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TOP 'O THE MORNING TO YOU LADIES! My name is Jackspticeye and welcome back to UNDERTALE *claps* That timed perfectly okay, so hopefully everything records properly. I'm always so paranoid whenever I start recording this game because it's hour long stretches, and this is a game, that, you can't go back to a save point. I mean, I have save points here, but, uh, once you do progress You're did the progress is done. So hopefully oh, please God it's recording- wait. What is the name of this place??? Yeah, I knew it was fucking spider entrance. God dammit. I think we're gonna have to fight that spider lady. Ummmm. Yeah, it feels like that. Okay, so I'm assuming. I don't step in these webs. (softly) oh (In "spider lady" voice) Did you hear what they just said? (Normal voice) Huh (Spider lady voice) They said a human wearing a striped shirt will come through (Spider lady voice)They heard that they hate spiders. (Normal voice) I don't hate spiders. Well, I do, but shh. I can't say that here! (Spider lady voice)I heard that they love to stomp on them (Normal voice, defensively) No, I'm nice (we know you aree) (Spider lady voice) I heard that they like to tear their legs off. (Normally) Oh, shitt Did I just get slower?. Oh, no. Oh crap. (Spider lady voice) I heard- (Normally) Oh, God. I can't move oh no. Oh - It's you! (Spider voice)That they're awfully stingy with their money Ahuhuhu-o Do you think your taste, is too refined for our pastries, don't you, dearie? I disagree with that notion, I think your taste, is exactly what this next batch needs! (Normal Voice) Oh, God, are you going to fight me? Yep Yeah, finally! This is my second favorite song and the soundtrack. Oh, it's so good! Muffit traps you! Oh. Oh, oh, I get it. Little miss muffet sat on her tuffet eating her curds And when along came a spider and sat down beside her and frightened miss muffet away. I get it look at the way She blinks, that's weird. Okay, so act! Muffit. Your money?! What? I can pay you ten gold? Okay, this is all weird Yeah, okay. Let's get into a fight. Um, check. We'll just check. Zero defense. See, They've eight attack with zero defense, so if I was an attacking character doing a genocide run, then I'd be fucking fine. If she invites you to her parlor excuse yourself (Spider lady voice) Don't look so blue, my dearie (Normally) Oh Jesus. Oh f- oh, God! *a confused and stunned silence* I'm purple??? (Spider lady voice) I think purple is a better look at you! Ahuhuhu! (softly)God, what do I do? (reads text normally) You're trapped in a strange purple web. Up next, spider.(?) O-okay Claim to struggle this struggle some cotton web you've chosen [to] Escape the web muffet covers her mouth and giggles at you, I Thought Al you should be proud the way made us. Oh, God Whoa, okay this isn't too bad? That was simple enough. Hopefully the fray doesn't get much harder boy. I'm purple now. So where has made me blue um [Ondine] made me green and now she's making me purple whose I'm already red. Who's Gonna make me white? That's why I [wanna] know well for tidies up the web around you oh Okay pay. I pay [ten] goal and see what happens you pay a gold muffin reduces her attack for this turn. Oh Proud that you're going to make a delicious cake [she's] cool. I like her. Oh Jesus. Oh, God fuck Okay, [if] I can leave it hurt her [vulva] tidies up the web around you Redo your jupiter. Escape away [at] muffet laughs and claps her hands okay? That's different. Let you go don't be so silly [oh] Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah, yeah, yeah? Oh, oh, I like this battle. Huh bookman pours you a cup of spiders you I don't want a cup of spiders, okay? I'm gonna keep struggling and see what happens up next Spider donut so I'm assuming if I bought a spider donut at the start of the game because everyone was like you need to go back and Buy them I'm assuming [that] if you bought one cheater goes easier on you Or you're supposed to keep it for the battle I think [there's] a lot of items like that people got mad at me for eating the butterscotch pie as well [apparently] makes the final fight easier So I don't know maybe that's why I kept the snowman because then I actually realized that some items carry along a long way So I don't know what that's gonna do [muffit] is so amused by your antics that she give a discount Your soul is going to make every spider very happy She's creepy, whoa fuck okay. Those are [doughnuts]. Those are doughnuts. Jesus. She does a lot of damage and I removed Tammy error fuck muffin pours you a cup of spiders like a pay Twenty gold What does that do [munford] reduces her attack for this turn? Oh? how rude of me [I] almost forgot to introduce you to my pet it's Breakfast time isn't it have fun you two oh Geez oh, God it fucking moves. [oh] No, [hahaha], [okay]? What that fuck [is] that thing? Oh? Christ oh Christ, are you fucking serious with this shit ah [ah]? God, okay. Don't you fuck me. Don't use D pad for that cuz you have to move up and left the right as well. [oh] I'm so dead. I'm so dead movin does a synchronized dance with the other spiders. Hey, I need use a [fuckin] Okay, maybe I can survive one more [Merci] the person who warned you about us warned us about you even [oh], Jesus Christ fuck [I] Am in way over my head for this all the spiders clap along to the music Hate your motherfuckers use a bicycle there we go. Oh Jesus offered us a lot of money for your soul Okay, [oh], God again. I don't know why you made her sound like a snake I think I watched something with a spider lady in it, and they sounded like that. They kind of had [our] lists Muffet does a synchronized dance with the other spiders? Peter [did] [it] [bit] it in it in it in it in a padilha dude, okay. I need to reduce your I'm not gonna use all my money for this she reduced her attack for this turn. I need to reduce her attack She's going to decimate me. They had such a sweet smile and boom oh Oh nelly. Oh nelly. Wow the fuck are you oh it's a croissant. I? Like this battle I'm gonna get fucking ream though. It's strange, but I saw I saw them in the shadows changing shape No, oh oh, oh, oh No croissants. They fit really well there muffin pours you a cup of spiders Do not drink that I know I don't want to kill spiders. I'm nice. I would've bought [your] [supper] [for] you only noon. Oh It's [lunchtime], isn't it I don't forgot to feed my bed. [oh], not this shit again. [oh] glad oh Fuck oh fuck. Oh Okay, stay near the top. Oh Oh, oh oh oh oh it's hard. Oh, it's so hard go up [geesh] [yay], [she] [yeah], she wahwee. Oh good. Oh my God. This is hard smells like Freshly baked Cobwebs my curtains yeah nice cream there we go ah You're super spiffy your eyes She was insane uh with that money the spider clans can finally be reunited wait so can I pass the battle bye Oh fuck I Should have put [on] Tammy ever up next a pair of boobs ha ha ha ok so I can see when the next like If I keep forgetting to look at the Op neck so that the [paid] show up on that because if you did then I can Use money and bring down the thing ok muffin does a synchronous ants with the other spiders can I struggle? You started to escape the web nothing happened fuck you haven't heard spiders have been trapped into ruins for generations No, fuck Fuck man. I'm so bad at this Why? Haha, hey, I'm so lucky that I have a lot of fucking items even if they go under the door Snowden's Fatal [goal] is Impossible alone A Little until agility, but they get it a little [natal] little do such a good son. It really feels like a battle song Look and pours you a cup of spiders Okay, spare cuz I think it's just [spiders] [coming] [across] him, but with the money from your soul We'd be able to rent them a heated limo could you oh oh oh oh oh? oh Muffit eyes up the web around you? And [we'd] all have the leftovers. We could have a nice vacation or even build a slider baseball field Jesus Christ, I have no coordination for the shit [oh-ho-Ho-Ho-ho], okay, the muffin dude is up next oh Switz oh, so I have to use an item to bring back up my health or use money [to] make the attack easier. I'm gonna bring up my health ah But enough of that, it's time for dinner. Isn't it boom does this battle ever fucking end? Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck [fuck]. I'm dead. That's it. I'm just dead That's the way this is going oh No, I'm bad. I'm bad. I'm so bad at this [oh], oh, oh How many hits waves left me ha ha ha you're still alive? Oh my pet looks like it's time [for] dessert huh a telegram from the spiders in the ruins what they're saying that youth that, they saw you and Even if you are stingy you never hurt a single spider I've been saying I didn't hurt anybody. Oh my this has all [been] a big misunderstanding [I] taught you or someone that hated spiders is it over The person who asked for that soul. They must have met a different human in a striped shirt Sorry for all the trouble [oh], I'll make it up to you you can come back here anytime and for no charge at all and Wrap and wrap you up and let you play [with] my pet again Just kidding. I'll spare you now Muffin is sparing you oh My God, I almost died right at the end. That was hectic as all hell That was insane. I sucked every dick at that That was fun. See you again, Dearie Oh, [ye], Jesus Christ Can I save again? Oh God it's [fuckin] mettaton time again ok I'm going back. I'm saving oh Hi, I'm saving and then they come back and talk to you. I can't run into any enemies here Can [I] cuz I don't want to die. I don't wanna die now That was so intense oh It's a point still there. I thought it was gone Huh, so item whoa I'm phone. Go to dimension the box a let's take Take some dog residue and use it When I got up, okay, then I get any um But again, oh II got one dog salad, okay. That's good. Sweet [I] Save again actually, haha. Oh God that was the most tense battle so far the others I was able to get through I mean when undying I had Tammy armour. So maybe that made it a bit too easy But I mean I didn't get hit by all that many of her attacks anyway I was able to block them, but for this one. It was fucking tense Well fit, or you say okay? You're still here. Hi There you are dearie. [you] always you are always welcome in [my] parlor just stay on your best behavior He I don't [know] how to say that Okay, oh The web's just slow you down, okay? Oh God mettaton It's a poster for meta tons latest stage performance a tragic tale [of] two star-crossed Lovers kept apart by the tides of fate looks like it's almost time for the performance [oh], no, is it just gonna start when I get there that's never happened before [would] mettaton oh that human Medicine oh God could it be [oh], God. What are you wearing? My one true. Love [is] this this is like a play? Yep, ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha oh, man, Aha great move no [ok] Please dust profess their faith for me like. Oh now. I can move are you singing [all] my love? Please run away Monster King sees even funnier [now] because he can't sing Forbids your stay he's like trying to sing but he's a robot voice humans must live Far apart even if it breaks my heart They'll put you all. It's pretty in the dungeon seven Years Dungeon I It'll suck And then you'll die a lot, I think I can ride I once met it on really Sad You're gonna die Cry cry cry so sad it's happening That a ocean surf so sad so sad that you were going to the dungeon Well toodles what oh? I Feel I would I went to the dungeon no matter where I went right? [oh], no, whatever shall I do my love has been cast away into the dungeon [I] Dungeon with a puzzle so dastardly my Para armor will surely perish [O] Heavens have Mercy the horrible [Colour] tiled maze Each color tile has its own sadistic function For example a green tile sounds and noise, and then you must fight a monster Red tiles will actually wait a second Didn't we see this puzzle about a hundred rooms ago Yeah, and you were there you were up at the top Right-hand Corner when Papyrus gave me this And when I went back to the ruins it was gone you were gone Well that's if it was you that's right. You remember all the rules don't you great then I won't waste your time repeating them I? Remember oh, and you'd better hurry because if you don't get through in 30 seconds What oh? You will be incinerated by these jets of fire Another reason why I get mettaton that voice as well is because it reminds me glados. It's like oh There you are. It's like. It's kind of human, but not really so they're trying to express all these emotions but they can't and the singing is well oh, man ah My poor love I'm so filled with Grief. I can't stop laughing good luck darling Yeah as falling down now in tears. Oh, oh What am I doing? I don't know which way I'm going What? Um excuse me What are we doing now? Let's watch I? Can't go right okay? Oh Was I supposed to fail? [oh], I'm so sorry looks like you're out of time. Oh shit here come the flames darling No, thanks. They're closing in closer getting closer oh my I Was in a burning your dress any minute now. I can't move robotic off [oh] Watch out. I'll save you I'm hacking into the firewall right now. [oh] Of course mettaton who sounds [like] a floppy disk uses a firewall oh, it's genius. [oh] No, how could this happen boiled again by the Brilliant doctor alphys [oh]? I didn't click anything where did this thing. Go away. That's right come on marathon Give up already you'll never be able to defeat us Not as long as we work together Your puzzles over no go home and leave us alone puzzles over [our] face darling, what are you talking about? Did you forget what the green tiles do they make a sound then you have to fight a monster? Well darling that monster is me is me ah not again? [uh]? but [uh] Papa Third Favorite song in the soundtrack [okay] meta time let's yell at him. Hi Fuck yourself This is it darling say goodbye Come and click on the phone is that [your] phone you'd better answer it Who's talking hey this seems bad, but don't worry there's one last thing. I installed on your phone you see that yellow button Go to the phones Act menu and press it Okay You press the yellow button the phone is resonating with metatron's [presence] Is it gonna blow up? This is it darling say goodbye? no, I'm yellow no press [z] oh Matt I'm Gonna do it [oh] oh You've defeated me. How can this be you were stronger than I thought Etc. Ha ha ha ha? whatever, ha ha ha Hey look marathon looks like you'd like you beat him you [did] a really great job out there. Oh Thanks t. Oh. Oh thanks to you What oh no? I mean you you were the one doing everything cool. I just wrote some silly programs for your phone mmm um hey this might sound strange, but Can I tell you something? before [I] met you I did didn't really I didn't really like myself very much [ah] for a long Time I Felt like a total screwup, but like I couldn't do anything without Without ending up letting everybody down but Guiding you has made me feel a lot better about myself am I seriously helping like an otaku girl get over like her social anxiety and Like slight depression that is awesome so thanks for letting me help you uh Anyway, we're almost to the core. It's just past mettaton resort come on. Let's finish this [sweet] this oh That's cute though alphas are such a sweetheart Oh, hey Surfer, dude. Hey, it's you again Business is excellent here these two fellas bought all my ice cream. I've actually sold out of everything Sorry, wait. I've still got something for you a big smile. [how] about that? Ha ha ha you fucking a hole and you douche bags which oh, I'm [back] here [umm] [umm] [umm] [I] can't climb the stairs Wait, let's just go back cuz this is a game that has secrets everywhere yet. There's a new dude Mettaton looked really really cool in that dress [it] sort of makes me feel like I [could] wear one, too This game is very progressive very forward thinking like homosexual couples mettaton in a dress [and] then like alphys with her social anxiety nose gazing It's heckling all very relevant issues that people like go through like identity crisis and everything. It's really good. I really like it. Oh or 3 Hey, hey, did you remember my name did you yes what what do you remember? How could I be so easily defeated? [haha], he's cute. [I] thought you told me to remember your name. You said [it] was flame something He seems happy oh Hey, we're like talking Taking a rain check on that killing you thing like don't tell and dying about this ok no problem [brad] I'm so happy my scream is really changing the world Give me some Sandy Boy. I love you, [Ro] Hey, I heard you're going to the core How about grabbing some dinner with me first? Yes last time we went though he started talking about flowey or echo flowers Great. Thanks for treating me [silences] [hmMm] Treating you I thought you said we were going to dinner Sciences voice is one of the ones that I regret most in the series. I like the one I've given him now I think [it] just took him a lot more than over here cuz that was just too dumb But if I was to go back and like do it again I probably would've cuz everyone was like it sounds like critical like the Youtuber and that is like the [perfect] Voice from and now I've gone too far that [if] I don't keep changing his voice over and over and over again like the critical voice is like um um Over here. [I] know is sure he could like that would have suited him a lot more But now I've gone too far into it that I don't think I can [change] him again So it's one of the regrets. I have in the series. I said like the voice I gave him like over here I know a shortcut [cuz] he's kind of like that that cool uncle that you have around there's people call him don't go the sands like dad uncle well Here we are so Your journeys almost over, huh? You must really want to go home. Hey, I know the feeling but oh though Maybe sometimes it's better to take what's given to you Down here you've already got food drink friends Is what you have to do really worth it Can I move oh [no] ah? Forget it I'm rooting for you kid. See that that kind of actually think goes with those words a bit more like I'm rootin for your kid Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-do. Hey Let [me] tell you a story So I'm a century and snowden for us, right Sit out here and watch for humans. It's kind of boring Unfortunately deep in the forest. There's this huge locked door and it's perfect for practice and Knock-knock jokes So one day, I'm knocking [him] out like usual [I] knock on the door and say knock knock [and] suddenly from the other side [I] hear a woman's voice Who is there? So naturally I respond Dishes knock knock who is there dishes? dishes dishes [whoo] This is a very bad joke ha ha Then she just howls what laughter Like it's the best jokes he's heard in a hundred years is he talking about Tori. [oh] Like back at the ruins. There's a huge door cuz that's where I met sands in the forest [ah] [so] I keep him coming and she keeps laughing She's the best audience. I've [ever] had then after a dozen of them she knocks and says Knock knock [I] forgot the toriel voice I did I say who's there? [Old] Lady old lady, who oh I did not know you could yodel ha ha ha ha [o] lady, huh? Wow Needless to say this woman was extremely good we kept telling each other jokes for hours eventually I had to leave my [pyrus] gets kind of Cranky without his bedtime story sans tell me my story But she told me to come by again, so I did then I did again and again. It's a thing now Tell him bad jokes through the door. It's it rules But oh, God if I had killed her, what would he have done? One day though I noticed she wasn't laughing very much I Asked her what was up then she told me something strange If a human ever comes through this door Could you please please promise me something? Watch over them and protect them will you not I? Came through the door Now [I] hate making promises and this woman. I don't even know her name but Someone who sincerely likes bad jokes has an in integrity. You can't say no to So do you know what I'm saying is that why you came up to me [and] give me like the whoopee cushion thing Instead of killing me because you he was supposed to be a century and [the] [lookout] for humans So if a human came through he was supposed to kill them [I] Came through I'm a human The promise I made to her you know, what would have happened if she hadn't said anything buddy What [oh]? He's no ice You'd be dead. Where you stand? Oh, Jesus [Christ]. That's creepy. [oh] Can L sit is what people were saying that [sans] is like There's a lot more to him than like just the dom telling jokes little fat dude. [well]. He's not fat. He's big-boned um [jeez] that's scary Hey, Lighten up [Paco] I'm just joking with you besides Haven't I done a great job protecting you? I mean look at yourself. You haven't died a single time Hey, what's that look supposed to mean [I] have died Am I wrong? Yeah Yeah What I can't move yet, well, that's all take care of yourself kid Cuz someone really cares about you, okay? [every] time you sit down to talk [to] [sans]. I like a lunch or dinner situation He has sold much more to him than you think like just this little dude telling stupid jokes ruining his brother's life with incidental music But like there's so much more to him. He's really creepy when he wants to be Good God hey, bro What did you do with the plant? It's a platoon of [fisc] is's or ficuses viscous [ease] It's a wall of fame full of quotes and photos from visiting celebrities the food is to die for gorgeous style in Fragrance my face tastes beautiful These are all [metatron]. [oh] [hahaha] oops, I didn't know that and there's mettaton on the TV. It's some kind of TV show featuring Marathon As they came in I realize I forgot to make a reservation But I didn't want to look like I messed up, so I kept walking in anyway now I'm just kind of consumed and do off this ficus Hahahaha, [she] [came] in without a reservation. Oh the tables are all marathons. [I] Only noticed like the wheel at the bottom then irene I saw the knobs on that's what he said I taste delicious eating food off his own face Originally we dug mazes and puzzles in order to foil human attacks But now [finland] things winding and confusing it's some awful tradition. You can't go [oh], two feet without being up to your [habits] [and] puzzles Yeah, true. I know [I] feel so [drake] buddy I'm the resort comedian. I'm very funny people laugh at my jokes now my son. He wants to be a comedian like his father But his jokes [aren't] funny He tells his odd. There's awful puss. He's an embarrassment to my [family] ha ha that's not funny Since his mother passed on he couldn't stand living a lot at home alone anymore living at home when he was not alone in there So he ran away haven't seen him since it's I'm a terrible father ha ha ha ha that's not funny ha ha ha It's like yeah, you remember that time when those people got killed ha ha ha that's not funny I love a character like that Where he trying to make stew like bad things [funnies] [like] remember that car crash where everybody died Ha ha ha ha that's not funny. [I] Work at the core. The inside is a maze of swappable parts That means we can shuffle the layout and we'll boy was today a fun day. I sure loved puzzle It's a potted plant cool. You look like onion [sun] Red Red you'll have to reserve a table [took] [me] here it also need to reserve your chair No silverware your food your everything Remember you're not okay same thing Is there anything else around here? [there] was a door at the bottom okay? No? It's a nice place. What's the space called? So nobody has reservations during [to] people with reservation is that mettaton as well? It's broken though the relaxing atmosphere of this hotel it fills you with Determination hotel Lobby there's an inscription on this fountain Royal memorial fountain built to o1x Mettaton added last week Okay, it's spilling on the floor fern off Did he call you handyman? Yes, we know the elevator to [the] city is not working because it is incident rooms are running at a special rate 200 gold For a room interested Why not let's say last time. I stayed in a room something fun happened. So why not? Fabulous will escort you to your room I'm white a little ball underneath the covers and whenever a move [hahahaha] Can I can I exit the bed okay? It's a lamp. There's no light switch. It says that stairs make their own light [oh] Cuz mettaton yeah, I get it fucking mettaton man Some sort of giant bottle of perfume. [oh] the rectangular the cap is so comically large. You can't open it Don't get giggity goo get again. I've listened to the soundtrack a lot every time I go through the shop I just take all the soundtrack and listen. [oh] cuz all the songs are super short is he a blaster them all super quick [ah] Room service got my ct. Yes Like City, no you don't Sorry [Dududu] oh squidward Wow realm service got my cinnamon bun Yes, you flattened the cinnamon born until it's Paper-thin you slide it under the door, huh? That's just the way. I want here's a tip you got 99 gold yeah, here's a tip don't eat yellow snow You hear shuffling seems like you could put something under the door but no put on the foot whatever a game asked me to put or no put I always put You put a dog silent in front of the door it slides underneath The dog sided was absorbed by the darkness But I just lose two items, but they technically I sold a cinnamon one from [99] gold. What's up ah? Seems busy looks like he's dancing to the music It's locked from the inside. [I] just came from that room How does it get locked? See this what I mean There's so much stuff in this game like everything you click on has something cool to talk about there's some humor to it There's some little bit of character to every single thing a fucking door. That's more character [than] some games out there. It's incredible Hi This elevator goes straight [at] the [capitol], but I'd stopped working the hotel is doing its best to accommodate everybody stuck here Yeah, I'm gonna be home tonight um think there's some cold pizza in my treasure hoard, [you] can heat up Okay, he's on the phone man let markiplier. There's an m on his chest Perfect. I'm I'm outraged [Ariz] my what the elevator, okay? Let's save again Just so we [have] saves welcome to empty t resort hot lands biggest apartment building [turned] hotel Whether you're here for a night, or still live here Entity Resort prides itself on a great day. Just passing through nice mtT resort prides itself on being passed through Since I get prides itself on everything okay. Maybe that's the elevator empty tea restaurant Hi program Poor iam home of the glam Burger Sparkle up your day, okay? So I saw told me the guy who made the game tweet out about this guy it was something that he just like scribbled on a piece of paper or online like in Microsoft paint or something it was a Terrible drawing, but he said it was the only character that looked like that that actually made it into the final game so the way the character looks here is the way he looked like on his picture, so That's good. I like that talk. I'm sorry haha. It's against the rules to talk to customers who haven't bought anything okay, so by starfy glam Burger Legendary Hero steak in the shape of Metatron's face 500 gold no um [here's] 40 Hp hero Sandwich attack up in battle. That's not worth 300 He was 27 Hp very popular food. He has 14 very popular food is there a Secret if [I] buy one of these Can use like a steak in the shape of metatron's face against mettaton when I fight him again Because I don't feel like I've beaten him yet [um] I'll buy [eat] one of these these are expensive though. Oh sweet [Lamar] fuck Fucking hell, thanks for the fire before day [hahaha], so let's talk what? Why do you keep trying to talk to me? I'll get in trouble if I get chummy with the customers. Sorry [oh] fucking hell, so I wanted to be an actor [uh] um Marathon when I first came to [heartland]. He was my dream to work on Marathon Fucking this days awesome. Well be careful what you wish for a little buddy Why is Reddit I'm bad or why is [messing] about good? Have you even looked around this place is a labyrinth of bad choices and every time we try to change something for the better? He vetoes it and says that's not house. How they do it on the surface. Oh, right? Humans are always eating hamburgers made a sequence and glue What why is this Mettaton bad? Why do people find him so attractive? He's literally just a freakin rectangle I'm sorry, you know one time. I bought one [of] those uh kids online - What uh make yourself more rectangular? And uh they don't work Romance advice Listen buddy listen. [I] like you little buddy. So I'm gonna get save you a lot of trouble Never interact with attractive people unless you're one of them. They're just gonna take [advantage] of you like That time those two chicks asked me to sneak them some clam burgers, and I naive teenager that I was said yes to them bad idea So I went out to [the] alley to see those two ladies and uh you know see what had happened next Then my boss Saw me and asked me what I was [doing]. I was so startled two hamburgers in my pocket stumbled out onto the ground Nine one didn't lose face. How could you lose a face like that? [I] scrambled to pick them up, but as I was leaning over the weight of the remaining hamburgers Cuts my pants to fall down Then the girls laughed at me Everyone calls me burger pants. No ha ha ha. [I] love this dude burger pants, all right Good morning years. So let me give you some advice little buddy. You've sir got time. Don't live like me I'm 19 years old, and I've already wasted my entire life poor dude Future what future nothing down here ever changes, I'd probably be trapped at this stupid job forever. [oh] God But wait, there's one thing [that] keeps me going if a score gets, just one more soul We'll finally get to go to the surface. [I'd] be a brand it'll be a brand new world There's [got] [to] [be] a second chance out there for me for everyone So stay strong little buddy there when I make it big I keep you in mind [thank] you burger pants. They sell stuff why not try selling that to the two chicks in the alley sweet any Time little buddy, I Like burger pants, he's cool. Dude boom boo boo boo the elevator is in use I thought it was broken Okay, so this is head [nothung] core oh I don't wanna go into core yet. Okay, so We've talked to a lot of people We've advanced a lot of things so let's go out and talk to people in the alley. There's a note here that didn't get hey Go up the creepy alleyway on the right for some great deals Okay, are you prostitutes? Gonna date dude it did do hey check it out. Yeah, check it out Talk Burger pants, oh That guy from the store yuck what a creep. Yeah, he's a cream But he's kind of cute too. Come on caddy. Don't you have any standards that nope? Okay, like they're annoying thing is he'd be okay? if he just treated us with some respect, but hey But he just acts really weird and then act like it's our fault that he acts that way Like when we asked him to get those glam burgers he dropped them and ran away before we could even say then We were like going to share them really I wasn't hahahaha, Caddy She's Kathy get it like she says things that are catty like I love those girls. I don't there are batches [oh], you're so catty who? About you - I'm bratty, and this is my best friend caddy. I'm caddy, and this is my best friend bratty Yeah, yep. Yeah, we said it at the same time. [oh] The stuff inside is like totally wicked Expensive, but like this stuff. We found is like Totally wicked cheap. It's like totally cheap You should like totally wicked buy all [of] it totally we could buy all of it, huh I Mean like where does anyone get guns or food or we found this in [the] garbage? That's how she's saying because she's she's she's up class that and the fact that I read it wrong you know It's good garbage. It's like really good garbage Where do we get the garbage like the garbage store, duh? Hot waterfall mostly I found a gun in a dumpster and keep changing their voices so much sorry. Oh My God made of town oh my God mettaton He's like my robot husband actually. He's like my robot husband [I] Think we're like both going to [Mary] Ann. We're both like already married to him He just like doesn't know it yet So like Dr.. Alphas built mettaton right that's like what they tell you but like mettaton always acts like bing built was his idea somehow and Even right after he was built. He acted like Elvis was an old friend But they're like not friends anymore. Yeah, I like me and bready best friends for ever but Mettaton old oh My God mad at I'm okay. Yeah. I did this oh wait. Talk. Where you say old now Origin of garbage about [you] [to] grace to say old on those things [oh] My God alphys oh my God She used to live on our street She was like a big sister. [I] mean like if your big sister takes you on trips to the dump She showed us the coolest places to find trash This is because we're all trash troll undertale trash right now She was always collecting these weird cartoons. [oh] I was in waterfall where you got all the garbage throw from the bike in the computer and the dummy [oh] It all ties together like a neat little package Then she became the royal scientist. Yeah, we haven't seen her in like forever So office has always like what escort is a super cutie so like I'm pretty sure she made mettaton to like totally impress him a Robot with a soul that's like super relevant to his hobbies So after seeing marathon [öZGüR] asked her to do [all] this science stuff for him But nobody's like seen anything from her yet [aren't] her at all she must like it's just day in her lab all day Like live a little girl. Yeah like us. Oh My God. He's a total goober. He's a big fuzzy goofball Like I love that guy. He's like so nice God, we're like So high for the destruction of humanity. [oh] my gosh destruction of humanity oh my Jesus Christ Thanks, but we we like don't really need anything. [oh] my God. Can you just go get us some clint glam Burgers? We don't really need anything wait. I'll pay you 1,000 girl if you get mettaton to autograph my bot No junk food Empty. Gone Cowboy hat mystery key oh mystery Key Where if I pass the can't be opened I passed the place in there? in like the forested area in snowden with the door and [the] mushrooms outside that I couldn't get into and I also passed Sanz's room that I couldn't get into but there's some houses in snowden that I couldn't get [into] either I Wish I had enough for it Okay, bye girls. See you later bitches Just say cool. Okay. Those are fun. I like those girls. Those are fun to voice. That's appear Nothing. It's just a regular wall See, what game would have you go all the way up there just to be able to click and say it's a regular wall So good Buddha boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo. Oh hey, I was here. Let's go to the core Boom goo goo goo goo goo goo Love the music man so good Toby Fox you're fucking genius Do dare to dirty okay? It's not a secret. Oh crap Huh, who are they? Nobody else is supposed to be here. [oh] well. We can't worry about that now. Oh wait I want to go back here and ring Papyrus Ring-Ring [a] hotel cool. I've never stayed at a Fancy hotel. Really me neither Papyrus, we should go on vacation sometime. Yeah, let's vacation to a hotel That's it. Koryo anything nobody picked up Hmm wait Wait, wait wait wait. Wait wait. [I] was in here with sands We were sitting at this table sands got up went over here did something to plan and left Where did he go? Like how did he get out? See there's so much the sands because when I met him I After snowden he was at the stand And he was like okay. Let's go back to grill bees, and we went right But we ended up coming back to grill bees. Which is on the left. [oh] Man, there's so much to [science] science is my favorite character I like to papyrus a lot cause he was hilarious, but [sans] there's so much mystery to him and he's like yeah I tell bad jokes, but I'll also kill you So he'd kill you if he has to So good such a good character All right moving on what's in here the Core I? Think [I] have to click on everything because the secrets everywhere Ready this is it take the elevator up to the top of the core Then wait this this is it it This can't be it yet Hey, why don't you try to use the elevator first? I don't want to oh shit, but watch out oh balls Magic cups out of his of attack Magic, but it's a mad chick [Bubu] do to build will [babu] okay clear mind you ignore Magic and think of Pollen and sunshine your defense increased by one No, it didn't it increased my fucking [10:30] health now please and thank you Walk are you doing stop that? Okay Let's stare back at him Chaser, orb Corner on Chaser or the unrelenting Chaser, orb was weakened by your glare Please and thank you. Oh Nut balls you're gonna spit out crosses again. Oh That you're easy to avoid [stare] at the Corner or the intimidating corner or was weakened by earlier tinkle tinkle hoi? Peppa Peppa, Peppa Papa Papa fuck [oh] fuck crap Okay There we [go] spear you 160 gold But that was close, but why are you there's so many monsters here? I mean, it's no problem right We've just got to [keep] heading forward Oh, hey, what are we doing where am I? Looks like you can't proceed until you hit the switch, but those lasers will activate when you do um Looks like they're coming this order orange orange blue it got it move until the third one. Thank you. I Didn't know like straight away. I thought it was on this Jesus Christ, okay, I've more than Max health oh My God, are you hurt? I am so sorry. I gave you the wrong order. Oh, you did didn't you? Everything's going to be fine. Okay. Let's just keep heading to the right righty [Fuck's] sake a Crossroads, huh ah Try heading to the right so up Because you get me wrong orders before crap What the fuck you've like a slow drink face in your belly night-night blocks [away] night-night ah You sing a song and you get this nice night? Good night? You sing an old lullaby night night started to look sleepy close your eyes and [goodnight] Oh sing again, you keep singing [late-night] cause of the [toys] of it, la da da la da Da Do-do-Do-Do-do farewell not today dear to fuck Little beautiful booth sing now go to sleep falls asleep sweetness 70 goals And you're okay? Why didn't you head to the right come on? You trust me. Don't you know? Cuz you said the wrong things is there anything in here. Maybe I should have trusted you dammit Okay, ring ring Yes, but more lasers okay? I I won't mess around this time. I'll just deactivate the lasers and let you through They're there they're not turning off. I can't turn them off I It's okay. [I] have this under control. [I'm] going to turn off the power for [that] whole node then you can walk across sweet Don't randomly turn back on please fork and hell, that was a lot of lasers wait wait stop the [power], it's turning itself back on damn it this isn't supposed to I Am going to turn it off again when it turns off move a little and then stop Okay, yeah, you won't get hurt Fuck good Christ. Oh Hey Sissy I've got everything under control everything's under control hey, I Don't feel like this finally I can save Okay, you you should you should [I] don't know this doesn't look like my map at all I'm sorry. I i i have to go ah Office is adorable the air is filled with the smell of Ozone it fills you with Determination, but imagine it fills me with Ozone Okay, we'll move on [now] [then] what's happening here? [oh], this is all repeating itself Did a little bit? Fucking monsters is it a magic no [quim's] a lot and final froggen appeared ah shit final [Froggen] compliment Yeah compliments were what you dealt with [frogs] with the compliment final froggen it understood you perfectly its attack dropped Not this time He just nodded. Oh shite balls. Fuck me man Whims [allah] Shakes his head dismissively Okay Boa noite You did something mysterious [plaintiff] [roget] recognize that it has more to learn from this world. I can't spare you yet. [oh] [here] [t] shitty shit balls Okay, now I can spare [you] thank God. [oh] oh, you were the final frontier' was looking at the other one crap Crap Crap [I] almost died [ah] [cinnabon] running out of fucking iTems shine shine okay, just stay at the top then ah There we go [umm] console Your reassure wins a lot that it's doing is alright what it's doing is alright. I've made my peace Does that mean I can spare you know okay? That was much [easier] this time? [oh]? not this time fuck I Thought I could just spare them. I [don't] know why I click that so quickly So pray you're near and pray for safety wins a lot remembers its conscience. There's still hope Look yeah there. We go. Okay. I kind of want to head Back I Want to head back and save and get my health back good. God man The ears shouldn't smell of Oza. I want to go back and get more items now Okay, well I might leave this episode here, then it feels like there's it that's an hour [done] more or less So I don't want to go I would I don't [want] [to] go too far ahead, and then have too much [dawn] and then I like I start like another thread or start another battle and then it takes forever to do and then the episode it's Way too long. We're heading to the core which means we might be heading into final territory like in the next two [episodes] This is episode what? eight Six seven or eight. I can't remember there's been a lot of episodes but this is like [episode] eight or something and Soft was really starting to kick off and we're coming up towards near the end of the game and my ears feel like they need Stretch out. Oh, I love this game so much it's it's one of my [favourite] games of the year I said last time was on my favorite games of all time I finish it up before I say too much stuff about that because sometimes the endings of games can ruin them hello mass effect Like the original ending for that game the journey was amazing, and I still would go back and [play] it again anyway But it just bad endings even bad taste in your mouth like [the] end of life for strange as well [but] I got the ending of that It was like ah gods know like all I've done up to that point feels So pointless and like stupid so I know sometimes bad endings can ruin the journey but I do go back and play them but I Wanna I want to hang out on like best game of all time kind of stuff until I actually finished the game but from what? I've heard from people Finishing the game or talking about the endings of the game I don't know what the end is that's one thing that hasn't been spoiled yet, which I'm very very happy about some stuff Like stuff about sans [I] kind of know because again I've been on tumblr a lot a lot of people post [fan] art I kind of knew how muffet looked because of fan art Um there's another person Or dude or Character that like oh [they] dish that I haven't seen yet [and] they kind of have my hair over there I I don't know who that is I don't [know] what character that is haven't seen them yet And I've seen other characters here and there so I Don't know what the ending is and I'm very much looking forward and wanted looking forward to what it is and I hope [sands] [is] a bigger power to play in it, but I know he's a bigger part to play in the genocide anything But I don't know if they're doing the true pacifist route right? I think I'm still doing pretty good [I] [don't] know what there is I haven't killed anything yet? Which is first and foremost [because] if you kill one thing even and then you spare everything else you get the neutral ending and if you're doing a genocide run And you spare a few people or you don't attack them or don't kill them then you get the neutral anything you have [to] kill? Everything in the genocide ending so I'm escaping from people. I have no exp. I play I don't think so One thing I have any exp yet Stats no zero exp. So that's good, and I think that means I'm still getting the true passive sending I've found all the characters. I've talked to a lot of people I don't know hopefully let me know in the comments if I'm getting the true pass for sending them I really want to know but do not spoil the ending in the comments if you do I will ban you from the comments like not a lot just like the comments of this video I will ban you from the channel if you spoil shit about the ending of this game And I'm not like saying that as like an idle thread I will literally ban you I've done it to people before I've banned people for spoiling Endings of games before and I will do it again So be warned about that anyway. Thank you guys so much watching [us] I'm sorry if you liked it punch that like button in the face like A pause and play for is all wrong Shh? Thank you guys. No [Azalea] news Uh yeah, it sounds like like a fax machine, so oh yeah Welcome beauties judy on the ground from [here] comes, Joe Cookin man. It doesn't feel like an hour whenever I'm recording these videos time flies by so quick. [I] love it
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 6,260,578
Rating: 4.9400549 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Undertale, Role-playing Video Game (Media Genre), Undertale Gameplay, Walkthrough, Let's Play, Pacifist run, Playthrough, Undertale Jacksepticeye, Soundtrack, OST, characters, funny, funny game, RPG, indie RPG, indie game, best indie games, jokes, mercy, enemies, story, webcam, facecam, reaction, PC, Undertale PC, Steam, Download, Sans, Papyrus, Voices, Toriel, puzzle, puzzle game, no fighting, sans, papyrus, true pacifist, Mettaton, Alphys, muffet, muffet battle, muffet fight
Id: QjCStU6Olp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 53sec (3713 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2015
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