The Deer in Texas Are Insane

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just a lot of when it stop raining so this is a typical Texas native white tail he's 16 point he grew up here he born here uh Trevor my guide put me on him this morning had an amazing time this is a uh Happy Hollow Armory 65 PRC uh it's the gun that shot them two last there uh look at it there ain't it beautiful yeah at that you can come get your own Happy Hollow [Music] Outdoors set free to walk a mile on the oan of the dark black sea y upon the ocean y upon the ocean y upon the ocean to get set free to get set free to give set free you know typically at the house I don't know how many inches we get in a year's time but it ain't rained a half in in like 14 weeks matter y'all realize that yeah it ain't rain but about a/ inch in 14 train the house so you know you think of Texas you think warm and dry in a powder cake and we get out here and it's dead gun mud bath Everywhere You Go I mean it's just ganging up on your boot this deep you know you got to wash the son of the guns off everywhere you go you got to be in four-wheel drive and slanging mud and here but still stay in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you going to start off tell us about you got it let's see man and him are together leg shot I shot first yeah yeah M was that big a deal I mean what handed me the gun I looked through the binoculars and he said do you want to kill it he he said it was over here to the right and I I looked in the binoculars and he said you want to kill that thing and I said yeah well first off I couldn't see through the scope cuz I ain't never shot the [Laughter] gun we build them guns that's some new guns what's the name of the company happy Hol arm happy Hol armor there we go don't know the company's name good 6.5 PRC 6 6.5 PRC I tell you that is a good gun it is a good gun yeah it was a carbon barrels wasn't no big deal just a 28 in white ta here ain't nothing that's but anyway it's not that big you know I don't know the difference most most people's life collection wouldn't add up to that many inches anyway I had to wait for all the deer to get out of the way naturally I it it wasn't focused in I didn't know how to focus in what kind of scope is that it's got a Vortex scope on it Vortex Vortex okay was a good scope but it still wasn't focused in even when it shot it but anyway focus when I shot it got it and then just a few minutes shortly after that am yeah tell us about what Happ we using well I was sitting there I was filming and daddy said you want to kill a deer I like oh yeah why not but as I said that that big locked out Anthony said you want to shoot that one I was like well yeah had exactly what I was looking for white face and old deer you know I set my gun up there and I shot I thought I missed it I about SI messed me up but Anthony went you got little shook up oh yeah not not at shooting at there I I didn't get shook up at shooting I a bad I thought I made a bad shot I thought I shot him low like in the dirt but I hit him got up there about about 5:30 and we started hunting and daddy killed his deer and he's sitting there he said you don't kill one I was like yeah why not yeah this big guy walked out and uh Miss we dropped him yeah see he thought he missed it yeah got scared and then Anthony walked out maybe may or may not have been been surprised and walked and found it and the two deer were laying about 20 yards horizontal from each other yeah wow yeah no it was it was impressive great shot know it hit the hit the death great shot though first time y'all ever which I know you started out filming yeah that first time y'all ever hunted in a stand together that's first time we ever hunted together ever yeah it was uh but it was kind of I was going to let him hunt but he didn't know it he thought he was just coming out there to help Mr Edmonson here at fil but that was kind of a secret to him I told the guys here you really think I was going to let him come out here and not hun it it is a it is an experience of a lifetime I've always wanted to go de hunting with my daddy that's something I've always loved hunting animals and stuff we got to do it today it was thanks to BRB Ranch we made a a memory we'll never forget just come through the gate not now those behind him all right I got you know which one it is huh yeah you got which one it is okay what is he doing facing us he's walking towards us right now he's got his head down right yep okay huh looking at us drop his head back not yet okay well not yet let him turn a little bit to the right otherwise he going get go through the shoulder got you it's bir gaining yeah it didn't get broadside come off the scope a second look up look up you good just rest your ey sometimes when you look like that and get all messed up if it look too long okay go ahead kill him a crap come on baby okay right through the shoulder just like that black death good shot shot [Music] looky there that splits he pretty ain't he pretty muddy a standy ain't it yes sir look that's bated bated and he's split and he's got split brows both of them bated 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 huh thank you Doug yes sir absolutely well we've been after him two days this one's name splits splits he finally come in I guess what time about 7:30 this morning they'll put dirting on it Black Death yes sir another notch in the stock had some pretty foul weather not real foul just messy weather yesterday rain most of the day muddy mess everywhere still seen a lot of animals but not the one we was after so came back out this morning made it happen tickled to be here on the BRB Ranch good to be with my friend Doug Solomon here did I say Solomon right partially enough Solomon everybody knows what I'm talk about you like him you can leave them here I'll take it no take them take them swoll up honey poor Texas deer that's big we we've had an enjoyable day oh yeah yeah very enjoyable yeah the good Lord bust really really good so anyway we'll see y'all next time cut it off [Music] d [Music] yeah [Music] this video has been brought to you by Happy Hollow Outdoors find your happy [Music] place
Channel: Happy Hollow
Views: 680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: e0SHkuL32bM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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