Live 4 Color Spot Simulated Process Separation Tutorial | Shop Talk Live

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What is going on everybody what is up what is look what is up apparently we got a phone call coming in not exactly sure who it is but we are past our closing hours anyhow welcome know it's been a couple of weeks since our last life and the reason being is as the the the whole reason is everybody gets to hear the scheana's message here but the the reason why we weren't on last week is the same reason Shan won't be on this week it's just work has been hectic and we've just kind of been going nonstop for many many weekends Shannon is here but she's gonna take a break this time and she just kind of needs to rest up and she will be here next Monday to join me and yeah so to just kind of put things in perspective today we finished up a thousand-piece order with the front print a front and back print two colors just white on a royal blue shirt and we started working on it yesterday so Friday we didn't finish work until about 8:30 and then we had to we went to my brother's birthday party didn't leave there until 2:30 hanging out with family and whatnot and then Saturday we that was the only day we really had any downtime and then Sunday I came back up here start reclaiming some screens and then Sunday we were up to like 12:30 printing and slept for maybe about four hours came back up here and got back at it at about seven o'clock and finished a job at noon when they needed it what does that be three screen-printing was going on teo how are you doing indigenous what's going on Mon oh I think I hope I'm saying that right Flex Mackenzie what is going on I'm gonna say hello to all you guys for Shannon she says hello she's not gonna be here today but I appreciate you guys tuning in and I'm gonna give it a moment for some of y'all to tune in that way I know we generally kind of talk about just kind of business related topics or just answered screen-printing questions and whatnot but today I thought it would be cool because I did have a viewer request to show how to go about separating some artwork towards where everybody can download a file like a file that everybody can use and kind of follow along so if you do want to follow along with this tutorial be sure to check the description of the video and while you're down there and right above that hit the like button what's going on right beats Alberto Perez what's going on thank you for tuning in all the way from Colombia that's awesome really appreciate that but if you guys do want to tune in join in with the tutorial there is a link down in the description it's that way you can download that TIFF we will be using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator however EE Photoshop I think you just have that you should be just fine hopefully the feed today is a little better upgraded OBS so hopefully we don't get any stalls and things look a little better Joseph Chadwick what is going on hello thank you for tuning in we appreciate it I'm going to give it just a few more minutes and then I'm gonna go ahead and switch over I'll give you guys a little bit of time if you want download the TIFF file that is in the description which is Apollo's lovely mug that I took a picture of him here in the shop and then just kind of knocked the background out of let me know if that's something you guys are interested as well kind of how to modify photos and whatnot in Adobe Photoshop so go ahead and download that file if you do want to join in and we'll get started here in a moment what's going on Matt I hope you're doing well how was everybody's week by the way everybody's weekend how was that for everybody our week was just hectic just had a lot to do Oh orange star where's it going on man crowning skull shot sold like hotcakes that's awesome so I take it that she'll be winning some more so Friday I actually kind of wanted to to go live Friday but I know that Warren Starr Wayne aka orange star he was here he swung a little bit of work our way came over and we we did some prints for him I didn't post anything about it because it's his his deal and I don't want you know I just want to orange start to take credit for that one where the people behind the scenes helping out and it was definitely great hanging out with Wayne so Cowboys won whoop oh man I haven't even had a chance to even I watched Astros game Saturday and that was amazing that was a great game but great to hear flex great to hear your week was was a good one spending a lot of time filming cold man I'll have to are you posting some of that up on your YouTube channel I'll have to go over and check that out so I think I am going to kick this over and we'll go ahead and get started with this tutorial let me see how many of you guys are tuned in okay we got about 23 of you hanging out here so let's go ahead and this this party started I'll show you how I go about doing and in this case it's gonna be a four color spot process separation on a black shirt just so more of you down the road for whomever isn't tuning in can actually join in so let's go ahead and kick it what is up everybody thanks for hanging out with me and if you are gonna follow along this tutorial be sure to check the description for the picture which is of our live leash op dog our 5th family member Apollo it's a little picture I took of him and I'm going to show you guys how I would go about separating this out so I'll give it another minute or so if you're just tuning in be sure to download that that file if you want to follow along what's going on Scoob and then we'll just go ahead and we'll dive right into this and just I'll kind of walk you through my thought process as to how I go about doing this and this has worked quite well for me doing just a manual separation four-spot process simulated process I know the title of this can be a little confusing because of the fact that I try and target as many keywords as possible I mean it's called spot process or simulated process same thing really so I'm gonna go ahead and kick it over to the desktop view let me see who else has tuned in let's say we got flags Sergio what is going on Sergio hey Matt thanks for all your great information formative videos also - rye beats on the great videos great community to help new screen printers we appreciate that I'm sure rye beatz appreciates it as well if you have yet to subscribe to Rye B's channel or see any of his videos go over and check it out very cool stuff so I'm going to go ahead and just kick this over to the desktop let me change a couple things so you don't have to listen to that intro two times alright so let me go ahead and so here's some stuff that's just left open from work today let me go ahead and close this out as some stuff Michelle was working on so I'm just gonna start out fresh I hope you guys can let me make sure that my mug isn't in the way okay it looks like it shouldn't be in the way too much and then I'll pull the the chat up and make sure that I can see your questions as I go along and do this tutorial so I'm gonna kind of just walk you through it and as you guys have questions just let me know what questions you do have and I'll answer them as I'm going through the process if perhaps there's something that might not seem as clear to you as it does to me because I've done this over and over many times if you're new to separating your own spot process artwork to print on shirts it can be a little confusing so just let me know over in the chat I'm not sure which way my fingers pointing but just let me know in the chat so I'm gonna go over to my little folder here where I've got the little file form and that's not where it's at it's on the desktop let me go ahead and find this real quick okay so if you have downloaded this file is the Apollo tutorial again it's a picture of Apollo tried to get a good picture of them this is the best I could do so it's giving me a little bit of just kind of a embedded profile mismatch no big deal I'm gonna use the embedded profile here and hit OK moisés or is it Moses Garrett so you use Photoshop first and in Illustrator yes I do and the reason being is Photoshop has a lot better kind of PostScript pre-press whatever you want to call it it is just a lot better than Photoshop in that sense because it allows you to the print your spot colors and all that you get some control you're able to put your in all I'll show you that as I move along in this tutorial and don't forget as well down in the description I do have a finished file so that way you guys can compare my finished file exactly what I'm about to do here I took a little bit of time to separate it upload that onto the website so you can kind of compare it to your own file I know it's going to be a little bit different as far as the screen rep and everything here so download that as well and be sure to check that out and just kind of compare at the end of this tutorial and kind of let me know where were you guys are s gonna take some some playing around with it I'm gonna show you guys some some cool tricks here okay so here is Apollo's lovely head right here and the first thing I am going to do I know you're just kind of getting an overall shot and it might be a little hard to see this with OBS but I'm gonna go up here to where it says image so let's say you're you're starting out you got a piece of artwork one of the first things you want to do is just make sure that your file size is high enough resolution I did squish this a little bit just to make it not too big of a file for you guys to download so I'm just going to image in the image size and here you can see if I change this from pixels to two inches it's 10 inches wide by 15 inches high I felt like that was a pretty decent sized print for that this particular picture now the squishing part what I'm talking about that is I lowered the resolution a little bit I started out with a pretty big image because I took it on this lovely camera here this t3i which takes some pretty awesome photos it's what I use to the records videos but I did make it 200 dpi 200 dpi is fine I did have someone comment here recently that was like that's not how you design a shirt you need to start out at 300 dpi and you don't need a black background or did it and I felt like that person really didn't know what know what they're talking about everybody has their own way they're gonna go about doing it so take this as kind of my way of doing it this is how I like to do it you too will develop your own style and you're more than welcome to share how you like to go about doing that but this is how I do it and you can take a look at some of my videos and see the results from that so this is 200 dpi ideally you would like 3 to have your image at 300dpi I would say 150 is starting to get towards the it's the the medium kind of it's a mid-range file if anything below 150 dpi you're you know you're gonna start losing some detail your your prints not gonna come out here as well I'm gonna go over to chat real quick and see what is going on you are a welcome bribe eats let's see we got some shoutouts to each other Bobbie Baxter hey thanks for the knowledge you are welcome I don't know if you're talking to me riah beats but anything to help you guys out soar using Photoshop okay so we got all that taken care to say this at this point I use a rip software I use a cue black will probably early next year or printing straight from Photoshop I mean you can print it straight from from Photoshop you're gonna print each of your channels but again Matt I don't know that the case with you having just Photoshop and not illustrator because I think that illustrator is a even Corel as much as I'm not a big Corel fan Rubi cool designs Thank You Ruby I don't know what I said a little earlier but I would say get it even if you get it an older older copy of a dough being illustrator you just kind of need you need some way to the handle vector graphics and I'm just gonna kind of leave it there I know that these software's aren't cheap we do have a subscription towards where we can download just about every program so I would advise you if you're watching this later on or even now that you do need illustrator or at least CorelDraw holds raw sucks but you need some sort of software for vector okay so moving on we checked our image size here everything looks cool so if you're just downloading this opening it up so the first thing we're going to do let's say so I did this already but I suggest if you're doing this with a client's image is you want to go on a Macintosh you're gonna hit command L on a PC control l but it's image adjustments and then levels right here and what we're gonna do with this is we're just going to make sure what is black here and then let's say for instance the highlight on his eye here we want to make sure that this is a true black right here and then this is a true white so if you look right here you've got this little black selector you can take that and then select outside of and I'm just hitting command minus to zoom out I'm gonna just select what should be black here and then take this white selector I'm gonna hit command + on a PC it's going to be control and I'm just zooming in using my mouse to kind of scroll around right here is a little highlight of his eye and I'd used to why'd selector here and what that does is it it kind of levels things out towards where you have a true black and a true white because sometimes it might look black but it could be gray and then you might end up printing like some five percent half tones in your blacks with a white if that makes sense everybody following and so far so I I hit okay I know Shannon's not following boo CorelDraw says cool design corals awesome you just suck Scoob you know what Carell is amazing actually know it sucks you know what I Elger all at one point there was a point where I was kind of looking for a new job years ago and they had CorelDraw it just it sucks it really does I mean going between CorelDraw and Photoshop I mean they just the way that they flow together okay Corel doesn't suck it's a great option I'm sorry I said that let's see have you test-driven separation studio for yes I do have that it's you know it's got some features to it that are good however I mean it's it's not too much of a departure from three aside from the fact that it gives you some features to kind of combine colors like it has a on press thing where it's like if you have a six color press you can toss some stuff in there or combine your colors and then it's got a rip in it inside the software itself but I prefer to have a separate rip program it's blurry Dave MLive if it is blurry I do apologize this is the best I can do let me know in the chat if you can at least kind of see what I'm doing here I'm still gonna walk through hopefully you know but it's not too I'm gonna go over and check looks like the stream health is decent alright so moving on I'm going to so now that we did our levels the next thing I am going to do so now we basically need to create our our white base and there's a couple ways that I like to go about doing that one of the ways is I can just take my my mouse here and hold command if you're on a PC just hit ctrl and then just click on the RGB layer and that will pull up a selection you can see the marching ants right here on certain parts of Apollo's face here once you got those marching ants up what you want to do is you want to click on and we're in the the channels palette here so if you're in layers just click on the channels if you don't have channels up go to windows go to go to window and then select channel and that will pull up your channel palette so now that I held command down you'll get this little square box around this hand just click on your RGB layer and then it's down at the bottom here inside of that that little pallet there the channels palette it is going to be the one that looks like a square box with a black circle knocked out of it and that is you're basically saving a new alpha channel based off of your selection so I'm going to go ahead and click that now I'm going to click on my alpha channel and you can see it brought it or it created a basically that the white base this is going to be our our white base for this particular print we still have our marching ants going on here so I'm going to hit command D to deselect that or you can go to select up here at the top and just select deselect as you can see as it looks like a black-and-white image of exactly what we're trying to recreate here so I'm going to click on my alpha channel here and I'm going to hit command-i and what that is going to do is inverse it you can go to the image and then let's see image adjustments invert is where you could go if you want to use it that way I do suggest you learn your your quick commands or your quick keys so I'm gonna hit command-i if you're on a PC hit ctrl I so now what you're looking at is a reversed image of our white base and this is basically how your film is going to come out and how you're going to expose that in your screen and this is what will print white is everybody following this far I'm gonna go over to the chat let's say Scoob I use CorelDraw illustrator and flexi Pro never heard of flexi Pro good for you that I think that's awesome I I know my way around Corel just I don't there's no reason for me to go purchase corel I'd rather use crayons and pencils as Waldo scuba use corel for my right rhinestone designs okay I mean it has its purpose I mean it's it's not a bad program Dave M live okay we'll make just wondering if it was me thank you yeah just bear with me I know that the stream quality isn't the best I'm gonna work on that it really haven't had a whole lot of time I work on it here and there and I think what it comes down to is really just us needing to upgrade our upload speed I printed to win it was going on Ramon the cholo what is going on learner star says I use a affinity designer Joseph Chadwick yep all right I think that covers the chat all right so we have our white base here and our current layer says alpha-1 I'm gonna just double click on that right over the text and I'm just going to label this number one white base you can call it whatever you want but I do suggest you putting a number in there so that way that this is going to be our print order because our white base is going down first this is gonna go on a black t-shirt it's gonna be that kind of print and because we are trying to keep it down to four colors if this were to go on a color print we would need to introduce a fifth or maybe even a six color but I'm just gonna label this number one white base now so the next thing we need to do is I'm just going to click on RGB here just so we can return back to our original image and this is where things can get a little tricky but it's not too difficult once you kind of follow these steps over and over you'll you'll get used to it so we'll go up to select and then we'll go down to color range now I um experience that this image is gonna have our white base a red a yellow a golden yellow and a gray to get some of those tones but if you're working with the clients image and it has an assortment of colors I'm gonna show you how to go about doing that manually how to separate that manually so up here at the top where it says select and sampled colors within your color range window here I'm just gonna click on that until we get our drop-down and you'll see that you got reds yellows greens cyan z' blues megistus works is you're going to work with all these colors here your Reds your yellows your greens your cyan x' blues and then I'll show you how to get a highlight and then a gray tone for like say for instance in Apollo space there's a lot of Grey's going on because he is a black dog with some rust features on a black background but we're gonna go ahead and start out with the Reds because there is some red in the overall color of his face I mean his tongue a little bit his gums here even though he's got some some really dark gums so we're going to just select reds here and you can see in your little preview window here some of the colors that it is selecting but I'm just going after selecting Reds I'm going to go ahead and hit okay now we do have a selection here even though we can't really see it we do have a selection and what I tend to like to do you can try it a couple ways sometimes I might use one method or another just depends I think in this particular instance I am going to go up to select and then I'm going to go down to modify and I'm going to hit expand and what that is going to do is it's going to expand our selection and I'm just going to expand it by one and the reason being is so that way we don't have any of those dots from our white base showing out and it's we're doing a little bit of a spread with these colors it's almost like if you you're doing some screen printing and you have some red text on a black shirt you have your white base and then you either want to spread out that red that's gonna go on top of that that white base or you want to choke your white base back depending on whether or not with your white base if you were to end up choking that you're going to the ruin some of your your detail of your it might be a serif font if you know what I mean okay so we're gonna expand this by one I'm going to hit okay and so now next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to come back down here to the bottom of our our channels palette and select the it's the second one from the bottom at the bottom again second from the left it says save selects his channel if you hover over it the one that's the square with the circle I'm going to go ahead and hit that and so now we got our selection for red I'm going to click on that and it just says alpha 1 because we named our number 1 white base we named it if we didn't name it anything this would be alpha 2 so I'm just gonna click on that and you can see some of our red selection here a very important hit command-d or deselect or if you're on a PC hit ctrl D so I'm gonna hit command D to deselect that if you want to use your again if you want to use your drop-down menus just go up to the Select and then hit deselect second one down from the top so just keep in mind that we are gonna do a lot of selecting and deselecting the the reason why we want to deselect it as I'm here my my red spot colors that we are creating for this separation is if I don't hit deselect I'm gonna back up for a second if I hit command I you see that it didn't really inverse it inverse my selection therefore we're gonna get a bad print result so I'm going to hit command Z to undo that and then hit command D to deselect that just to kind of back up to where we were at with just D selecting everything so I'm gonna hit command I to inverse that so now what is black here is what is going to be on our film and actually print red down so now I'm going to double click on alpha 1 and we're just gonna we're gonna call this number 2 we're gonna call it red and then I'm going to hit enter I'm going to go over to the chat see if anybody has new questions anybody got any questions this farm let's see B 3 screen printing still have both your employees I assume that's to me we Michelle is currently still here Shannon's still here and Omar there our little shop helper I don't know he just kind of ghosted on us he he hasn't been around and so I've kind of been picking up a lot of slack when it comes to reclaiming the screens I've been kind of overseeing everything out in the shop hopefully we're not gonna go searching for anybody right now because slow seasons coming up holidays and all that and I'd hate to hire somebody just to kind of temporarily lay them off until we get busy again so just kind of sucking it up at this point and really I mean it's one of the reasons why we didn't do the live last Monday and then I haven't been able to upload as much as I would like here as of recent but I got some some more stuff coming up for you guys so alright doesn't look like anybody has any questions so moving on we're going to dig over so now we have our white base we have our red created so I'm going to click on RGB up here and we're gonna do this again we're gonna go up to select down to color range and we are going to right here where it says select instead of Red's we're gonna choose yellows and then we're going to hit okay so now we got a yellow selection you probably might hardly be able to see it but you can see some of his brow here selected now I'm going to go to select modify and expand again we're just expanding this put a little bit of a spread on it so that way we're kind of spreading it out a little bit further than our white base that way it kind of gives a smooth transition and we don't have any of those dots from the under base showing up so we're just gonna expand that by one let me take a look at the chat what is the option for choking the white base if you wanted to so if you wanted to choke the white base print it to win it you would just hold your hold command our control down over RGB and then you would go to select modify and you would do contract and then you would do that by one and that's how you would go about choking your underbase alright so let me go back back to where I was at okay so select color range yellows we're going to hit okay and then select modify and expand and we're gonna expand that by one let me do that one more time because I know I sidetracked with that question a little bit so I'm just gonna hit command D to deselect that I'm gonna go to select sorry about that yeah here we are select color range we have yellow selected because we already did our red so I'm going to hit OK and then I'm gonna go back up here to the top select and then modify and then expand and we're gonna expand that by one we already have the value set here so I'm going to hit OK so now I'm gonna go down here again we're gonna make a selection from that from the the same little button down here the square with the circle in the middle and we can click on that new channel that we made I'm gonna hit command D very important don't forget to hit command D it's all about the D you don't want to forget about that and now it looks at me and what I just did that second is I hit command I to inverse it I'm gonna do that by hitting control Z I'm gonna show you one more time so I'm gonna hit command I it's got inverse it so now what you are seeing here is our yellow all these darkest spots are gonna be the brightest spots so we got our yellow created so now I'm gonna go down here to my channel I'm gonna double click on that versus alpha 1 and I'm gonna make this number 3 and let's just call it gold because I am going to use a little bit of gold here rather than being a bright yellow because I kind of want to get some of those bronze colors pulled out of the you know just kind of those rust the rust fur that our little accents on on his face okay so now we got our gold created and the the other thing I'm going to do to go ahead and make this a four color separation is I am going to go ahead and make a gray so I'm going to go back up to our G beam and what I am going to do is I'm gonna click on layers and I'm gonna go over to my marquee selection over here so we have our rectangular marquee selection you can just hit em on the keyboard to bring that up or you can just come up here to your your tool bar and just click on that and what I'm going to do is I'm just gonna draw a square right here above his head so we got a square selection I'm gonna go back over to my layers palette here and I am gonna make a new layer if you look down at the bottom right next to the garbage can that's how you get a new layer or you're gonna hit command shift in for PC users control shift in and I'll show you how to do that I'm gonna hit undo command shift in there we go new layer hit OK all right so with Gray's one of the common colors with creating a gray is what's called a cool gray a sea a cool gray and we're going to find a custom Pantone for that because that's what I tend to use personally you can pretty much use any gray you want but you might want to find out what PMS color it is that way when you do go to select your gray you're selecting the proper Gray's from the image with the particular ink that you have so this is how I'm going to go about doing it is I'm going to come over here to my little swatches over here to the left she's gonna click on one of them the foreground color in particular so now that we got our color picker opened I'm gonna come over here to where it says color library so it's the fourth one down I'm gonna hit color libraries now we have our Pantone colors pulled up if you see here you got all kinds of different selections that you can go from I tend to use Pantone solid coded that tends to be one of the most common use in screen printing and all coded means is the the color you're going to get this refers to offset or process printing when you're printing on paper if you don't have a coating on the paper that you would use uncoated which would be this here however with screen printing coated tends to be used quite a bit so we're using the coated selection again there there is a little bit of a difference when it comes to in this this is coming to like process printing on paper or whatever the media the media may be coated means is there's like a coating on the paper or it is coated after the fact that it does affect it a little bit because there's a little bit of a gloss to it that's going to make it appear differently okay now that we got that out the way so what I'm going to do is I'm going to hit c8 on the keyboard and what I'm looking for is cool grey c8 it almost got us there brought us to the cool gray one seam so I'm gonna hit this little down arrow right here and that will get us closer to c8 and we can as you can see here I know you probably can't really see although to tell on your end because we're doing this live but right here is Pantone coal gray 8c excuse me eight I think I was saying see eight but eight seen again just hits eight see on your keyboard and it will pull it up so there it is I'm gonna select it and I am going to hit okay so now we have it in our foreground color right here and what I'm going to do is I'm just gonna go ahead and fill that I know so many quick commands these days that I'm just gonna tell you hit option delete and it's gonna fill it you could go to edit and fill right here and it will fill it so option delete will get you that your foreground color here if you held command if you're on a Macintosh and hit delete it'll give you your background color if you're on a PC just hit control and it will give you the background color but we need that that cool grey so I'm gonna hit option delete just to get that color back now I'm going to hit command D just to deselect this and the reason I put this on on the layers because I don't want it on our artwork and I'm going to go back and delete this all right before I move on I'm gonna go over to the chat and see if I miss anything let's see print to win it thanks bro vodka lemonade no it's actually vodka sparkling eyes thank you very much no shine well says says Jason see you later Jason yeah Shannon isn't here today she she needs to recover from this weekend so Eddie jr. was good y'all what's going on let's see it looks like everybody is it what's up t-shirt chick what's going on let's see okay cool so moving forward what I'm going to do at this point is I'm gonna go back over to my channels and by the way let me know in the chat if you do have any questions up to this point so we're over here at herb on our channels RGB is selected and I'm going to go up to select and then color range once more except this time I'm going to use sampled colors which is up at the top you'll notice you get a little selector or I drop tlit here and I'm just gonna select right inside of that swatch that we made that little spot color and if I were to click the black it will select a black so I'm gonna just click the the gray right here and you can see that it's pulling up some of these gray tones and Apollo's nose and all that and so at this point when you're using the sampled colors you have the option to to choose the fuzziness and you can just kind of slide this around and it's always better to grab a little more information than to not grab enough so I tend to like to keep it in the mid range like around 100 so let's just go ahead and hit 100 in there and then I'm gonna hit OK so now we have our selection made in this particular case with the gray I'm not going to expand it because the the gray will print on its own on top of things and kind of provide a nice transition in those whites to to a black so now I'm going to make a new alpha channel again it's the the one that looks like a square box with a black circle in it so I'm going to hit that I'm gonna hit command D I'm very important don't forget to deselect then I'm gonna select my channel here as you can see here's all the gray that we did select and I'm gonna hit command I to inverse that that way what is black here will be the gray in this particular picture now you might notice that we do have this particular square right here all we have to do is go take our marquee tool just drag over that and then we're just going to fill that with white so I'm gonna hit command delete and that will fill that and that's filling it with our our background color which is just white all right so now I'm going to come down here to alpha number one which is our cold gray so I'm gonna label that number four I'll just call it grey for now alright so we got our four color separation to point towards where now we can actually make this thing look like look like the t-shirt and we're gonna have to do some adjustments so I know we've kind of been going on here here's where some of the magic will happen but let me see Liberty what is going on how you doing buddy hey addy looks like we got some people that never gets old this Photoshop have a a magic wand you guys are funny anyhow Shannon says hello to she's obviously not here today but she is here she's just not on she's reading a book and recovering from being awesome USA hi Shannon that's when you know Shannon's not doing well is that that was her yo you probably couldn't even hear that halftime it's hard to keep the volume level down well have you have alright so here here's where some of the magic will start happening I'm going to go ahead and make a new alpha channel here and because we don't have anything selected it's just going to be black and I'm gonna drag that all the way to the top above our white base and this is going to serve as a representation of our tshirt so if you're doing a royal blue shirt you'll make this royal blue and I'm gonna show you how to do that right now I'm gonna just rename this t-shirt color you can call it whatever you want you can call it garment royal blue black so I'm just going to double click on this now and it's going to bring up my channel option so I'm going to it's the third one down to the third little button down select spot color and then I'm going to select inside of the little swatch here that way we can actually make this black I'm going to drag to the right and all the way to the bottom so that way we get true black I'm going to hit OK and then for our solidity down here we want to make sure it's 100 and I'm going to hit OK so I'm going to start speeding up just a little bit and then I'll take a look at some of your questions and if you got if you guys have any questions let me know in the chat trying to make sure I'm not speeding through this too fast ok so now we're going to go down to our white base we're going to double click on it as well bring up our channel options I'm going to make this a spot color so it's the third selection down I'm going to click on my little swatch here and I'm going to drag up to the very top left and hit OK so now it is white for solidity with our white base we're going to make this 100 and the reason being is we want this the the brightest it can possibly be because we're just kind of really pulling some of these colors from this image that are just kind of supporting the colors that go on top and plus it you know the whites that are actually there so I'm gonna hit OK solidity 100 now we're gonna go down the line we're gonna get our red we're gonna double click on that select spot color and you know this is a perfectly fine red I think I'll come down here and make magenta 100% and then yellow 100% as well and hit OK and we're gonna make this five on the solidity and I'll show you why here in a moment so we're starting out kind of low we can always boost this up to a justice so I'm gonna hit okay now at the gold I'm gonna double click on it click spot color third option down and then I'm gonna click the little swatch here and I'm gonna use my seam wet why cave out my CMYK values and I'm gonna put 15 in magenta and then 100 and yellow that way kind of gives it a little bit of a golden yellow and I'm gonna hit OK solidity I'm gonna make that 5% and then hit OK now with our our grey we're gonna go back to that that spot color we're gonna double click on that and we're going to select spot color go over to our swatch at this point we are going to go to our color libraries which is the fourth option down click on that now I'm going to hit 8c on the keyboard or c8 for whatever reason when you hit 8c it doesn't pull it up but I'm gonna hit the down arrow until we find Pantone cool grey 8c and select that and hit OK and then I'm gonna make the sled team we're gonna make that five and it will Jess it from there and we'll hit OK so now if we turn every one of these on you can see we do have a basis for our image I know that as we're looking at it right now it looks like do you it doesn't look good now I'm gonna show you how to get it where it needs to be and a lot of that is just in our white base we turned that off you know it's looking a little better right but is mainly in our white base and the white base has to be adjusted quite a bit so let's go ahead and do that we're going to click on our white base and at this point what I am going to do I need a way to compare the original image to what we're trying to accomplish on press so I'm going to come up here to the top and just drag the image down that way it's a separate little window here and then I'm gonna go to file and then let's go to image excuse me go to image and then we're gonna go to duplicate and I'm going to hit OK now that put that image here in the same window I just want to drag that out and the one that says copy we're gonna come over here and we're just going to turn or let's just go ahead and delete all of these these alpha channels that we created and that this is our copy or you could use this copy to save it as a basis if you wants that way if you do happen to to really kind of make too many adjustments if you do too many adjustments you can lose a lot of information and you could always use this copy at this point as a great starting point but for this sake I'm just going to delete or let's just turn them off we'll just leave it here and we'll just turn them off we'll go over to our layers and we'll turn that little gray swatch off go back over to our channels okay so over here to our right is our copy we turn all of those spot colors that we made with that particular copy off so that way we can see our true image here now let's go to our original file here and we're going to the first thing we're going to do is we're going to adjust our white base now I'm going to hit command M to bring up my curves if you want to use if you're on a PC hit ctrl M or you can just go up to image adjustments and curves right here third one from the top that will pull that up now the curves give you a lot of flexibility in the sense that down here at the very bottom where it's black versus up at the very top right the very top right is it's basically zero percent of whatever it is there's no color in there you think about it in the sense where white is just like the absent of color and then black is you know full of color it's it's pretty much all the colors combined if you think of it in that sense right so down here at the very bottom you can see this grid this is a hundred percent this is seventy five percent this is 50 percent 25 percent if you think of things like when you're you're doing your printouts with your half-tones and all that you can adjust your your five your 10 to the 5 percent half tones Bustos if you need to and so on and so forth so I'm just going to make a little point here it's a 50% and then I'm just going to pull it up and what that's going to do is just kind of really pull back some of some of these these highlight tones up here that we really don't need you can see how there's a really sharp swoop towards where like all these light tones are just really boosted to crap alright so what I'm doing is basically I'm pulling this up and then to left and to the right until it kind of gets rid of some of this up here just kind of a round Apolo you can see where I actually feathered this image but you just want to drag that around up and towards the left if you moved it down it's going to increase it but I'm moving it up and more or less to the left we're just trying to get it to point towards where we're looking at some of these little highlight colors right here at the top of 0 this little tip point here and then some of these highlight colors in this mouth we just want to make sure we don't lose any of those but at the same time we're trying to get rid of some of the stuff that we really don't need which is this gray right here so I'm just dragging this up and we're just trying to make it look similar to what we have over on the right and sometimes this this just takes a little bit of time so I think this is a pretty good point right here that looks good to me we got some of the highlights around and around his eyes I can still see the little tip point of his ear the little highlight up here the mouth still looks fine we get the highlights of his nose we're not losing too much information the gray will help make up for some of that so I'm just going to hit okay now it's looking closer to our original image although it's looking a little dull so we're gonna come over here to our red we're gonna double click on that and then we're just going to select the solidity here and if you do have a mouse where you can scroll just scroll up and you can boost some of that red and you can see we're just increasing that overall you know you can see in some of the dark areas here it's starting to increase that which it's really not looking good and not doing anything for the rest color on its muzzle here so I'm just gonna pull that down and I'm just gonna get to a certain point towards where I'm boosting it just a little bit and this might take some time to to really kind of get a feel for this but I boost it just a little bit and but we're also about to pull some of this out so I'm just going to hit okay we're about eleven here with the red now I'm going to hit command m to bring curves back up and we're gonna do the same thing we're just going to put a little point up here and we're going to just kind of compare the two together and some of it there are Reds here like this point of the ear is where we really want it and just by putting that one point it's not really giving us enough control so I'm going to add a couple more points because we need to take some of the red out of the blacks we're just trying to boost it like where his tongue would be and some of these rusts areas here so we can take each of these points and just kind of adjust them a little bit and see where that that gets you and this is again this is just going to take some playing around with it I think this is looking pretty good and again just keep a close eye on your two different images here and get as close as you can I think this is pretty close you can see this little S curve here I'm going to hit okay so now I'm going to go over to my golden I'm going to double click on it select solidity here and I'm just going to raise that up and at this point I'm just trying to really boost some of the these rust areas here in his face let's see what we got here so that looks pretty good now we're going to hit okay we're going to hit command M and we're going to do the same thing that we did with the red and we're gonna make some points here and we're just going to adjust some of these colors and see what we we can't get out of boosting some of these colors and you might even want to experiment with actually even changing the color up a little bit so let's go over here to our gold let's maybe even add a little bit more magenta to it now let's just hit cancel let's boost that gold up a little bit and see if that makes any difference at this point I'm just really playing with the solidity and I'm both the red and the gold I'm just trying to like really get that rust look back into his face here and you guys can check out the the finished product and I'm not going to it's 8 o'clock now just kind of wanted to walk you guys through this this is the part where it takes the the most amount of time it's just kind of playing around with this let's go ahead and take a look at the the grain well double click on it will boost it up a little bit with the solidity and see what it gives us pull it all the way back so I'm gonna go over to the chat here see if anybody has any questions anybody have any questions at the moment let's see it looks like everybody's kind of chatting it up but I hope this is helpful for you guys I know that I've shown some of this before but we did have a little bit of a special request for this and I just kind of wanted to walk you guys through this step-by-step so I'm gonna hit ok here on this graeme let's boost the read back up will boost this gold up I think we could use a little more gold getting pretty close and I'm just gonna bounce back and forth real quick see because it is starting to get you know it's eight o'clock and I don't want to I could take a couple hours doing this but be sure to check down in the description for the the finished piece that maybe took me an hour and a half to do that and maybe an hour just kind of walking through rather than just kind of running through stuff quickly and going through my quick commands it just just slows things down just a little bit but it's trying to help out the screen printing community so we're good we're getting pretty close this this could use obviously use some more tweaking but looks like we're in the ballpark and so let's say that we're happy with that I could go back and adjust this some more but let's go ahead and say that we are happy with this so what I'm going to do at this point is I'm going to just go ahead and delete the t-shirt color let's go here and delete the t-shirt color you didn't delete it on the the wrong file I'm gonna not save that and now it looks funky right but that's just how it's going to look without that black background and then I'm just going to save this file and when you do save it just make sure that spot colors are saved here and we're going to save it as a PSD and I'm going to hit save and hit OK we're gonna jump over to Adobe Illustrator we're open the t-shirt registration template if you are new to the channel you know the drill we do have a link down in the description towards where you can purchase this if you know save you a little bit of time not very expensive ten dollars so I'm going to go over to my t-shirt registration template here pull that up and then when we bring in our artwork it will have all those spot colors in there along with our our PSD and it will have a representation as well so I'm going to go to my desktop where this tutorial is at and I'm just going to plunk it down on my art board now you can see that this we do have this representation of this little swatch here I'm just gonna go ahead and delete that and then I'm going to hit save we'll go back over to Adobe Illustrator and we'll update that and so now that's gone we got our representation it looks like Apollo we've got our four spot colors now if we were to hit command P on the keyboard or ctrl P for you PC folk out there and then we go to output within the settings here we'll just have to turn off CMYK and then we're ready to print and you have your film just throw it through your your rip software I like to use 45 LPI for this type of work and it'll be all gravy if you don't want have to fuss with the the CMYK portion of all that go back over the channels with your original file and then just delete RGB click yes and then save it as a Photoshop dcs 2.0 with the spot colors included it will save it as an eps and then we'll leave our default settings when we back up before I brought Apollo's picture in here and what we'll do is we'll bring that in and I'll show you the difference so I'm going to go to file in place command shift P I'm going to bring in that EPS file and then we are going to plunk that right down you can see it doesn't have that representation but it does have the spot colors now if I hit command P and go to output you can see it doesn't have those CMYK colors there and that's pretty much how I go about doing spot processed jobs it does take some more time to really tweak these things separation studio is great however it doesn't always work for every single job so I'm gonna go over as a chat I hope for any of you out there that we're actually following a lawn along that this is helpful you can go and check some of our other tutorials where I show you step by step and I take my time to explain it and did have a request to show how to do this again and step this time around with four colors and most people that are in a screen printing game that went again to simulate a process I do believe have a 4 color press so let's go over to the chat aroni get some Z's bro let's see what we got going on very good and helpful thanks Matt you are welcome Dave I appreciate you tuning in this is too much work I'm just going to call custom ink and pay $7,000 for four shirts to the be honest print it to win it maybe I might do it again without explaining all this stuff and then just whipped right through it because I was just trying to make sure that anybody that was trying to follow along could follow along but it tends to go pretty fast once you know the process let's see who else we got here Lily V what is going on welcome welcome to the live little segment where I'm just kind of showing you guys how to go about separating all this I'm going to go back over to a view where you can see my face in larger scale and then over there there's a noting that the shop gnome is uh not feeling well so she was chillin on the futon now she's upset cuz everybody's wondering where the shop gnomes at shopping um doesn't feel good we're gonna get out of here I'm gonna take the shop gnome home and we are going to once you're gonna take it easy and I definitely need to get some rest to run off about four hours work to sleep I appreciate you guys tuning in I hope that you guys learn a little something if not you know let me know what you would like to see in the chat or down in the comments be sure to give this video a thumbs up leave a comment down below even if it's just a Hello it to help our or I hope our videos rank in the search low higher so we do appreciate ya'll tuning in sham we'll be back next week and that right Shannon Shannon's not talking to me so I'm gonna go grab some margaritas by myself tonight pat myself on the back good job anyhow if you're new to channel be sure to subscribe it's down that away and we'll have some more videos coming up for you guys this week and perhaps we'll have a little bit of a business vlog as well kind of get you guys up to date since we didn't talk about that a whole lot thanks again for tuning in John Murray hey what is going on I will not be there I wish I could attend every single show but I definitely will not not be there print it to win it so you can do further tweaking on press I presume you want to get it as close to you want to get it on screen as close as possible let me go over to the PSD that I did create here it is right here so here to actually tweak it a little bit of a time crunch not only that I was really just wanting to go step by step for those that do want to follow I mean so here here's the the separation I was at absolutely happy with and here's the one we were just working with so you know it just takes a little bit of tweaking the things that you can tweak on press is your your matter pressure how many strokes you do so that there's some added tweaks that you can do on press so yes okay let's see print to win it I'm kidding bro this videos super informative much appreciated good job thank you Mark I appreciate everybody for tuning in tune in next Monday 7 p.m. we'll be in full effect and keep an eye out for videos this week hopefully I'll have some time to put some stuff up I do have some some videos in mind and some requests and all that but for now I'm going to get out of here enjoy the rest of your evening and we'll see you guys next time now I just gotta find where my little outro thing is oh there kind we'll see y'all later
Channel: Mikey Designs & Silk Screen
Views: 35,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shop Talk Live, Screen Printing, Live, How to, Tutorials, simulated process, simulated process screen printing, Live 4 Color Spot Simulated Process Separation Tutorial, 4 color spot process, 4 color simulated process, how to screen print at home, home screen printing business, spot process, simulated process color separation in photoshop, simulated process screen printing photoshop, spot process adobe photoshop, simulated process adobe photoshop
Id: _1Gg_EDqL9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 33sec (4353 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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