text insertion basically uh looks like this so in callrail which is the tool that we use to manage calls i recommend all of you sign up for callrail uh in settings there is integrations that you can set up and there is something called dynamic text insertion and basically what this does is uh you know this allows the website to change and flip-flop the phone number depending on where that source came from and assigning a new phone number if you're using something called a website pool for this now if you do this it's just a script of code on a website so for example i'm going to go over to implant center of miami let's say and if i do a um if i do something like if i go to page source and i search um because i know he's using call track if i search cdn uh actually call track you can see that this code is inside of the body tag and that if i if client ever cancels service we just remove that body tag and all the numbers go back to their normal number or what we do is we basically have to change every number on the website which can be done very fast with different tools out there but ultimately you want to use this dynamic text insertion because that's going to allow you to quickly flip off all of the call tracking work that you did now it's really important to know that when you actually go in and when you have this uh this information right here when you have uh uh uh activity when you have actual activity and you have reports if you delete the number inside of callrail of all the data that you've tracked like for example if i did this year there's so much data in here that i definitely don't want to lose and because of that if you delete this company you do lose access to all that data so we technically keep those numbers um just so we can extract the data and then we'll delete them so we're not being billed for them but overall my call rail you know for billing purposes with callrail and last week i talked about our actual financial stats and how um you know software is so expensive but overall our callrail bill ranges around that 600 per month mark which to some agencies watching this might not be a lot but to some people that are just starting it's a lot just for call tracking um and so this is all going to be able to integrate inside of this tool right here splash dash and it's going to look really nice but overall you know you should use dynamic text insertion so you could the client ever discontinue service with you you can simply remove that body tag and html and then it'll go right back to all of their phone numbers as an account manager i handled 182 clients but feel like 10 clients with seo and digital marketing services is less stressful what do you think is the magic number of clients before hiring more staff i mean 10 you're pretty much ready to hire staff um if you're doing the work well you could hire more staff right now and and just have them do the account management and support if you're not doing the work well and you can do the support remember uh work on your strengths hire your weaknesses um so you're ready i mean if you have 10 clients right now on a monthly basis paying your retainer model and they're getting results hire somebody don't be scared just hire them i mean it is what it is hire them for your weakness though how long would it take on average to learn seo good enough to provide it as a service i would say like 90 days you can learn a lot about seo if you dedicate half your day to learning about seo half your day to working a job um that's that's pretty quickly more so what you need is the experience of doing business so that's a completely different skill set that you have to build internally so to do business you have to uh have you have to be ethical you have to be responsive you have to be proactive you have to be responsible you have to be proactive you have to be energetic and those are the types of things that you need inside of business is it possible to get my first client by cold calling i mean you can but like you don't want to sound like that person that's just trying to get money from people and that's the thing about cold calling you want a situation to where you're introduced to somebody and you're at the position to where look we don't need customers but we were introduced and it that sounds cocky but that's how it's supposed to sound you need to have that relationship to where you're introduced to somebody because it puts you in the position to be the consultant rather than being the salesperson love you ruan will you do more live calls more often now yeah kim i love you too man i love you too i do i really do uh i'm gonna be doing live calls monday wednesday and most likely fridays uh 6 p.m is my time i plan on starting my agency soon emmanuel asks and i plan on outsourcing services besides seo which i'm doing taking care of myself is this a good way of starting my business out yeah it is i mean look if you don't know how to physically do those other services you can outsource them but you should learn how to do those other services emanuel why let me tell you the reason one it's going to be a lot harder to outsource and fix the problems that the people that are outsourcing your work to if you don't know how to do the service yourself that happens a lot with websites people think that they can just outsource their development of their website and then they have all these issues on their website um two is it's not hard to build a website using duda and do the seo uh together it's not hard all of our sites that are on duda rank very well in terms of local seo so if you're not good at seo you need to make sure that you use a website platform that you can use to build instead of outsourcing it and look there's a lot of people on fiverr there's a lot of people on upwork that do this type of work but it's always better if you know how to do it yourself how do you juggle time the time you spend on gmb versus rankings i feel like gmv is almost up to luck where rankings are much more of an exact science so chris palmer uh really good guy uh i recommend everybody on this channel go follow chris palmer if you want a more in-depth uh different way of looking at seo um he's pretty much proved that click-through rate navigations reviews um brand awareness proximity all have a factor in how a google my business is going to rank and you're extremely accurate about that it is up to chance because if they're not in the right location that google wants to show for that exact keyword phrase it's going to be very hard for to rank inside of the google search results now in the in the organic in the actual website itself you're absolutely right about that it is an exact science and we get we nail it down almost every single time but to have a client that is ranking on the second searchable for the actual keyword phrase locksmith orlando let me show you as an example to have a client that shows up here but isn't showing up in the maps i mean you start to wonder if there actually is a correlation between organic search results and map search results because when you click on their website they have several different reasons as to why this is a nice site right i mean it ranks well gets a lot of phone calls gets a lot of conversion but ultimately um you know we need to make sure that you know they're ranking here but this all comes down to as you said proximity because look at this listing 69 reviews this one has 580 and this one still shows up number one in the maps for that actual keyword phrase so there is an exact science with on page seo with google my business you're basically trying to do as many things as possible to move up the needle and we really track that using sem rush's project management uh tool where you can actually track your keyword rankings you can actually track your position tracking and that is something that we really really live by because we can see where our clients are ranking on a local level on a national level etc and so what we did was um we basically every time we get a new client we set them up on position tracking we set up google my business and local seo once again once splashdash is available you're going to be able to see this but ultimately you want to make sure that you're tracking these keywords on a monthly basis for your clients so they can understand where they're ranking both in the maps as well as the actual um uh ranking so let me show you an example of this so this is an example of a report here so roof leak detection right that's the key word in the serp they have all these features the ranking number one in this in the actual map pack so if i type in roof leak detection oakville ct which is the location that the customer is is located you can see that their google my business shows up their organic service page shows up and this is infection this is in fact their actual service page that was written from our team specifically on roof leak repair so this tool in inside of here is extremely accurate i'm going to use another example ice damage restoration now these are very exact keywords so they're very easy to rank for um so don't think that this is anything crazy special but i'm just trying to show you a really good example service page ranks ranking number one two three and this is actually their separate website that we made for them and then also this ranks as well but once again if you're using any of this call tracking information uh splashdash the tool that we're releasing that you can see here is going to have a google my business integration so you're actually going to be able to show the keyword positions for all of your clients as well as the updates month over month for keyword positioning tracking as long as you're using one of the tools that does that eventually we will have an internal service that does this but for now we're going to work with apis of the most popular tools that people use i like this channel i like you my friend i like you i like you a lot actually i think you're a great guy i don't know you maybe you're a girl but i can tell you right now that i like you too i think you're a great person um let's go to the next one what is the best hosting service for the medical field websites um i mean any of them are good um any hosting service is good they all compete if you're using wordpress use wp engine if you're using um you can also use bluehost i mean i i wouldn't be the best person answering that because we only use aws any suggestions on getting started with product placement in video um ask that again because i need to know specifically what you mean i want to quit my job but i use my insurance last week i have to pay i have to pay them back uh that is an hr related question that i know the answer to but i don't know if it's relevant to where you're located i think location would help me answer that better we don't really have confidence in the uk like there are in america unfortunately you should start them if you don't have them start them because i can tell you right now that would be very valuable if every restaurant in inside of your area would meet up and have these masterminds these events these shows etc that should be what you do and then you can definitely get all the customers in that area what is the best call tracking app to use we use callrail i use callrail i think callrail is great uh people use a lot of different things um you know it really is a preference thing but to be honest with you i really think callrail's the best alfie ruin you're the guru alfie nice job on that close today uh we're looking forward to onboarding that customer guys alfie is our sales manager from dallas who started off by watching us on youtube and is now taking on our leads hello ruan clients feel nervous right now we used to sell 1 m 1 million per year now they're at 500 000. has your drop in sales happened as well um if you watched my last i was gonna say week but two days ago i had a live where i kind of broke down my financials and no i haven't seen any drop in sales think about the verticals you're targeting think about the different businesses that you're targeting make sure they're essential right that's why dentists plumbers contractors uh you know medical centers they're great because they're essential meaning they're always going to be in business if you were targeting things like restaurants or e-commerce products that did something that the pandemic killed uh then yeah it's going to be quite a problem so thanks for answering a question you got it you got it you got it you got it um guys we got a lot of questions in here uh is is getting clients using many chat ads working go check out chase rayner chase reiner on youtube he talks a lot about manychat automation i know he does he does a great job with it i get his things all the time i don't dabble in any many chat um we focus on organic search uh in youtube to get customers yeah but your pricing stuff's so cheap and you're paying employees you're not as profitable for example iman gotcha has 12 clients and he's a millionaire great that's awesome maybe he is a millionaire guess what i'm not a millionaire but i will tell you what i have i have a company that's worth a lot more than iman gachi's company and i'll tell you why because we have real clients we have local clients an agency that's bigger than us will buy us if it ever comes to that case um we have a good book portfolio we have a wonderful reputation and we have a product that we can deliver on each and every time and it's not that custom for us whereas imangashi's agency yes he makes more money because he sells to course programs etc agencies don't want to buy that they want to buy an agency that helps dentists roofers those types of business models so um yeah i mean there's two different business models at the end of the day there really is and if you want to explore that business model feel free but at the end of the day you can charge less we are still sitting at a 24 profit margin on our revenue that means if we do a million dollars a year in sales we're sitting at 240 000 net in the bank minus 30 for tax or about 150 000 net that we can use to invest or save i'm happy with that i'm 26 years old okay uh i live in a nice little condo i drive a nice little car i don't need to be a millionaire fast i don't need to price gouge customers i need to build my reputation up until i'm 40 and then you know what when i want to knock on some big agency's door and say look i have develo mark it has 10 000 clients i want 50 million for it we'll see who's who's uh more of a millionaire at that time for now drayshawn ryan don't speed like that slow down slow down there's nothing there's nothing wrong with taking it easy charging less getting the experience getting the reputation getting the book of business slow down there's no book in business that says you have to go as fast as possible take it easy life's long life's great charge less get more customers get your name out there um when you're charging so it still depends on the context of your service and how people value you um yeah our service is simple it's website design seo google ads if you charge t-mobile 1k per month they would look at you like you're not the real deal or like you're a joke because 10k for t-mobile is nothing i've actually worked with these larger companies oh my god and and look look look j sean this is the problem with this industry it's not about what you charge it's about what the market values your service i can't just come out of the blue and say guys hubspot's 500 a month but you know what we're so special i'm gonna charge 50 000 a month that's just not the right way to do business that's like gas being inflated and price gouging which is legal to do should be illegal in digital marketing as well should actually be illegal you need to work on a business model where you're going to itemize what you're selling and that itemization should be by the market value hello i know this is a bit beginner but how many years does it take to organically rank on seo doesn't take any years generally it takes a couple months if you're doing it the right way the site wrapper looks like some other one i use i'd love to see that andrea i know i still got to call you my friend i know i still got to do that and i will and i have your number and we will chat um but i'm sorry about that i need to check it out you're very handsome thanks jose uh i wish i wish you were a woman um but i appreciate your comment i'm looking for a job about maintenance cleaner because i'm now learning a self esl my main language is castilian language spanish that's i'm preferred for draft with this job um yeah i mean that's that's a really good thing so just to give you guys a little bit of background um when when my parents came to the us um i was four years old my dad still knows not great english it's not great and it's sad because i watched him my entire life get uh kicked around by people that knew english and were taking advantage of him and his services because he simply just didn't know how to speak the language correctly take your time omar learn it the right way it's going to pay you off so much if you learn it and it's going to be very very clean or it's going to be very important love how much you value your providing iran i would love to have you on my show to talk shop yeah send me an email send me an email at ruan um i would love to chat with you i think that um there's a lot of information that we can definitely talk about uh mark send me your stuff i'd love to check you out i'd love to subscribe to you and i'd love to see what you're all about ultimately if i can get on your show awesome um if not if you wanna do it a different time sounds good to me too once again life's long life's very long these people let me tell you something people act like they're gonna die tomorrow no relax there was a time when i was making videos a couple of months ago i was overweight i didn't look great i looked terrible i looked really bad and somebody commented i don't know who this was and if i could see them in person i would hug them and i would kiss them because they said to me ruan the universe isn't going anywhere why are you trying to go so fast stop going so fast the universe is not going anywhere and i thought about that and i said dude breathe take it easy okay i'd love to get on that with you uh tell me about contract yeah i mean so the contract is don't over complicate this right the contract first of all you should go right to a lawyer if you have money and just ask them here's what i'm selling here's my terms and conditions here's the client's responsibility clients should have a responsibility for your services what i mean by that is they should be showing up on time because you want to create a situation to where you can breach the contract with the customer and that means if you breach the contract with the customer they you don't no longer have to do services with them and you can cancel their service you want to create that uh as much as possible so um you know that that's that's very very very important um and and guys look it has been an hour and a half i'm gonna head off i got a call at 9 00 p.m about splashdash with my business partner um i can't wait for that it's going to be very exciting um and then i'm going to be live on friday so i'll see you all on friday and once again if you want to sign up for the beta and you want to get access to the tool that we're going to be using for all of our client reporting that you can use as well and you're going to be able to sign up a free site to where you can basically structure it the right way you can set your things up however you want it you can edit them and you can see right here that this looks too small because i just changed my screen size and you're going to be able to do this in a couple of weeks or a couple of months with splash dash and send this targeted reporting to your clients with any data point that you want to get from both google ads google my business google analytics and pretty much every integration that's out there um you can see this is the google ads table right here and we're just testing we're just playing around with this so this isn't uh it's you know it's not perfect right now i just want to show this for this purposes um go to and sign up for the free beta because you're gonna be able to track a free site once it is out and it's live and so for agencies like us that still use manual sem rush reporting for their clients um this tool is the goal of this tool is to completely stop that so this is what our reports look like right now i'm going to show you an example of what one of our reports look like right now and look they look good i'm not going to say that they look bad i just think that this could look a lot better and you're going to be able to send viewable links to your clients so we're going to have it set up to where you can show up the amount of leads the cost per lead the monthly spend and all of this inside of this dashboard you can set so if i want to show data here for the last let's say let's say i want to show last six months all of the data inside of my reporting changes and you're going to be able to lock that to basically show your client what you want to show them instead of them just kind of roaming around and playing with their analytics on themselves this is going to show all your clients calls all the form fields your client site has all the analytics etc and you can see that the data has now updated for uh uh six months so 22k and ad spend all these cards are being redesigned this is not the final product by any means but you can see that a lot of this data here is from the last six months or so so you can do things like that and more importantly you can set your agency's branding on it so your customer would never know that it was you so with that being said i um i appreciate you guys coming on board send me an email at ruon at which is my contact email address and i love to talk to people i got ideas for new videos that i'm going to create send an email over to there and we can definitely talk more about um what you've got going on so uh mark my brother if you're still watching send me an email and i'll talk to you guys later thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to listen to me talk
Channel: Ruan M. Marinho
Views: 2,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vf_2FMvo9rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 58sec (6538 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.