Disney Encanto's Mirabel And Isabela Pack Turning Red Mei School Lunch | Fun Videos For Kids

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it's sushi time noodle noodle noodle noodles get in there little noodles you're watching carrie hands have you packed your lunch yet for school no i still need to do that and pack my backpack so let's go pack our lunches maribel what are you making for lunch let me see here yeah we have bread cheese deli meat i guess another day another sandwich you've been eating sandwiches all year why don't you try something different like what like our leftover takeout food you can take that to school yes you can let's get wild and crazy alright let's do it okay time to pack my lunchbox so here's my lunchbox wait a minute your lunchbox does not have your name or any stickers yeah so let's put some on there great idea let's start with some stickers i'm going to put this unicorn on here because it's so super cute and apple on here because well it is a lunchbox after all and this star that says i did it because well i did it i put all these stickers on time to put my name on this lunch box i have these sparkly yellow letters i need to pop out a capital m for a mirabelle let's put the m on there get this little eye get on there little eye can't forget the little dot over my eye boop there it is r coming up next and on the lunchbox it goes i need a little a of course that's at the beginning of the alphabet super easy to find there you go little a just hop right on that lunchbox it's gotta be time for the b perfect let's get the e on there awesome and the final letter is an l awesome now it says mirabelle no mistaking this lunchbox it's definitely mine now let's fill it up with some food i have leftover sushi and a box of noodles let's pop open my lunchbox let's add noodles first all right let's put the noodles in this little compartment right back here here's a shrimp that goes with my noodles oh and a fried egg on top yes that looks so yummy it's sushi time oh i'm gonna put a whole bunch in my lunch box oh there's this fish sushi i'll put that right back here oh a sushi roll yes please yummy yummy some delicious edaname another shrimp because i just love shrimp oh look at this delicious sushi roll let's put that in here here's another yummy roll right here oh we have some caviar fish eggs yummy that's going to be stinky at school i think i'll be skipping that at my lunch i still have room in my lunchbox and i just love these noodles i'm going to put more noodles in there i also have this little dessert that i'm gonna pop right in there yummy yummy time to close this up isabella what are you making for your lunch here's my lunchbox time to add some stickers a cute little unicorn is going on here a purple star right up here a cute little pink heart right here and a little birdie right down here i'm going to use purple stickers for my name here's an eye right here there we go with the i up next is the s here we go little s get right on there we have an a coming up there we go need a b all right here's the b up next we need an e on it goes then l right there and one more a awesome now it says isabella and i'm ready to open it up and put some food in here of course i want some of these yummy noodles noodle noodle noodle noodles get in there little noodles just so i don't forget i'm gonna put my yummy little dessert pastry in here i'm going to put one two shrimp right in here oh here's a hot pepper i'm going to awesome put all my veggies in here my edaname yummy i also like these little sushi fish sushi roll in here another yummy sushi roll and another one mmm i can't wait for lunch now i'll just close it up and i'm ready to roll we're not quite ready to roll we still need to pack our backpacks i almost forgot thanks for the reminder okay here's my backpack oh let me open it up oh gosh i have not packed a single thing today yep nothing in there either okay this may seem strange but i'm bringing a stapler because my teacher always runs out of staples and of course i need my calculator all right moving on the big stuff my pink sprinkles folder to hold all my homework in my awesome purple composition notebook i have art today so i'm bringing my colored pencils speaking of pencils i almost forgot to bring my pencil my art teacher said i also need to bring some fancy tape today and these fun stickers so let's go ahead and get that right in there and my little sketchbook that i love to sketch in okay i think i have everything all right i think i have everything mirabelle don't forget to pack your backpack okay okay here's my backpack let's pack it all right my future is so bright i gotta wear shades well at least on my composition notebook i need to bring my ruler for math today i also have a sprinkles folder with all my homework in there need to make sure to bring my calculator and eraser i'm bringing colored pencils as well okay that's all i'll fit in that part i'm also bringing my little sketch notebook and these cute little post-its to remind me of all the work i need to do okay i think i have everything i need and now we're finally ready to go to school oh just in time we're almost going to be late come on oh well you look at that we are almost late all right here i come are you guys ready to meet this new teacher what have you heard about her i heard she's super super strict and i heard she assigns lots of homework lots of homework that's the worst oh i don't know if i even want to take this class uh ladies i am right here and i can hear everything you're saying oh sorry teacher you need to find a seat and we're getting to work right away okay let's go i hope everyone remembered to complete their homework homework what homework this is our first day teacher i i didn't realize we had homework to complete i'm just kidding of course you don't have to hand in homework on day one we're actually going to do something pretty fun today somehow i doubt that what was that isabella i said somehow i doubt that i heard you're very strict i am a strict teacher gulp but i also like to have fun so we're having some fun today if you say so today you get to decorate lockers yes yes yes does anyone here like painting i love painting me too painting can get a little messy well this is working out perfectly we have one two lockers that need to be painted and another beautiful locker that just needs a few special touches what are we waiting for let's decorate these lockers hey sisters i have an idea i'm going to use my backpack as inspiration for my locker oh great idea mirabelle look my backpack kind of matches my locker so many sparkles nice purple and blue colors on there well my backpack has absolutely nothing to do with how i'm decorating my locker oh way to think out of the box luisa step one paint the entire thing white [Music] what do you think uh luisa it looks pretty plain and a little bit messy that's just the first layer to kind of cover up the pink i'm going to add some color once that's dry oh great idea louisa i think i'm going to make the door very colorful but i better cover it in white paint first here goes nothing okay while my locker dries why don't you decorate your locker isabella great idea so the outside is already beautiful but i may add some stickers okay we'll open it up and hey here are some things i can use to decorate my locker but first i'm going to put these stickers on it's the galaxy and a rainbow oh so pretty so this goes on the door just like this and this goes all the way back here just like that and one more sticker right up top here all right perfect i have this super fuzzy wuzzy rug going right down here and there's plenty of room to put my backpack down here now i'm going to slide the shelf right up here nice i can put this little hook right back here and now my backpack doesn't have to be on the floor i can hang it on there check out this beautiful chandelier i can slide it right into place right up here oh yeah that's looking really nice and hello gorgeous i have this mirror it goes right here and i have this awesome hanging basket i can hang right here and i'm going to put a beautiful rainbow sticker right on there now let's add some stickers to the front of my locker constellation unicorn a planet that's shaped like a heart that'll go right up here look at this it's a little alien little alien friend you're going right there a little magical poop right here in the middle ooh hearts will look so cute right up here a donut oh i have to have that and a little strawberry i guess this is my food section because i'm putting this milkshake there a popsicle right here a yummy drink here and down here i'll add a star and a roller skate i don't know about you guys but i am loving my locker now luisa mirabelle time to paint okay let's see here yep that seems nice and dry if you couldn't tell with my clothes i love pink and purple and white hey maybe those are the colors i'll use on my locker i'm going to mix together a little blue with a little red and a dab of white now i'm going to mix them all together see what color this makes i hope it doesn't turn out ugly okay okay hmm it's looking very very blue come on red come on whoa everything's getting crazy red and even a little more weight well that should do time to start stirring again all right that looks pretty cool i'm gonna add a little blue glitter in there i mean isabella can't be the only one who sparkles in my right all right let's see how it looks okay that looks pretty good i think i need a bigger paintbrush though maybe i'll try to do like an ombre effect i'll add a little more white a tiny little bit of pink mix these guys together okay here goes nothing cool it is a little lighter let me add a little more white and a little more pink mix mix mix okay now go over this a little more white a little more pink a little more mixing here we go all right guys you know the drill a little more white and a little more fake all right a little more mixing here we go and the final color will be pink with just a little bit of white in it oh look at that color wow louisa you are so talented oh thank you it's really beautiful all right time to paint my locker okay i think i want mine to have blue purple and pink stripes i have this dark blue but i think i'm going to make it a little bit lighter so i'm going to put it in here [Music] and add a little white mixy mixy let's see what color this makes yup that's the color i want i'm going to paint diagonal stripes on mine [Music] and then it's going to be pink purple and blue again oh it's a little tricky on here [Music] and i think one more blue stripe down here [Music] to make the purple i'm just gonna add a little red and white and get mixing all right it looks like i have purple ready to roll i'm going to paint it right above the blue and last but not least pink yeah i know i could have kept the locker pink but this is a really really bright pink [Music] guys i have some really cool stickers blade glow in the dark here's a zebra we'll just put it right here little zebra here you go very good very good very nice and i have this little seal i'm gonna put him right down here i just love animals i also have this fun little flower and a skateboard and last but not least a couple little sparkles oh i just love my stickers so here's the inside of my locker i'm gonna add this little rug to it right down here cheetah rug cheater sticker on the back stars up top this blue chandelier i'm going to pop right up here oh yeah that looks nice put my backpack in here put this little bin right up here that little bin will be so handy for pencils and school supplies hey mirabelle is your locker ready to decorate yes it is the paint is all dry but i'm going to decorate the inside first so just like you i'm going to hang this little blue chandelier here i also have a cheater rug while the paint was drying i put this blue sticker in the background with some unicorns on there and then on my door here i put cheetah print with stickers and i'm going to hang my basket up here oh wait a minute wait a minute i almost forgot to put my backpack in there there we go and i think this is the best part sticker time i'm going with a really big really bold sticker right in the middle look oh i think this beautiful yellow sunflower is just perfect i know i have unicorns on the inside but i definitely need one on the outside too put watermelon right up here put a little star right over here this says rock because i'm totally rocking a little gemstone right down here oh i love isabella's galaxy theme and hers i'm going to add these constellations to mine all right everyone time is up i hope you're done decorating your lockers oh we are we are what do you think i think they are gorgeous if you had to pick a favorite which one would it be oh there's no way i could pick a favorite they're all so unique and beautiful don't you guys think so yeah they're as unique and colorful and awesome as we are oh mom i'm ready for school and i want to try to pack my own lunch today meimei that's a big responsibility i'm so proud of you do you have a new lunch box i can use no meimei we're using the same lunchbox but my lunchbox is so boring so very boring i'm excited to go spend some time with may me too isabella oh maybe it's a bad time do you think we should go inside yeah let's see if we can help may feel better maybe you need to calm down it's almost time for school and you're letting your red panda out okay okay i'm zen i'm zen very good very good let me go get your lunch box i'm zen i'm zen i'm zen all right much better well who's here it's your friends mimi you need to relax come on in girls she's a little emotional today a little emotional oh make me look at you yeah i'm a little upset well what's wrong meimei my mom wants me to use this boring lunchbox it's so plain and even worse this container boring i want it to be colorful and have lots of personality just like me i'm going to let you in on a little secret a secret yeah you see this lunchbox right here it has my name on it and super cute stickers yes that's exactly what i want but i have this boring old lunchbox well i had a boring old lunchbox too but i decorated it i can decorate my lunchbox mom can i can i of course maymay i even have some very colorful stickers for you you do yes i was saving these for your birthday but here you go these should be perfect for your lunchbox have fun honey wow thanks mom i feel so much better oh these stickers are awesome oh and once you decorate it isabella and i brought you some really tasty really fun food for your lunch this day has turned into an amazing day time to decorate my lunchbox okay first let me look through all these stickers oh this little heart is so adorable it's okay a rose watermelon okay that has to go on there no way this says banana it is a lunch box so that's going on there hey this bicycle has tires and they look like lemons okay that's going on there it's okay uh i think this would be a good reminder to chill out sometimes and i think i'll put a random croc on there oh and leave room for your name we have stickers for you seriously so totally cool okay so i think i'm gonna put my name right here i can put the bicycle here yes that looks awesome so let me just pull the stickers off it's okay maybe it's okay nice you know what i think i want the bicycle up here actually yeah i'll put all the food on this side and this little bicycle is going right over here just looking at that makes me feel relaxed watermelon oh yeah wait a minute do these stickers glow in the dark yes maybe they do glow in the dark maybe after you make your lunch you can go into a dark room and watch them glow yes yes yes yes okay oh back to the stickers the banana goes right down here oh that's bananas and oh no i forgot about my crack oh but wait a minute i have my snack container for my snack let's see what fit yeah that's gonna fit i will definitely know it's mine because i will be the only one with a snack container with a crock on it all right let's go ahead and open this up hmm what should i put inside whoop can i interest you in a 100 tasty a gummy burger yes gummy burger okay let's see hey that fits perfectly but let me see what it looks like ooh this is the bun i can't eat that oh look it has lettuce yum yum yum oh look this part is the meat it's brown like a hamburger there's red gummy bears i think those are supposed to be tomatoes and oh look at the bun on top let me get a piece of that oh look it even has sesame seeds on it let me give it a little nibble oh yeah that's yummy all right i want it to be nice and fresh when i eat it so i'm gonna put it in there just like that how about some gummy sea creatures i'm intrigued let's check these out i can see this is red what is it exactly it's a lobster or is it a crab pinch pinch pinch okay that's going in here and look it's a little sea turtle let's get that out whoa just swimming along little sea turtle going in there this might sound a little crazy since you already have a burger in there but look i have a super sour burger and a regular burger but they're teeny tiny oh yeah they're going in my lunch this first little cheeseburger look at it it's got a bun lettuce cheese tomato wait where's the actual burger ah i guess it's a veggie burger we'll just put that right in here and let's look at this other one oh i can see why it's sour look at all that on there i think this is another veggie burger look bun lettuce cheese tomato all right i'm gonna put it in here oh i didn't realize there are veggie burgers uh here's a hot dog with an actual hot dog in there oh okay cool let's check it out it's a little teeny tiny hot dog and here's the bun looks like there's some relish the hot dog with mustard on it and there's ketchup on the other side that will go in here too i really could use a drink for my lunch we have some soda for you we have this gush orange soda and lemon lime it's lime time you can have one for lunch and one for snack we'll put those in here and for dessert a little gummy cupcake oh look at that icing there's an orange slice or maybe it's a tangerine on top delicious i'm gonna put it in here now let's close it up now what should i have for my snack i know i have this giant strawberry oh and i have a surprise snack look at this piece of watermelon there's a special surprise inside a special surprise inside let me open this up wait a minute it looks like a watermelon on the outside but it's just a green gummy squishy thing on the inside whoa whoa what is this there's like a a bubble here i'm gonna pull it and see what happens look at that it's so louie and gooey and tasty yum i'm taking that to snack too i have my snack i have my lunch but i didn't put my name on my lunchbox oh no don't panic don't panic look at my hand i have an m right here you have an e and an i as well yes i do put the m right here and e right here and an eye right here this is perfect i love my lunchbox now oh i need to go check and see if these really do glow in the dark whoa they do glow in the dark check it out so super cool may may you have such nice friends i hope you enjoy your lunch and your snack and have a wonderful day i'll see you after school okay bye mom hey may we're on our way to our high school but the middle school's on the way do you want us to drop you off that would be so cool thank you come on let's go oh wait don't forget your lunchbox morning already i don't feel like getting up huh where are my glasses whoa my glasses must be around here somewhere oh oh here they are oh no that's a shoe maymay look at your room it's a mess and look i found a shoe in the kitchen why was there a shoe in the kitchen oh mom it was an accident i'm sorry it's too early in the morning for me to deal with this may may you need to learn to control your emotions better and not let out your red panda i'm calm zen there is that better mom much better may may and your glasses are right here on the floor oh yeah i totally knew that thanks mom all right everyone now that i can see with my glasses on come along and follow me on my morning routine first i need to go brush my teeth come with me to my bathroom okay so first i brush my teeth yep get them nice and clean then i brush my hair i want it to look oh extra nice no my glasses oh no oh my glosses mimi you really need to learn to control your inner panda i'm trying mom i'm trying i'm calm i'm zen okay just relax okay that's better i'll just put my glasses on and everything is okay all right i'm done in the bathroom i need to make my bed because it's kind of a mess right now here we go and now i need to get dressed but oh my clothes are all over the floor they're going to be all wrinkled i am so frustrated again relax okay i'm calm i'm zen i'm relaxed okay i just need to iron my clothes real fast okay i'll iron my shirt get out all the wrinkles that's better make sure all the pleats in my skirt are perfect and now i can go ahead and get dressed all set now i just need to get my shoes on i love my shoes they're super awesome nice and now before i eat breakfast i'm going to do a little homework may may you didn't finish your homework last night mom of course i did i'm going to do extra credit work oh okay mammy relax no more inner panda you need to learn to control your emotions i'm trying i'm zen there is that better much better may may okay go ahead and finish your extra credit work and then breakfast will be served thanks mom let me get everything i need to do my extra credit work my notebook my ruler my calculator my eraser another calculator just for fun stapler scissors my other notebook and my other stapler i want to do as much extra credit work as i possibly can and before i get started i'll put on a little lip balm all right time to dive into all this work okay got my extra credit math done my extra credit english social studies science i'm also doing extra credit and art i love art all right i'm almost done school work is so easy for me oh that was my tummy i better go eat breakfast now mimei before you eat breakfast did you finish all of your chores i think so nope you forgot to sweep your room oh okay i'll sweep but i'm so hungry and i just want to eat instead meimei relax you're out of control with your emotions today oh sorry mom okay i'm better i'll sweep all right it's sweeping time sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep okay mimei for breakfast you're having yogurt waffles fruit and a smoothie but i really really wanted pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakes i was thinking about letting you go to the concert you were yes but if you cannot control your inner panda you cannot go to a concert homecom i'm zen i'm sorry mom i don't know what came over me i'll pick up the food i dropped it's just school's been extra stressful and i'm doing so many extracurricular activities and extra credit well maybe life is stressful you need to learn how to relax how do i learn how to relax come with me to the museum there are special magical doors that may help you learn how to relax okay mom i'll give it a try may may these magical doors have been handed down by our ancestors to help us learn how to be zen and to relax and not let out our inner panda cool but why did our ancestors have me you and my friends on their doors oh no no meimei i put those on the doors to see who makes you feel the calmest the happiest so that you can picture them and go to that happy spot when you're feeling sad or angry and about to release your inner panda oh and be careful there's a lot of goo in there go pick the door that you think makes you feel the most calm what person makes you the happiest i'm assuming it's me so go ahead and open up that door right now oh okay okay i'll just go down here to mom's door open it up and let me grab what's inside of here my mom makes me feel very angry sometimes wait let me cover that up and try that again my mom makes me feel very sad sometimes maybe i did not know i made you feel like this i love you so much you're my special special girl i know mom i love you too it's just sometimes you do make me angry and sad but most of the time you make me feel like a happy happy may may ah thank you honey go ahead and open up the other doors all right going for my buddy miriam here we go oh look at that gooey surprise my friend miriam makes me feel very very happy and check out her goo so cool just like her okay baby i guess she is a good friend to think about when you're feeling a little stressed out go ahead and open another door i'm gonna pick my door and see how i make myself feel okay here we go ooh some orange goo and how do i feel about myself ah i'm so upset that i can't control my emotions all the time why can't i just calm down ah i mean i try really really hard to be calm but sometimes i just can't help it there's too much pressure too much stress remember think about me when i make you happy think about your friend miriam okay i'm thinking about you both and feeling much better okay let me check another door how about this time prius door ooh i can already see the goo in there okay let's open it up and let's see how priya makes me feel okay okay a little bit crazy eyes okay oh she makes me so happy and she gives the best hugs i just want to hug her right back oh she makes me so happy and her goo just like miriam's is so super cool because she is so super cool okay maymay i'm starting to realize your friends mean an awful lot to you and make you very happy let's see how abby makes you feel okay let's open up this abby door abby is so small but so mighty whoa just looking at her goos making me happy so colorful so much personality and ah she makes me so happy she's so cute and so strong and full of so much color and personality just like her goo and last but not least meimei how does your may may panda make you feel well let's see how may panda makes me feel open this right up get out the goo oh look at the cool orange goo i love it i love it i love it my inner panda makes me feel so so so so happy i actually really love my inner panda and i never ever want to lose my panda plus you can tell i'm totally cool like my friends because check out my cool goo it has so much color and shine and personality it's super cool and super unique just like me well my maymay i've learned so much about how me and your friends make you feel and about how my panda makes me feel yes i'm so happy your panda makes you happy me too and i'm gonna celebrate with the panda dance oh yeah oh yeah i'm celebrating with the dance oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah sorry mom it's okay carry on oh yeah oh yeah best day ever whoa oh isabella yes what is it mirabelle i have a super fun day planned for us what are we doing we're going to make pizza yummy then we're going to make slime ice cream what and then we're going to cut into this um exactly what is that it's a gummy but it has a surprise inside i cannot wait to see all right let's make some pizza okay first things first we need to make the crust okay we'll put it right on here slide it in there and press down whoa so cool that cooked really quickly let's add tomato sauce and cheese and toppings oh that's hot oh that's better i'm gonna put it on here get some tomato sauce now i'm gonna roll this tomato sauce roll roll roll roll roll roll roll i think i need a little more over here a little more over here i'm gonna just roll it out roll it up rolling rolling rolling i'm gonna cut it into a circle that should do the trick and it goes on our pizza whoa that's a lot of sauce what's next cheese i'm gonna put the cheese in here some white mozzarella cheese put this top right back on slide it into place all right little pizza prepare to be cheesed ooh there goes the cheese that's a lot of cheese get the last little bits oh perfect we can't just have mozzarella cheese i'm gonna add some cheddar cheese let's add the cheddar cheese put our pizza back under there and let's get cheesy oh there's still some mozzarella cheese in there ah here comes the cheddar cheese whoa we have a big giant cheese back up come on cheese come on cheese there you go cheese okay we have a pizza with two kinds of cheese and we have all kinds of toppings we can make how about pepperoni i can make pepperoni we'll put a big giant pepperoni on there i'm going to try to be healthy and put broccoli on there don't judge me i like broccoli one green broccoli going on there all right broccoli is now on the pizza oh you are really good at eating your veggies not me i'm going to add a mushroom that's a vegetable it's fungus there's a fungus among us way back here is the mushroom mold here we go and now we have a mushroom for our pizza and we are officially out of room on this pizza let's make some slimy ice cream okay for our slimy ice cream we're using clear glue a little bit of vanilla scent to make it smell so good and yellow color we're going to make this vanilla ice cream i'm going to mix this together oh look at that color and it smells like vanilla and now i'm adding an activator let's mix this together and make some slimy ice cream oh look it's already turning into slime so cool wait a minute i want to add snow powder to it then i'll look really frosty and look a lot like ice cream snow powder coming right up look at that it already looks frosty let's mix it in there oh that looks so cool and it's really sticking together let's check out our slimy ice cream oh yeah that's super stretchy super slimy but i think we need some sprinkles we have some sprinkles coming right up sprinkles sprinkles sprinkles all right this ice cream looks fantastic we just need an ice cream cone i'm gonna open this right up and put that ice cream in there and now it goes on the cone and we have a delicious vanilla ice cream cone with sprinkles oh now it's time for the grand finale we're going to cut into that little ducky gummy and see what's inside okay here is our duck let's get him out of his little container come on out little ducky wait a minute his face was just on the plastic and not on the actual gummy gummy gummy okay well there is a special surprise inside so let's go ahead and cut this open what are we going to find oh wait a minute there's nothing inside oh oh oh hold on i feel something over here ew there's the goo even more over here look this little ducky gummy is filled with goo oh let me taste it tastes pretty good i wonder if there's any goo over on this other side let's find out whoa there is only one ooey gooey side okay i'm gonna eat the part without the goo all right the goo is all mine let's go eat it yum yum yum yum yum
Channel: Carrie Hands
Views: 29,771,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carrie hands, dolls, doll, pretend play, encanto, turning red, disney encanto, disney piar, mirabel, mei lee, madrigal family, lunch, pack, packing, packing lunch, lunch box
Id: qEVEcb8MxSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 26sec (2366 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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