Listening To What The Universe Is Trying To Tell You

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the weather said we were going into four straight days of rain and today was day one of that it's been mostly a light drizzle the entire day so I didn't want to run extension cords and operate saws and that it so it really wasn't the best day to be working on the cabin so I said okay well I'll look around and find some other things I can do and it turns out there was uh a few things that you can take lessons from and in just listening to what the universe is trying to tell you after all the work was done on the hill we had a big downpour where a bunch of silt had washed down and collected right here so the water from the ditch was not moving properly the way it was so I got down in here and just moved it a little bit you know just so it sits nicely now my purpose was not to make this permanent this is how I'm going to do it I figured no I'm just going to just kind of direct it the way I would like it and then I'm just going to step back let it rain for the next few days and just just see what happens you know it's it's uh arrogant to think that you can just come in and tell nature this is what I want you to do and it's going to behave that way I think it's best to just uh just sit back and and direct it nudge it in the direction you would like things to go and then just step back and see what happens with it and then I can come back after it rains again and see what what it does and then respond accordingly to what I need to do afterwards it's the end of December and I actually just scared some frogs that were down here in this Creek it's it's going to take some time for me to get used to how warm it is in this climate frogs and winter crazy I learned the same lesson about stepping back and just observing what nature wants to do back in my old yard years ago I decided to do some gardening and of course you know I came in with the attitude oh I'm going to plant this here and this here and this here and even had it diagrammed out on paper and everything and guess what happened total failure for years I just failure after failure after failure and finally I I got it one year I said you know what you tell me what you want so I just collected all the seeds that I would like to plant and all that and just mixed it all up and just spread it all over the place and guess what happened it was it wasn't perfect but it was good I grew a lot of things that year and then subsequent years after that it just got better and better you know if if you just listen to Nature and let it tell you the soil will let you know okay this is what I need here you may want this but this is what the soil needs in order to be to build itself in a healthier State then once it's in the healthier State you may be able to do something else but that's what weeds are uh what people call weeds are actually nurse plants they come in when there's disturb soil and they come in and fix it that's just their Niche just like a plumber they come in when Plumbing is not working and they fix it so you have things that are nutrient accumulators like a dandelion which has a real uh deep tap route so it will go down way feet many feet into the Earth and it'll collect pottassium and all these minerals in that and it will bring it up the plant into the leafy part of the plant and hold it there well then at the end of the season when that plant dies it just all falls down but now all those nutrients that it accumulated are now up on the top and usable in the top layer of soil for other plants now to use and then there's things like Clover that are nitrogen fixers when nitrogen is lacking in the soil it will actually take air from the atmosphere and convert it into nitrogen and put it in the soil for something else to use so actually in back in the day when you bought grass seed for a lawn it actually came mixed with white clover in it that was just CU everybody knew that you had a healthier grass lawn by having those clovers in it well then one day the The Da company came out with the gly glyco phosphate which is more commonly known as Roundup and of course the Roundup killed the Clover so they the Dow company said oh that's that's a weed now so if if you had just avoid the Roundup and you just allow some Clover to grow in your lawn it will be healthier than it's ever been without using chemicals and without making this Corporation Rich you know it's time for us to just just stop listening to these corporations and these people in charge I mean we've tried their system their way for a hundred years and look what it's led us to it's collapsing and it's falling apart and it's failing us it's time for us to just start doing things our way and listening to what the environment is actually telling us it needs and then work in cooperation with that when the work on the hill was done uh a bunch of Phill got left behind which I was happy to I'm like yeah leave leave it here for me I could always use that and I ended up patching some other little ruts that were in the the trail that helped out and while I'm doing the work just kind of mindlessly you know shoveling and and uh wheelbarrowing around bunch of dirt I kept my eye kept getting drawn off to this one area over here and I kept think think you know I bet you I can do something with that during the middle of the day even though it was of course gloomy and overcast because it was drizzling there's still always a little bit of sun that comes through the clouds and I had noticed this Steep Hill right here was in perfect alignment where there was actually a lot of Sun hitting it and I'm looking at the orientation of how the sun moves and the way the hill was and you know I had previously had it in my head like oh that's really too steep to do anything with but thinking about it it's like you know if I could cut out some of the small stuff in here there actually might be some Vining plants and and foods and things like that I can grow there and I'm I'm going to give that a try so so I think uh part of needing to fill in those ruts was kind of a way of telling me hey look over here this is something that you can do something with so because the van is my primary driver the truck mostly just sits here well it's not really good for a vehicle to just sit and not move so a couple times a week I like to just go drive it out in the town if if I don't have use for it and just just go get it up to speed and then bring it back in and park it just to just to keep it moving and everything well of course I had taken it in and then as soon as I got back here I went to throw it in park and the shift lever just was flopping around nothing I was like oh of course so I couldn't even throw it in the park I just turned it off and got out and chocked the wheels with some rocks so I got a chance today to get up under there and look and there's a cable shift cable that runs from your shifter down through the floor to your transmission to tell it which gear to move into and looking at it that that cable snapped and it was all frayed and messed up and that so um I tried tracing it back where it goes up through the floor goes underneath the carpet and then up into it and I think I can access the entire thing so I believe it's something I I'll be able to fix myself just next time I go into town I'll have to stop at the auto part store and uh they're probably going to have to order that for me I imagine they probably don't have it in stock for this vehicle but I am not a mechanic what whatsoever I I've never been good with working on vehicles never really had much interest in learning it but again I think this is one of those things where it would be too difficult for them to get a tow truck up in here so it's not like I can just call up a shop and be like hey come tow me out of here and go fix my problem I don't think they can they would even be willing to bring a tow truck up here so it's kind of something I have to fix myself so I think that's good I I think the universe was looking at me and saying hey you really suck at doing this homeboy it's time for you to figure out how you know so it kind of forced me into a position where I'm going to have to learn how to do this and I think that's a good thing you know when the universe tells you something listen to it you know when you get winded tying your shoes it's probably the universe trying to tell you hey it's time to lose a few pounds you know there's just all kinds of signs when you're starting to have health problems your body tells you hey this isn't going right this isn't going right and if you ignore those signs you're going to end up having much more severe problems down the road so maybe this rain coming ahead was meant for a reason uh maybe me uh just randomly picking these few things to take care of today uh was for a reason you know maybe it it then got me thinking about listening to what the universe is trying to say and then and then me coming and making a video and then maybe somebody watching this is going to think about that and then that's going to uh have something that that changes something in their life I don't know I mean you can go really deep down that rabbit hole when you start thinking like that I don't know but it's just interesting you know when things happen it may not be what you want it to be each day but who knows just kind of think of it in terms of instead of just being upset like oh why isn't everything working out for me just stop and think maybe the universe is trying to tell me something today and I I think one of the best skills that he we have as human beings is our our skill of observation you know too many people today just don't use that skill uh we're so conditioned to that if you got some problem we just go and Google the answer but maybe it's better to just step back and then just observe what's going on in the world around you just I think you get so much more information back that way by just observing everything going on around you and then reacting to that take that information and do something positive with it
Channel: TheBackwoodsHermit
Views: 1,730
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Id: dwkbP1mIFMg
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Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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