A VERY ANGRY REACTION to CoD Vanguard's Bougainville Mission - Historical (and mental) Breakdown

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen as you can probably guess by the uh name of the video that i have put up here do you speak japanese that is the mission we're looking at today we are looking at the bougainville campaign with wade and his rear gunner dealing with the 93rd infantry division on bougainville during the bougainville campaign so this has been a lot this has been like a pretty requested reaction video uh i guess it might be because i'm an anime channel as well so they're like oh yes like what's your opinion on this one we'll say i also do a lot of uh pacific war history uh on the aircraft carrier akagi and the aircraft carrier uss enterprise please do check those out but anyway i know about this mission again i haven't played the game because i refuse to give the money for this piece of i think i'm still within the early stage so piece of doodoo uh so without further ado guys and girls welcome to the show let's begin all right now prerequisite before i go any further this mission features the 93rd infantry division they deployed to bergenville in 1944. this is already wrong oh and another clarification here should say this before we go any further i'm not going to do the part where he sneaks through the jungle i can't be asked i i do not care it is a boring ass generic stealth mission and nothing interesting happens in it so i'm going to be skipping straight to meeting meeting up with the 93rd and their adventures all right let's go all right so first things first the spd shooting down a zero hollywood yeah for sure definitely especially how quickly both aircraft are maneuvering but i will say that the sbd when it doesn't have a bomb load on board is quite maneuverable and as a result it can maneuver with a zero it can't usually win but it can maneuver with them it can keep it it can hold its own and in fact uh there is an episode of dogfights about an sbd pilot swede vegesta or swede vedic uh who did successfully fight off several zeros shooting several of them down in an sbd dauntless so that is something that can happen uh i'll try and actually put a clip of that in uh here see if i can find the episode of dogfights hopefully i don't get a copyright strike for it i'll put it through here and i felt i got a pretty good uh burst on him [Music] i see at this time he's smoking so i figured it must have hit him [Music] okay now that's that is complete trash look at this chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug no no no no aerial mounted machine guns fire a lot faster for very good reason they have to their targets are only going to be on screen like well rather excuse me on screen [ __ ] playing video games no the targets are only going to be visible and within effective range for a few seconds 50 cows and 30 cows both of them usually had an elevated rate of fire in their aircraft mounted variants again i will direct you to some footage of a airborne mounted 50 cal on a uh-1y venom that's currently right now [Music] as you can see the fire rate of an aerial mounted machine gun is generally a lot higher at least in modern aircraft on world war one aircraft they literally just bolted the machine gun on but this fire rate is flat out ridiculous and this is even dumber that is a waste that is a complete [ __ ] waste of your time now again there is a confirmed report i do believe there is a confirmed report of someone shooting down a zero with a cult 45 i i don't know if it's true i'll have to look it up i do hear rumors of it on occasion but there is a confirmed cult 45 kill that i do know uh which was army lieutenant uh i think his name was merritt duane i'm pretty sure he was like a scout pilot flying a uh lh4 grasshopper like the recon aircraft that for artillery and tank divisions they used to have like their own little recon aircraft that came along with them he found a german recon aircraft doing the same thing a feasler storch and he and his observer flew alongside it and told him to surrender and of course the moment the storch saw them it tried to go away they tried to get away and so they opened the side door of their grasshopper which basically looks like a piper cub or a cessna 172 you know i'll put a picture of it on screen here they opened the side door of their grasshopper with their cult 45s and just started getting them they flew like literally right up next to them and drove by this storch just getting them with their 45s and they shot it down and i've put up a picture of that crash storage there so confirmed kill with a colt 45 just not in this setting but this is just stupid given that you're probably gonna have to crash land in a few minutes i'd be holding on to the ammo personally [Applause] okay deploying the butterfly flaps to arrest the dive speed yeah no that's [ __ ] that's completely ridiculous uh it's hollywood nonsense but you probably guessed that already one thing i will give them credit for here is the paint schemes of the aircraft are correct and the model of zero they're using is correct as you saw in the midway mission they were 86 m2s which had uh basically their 20 millimeter cannons were inboard in the aircraft they were completely inside the wing or the airfoil of the aircraft now their 20 mm cannons are extending out from the aircraft which is a later model of cannon which was put on on the a6m5 so or the a6m3 i think the a6m3 as well had them um had them as well um can't english english is hard guys but pretty sure the a6m 5 was the one that had those exterior there's also a ton of other models with quad cannons and so forth but props to them the zeros look correct with their faint scheme so i'll give them that why they don't have tracers coming from their twin nose guns as well i don't know [Music] again this is completely ridiculous hollywood nonsense um they wouldn't do this crap the zeros would break off because they're faster than the sbd the zeroes would break off and climb above the valley and just wait for him to come out the other side that being said i do know that maneuver kills were quite common in the pacific theater at least over new guinea because of the high mountain ranges like you see here saburo sakai reports a maneuver kill he scored on a p-39 where he did something very similar they were hedgehopping over the treetops and he forced him into a position where he would get a gun solution unless he made a drastic turn and when he did that drastic turn that turn was into a cliff face and so saburo got a basically sabiro put him in a position where his choices were crash into a mountain or pull up in front of my guns and get shot so maneuver kills uh in papua new guinea and around this area yes but in this method no um [Music] enough this is actually the correct decision even though it ends up getting him shot down uh he can't disengage or run from the zero uh so if he turns around and goes defensive the zero can just turn around and chase him down so it is kind of the right decision but unfortunately uh the zero is um being uh what we would call an aces higher massively multiplayer combat flights in game he's running to akkak he's running to act he's being a [ __ ] he's hiding in his act like a pansy and so wade's about to eat here and this is a myth because japanese a.a actually hits something if i suggest watching trekina phil's video i'll put a a screenshot of the video i'd suggest watching that video to find out just how much of a heap of [ __ ] those japanese aa guns were i can't remember the type designation off the top of my head like type 95 i think or 97 i think i'm not sure it's off the top of my head i couldn't be sure but all i know is they're terrible uh and just flat out useless their ballistics are bad their rate of fire is terrible and they have to be hand loaded by magazines so i mean yeah they did score kills but with such a short exposure on target nah but cool thing cool little detail for those of us who notice as this has gone on he had the old model of the sbd the previous model which had the dive site which had the diving site now because it's late war and you can see that the dive bombing site is integrated into the gun site for his 30 cows on the front so this is a later model sbd with the uh reflector side so the reflector site and the reticle is accurate which is good why can't you put this effort into the rest of your game i don't understand he was the most dangerous thing in the skies but if you fly too close to the sun eventually your wings will get burnt i need to do like a cinema scenes like you know they survived this real talk though but someone is obviously english is a second language that is for a japanese foot soldier that english is pretty [ __ ] impressive i'm not gonna lie coming in like the real g's we're cooking now in case anyone gets butthurt in the comments i'm gonna make this very very clear i don't want to see any sympathy for them on this channel they killed 2 million people with biological and chemical weapons in china experimented on prisoners while they were still alive and also civilians like they vivisected pregnant women to check how the fetus developed at different stages without anesthesia like vivisection means dissect them alive so i i don't really care and that's not even getting into the abduction of close to 800 000 women of all races religions backgrounds across all of southeast asia for uses what are essentially sex slaves so um burn them again chief do it one more one more for luck come on they're still alive yeah no [ __ ] cut them free the aviation machine is made third class hernandez the ungrateful ones lieutenant jackson we got shot down that's why we're here thanks sergeant james washington army 93rd infantry division as mentioned before it is historically accurate that the 93rd infantry division were deployed to bergenville in 1944. they're a year early but like i was saying before with the australians even though the historical context is wrong i gotta give them props i know some people were winching about it being too woke but i gotta give them props the african-american divisions of world war ii do not get enough credit they really don't one of the craziest medal of honors i can't remember the exact story of the top of my head but i'll post a link to it i'll probably put a thing up on here uh in post but one of the craziest medal of honors won in world war ii i think it was in italy it was from an african-american division so absolutely looney touched this man up you got any plans we need to get back up there flames we lucky they gave us ammo that one's dead weight just going to slow us down i'm right here you know how to use a gun i went through basic just like you guys we got company i gotta control the stick now lieutenant you're just the one for the ride [Applause] all right type 100 smg uh i'm not gonna elaborate on it much it looks just about right the only thing i would say is go watch jonathan ferguson's video on it uh but there were only like 8 000 of these things made total and i think there was only like two thousands may 2000 made of this model and during the jungle escape mission we already saw like 30 of the damn things so i mean it's possible it would be here but like they are not anywhere near as common as they are in this game at all at least wade's 1911 still has ammo i think hernandez does thanks grenade it's cool [Music] you thought i didn't mention it before because i was too busy uh flexing my first grade weeb level japanese but i've i've mentioned it so many times before i'll say it again why the japanese have this magical shotgun that there was only like 800 made ever and some random japanese dude has a custom engraved german shock for made for aristocrats like vons and grafts some japanese dude in the middle of the pacific has one like i'm not even mad about the anymore about the fact that he's got the gun i want to know where he's getting the [ __ ] ammo long way to go hey you guys said you were 93rd never heard of it bet you ain't never met a negro before neither we ain't exactly any credit getting business oh colored regiment yup you see any snakes or centipedes let me know we'll get the cookout ready hold up [Music] see something no but when that sniper got thompson he was in a bridge just like this so how do we cross we draw the snipers out feel free your name's up hop this grits in heaven i mentioned it and i'm going to mention it again here as you probably if you saw it in my midway video i'm going to say it again here i understand they're trying to be woke of duty they're trying to be cool and as you can probably tell as i keep mentioning in my videos for those of you who are new i've got a [ __ ] furry hat and a communist flag as my background so i'm obviously a big guy for equality and for progressivism but there is a line between progressive representation which if they just had the 93rd division here i would be like absolutely there's a big line between representation and tokenism and like oh we'll get the cookout ready oh i hope there's grits in heaven like is it is it enough for them just to be normal african-american guys just out there doing their thing like it's the same thing with hernandez how he's like putting spanish in every third word like like ditch the stereotype these guys are like you look at their combat record it's not a story to some of the other regiments out there given they got put in a backwater but i'll get into that later but like the african-american regiments of world war ii especially the famous tuskegee airmen who had one of the most ridiculous ratios of success of any fighter group like there is so much positive non-stereotypical non-woke historically accurate representations of african americans in world war ii that you could do it's not the fact that i don't like them getting their representation like some of the white supremacist [ __ ] you see out there it's not like oh my god there's black people and women in my game no i'm not talking about that what's making me angry is the fact that there are actual historically accurate examples of women people of color you know hell in in the intelligence circles there's even trans and lgbtq representation there okay like there is a ton of progressive stuff there are tons of people of all backgrounds who did incredible things during the second world war and you reduce it to this tokenistic [ __ ] it's the same as battlefield 5 with their freaking norway mission with their heroes of telemark interpretation like there are actual progressive icons that you could use lydia litwak the first female fighter ace in human history um the guy the guys i were mentioning before uh the japanese americans who fought in europe who were the most decorated regiment in u.s military history but they're not in this game there are some there's some weak ass interpretation of an honorable brave african-american unit in the wrong year doing this tokenistic crap like the men of the 93rd and most of if not all the african-american regiments were pretty [ __ ] badass like they were awesome there's a great photo of an african-american soldier in a next to an artillery place with you know happy birthday adolf written on it during the battle of the bulge these guys were hard [ __ ] and you're doing them like this like no i'm sorry call of duty but this is a rant i'm i'm sorry hey if you're gonna do lgbtq and people of color representation do it historically accurate and do it right not some of these vaudeville [ __ ] you're putting up here when i do the word i want to see your best jesse [ __ ] hell [ __ ] what do you mean who i don't care how stereotypical like okay now this is the other thing this is going in the other direction jesse owens was a [ __ ] national hero every american would know who jesse owens is he won multiple medals at the olympics and made world headlines for being snubbed by adolf hitler like are you serious call of duty are you actually [ __ ] with me it goes both ways this is just this is virtue signaling tokenist crap god [ __ ] damn it these men deserve better all of these men hernandez way jackson and the 93rd infantry division the real veterans that they're representing deserve [ __ ] better they deserve better than this they deserve the recognition and the immortalization of a historically accurate game you know what i'm going to do some research on decorations and [ __ ] and citations for the 93rd infantry division i'll put them up here because this is i'm [ __ ] best now you know i can't believe i'm saying this but apart from the rev like maybe it's because they ran out of ideas or something but yeah we've got incongruous guns and i can't wait to see what [ __ ] they find further on down this mission but at least from the type 100 though it looks a bit too high quality and now this type 11 machine gun like it's got the really cool like uh hopper feed system on the left hand side where you can load the strip eclipse sequentially so you can just keep feeding rounds into it i actually really like that because what it is is you can see the hopper on the left hand side it's actually a bunch of standard arisaka rifle clips together that have been fed into the hopper and then the and then the machine gun fires them and then once the ammo is out of that particular clip the clip doesn't have us a isn't able to push the spring keeping it in and so the clip falls out right and then the next one drops into place and keeps cycling and so you can keep topping this machine gun up as you go instead of having to change the magazine and it also means because it's using the standard stripper clips for the arisaka rifles you just ship huge truckloads of pre-packed arisaka clips and then you just hand a bag of them to the machine gunner and of course also the rifleman if [ __ ] really hits the fan the rifleman can give their extra ammo to the machine gunner and they've modeled that in here at least i haven't seen him reload it yet i'm going to see if they model it properly but at least they have it you [ __ ] i go through that whole thing explaining how that works and why and you go and do that you [ __ ] useless piece of [ __ ] game [Music] [Laughter] at least they got the arasaka right i mean it's uh i mean it's hard to [ __ ] up but you've done enough [ __ ] up things today already called vanguard so i mean go for the trifecta i guess but at least i got this right you see there's the stripper clip and you see how the stripper clip operates it operates like any other stripper clip but look at this let's it in oh my god it was partially loaded and he kept rounding good job vanguard good job it's a shame you couldn't do that with or i don't know the lee enfield which had a 10 round [ __ ] and look at that there it is there it is i was waiting for it to show up where are we give it a second give it a second wait for it click on the trigger not only is an stg-44 in [ __ ] the pacific theater it is the light war fully decked out select fire stg44 with a [ __ ] zeiss optic oh my you know what put the drum mag on as well why not with you [ __ ] cretins and this player that i this player doesn't even pick it up too like i don't know is he committing to the bit because mad respect for committing to the role play but like ditch the aristocr and grab the stg you might as well this game is abandoned all pretense of legitimacy so you might as well just [ __ ] pick up the scg and have done with it i'm with you bro yes it is oh okay so let's stop here for a second now the 93 we're doing mop-up positions and like mopping up uh remaining positions so it is kind of feasible that they would assault a heavily dug in japanese force on a mountain uh and the way they've got it set up the japanese weren't known for putting their artillery pieces inside elaborate cave systems as we saw during the battle of hiroshima and the battle of mount suribachi on iwo jima specifically they're also very good at building bunkers and setting ambushes and traps inside tunnel systems which you can see a bit poorly given the res but as you can see the bunkers and [ __ ] here yeah that's all relatively believable along with the communications tower to keep comms for the bunker system inside so i don't have a much of a problem with this again it's a bit unlikely that the 93rd would be assaulting a massive fortress and then going on an assault on an airfield um but you know it's not outside the realms of possibility so i'll give them a pass on that besides it's call of duty they need to have a cool mission right what does weird me out is these dragons teeth tank traps now the reason that that's weird is dragon's teeth were only used by one country during world war two at least to any significant degree and that of course was nazi germany and moreover they have integrally they've integrally attached the barbed wire prongs the barbed wire sticks and the anti-infantry prongs here into the dragon's teeth i don't think i've seen any like that for one thing it's just a pain in the dick to do you have to set the concrete in a mold and then you have to put the stick in the mold otherwise you're gonna have to drill a hole in the concrete and put the and that's just gonna take way too much time what you do is you'd put a [ __ ] ton of tank traps there and then you'd put barbed wire in between the lines of tank traps it's what you do a small little nitpick thing but it's just looks out of place for the pacific i'll say that okay continuity error i mean yeah sure but where the round went through his shoulder i think the tank was in the way of that that's one hell of an angle [Applause] what would be more realistic is if they went for the headshot because the type 11 machine gun and the type 92 machine gun are really accurate from a standing position so what would have made more sense is a head shot but i guess they have to go for the pg rating all right let's hit that field box nice to see a weapon system called vanguard being used for what it was actually used for yes flamethrowers clearing bunkers it's what they're for remember kids war crimes are always better with friends [Music] artillery piece looks relatively accurate um i can't remember the designation off the top of my head i'm not exactly fantastic with japanese artillery weapons but i do it does look right um very traditional construction spoke to wheels yeah looks looks about right has bullet time and can see through [ __ ] walls so stupid ah there you go there you go finally finally finally look at that not only two stg's back to back not there you go there it is finally ladies and gentlemen the stg44 with the zeiss scope and either fast mags or drum mags i think that's the fast mags but there you go a fully modified stg the only thing he hasn't done is cut the stock off which you can do in multiplayer apparently and a perfectly good one right there oh yeah you know i'm like getting desensitized to seeing sdg44s you know next next game next cod everyone gets them uh like one of the best comments i saw in my most recent video was the uh call of du uh not call of duty [ __ ] [ __ ] call of duty [ __ ] this game no company of heroes light it's like we should all get standing there you get the stun giveaway you get a thumb compare everyone gets stampedes all right so i'll pause it here so the way this airfield is set up these hangers are like way too close to the strip like they are way too close to the strip also that control tower i mean it's okay it's not exactly where i'd put it also can someone please explain to me why the radio tower for the comm sen is over there and not with the uh control tower which is where i'd put it um just makes sense i suppose for dispersion in case of enemy attack but again i don't know the japanese tanks in the bottom right corner they look right can't remember again the designation japanese tanks are not my strong point argo i think those are they don't look like chihas they look like hagos to me i'm probably wrong correct me in the comments but they've got that weird sort of curved exterior shape yeah also in if my eyes do not deceive me does that look like an opal blitz truck to you looks like a german opal blitz truck to me again how the japanese have one of those i'm not sure but did did opal have a factory inject in uh japan i'm not sure i don't think they did although the apple cadet has the reliability of a japanese car but that was made in the 50s so shout out to top gear and oliver so you know that was a bit of an obscure reference anyway moving on okay you know i was going to bring this up may not be an expert on japanese tanks but i can tell you one thing 76 millimeter shermans in 1943 in the pacific no just no i mean i again i'm not the biggest armor expert i do usually do research for my girls and panzer videos i do extensive research to make sure my facts are correct and i do know that the uh m70 the m476w and other variants of the 76 millimeter sherman were available they were almost definitely in testing phases in 1943 because they saw deployment in 1944 but i will also tell you that given the experiences the japanese have with american armor and call of duty world of war got this wrong too japanese tanks were completely no match for the standard m4 sherman and as this is 1943 the battle of kasserine pass and operation torch like the germans like 21st panzer under owen rommel are rolling through the desert right now there ain't no [ __ ] way the yanks are sending their top-tier 76 millimeter sherman tanks to fight the japanese there is no way there's no reason to an m5 stuart and a can-do attitude can defeat japanese tanks in fact i'm pretty sure a dedicated marine with a swiss army knife can defeat a japanese tank but [ __ ] i guess why not it doesn't exist yet it's not field deployed and it's in the complete wrong theater the only reason the only place i would actually consider seeing these tanks likely would be okinawa would be iwo jima and okinawa and even then that's a stretch look at that aichi d3a val i don't have a good look from this distance but it looks right engine looks right at least okay okay okay so this is not outside the realms of possibility but i will say that even for snipers the japanese weren't exactly very well known for their use of optics so i find it highly unlikely especially if it's just sitting there this if it was on the sniper he shot before maybe but just lying around now hold on look at that right there hey look an mg 42 without the flash hider you know it was mentioned in my el alamein video look at that the mg42s don't have the don't have the flash hider why i i i don't understand this right it goes beyond being a gun nerd right it goes beyond me being a nerd i'm being a nerd right now this is this is hot this whole video series is one big nerd circle jerk okay we all know what's wrong with this game it's [ __ ] stupid but it's this [ __ ] that really pisses me off what's the reason for removing the flash hider did you just sort of forget it's there it's not even and it doesn't even say a short barrelled mg42 when you man it or pick it up it's an emplaced entrenched machine gun and the barrel seems too short and there's no flash hider it just it's the most iconic machine gun of world war two and it looks wrong if there's one gun that you shouldn't [ __ ] up it's this one because it's been the default entrenched machine gun for every game in your franchise except world at war and only then because in world of war you had the actual japanese type 92 machine gun world of war had some critical time period mistakes okay in the especially in the first in the first russian mission in cod world at war there are some incredible mistakes in that mission but it still maintain an air of historical authenticity this is just [ __ ] laziness okay this whole thing is completely ridiculous because here they are assaulting the airfield going straight down the runway with their tanks that's cool these tanks shouldn't exist yet and they shouldn't even be here and they've completely missed the japanese entrenched out of cover on top of the big building they also aren't slinging he rounds into the tower or into this bunker here i guess you've got to have something for the infantry to do and so we're clearing through here everything's wonderful look at that also strange point of order here but why is there a searchlight on top of the control tower and who's gonna get up there and man it shouldn't it be on the balcony that old mate just there was standing on that makes sense and there's no platform or any safety rails for him i guess he's just gonna be a hero like death star construction where's the safety rail also got zeros and these zeros don't have wing cannons i don't think [Music] no they don't so those are a6m2s again you had the correct zero for this time period at least for the most part i mean it is still feasible the a6m2 would be in service but why do you show the a6m5 in your cutscene and then show an a6m2 in game i know why it's because you've been lazy you haven't taken five minutes to change the paint scheme and add two cylindrical objects to the 3d model at least i got the grenade right come on i shouldn't be surprised but again if i go forward here look at that we have an airborne mounted mg42 which isn't a thing at least not to my knowledge should be an mg34 and mg18 maybe but not an mg42 it's got a different barrel jacket today i suppose signify that it's you know it's also no no that that's not right at all as far as i'm aware maybe later later models had one i don't know but the but the but the back of the valve is open the canopy switch swings down from there like there's no split there also that machine gun we've already established there's no mg-42s here but that machine gun would have been a perfect light machine going to add because it's a really great top fed drum mag machine gun that's supposed to be there but we've got this piece of [ __ ] however the rest of the model looks good the wings are correct tail plane is correct fixed undercarriage yeah bomb correct as well yeah okay we'll push you out of the hangar take this cover us while we get you in position find us some runway and we'll handle the rest all righty so he's got an airborne he's got an anti-site on it okay but it should be an mg34 if they're even going to do that and it's not an mg34 it's an mg42 with a anti-air barrel and a anti-air sight um and this is the pacific he should have a japanese machine gun but of course i mean we've just we're checking out at this point guys you can probably tell i've checked out i'm like [ __ ] whatever i mean cool i mean that works also okay so they are pushing it i was just wondering okay can i just point out that the moment they see that aircraft rolling out of that hangar every one of those zeros is going to come straight from not only that there's a whole [ __ ] ass fire fight going on japanese aircraft are renowned for being fragile and yes i know this is call of duty and that spd we saw in midway took like tanked [ __ ] 20 millimeter shots like it was going out of style but what taking off a japanese plane during a firefight that's not how you that's not how you win a firefight that's how you get a fireball as well that is what that is and we're missing the runway we're off the runway now it's cool okay they finally noticed shut down the zero cool like one rifle shot to the fuel tank and that's it came over yes let's not shoot the soft target that we can actually kill let's shoot the shamans instead why not okay so all right so he's got the two machine guns here but i didn't see machine gun ports i mean the cockpit doesn't look too bad i mean pitch indicators correct yeah is that a fuel gauge or what's that supposed to be what is that you know what that is supposed to be i'm just having a look here have a look at this thing i mean looking at it i mean it it looks okay it looks kind of right yeah wow they got this cockpit right he doesn't have his compass down here though everything else looks relatively okay i'm not sure what these switches are doing and the fuel cock's missing but you know i mean small things got the machine guns here so that's right there we go more or less i should have known you'd say that here we go and the sights right too you've gotta be [ __ ] kidding he's just gone through the animation of loading cocking his [ __ ] nose guns and the traces are coming from the wings i i i have no words the vowel never had wing guns ever the vowel was fitted with wing guns that the wings would probably snap christ almighty done guys this is this is the worst mission i've rea this is the worst mission you probably can tell but this is the worst mission the absolute worst like hands down you're not even shooting at anything like he has the guns in the cockpit you can see him load the guns in the cockpit and there are no guns here at all and no the valve did not have guns no this is what i'm saying this is what i'm saying there goes in the cut scenes was the guys in that making the game and the guys making the cutscenes two different teams they've got to be because these shermans i mean i'm not a tank expert they look a bit funky the turret looks a bit too small i think but overall these are 75 millimeter m4 shermans with 50 cals and you know you know they're looking like the paint scheme looks a bit weird but like overall like it's perfectly serviceable sherman like and look at that where's that machine i don't see the machine gun in game like this is what i'm saying it's like with the styling grad mission they're cut scenes like the guys doing the cut scenes have done their homework or at least have tried to and then the game team it's like they've made these and the game team have just made whatever the [ __ ] they want also as we've established i'd i don't think the battle of boganville had it this is closer to okinawa than it is to the battle of boganville for sure [Music] there we go [Music] i kind of find it incredible that none of the american soldiers fired on him as he flew over considering he's wearing japanese markings changed wade they showed the flying daredevil from the clouds what war looked like in the dirt down there he learned the only way to win was to have each other's backs if you get past this talk you see his actions you know who way jackson really is i don't think i've ever been this angry at a game before guys i'm [ __ ] out [Music] i'm a strange lady [Music] my
Channel: Animarchy History
Views: 476,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: call of duty vanguard trailer reaction, call of duty vanguard reaction, call of duty vanguard trailer, vanguard ending, cod vanguard ending, call of duty vanguard, vanguard walkthrough, vanguard singleplayer, vanguard end, cod vanguard end, vanguard campaign, trailer reaction, vanguard lets play, vanguard, cod vanguard, reaction video, first impressions, ending, history, singleplayer, call of duty, walkthrough, russian sniper, end, gamers, the end, new game
Id: Famui1dyg_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 55sec (3175 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 23 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.