Creepy Crawlies On The Homestead

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at nighttime I'm completely surrounded by these little frogs and in some toads too but they're just out hopping around everywhere I actually will walk around really slowly at night so they have a chance to to jump off and I don't accidentally step on them cool got them everywhere there's like hundreds of little Tad poles in this bucket uh the frogs around here are just just laying eggs right now anywhere there's some water uh even if some is just collecting in a tarp or in a bucket like this anywhere any puddle I'm finding Tad poles all over the place and uh you know I kind of wish they hadn't put it in a lot of these places cuz when I go to move the tarp I don't want to kill the Tad poles or or this buckets so I guess I'm just going to have to leave it because it takes them like three months before they become actual frogs that can get out on their own so from now on I'll have to make sure that I set any buckets upside down so they don't collect water and you get frogs putting these guys in there here's just a little rainwater collected on a tarp that I covered up some Lumber with and as you can see there's there's tadpoles all over the place so yeah anywhere where it's a little bit of water collects you'll find them there anywhere else where water collects I'm finding these little guys right there they're called back swimmers and that's because they actually swim upside down they got like two paddle-like legs but they're upside down it's the phone isn't focusing real good on them but they swim upside down when they move around and even though they're kind of an aquatic insect they can actually fly really good so I found them all over the place like even in brut's water bowl and I and I'm like like what what are they doing in here so i' just reach in and grab them and throw them in a different spot of water but I actually didn't know that they will sting you pretty good because they're a predator and they have like these mouthpieces that they sting prey with and paralyze them so then they can eat them and it's not enough toxin to actually harm a human but it'll still you know irritate the area kind of like getting a beasting or something and there are some cases of a few people who are allergic to them just just like uh being allergic to bees so I guess from now on maybe I got to be a little more careful if I have to move them and find them somewhere I don't want them to be see there's another one right there see if I can get them to move there he goes I'm guessing these guys are just going from wet spot to wet spot and feasting on all these tadpoles they're finding out here about 12 feet up in the tree here there's a right there a black cap chicky nest and uh I'm actually surprised cuz it's just hanging to the branches there the other night we had an extremely wind weather and it managed to stick up there all I can see was that down on the ground here there's one Broken Egg and hopefully that's all that came out but I keep seeing since uh they keep returning to it so there must be some eggs up in there still hoping they hatch because I like these black cap chickies almost every single night right after Dark dark about 9900 p.m. or so the one just just hangs out out here and just sings for like 15 or 20 minutes I mean I can almost set my clock by it he's he's just uh every night it gets dark and I can say yep he's he's gonna start singing here pretty soon and sure enough he always shows up e e for for e for for for [Music]
Channel: TheBackwoodsHermit
Views: 391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nature, wildlife, wild animals, bugs, insects, creepy crawlers, creepy crawlies, butterflies, luna moth, grasshoppers, toads, frogs, tadpoles, amphibians, snakes, lizards, reptiles, southern black racer, black capped chickadee, green anole, brown skink, nature watching, outdoors
Id: gqLWj8YdE9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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