Little Elsa gets ice powers ? Elsa & Anna toddlers

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[Music] i feel something cold next to my hand wait huh an ice cube snowflake did she do this it's early in the morning come on why'd you put an ice cube in my bed it's so random wait huh anya maybe she did it anya did you put this ice cube here don't pretend you are sleeping anya did you put this ice cube here the question stays hello anya nice pretending that you're sleeping there it's morning so we have to get up anyway but my feet are cold too ugh my feet must have touched it as well anya wake up wake up wake up wake up up up elsie yeah let me sleep what ice cube come on come on stop acting like you don't know i know you were the one who put the ice cube or just someone who pranked me hmm did you say ice cream ice cream i want ice cream ice cream no silly not ice cream ice cube cube cube in my bed which oh man which is melting i better take it off um look i kind of wet my bed sheets now so cold well if anya didn't do it it must have been snowflake strange this ice cube is shaped like a mushroom thing ugh well it's pretty cold i better just stop touching it even though it doesn't really feel cold to me but i'm just gonna go downstairs for breakfast because that cold ice cube really just woke me up good morning elsia oh good morning everybody oh clumsy clumsy oops how else yeah still didn't fully wake up yet huh yeah and anya is still in bed actually anya come to the breakfast table the oatmeal is warm coming whoa that was cold whoa healthy i was right there was an ice cube here why am i standing right in the water it's making my toes feel all numb and cold ugh all right very weird coming mommy i'm right here i'm right here hmm anya come on just take your fuzzy hair out of your face and come right here because we need to discuss something disgust right now but it's still the morning you know and you're right i do have fuzzy hair there all right so what was it well i think snowflake knows huh snowflake you were the one who put that icy ice cube in my bed what i didn't do anything yeah right come on snowflake you can tell us that prank you did dropping an ice cube in my bed i bet that you woke up early no mommy it was not me it's not me mommy what what's going on she blamed me blame you for what exactly elsia what's going on well just go and look into my bedroom mommy then you'll see hmm you want me to go right now and see right now okay you'll see now what was she talking about oh oh is that the ice cube she was talking about hmm that's really strange i agree well if no one did it who did could it be no all right i'm just not gonna think about that right now um we'll just see if it keeps happening so mommy did you see well yeah i saw it um let's just see if any more weird stuff happens but let's just not think about it for now so it was no one yeah i don't know what could have caused it because i found it next to my hand all right well here's your worm oatmeal girls hmm be sure to to blow and check before you eat i always you always what oh well well i was just sleepy i what i meant to say is that well after that stepping on that cold ice cube i need something warm now just need to check the temperature i just love my mommy's homemade oatmeal so good and perfect breakfast i like oatmeal too yummy now it's the perfect temp temperature oh my sweet little baby of course i'll give you more adrian here you go that's a big spoonful but oh why is it so cold already mommy just brought it out well what did i tell you when i make warm food you have to eat it right away or else it will get cold well no no but you don't understand i didn't waste any time randomly wait after i blew it it just felt cold all sudden that's really weird maybe there's the window open around here and a breeze came in yeah whatever oatmeal tastes good no matter the temperature done my cereal put it in the sink for the dishes and time to go ready for the day time for my morning brush of my hair i'm going to use a spin mirror kind of tangly today and reach all the way to the back tangle i can't get this one out what wait wait why is the brush called it what it's completely frozen oh no no way what i can see the bristles and everything no way i can't even brush it's just the whole ice cube now how could this happen no no no no no no i must be dreaming no no this can't be happening it's almost like i made it happen no no it couldn't be maybe the maybe it's the brush maybe this is a brush that makes an ice cube appear on it a brush covered in ice frozen frozen frozen okay i better just go to mommy just let me put this in the sink to melt whoa i just cannot believe that mommy yellow bear which bear mommy mommy where's mommy oh anya anya what you will not believe this um okay what what what what i was brushing my hair and suddenly the brush it was covered in ice frozen with ice come on elsia no no no so look i was just brushing brushing and i was just brushing even more i got into a knot and once i touched it it's just just what so you're telling me it came from nowhere i'm telling you cause that's what happened as i kept on brushing it froze yeah right just yeah right this is all just fake and maybe you even dreamt after all you don't have ice powers like your mom anyway but elsie i mean anya no no no you have to believe me look no elsia i don't believe you after all you don't have ice powers like antelsa you know maybe i do no no i know this happened anya i literally just took the brush like this um and then i just and just like that it happens again oh no no no see honey i see why are you not saying anything well because i have no words of what just happened elsia no way i i think you have uh ice powers whoa real ice indeed indeed covered in ice a frozen bear elsia this ice power came from your hands you really think so wait i have ice powers but but this kind of scary though like my mom whoa but then i'll freeze everything what's gonna happen no no it's just unusual and you can even ask your mom for help she controls it yep but what if i freeze all the toys by accident or or this bed or this chair or or you anya maybe elsia maybe until we figure out what's going on stay away from me please wait but don't be afraid of me i don't want it to be like that um and what's in your hair there's something on your hair something in my hair oh no what is it now oh i need a mirror quick quick what wait you're right there is something in there what okay let me get a closer look at this this is getting weirder and weirder by the minute what happened now what happened now oh can't you see i just froze a whole chair look at this big jumbo chunk of ice oh no it's happening again i'm freezing things by accident anya let me see let me see oh whoa whoa okay okay let's go talk to mommy it's an emergency mommy my mommy mommy mommy um please come quick i'm worried because something's happening to me and i need you to see something and my hands feel cold well yeah and that might not make sense but please just come elsia elsia first calm down and is it something bad yeah i mean no i mean i actually don't know i actually don't know well can this wait is it really important yes yes it is oh my hands feel so cold and you'll know why when i show you well okay i'll come show me what happened yes aunt elsa it's true i saw it with my own eyes come come okay yeah yeah yeah to our room hmm what is this all about i hope everything's okay me too i hope so come on come this way this way see see look is that ice are you sure okay are you pranking me no no no okay okay look do you see this blue thing in my hair do you see it what did you did you paint your hair today no no it appeared once well well the truth is i started freezing a bunch of random stuff and i didn't even want to um yeah yes yes yes it's true it's true it's not a prank oh boy wait this is real real ice so so i was just uh i was just um grabbing this chair and then it just turned to ice like what even happened i just i i just don't have any words i'm i'm kind of i can't believe this but this call me mean one thing but i didn't think it was possible um can i say elsia yes i bet you're thinking the same thing anyway we think she might have ice powers which is amazing which is so cool but she's scared yes i know cause i keep freezing stuff and what if i freeze on ya oh yeah yeah that's what i think too because you know i'm your mom and i have ice powers so i think they pass down to you wait so you have ice powers daddy has ice powers and now i have ice powers yeah and who knows now maybe even snowflake will when she grows up no hey that sounds so cool but but but i can't control it that's the thing so i don't know if i want them i went through the exact same thing when i was about your age and now you have someone to look up to and i'll teach you everything that you need to know don't worry yeah but the next thing i touch i'm probably gonna freeze mommy well it's not that easy the point is that you don't have to be afraid because when i was afraid i was doing all sorts of weird stuff with my eyes well i'm afraid i don't want her to freeze me don't be afraid we'll work on it what else did you freeze this bear i froze it but oh it melted hmm oh okay but i also throw something in the bathroom a brush let me go get it see see look at this is that when you tried brushing your hair and if you're wondering why i'm holding the ice it actually doesn't feel cold but my hands feel cold isn't that weird yeah well actually it's not weird that's how i feel when i'm making ice things and probably for you it's new because it's the first day so see well this is the first thing that i froze into solid ice before i just blew my oatmeal so that explains it oh even my breath is cold okay now listen up listen to me elsia i am going to teach you how to control your powers so this won't happen just anything you touch you feel sounds good oh wait but wait so is this blue streak and oh now i noticed my blue hands from ice power i don't i'm actually not sure if you'll always have blue in your hair because i don't but anyway let me tell you something else important you must not use your ice powers to do bad things well yeah i shouldn't do bad things anyway yeah that's true but never do bad things with it for some okay you may like it but for some people they might not like a joke okay time to repair what do you mean repair to unfreeze okay that's also a skill you'll learn in time see this is frozen right okay get my powers ready and unfreeze wow no way it doesn't seem like i'll be able to do that mommy you will i have years of experience see not frozen anymore not cold nothing wait let me feel wow your mom is amazing elsia first example second example to the chair are you watching and unfreeze there we go amazing amazing it just amazes me every time you do this mommy it works i see some water there from where the ice melted all right well let's share the news with everyone else in the family wait but what if what if they're all going to be scared of me mommy i'm scared i won't they won't okay but can i stay beautiful anna went through the same thing because i'm her sister and she was a bit scared too oh so she was scared like me i'm glad to hear that come on may i have your attention everyone i have something i have some news oh what is it we just found out that lcr has ice powers what what what is this true are you joking elsa is that the friend nope no joke no prank come on here elsia come on come on you didn't do something wrong elsia don't feel free yeah come on elsia um okay well i'm here all of you are not um scared of me or angry at me or something of course not we won't well yeah here i am some signs are that her hands are cold she has a bit of blue on her fingers and on her hair that just appeared today wow that's really fascinating oh well see i really thought this was a joke at the beginning but looks like our ice power's passed down to you give me a hug everything's gonna be all right sweetie i just don't really know what to feel i'm glad that mommy knows about it because now i feel better it's just something new that's all but it's just i'm excited what if the next thing no no no but wait what if the next thing i touch i freeze i still don't know how to control it we will we will teach you don't worry if you make mistakes elsia don't worry we'll be there to unfreeze until you learn we're with you on this but i just wish there was something to you know block my ice powers just until i learn i think i might know a solution something you did elsa oh yeah i had gloves on at first oh maybe that will help oh yeah cause i don't want to accidentally freeze anya or her dress or something by accident let's not think about that if you want i could give you a mini lesson right now right we're gonna start with a simple thing which is making just a little bit of flurries all right ready here like this you just think about what you want to create oh oh this is an easy task whoa that's so cool but i want to do it why elsia oh snowflake well she reached the age when she gets ice powers maybe you will when you're her age yay now your turn hmm okay so stick my hand out and just oh think of snowflakes you try it snowflake make a snowflake come on snowflake snowflakes no fakes no fake snowflakes oh no no that didn't go exactly right instead i froze this couch whoa well i guess you guys can see now how my first thing i froze in front of you wow wow i'm gonna sit on the ice it's so cool look you can spin it around because it's so slippery yeah [Music] whoa look at this big block at the back so cold so are you glad that your sister has ice powers what do you think of this i like it and i want to have them too well at least we know you have a lot of ice power because you did all this and yeah why don't i try to sit on this looks like i'll be slipping up can't sit on that it's so thick and cold well the ice is not cold to me ice cream ice cream no no no that's not ice cream yeah it is fun it is a slippery right adrian well i'm glad that no one's really scared about this i'll do it i'll unfreeze the couch for you elsia i haven't done this in a long time anyway come on well let's see it okay um freeze looks like i didn't forget how to do it see elsa that was awesome great job jack thanks guys that was cool oh jack yep you did a great job i'll be right back to get you some gloves elsia oh all right oh oh why are you hugging me anya because well i'm just so happy for you cousin oh well thank you so much anya i'm glad that oh you hugged me you're not really scared anymore no not really because i believe that you will learn to control it ah thanks look what i have here gloves for you elsia [Music] and they're not just any gloves they're your mom's first gloves wait so she wore them when she was getting her ice powers and i think they're just your size wow they do look my size they're nice and blue so no matter what i touch with these gloves they it won't freeze anything right your hands have to be bare too for your ice powers to work well elsia come on turn around i want to see oh just wait just wait i'm getting them on all right and done what do you think whoa they match with their hair color they look so pretty on you they fit just right i agree well this gives me so many memories my first gloves are now your first gloves oh wait but wait let me touch something to test them we already told you it won't work elsia yeah well you know just wanted to make sure and i see it's not freezing oh sweetie i'm so proud of you i feel so much better about this whole ice power thing now you should it's a really creative gift for more videos go to our channel and subscribe [Music] you
Channel: Come Play With Me
Views: 16,156,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elsa, Anna, frozen, dolls, toys, play, children, kids, ice power, elsya, elsia, ania, toddlers, anya, annia, come play with me, ice, barbie
Id: nAPy3zpD3E0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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