Live: 10.19.2020 Mossy Oak Moments

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey welcome back mossy oak moments live right here on mossy oak go every monday night how cool is that well you may be in the middle of your october lol october's never been a law for me man i love it i love seeing those leaves change kind of golden brown hearing those acres tip on the ground depends on where you're at but the mossy oak moments live it doesn't get any better than that we've got the best content and remember it's all free right here [Music] [Music] the feeling you get when you hunt these big deer i swear everyone that hunts whitetails has had at least one experience with a giant we all remember at least one deer that stays with us that keeps us up at night leaves us with memories so clear that even decades later we can still recall exactly what they look like if i asked you right now do you remember the biggest white tail you've ever seen you know you could answer me and that your answer would be as detailed as if it had happened yesterday this show is about that kind of deer welcome to giants christian what you thinking man for the afternoon i mean we had a great morning sit uh just didn't see one of the target bucks we were after but we got a couple other target deer we can uh i got a couple more cards we can go through at camp and we actually go pull a couple more but you think though this time of year being early december we may be able to dial back in on some deer back to where you had them before yeah then ones that were there early season they're kind of going back to their homeland i see and so uh and we'll go check those cards how much farther we gotta go before we stop get our first see what's on this guy here young buck young bucks and doe is that him that is him that's the deer you had in here before rut and he kind of disappeared yes look at the time man good night so he was there yesterday evening and he was there this morning this morning at 7 00 a.m i'm getting to go after him if you are let's do it all right let's go put a blind up slipping into our spot for the evening and we already got a little buck out there and we felt like we were on time too but they're moving early apparently i'm not sure how we're gonna slip in our blind without bumping him we may not be able to best i can tell it's just one deer so if we just bump him get set up man it should be a good evening they're already moving well we just got settled in our blind for our first day afternoon hunt it's around three o'clock good timing beautiful weather clear blue skies wind's perfect not nothing's gonna smell us out in front you got lanes out the left and two lanes out the front right here that we're hoping to catch deer moving through a lot of big bucks in this area man clear fork ranch north texas we're fired up thankful to be here maybe this afternoon we'll get a shot at a big mature deer so knowing that that big deer was on trail camera there and he had been to that spot several days in a row i was i was psyched man i was fired up anticipation level was high we go get set up for the afternoon and immediately we start seeing deer and then finally like the big mature old bucks always do he waited till the last little bit of light and he appeared from the right and popped out in that lane right in front of us from where that's him yeah basically see if you can put that back under my elbow perfect as soon as he turns and stops got him jody wait a second yeah he's gonna follow them deer back in we just gotta watch this little guy he's coming back coming back out he needs to clear just a little all right i can kill him right now right now ready give me a kick yes sir oh man thank you lord god gracious that's a big deer that trigger squeeze once forever oh my goodness gracious y'all good night feeling you get when you hunt these big deer i swear i felt good about it y'all [Music] we're fixing to walk up on the biggest deer i've ever shot christian with the sign that we're looking at right here do you there he is do you really there he's right there get this look at that texas whitetail oh my gosh holy cow good night dude man that is incredible just overall length everything on him giant tall tines tall brows that's the biggest deer i've ever shot [Music] unbelievable [Music] all right coming up we got victory outdoors i think those guys spent a lot of time in the midwest which is fun to look at that's kind of what deer hunting maybe ought to look like but hey if you're hunting a pine thicket if you hunt down in the southeast in a briar patch you may be in florida or you may be out west it's all good their stuff is all good check it out coming up next [Music] [Music] [Music] well this season got off to a red-hot start um it's pretty self-explanatory but all i have to say is i left with an empty quiver it's a super fun hunt check this out [Applause] [Music] yep let's hear us here one down i see that that's a big doe too [Music] yep [Music] there we go [Music] i know yeah [Applause] [Music] yep i am literally out of dough tags and i am out of arrows three does in like 10 minutes and we got and we got more deer we got a full days of work out of us that is one crazy first day it is it is 10-4 and everything is all right it's october 4th iowa my first sit three does down three arrows i see another deer there there's more deer coming but we've got that deer laying everywhere [Music] so after an outstanding first hunt um i struggled really i had the utmost confidence coming out of that first day hunt killed three deer with three arrows and um i mean i was as high as you can get on confidence but then i struggled um it was just a rough a rough year for me i had a really good couple really good encounters with some good deer i actually missed a nice 10 point wish i could have had that arrow back but it was kind of one of those things just didn't work out and but i was able to get my wife out you know she was actually filming me when i missed that one but then i was also able to get her out during i was early muzzleloader season and she didn't have a lot of time um we've got a um we've got a year and a half year old at home and so for us both to get out of the house and hunt took some strategic planning but we were able to get her out um for a uh early muzzleloader hunt we're hunting in iowa and it's early muscle loader season and we have a big eight point pattern on this farm and we've got trail cam pictures of him so we're hoping he'll walk by tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm kind of bad this buck is walking over now but i decided to shoot her because today is our last date on it and i decided some meat was better than nothing at all she was able to kill a nice dough an adult dough so another another doe for the freezer and that was awesome well made a great shot with my thompson center so i got a big i would do for the freezer for any of you guys that have followed victor outdoors you've got to kind of see natalie grow up in the in the outdoors a little bit and my stepdaughter she's got an opportunity to hunt some of the biggest deer some of the biggest turkeys in iowa and she's capitalized on those opportunities for sure and you know you know the one thing about it is is that we make sure that you know it's not always about just the outdoors you know she's a typical girl you know she she likes cheerleading she likes gymnastics she likes just going to the playground and hanging out she likes kayaking she likes doing all the outdoor stuff that we like to do as a family but she also at times is a girly girl but man i don't know if there's been another kid that i can think of that's been on a hot streak like she has i mean um these deer made her work for it this year it wasn't just go out on one or two hunts and she was able to uh put one in the dirt this time we had a lot of great encounters this farm is really its new farm to us we hadn't hunted it yet and so it's a it's a hay field surrounded by crp so we've got tall native grasses with a hay field in the middle and then you've got fingers that you know little fingers of timber that are that are beyond the um the crp but so these these bucks and and does all these deer were basically bedded you know in those drawers and in that crp and then they would make their way out into those alfalfa fields in the evening to feed and um the first the first night we saw a couple of good bucks but we just couldn't get a shot we just didn't have the shot opportunities they were kind of a little spooky um and and they were kind of running around and and um we just we just couldn't get her comfortable with a good shot but we did see some good deer you know she was she was finally i kind of was happy to have her finally have some adversity because she's had such great luck that i don't think she really understands how lucky she's been to have harvested the animal she has so to actually have her see some adversity and and respond well to it and still want to go uh you know was was good was a good sign [Music] again [Music] the right one to cooperate with us so hopefully for natalie [Music] um and so ian's filming this smaller buck and as you'll see you can see this bigger buck come right out of that tall grass or that crp and just come walking right in the frame [Music] definitely mature um pretty awesome because like i saw him i saw him coming through the crp and i'm like shoot her i knew right away it was a gear that we wanted her to try to take a shot at as he as he entered the field he kind of came out and kind of started working to the right and what we were trying to do is we were trying to make sure that we could get a good ethical shot so and so she's you know not quite ready not quite ready and the deer is kind of not really presenting the best shot but he's kind of working his way in and finally he presents a shot and she's able to uh you know when she was ready she's able to make that shot and um she made a great shot um and he ran off into the tall grass we knew we're gonna have a tough tracking job because if any of you have tracked and tall grass natives it is a chore but we were able to uh finally locate this deer and we did a little bit of a we we went ahead and got her up kept her up a little later than we normally do but she was excited the next morning to go out and see him again and take a few photos well it was awesome to be able to hunt that farm with natalie and you talk about a farm that just has a lot of good deer on it a lot of good genetics and she was able to harvest a great deer she was happy that was the main thing is i don't ever want her to get in a situation where she's not just an awesome end to what was a great season got off to an awesome start i had some low points but you kind of just gotta roll with those and i can't wait to get rolling with this next season because i'm more excited than ever [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right coming up next we got some homegrown experiences which are without question the best kind you know it's one thing to go off hunting somewhere with an outfitter or maybe go from the deep south to the midwest or out to texas that looks like africa but anytime you can have that special whitetail whatever it is experience close to home man it doesn't get any better than that mr fox hayes once said i believe the good that men do will live long after they're gone these words represent a calling for kentucky farmer and hunter austin musselman he has dedicated more than half his life into transforming his family's three-generation cattle farm into a homegrown sanctuary for wildlife join us as we follow austin and his team and watch them reap the rewards sown by decades of hard work dedication and love for one piece of land consistently harvesting giant whitetails is an accomplishment in itself to do it on your own land and to grow one of the largest whitetails ever harvested in the state of kentucky is in a league of its own these are their stories and this is how they do it welcome to homegrown you know i'm i'm the third generation of of this farm um you know my kids are obviously the fourth generation hope it carries on well beyond that but my grandparents got married in 1936 and you know they really weren't farmers at that time they lived in town my grandfather was in the whiskey business with a relatively small company back then and my grandmother's grandfather was from nebraska and he was a cattle farmer and uh you know way into shorthorn cattle so as a wedding gift he gave them a bull and a couple cows and you know they didn't have a farm they kind of knew some people that farmed so they didn't know what to do with it and uh you know have these old letters from the 30s of them riding back and forth you know kind of asking questions like how do we care for these cattle what do we do so they kept it out on a cousin's farm and you know they'd go out there and visit it and visit the cows and really start falling in love with the cattle and then checking out the land and they really loved the farm so they looked around and what they could afford at the time they bought a hundred acres out it's the original core of our farm so you know when we got the family farm and took it over from my grandparents uh you know it was really just amazing to me to see you know this old cattle farm it was just fescue fields and you know eroded draws and kind of beat up land that had been you know grazed for so long and kind of abused um you know and i saw it as a challenge to really kind of fix it back up on many levels and you know that curiosity of nature and seeing things change kind of it struck a chord in me that i could you know take this land and uh enhance it you know and and repair it um you know one of the first things we did was get most of the cattle off the property and just kind of intensely graze them in one area but [Music] it was just really i started understanding that this is like a canvas to me like a piece of art or someone starts with just a blank uh slate and then all sudden they you know can put a little of the base layers in and then start getting the finer details and things and and then when you step back from it look at it you're like wow we actually really created something you know i did what i could in those early years trying to make changes on the farm and i couldn't do it all by myself and i didn't have the wherewithal at the time to you know hire somebody to you know really work so i you know it was really nice when i found other guys that were interested in hunting and and the outdoors like i was and so todd glenn and i are really a nucleus of really what we're doing now and and it's just amazing when you get people with different skill sets and strengths how can you conform a team you know my grandfather had a little sign on his desk and it said not one of us as smart as all of us and i think we've developed this relationship of hunting and working together and the food plots and the whole program we're running is that collaboration of you know all of us coming together and and sharing that [Music] so [Music] you know to grow deer and to grow food plots and to grow turkeys and quail you know it's much like you know planting a garden and growing a tomato you know a home-grown tomato tastes nothing like a store-bought tomato you know harvesting the deer that you've grown yourself and you've had a relationship with you've found their sheds for three years you've tracked them with trail cameras and reviewed pictures and know that this deer has had its whole life on your farm and you're the one that's providing its food its cover uh watching it in the fields and you know it's it's anti-climatic really when you harvest the animal because it's the whole journey that led up to it you know and as i um hunt and i enjoy the land and i'm out there and i um you know i'm doing all these things that i've changed the land i've planted these things and seen it evolve over years you know as i look back at it now after decades of doing it you know and i thought what i was doing was changing the land i was making it improve and grow but inside it was really growing me opening day and opening week here it's just it's really special you know you've been waiting so long since last year hunting and you know it's finally arrived right there at that that magic time you know these other kind of look up and he just appeared in the view that's him you know coming up we got shooters which in itself means i guess shooter bugs so what's a shooter bug depends on your attitude depends on the place you're hunting you know i've seen people get rattled at deer this big i actually saw a guy one time witnessed this with my own eyes way back in the day we were making a deer drive this guy emptied his lever action 30-30 had a deer about that big i could see him rail on the next ridge never pulled the trigger couldn't believe it and i walked over and he said man i missed that thing five times the gun never went off he ejected it just like that so i guess a shooter well it depends on the eyes of the beholder coming up next when you see them you just know no wavering no calculation no wondering or moment of doubt nothing but cold buck fever and the hope that you can hold it together they're not the deer of next season or at any time down the line they're the deer of right now planting scouting waiting until the time was right that work is done these bucks say the eagle has flown and payday has arrived these are the [Music] shooters just got up in a tree opening in kentucky helping early here september it's kind of weird to get all my stuff out start thinking about the era but it's on now hot not enough on my own farm and uh this really the first time i wanted it hard this year i've had it for three years i've never taken a buck on it got a bunch of food put in it's about 10 acres of corn here and about 20 acres of beans there he's a man dude that's the closest i've ever been to that but man what a deer it's a lot different when you uh when you're hunting on your own dirt i mean i've i've watched this deer i've seen him half a dozen hot times on the hoof in the past three years it's really different when you you get to know a deer and try to figure him out where he beds where he feeds who he hangs out with what his habits are and then getting him on the ground with a bow opening day that's magic something special we've got an idea where this buck's in but this whole draw kind of makes a turkey foot right here there's three three draws from the right one from here we're sitting right in the intersection that's what i like about this [Music] and it comes down [Music] there's two or three of them [Music] they're looking at something [Music] he's right i've got that doe right between us i gotta let that dough clean he's standing right there it all come together and he's down right there oh yeah what i'm talking about right here baby i'm waiting a year for this moment right here i look at the time look at this mass on here not even another point out here see what he's even got a little sticker busted off back here it's not all about just taking a deer but when you find one you want like this oh man i couldn't be prouder i'm headed the house show katie i got him [Music] so it's uh it's 3 15 we've gotten in here we got the wind in our face we've got a great wind it's a big field it's 4.9 yards to the other end of it so we're just gonna sit here and wait [Music] now [Music] there's an old deer [Music] there he comes that is a horse up here here we go [Music] what a glorious animal [Music] oh my goodness what a gorgeous animal i'll tell you i don't know what to say thank you i just that just means a lot to me we're set up here this evening it's four o'clock now we got in here kind of early down below us we've got a pond we've got pope jaws going up both sides of us a wheat field in front of us about a mile we're hoping that we can catch these deer filtering down towards the wheat field [Music] there's deer in this deer there's a towel wait a minute there's a bug there's a bump back in the woods right back here oh my gosh he just ran back into the woods chasing that doe he's gonna come back out here i just got to stay ready and watch here we got two good looks at that deer and he came out followed that doe once thought i was going to get a shot at him and turn around back into the woods find that doe just seen defenses of them since the end there's a deer there's a deer that's him that's him let me take him oh man good buck good buck that was a shooter right there i thought we was done look back down there and he was in open i don't know where he came from and it's starting to worry me a little bit i'm not finding anything i think we're just going to back out of here real quiet and let this deer lay for a little bit [Music] and he was headed to water good day what a deal my goodness look at this look at this deer good nice man awesome he's got kickers look at that mass lord he carries his mass all the way out dark antler that is pretty pretty big old but thank you for letting me oh yeah i appreciate it don't get to do that very often anymore gotta sneak out there as a muzzleloader [Music] well coming up next we got straight hunting i love that because uh you know it may not be as will primos used to say no fancy edits and no stage scenes but it's good video stuff it all depends on what straight hunting is to you to me it's just finding the sign going after it checking the wind doing everything right and old school so let's go check out some straight hunting [Music] oklahoma is known for producing some pretty big deer but you know different parts of the state you get a lot of different critters quality caliber critters it's just you know not knowing it i was kind of excited to get out here and start seeing some of the trail camera pictures that justin had like man that's a big deer living in the midwest you get a little bit spoiled looking at giant deer all the time and uh i guess some guys get the kind of thinking that that's the only place where big deer live that ain't right they got big deer here [Music] all right we're back at that same lake set that we were at this morning it's a cool set it's like a valley across here we're looking back to the west and uh we saw a big deer this morning he was up on the ridge line at first i thought he'd gone away but he ended up feeding down to the bottom of the valley we just couldn't get a shot at him nice deer though but uh thinking maybe he bedded up somewhere up there's a draw that goes up back behind the lake i think it may be he bedded up there somewhere hoping maybe that he'll turn around and come back down it's a little bit of a poke outside lake it's about 250 yards but hoping maybe he'll come back out it's you know peaks it right here but hopefully we can get him so this this place property we were hunting was a little over an hour from the lodge so rather than drive all the way back to the lodge and then drive all the way back again they've set up a couple wall tents out there and they justin's wife brings lunch over there and we had an awesome stew and they got a little stove in there and it took me about i don't know maybe 35 seconds to fall asleep in that chair i found him he's sitting out here in the sunshine i'm on the beach dude i sat there thinking about that deer and then we talked about going back and i thought man i don't know you know he's passing through there it's the rut justin and mr jerry are like you gotta get back in there same spot there's a good chance that deer will show up so first deer we saw you know i wasn't even paying attention honestly jody running the camera he said hey is that a deer right there it was early it was like 4 45 i wasn't ready at all and i was like yeah that's it i put the binoculars up it's that same buck dude that's that big that's that that's him that's that big buck this morning he's right there that's the same deer oh that is a big deer i can't believe he's back here all right he's turning i'm gonna take him right here okay that one got him i can't believe that i can't believe that happened that's the same gear from this morning [Applause] he went they went right up they came around the same draw that he just went up this morning man he's big that is a big white tail he came they went up that draw this morning and made a scrape right at the edge of that where he could last i mean he came out the exact same place check it out right there ladies look at that deer oh my god look how big he is what a giant i can't believe that deer he's he's way bigger than i thought he was and i thought he was big look how long his times are that is a that's a beautiful white tail man they don't get much prettier than that what a dandy look at that buck my goodness god man i love doing whitetails we gotta get this guy by this whole fork it's dark [Music] all right coming up now we got the obsessed you know i was on there last week talking about my obsession with texas and bow hunting and all that and that's cool you know to me obsessed is just another word for passionate and anytime i say i say passion trumps everything if you're obsessed you'll learn you'll do better you'll try harder let's see who is obsessed this week the word obsession encompasses the mindset of everyone at mossy oak we obsess over hiding from chasing and conserving the critters we pursue in this episode we dive into the drury family and explore their obsession with the outdoors and whitetails [Music] this is the obsessed you know i guess growing up as a child mark and i being brothers were 10 years apart so when i really kind of got into the hunting thing at an early age you know 10 11 12 years old hunting squirrels and hunting rabbits our uh our grandfather had a farm uh our mother's farm actually where she grew up and he was the one that kind of got us started or got me started particularly on on hunting rabbits and squirrels and whatever you killed is what you ate you know they went through those depression years where there wasn't much that went to waste you know the skin basically or the hide was about the only thing that didn't get eaten and i think that's kind of how we got our start and the passion of hunting really unfolded from our grandfather on our mom's side after time passed you know all of a sudden we both found out that we were very very passionate and obsessed with literally the same exact thing we couldn't couldn't spend enough time in the woods we couldn't learn enough we were very very open book and open mind we wanted to learn every single thing we could about harvesting a whitetail at that time we were hunting in a club called the 40 acre club you had to have 40 acres to either join or you had to buy a section that included 40 acres so we spent a lot of time there growing up and really got hooked on whitetail hunting and we're really trying to understand as much as we could about whitetails and then fast forward even a few more years uh you know we got the relationship with mossy oak and and things just evolved from that point going forward mossy oak is a huge part of of who we are and what we do it really defines us and it defines our history because in my opinion that's where we got our start that chance meeting with taxi hayes in natchez mississippi he walked over to me one day and i was sitting there i was lucky enough i had won the world voice calling championship i'm sitting there doing an interview with bobby cleveland of the clarion ledger and i was sitting there talking to him and toxi like mid-interview walks over and he goes hey hey young man i just want to know what camouflage you're wearing or what camouflage you prefer to hunt in and i didn't know toxie i didn't know what he looked like you know and i looked at him and i paused for a second i said well i just mail ordered uh a set of mossy oak bottomland because i saw it in turkey call magazine and i think it looks incredible and that's what i'm going to be wearing he said well i'm toxic he's the inventor and i'd like to talk to you when you get done with this gentleman right here so that's how it started from that day forward our relationship blossomed and we became part of that family it was one big family uh the way they treat people the way the uh i'm i'm gonna say toxies maybe his values in life and what he values in others it's integrity it's loyalty it's trustworthiness it's about doing the right thing it's about conservation all of the elements that we had as people growing up and it came from our grandparents down to our mother and father down to us that was the exact same values that they had at moscow the relationship started it blossomed it continued on to this day we would not be doing what we're doing today if it wasn't for that relationship with mossy oak i think one of the most enjoyable things that we've been a part of within our company's history you know we're nearing our 30th birthday so that's a long time me and brother terry we're getting to be the old guys right and to see taylor's involvement and matt's involvement it's been a blessing and something that's been very rewarding when i was in college i was always interning for mark and terry and finally my last semester i came home for a big award show that we have every year and mark asked me and goes hey when you graduate would you like to come work for me and uh and your dad and we'd love to have you you know and at that time i really didn't know what i was gonna do and so i took the job offer and it really set me down a path in life that looking back it was there all along and i didn't even know it now that i'm i'm almost done with college and i've kind of taken a different route within the business and as i take on more duties and responsibilities i have matt teaching me obviously dad and uncle terry never stop being stewards of the land and so therefore matt and i are in a very good position it's very enjoyable to be around those two and be a sponge whether it's from the hunting side of it or the business side of it they are two of the greatest role models that we could ever ask for mark and i learned at a very very early age that we were both and maybe this is the reason we're still in business together we're both extremely extremely analytical and to us chasing a whitetail and our turkey and and some of the other big games out there is the ultimate chess match and that analytical side to us is part of the reason that we're successful in hunting uh because we're never ever satisfied with our own results we always want to excel we always want to do better we always want to help someone else do better and we want to try and share in the information and helping someone else but that analytical side on what does it take for a whitetail to actually get up on their feet during daylight hours and come to a position within 20 yards to where you can you know get it get a big deer on camera and i'm talking about a mature whitetail you know that is the part that i love the most about hunting i think um like the crowning jewel in terms of deer hunting is targeting an animal and then trying to play the chess match to the point that you end up seeing that animal and maybe even getting the opportunity to take that animal and ultimately sit down with your friends and loved ones and share a meal that that animal provided and for me it really takes it to the next level when that animal is at an age class that they are almost impossible to hunt when they get to that six seven eight years of age i mean there's just a trigger inside of me when i see one it's just uh it puts a smile on my face because you you sit there and if the wind's right and he's on natural movement and you get to view his him doing his thing in his environment he doesn't know you're there i mean that that's pretty cool trying to describe the word obsessed or obsession is rather difficult because there's so many different underlying things internally you know we talk about passion we talk about obsession we talk about being addicted to the outdoors there's many many things that are involved but the easiest way to describe it is you get up every day and you think number one how can i be a better person how can i be more involved in the outdoors how can i be more instrumental in conservation how can i treat my neighbor with respect and maybe first and foremost how do you treat the game or the quarry that you seek with respect that is an obsession to me for me you know you can learn and you can enjoy the moment but experiencing the circle of life first hand is the most incredible opportunity and experience i wish everyone would experience it to feel that connection with nature and their food but you just you can never replace that feeling of sitting down with your family eating that organic meat and knowing exactly where it came from without having to go to the grocery store what it means for me to be obsessed is to get out here connect with nature get away from the office get away from my computer from the phone and that daily grind of an office job and just connect with nature and that is truly obsessed i think obsession really any obsession chooses you you don't necessarily choose it you may have an interest and somewhere along the line that interest gets peaked and then it turns into an obsession and for us our obsession is the outdoors we grew up in the midwest and turkeys had our hearts early on and of course whitetails came along as well and we do a little bit of big game hunting some elk some mule deer but at the end of the day we are literally obsessed with wild turkey hunting deer hunting and the conservation that surrounds those two animals uh by and large if we're not hunting we're thinking about hunting if we're not thinking about hunting we are out there trying to make our land better we have a saying you either find a better spot or you make your spot better and we're all about making all those spots better absolutely love the land love walking on it love making it better growing habitat where it didn't once exist putting a food plot in seeing it rain watching a mature watching a whitetail deer walk out there and eat those are the type things that take the obsession to the next level it's not just about going out there and harvesting an animal it's about seeing the cause and effect of what you've done to the land how it affects the population that's where the obsession takes it to the next level because i eat sleep breathe and drink it and man i don't know what i would do if i didn't have that obsession i'm mark drury and i'm obsessed i'm taylor jury and i am obsessed i'm matt drury and i'm obsessed i'm terry drury and i'm obsessed all right we're gonna go visit with dead end game calls you know back when i started deer hunting calling you never thought about that for deer hunting it was no such thing now there's grunt calls and bleak calls and snort week calls and and not only do people use them they got video of deer doing those calls who to thunk it let's go check out the group from a dead end game calls maybe they'll call one up all right well we're about 15 miles from where we're meeting up with jeff davis who is the owner of lost shed lodge and uh he's got everything set up ready to roll for us so done with the driving just drove back and forth to kansas and drove up here i'm ready to get out let's fly taylor's with me hopefully get us a good video and i don't know what get it [Music] sweetheart so we got here a little earlier uh waiting on the rest of the guys to get back last time me and taylor climbed up the tree i back strapped about 160 inch eight pointers he's making me shoot to make sure [Music] as long as he's at 20 we're good [Music] so [Music] all right it's uh opening morning here in ohio we decided not to push in this morning we didn't want to booger anything up because it's going to be way better in the evenings but we're up riding around glass and jason jj they got a big buck that they're checking out now so but we're just going to take it easy this morning to ride around see what we can see out in the fields [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] all right we just went out this morning rode around couldn't see a whole lot because it was something foggy but the uh saw a couple small bucks three or four does but we're gonna just get everything ready and get in this season because most of the pitchers and everything we got tells us to be in the stand this season so we just want to get ready and why can we stack them a seed all right i'm not situated first evening it's a farm here it's kind of surrounded by a sanctuary you got another farm that butts up to it that the people don't allow any hunting and town is just like right there um so i guess we're hunting city deer today but but this is one of the only areas in here that allows hunting and this guy is a farmer who you don't have any love for him because he gets a lot of crop damage because nobody hunts around them so we're hoping that works in our favor today it's about 80 degrees so we're just taking our time easing in we're just walking this bean field going down here this point we're gonna set where there's about three or four trails that wore out they all intersect come out in this point at this main field so when i want to get all hot and sweaty so i'll just walk a little bit a little bit [Applause] we understand we're set up we got an area where they're funneling through the straw it's pretty thick and early early spin field we basically got a shot in front of us in one shot behind us we got to be on our toes winds changed on us a little bit it's not perfect but we uh sprayed down and we sprayed and we prayed now we're going for the best well we finally got our first action we got four of those come out of this corner which is kind of an answered prayer because the way it changed and early open so you come from the left next those toes just walked out so maybe a good point foreign [Laughter] so hopefully big boy does the same thing it looks like it's a six pointer looking down now let's go can you see any other ways are you sure good shots [Music] oh man that thing right [Music] blood look at that blood dano look at that blood [Music] bam [Music] well started out we went very optimistic because the the wind was horrible it was blowing right toward where we thought they were going to come from and it died down this evening some does come in they walked off thought heard something behind me and turned and looked and this old bruiser come walking in there he's just a cool cats man thank you man thanks man yes sir that's awesome awesome yeah he's a i like the big ones but also like the old mature ones i mean well it's early the next morning we got him out got him set up getting some pictures made um but it was just a cool whole thing last night was we was joking about when when you least expected that's when something happens and we kind of didn't give up on that night because the wind and everything else and he just popped up out of nowhere but he's no warrior he's got scars all over his face cars in his ears one eyes about a big cut on it he's just an old bruiser he was checking his teeth and stuff out and everybody gets to be right around seven years old so love these old mature bucks [Music] well special moments and special memories made this morning with mason's first deer not only was it his first deer it's also his first buck times that we'll never forget but we wanted to thank you thank you for your support and love for dead end game calls and the ministry behind it also we'd like to say thank you for watching our show answer the call it is truly a calling that each one of us has in our lives that the good lord has put and dwelled upon us and we're truly thankful that he has well coming up next we've got the whitetail edge and you've heard me say before you got to go to keep that edge you know to me the edge especially in bow hunting you got to you got to work on stuff you got to go all the time some people don't need to practice that much you know there's a big difference in how people hunt depending on where they're from some northern guys man checking that list they got everything lined out everything's ironed everything's labeled some of the old boys i used to hunt with man they may grab their bowl the day before season see if the broad hits sharp on my arm it's okay do what you want to do do it how you want to do it be ethical play by the rules we're all on the same team i was doing an interview earlier i caught a glimpse of him coming up and it was so tough because he was on the wrong side of me for a camera when you're self filming you only have so much movement camera arms on this side on my right side and he came in on my right side literally shot the deer at 15 yards [Music] i wasn't expecting that this morning [Music] i can't believe that that's so much fun [Music] then you drop them just like that he was another 12 yard oh my gosh thank you lord hi and welcome to whitetail edge episode three of season five as you can see every week we're bringing you some great deer hunts and this week is no exception as we join my good buddy kyle kinsey here in ohio as he's after a big deer he calls dkm this deer was on kyle's feeder every night all summer long every night i mean it was crazy the problem here in ohio right now is everybody baits and if you're not baiting deer anymore it's hard to even have them on your farm because they're just altered by this bait so we've had to conform to that a lot and actually you know feed on our farms we aren't always always hunting over bait um but we got to have something and big time has become that something for us it's really kind of just it keeps them deer around it keeps them healthy you know you can monitor the deer and that's what kyle did with dkm now kyle had to get improvised you know me and him were sharing maps over the phone one night you know he was getting frustrated and i'm like look dude you just gotta chill because that deer's there he's being seen he's moving he's on his feet he's just you know this older deer when they lose their velvet they change and so me and kyle was looking at the map discuss an area and a process of where we think he could kill that deer kyle slid in one day hung a stand in the right spot when we talked about he caught this joker coming back and it's a great hunt i mean this is a big deer you know kyle's biggest by far and just so happy for him so sit tight and just watch the story unfold with dkm and kyle kinsey i started getting uh decent pictures of a buck the end of mma going into june and i could tell at the end of his beam you had something goofy going on so i was following these three deer monitor on my spartan cameras all summer long at the redneck feeder and they're hitting it every single day morning afternoon evening they're there all the time well it's monday it's labor day and got my good buddy wyatt over here just set up the redneck tower blind let me tell you it was not fun but we gotta overlook it now biologic radish and uh maximum new zealand maximum plot [Music] got some big deer coming into it so hopefully this is mainly set up for my stepdad and my son hopefully we can get one of them on a big deer this year on this plot and this new this new tower and a gilly line but it's kind of open but with that gilly it really blends in good to the background so see what it does and uh season's just right around the corner end of this month first night of season decided to go in see if we get dkm killed [Music] whoa this is the first day of archery season i got javen behind the camera tonight and uh i've been waiting for this day for pretty much all summer i've been watching a buck called dkm and i call him dkm dropkick murphy because uh when he feeds on my redneck feeder he kicks it all the time and he has a big gnarly drop beam but he's been pretty regular a lot of daylight pictures of him right now a lot of right before dark pictures so it's dry and it's hot it's like 90 degrees and where we're setting up is on a downhill side of his bedding trying to catch him from his bed to feed and we've got a water hole right here too as hot as it is hoping he comes to the here [Music] oh [Music] full of sounds [Music] is [Music] pictures of that deer this year i measured it right there [Music] feel the cold wind on my face [Music] i'm skipping stones into [Music] driving [Music] i [Music] we had an encounter with tex they're about 50 yards he ended up winning this at night didn't get didn't get a shot at text he headed to the grain fields and walked out of our lives so i gave it a couple weeks and started monitoring the spartans again seeing what dcam was doing and he just had totally went dark hey guys it's uh october 19th and it's a red moon phase tonight and hopefully that means that we're gonna get my dear gracie up and running around today's also sweetest day so it's pretty sweet to be in the redneck blind with honey hopefully we can get it done today [Music] see [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] um [Music] hi ben rising here with black widow deer lures on our show whitetail edge we're always looking for that one little thing to get the dupe on a big buck for [Music] oh my gosh that's him i'm gonna just freshen it up just a little bit with some branch butter all right all right i smoked him dude black widow deer lures never brown or broken down [Music] so i had vacation coming up for rut i was getting frustrated we looked at the map kind of figured out what we thought the deer was doing on his travel pattern two days before my vacation we got a big rain and i slipped in there and hung a set for that deer so i went in and freshened up a scrape with some black widow scrape master and hit the limb above it with some branch butter and then i made some adjustments to my stain and i got out of there the day after the rain we had real high winds i knew the deer weren't going to move so i didn't bother hunting so the following morning the winds were supposed to lay down that pressure was up the deer were going to move you know the second day of the red moon and it was that time of year it was november 1st i mean they were on their feet and i crawled in the tree about one o'clock and it was on fire when i was getting in the tree you know i had bucks running around me as i was going in and i was up in the tree it finally got settled in deer running all over the place wow it is november 1st my plan was to hunt this morning but we had some pretty nasty winds come in last night and they were calling for high winds all day well of course the weather ban was wrong so i slept in it's actually a good morning to hunt but i just got in here about a half hour ago and i have been covered up with young bucks running does it's a sweet november we've been all we've been waiting for all year and you're on dkm he's still around he's traveling a lot i've got some information from some neighbors i've seen him so just keep my fingers crossed i got 10 days out this deer so that's crabby he just showed up about two weeks so i'm self filming and i'm fil i'm doing an interview talking to the camera and i look up and i see tines about 100 yards away into the pines so i throw my binocs up and i look and it's dkm that's why i 100 solely believe in the phase system because i phased up before i got here and set lock because every single deer so far has been directly down over me and they have not even thought about smelling me i mean i don't know what's to say i mean i just proved it with all these deer and i just filmed it i haven't been spelled once i mean i got some black widow hanging out but you'll never be able to fully fold a deer's nose right now they're not paying any attention oh boy money he's coming this way so i just stay calm watch him see what he's going to do and i'm filming watching him and he goes up and he's checking the bedding area on the backside of the bedding area he had the wind to his favor and i'm still filming just trying to relax see what he just watching him just see if he's going to go up in the bedding if he's going to come to me well he starts to hit a scrape and he's raking the trees and i was like you know what i'm gonna throw some grunts out or some bleeds at him and i picked up the extinguisher and hit two bleets and he flipped at his head and he come i mean just dogging nose to the ground walking towards me i'm still calm um [Music] hmm oh my gosh just got done talking about it smoked him oh my gosh i smoked that oh that was the hardest i mean i didn't know what to say i ain't nothing holy crap oh just trying to get my gopro on because i seen him coming for a second angle i didn't care i didn't care don't care oh i didn't see him thought and hear him fall if he's dead now he's going to be dead tomorrow so i just left him alone [Music] well it's november 2nd the morning november 2nd and we're in here i was in here last night and i had an encounter with dkm at 450 and i put an arrow in him um [Music] the shot in my mind was questionable when i seen it you know we replayed the footage last night and looked at it and i thought it was the right choice just leading away so i got the crew here today dave's on the camera got wyatt max and uh landon troyer and i brought dog along and uh we're gonna go in here we left him late all night didn't bump him we're gonna go see if we can pick up the blood and get on him here [Music] [Music] well we just found the arrow on this blood trail it's kind of spotty but we're finding blood i'm actually starving around see there's a plenty in him so hopefully he's laying right over the hill because the last point i seen last night just been ducking over the hill and then just got out he's dead wow good job baby i mean when i when we found that deer i was ecstatic i mean biggest the biggest buck i'd ever kill i dreamed of killing a buck like that you know since i've been bow hunting you know i worked so hard for this deer and it it all just came together i mean a plan to finally come together it was just emotional it was i was excited you know just so happy oh i'm pretty sure it doesn't look like it's tried to poke out there or what is that yesterday was november first you know we had a big temperature drop weather was perfect you know high pressure blue skies coming into a red moon and i got in a stand at 1 30 and uh everything just felt right about yesterday i saw 14 bucks chasing does and you know here we come dkm at 50. i shot him you know he's quartering two after watching the footage i was like i'm leaving him lay overnight and uh here he is november 2nd the next morning and the deer didn't go 150 yards and we found them major factor was the weather change you know coming in from a rain into high high winds and then low temperatures were coming the next day and the winds laid down so i knew that pressure was up the deer were going to move it was the second day of the red moon and it was that time of year it was november 1st i mean they were on their feet so looking back you know you couldn't ask for any more you know i saw 14 bucks the the union i killed him you know the weather was perfect [Music] everything just came together i mean it was a beautiful november first evening and it just happened to work out and i shot a dream buck you know the biggest year i've ever killed and i couldn't be any more happier so i told you what a great hunt you know i'm so happy for kyle i wish i could have been there to experience the recovery and be there with him kyle's one of my best friends but i couldn't be because i'm in kansas and an explosion is going on in kansas that you're about to watch next week on episode four so stay tuned for one of the fastest hunts that i've ever had but man is it epic and it's a very proud moment of mine and it's going to show you just how awesome the prime bow the black eagle arrows are watch us on the massio go that's where we land first it's a great app support the hunting community but again if you haven't subscribed to youtube we still need it follow us on facebook and instagram and again like i always say without you the viewers whitetail edges nothing so thank you very much for tuning in we hope you're learning a lot because that's our goal it's not about us it's not about individuals trying to promote themselves to the industry of being the best deer hunters we're literally trying to teach you guys you know what we look at when it comes to harvesting big deer and you know it's very important to us to try to help you to gain that knowledge and that's what we're about so follow us on social media and again thanks so much for watching whitetail edge all right closing out the block we got the boys from pale horse productions high quality short film stuff placed close to my heart i love it you may see some fancy edits in this one let's see what they got going this week from pale horse productions [Music] when dad first started looking after this place in 1980 there were no rules uh as far as harvest rules you could shoot any deer you wanted to shoot every buck that was seen out here was shot mom would have something to do and dad was supposed to watch me but he wanted to go hunting so i went with him when i was eight years old killed my first deer he'd be short sleeve short sleeve barefooted and 30 degrees outside now he's just jacob being jacob [Music] well we pretty much grew up together so [Music] i think i was three months old whenever i moved to the plantation [Music] and jacket was maybe two or three or so [Music] started out with the bb guns and the shooting 22's and there wasn't a blue jay or a squirrel around here that didn't have a feather missing out of it or something i hunted hard i know every morning every afternoon every weekend except for maybe one or two i don't think jacob missed a date i think he enjoys the part of the of seeing from year to year what the bucks do he knows every deer just about by name almost as far as what's going to be a cold what's going to be one it's going to be a trophy he likes that he likes to figure that out he likes to see what's coming next [Music] around here the season could be year round you know hogs during the off season turkeys in the spring and you've got [Music] deer when i get down from the stand i have to return 20 phone calls and then i have to rush to go to work to get everything done get everything done where i can go back that afternoon as well [Music] the reason why i go that hard is because i can't stand not being out there if i've ever missed a morning for an afternoon hunting i feel like i might have missed something good and that's just what i've always done [Music] [Music] everywhere you go you're there for a reason and you don't know what that reason you may not ever see but on down the road you can look back a lot of times and see what the plan was reason here but there's a reason i'm here and and i'm thankful i was able to cross this path [Music] and it has been it was just been an awesome experience no joke a very awesome experience [Music] so [Music] [Music] um it went from you know fun exciting to shooting to you know shoot as many as you can to hold up a little bit let's think about this what we're doing for our kids um you know that's gonna be doing the same thing we were doing 30 years ago [Music] and so it's just a big cycle that's what it is and i hope they have as much fun as you know we do or we did hey well i hope you enjoyed yet another mossy oak moments right here on moscow go how cool is that every monday night you can sit through this you can't hunt in the dark anyway at least you ain't supposed to and remember it's always free right here on mossy oak go see you next week [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey welcome back mossy oak moments live right here on mossy oak go every monday night how cool is that well you may be in the middle of your october lol october's never been a law for me man i love it i love seeing those leaves change kind of golden brown hearing those acres tip on the ground depends on where you're at but the mossy oak moments live it doesn't get any better than that we've got the best content and remember it's all free right here [Music] [Music] the feeling you get when you hunt these big deer i swear everyone that hunts whitetails has had at least one experience with a giant we all remember at least one deer that stays with us that keeps us up at night leaves us with memories so clear that even decades later we can still recall exactly what they look like if i ask you right now do you remember the biggest swat tale you've ever seen you know you could answer me and that your answer would be as detailed as if it had happened yesterday this show is about that kind of deer welcome to giants well christian what you thinking man for the afternoon i mean we had a great morning sit uh just didn't see one of the target books we were after but we got a couple other target deer we can uh i got a couple more cards we can go through at camp and we actually go pull a couple more but you think though this time of year being early december we may be able to dial back in on some deer back to where you had them before yeah then ones that were there early season they're kind of going back to their homeland i see and so uh and we'll go check those cards how much farther we got to go before we stop get our first let's see what's on this guy here young buck young buck some doe is that him that is him that's the deer you had in here before rut and he kind of disappeared yes look at the time late man good night so he was there yesterday evening and he was there this morning this morning at 7 00 a.m i'm going to go after him if you are let's do it all right let's go put a blind up slipping into our spot for the evening and we already got a little buck out there and we felt like we were on time too but they're moving early apparently i'm not sure how we're going to slip in our blind without bumping him we may not be able to best i can tell it's just one deer so if we just bump him get set up man it should be a good evening they're already moving well we just got settled in our blind for our first day afternoon hunt it's around three o'clock good timing beautiful weather clear blue skies wind's perfect not nothing's gonna smell us out in front you got lanes out the left and two lanes out the front right here that we're hoping to catch deer moving through a lot of big bucks in this area man clear fork ranch north texas we're fired up thankful to be here maybe this afternoon we'll get a shot at a big mature deer so knowing that that big deer was on trail camera there and he had been to that spot several days in a row i was i was psyched man i was fired up anticipation level was high we go get set up for the afternoon and immediately we start seeing deer and then finally like the big mature old bucks always do he waited till the last little bit of light and he appeared from the right and popped out in that lane right in front of us from where that's him yeah basically see if you can put that back under my elbow perfect as soon as he turns and stops got him jody wait a second yeah he's gonna follow them deer back in we just gotta watch this little guy he's coming back coming back out he needs to clear just a little all right i can kill him right now right now ready give me a yes sir oh man thank you lord god gracious that's a big deer that trigger squeeze was forever oh my goodness gracious y'all good night the feeling you get when you hunt these big deer i swear i felt good about it y'all [Music] we're fixing to walk up on the biggest deer i've ever shot christian with the sign that we're looking at right here do you there he is do you really thirty's right there get this off man look at that texas whitetail oh my gosh holy cow good night dude man that is incredible just overall length everything on him giant tall tines tall brows that's the biggest deer i've ever shot [Music] unbelievable [Music] all right coming up we got victory outdoors i think those guys spent a lot of time in the midwest which is fun to look at that's kind of what deer hunting maybe ought to look like but hey if you're hunting a pine thicket if you hunt down in the southeast in a briar patch you may be in florida or you may be out west it's all good their stuff is all good check it out coming up next [Music] [Music] [Music] well this season got off to a red hot start um it's pretty self-explanatory but all i have to say is i left with an empty quiver it's a super fun hunt check this out [Applause] [Music] [Music] yep one down that's a big doe too [Music] yep [Music] there we go [Music] i know yeah [Applause] yep i am literally out of toe tags and i am out of arrows there's three does in like 10 minutes and we got we got more deer we got a full days of work ahead of us dude yes that is one crazy first day it is it is 10-4 and everything is all right it's october 4th iowa my first sit three does down three arrows i see another deer there there's more deer coming but we've got that deer laying everywhere [Music] so after an outstanding first hunt um i struggled really i had the utmost confidence coming out of that first day hunt killed three deer with three arrows and um i mean i was as high as you can get on confidence but then i struggled um uh it was just a rough or a rough year for me i had a really good couple really good encounters with some good deer i actually missed a nice 10 point wish i could have had that arrow back but it was kind of one of those things just didn't work out and but i was able to get my wife out you know she was actually filming me when i missed that one but then i was also able to get her out during i was early muzzleloader season and she didn't have a lot of time we've got a um we've got a year and a half year old at home and so uh for us both to get out of the house and hunt took some strategic planning but we were able to get her out um for a uh early muzzleloader hunt we're hunting in iowa and it's early muscle loader season and we have a big eight point pattern on this farm and we've got trail cam pictures of him so we're hoping he'll walk by tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm kind of mad this book is walking over now but i decided to shoot her because today is our last date on it and i decided some meat was better than nothing at all she was able to kill an iced dough an adult dough so another another dough for the freezer and that was awesome well made a great shot with my thompson center so i got a big eyewood dough to fill the freezer for any of you guys that have followed victor outdoors you've got to kind of see natalie grow up in the in the outdoors a little bit and my stepdaughter she's got an opportunity to hunt some of the biggest deer some of the biggest turkeys in iowa and she's capitalized on those opportunities for sure and you know you know one thing about it is is that we make sure that you know it's not always about just the outdoors you know she's a typical girl you know she she likes cheerleading she likes gymnastics she likes just going to the playground and hanging out she likes kayaking she likes doing all the outdoor stuff that we like to do as a family but she also at times is a girly girl but man i don't know if there's been another kid that i can think of that's been on a hot streak like she has i mean um these deer made her work for it this year it wasn't just go out on one or two hunts and she was able to put one in the dirt this time we had a lot of great encounters this farm is really its new farm to us we hadn't hunted it yet and so it's a it's a hay field surrounded by crp so we've got tall native grasses with a hay field in the middle and then you've got fingers you know little fingers of timber that are that are beyond the um the crp but so these these bucks and and does all these deer were basically bedded you know in those drawers and in that crp and then they would make their way out into those alfalfa fields in the evening to feed and um the first the first night we saw a couple of good bucks but we just couldn't get a shot we just didn't have the shot opportunities they were kind of a little spooky um and and they were kind of running around and and we just we just couldn't get her comfortable with a good shot but we did see some good deer you know she was she was finally i kind of was happy to have her finally have some adversity because she's had such great luck that i don't think she really understands how lucky she's been to have harvested the animal she has so to actually have her see some adversity and and respond well to it and still want to go uh you know was was good was a good sign [Music] here [Music] the iphone to cooperate with us so hopefully give us an opportunity [Music] um so ian's filming this smaller buck and as you'll see you can see this bigger buck come right out of that tall grass that crp and just come walking right in the frame [Music] um pretty awesome because like i saw him i saw him coming through the crp and i'm like shoot her i knew right away it was a gear that we wanted her to try to take a shot at as he as he entered the field he kind of came out and kind of started working to the right and what we were trying to do is we were trying to make sure that we could get a good ethical shot so and so she's you know not quite ready not quite ready and the deer is kind of not really presenting the best shot but he's kind of working his way in and finally he presents shot and she's able to uh you know when she was ready she's able to make that shot and um she made a great shot um and he ran off into the tall grass we knew we're gonna have a tough tracking job because if any of you have tracked and tall grass natives it is a chore um but we were able to uh finally locate this deer and we did a little bit of uh we we went ahead and got her up kept her up a little later than we normally do but she was excited the next morning to go out and see him again and take a few photos well it was awesome to be able to hunt that farm with natalie and you talk about a farm that just has a lot of good deer on it a lot of good genetics and she was able to harvest a great deer she was happy that was the main thing is i don't ever want her to get in a situation where she's not just an awesome end to what was a great season got off to an awesome start i had some low points but you kind of just gotta roll with those and i can't wait to get rolling with this next season because i am more excited than ever [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right coming up next we got some home-grown experiences which are without question the best kind you know it's one thing to go off hunting somewhere with an outfitter or maybe go from the deep south to the midwest or out to texas that looks like africa but anytime you can have that special whitetail whatever it is experience close to home man it doesn't get any better than that mr fox hayes once said i believe the good that men do will live long after they're gone these words represent a calling for kentucky farmer and hunter austin musselman he has dedicated more than half his life into transforming his family's three-generation cattle farm into a home-grown sanctuary for wildlife join us as we follow austin and his team and watch them reap the rewards sown by decades of hard work dedication and love for one piece of land consistently harvesting giant whitetails is an accomplishment in itself to do it on your own land and to grow one of the largest whitetails ever harvested in the state of kentucky is in a league of its own these are their stories and this is how they do it welcome to homegrown you know i'm i'm the third generation of of this farm um you know my kids are obviously the fourth generation hope it carries on well beyond that but my grandparents got married in 1936 and you know they really weren't farmers at that time they lived in town my grandfather was in the whiskey business with a relatively small company back then and my grandmother's grandfather was from nebraska and he was a cattle farmer and uh you know way into shorthorn cattle so as a wedding gift he gave them a bowl and a couple cows and you know they didn't have a farm they kind of knew some people that farmed so they didn't know what to do with it and uh you know have these old letters from the 30s of them riding back and forth you know kind of asking questions like how do we care for these cattle what do we do so they kept it out on a cousin's farm and you know they'd go out there and visit it and visit the cows and really start falling in love with the cattle and then checking out the land and they really loved the farm so they looked around and what they could afford at the time they bought a hundred acres out it's the original core of our farm so you know when we got the family farm and took it over from the my grandparents uh you know it was really just amazing to me to see you know this old cattle farm and just fescue fields and you know eroded draws and kind of beat up land that had been you know grazed for so long and kind of abused um you know and i saw it as a challenge to really kind of fix it back up on many levels and you know that curiosity of nature and seeing things change kind of it struck a chord in me that i could you know take this land and uh enhance it you know and and repair it um you know one of the first things we did was get most the cattle off the property and just kind of intensely graze them in one area but [Music] it was just really i started understanding that this is like a canvas to me like a piece of art or someone starts with just a blank uh slate and then all sudden they you know can put a little of the base layers in and then start getting the finer details and things and and then when you step back from it look at it you're like wow we actually really created something you know i did what i could in those early years trying to make changes on the farm and i couldn't do it all by myself and and i didn't have the wherewithal at the time to you know hire somebody to you know really work so i you know it was really nice when i found other guys that were interested in hunting and in the outdoors like i was and so todd glenn and i are really the nucleus of really what we're doing now and and it's just amazing when you get people with different skill sets and strengths how can you conform a team you know my grandfather had a little sign on his desk and it said not one of us as smart as all of us and i think we've developed this relationship of hunting and working together and the food plots and the whole program we're running is that collaboration of you know all of us coming together and and sharing that [Music] so [Music] you know to grow deer and to grow food plots and to grow turkeys and quail you know it's much like you know planting a garden and growing a tomato you know a home-grown tomato tastes nothing like a store-bought tomato you know harvesting the deer that you've grown yourself and you've had a relationship with you've found their sheds for three years you've tracked them with trail cameras and reviewed pictures and you know know that this deer has had its whole life on your farm and you're the one that's providing its food its cover uh watching it in the fields and you know it's it's anti-climatic really when you harvest the animal because it's the whole journey that led up to it you know and as i um hunt and i enjoy the land and i'm out there and i um you know i'm doing all these things that i've changed the land i've planted these things and seen it evolve over years you know as i look back at it now after decades of doing it you know and i thought what i was doing was changing the land i was making it improve and grow but inside it was really growing me opening day and opening week here it's just it's really special you know you've been waiting so long since last year hunting and you know it's finally arrived right there at that magic time you know these other deer kind of look up and he just appeared in the view that's him you know coming up we got shooters which in itself means i guess shooter bugs so what's a shooter bug depends on your attitude depends on the place you're hunting you know i've seen people get rattled at deer this big i actually saw a guy one time witnessed this with my own eyes way back in the day we were making a deer drive this guy emptied his lever action 30-30 had a deer about that big i could see him rail on the next ridge never pulled the trigger couldn't believe it and i walked over and he said man i missed that thing five times the gun never went off he ejected it just like that so i guess a shooter well it depends on the eyes of the beholder coming up next when you see them you just know no wavering no calculation no wondering or moment of doubt nothing but cold buck fever and the hope that you can hold it together they're not the deer of next season or at any time down the line they're the deer of right now planting scouting waiting until the time was right that work is done these bucks say the eagle has flown and payday has arrived these are the [Music] shooters just got up in a tree opening in kentucky we opened early here september 4th it's kind of weird to get all my stuff out start thinking about here but it's on now on my own farm and uh this is really the first time i wanted it hard this year i've had it for three years and i've never taken a buck on it got a bunch of food put in about 10 acres of corn here and about 20 acres of beans there he's a man dude that's the closest i've ever been to that butt man what a deer it's a lot different when you uh when you're hunting on your own dirt i mean i've i've watched this deer i've seen him half a dozen hot times on the hoof in the past three years it's really different when you you get to know a deer and try to figure him out where he beds where he feeds who he hangs out with what his habits are and then getting him on the ground with a bow opening day that's magic something special we've got an idea where this buck's in but this whole draw kind of makes a turkey foot right here there's three three draws from the right one from here we're sitting right in the intersection that's what i like about this [Music] something [Music] there's two or three of them coming right down here back there [Music] he's right there i got that doe right between us i gotta let that dog clean he's standing right there it all come together and he's down right there oh yeah what i'm talking about right here baby i wait the year for this moment right here look at the time look at this mass on here i have another point out here tell you what he's even got a little old sticker busted off back here it's not all about just taking a deer but when you find one you want like this oh man i couldn't be prouder i'm head of the house show katie i got him [Music] so it's uh it's 30 15 we've gotten in here we got the wind in our face we got a great wind it's a big field it's 4.5 yards to the other end of it so we're just gonna sit here and wait [Music] now [Music] it's an old deer [Music] here he comes that is a horse up here here we go [Music] what a glorious animal oh my gosh [Music] thank you lord oh my goodness what a gorgeous animal i'll tell you i don't know what to say thank you i just that this means a lot to me we're set up here this evening it's four o'clock now we got in here kind of early down below us we've got a pond we've got pope jaws going on both sides of us a wheat field in front of us about a mile we're hoping that we can catch these deer filtering down towards the wheat field [Music] there's deer in this deer there's a towel wait a minute there's a bug there's a bump back in the woods right back here oh my gosh he just ran back into the woods chasing that doe he's gonna come back out here i just gotta stay ready and watch here we got two good looks at that deer and he came out followed that doe once thought i was gonna get a shot at him and turn around back into the woods find that doe just seen the benches of them since then wait a minute there's a deer there's a deer that's him lets him let me take him oh man good buck good buck that was a shooter right there i thought we was done looked back down there and he was in the open i don't know where he came from it's starting to worry me a little bit i'm not finding anything i think we're just going to back out of here real quiet and let this deer lay for a little bit [Music] oh he's down and he was headed to water good deal what a deal look at that [ __ ] you my goodness look at this look at this deer good nice man awesome he's got kickers look at that mask lord he carries his mass all the way out dark antler that is a pretty pretty big old buck thank you for letting me oh yeah i appreciate it don't get to do that very often anymore got sneak out there with a muzzleloader [Music] well coming up next we got straight hunting i love that because uh you know it may not be as will primos used to say no fancy edits and no stage scenes but it's good video stuff it all depends on what straight hunting is to you to me it's just finding the sign going after it checking the wind doing everything right and old school so let's go check out some straight hunting [Music] oklahoma is known for producing some pretty big deer but you know different parts of the state you get a lot of different critters quality caliber critters just you know not knowing it i was kind of excited to get out here and start seeing some of the trail camera pictures that justin had like man that's a big deer living in the midwest you get a little bit spoiled looking at giant deer all the time and i guess some guys get the kind of thinking that that's the only place where big deer live that ain't right they got big deer here [Music] all right we're back at that same lake set that we were at this morning it's a cool set it's like a valley across here we're looking back to the west and uh we saw a big deer this morning he was up on the ridge line at first i thought he'd gone away but he ended up feeding down to the bottom of the valley we just couldn't get a shot at him nice deer though but uh thinking maybe he bedded up somewhere up there's a draw that goes up back that behind the lake i think it may be bedded up there somewhere hoping maybe that he'll turn around and come back down it's a little bit of a poke side lake it's about 250 yards but hoping maybe he'll come back out it's you know peaks it right here but hopefully we can get him so this this place the property we were hunting was a little over an hour from the lodge so rather than drive all the way back to the lodge and then drive all the way back again they've set up a couple wall tents out there and they justin's wife brings lunch over there and we had an awesome stew and they got a little stove in there and it took me about i don't know maybe 35 seconds to fall asleep in that chair i found him he's sitting out here in the sunshine i'm on the beach dude i sat there thinking about that deer and then we talked about going back and i thought man i don't know you know he's passing through there it's the rut justin and mr jerry are like you gotta get back in there same spot it's a good chance that deer will show up so the first deer we saw you know i wasn't even paying attention honestly jody running the camera he said hey is that a deer right there it was early it was like 4 45 i wasn't ready at all and i was like yeah that's it i put the binoculars up it's that same buck dude that's that big that's a that's him that's that big buckle this morning he's right there that's the same deer oh that's a big deer i can't believe he's back here all right he's turning i'm gonna take him right here okay that one got him i can't believe that i can't believe that happened that's the same gear from this morning [Applause] he went they went right up they came around the same draw that he just went up this morning man he's big that is a big white tail he came they went up that draw this morning and made a scrape right at the edge of that where he could last him and he came out the exact same place [Music] check it out right there ladies look at that deer oh my god look how big he is what a giant i can't believe that deer he's he's way bigger than i thought he was and i thought he was big look how long his tines are that is a that's a beautiful white tail man they don't get much prettier than that what a dandy look at that buck my goodness god man i love throwing whitetails we gotta get this guy by this hole for it gets dark [Music] all right coming up now we got the obsessed you know i was on there last week talking about my obsession with texas and bow hunting and all that and that's cool you know to me obsessed is just another word for passionate and anytime i say i say passion trumps everything if you're obsessed you'll learn you'll do better you'll try harder let's see who is obsessed this week the word obsession encompasses the mindset of everyone at mossy oak we obsess over hiding from chasing and conserving the critters we pursue in this episode we dive into the drury family and explore their obsession with the [Music] outdoors this is the obsessed you know i guess growing up as a child mark and i being brothers were 10 years apart so when i really kind of got into the hunting thing at an early age you know 10 11 12 years old hunting squirrels and hunting rabbits our uh our grandfather had a farm uh our mother's farm actually where she grew up and he was the one that kind of got us started or got me started particularly on on hunting rabbits and squirrels and whatever you killed is what you ate you know they went through those depression years where there wasn't much that went to waste you know the skin basically or the hide was about the only thing that didn't get eaten and i think that's kind of how we got our start and the passion of hunting really unfolded from our grandfather on our mom's side after time passed you know all of a sudden we both found out that we were very very passionate and obsessed with literally the same exact thing we couldn't couldn't spend enough time in the woods we couldn't learn enough we were very very open book and open mind we wanted to learn every single thing we could about harvesting a whitetail at that time we were hunting in a club called the 40 acre club you had to have 40 acres to either join or you had to buy a section that included 40 acres so we spent a lot of time there growing up and really got hooked on whitetail hunting and we're really trying to understand as much as we could about whitetails and then fast forward even a few more years uh you know we got the relationship with mossy oak and and things just evolved from that point going forward mossy oak is a huge part of of who we are and what we do it really defines us and it defines our history because in my opinion that's where we got our start uh that chance meeting with toxie hayes in natchez mississippi uh he walked over to me one day and i was sitting there i was lucky enough i had won the world voice calling championship i'm sitting there doing an interview with bobby cleveland of the clarion ledger and i was sitting there talking to him and toxi like mid-interview walks over and he goes hey hey young man i just want to know what camouflage you're wearing or what camouflage you prefer to hunt in and i didn't know toxie i didn't know what he looked like you know and i looked at him and i paused for a second i said well i just mail ordered uh a set of mossy oak bottomland because i saw it in turkey call magazine and i think it looks incredible and that's what i'm going to be wearing he said well i'm toxic he's the inventor and i'd like to talk to you when you get done with this gentleman right here so that's how it started from that day forward our relationship blossomed and we became part of that family it was one big family uh the way they treat people the way the uh i'm i'm gonna say toxies maybe his values in life and what he values in others its integrity its loyalty it's trustworthiness it's about doing the right thing it's about conservation all of the elements that we had as people growing up and it came from our grandparents down to our mother and father down to us that was the exact same values that they had at mossy oak the relationship started it blossomed it continued on to this day we would not be doing what we're doing today if it wasn't for that relationship with mossy oak i think one of the most enjoyable things that we've been a part of within our company's history you know we're nearing our 30th birthday so that's a long time me and brother terry we're getting to be the old guys right and to see taylor's involvement and matt's involvement it's been uh a blessing and something that's been very rewarding when i was in college i was always interning for mark and terry and finally my last semester i came home for a big award show that we have every year and mark asked me goes hey when you graduate would you like to come work for me and uh and your dad and we'd love to have you you know and at that time i really didn't know what i was gonna do and so i took the job offer and it really set me down a path in life that looking back it was there all along and i didn't even know it now that i'm i'm almost done with college and i've kind of taken a different route within the business and as i take on more duties and responsibilities i have matt teaching me obviously dad and uncle terry never stop being stewards of the land and so therefore matt and i are in a very good position it's very enjoyable to be around those two and be a sponge whether it's from the hunting side of it or the business side of it they are two of the greatest role models that we could ever ask for mark and i learned at a very very early age that we were both and maybe this is the reason we're still in business together we're both extremely extremely analytical and to us chasing a whitetail and our turkey and and some of the other big games out there is the ultimate chess match and that analytical side to us is part of the reason that we're successful in hunting because we're never ever satisfied with our own results we always want to excel we always want to do better we always want to help someone else do better and we want to try and share in the information and helping someone else but that analytical side on what does it take for a whitetail to actually get up on their feet during daylight hours and come to a position within 20 yards to where you can you know get it get a big deer on camera and i'm talking about a mature whitetail you know that is the part that i love the most about hunting i think um like the crowning jewel in terms of deer hunting is targeting an animal and then trying to play the chess match to the point that you end up seeing that animal and maybe even getting the opportunity to take that animal and ultimately sit down with your friends and loved ones and share a meal that that animal provided and for me it really takes it to the next level when that animal is at an age class that they are almost impossible to hunt when they get to that six seven eight years of age i mean there's just a trigger inside of me when i see one it's just uh it puts a smile on my face because you you sit there and if the wind's right and he's on natural movement and you get to view his him doing his thing in his environment he doesn't know you're there i mean that that's pretty cool trying to describe the word obsessed or obsession is rather difficult because there's so many different underlying things internally you know we talk about passion we talk about obsession we talk about being addicted to the outdoors there's many many things that are involved but the easiest way to describe it is you get up every day and you think number one how can i be a better person how can i be more involved in the outdoors how can i be more instrumental in conservation how can i treat my neighbor with respect and maybe first and foremost uh how do you treat the game or the quarry that you seek with respect that is an obsession to me for me you know you can learn and you can enjoy the moment but experiencing the circle of life first hand is the most incredible opportunity and experience i wish everyone would experience it to feel that connection with nature and their food but you just you can never replace that feeling of sitting down with your family eating that organic meat and knowing exactly where it came from without having to go to the grocery store what it means for me to be obsessed is to get out here connect with nature get away from the office get away from my computer from the phone and that daily grind of an office job and just connect with nature and that is truly obsessed i think obsession really any obsession chooses you you don't necessarily choose it you may have an interest and somewhere along the line that interest gets peaked and then it turns into an obsession and for us our obsession is the outdoors we grew up in the midwest and turkeys had our hearts early on and of course whitetails came along as well and we do a little bit of big game hunting some elk some mule deer but at the end of the day we are literally obsessed with wild turkey hunting deer hunting and the conservation that surrounds those two animals uh by and large if we're not hunting we're thinking about hunting if we're not thinking about hunting we are out there trying to make our land better we have a saying you either find a better spot or you make your spot better and we're all about making all those spots better uh absolutely love the land love walking on it love making it better growing habitat where it didn't once exist putting a food plot in seeing it rain watching a mature watching a white-tailed deer walk out there and eat those are the type things that take the obsession to the next level it's not just about going out there and harvesting an animal it's about seeing the cause and effect of what you've done to the land how it affects the population that's where the obsession takes it to the next level because i eat sleep breathe and drink it and man i don't know what i would do if i didn't have that obsession i'm mark drury and i'm obsessed i'm taylor jury and i am obsessed i'm matt drury and i'm obsessed i'm terry drury and i'm obsessed all right we're gonna go visit with dead end game calls you know back when i started deer hunting calling you never thought about that for deer hunting it was no such thing now there's grunt calls and bleak calls and snort week calls and and not only do people use them they got video of deer doing those calls who to thunk it let's go check out the group from a dead end game calls maybe they'll call one up all right well we're about 15 miles from where we're meeting up with jeff davis who is the owner of wall shed lodge and uh he's got everything set up ready to roll for us so done with the driving just drove back and forth to kansas and drove up here i'm ready to get out with some arrows flying taylor's with me hopefully get us a good video and i don't know what get it [Music] sweetheart so we got here a little earlier uh waiting on the rest of guys to get back last time me and taylor climbed up the tree i back strapped about 160 in shape he's making me shoot to make sure [Music] as long as he's at 20 we're good [Music] all right it's uh opening morning here in ohio we decided not to push in this morning we didn't want to booger anything up because it's going to be way better in the evenings but we're up riding around glass and jason jj they got a big buck that they're checking out now so but uh we're just going to take it easy this morning to ride around see what we can see out in the fields [Music] [Music] [Music] fully caged [Music] all right we just went out this morning rode around couldn't see a whole lot because it was the thing foggy but the uh saw a couple small bucks three or four does but we're gonna just get everything ready and get in this season because most of the pitchers and everything we've got tells us to be in the stand this season so we're just going to get ready and why can't we stack them this evening all right i'm not situated that's all where we're at we're hunting the first evening it's a farm here it's kind of surrounded by a sanctuary you got another farm that butts up to it that the people don't allow any hunting and town is just like right there um so i guess we're hunting the city deer today but but this is one of the only areas in here that allows hunting and this guy is a farmer who you don't have any love for him because he gets a lot of crop damage we because nobody hunts around them so we're hoping that works in our favor today it's about 80 degrees so we're just taking our time easing in we're just walking this bean field going down here this point we're gonna set where there's about three or four trails that wore out they all intersect come out in this point at this bean field so we're not going to get all hot and sweaty so i'll just walk a little bit a little bit [Applause] we understand we're set up we got an area where they're funneling through the straw it's pretty thick and early on there's a spin field we basically got a shot in front of us in one shot behind us we got to be on our toes the wind's changed on us a little bit it's not perfect but we uh sprayed down and we sprayed and then we prayed now we're going for the best well we finally got our first action we got four goals come out of this corner which is kind of an answered prayer because the way it changed and it only opens they come from the left next to those toes just walked out so maybe a big boy [Laughter] so hopefully big boy does the same thing it looks like it's a sixth it's a gnarly looking day now let's go you see any other ways are you sure good shots up [Music] oh man that thing right now [Music] blood look at that blood dano look at that blood [Music] [Music] bam [Music] well started out we went very optimistic because the the wind was horrible it was blowing right toward where we thought they were going to come from and it died down this evening some does come in they walked off i thought it heard something behind me and turned and looked and this old bruiser come walking in there he's just the cool cats man thank you man congrats man yes sir that's awesome awesome yeah he's a i like the big ones but also like the old mature ones i mean well it's early the next morning we got him out got him set up getting some pictures made um but it was just a cool whole thing last night was we was joking about when when you least expected that's when something happens and we kind of didn't give up on that night because of the wind and everything else and he just popped up out of nowhere but he's no warrior he's got scars all over his face cars in his ears one eyes about a big cut on it he's just an old bruiser he was checking his teeth and stuff out and everybody gets to be right around seven years old so i love these old mature bucks [Music] well special moments and special memories made this morning with mason's first deer not only was it his first deer it's also his first buck times that we'll never forget but we wanted to thank you thank you for your support and love for dead end game calls and the ministry behind it also we'd like to say thank you for watching our show answer the call it is truly a calling that each one of us has in our lives that the good lord has put and dwelled upon us and we're truly thankful that he has well coming up next we've got the whitetail edge and you've heard me say before you got to go to keep that edge you know to me the edge especially in bow hunting you got to you got to work on stuff you got to go all the time some people don't need to practice that much you know there's a big difference in how people hunt depending on where they're from some northern guys man checking that list they got everything lined out everything's ironed everything's labeled some of the old boys i used to hunt with man they may grab their bowl the day before season see if the broad head sharp on my arm it's okay do what you want to do do it how you want to do it be ethical play by the rules we're all on the same team i was doing an interview earlier i caught a glimpse of him coming up and it was so tough because he was on the wrong side of me for a camera when you're self-filming you only have so much movement camera arms on this side on my right side and he came in on my right side literally shot the deer at 15 yards [Music] i wasn't expecting that this morning i can't believe that that's so much fun [Music] then you drop them just like that he was another 12 yards oh my gosh thank you lord hi and welcome to whitetail edge episode three of season five as you can see every week we're bringing you some great deer hunts and this week is no exception as we join my good buddy kyle kinsey here in ohio as he's after a big deer he calls dkm this deer was on kyle's feeder every night all summer long every night i mean it was crazy the problem here in ohio right now is everybody baits and if you're not baiting deer anymore it's hard to even have them on your farm because they're just altered by this bait so we've had to conform to that a lot and actually you know feed on our farms we're aren't always always hunting over bait but we got to have something and big time has become that something for us it's really kind of just it keeps them deer around it keeps them healthy you know you can monitor the deer and that's what kyle did with dkm now kyle had to get improvised you know me and him were sharing maps over the phone one night you know he was getting frustrated and i'm like look dude you just gotta chill because that deer's there he's being seen he's moving he's on his feet he's just you know this older deer when they lose their velvet they change and so me and kyle was looking at the map discuss an area in a process of where we think he could kill that deer kyle slid in one day hung a stand in the right spot when we talked about he caught this joker coming back and it's a great hunt i mean this is a big deer you know kyle's biggest by far and just so happy for him so sit tight and just watch the story unfold with dkm and kyle kinsey [Applause] i started getting uh decent pictures of a buck the mma going into june and i could tell at the end of his beam you had something goofy going on so i was following these three deer monitor on my spartan cameras all summer long at the redneck feeder and they were hitting it every single day morning afternoon evening they're there all the time well it's monday it's labor day and got my good buddy wyatt over here we just set up the redneck tower blind and let me tell you it was not fun but we got it overlooking uh biologic radish and uh maximum new zealand maximum plot [Music] got some big deer coming into it so hopefully this is mainly set up my stepdad and my son hopefully we can get one on a big deer this year on this plot and this new this new tower and a gilly blind but it's kind of open but with that gilly it really blends in good to the background so see what it does and uh season's just right around the corner end of this month first night of season we decided to go in see if we get dkm killed [Music] whoa this is the first day of ohio archery season i got javen behind the camera tonight and uh i've been waiting for this day for pretty much all summer i've been watching a buck called dkm and i call him dkm dropkick murphy because uh when he feeds on my redneck feeder he kicks it all the time and he has a big gnarly drop beam but he's been pretty regular a lot of daylight pictures of him right now a lot of right before dark pictures so it's dry and it's hot it's like 90 degrees and where we're setting up is on a downhill side of his bedding trying to catch him from his bed to feed and he's got a water hole right here too so as hot as it is i'm hoping he comes to the water when he goes to feeding but we're pumped we could get this done tonight [Music] oh oh [Music] is [Music] of pictures of that deer this year [Music] just [Music] feel the cold wind on my face [Music] i'm skipping storms into [Music] [Music] skyline [Music] we had an encounter with tex at about 50 yards he ended up winning this at night didn't get didn't get a shot at text he headed to the grain fields and walked out of our lives so i gave it a couple weeks and started monitoring the spartans again seeing what dcam was doing and he just had totally went dark hey guys it's uh october 19th and it's a red moon phase tonight and hopefully that means that we're gonna get my dear gracie up and running around today's also sweetest day so it's pretty sweet to be in the redneck blind with my honey hopefully we can get it done today we'll see [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] um [Music] [Music] hi ben rising here with black widow deer lures on our show whitetail edge we're always looking for that one little thing to get the dupe on a big buck for us to just become black widow dear lord [Music] yes oh my god i'm gonna just freshen it up just a little bit with some branch butter all right all right smoking dude black widow deer lures never brown or broken down [Music] so i had vacation coming up for rut i was getting frustrated we looked at the map kind of figured out what we thought the deer was doing on his travel pattern two days before my vacation we got a big rain and i slipped in there and hung a set for that deer so i went in and freshened up a scrape with some black wooden scrape masker and hit the limb above it with some branch butter and then i made some adjustments to my stain and i got out of there the day after the rain we had real high winds i knew the deer weren't going to move so i didn't bother hunting so the following morning the winds were supposed to lay down the pressure was up the deer were going to move you know the second day of the red moon and it was that time of year it was november 1st i mean they were on their feet and i crawled in the tree about one o'clock and it was on fire when i was getting in the tree you know i had bucks running around me as i was going in and i was up in the tree i finally got settled in deer running all over the place wow it is november 1st my plan was to hunt this morning but we had some pretty nasty winds come in last night and they were calling for high winds all day well of course the weather ban was wrong so i slept in it's actually a good morning to hunt but i just got in here about a half hour ago and i have been covered up with young bucks running does it's sweet november we've been all we've been waiting for all year and you're on dkm he's still around he's traveling a lot i've got some information from some neighbors i've seen him so just keep my fingers crossed i got 10 days to hunt this deer so that's crabby so i'm self filming and i'm fil i'm doing an interview talking to the camera and i look up and i see tines about 100 yards away into the pines so i throw my binocs up and i look and it's dkm that's why i 100 solely believe in the phase system because i faced that before i got here and it's that lock because every single deer so far has been directly down over me and they have not even thought about smelling me i mean i don't know what's to say i mean i just proved it with all these deer and i just filmed it i haven't been spelled once i mean i got some black widow hanging out but you'll never be able to fully fold a deer's nose right now they're not paying any attention oh boy buddy he's coming this way so i just stay calm watch him see what he's gonna do and i'm filming watching him and he goes up and he's checking the bedding area on the backside of the bedding area he had the wind to his favor and i'm still filming just trying to relax see what he just watching him just see if he's going to go up in the bedding if he's going to come to me well he starts to hit a scrape and he's raking the trees and i was like you know what i'm gonna throw some grunts out or some bleach at him and i picked up the extinguisher and hit two bleats and he flipped at his head and he come i mean just dogging nose to the ground walking towards me i'm still calm um [Music] hmm oh my gosh just got done talking about it oh my gosh i smoked that oh that was the hardest i mean i didn't say i ain't nothing holy crap oh just trying to get my gopro on because i seen him coming for a second angle i don't care i don't care don't care i didn't see him thought and hear him fall if he's dead now he's gonna be dead tomorrow so i just left him alone [Music] well it's november 2nd the morning november 2nd and we're in here i was in here last night and i had an encounter with dkm at 450 and i put an arrow in him um [Music] the shot in my mind was questionable when i seen it you know we replayed the footage last night and looked at it and i thought it was the right choice just leading the way so i got the crew here today dave's on the camera got wyatt max and uh landon troyer and i brought the dog along and uh we're gonna go in here we left him late all night didn't bump him we're gonna go see if we can pick up the blood and get on him here [Music] [Music] well we just found the arrow on this blood trail it's kind of spotty but we're finding blood i'm actually starving see there's a plenty in him so hopefully he's laying right over the hill because the last point i seen him last night just him ducking over the hill and then just got out he's dead wow good job baby i mean when i when we found that deer i was ecstatic i mean biggest the biggest buck i'd ever kill i dreamed of killing a buck like that you know since i've been bow hunting you know i worked so hard for this deer and it it all just came together i mean a plan to finally come together it was just emotional it was i was excited you know just so happy [Applause] oh i'm pretty sure doesn't look like it's tried to poke out there or what is that yesterday was november first you know we had a big temperature drop weather was perfect you know high pressure blue skies coming into a red moon and i got in a stand at 1 30 and uh everything just felt right about yesterday i saw 14 bucks chasing does and you know here we come dkm at 450. i shot him you know he's quartering two after watching the footage i was like i'm leaving him lay overnight and uh here he is november 2nd the next morning and the deer didn't go 150 yards when we found him major factor was the weather change you know coming in from a rain into high high winds and then low temperatures were coming the next day and the winds laid down so i knew that pressure was up the deer were going to move it was the second day of the red moon and it was that time of year it was november 1st i mean they were on their feet so looking back you know you couldn't ask for any more you know i saw 14 bucks the the union i killed him you know the weather was perfect everything just came together i mean it was a beautiful november first evening and it just happened to work out and i shot a dream buck you know the biggest year i've ever killed and i couldn't be any more happier so i told you what a great hunt you know i'm so happy for kyle i wish i could have been there to experience the recovery and be there with him kyle's one of my best friends but i couldn't be because i'm in kansas and an explosion is going on in kansas that you're about to watch next week on episode 4. so stay tuned for one of the fastest hunts that i've ever had but man is it epic and it's a very proud moment of mine and it's going to show you just how awesome the prime bow the black eagle arrows are watch us on the massio go that's where we land first it's a great app support the hunting community but again if you haven't subscribed to youtube we still need it follow us on facebook and instagram and again like i always say without you the viewers light tail edges nothing so thank you very much for tuning in we hope you're learning a lot because that's our goal it's not about us it's not about individuals trying to promote themselves to the industry of being the best deer hunters we're literally trying to teach you guys you know what we look at when it comes to harvesting big deer and you know it's very important to us to try to help you to gain that knowledge and that's what we're about so follow us on social media and again thanks so much for watching whitetail edge all right closing out the block we got the boys from pale horse productions high quality short film stuff placed close to my heart i love it you may see some fancy edits in this one let's see what they got going this week from pale horse productions [Music] when dad first started looking after this place in 1980 there were no rules uh as far as harvest rules you could shoot any deer you wanted to shoot every buck that was seen out here was shot mom would have something to do and dad was supposed to watch me but he wanted to go hunting so i went with him when i was eight years old killed my first deer be short sleeve short sleeve barefooted and 30 degrees outside now he's just jacob being jacob [Music] well we pretty much grew up together so [Music] i think i was three months old whenever i moved to the plantation [Music] and jacket was maybe two or three or so [Music] started out with the bb guns and the shooting 22s and there wasn't a blue jay or a squirrel around here that didn't have a feather missing out of it or something i hunted hard i know every morning every afternoon every weekend except for maybe one or two i don't think jacob missed a date i think he enjoys the part of the of seeing from year to year what the bucks do he knows every deer just about by name almost as far as what's going to be a cull what's going to be one it's going to be a trophy he likes that he likes to figure that out he likes to see what's coming next [Music] around here the season could be year round you know hogs during the off season turkeys in the spring and you've got deer when i get down from the stand i have to return 20 phone calls and then i have to rush to go to work to get everything done get everything done where i can go back that afternoon as well [Music] the reason why i go that hard is because i can't stand not being out there if i've ever missed a morning for an afternoon hunting i feel like i might have missed something good and that's just what i've always done [Music] [Music] everywhere you go you're there for a reason and you don't know what that reason you may not ever see but on down the road you can look back a lot of times and see what the plan was reason here but there's a reason i'm here and and i'm thankful i was able to cross this path [Music] and it has been it was just been an awesome experience no joke a very awesome experience [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh it went from you know fun exciting to shooting to you know shoot as many as you can to hold up a little bit let's think about this what we're doing for our kids um you know that's gonna be doing the same thing we were doing 30 years ago [Music] and so it's just a big cycle that's what it is and i hope they have as much fun as you know we do or we did hey well i hope you enjoyed yet another mossy oak moments right here on moscow go how cool is that every monday night you can sit through this you can't hunt in the dark anyway at least you ain't supposed to and remember it's always free right here on mossy oak go see you next week [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Mossy Oak
Views: 306,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mossy Oak Moments, Hunting Moments, Outdoor moments, hunting live, hunting livestream, hunting life, big game hunting, waterfowl hunting, hunting mix, outdoor mix, cuz strickland, outdoors life, fun outdoors, new hunting, hunting 2020, big game 2020, waterfowl 2020, new hunts
Id: uKE8a-XL5uI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 227min 20sec (13640 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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