Tooth Fairy ! Elsa and Anna toddlers

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[Music] tooth came out what can we have a snack are you okay over there ah gardening for beginners yes i finally got this magazine can't wait to learn that's nice yeah right you didn't even hear me sis right huh hear what oh hannah you weren't paying attention right it's just that online shopping is so much fun and i found a great deal on this oh anna you and your online shopping do you like my unicorn anya i love how pink she is pink's my favorite color oh hi tracy good girl look who's here hello our cars are crystal clear oh boys you really do love your cars you bet don't you want clean cars well they're all done let's go rest kristoff let's go stop making that weird noise i think something's wrong with my tooth feels weird it's anya what is it do you see it to hear something regularly anya stop making that sound ew are you joking no no actually feel something over here i will listen to you only if you talk normally okay okay i'll stop but i think a tooth is actually wiggly really yeah ready ah [Music] i think i see it but any i'm scared don't be scared well why because too fairy will come but if my tooth won't come out the two fairy won't come to our house tonight well your tooth can come out any night but don't worry i'm sure she will still come but i want her to come now now now yes but you have to be patient but that's the point tanya i am not a patient girl oh look even mango agrees with me go hop on my bed i don't want to talk about this anymore yeah let's go let's go get a snack snack snack snack mommy mommy can we have a snack can we have a snack can we have a snack hmm snack well did you eat your fruits yes okay let me just finish arranging this the last one goes over here okay i think my closet is finally neat again what about you elsa yep i think so i put my favorite dress over there can we have a snack can we have a squat please please please yes yes girls oh girls i'll go get it now i am tracy ruff ruff and i am smoky meow and we are hungry pets here's your treat yay snack love caramels yup i love how chewy it is what happened elsia um monia i think my tooth came out wait let me feel it did it did i think i took this out what is this ah can you check hey check what what kind of language is that elsia i said can you check if my tooth is out too if it's out okay i'll check elsia the tooth fairy is coming because i see a space so the tooth is gone yes yes your tooth is gone oh yeah i can feel my mouth oh put your tooth in this napkin oh okay i got it whoa there it is wow and i will hide this tooth under my pillow and the two fairy will come i'm so excited yeah tracy no no no no no no no no no no girl are you okay over there girls oh yes we are okay tracy they heard you oh no where's my tooth now is it under here no do you know where it is girl do you know can you sniff it out no where did it go it could be anywhere tracy is it there let me see oh i see it yes yes thank you girl good girl yup she really is a smart dog look look mommy what is it elsa look i lost my tooth notice anything different about me you lost your tooth yup i didn't know yeah i didn't know you have a wiggly tooth yes i did and look it's in here ooh so i guess the tooth fairy's coming tonight yep i almost lost it but tracy found it it doesn't hurt right are you okay yeah i'm fine it doesn't hurt all right well it will be bedtime soon how did it happen elsia let me see the gap cc over here over here oh yes you're right i can see it it actually happened when i was eating caramel oh yes because the caramel is sticky so when it stuck to your tooth out it came yeah i'm so excited for the tooth fairy good boy biscuit i love reading so she went to the house biscuit isn't a real dog tracy i'm happy for elsia that actually lost a tooth but i kind of wish that i lost one because i want a present too but there is no way though but when there is no way i'll have to make a way hmm let me see do i have a wiggly tooth no i don't feel it but i will have to find a way for sure girls i'm sorry but it's time to get ready for bed yes this is yes i'm excited i'm excited the two fairies coming tonight i'm so excited yes i'm gonna go brush my teeth whoa whoa you went off to bed really quick today well of course she's happy because the two fairy's going to come to her at night but she's not going to come to me but remember last time it was you who lost the tooth and pretty soon you'll lose another one just be patient how many days how many how many months years i don't know i don't know is it totally anya i don't even know when it's gonna happen but come on it's time to go to bed be a nice girl but i want her to come tonight how many days a seconds just everything how many really anya okay so when your next wiggly tooth comes it will be three days seven hours two minutes and 43 seconds happy now really how do you know oh anya i was just kidding no one knows the time all right now go brush your teeth fine fine fine i'm done i'm done i'm so excited let me put my tooth under my pillow exciting and i'm done changing from my outfit now i'm gonna go brush my teeth well i'm done fully because i can't wait for the tooth fairy yes i'm so excited lift my pillow yes my tooth is inside here wait let me make sure that it's in there there it is keep it safe okay and now cover it safe and sound yes yes wait is it still there oh there it is yes what about now is it there okay it is okay safe elsia how many times are you checking your tooth can't just walk away i know i just want to make sure it's safe and sound whatever you say the two fairies are coming to me tonight anyway it's okay anita one day your tooth will be loose too easy for you to say i wish that she would bring things for both of us tonight all ready for bad girls amen yep we're done praying ready for kisses we are not ready we are super ready yup easy for you to say when the tooth fairy comes good night girls good night guys good night daddy the two fairies coming see you in the morning good night my little chick good night tanya wait what if i can't sleep because i'm too excited too fairy yes yeah i'm trying to sleep stop talking okay okay i'm done oh no wait i have an idea but to make my idea work she needs to fall asleep first is she sleeping yes she's sleeping all right it's time for my plan to start working oh yes slowly slowly i hope my plan works and lift up the pillow i see her tooth yes her tooth is in this napkin okay almost done to my plan put it here put the tooth under my pillow and now he i will trick the tooth fairy and she will come to me i'm gonna sleep happily and tomorrow i will find a nice gift from the two fairy [Music] [Music] this morning did the tooth fairy come time to find out my plan worked can't believe this what did she bring oh three dollars nice and this cute unicorn headband wow my plan actually worked hide them under my bed so elsia won't see them now i'm just gonna act normal like nothing happened too fairy too too fairy yes [Music] let's see if she brought me something yes yes hello hello three two one wait what what what she actually didn't leave anything see i think she took my tooth because it's not here but she didn't bring me any gift tanya do you know what happened anya well of course not how am i supposed to know she only came to you did it fall down that's so weird but i clearly remember putting it right here in the middle maybe she took my tooth and she didn't bring me anything what am i gonna do but now she's sad maybe it was a bad plan should i tell her mommy come quick well good morning sleepyheads did you get a nice surprise elsia your face why are you sad the tomb fairy didn't come look look did it come yes yes see look nothing under my pillow i'm sure it must have been a mistake maybe your tooth fell out from under the pillow yeah well i checked under the bed and i saw absolutely nothing that's very strange i took my tooth because i don't see anything there but she didn't get give me anything back anya do you know what could be happening me why should i know we're just asking in case you saw something at night happen with the tooth fairy or if you see the tooth somewhere nope i slept snug as a bug in a rug that means i was excited for nothing no she's crying i feel bad now okay i have to tell the truth elsia come look under my bed i don't want to this is too sad but it's very good news trust me so you want me to look at dust under the bed what could be so special under your bed but just look look look please please it's amazing anya this is not the right time i am not happy well elsia prepare to be happy wait a second wait what yup the two fairy did come wait so she came to you instead well i need to tell you something wait but if she came to your bed there had to be a tooth under your pillow but i remember putting my tooth hmm in my bed how didn't did it come all the way here actually um the wind brought it all all the way here really wind in the house um wait actually i lost my tooth and it's mine what hmm anya are you hiding something yes i was and i really feel bad for doing this so i'm very sorry so tell me well hi you see i actually really wanted the two fairy to come to me so i took your tooth and i put it under my pillow what you tricked the tooth fairy um yeah i guess oh anya yes but i'm but i'm really sorry here you can have them i promise i'll never do it again elsia please please please forgive me nope nope nope i will never forgive you what just kidding anya of course i will you are my cousin so i can have them yeah of course it's yours anyway thank you for forgiving me best cousins oh yes the problem is solved when will we learn to be patient tanya i don't know i'm just an impatient girl mommy look what i got i got this cute sparkly unicorn headband and she also gave me three dollars so i can buy whatever oh and elsia i have another surprise for you you know this pony that you always like to play with what about it it is yours and from now on what really why because you are sad and i felt just really bad thank you so much johnny i'm so happy oh how cute wait but how come we didn't see the two fairy oh silly anya she only comes when the kids are sleeping because it's a secret you can't see her oh yeah okay it's breakfast time let's go wait wait i need to put my tooth fairy money over here safe and sound and when we go to the store i will get something for me we're coming to fairy yes yes yes for more videos go to our channel and subscribe [Music] you
Channel: Come Play With Me
Views: 45,951,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elsa, Anna, frozen, dolls, toys, play, children, kids, tooth, fairy, elsya, elsia, ania, toddlers, anya, annia, come play with me, loose, pillow, sleep, night, gift, surprise, bedtime
Id: cgd4Ai9GhNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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