Live: 11.9.2020 Mossy Oak Moments

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey welcome to moss elk moments live right here on mossy oak go tons of whitetail action coming up and remember it's always free how can you beat that got to be a lot of rut action coming up right now this time of year unless you live where we do down here in mississippi we still mowing grass down here but it's coming i promise you're coming so let's get started rut action maybe some rattling and grunting right here mossy oak go live every monday night [Music] [Music] uh so [Music] so [Music] [Music] really [Applause] he looks good he just went down [Music] okay [Music] [Music] so in 2018 ian and i went up there to set up some tree stands and put out some trail cameras and one morning we happened to be pulling out of the driveway and ian yells at me hey ryan there's a huge deer over here so i grabbed the binoculars and a camera and i started taking pictures well when i got back to the house that night we didn't know it was a drop tying deer at that time and i put it on the computer and blew the picture up and we realized it was a drop time deer so i was super excited ended up getting a bunch of trail cam pictures of him when i came back up to hunt in november of 18 had a bunch of trail cam pictures of him and another 5x5 always with each other [Music] 19 i went out and uh it'd be the last week of august first week of september to antelope hunt and we had deer permits then too but the first night we were there immediately we found the drop time buck and i got some video of him and some still pictures and put out trail cameras but my trail cameras for some odd reason didn't work at that point in time so we didn't get any pictures when we went back in november to try to hunt him again knowing that that deer was still there and i had already filled my tag i was excited to have tyga with me and see if he could get a shot at him so ryan got a hold of me and told me that it was my turn to go if i wanted to and i instantly went and talked to my wife and said you know this is just a dream and i really would like to go out there and shoot a mule deer and ryan had a lot of whitetails and a lot of mule deer too he'd had some great encounters with out there and so he said man you just come out and he said i want you to hunt and enjoy it and kill whatever you want so anticipation was high we were trying to get through the iowa season garrett and i hunted pretty hard we hunted every chance we got and we just couldn't seal the deal on a big deer you know what it's going to take ain't nobody got to do it for me well my last day done [Music] but he takes his bow every time we go so we're kind of throwing a hail mary i packed up my stuff and we headed up there and as we were driving up ryan had already killed a buck out in the middle out in south dakota earlier in the year in september so this big buck that they had with the drop tine was still running we're still getting camera pictures of him ryan's buddy had actually missed him at like 23 yards the last time they were out and ryan said if that deer comes by you're gonna shoot him and i've been through way too many things where you know you shoot a big deer when you're hunting with somebody and it causes some jealousy or you know and i said i don't want to lose a friend over this and he's like absolutely not he's like they'll don't you worry about a bit he's like i'm gonna be more upset that deer comes by and you don't shoot it so i still want my goal was still to shoot a mule deer and so we got out and we set up a hay bale blind in an alfalfa field where ryan had seen quite a few mule deer in the past and so we went ahead and i hunted that the first night and i had a great encounter with the biggest mule deer i've ever been close to but he better at about 200 yards and he wouldn't get up for nothing so we just kept hunting hard trying to figure out you know what we were going to do and i'd hunt the hills and then hunt the prairie and the one of ryan's friends that was up there with us he had hunted a stand up on top of one of the hills and said he'd seen a really nice mule deer in there so he told me i was more than welcome to go hunted after him so in the evening i headed up there and climbed up in the stand and it was a beautiful spot i mean you were up on top of everything and they're just something about hunting out west that just gets your soul right i think and that was just that was a happy spot but i didn't see any deer and we'd had some snow fall in the middle of this whole trip and so on that day the snow was actually kind of melting again and so things were slick and i ended up coming down the hill and i slipped on some rocks and i fell about 10 feet and smacked my head on a rock and you know it was that was towards the end of our trip i was beat up and just we weren't having a lot of luck and i was just ready to go ahead and call it a trip and i told ryan that i wouldn't go the next day that i'd just stay home and pack and he'd go shoot his doe and we'd get out of there [Music] so in the backyard of this where we're staying there's a yellow outhouse and my tripod there i went into the garage got a stool and put it in there opened the door the outhouse and just sat there and decided if a doe came by i was going to shoot a doe if a buck came by he's going to shoot a buck just fill my tag so we go ahead and go home that aft that day and so i was sitting there and i heard a grunt and i thought man that's a buck he's got to be close and then ryan had sent me a text which he didn't know i was hunting and he said man you should be out that drop time buck is running does about 50 yards south of me well i'm about 300 yards north of him and i said that's crazy you know but at least he's out and we're seeing him and so i was sitting there and after about 30 minutes i heard another grunt and i kind of looked and here comes two does and they're running down the fence line straight to me at the outhouse and the then i see a buck jump the fence behind him and he comes running i didn't even look to see what the buck was anything i just knew that that was the deer i was going to shoot if he gave me an opportunity so the does make it down to about 18 yards and jump the fence go right to the scrape the buck actually jumped the fence back a little bit farther than that and at one time he was 40 yards underneath a tree working a scrape and i thought for sure he was just going to go to that next big scrape where we had the trail cam picture but he didn't he cut out and he went kind of out and around and whenever i got at full draw he was at 53 yards so i let the arrow go and i could see that i hit him i thought i hit him pretty good and the deer took off and just ran straight down the ditch to ryan oh my goodness [Music] that's crazy so after about five minutes i got a text from ryan he's like dude that drop time buck just ran by with an arrow stuck him did you shoot him and that was when i found out it was the deer with the little drop tine i was uh unbelievable i didn't even have an idea what deer it was or anything and ryan said oh he said man he's hurting he's laying 60 yards from me he's going to be gone he's going to die right there so we wait a little bit and ryan called me and said you're going to have to get around in front of this deer because he just got up and he's walking off so i went down and asked the next landowner if we could have permission to go in and look and he gave us permission to go in now there the ground kind of cut up so we were the south landowner from us he had about 300 acres but then you got past that there's a bunch of little individual houses and small acreages so we found the guy standing outside and by his garage and he gave us permission to go in and look for the deer but he didn't want us running our cameras he said i don't want cameras in there and you know you got to respect what they say so we had the ability to go in and he owned all the property there that we needed to look and we got in and lo and behold we found that deer back up in there and he was just a a great deer chocolate horn had a about a four inch drop tying just a super cool deer and i was so relieved to know that we actually got him on that last day and just kind of goes to show when things aren't going right that sometimes they can change really quick so i'm super blessed to have friends like ryan who invite me to go do a hunt like that it was a unbelievable hunt the hospitality was amazing the country was gorgeous i had encounters with mule deer i'm just super humbled and thankful for ryan to let me go out there and shoot that deer that he had such a history with and you know the video and all the trail cams and misses and the story that's behind it just is just amazing and i was blessed to be able to be the one that actually harvested him hey you know i just did a podcast for the fist full of dirt with tim wells the slock master you got to check that out man at one point he had me laughing the next point he had me crying but i asked him i said what are some of the common mistakes people make when they're hunting he calls big louie every big deer is big louie and he he talks about guys that work so hard they only get a couple of days maybe for the rut or they say their vacation he said a lot of times they'll go to that stand that one stand when the wind's not right you can't do that you got to cheat you got to have two or three stands don't ever try to beat the wind because those big deer they don't put up with it after all everybody wants to shoot big louie [Music] we may be hunting for turkeys but we're always thinking about our whitetails it's that time of year when they're gonna be hammering the mineral licks so drop it in here let's do it [Music] um we all work so hard every year to get deer stands hung food plots done it's been a little bit more difficult here the last couple of years getting everything coordinated with maybe living back in kansas but somehow we always tend to pull it off [Applause] i feel like i should be dressing like this in october all right [Music] [Applause] it's my first misery hunt this year it's what 30 30 degrees 32 perfect morning it was just luck need some that easily look [Music] [Applause] this little young buck up here can be feeding on snacks so can we [Applause] [Music] [Applause] grab it now i'm ready what were you doing over there ah i feel somebody staring at me one day huh not even one day i can't even hack it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't know if you can see it behind me but there's a scrape right under this tree in the middle of our food plot out here there's a scrape actually all the way around it it's super windy tonight but it probably helped us sneaking into this little thicket like i said this is where uh this is where ty killed hijack a couple years back got some really nice bugs showing up here pretty steady in the evening so hopefully we can get one to show up tonight we can uh put three on the ground now yeah be two in a row two and kill boss that's right ty killed last night so if we can put another one down tonight it'll be a record for us so we got six does a little light blender and this nice buck just stepped out here just to the west of us 37. he keeps looking back hard yeah you ready oh i know i told myself if he walks through that lane i'm drawing oh yeah you hear that flood no there's a whole line of it right there see it good [Music] look at that there he lays right there he's gonna get his hands on him [Music] oh we are on fire we are absolutely on fire terry shot terry what a week ago ty i came into town last night and ty went out with kenny j and smoked uh holyfield on the same property just south of here and then we had a group of nice bucks over here on this other set and ty was like let's go give it a shot they're fairly regular and this was the first mature one that stepped out [Music] [Applause] over the years ty and i have had a lot of success in good times and that will never get old [Music] right good night i'm gonna take some of his eyes out how can you say no to that andy real easy yeah i'll be your best friend yeah so i walk in the door in the building hey if you look up obsessed in the dictionary you may see a picture of the mossie logo in there everybody around here is obsessed they're obsessed with deer during deer season they're obsessed with waterfowl when it's duck season but that obsession is just another word for passion and you can't beat it and nobody puts it on camera like the mossy oak crew check this out the word obsession encompasses the mindset of everyone at mossy oak we obsess over hiding from chasing and conserving the critters we pursue in this episode we follow mossy oak's own joe white on an early and late season deer hunt in kansas this is the obsessed [Music] i sit here today and i'm thinking back on uh you know just deer hunting 30 some years ago was when i killed my very first deer still if you talk to the neighbors around there my uncle both my uncles hunted real close to there and the neighbor and if you if you talk to them today they can still remember when i killed my very first deer because i hollered so loud because i was so fired up and i couldn't wait for dad to come pick me up so that we could go look at my very first deer and and it was just a really cool experience and you know fast forwarding through my teenage years me and that 30 30 you know we chased across a bunch of missouri farms and and chased after deer and had a little bit of success here and had ups and downs i missed a few deer and i really just like started enjoying deer hunting [Music] and i remember when i started hunting with russell patrick that that was the time and i didn't know it then but that's whenever the first stages for me on becoming obsessed with big deer probably started year in and year out as we kept hunting together i could never get a deer as big as russell's and i was like what is this guy doing that i'm not so i just started like taking notes and trying to replicate everything he did and then i started working for moscow a couple of years after i'd been working with mossy oak and going on film trips and and going to some of the top places in the country and when you think of the midwest you think of states such as iowa illinois missouri indiana kansas kentucky and over and over again we were encountering big deer i really just became addicted to them when you think about my obsession for big deer i think about the midwest that's where i grew up every whitetail hunter in the country knows that the midwest is king when it comes to big mature whitetails hands down it can be exciting from early season to the explosion of the rut a guy that hunts the midwest is aggressive i mean you can bang horns together you can grunt they respond they come charging in i mean you're hunting in big hardwood timbers you're hunting in drains you got ag fields corn soybeans a lot of people across the country start thinking about the midwest the midwest is as special of places there is for hunting big deer all right here he comes he's he's rolling that girl snap to the left all right here he comes he's coming all the way back across to the left as soon as he clears us a little bit of trees [Music] great shot great job seriously that buck that's awards too fresh i don't know what to say that's what i noticed right off the bat long bean deer that's why you hunt kansas right there this is what it's about now and as you get older you know just like everybody wants to do they you know they start a family and then the next thing you know you got kids and and you can only hope that everything that goes back to what your dad has done you can do the exact same thing and replicate that and pass it on just as he did when cooper and austin got old enough you know i never really forced hunting up on them but they saw hunting as what i was passionate about and they wanted to do that as they got older because dad was doing that and then yes it did and developed into uh cooper and austin both uh both love and to hunt and and i started taking them and i don't have to kill a deer all i want to do is take my kids hunting and for me the trophy is seeing their faces seeing i mean seeing cooper and seeing austin's little face light up whenever a doe a four point a six point walk into a field a turkey's gobbling on a limb and it's before turkey season and we're just out scouting and enjoying a good midwest morning you know in april and those to me are some of the special moments of being a deer hunter doing your part and making it a better place not only for the wildlife but for the next generation i'm joe white and i am obsessed hey i hope y'all enjoying mossy oak moments it's still to me one of the coolest things out there every monday night and it's all free you know whether you're into whitetails or big game or waterfowl which ain't my cup of tea it's all good and it's all free we got some of the best people out there bringing this stuff to you and i don't care if you're into bow hunting or crossbow hunting or muzzle loaders or high power rifles whatever it is hey we're all in this together if you buy a hunting license and play by the rules we're on the same team great stuff coming up don't go away right now good morning we're uh headed to the tree it's i think the uh 20th of october got rained out yesterday which we needed a good rain but uh first morning in alabama i'm not sure morning sits are going to be overproductive right now but like i said we got rained out yesterday so i got a hankering to get up in a tree [Music] we got an early start and drug to kayak all the way up in for nothing [Music] heard some turkeys but i ain't seen no [Music] deers for the evening [Music] 45 minutes to an hour before daylight here what i'm saying is we're slipping here to another one of those areas that i found a big bed that i felt like was a bug bed dear this summer no more action i slipped into this spot it's supposed to be a south that needs to win it's more of a east northeast but we're kind of used to the wind being wrong so about to call it i haven't seen a thing coming to you live from the reservoirs of alabama's most beautiful i'd like a good news reporter you think going hunting i'm gonna put courtney in a good spot and i'm just gonna take my saddling the ghillie super walking off into an area we're down to about 10 or 15 minutes here [Music] the boat is in the water sitting back there i'm sitting here scratching my head figuring out what i'm doing because uh i don't have a lot of confidence different day same old tune it appears well it's time for the afternoon [ __ ] really looking forward to not seeing anything this afternoon i just really cannot win [Music] well we're deer hunting again surprisingly i've had about enough fun for my morning i did not lay my eyes on a single deer i did lay my ears on a couple we are fixing to drop the boat in here and go up for an evening sit a glimpse of a small buck against that grass field over there on top of the morning trying to get our last little field cup of joe here because it's going to be a brisk boat ride coffee's good get my energy warm before we take off things have gotten a little tricky because this hasn't been water well it's gotten daylight enough for us to catch up here daybreak has been nice and enjoyable anyways i'm kind of what i would consider on a little escape route or not an escape room but an escape destination so we'll see how it turns out [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] me man how crazy is that it's a 80 90 yards him in a 10 pointer the eighth may be a little bit more impressive but they're sparring and pushing each other around they came in about an hour ago but then the smaller bucks that were with him i think are bedded right over here at about 50 in this little thick spot that i can't really see i paid love standing up while ago and fading around but the big deer went back off in there man i didn't really that was eight four had a pretty good 10 pointer too i'm just like 30 yards off the mark [Music] we'll keep hanging out and see if something slips up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so um [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] and there they go out of my life [Music] he was right there i needed him to get it right there [Music] oh man man that was close i had him dead to rides the wind's been out of the north all morning and about 10 o'clock it was supposed to switched out of the north northeast which it puts it about this way which is still really good for this spot but that being said y'all know i've been watching these bucks all morning they showed up at about nine o'clock i think it was it's now 11 15. the small bucks bedded up right here in this little row about well it's 57 yards to my side of it because i had the big deer in a gap and the wide open at 57 56.4 yards i just ain't i just can't take that not not being cold and shaking like i am and out of a saddle through the woods and anyway they sparred and pushed each other around over there forever finally walked in here to where those young bucks were bedded that they came in with at night this morning they eventually fit across this little lane right here and at that time i switched the battery out on the main camera because it dropped down to like 28 minutes as soon as i got that battery clipped in there i looked up and i could see deer coming back towards me and the first one in was the 10 pointer and the big eight points behind him well then all the bucks started filtering in first thing i had a little spike come right through 28 yards and that tallest eight pointer the younger thin armored bit tall nice to be completely honest with you if them two behind me might have probably just sent an error through that one to be completely honest but with those two deer behind him i couldn't i couldn't do it well he's joined by two more eight corners which are just as good so i've got [Music] three eight corners and a spike right here like anywhere from 32 to 28 yards i mean they're just nose to tail standing there right there [Music] well i look up and my big deer turns the big eight-pointer turns since here he comes i'm like oh thank god he's walking up and i've got to i've already put the main camera in the lane that i'm going to shoot him in he's going to be 28 yards and i see that little spike he goes walking and he can tell he smells something [Music] and i guess i still have enough smoke on these clothes to where he didn't freak out god i wish i smoked i'm good they didn't freak out he just kind of bounced back and then when he did all the deer just kind of bounced back and then they kind of bounced up the roadway there and that turned the big eight point around and they all just kind of bounced off i watched the young bugs bounce across the field and i just videoed the two the big boys kind of skirted the edge here stayed in the woods that close that freaking close well coming up next we got the whitetail edge and you've heard me say before you got to go to keep that edge you know to me the edge especially in bow hunting you got to you got to work on stuff you got to go all the time some people don't need to practice that much you know there's a big difference in how people hunt depending on where they're from some northern guys man checking that list they got everything lined out everything's ironed everything's labeled some of the old boys i used to hunt with man they may grab their bowl the day before season see if the broad hits sharp on the arm it's okay do what you want to do do it how you want to do it be ethical play by the rules we're all on the same team i'm trying to get the camera back on me here i'm still filming craziness i'm all shook up i don't know how big he is but uh he's a he's a keeper [Music] i wasn't expecting that this morning [Music] [Music] can't believe what just happened i can't believe that that's so much fun [Music] then you drop them just like that [Music] he was another 12 yards oh my gosh thank you lord hi and welcome to whitetail edge i'm ben rising your host and on this week's episode of whitetail edge we're joining my good buddy kenny bevins who's been with me for a long long time and uh kenny's back on the team here this year kenny's been filming me clear back to like 2007. you know i met him and james years ago and we've just became great friends and once i left the juries years ago kenny just kind of stayed with them and was helping them do stuff and this past year he just decided he wanted to be a little bit more free be able to do kind of what he wanted to do and i said hey you're more than welcome to you know film with us if you'd like to and so that's exactly what he did kenny has a good lease over in indiana the deer there sometimes they're there sometimes they're not and it's just a part of indiana that there's not like huge deer numbers there when the rut kicks in it seems like kenny's farm it's a lot of bucks running through the lease kenny's a lot like me he likes to monitor the deer you know he takes the spartan cameras he's putting them in strategic spots where the cameras are telling him when the deer is starting to move my name is kenny bevins i've been hunting with ben rising since 2008 we started off in with jury outdoors i was with him up through becoming a full team member in 2012. last year i got a late start i had left breweries and in september i joined back up with ben juries was an awesome experience they're great people i learned a lot i got to fulfill a lifelong dream i wanted to come back i still talk to ben all the time i miss being a part of his family and coming to ohio and hanging out so i decided to still do time lapses for juries and do some other work for him but i wanted to go and hang out with ben again and be a part of his family and see what he had produced with a whitetail edge well my season started with whitetail edge in october had about two or three weeks before the rut was going to set in and sparking cameras i started getting some pictures of a 170 class booner on the south end of my property on the property line i don't hunt much well it is october the 24th and i'm hunting in central indiana at one of my leases i hunted here yesterday also so um i'm actually in the same stand i got a west wind it's kind of just stagnant air not moving very much maybe three or four mile an hour um there's like a low pressure system coming in but i don't think there's any rain forecasted but the deer are already on their feet it's around four o'clock i have a doe out feeding in front of me and also bumped a couple coming in so something's got them on their feet kind of early for this lease so anyway this is my second hunt of the year um second hunt for whitetail edge and ben we got a long history we went back 2008 good spartan trail camera pictures a couple days with a buck i'd never seen before i was doing a scrape line down this uh wood line that i'm on it's a cut soybean field but they're still coming out it was just cut last week so they're coming out and still feeding in it and he's scraping down this uh wood line so hopefully i can uh get a shot of him there's a couple other shooters also one's a big ten and one's a old nine-year-old that i have a history with so uh i've been here since um before uh sunrise i'm just not doing an interview because it was cold and i didn't want to make too much noise because i'm right here where they're at yesterday i hunted this same area and i checked the cameras i went and changed the tree stand came back down here to get the rest of my stuff and check the camera and 20 minutes after i got out of this redneck gilly blind a big buck that i'm after went right over right by where i'm hunting checked to check the scrape and went up in the woods so that's my luck um sit here five or six hours and then 15 minutes after you get down um he comes through so today i decided i'm staying um dondell dusk there's a couple other shooters that i might go after if they come through but i really want to take a pop at him um got the prime bow ready and got the mossio black on for the inside the gilly blind which is blind is awesome they haven't even no nothing's even come close to spooking with me today so got the black widow sent out to my right smell like a big p factory in here but it's that time november 2nd they're starting to move so we'll see what happens [Music] so i'm freezing my butt off it's about 9 00 a.m it's about 28 degrees it's kind of windy cloudy um leaves are falling everywhere this first time i've been able to do an interview i've had does and bucks all over me one of my shooter bucks i call him uh he was a half rack last year i passed him up a bunch in this woods he came through at 15 yards with a doe and i couldn't get the camera on i'm still filming trying to get the gopros on trying to get my tacticams on and the main camera on cost me another buck but that's that's the way it is when you're self-filming it's pretty hard when the rut's going on they're moving so quickly that trying to get everything turned on it's it's very hard especially at a tree stand so anyway i don't think the does have popped yet because the bucks are still trying to um nudge them along and then they eventually just fall off of them so this buck just now went over to my um west and uh just sniffing the ground and the does went off to my uh east so i don't know this is about a 30 acre block of timber and uh my food plots are to the south but uh i'm just gonna sit here as long as i can it is very cold so we'll see what happens i'm gonna turn the camera off save my battery and um hopefully i'll get a little bit more warning of him coming here a little bit [Music] the rut is full on um i should be in the hardwoods and hunting more mornings all day but uh it got down to like 10 degrees this morning and i knew that that would probably push these deer down into this field all day and i was right as i came in i kicked a couple deer out of the field and no longer than 10 minutes i was setting up the cameras and three more came back in they're eating the standing soybeans i have standard soybeans and i have some thoracics and then i have clover in two spots so this is the main feeding area for the lease and um the spartan cameras last night this field was loaded up with deer and some of the big bucks that i'm after came in here so i'm hoping they'll come down in here snooping around looking for a doe that's in heat and uh will give me a close enough shot [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] the buck just was not patternable as gun season starts in indiana it's always a scary time because it lasts two weeks and then one week off and then two weeks of muzzleloader and with the rut anything can happen and most your big bucks are going to get shot approaching november 16th which is opening day gun i still don't have a pattern on this buck i'm kind of just winging it i'm going to go in and hunt all day set up on the south end i'd move some redneck redneck blind and a couple stands down there and i was just going to camp out well opening day was very unproductive i had a lot of coyotes come through does but the good thing was there was no gun shots the 16th i'm hunting into central indiana it is opening day of firearms season this first chance this morning i've gotten to do an interview it's been had some deer on this uh standing soybean field in front of me i'm hunting a uh kind of a pinch point where there's a creek and a funnel that leads across the road to where some other people hunt so i'm hoping the the pressure will uh funnel some of these deer up through this area if not i'm gonna sit here all day and this will be a good evening spot i've already seen like seven or eight deer but none of them have been a shooter so i put the uh prime bow down for uh for a little bit and uh gonna enjoy the indiana firearm season it's not my favorite time of year kind of spooks all the deer and they don't act normal after this week so anyway i'm gonna try to enjoy it sit tight got the mossy oak going um hoping that uh i'll get a shot of this one big buck that i'm i'm after so if not there's a couple other ones i would take so just gonna enjoy this nice day i go back out drive home i live an hour away regroup and i plan on going into a block of timber that i never go into it's a sanctuary and i only go into it once or twice a year i have a stand set up in there that i don't even go in and mess with i knew it was good i head in the next morning it's cold at 22 degrees i'm just hoping that this buck shows up or a good buck at this point i'm still filming so the next morning was november 17th it's a very cold morning it's like 22 degrees but it was a bluebird high pressure system sun was out and i knew i was going into an interior bedding area that i don't go into very often i got the black widow acorn sent out as a cover i'd sprayed it on my boots and the does are all in there and i have a lot of does on this property and i just had to get in there hopefully i didn't bust them i get into the stand set up daylight comes it's a nice day calm and i have three or four does come in and they bed right behind me so they're 20 yards behind me i couldn't even get my camera on to spin it around and kind of get footage of them 8 45 i hear a gunshot it's my worst fear it's right on the property line it's so loud about jars me out of my tree and for some reason i just knew that the big buck was dead so i sit down and i'm just waiting 15 minutes later i get a text and then i get a phone call my phone's on vibrate and it's the neighbor asking if he could come on the property he'd shot a big buck across the property and it had died on my property and he said it was a monster so immediately depression sits in misery i sat down in the stand and i asked him to send me a picture and as i'm sitting and waiting for the picture to come a doe just comes busting from my left and it's crashing through a hard timber and behind it is a mature buck big i can't tell how big but i knew it was a shooter so immediately i'm trying to turn on four point of view cameras i have two tacticams two gopros and then i have a main camera on a camera arm so i'm fighting to turn all those on and get my main camera on [Music] [Music] right oh i just got one man [Music] uh i'm trying to get the camera back on me here i'm still filming [Music] craziness i'm all shook up i don't know how big he is but uh he's a he's a keeper he's piled up over there right now [Music] he stopped put the hammer on him he barreled up went around and died about 30 yards from that stand and man i was shook up i mean i was kind of embarrassed of myself because my legs were shaking i couldn't control myself i'm trying to spin the camera around i'm fumbling with it i can't get anything to work and you can see me i'm just all shook up which after all these years i still get all shook up and it was just an awesome experience well i just got down out of the tree i'm gonna go lay my hands on this buck i don't know what it is it happened too quick for me to be able to uh really get an idea of which buck it is um i know he was mature after i was getting down i put the camera up so i could wouldn't break it getting down and two big bucks came chasing a doe through here knocking stuff down and so it must be a hot dog brought all these in there he is this self-filming stuff is hard to do once i'm used to filming man he's nice buck's got a little character he's got a little burrow or looks like maybe a bug got in there during the velvet but uh man wasn't the best footage i've filmed a lot better but self-filming it happened i had just a few seconds to get all my cameras on and when you're still filming you got gopros [Music] tacticams and your main camera and then you're in the hardwoods where you can't really use autofocus a lot it's tough it's tough i had a couple encounters with the bow that uh i couldn't get it done i couldn't get everything on and i tried hunting more in the fields where i could use autofocus and it's just hard getting the buck to come in that close to you see everything works out so i'm just thankful that uh i was able to get something on camera as good as it could be and i'd like to thank again ben rising whitetail edge for giving me a chance to be a part of his team i was with jury outdoors and ben being introduced me to jury outdoors about 10 years ago and i filmed ben and i he left to form whitetail edge and i stayed with druries for a few more years just doing time lapses and and trying to sell film and hunt and this year i came back to ben and he set me up pretty good with all his sponsors and i'm appreciative of it and i'd like to thank drury outdoors because they're the reason i got into filming to begin with and they were always nice and gracious to me and i'm really happy with uh how everything's turned out so now the hard part getting this bad boy into a truck gutted by myself self-filming buddy [Music] i can probably imagine many deer's lives have been saved by people trying to film in the end it was my biggest indiana buck it was a scored 155 it was a great experience i was so happy to call ben give him the news and i'm just thankful for ben let me have an opportunity to be a part of whitetail edge and it seems uh it's i'm back home again it's a family setting camaraderie and i'm just happy thanks ben for letting me be a part of that so it's great having kenny back we really appreciate you watching this show kenny's the master at doing time lapses and you'll see this year and some of these episodes the time lapses that are coming through kenny's done almost every one of them it's just his forte he's done it for a long time and he loves doing it so we're glad to have kenny bevin's back on whitetail edge if you would subscribe to our youtube channel also follow us on facebook and instagram and we'll see you again next week thanks for watching whitetail edge right here on massio go [Music] all right we're gonna go visit with dead end game calls you know back when i started deer hunting colin you never thought about that for deer hunting it was no such thing now there's grunt calls and bleak calls and snort week calls and and not only do people use them they got video of deer doing those calls who to thunk it let's go check out the group from a dead end game calls maybe they'll call one up [Music] [Music] well on this week's episode of dead and game calls answer the call we're hunting on my home turf we're going to take my son mason and see if he can't put a schwacker behind his shoulder using his bear constrictor crossbow of his first whitetail ever that was money i mean like when i say dead center of a target i mean it's dead center so 0 to 30 yards i'm shooting the exact same pin in this cross bushing so flat that it absolutely dead center the target [Music] [Applause] [Music] i hope that's gotta kill one all day [Music] long well now that we've got this platform built we've got to have some help to get it back there to the woods and put it up it's not going to be an easy task but with enough manpower i think we can make it happen [Music] well it's wednesday morning october 7th we just got settled into the ground blind got everything ready to go we've got our brand new bear constrictor crossbow in here and we're hoping to get the little pole flyer shortly with a swagger on the end of it right through the shoulder with a big old white tail we've been watching a big eight in the big ten point in here it's been frequently visiting but mostly nighttime pictures but at some point time hopefully they'll mess up we've got in real quiet real easy and uh we're ready to we're ready to rock are we buddy ugh uh he got [Music] oh i thought i saw it going down but it wasn't him it was just leaves yeah i am too i mean i love you buddy i love you that's what we've been waiting on that joe gradley that wasn't a big 10 or it wasn't a big eight but that's a nice six pointer in it especially for you oh yeah that's pretty in it hey look first deer brand new ground plow brand new platinum brand new platform hey first deer or something special it doesn't matter if it's a doe if it's a spike or if it's a six pointer or if it's a mega giant we are thankful that the lord blesses us to be able to harvest and hunt these animals and we certainly couldn't do it without you it's a what a blessing i'm talking about from a small family-run business with dead-end game calls we are truly thankful for each and every one of you and i'm thankful to get to share these memories with you good deal and that's a memory oh forget oh god it's good oh mama you know call mommy mommy hey buddy i killed a deer did you that's exponent good job buddy [Applause] coven gotta love it will you be careful today okay and i love you [Music] all right all right see you bye okay well let's just hold on here kate's still in bed asleep [Music] ready another good thing about a gopro don't you you know where the boat was at yeah it went right [Music] [Music] that's [Music] [Music] [Music] all right that way [Music] oh yep [Music] [Music] right there's more on that leaf right there some right there some right there some can you [Music] oh there he is right there soon [Music] look where i shot him oh yeah you hit him good look at that still in velvet on [Music] boy you made a perfect shot on him didn't you yeah look at that shot jake first deer first buck ain't it ain't it how's it feel with well october 7th was a day that i will always remember it's a day that i watched my son shoot his first deer in the audio i don't know if you could hear it or not but my son wanted to make two phone calls the first phone call was to his mom the second phone call was to his aunt kaye you see aunt k was special to our family and on october 16th we lost aunt kaye to covet unfortunately she was not only a member of my personal family but she was also a member of the dead in gamecocks family she was one of those people that that when you met her for five minutes she automatically became a mom to you and it came to you and she had this a smile the size of the earth it seemed like you know a k will forever be missed in the dead a game cost family she'll be forever missed in my family the one thing that my aunt k would want you to know though that she's in so much of a better place because she knew jesus christ as a personal savior you see one of these days we're going to get to have a great reunion with that k the only way to ensure that is by knowing jesus and accepting him as your personal savior i'm thankful for a way to heaven because the way of the cross so this hunt this video it's in memory of my game [Music] you know while you're watching all this whitetail deer hunting and you you see the guys are buttoned up nobody ever misses they got everything figured out they're in that right funnel they got the right wind everything they see a big deer well you need to know it doesn't always work like that i've been producing television for a long time and usually what you see is the end result not necessarily what happened to get to that point so don't think these guys got all the best places they hit on it every single time i promise you when you're hunting deer in a while the struggle is real [Music] [Music] this is kansas we're down here for early muzzleloader season actually opens tomorrow morning down here hunting with a friend who i met two turkey seasons ago named mike burns world-class guy very successful guy mike really thrives on helping people out and just being an all-around good guy having josh come in this year was really special last year was a really tough year for me i was diagnosed with cancer went through all the normal cancer treatments i popped out of that in the spring and and thank goodness right now i'm in remission but it's really important that i could get have josh come back in and where i know that i was completely healthy and we could go out and have a good time even earlier this fall and i know what it's like to go hunt other places and again i know what they're expecting i know about the excitement for instance i had a hunt that i had booked with my son-in-law in september to go up to alberta and canada and do a moose and a bear hunt and i just really didn't think i was going to be able to go and my doctors even advised against it i literally ended up my treatment on friday we flew out on sunday it was rough but you know what it was an experience that i wouldn't give up for the world being with being with my son-in-law chance but having josh come back in this year was really special tomorrow is opening day of early muzzleloader season here in kansas it's a cool 90 degrees right now so deer just don't move a ton um we're still going to see some early morning and late evening movement on food sources we're going to be real fortunate if we can connect with a a nice buck this week but either way we're out here we're enjoying ourselves i'd rather be nowhere else on earth right now and sitting in the ground blind watching bean field hoping to watch some whitetails this evening it's going to be great no matter what happens opening morning of most water season here in kansas and we just had a big buck just kind of creeping through these this tall grass over here and we lost sight of him we think he'd better down right over there within 100 yards i didn't get a great look at them but just based on the little snapshot that i got of them looked like a good deer looked like a deer that i'd probably be really happy to shoot today holding up on stand right now to see if i can be convinced otherwise but i think we're probably gonna get out of here it's only eight o'clock right now but other than that big buck we saw moving early we have not seen a single deer this is an area that should definitely have some deer traffic [Music] so we're hunting an area right now that's got a bunch of native grass or surrounded by woods with some steep ridges that drop off so it's your quintessential bedding area in transition area and staging area and so the hope is that we're gonna catch some bucks staging here this evening [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] you know it's every hunt it's those like you get that one snapshot in your memory that really captures the whole hunt and watching this dude come up this trail with that other buck i'm never gonna forget that sight and it's like when the smoke rolled out of that muzzleloader it almost just kind of like was like the ending to a movie you know it was i wasn't even sure at that point if he was for sure down but it was kind of a fitting ending to the whole mystery that's whitetail hunting to tell you the truth there's nothing like it man these animals are just unpredictable and when you get a chance to connect with one it's a it's a special experience every time well it's uh fourth morning here in kansas i've been wanting to shoot a doe with a crossbow for meat help mike manage some deer here in this property he's got so many does and he definitely wants to reduce some of those numbers and it's a great opportunity for someone like me to help them out and put some venison in my freezer so it's early it's only about 15 minutes into shooting light this morning but with the hot temperatures the deer have been going back to bed real early so we were fortunate that we got an opportunity to get a shot on one of these deer before they head back to their bedding areas so i'm real happy i was able to shoot it with this mission crossbow it's a sub 1 xr it was only a 40 yard shot i think i made a really good shot you can't even see that bolt flying through the air at all it happened so fast and zipped through that gear so i think it was a good shot but we're going to play it safe we're going to try to find the bolt make sure the blood looks good on it give her a little more time and then roll back out here hopefully find her [Music] every time i look at a cut of meat off an animal i've taken it's it's incredible to think about where this animal was especially something like this is just walking around hours ago out there and now it's sitting here on a cutting board and uh that's of course one of my favorite parts of hunting is is being able to enjoy the meat with friends and a lot of times i like to do that right away after the hunt so these inner loins you can even see they're a little bit different color than the rest of the meat they're more pink and lighter in color than like the back straps or anything from the hindquarters what i like to do with these tender little guys is cut them into very thin slices in this case i didn't have any oil to fry them so i fried up some bacon eat the bacon use the bacon grease for the oil some salt some pepper real thin slices just flash fry this bad boy and this allows you to literally eat the meat the same day as the hunt it's going to be a good meal friends are going to enjoy it it's a sweet way to go and it just doesn't really get much better well it's a good question you know why why do i have people out here well i've been building this thing for almost 25 years and pretty proud of what we've done we've got an incredible place and and i do enjoy sharing it but the probably one of the best things that i get are the relationships that i am able to build and the fellowship that i get you know with the past week of having josh in um you know when he walked through the door he gave me a big hug because obviously josh has been here before he's turkey hunted we've hung out together you know i've got to see him get excited you know when he sees the turkeys and so i just knew bringing him back into camp um it's not just like bringing in a client it's like having friends or family in and that's what it's really about if i had to just pick one word it's about the fellowship and then the memories that i'm able to build i don't always have to be behind the gun or behind the bow it's just being there and seeing how excited everybody gets that means an awful lot to me and my family that's why [Music] well coming up next we got straight hunting i love that because uh you know it may not be as will primos used to say no fancy edits and no stage scenes but it's good video stuff it all depends on what straight hunting is to you to me it's just finding the sign going after it checking the wind doing everything right and old school so let's go check out some straight hunting [Music] it's our first afternoon here close to devil's tower wyoming it's september 1st opening day of bow season 2020. man this trip feels extra our good are high for tonight we're just getting sound down got our safety harness on and uh we're already watching a gorgeous bachelor group about 200 yards away it's five or six different bugs and one of them's a definite shooter we're just gonna get set up but our hopes are high we already got a target with insight just when you think you have a good thing going you just have a turn of events the farmer just moved in and he's gathering a bunch of round bales off this alfalfa fields i don't know how this will play out but the deer is still here they just got they got pushed even farther away from us now they're several hundred yards away but it's still a lot of hours left in the day so we'll see what happens but amazing that was awesome nice pride three and a half year old 26 yards they're here but they've been pushed dispersed and you name it so man what a great set though it's absolutely gorgeous opening day here at devil's tower wyoming with trophy ridge outfits you couldn't ask for a better opening day but our target bucks hung in the shade line probably about 300 yards away what do you do just keep playing the game it's day one and five so a lot of ball left to play [Music] [Music] [Music] last evening i'm ready to go the arrow is knocked and it's ready to fly we're sitting the blind we're back in here tonight and we've seen three different bucks come within about 50 or 60 yards where this bind is over the past three nights they think it's a hay bale and it's our blind so we're set up and ready to go should be good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here comes our good dear [Music] [Applause] lord if he would be here we'll send that deer across that fence come on because this deer is not gonna do me any favors [Music] my big buck the big eight is heading our way oh that big gains fixing to come right through the cap make this easy on this big boy [Music] 84 heading our way [Music] [Music] come on come on [Music] okay where are you gonna be 55. [Music] 16. [Music] amen i missed i think i think you ducked it a duck bad oh man i i'm telling you i shot a good shot i put it right on his heart 61 yards i know i haven't got to watch the shot yet and i replay but i'm really i did i did all i could do i really think if it was a still target i'd i'd hit close to if not the tendering but i'm highly certain he ducked my arrow and you know that's i can be to blame for that too because how low should you aim you never know i probably should have put it four or six inches below his heart but i did and i put 61 yards which is what he was right on his heart shot felt great but what do you do amen i missed i think i think he ducked it hey well i hope you enjoyed and aren't still enjoying what you're seeing on the mossy oak moments live you know as tim wells says big louie could step out at any time and i hope big louie or as ted nugent says the beast i hope one of them step out in front of you hey next monday same place right here seven o'clock monday night mossy oak moments live check it out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey welcome to moss elk moments live right here on mossy oak go tons of whitetail action coming up and remember it's always free how can you beat that got to be a lot of rut action coming up right now this time of year unless you live where we do down here in mississippi we still mowing grass down here but it's coming i promise you're coming so let's get started rut action maybe some rattling and grunting right here mossy oak go live every monday night [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] so in 2018 ian and i went up there to set up some tree stands and put out some trail cameras and uh one morning we happened to be pulling out of the driveway and ian yells at me hey ryan there's a huge deer over here so i grabbed the binoculars and a camera and i started taking pictures well when i got back to the house that night i we didn't know it was a drop tying deer at that time and i put it on the computer and blew the picture up and we realized it was a drop time deer so i was super excited end up getting a bunch of trail cam pictures of him when i came back up to hunt in november uh of 18 had a bunch of trail cam pictures of him and another 5x5 always with each other [Music] 19 i went out and it'd be the last week of august first week of september to antelope hunt and uh we had deer permits then too but the first night we were there immediately we found the drop time buck and i got some video of him and some still pictures and put out trail cameras but my trail cameras for some odd reason didn't work at that point in time so we didn't get any pictures when we went back in november to try to hunt him again knowing that that deer was still there and i had already filled my tag i was excited to have tyga with me and see if he could get a shot at him so ryan got a hold of me and told me that it was my turn to go if i wanted to and i instantly went and talked to my wife and said you know this is just a dream and i really would like to go out there and shoot a mule deer and ryan had a lot of whitetails and a lot of mule deer too he'd had some great encounters with out there and so he said man you just come out and he said i want you to hunt and enjoy it and kill whatever you want so anticipation was high we were trying to get through the iowa season garrett and i hunted pretty hard we hunted every chance we got and we just couldn't seal the deal on a big deer [Music] but he takes his bow every time we go so we're kind of throwing a hail mary i packed up my stuff and we headed up there and as we were driving up ryan had already killed a buck out in the middle out in south dakota earlier in the year in september so this big buck that they had with the drop tine was still running we're still getting camera pictures of him ryan's buddy had actually missed him at like 23 yards the last time they were out and ryan said if that deer comes by you're gonna shoot him and i've been through way too many things where you know you shoot a big deer when you're hunting with somebody and it causes some jealousy or you know and i said i don't want to lose a friend over this and he's like absolutely not he's like they'll don't you worry about a bit he's like i'm going to be more upset that deer comes by and you don't shoot it so i still want my goal was still to shoot a mule deer and so we got out and we set up a hay bale blind in a alfalfa field where ryan had seen quite a few mule deer in the past and so we went ahead and i hunted that the first night and i had a great encounter with the biggest mule deer i've ever been close to but he better at about 200 yards and he wouldn't get up for nothing so we just kept hunting hard trying to figure out you know what we were going to do and i'd hunt the hills and then hunt the prairie and the one of ryan's friends that was up there with us he had hunted a stand up on top of one of the hills and said he'd seen a really nice mule deer in there so he told me i was more than welcome to go hunted after him so in the evening i headed up there and climbed up in the stand and it was a beautiful spot i mean you were up on top of everything and they're just something about hunting out west that just gets your soul right i think and that was just that was a happy spot but i didn't see any deer and we'd had some snow fall in the middle of this whole trip and so on that day the snow was actually kind of melting again and so things were slick and i ended up coming down the hill and i slipped on some rocks i fell about 10 feet and smacked my head on a rock and you know it was that was toward the end of our trip i was beat up and just we weren't having a lot of luck and i was just ready to go ahead and call it a trip and i told ryan that i wouldn't go the next day that i just stay home and pack and he could go shoot his doe and we'd get out of there [Music] so in the backyard of this where we're staying there's a yellow outhouse and my tripod there i went into the garage got a stool and put it in there opened the door the outhouse and just sat there and decided if a doe came by i was going to shoot a doe if a buck came by he's going to shoot a buck just fill my tag so we go ahead and go home that after that day and so i was sitting there and i heard a grunt and i thought man that's a buck he's got to be close and then ryan had sent me a text which he didn't know i was hunting and he said man you should be out that drop time buck is running does about 50 yards south of me well i'm about 300 yards north of him and i said that's crazy you know but like at least he's out and we're seeing him and so i was sitting there and after about 30 minutes i heard another grunt and i kind of looked and here comes two does and they're running down the fence line straight to me at the outhouse and the then i see a buck jump the fence behind him and he comes running i didn't even look to see what the buck was anything i just knew that that was the deer i was going to shoot if he gave me an opportunity so the does make it down to about 18 yards and jump the fence go right to the scrape the buck actually jumped the fence back a little bit farther than that and at one time he was 40 yards underneath a tree working a scrape and i thought for sure he was just going to go to that next big scrape where we had the trail cam picture but he didn't he cut out and he went kind of out and around and whenever i got a full draw he was at 53 yards so i let the arrow go and i could see that i hit him i thought i hit him pretty good and the deer took off and just ran straight down the ditch to ryan oh my goodness [Music] oh that's crazy so after about five minutes i got a text from ryan he's like dude that drop time buck just ran by with an arrow stuck in did you shoot him and that was when i found out it was the deer with the little drop tine i was uh unbelievable i didn't even have an idea what deer it was or anything and ryan said oh he said man he's hurting he's laying 60 yards from me he's going to be gone he's going to die right there so we wait a little bit and ryan called me and said you're going to have to get around in front of this deer because he just got up and he's walking off so i went down and asked the next landowner if we could have permission to go in and look and he gave us permission to go in now there the ground kind of cut up so we were the south landowner from us he had about 300 acres but then you got past that there's a bunch of little individual houses and small acreages so we found the guy standing outside by his garage and he gave us permission to go in and look for the deer but he didn't want us running our cameras he said i don't want cameras in there and you know you got to respect what they say so we had the ability to go in and he owned all the property there that we needed to look and we got in and lo and behold we found that deer back up in there and he was just a a great deer chocolate horn had a about a four inch drop tine just a super cool deer and i was so relieved to know that we actually got him on that last day and just kind of goes to show when things aren't going right that sometimes they can change really quick so i'm super blessed to have friends like ryan who invite me to go do a hunt like that it was a unbelievable hunt the hospitality was amazing the country was gorgeous i had encounters with mule deer i'm just super humbled and thankful for ryan to let me go out there and shoot that deer that he had such a history with and you know the video and all the trail cams and misses and the story that's behind it just is just amazing and i was blessed to be able to be the one that actually harvested him hey you know i just did a podcast for the fist full of dirt with tim wells the slock master you got to check that out man at one point he had me laughing the next point he had me crying but i asked him i said what are some of the common mistakes people make when they're hunting he calls big louie every big deer is big louie and he he talks about guys that work so hard they only get a couple of days maybe for the rut or they say their vacation he said a lot of times they'll go to that stand that one stand when the wind's not right you can't do that you got to cheat you got to have two or three stands don't ever try to beat the wind because those big deer they don't put up with it after all everybody wants to shoot big louie [Music] we may be hunting for turkeys but we're always thinking about our whitetails it's that time of year when they're gonna be hammering the mineral lights so drop it in here much easier let's do it [Music] we all work so hard every year to get deer stands hung food plots done it's been a little bit more difficult here the last couple of years getting everything coordinated with maybe living back in kansas but somehow we always tend to pull it off um i feel like i should be dressing like this in october all right [Applause] it's my first misery hunt this year it's what 30 30 degrees 32 perfect morning it's just luck needs some that easily [Music] look [Applause] this little young buck up there gonna be feeding on snacks [Music] [Music] what were you doing over feel there staring at me one day huh not even one day can't even hack it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't know if you can see it behind me but there's a scrape right under this tree in the middle of our food plot out here there's a scrape actually all the way around it it's super windy tonight but it probably helped us sneaking into this little thicket like i said this is this is where ty killed hijack a couple years back got some really nice bugs showing up here pretty steady in the evening so hopefully we can get one to show up tonight we can uh put three on the ground though yeah be two in a row two and kill boston that's right ty killed last night so if we can put another one down tonight it'll be a record for us so i got six does a little like the winner and this nice buck just stepped out here just to the west 37. he keeps looking back hard yeah you ready wow what did i tell you earlier i was like i wanna see you shooting i know i told myself if he walks through that lane i'm drawing oh yeah you hear that no there's a whole line of it right there see it baby [Music] look at that there he lays right there he's gonna get his hands on him [Music] we are on fire we are absolutely on fire terry shot terry what a week ago ty i came into town last night and ty went out with kenny j and smoked uh holyfield on this same property just south of here and then we had a group of nice bucks over here on this other set and kyle was like let's go give it a shot they're fairly regular and this was the first mature one that stepped out over the years ty and i have had a lot of success and good times and that will never get old [Music] right good night i'm gonna take some of somebody's eyes out [Music] how can you say no to that andy real easy no no no i'll be your best friend yeah so i walk in the door [Music] hey if you look up obsessed in the dictionary you may see a picture of the mossy oak logo in there everybody around here is obsessed they're obsessed with deer during deer season they're obsessed with waterfowl when it's duck season but that obsession is just another word for passion and you can't beat it and nobody puts it on camera like the mossy oak crew check this out the word obsession encompasses the mindset of everyone at mossy oak we obsess over hiding from chasing and conserving the critters we pursue in this episode we follow mossy oak's own joe white on an early and late season deer hunt in kansas this is the obsessed [Music] i sit here today and i'm thinking back on you know just deer hunting 30 some years ago was when i killed my very first deer still if you talk to the neighbors around there my uncle both my uncles hunted real close to there and the neighbor and if you if you talk to them today they can still remember when i killed my very first deer because i hollered so loud because i was so fired up and i couldn't wait for dad to come pick me up so that we could go look at my very first deer and it was just a really cool experience and you know fast forwarding through my teenage years me and that 30 30 you know we chased across a bunch of missouri farms and and uh chased after deer and had a little bit of success here and had ups and downs and missed a few deer and i really just like started enjoying deer hunting [Music] and i remember when i started hunting with russell patrick that that was the time and i didn't know it then but that's whenever the first stages for me on becoming obsessed with big deer probably started year in and year out as we kept hunting together i could never get a deer as big as russell's and i was like what is this guy doing that i'm not so i just started like taking notes and trying to replicate everything he did and then i started working for moscow a couple of years after i had been working with mossy oak and going on film trips and and going to some of the top places in the country and when you think of the midwest you think of states such as iowa illinois missouri indiana kansas kentucky and over and over again we were encountering big deer i really just became addicted to them when you think about my obsession for big deer i think about the midwest that's where i grew up every whitetail hunter in the country knows that the midwest is king when it comes to big mature whitetails hands down it can be exciting from early season to the explosion of the rut a guy that hunts the midwest is aggressive i mean you can bang horns together you can grunt they respond they come charging in i mean you're hunting in big hardwood timbers you're hunting in drains you got ag fields corn soybeans a lot of people across the country start thinking about the midwest the midwest is as special of a place as there is for hunting big deer all right here he comes he's rolling that girl snap to the left all right here he comes he's coming all the way back across to the left as soon as he clears us a little bit of trees [Music] [Music] so great shot great job seriously all right that's a [ __ ] us two friends i don't know what to say it's what i noticed right off the bat long bean deer that's why you hunt kansas right there this is what it's about man [Music] and as you get older you know just like everybody wants to do they you know they start a family and then the next thing you know you got kids and you can only hope that everything that goes back to what your dad has done you can do the exact same thing and replicate that and pass it on just as he did when cooper and austin got old enough you know i never really forced hunting up on them but they saw hunting as what i was passionate about and they wanted to do that as they got older because dad was doing that and then yes it did and developed into cooper and austin both love and to hunt and and i started taking them and i don't have to kill a deer all i want to do is take my kids honey and for me the trophy is seeing their faces seeing i mean seeing cooper and seeing austin's little face light up whenever a doe a four point a six point walk into a field a turkey's gobbling on a limb and it's before turkey season and we're just out scouting and enjoying a good midwest morning you know in april and those to me are some of the special moments of being a deer hunter doing your part and making it a better place not only for the wildlife but for the next generation i'm joe white and i am obsessed hey i hope you all enjoying mossy oak moments it's still to me one of the coolest things out there every monday night and it's all free you know whether you're into whitetails or big game or waterfowl which ain't my cup of tea it's all good and it's all free we got some of the best people out there bringing this stuff to you and i don't care if you're into bow hunting or crossbow hunting or muzzle loaders or high power rifles whatever it is hey we're all in this together if you buy a hunting license and play by the rules we're on the same team great stuff coming up don't going away right now good morning we're uh headed to the tree since i think the uh 20th of october got rained out yesterday which we needed a good rain but uh first morning in alabama i'm not sure morning sits are going to be overproductive right now but like i said we got rained out yesterday so i got a hankering to get up in a tree we got an early start and broke the kayak all the way up in here for nothing [Music] heard some turkeys but i ain't seen no deers [Music] sit [Music] but not an antler to be seen [Music] areas that i found a big bed that i felt like was a bug bed during the summer no more action i slipped into this spot it's supposed to be a southeast wind it's more of a east northeast but we're kind of used to the wind being wrong so about to call it i haven't seen i think coming to you live from the reservoirs of alabama's most beautiful i like a good news reporter you think i'm going hunting i'm gonna put courtney in a good spot and then i'm just gonna take my saddle in the ghillie super walking off into an area we're down to about 10 or 15 minutes here the boat is in the water sitting back there i'm sitting here scratching my head figuring out what i'm doing because uh i don't have a lot of confidence different day same old tune it appears well it's time for the afternoon to see it really looking forward to not seeing anything this afternoon i just really cannot win [Music] well we're deer hunting again surprisingly i've had about enough fun for my morning i did not lay my eyes on a single deer i did lay my ears on a couple we are fixing to drop the boat in here and go up for an evening sit a glimpse of a small buck against that grass field over there top of the morning trying to get our last little field cup of joe here because it's going to be a brisk boat rack coffee's good get my energy warm before we take off things have gotten a little tricky because this hasn't been water well it's gotten daylight enough for us to catch up here daybreak has been nice and enjoyable anyways i'm kind of what i would consider on a little escape route or not an escape room but an escape destination so we'll see how it turns out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] man [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh man how crazy is that it's a really big they're right out here in front of me at probably 80 90 yards in a 10-pointer the eighth more maybe a little bit more impressive but they're sparring and pushing each other around they came in about an hour ago but then the smaller bucks that were with him i think are bedded right over here at about 50 in this little thick spot that i can't really see i paid more of them from standing up a while ago and feeding around but the big deer went back off in there man really that was eight four had a pretty good 10 pointer too i'm just like 30 yards off the mark [Music] we'll keep hanging out see if something slips up [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] um me [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] and there they go out of my life [Music] he was right there i need you to get the right [Music] oh man man that was close i had him dead to rights the wind's been out of the north all morning and about 10 o'clock it was supposed to switch out of the north northeast which puts it about this way which is still really good for this spot but that being said y'all know i've been watching these bucks all morning they showed up at about nine o'clock i think it was it's now 11 15. the small bucks bedded up right here in this little row about well it's 57 yards to my side of it because i had the big deer in a gap and the wide open at 57 56.4 yards i just ain't i just can't take that i'm not not being cold and shaking like i am and out of a saddle through the woods but anyway they sparred and pushed each other around over there forever finally walked in here where those young bucks were bedded that they came in with at night this morning they eventually fit across this little lane right here and at that time i switched the battery out on the main camera because it dropped down to like 28 minutes as soon as i got that battery clipped in there i looked up and i could see deer coming back toward me and the first one in was the 10 pointer and the big eight point was behind him well then all the bucks started filtering in the first thing i had a little spike come right through 28 yards and that tallest eight pointer the younger thin arms but tall nice to be completely honest with you if them two went behind him i'd probably just send an error through that one to be completely honest but with those two deer behind him i couldn't i couldn't do it well he's joined by two more eight corners which are just as good as i've got three eight pointers in a spike right here like anywhere from 32 to 28 yards i mean they're just nose to tail standing there right there [Music] well i look up and my big deer turns the big eight-pointer turns since here he comes i'm like oh thank god he's walking up and i've got the i've already put the main camera in the lane that i'm going to shoot him in he's going to be 28 yards and i see that little spike he goes walking and he can tell he smells something [Music] and i guess i still have enough smoke on these clothes to where he didn't freak out [Music] god i wish i'd smoked i'm good they didn't freak out he just kind of bounced back and then when he did all the deer just kind of bounced back and then they kind of bounced up the roadway there and that turned the big eight former around and they all just kind of bounced off i watched the young bugs bounce across the field and videoed the two the big boys kind of skirted edge here stayed in the woods that close that freaking close well coming up next we got the whitetail edge and you've heard me say before you got to go to keep that edge you know to me the edge especially in bow hunting you got to you got to work on stuff you got to go all the time some people don't need to practice that much you know there's a big difference in how people hunt depending on where they're from some northern guys man checking that list they got everything lined out everything's ironed everything's labeled some of the old boys i used to hunt with man they may grab their bow the day before season see if the broad hits sharp on their arm it's okay do what you want to do do it how you want to do it be ethical play by the rules we're all on the same team i'm trying to get the camera back on me here i'm still filming craziness i'm all shook up i don't know how big he is but uh he's a he's a keeper i wasn't expecting that this morning [Music] oh my gosh beast of an eight [Music] i can't believe what just happened i can't believe that that's so much fun yeah let's destroy [Music] just like that [Music] he was another 12 yards oh my gosh thank you lord hi and welcome to whitetail edge i'm ben rising your host and on this week's episode of whitetail edge we're joining my good buddy kenny bevins who's been with me for a long long time and kenny's back on the team here this year kenny's been filming me clear back to like 2007. you know i met him and james years ago and we've just became great friends and once i left the juries years ago kenny just kind of stayed with them and was helping them do stuff and this past year he just decided he wanted to be a little bit more free be able to do kind of what he wanted to do and i said hey you're more than welcome to you know film with us if you'd like to and so that's exactly what he did kenny has a good lease over in indiana the deer there sometimes they're there sometimes they're not and it's just a part of indiana that there's not like huge deer numbers there when the rut kicks in it seems like kenny's farm it's a lot of bucks running through the lease kenny's a lot like me he likes to monitor the deer you know he takes the spartan cameras he's putting them in strategic spots where the cameras are telling him when the deer is starting to move my name is kenny bevins i've been hunting with ben rising since 2008 we started off in with jury outdoors i was with him up through becoming a full team member in 2012. last year i got a late start i had left breweries and in september uh joined back up with ben juries was an awesome experience they're great people i learned a lot i got to fulfill a lifelong dream i wanted to come back i still talk to ben all the time i miss being a part of his family and coming to ohio and hanging out so i decided to still do time lapses for juries and do some other work for them but i wanted to go and hang out with ben again and be a part of his family and see what he had produced with a whitetail edge well my season started with whitetail edge in october had about two or three weeks before the rut was going to set in and sparking cameras i started getting some pictures of a 170 class booner on the south end of my property on the property line i don't hunt much well it is october the 24th and i'm hunting in uh central indiana at uh one of my leases i hunted here yesterday also so um i'm actually in the same stand i got a west wind it's kind of just stagnant air not moving very much maybe three or four mile an hour um there's like a low pressure system coming in but i don't think there's any rain forecasted but the deer are already on their feet it's around four o'clock i have a doe out feeding in front of me and also bumped a couple coming in so something's got them on their feet kind of early for this lease so anyway this is my second hunt of the year um second hunt for whitetail edge and ben we got a long history we went back 2008 good spartan trail camera pictures a couple days with a buck i'd never seen before i was doing a scrape line down this uh wood line that i'm on it's a cut soybean field but they're still coming out it was just cut last week so they're coming out and still feeding in it and he's scraping down this uh wood line so hopefully i can uh get a shot at him there's a couple other shooters also one's a big ten and one's a old nine year old that i have a history with so uh i've been here since before sunrise i'm just not doing an interview because it was cold and i didn't want to make too much noise because i'm right here where they're at yesterday i hunted this same area and i checked the cameras um i went and changed the tree stand came back down here to get the rest of my stuff and check the camera and 20 minutes after i got out of this uh redneck gilly blind a big buck that i'm after went right over right by where i'm hunting check to check the scrape and went up in the woods so that's my luck um sit here five or six hours and then 15 minutes after you get down he comes through so today i decided i'm staying dondell dusk there's a couple other shooters that i might go after if they come through but i really want to take a pop at him um got the uh prime bow ready and got the mossio black on for the inside the ghillie blind which is blind is awesome they haven't even no nothing's even come close to spooking with me today so got the black widow sent out to my right smell like a big p factory in here but it's that time november 2nd they're starting to move so we'll see what [Music] happens [Music] [Music] i'm freezing my butt off it's about 9 00 a.m it's about 28 degrees it's kind of windy cloudy leaves are falling everywhere this first time i've been able to do an interview i've had does and bucks all over me one of my shooter bucks i call him uh he was a half rack last year i passed him up a bunch in this woods he came through at 15 yards with a doe and i couldn't get the camera on i'm still filming trying to get the gopros on trying to get my tacticams on and the main camera on cost me another buck but that's that's the way it is when you're self-filming it's pretty hard when the rut's going on they're moving so quickly trying to get everything turned on it's it's very hard especially at a tree stand so anyway i don't think the does have popped yet because the bucks are still trying to nudge him along and then they eventually just fall off of them so this buck uh just now went over to my um west and uh just sniffing the ground and the does went off to my up east so i don't know this is about a 30 acre block of timber and uh my food plots are to the south but uh i'm just gonna sit here as long as i can it is very cold um so we'll see what happens i'm gonna turn the camera off save my battery and um hopefully i'll get a little bit more warning of him coming here a little bit the rut is full on um i should be in the hardwoods and hunting more mornings all day but uh it got down like 10 degrees this morning and i knew that that would probably push these deer down into this field all day and i was right as i came in i kicked a couple deer out of the field and no longer than 10 minutes i was setting up the cameras and three more came back in or eating the standing soybeans i have standard soybeans and i have some thoracics and then i have clover in two spots so this is the main feeding area for the lease and the spartan cameras last night this field was loaded up with deer and some of the big bucks that i'm after came in here so i'm hoping they'll come down in here snooping around looking for a doe that's in heat and uh will give me a close enough shot [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] so the buck just was not patternable as gun season starts in indiana it's always a scary time because it lasts two weeks and then one week off and then two weeks of muzzleloader and with the rut anything can happen and most your big bucks are going to get shot approaching november 16th which is opening day gun i still don't have a pattern on this buck i'm kind of just winging it i'm going to go in and hunt all day set up on the south end i'd move some redneck redneck blind and a couple stands down there and i was just going to camp out well opening day was very unproductive i had a lot of coyotes come through does but the good thing was there was no gunshots the 16th i'm hunting into central indiana it is opening day of firearms season this first chance this morning i've gotten to do an interview it's been had some deer on this uh standing soybean field in front of me i'm hunting a uh kind of a pinch point where there's a creek and a funnel that leads across the road to where some other people hunt so i'm hoping the the pressure will uh funnel some of these deer up through this area if not i'm gonna sit here all day and this will be a good evening spot i've already seen like seven or eight deer but none of them have been a shooter so i put the uh prime bow down for for a little bit and uh gonna enjoy the indiana firearm season it's not my favorite time of year kind of spooks all the deer and they don't act normal after this week so anyway i'm going to try to enjoy it sit tight i got the mossy oak going um hoping that uh i'll get a shot of this one big gut buck that i'm i'm after so if not there's a couple other ones i would take so just going to enjoy this nice day i go back out drive home i live an hour away regroup and i plan on going into a block of timber that i never go into as a sanctuary and i only go into it once or twice a year i have a stand set up in there that i don't even go in and mess with i knew it was good i head in the next morning it's cold at 22 degrees i'm just hoping that this buck shows up or a good buck at this point i'm self filming so the next morning was november 17th it's a very cold morning it's like 22 degrees but it was a bluebird high pressure system sun was out and i knew i was going into an interior bedding area that i don't go into very often i got the black widow acorn sent out as a cover i'd sprayed it on my boots and the does are all in there and i have a lot of does on this property and i just had to get in there hopefully i didn't bust them i get into the stand set up daylight comes it's a nice day calm and i have three or four does come in and they bed right behind me so they're 20 yards behind me i couldn't even get my camera on to spin it around and kind of get footage of them 8 45 i hear a gunshot it's my worst fear just right on the property line it's so loud about jars me out of my tree and for some reason i just knew that the big buck was dead so i sit down and i'm just waiting 15 minutes later i get a text and then i get a phone call my phone's on vibrate and it's the neighbor asking if he could come on the property he'd shot a big buck across the property and it had died on my property and he said it was a monster so immediately depression sits in misery i sat down in the stand and i asked him to send me a picture and as i'm sitting and waiting for the picture to come a doe just comes busting from my left and it's crashing through a hard timber and behind it is a mature buck big i can't tell how big but i knew it was a shooter so immediately i'm trying to turn on four point of view cameras i have two tacticams two gopros and then i have a main camera on a camera arm so i'm fighting to turn all those on and get my main camera on [Music] so [Music] right oh i just got one man [Music] i'm trying to get the camera back on me here i'm still filming [Music] craziness i'm all shook up i don't know how big he is but uh he's a he's a keeper he's piled up over there right now [Music] [Music] you see him right there he stopped put the hammer on him he barreled up went around and died about 30 yards from that stand and man i was shook up i mean i was kind of embarrassed of myself because my legs were shaking i couldn't control myself i'm trying to spin the camera around i'm fumbling with it i can't get anything to work and you can see me i'm just all shook up which after all these years i still get all shook up and it was just an awesome experience well i just got down out of the tree i'm gonna go lay my hands on this buck i don't know what it is it happened too quick for me to be able to uh really get an idea of which buck it is um i know he was mature after i was getting down i put the camera up so i could wouldn't break it getting down and two big bucks came chasing a doe through here knocking stuff down and so it must have been a hot dog brought all these in there he is man this self-filming stuff is hard to do unless i'm used to filming man he's nice buck's got a little character he's got a little burrow or looks like maybe a bug got in there during the velvet but uh man wasn't the best footage i filmed a lot better um but uh self-filming it happened i had just a few seconds to get all my cameras on and when you're still filming you got gopros uh tacticams and your main camera and then you're in the hardwoods where you can't really use autofocus a lot it's tough it's tough i had a couple encounters with the bow that uh i couldn't get it done i couldn't get everything on and i tried hunting more in the fields where i could use autofocus and it's just hard getting the buck to come in that close to you everything works out so i'm just thankful that uh i was able to get something on camera as good as it could be and i'd like to thank again ben rising whitetail edge for giving me a chance to be a part of his team i was with jury outdoors and ben ben introduced me to jury outdoors about 10 years ago and i filmed ben and then i he left to form whitetail edge and i stayed with juries for a few more years just doing time lapses and and trying to sell film and hunt and this year i came back to ben and he set me up pretty good with all his sponsors and i'm appreciative of it and i'd like to thank drury outdoors because they're the reason i got into filming to begin with and they were always nice and gracious to me and uh i'm really happy with the how everything's turned out so now the hard part getting this bad boy into a truck gutted by myself self-filming buddy [Music] i can probably imagine many deer's lives have been saved by people trying to film in the end it was my biggest indiana buck it was a sword 155 it was a great experience i was so happy to call ben give him the news and i'm just thankful for ben let me have an opportunity to be a part of whitetail edge and it seems uh it's i'm back home again it's a family setting camaraderie and um i'm just happy and thanks ben for letting me be a part of that so it's great having kenny back we really appreciate you watching this show kenny's the master at doing time lapses and you'll see this year and some of these episodes the time lapses that are coming through kenny's done almost every one of them it's just his forte he's done it for a long time and he loves doing it so we're glad to have kenny bevin's back on whitetail edge if you would subscribe to our youtube channel also follow us on facebook and instagram and we'll see you again next week thanks for watching whitetail edge right here on massio go [Music] all right we're gonna go visit with dead end game calls you know back when i started deer hunting calling you never thought about that for deer hunting it was no such thing now there's grunt calls and bleak calls and snort week calls and and not only do people use them they got video of deer doing those calls who to thunk it let's go check out the group from a dead end game calls maybe they'll call one up [Music] [Music] well on this week's episode of dead and game calls answer the call we're hunting on my home turf we're going to take my son mason and see if he can't put a swacker behind his shoulder using his bear constrictor crossbow of his first whitetail ever that was money i mean like when i say dead center of a target i mean it's dead center so zero to 30 yards i'm shooting the exact same pin and this crossbuster so flat that it absolutely dead center the target yep [Music] one all day long [Music] [Music] well now that we've got this platform built we've got to have some help to get it back there to the woods and put it up it's not going to be an easy task but with enough manpower i think we can make it happen well it's wednesday morning october 7th just got settled into the ground blind got everything ready to go we've got our brand new bear constrictor crossbow in here and we're hoping to get a little flyer shortly with a swagger on the end of it right through the shoulder with a big old white tail we've been watching a big eight in the big 10 point in here it's been frequently visiting but mostly nighttime pictures but at some point time hopefully they'll mess up we've got in real quiet real easy and uh we're ready to we're ready to rock are we buddy uh uh uh you got it [Music] hey should we click buddy i see him pull it over huh see the blood post do you see it red you got it all right look oh i thought i saw him going down but it wasn't him nevermind just leaves all right right behind the shoulder yeah it was too i'm good i'm glad i woke up yeah i am too i mean i love you buddy i love you that's what we've been waiting on that joker hadley that wasn't a big 10 or it wasn't a big eight but that's a nice six pointer in it especially for you first of all oh yeah that's pretty hey look first deer brand new ground plow brand new platinum brand new platform hey first deer or something special it doesn't matter if it's a doe if it's a spike or if it's a six pointer or if it's a mega giant we are thankful that the lord blesses us to be able to harvest and hunt these animals and we certainly couldn't do it without you it's a what a blessing i'm talking about from a small family-run business with dating game calls we are truly thankful for each and every one of you and i'm thankful to get to share these memories with you good deal and that's a memory oh forget oh god it's good oh come on you'll call mommy mommy hey buddy i killed a deer did you that's exponent good job buddy [Applause] gotta love it will you be careful today okay and i love you [Music] all right all right see you bye huh okay well let's just hold on here kay still haven't been asleep [Music] ready [Music] another good thing about a gopro don't you know where the boat's at yeah we re-watched that footage it went right [Music] but we looked for water yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] camera right there all right i know it went that way oh yep [Music] is that blood nothing that blood on that leaf all right keep going [Music] right there's more on that leaf right there some right there some right there some hey come around here keep going through here [Music] look up [Music] look where i shot him oh yeah you hit him good look at that still in velvet [Music] what do you think buddy boy you made a perfect shot on it didn't you yeah look at that shot jack first deer first buck ain't it and it has a velvet and it has [Music] well october 7th was a day that i will always remember it's a day that i watched my son shoot his first deer in the audio i don't know if you could hear it or not but my son wanted to make two phone calls the first phone call was to his mom the second phone call was to his aunt kay you see aunt k was special to our family and on october 16th we lost aunt kaye to kofit unfortunately she was not only a member of my personal family but she was also a member of the dead in game calls family she was one of those people that that when you met her for five minutes she automatically became a mom to you and it came to you and she had this smile the size of the earth it seemed like you know 8k will forever be missed in the day gamecost family she'll be forever missed in my family the one thing that my aunt k would want you to know though that she's in so much of a better place because she knew jesus christ as a personal savior you see one of these days we're going to get to have a great reunion with that k and the only way to ensure that is by knowing jesus and accepting him as your personal savior i'm thankful for a way to heaven because the way of the cross so this hunt this video it's in memory of my cane [Music] you know while you're watching all this whitetail deer hunting and you you see the guys are buttoned up nobody ever misses they got everything figured out they're in that right funnel they got the right wind everything they they see a big deer well you need to know it doesn't always work like that i've been producing television for a long time and usually what you see is the end result not necessarily what happened to get to that point so don't think these guys got all the best places they hit on it every single time i promise you when you're hunting deer in a while the struggle is real [Music] [Music] this is kansas we're down here for early muzzleloader season actually opens tomorrow morning down here hunting with a friend who i met two turkey seasons ago named mike burns world-class guy very successful guy mike really thrives on helping people out and just being an all-around good guy having josh come in this year was really special last year was a really tough year for me i was diagnosed with cancer went through all the normal cancer treatments i popped out of that in the spring and and thank goodness right now i'm in remission but it's really important that i could get have josh come back in and where i know that i was completely healthy and we could go out and have a good time even earlier this fall and i know what it's like to go hunt other places and again i know what they're expecting i know about the excitement for instance i had a hunt that i had booked with my son-in-law in september to go up to alberta and canada and do a moose and a bear hunt and i just really didn't think i was going to be able to go and my doctors even advised against it i literally ended up my treatment on friday we flew out on sunday it was rough but you know what it was an experience that i wouldn't give up for the world being with being with my son-in-law chance but having josh come back in this year was really special tomorrow is opening day of early muzzleloader season here in kansas it's a cool 90 degrees right now so deer just don't move a ton we're still going to see some early morning and late evening movement on food sources we're going to be real fortunate if we can connect with a nice buck this week but either way we're out here we're enjoying ourselves i'd rather be nowhere else on earth right now than sitting in the ground blind watching bean field hoping to watch some whitetails this evening it's going to be great no matter what happens it's opening morning of most water season here in kansas and we just had a big buck just kind of creeping through these this tall grass over here and we lost sight of them we think he better down right over there within 100 yards i didn't get a great look at them but just based on the little snapshot that i got of them looked like a good deer looked like a deer that i'd probably be really happy to shoot today holding up on stand right now to see if i can be convinced otherwise but i think we're probably gonna get out of here it's only eight o'clock right now but other than that big buck we saw moving early we have not seen a single beer this is an area that should definitely have some deer traffic so we're hunting an area right now that's got a bunch of native grass we're surrounded by woods with some steep ridges that drop off so it's your quintessential bedding area and transition area and staging area and so the hope is that we're going to catch some bucks staging here this evening [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know it's every hunt it's those like you get that one snapshot in your memory that really captures the whole hunt and watching this dude come up this trail with that other buck i'm never gonna forget that sight and it's like when the smoke rolled out of that muzzle loader it almost just kind of like was like the ending to a movie you know it was i wasn't even sure at that point if he was for sure down but it was kind of a fitting ending to the whole mystery that's whitetail hunting to tell you the truth there's nothing like it man these animals are just unpredictable and when you get a chance to connect with one it's a it's a special experience every time well it's uh fourth morning here in kansas been wanting to shoot a doe with a crossbow for meat help mike manage some deer here on this property he's got so many does and he definitely wants to reduce some of those numbers and it's a great opportunity for someone like me to help him out and put some venison in my freezer so it's early it's only about 15 minutes into shooting light this morning but with the hot temperatures the deer have been going back to bed real early so we were fortunate that we got an opportunity to get a shot on one of these deer before they head back to their bedding areas so i'm real happy i was able to shoot it with this mission crossbow it's a sub 1xr it was only a 40 yard shot i think i made a really good shot you can't even see that bolt flying through the air at all it happened so fast and zipped through that deer so i think it was a good shot but we're gonna play it safe we're gonna go try to find the bolt make sure the blood looks good on it give her a little more time and then roll back out here hopefully find her [Music] me every time i look at a cut of meat off an animal i've taken it's it's incredible to think about where this animal was especially something like this is just walking around hours ago out there and now it's sitting here on a cutting board and uh that's of course one of my favorite parts of hunting is just being able to enjoy the meat with friends and a lot of times i like to do that right away after the hunt so these inner loins you can even see they're a little bit different color than the rest of the meat they're they're more pink and lighter in color than like the back straps or anything from the hindquarters what i like to do with these tender little guys is cut them into very thin slices in this case i didn't have any oil to fry them so i fried up some bacon eat the bacon use the bacon grease for the oil some salt some pepper real thin slices just flash fry this bad boy and this allows you to literally eat the meat the same day as the hunt it's going to be a good meal friends are going to enjoy it it's a sweet way to go and it just doesn't really get much better well it was a good question you know why why do i have people out here well i've been building this thing for almost 25 years and pretty proud of what we've done we've got an incredible place and and i do enjoy sharing it but the probably one of the best things that i get are the relationships that i am able to build and the fellowship that i get you know with the past week of having josh in um you know when he walked through the door he gave me a big hug because obviously josh has been here before he's turkey hunted we've hung out together you know i've got to see him get excited you know when he sees the turkeys and so i just knew bringing him back into camp um it's not just like bringing in a client it's like having friends or family in and that's what it's really about if i had to just pick one word it's about the fellowship and then the memories that i'm able to build i don't always have to be behind the gun or behind the bow it's just being there and seeing how excited everybody gets that means an awful lot to me and my family that's why [Music] well coming up next we got straight hunting i love that because uh you know it may not be as will primos used to say no fancy edits and no stage scenes but it's good video stuff it all depends on what straight hunting is to you to me it's just finding the sign going after it checking the wind doing everything right and old school so let's go check out some straight hunting [Applause] it's the first afternoon here close to devil's tower wyoming it's september 1st opening day of bow season 2020 man this trip feels extra good our hopes are high for tonight we're just getting south got our safety harness on and we're already watching a gorgeous bachelor group about 200 yards away it's five or six different bucks and one of them's a definite shooter we're just gonna get set up when our hopes are high we already got a target with insight [Applause] just when you think you have a good thing going you just have a turn of events the farmer just moved in he's gathering a bunch of round bales off this alfalfa fields i don't know how this will play out but the deer is still here they just got they got pushed even farther away from us now they're several hundred yards away but it's still a lot of hours left in the day so we'll see what happens [Music] that was awesome nice pride three and a half year old 26 yards they're here but they've been pushed and dispersed and you name it so man what creates it though it's absolutely gorgeous opening day here at devil's tower wyoming with trophy ridge outfitters you couldn't ask for a better opening day but our target bucks hung in the shade line probably about 300 yards away what do you do just keep playing the game it's day one and five so a lot of ball left to play [Music] so last evening i'm ready to go the arrow is knocked and it's ready to fly we're sitting the blind we're back in here tonight and we've seen three different bucks come within about 50 or 60 yards of it where this bind is over the past three nights they think it's a hay bale and it's our blind so we're set up and ready to go should be good [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here comes our good deer big head coming [Music] [Applause] lord if it would be here we'll send that deer across that fence come on because this deer is not going to do me any favors [Music] our big buck the big eight is heading our way oh the big gate's fixing to come right through the cap make this easy on this big boy [Music] 84 heading our way [Music] is happening three he's coming in here come on come on where are you gonna be i'm losing my ankle i'm gonna shoot him over here 64 16. amen i missed i think i think he ducked it oh man i i'm telling you i shot a good shot i put it right on his heart 61 yards i know i haven't got to watch the shot yet and i replay but i'm really i did i did all i could do i really think if it was a still target i'd i'd hit close to if not the 10 ring but i'm highly certain he ducked my arrow and you know that's i can be to blame for that too because how low should you aim you never know i probably should have put it four or six inches below his heart but i did and i put 61 yards which is what he was right on his heart shot felt great but what do you do [Music] hey man i missed i think i think he ducked it hey well i hope you enjoyed aren't still enjoying what you're seeing on the mossy oak moments live you know as tim wells says big louie could step out at any time and i hope big louie or as ted nugent says the beast i hope one of them step out in front of you hey next monday same place right here seven o'clock monday night mossy oak moments live check it out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Mossy Oak
Views: 155,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mossy Oak Moments, Hunting Moments, Outdoor moments, hunting live, hunting livestream, hunting life, big game hunting, waterfowl hunting, hunting mix, outdoor mix, cuz strickland, outdoors life, fun outdoors, new hunting, hunting 2020, big game 2020, waterfowl 2020, new hunts
Id: vGw8emJVKuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 5sec (13265 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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