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Waiting for PL (or EN) subtitles as I'm hard of hearing (even though a Pole :P). However, this looks good, judging from the comments over there. Thanks for sharing!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/easternblues 📅︎︎ Jan 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

It is good. Worth waiting for the subtitles!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/charliekiller 📅︎︎ Jan 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

Wow! thats actually better than any S4 episode in my opinion. Love the concept.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Atruqis 📅︎︎ Jan 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

Ето согласима.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/NeonFireFly99 📅︎︎ Jan 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

This is great! Thanks for sharing. I hope this gets picked up and reworked for a future episode over here

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/pooping_for_time 📅︎︎ Jan 20 2018 🗫︎ replies
[A STORY INSPIRED BY "BLACK MIRROR" SERIES] [INCOMING CALL MOM] - Yup. Yes. I don't know, Mummy, I have no idea... I don't know. Listen... it's... We're not in the office yet, so we don't have a clue... I'll call you when we're out, alright? About 20 minutes, 30 minutes max... - Yeah... [RELIABILITY | TRUST | SAFETY] [RELIABILITY | TRUST | SAFETY] - Listen, you're gonna light yourself on fire over there.... - I know, I know... [YOUR HAPPINESS IS OUR HAPPINESS] [YOUR HAPPINESS IS OUR HAPPINESS] - What do you think? - Alright, I'll call you later, okay? Bye, I'm hanging up now. Bye-bye! - How did it go? Good? - Wonderfully. - I'm seriously going to stop answering her stupid calls. All that joy makes me want to vomit. - It's still better than, you know... - Yeah, right... And then we won't be able to get rid of her... - Oh, stop it... - God, I'd love to get in already... - And I'd love to get out and come back home... - When's your leave ending? - On Tuesday... - And today is... - Thursday. - Thursday? - That's nice... - It is... - Oh, here he comes! - Really? - No... - Then why you say this? - Mr and Mrs Abbott? - Yes. - Please, come to the office. - Hello. - Małgorzata Kulik, it's a pleasure to meet you. - 'Morning. How are you doing today? - Fine.. Maybe a little... nervous... - Yes, well... just a bit... - Don't worry, every parent has to live through it. It was once just a whim, but now everybody has to go through such tests. But they bring benefits... for everyone. Alright, so... I shall now quickly introduce you to this whole examination... The program will carry out a simulation of baby's life based on the information inscribed in child's stem cells. The program will ascertain child's character traits, level of its emotional engagement, its potential intelligence, and every possible talent. So, we are able to predict if our little... Johnny... since I see that you're expecting a boy, will become an engineer, an actor, a cosmonaut, or maybe a firefighter. Credibility of the test varies between 99 and 100 percent and the method is approved by World's League of Nations. - It's in force in every country. - Sure thing. - I also hereby remind that its results will be saved and delivered to Global Population Census. If a potential genius is born... We'll know that the society should provide him appropriate conditions for its development: you will be able to spend more time with him, scholarship will be assigned, and so on.. we will all benefit from that... - I'm speaking a lot, am I? - No, no, it's alright, it's your job. But we have already read everything... and we know... it all. - Well, then... I now beg dad a pardon... Lift up your blouse, please... We shall now sterilize the skin... You won't feel anything. And we're done... Now we only need to wait few seconds for the specimen to get to the right place. - Did it hurt? - A lot. - Really? - Calm down... - Do you fancy a sweet? - Ok, we're on-board... Now the analysis is taking place... And here it is! Category thirty... Oh my... - Oh my? - I think it's the next Pope. - Just a second, I'll only check one thing... - Is something wrong? - No, no, no... it's all fine, I simply need to check something once again just to make sure... - Well, your son will be healthy. - Strong. He will develop properly. Perhaps a special asthma pre-treatment will be needed, so it won't blossom out, but... he will generally have a healthy, strong system... - Well, it's fantastic, isn't it? - It is... - But...? - It happens really rarely... The chances for child to be in this group are about 0,2% and I'm... really sorry, that I have to tell you this, but... That's Category 39.22. The group where all psychotic departures are classified... Murderers, psychopaths, people unable to live in society. - What? - What do you mean? Murderers? - I'll try to explain this properly. Some things are inscribed in our genes. Each of us has some kind of path, a paradigm to follow, and... many things influence that, such as: intuition, subconsciousness, some tendencies... - Are you hearing yourself right now? Do you know who are you talking about? - Of course. Everybody's always happy until they find out that their child won't be a famous actor or a scientist... - Oh, so our son will be... No, that's... - Do that test again. Right now. - Mister, that's not how it works... - The result will be the same, credibility of the test varies between 99 and... - Why are talking about the percentage again?! There must be a way to change it! - I can explain it all to you, but you have to let me speak. - I assume that there are some kind of funds, special treatments, right? Some kind of help? - Yes, sir. - Every child is signed on a Global Population Census. - When it comes to Category 39.22, the child spends its time with parents until it reaches the age of 6. Then it is taken over by the government and transported to a special outpost, where it will live its life in special conditions. - Pardon? - But that's the way you create a murderer, exactly that way! Leaving him without his family! - Madam, we can outshout each other now, but it won't change anything! This system has been working uninterruptedly for 30 years. Do you know how many times any mistake has been made? - But what's it to us?! - Listen... Your son is a potential danger to the society. He can hurt somebody in his primary school, cut his friend few years later... - He can rape some girl in the underground. - But it's still just a possibility! - Jesus Christ... The world has already had it... Wars, homicides... And finally we have our peace! This system works! Would you really prefer your son being sentenced to life for killing 20 people? - So now he gets his life sentence for a thing he hasn't even done! - We're not "sentencing" him, your son will have the best care possible! He'll spend his life in a safe zone for people like him! - But you have no right to take him away from his parents! You have no right to plan somebody's life, which hasn't even begun! People should have an influence on who they become! - I want to be with him. Under my own responsibility. I can sign anything you give me, that I burden myself with it... - No. For your own safety, a full separation must happen. Without possibility to revocate. But you will be further informed by the right department worker, unless you want to wait until the delivery, then I can give you the hotline's number. I don't know why have I even started this discussion... - Is that all? That's the life you have prepared for him? - You seem to completely fail to understand this situation. - Of course... But you understand... everything. My son hasn't even been born yet, but it seems that you already know him better than me. - Is it possible for you to not report the results of this test? This whole visit? We'll just simply walk out. Well? - But... It's already in the system... I know how hard it is, but that's how it works... - So why should he be born in the first place? - That's not a question for me, I'm really sorry that it happened to you... It's just as hard for me. - Just as hard... - Goodbye. [YOUR HAPPINESS IS OUR HAPPINESS] "... varies between 99 and 100 percent." The database is updated every day. - I can feel my heart breaking... and his too... [INCOMING CALL MOM] - Maybe... ... there is some other way... - There is. Life sentence. Give it to me. [INCOMING CALL THE CLINIC] [SYSTEM UPDATE GROUP NUMBER CORRECTION: 39.33] [INCOMING CALL THE CLINIC]
Channel: G.F. Darwin
Views: 1,489,025
Rating: 4.9615245 out of 5
Keywords: gf darwin, black mirror, czarne lustro, czarne lusterko, netflix, przyszłość, technologia, science fiction, sci fi, grupa filmowa darwin, grupa filmowa darwina, darwini, jan jurkowski, marek hucz, helena chorzelska, anna stela, nowoczesność, cywilizacja, klinika, ciąża, aborcja, rodzina, lekarz, badanie, badania prenatalne, genetyka, eugenika, odcinek, dramat, thriller, hotel narvil, narvil, netflix originals, kostiumy, krzysztof gonciarz, emce, martin stankiewicz, klinika medestetis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2018
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