Listen to Roblox MOTHER or else...

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i'm just gonna bring anna out for a little walk oh no mama they cannot escape this is a dead end once you're in the tunnel you never leave the tunnel who are you good night philippe i guess your family left you behind in the tunnel no feeling it's okay we'll just go on a quick walk [Music] mother our objective is to escape mother mother is trying to capture us all so we can become demon food we have to use our wits and crafting skills to escape her prevent mother from discovering you talk to the npcs to get quest and read book to unlock recipes i'm the cutest kid ever guys i'm anastasia rhymer i probably said come on anastasia where's everyone anastasio i'm upstairs everyone let's meet in the front mother is uh where'd mother go mother was behind me oh she's right here she's at the front [Music] give me your pocket mommy give me your pocket mommy make her sister i took it hey look we got we got really cool hair look i'm mark lewis yo we have the cutest hairs ever i'm melvin kidd oh i'm caesar and i love hair gel alicia foster that's amazing guys okay follow me i'm the green boy the green boy i kind of look like draco with green hair wow your hair looks fabulous there's three green hairs we have to make sure that mother thinks we're still npcs all right crew gather together hurry i need to see let's unlock this door let's go guys get away from the lock i'm trying to unlock it mother might figure out she's talking right now come on let's unlock this oh here let's go let's go can you give this to nigel piper yeah no i want to go read a book i want to go read to i like reading i like knowledge judge get in your knowledge everyone read keep reading guys what's everyone's iq right now 67 iq my physical is strong oh mine's mine's 188 does that mean i'm real smart come on guys mother can't catch us my q is stuck at 51. i don't think it can go up oh no i'm just gonna go do other things no guys you have to read without i have to read for recipes how will you have crafting knowledge no my iq is stuck jackal's got brawn okay he doesn't need iq there's too many people hogging this bookshelf i'm going the other one oh oh i can make a grappling hook oh mama's here everyone be good what is going on here everyone leave everyone leave act like a npc hide hide don't tell mom i climbed up here i climbed too far oh no npc gold you have to fake it she said why is a child stuck up there gold gold you're gonna die gold um my i don't know tell her my big hair my hair i will go make soup thank you okay mom dude mother's so nice that was a close one wait i forgot mother eats us ow yeah funny mother is not good mother's pretending to be okay oh no no she doesn't eat us guys she's gonna feed us to the demons we have more worries we're sleeping on the floor yeah yeah this floor is nice no no no someone got ejected no she took somebody out where are you taking anna to make soup duh ah oh my god she's not sleeping wait guys you can read while sleeping you can eat it oh it's raining you guys we better run before she i think she knows all these pile of kids here guys i think i think all of us have been made we we don't have much nights here okay as long as she doesn't remember all of our usernames we have to split we have to dip from here are we ready we gotta spread out or else okay he's gonna make a grappling hook let's just dip everyone's split everyone's split mom is going to find us i can make babies we gotta go separately everyone walk and pretend to talk to npc so mark mark lewis hey mark luke species always say i love you what oh i'm marcus yes with your hair you're gonna get us caught no i'm not see i'm dumb mother said let's go eat i made you swag for breakfast don't yes you can't follow her as a trap don't follow her gold don't follow her can i just ask her i made breakfast what's suede she's gonna send you to the demon i said what swag mommy gold you're so dead next okay gold's dad gold swaggy hair is out but mother there's no um one death is just flinging doors open it's not is is that fun do you like pizza why do you say the same thing oh i have something for one daft here be friends with me buddy what are you doing yeah just dolphin dive everywhere i'm going upstairs someone distract mother hey emma foster do you have a quest for me no but our friendship is high who did your hair i don't know some other kid stuck gum in it oh my gosh guys don't talk to mother yes it's literally tricking you i don't know why everyone's talking to her hey are you npc no you're a real person i really need to talk to an npc so they could give me a quest hello alicia why do you all keep asking if i like pizza of course i love pizza pizza's delicious i know melvin these npcs are weird i see mother hopefully mother does not question me i'm leaving mother don't look at me mother i don't know why people are talking to mother mother is a trick get booed get poo'd she's gonna drag you she's gonna drag you to the demon who named these children mother's scaring me oh i fell asleep on the stairs i'm done i'm dead she's gonna figure out my legs my legs are numb [Music] please mother no oh mark was talking to her earlier another player oh what wait mother can take multiple children [Music] this isn't good why mommy why kids this is not good i told you not to talk to her can you give this to pee pee the kid okay where's pepe pepe oh they're in the dining room okay i'm going down there walking into walls pretending that i'm not stop talking to a mother why why people all right yo i have this for you hey peepee the kid pepe take this no pepe hey come here pepe it's pepe pepe pep pepe hey hey i need to talk to pet pet fabulous hair get out of here pepe too no pepe all right thank you take this peppa thank you oh peppa gave me a bandage i'm gonna go learn more about bandages hey you oh uh cassandra go sit in the corner i'm grounded they're playing with mother why we're supposed to be reading books maybe they're trying to be mother's favorite so mother doesn't feed them to the demons do you think mother will figure out it's me i'm scared okay i really hope not i'm just gonna read while mother's not here pretend to be as dumb as possible knowledge is power and power father is looking at me intensely and i'm scared don't open the door close that door who is that close it stop it stop playing with the door what's wrong with you okay more knowledge i will escape by myself i mean i mean we'll escape together crew who's the red girl is the red girl in npc or what i'm unlocking more crafting recipes honey i'm very stressed right now i cannot answer your questions because mama is following me so i'm just gonna say rainbow act like an npc gotta be chill i'm gonna pretend okay alicia hi what's up do you like stop oh they just keep asking me if i like pizza she's getting all my nerves look over here manolo is just reading this is like knowledge can you give this to cassandra sure i will go give it hey can you guys craft stuff yet yeah i can craft i could craft a grappling hook and then this bandage stone thing okay go eat dirt like the others all right mother's berry mother is very savage savage queen but we appreciate that mother knows best actually i'm hungry do you want food i could go get some for you or i'm gonna hide in the bathroom stall where mother can't find me maybe i'll hide in here or not i have to go find cassandra cassandra where you at hey don't dolphin dive pink girl love you pink girl's out oh i think i fell too close to mom mama who you taking out mother wait no isn't that draco no it's not no oh too many green hairs that's good i'm sneakier than that okay all right i thought it was me for a second anastasio rhymer hello we survived can you get me an apple yeah i'll get you an apple okay just be quiet just make sure i act like an npc i'll grab you this apple off the shelf and i'll give it to you but let's just make sure mother's not watching here take this thank you take this what did you give me a stick nice nice i can make a shovel soon i have to go read hey anastasio i feel like mother's gonna knock out the people with the fabulous hair mother's on the stairs rainbow run run i'm not going upstairs oh wait oh wait even if you i think she's going to the library is she oh no no don't go to the library i'm reading i'm pretending to be stupid yeah oh rainbow you know she wrote down your name right okay you know what i'm crafting a shovel i'm crafting a shovel and i'm getting out of here okay see you later suckers no she's leaving she caught me red-handed rainbow just go just go please rainbow go fire go far oh gosh rainbow's crying okay that's not good um i still need to shovel like you rainbow should i follow rainbow or is that a bad idea no that's not worth it yeah just go far rainbow good luck on your journey oh i think it's almost nighttime so dead i'm so dead please cassandra are you no help why is cassandra i think it's sandra's a snitch guys cassandra's next oh was she the savage that's mama's favorite go eat dirt cassandra uh mother's right behind me i wonder i i don't know she thinks i'm like don't let her say npc i know i'm trying to find a sandwich stop following me she's following me no she's remembering my name please guys please i i think mother's after anastasio rhymer i'm going to act fake i'm going to ask guys martha lewis has made it to the hole mark lewis what's that the whole time i fell asleep in the bookshelf mark lewis is dead mark lewis if you're dead i'm i'm leaving i'm leaving this game wasn't she just feeding her it's a betrayal oh no why is she allowed to take more kids out now mama food rhymer that's not me that's not me oh i'm scared guys mother knows i don't think we're going to beat this why is she taking so many people watching yeah hold on other types fast i thought it was one per night who is that wait is an npc yeah it's an npc she's messing up she's messing up she doesn't know no if it wasn't npc rainbow live in the hole don't come back home don't come back home rainbow it's not worth it i'm never coming back okay my goal is to get a rock i just need to get a rock yo you gonna give me a rock okay you're all real people give me a rock please nope just smiley face let me try talking to you again everyone don't let mother look at your username okay if you let mother look at your username she will eat you to the bottom of the ship mother's running up to me oh my gosh she's gold just eat the kitchen calm and collect she's in the kitchen she's always in the kitchen she's always in the kitchen okay i just need to get a rock can you give this to nigel i think you guys have to craft to escape everything in order to escape uh mother's looking at me mother's looking at me i'm pretending to be on pc i think she's judging me just say i love you i love you oh yeah please always say that today was a good day don't type it figure out it's hashtags do not type i love you you'll get caught oh my god oh my gosh almost got caught i think she's like looking at my name guys i'm scared i think i'm dead next i think i'm dead uh why is my npc so far for me come on anastasio stop hello pink hair let me talk to you real quick i don't see mother in sight what a good day this is fun yes yes here nigel take this thank you take this please let it be oh it's a rock rainbow rainbow i'm meeting up with you i'm going for the hole there's nothing in this hole don't come in here just get stuck you'll just get stuck i don't know you just do i'm stuck here i can't do anything find someone else to escape the hole is a bad idea i need a grappling hook [Music] oh i still need so much stuff i need rocks for everything are you sure yeah i'll just go take a look i'm pretty sure don't come into this hole i can't rainbow i think mother's on to me i think i'm next she doesn't like green hair man oh mother's looking at me i'm just gonna go let me try shoveling down do not once you go hold on please you can't come back up okay i'm digging i'm jumping come on let's just dig the hole guys get a shovel oh i think you need a rope and everything else to get out oh we need everything okay oh wait i just realized my character's strong so i would be better with a shovel but i take a really long time to learn crafting recipes because my ikea i think i'm gonna sleep out here tonight i don't think she'll catch me night y'all um if you sleep outside she'll catch you i'm i'm just going to hide who's going out oh that's an npc wrong yeah yes you suck mother gold i wouldn't so it's day time let's go rainbow you better figure out how to crawl out the hole just like try jumping mother's eye on the outside right now be careful thank you i'll pretend to be an npc can you give this food to evans yes evan evans on the first story all right i have to get a sandwich in here and i have to go to evans does anyone see mother creeping around she's okay yeah she's in the house just make sure she doesn't read your name this is the room i need to go in let me just go talk to my friend all right food evans here it is thank you take this please be useful it's another rock okay that's helpful it's almost nighttime i'm escaping you suckers i have all your skin are you escaped leaving nowhere in a row i have a rope at the end of the wall you see that big rock go go to it okay go go oh i see luna escaping what luna why did you tell us we should have escaped together yeah you should have told us uh now we're stuck here my mother's coming yeah how selfish of you to escape you're supposed to say hey everyone i'm escaping not just eat yourself out uh mother sees me i'm faking it i'm faking you guys run you have a heart i'm faking it no i'm faking it i'm running i'm running i'm thinking run makeup do you see you're above the wall there's a white i see your rope it's behind the building i'm trying guys my legs are just so blocky today okay i'm climbing i'm climbing climb climb like your dying i see someone i see someone where are you guys funny hurry up luna come on you're so selfish you just said look at this give me a second dive mother you are too foolish you cannot catch us because we tall brain let's go hurry up hurry before it becomes nighttime and we fall asleep on the wall just wait i'm coming i'm escaping mother is rainbow stuck in her hole yeah yeah there's no point there's no point we have to leave rainbow guys we have to death mark lewis will never leave what we're done i don't think this is the is this the easiest i think this is just a hiding spot so mother can't see us luna there's definitely why this alarm plan you said this is an escape route all right we have gained knowledge we've gathered the appropriate equipment to finally escape but i need to talk to everyone around the orphanage and make sure they're ready to escape for tonight also gold tonight yeah tonight gold can't figure out who we are what are they doing is that the device you use to take off the person it's a secret i'm so smart mom come over here yes and that's why you shall be sent to a beautiful adoption center [Music] no one's listening um okay i must reveal myself i'm funny why would you do that okay you guys understand what taco ac is funny okay we have the materials to escape you guys understand hey hey taco ac it's me afrocass why do you guys all the same hair because it's cool this is cool hair wait where's luna she has the last thing we need to do to escape wait wait we have to go sleep somewhere before gold figure out who that oh i fell out you go don't be scared wow the coolest one i have found the necessary tools for escape following we gotta hurry guys we have everything time to escape everyone follow keep an eye for gold won't luna chill chill with the glass jar the knife does do you guys know what the knife does what it kills mama no it i'm gonna cut off my ear and pull out a locator i think everyone needs a knife what no no way that's just oh you need to pull out the locator from your ear attack mom attack you i know who's going out next um um okay okay fast i need another rock um someone's definitely going out tonight i'm not gonna say who it is but it's kind of obvious okay everyone we are we all have to find the knife to get rid of this tracker device mother i got you a stick mom i love your outfit thank you suck-ups so many suck-ups down there makes me sick because i'm a cool taco ac and i'm a kind of a rebel around here i do rebellion things like not wash my hands and i'm also gonna give what i'm a rebel what can i say and i'm gonna give this to aaron slattery thank you aaron's lottery all right i'm gonna craft this too there you go let me take this chip out do you want to okay i'm pulling out the locator i got it guys i think i'm ready wait no it's night night time is it night yet it's almost night time we shouldn't go okay maybe in the morning maybe we should just go talk to brother and just like go chill around don't talk to mother just because you don't have a tracker anymore hi mom she's talking to you best reply hi mommy best reply or you die so gold we're all upstairs right now um so yeah i just wanted to let you know that's great i'm just gonna bring anna out for a little walk what if hannah doesn't want to go on a walk feed the floors with my body let's go on a walk anna oh gosh [Laughter] let's go anna well she sounds so sweet i'll see you by dinner okay sweetie look she's lying follow me it's time to escape see you later girls i'm running back let's go let's go guys outside outside gold gold's gonna catch us come on hurry up hurry up where's that oh no you don't draco i'm trying to find the front door who is that who what is that is that you spiky mohawk yeah what's up i'm taco ac stop distracting me gold's following us we're going to die no guys come on you have to follow us we're going to want you to say so slow i don't know trust us the children back here are saying don't escape they'll catch you what what's you those children didn't read books we read books and we know you're bad i am not bad you are evil i'm giving you guys a great home you're happy here you're always full no no no we're digging come on everyone time to dig dig with shovels don't go down the hole draco careful draco get off the tunnel come on let's open it up oh oh someone fell down um you do not want to walk through do we go down i gotta go okay come on i guess wait how do you get a candle wait you could run in this game what since when i just ran for like a couple of seconds slide i don't know man i have a stamina bar does this rope go on the wall shh come on everyone just be quiet gold doesn't know we're in the tunnels because she can't get down here because she's not a kid clearly we are kids and we can climb ourselves out of this orphanage yes i wonder if we'll see anything creepy in the tunnel hey um we love we love the nigel nigel can you wait up i can't nigel [Music] i need the light i'm scared of the dark i'm a nightlight you can't leave us behind we must escape together because if we do not escape together we will not live is it almost nighttime oh you know i would live and you will last night time dark in here oh my god oh great we're gonna sleep in a cave no i don't want to sleep in a cave so dark where are we going draco i thought you knew your ways around tunnels or something well now it's really dark in this time it's morning this morning can you continue why is this how is anyone supposed to escape this are you serious go right towards wait where's our other friend going i think our friend's going back to mother we can't we can't let them it's too late wait wait wait this is another hole this is another wall i told you guys that's why this one follow me follow me i saw someone go that way i think they know where i think where are you going taco ac i think they know where they're going why are we just going into halls this way follow taco ac oh yeah i think they're telling us to follow them hey you you know where you're going casey ac is my sister oh my brother i think casey ac is a robot follow the light you better move fast kids i'm coming i see one of you no no no no she followed you guys into the tunnels i'm also in this tunnel hello oh you're gonna put out the lights oh wait where is this why is it so big what why is there a hanger there they are this way get them what she sees us why are there a bunch of hangers down here gold why do you have a bunch of minions hat pathetic wait kevin oh my gosh so annoying they cannot escape this is a dead end is that are they part of our team or not once you're in the tunnel you never leave the channel who are you who are you why my kid um okay we gotta go to the next exit yeah like bro they're not even on our team death is waiting on us we're never escaping this orphanage are we everyone see everyone is the downer here they're all they're all telling us we can't escape nigel where's luna and rainbow you left one of your family back here and they're saying no no no no where are they shut up good night philippe i guess your family left you behind in the tunnels it's okay we'll just go on a quick walk philippe stop taking everyone i'm walking oh draco it's a rope we can get out of here yes the way out oh my gosh thank you thank you thank you thank you okay lunar rainbow huh where are you guys um we escaped out of the tunnel and what how there's a rope okay we have to i don't know where we go now okay jaco i still got the zipline and so was mother because she was oh why is gold okay why oh hello taco ac nice to see step on her don't let her out just another time bam you see that everyone bad news mother oh never mind taco you will pay for your sins only mother is the true will to live why why brother you're letting us escape today though right um we'll think about it okay no more taking kids to the demon all right is that everyone rainbow no rebels that you you're just a blurb yeah mother we're gonna faint in three two one okay i'm dipping i i can't oh there you go good morning thank you for letting us you must be curious why yes why morning mother taco because i feel like you'll never escape so i'll just go easy on you you know give me rainbow show us the way show mother how we get we're gonna escape okay mother look i read some books i learned this really cool recipe it's called a rope do you know what that is mother yes mother do you know what that is yeah a rope you cannot climb by actually i read so i know exactly how to climb up okay rainbow do you i bet you don't know how to climb a rope what just do it right about it okay now what ow true ones escape what a beautiful face you have why is there so many fools for mother bonnie you're up oh cleaning them up you have to use your zipline okay i do this i'll do this what we're gonna die again aren't we please don't you see any exclamation marks anything exclamation mark anywhere please please guys we have to find the zip line [Music] we have to escape they're saying no escape don't go so fast over here buddy over here escape oh let's go over here taco ac i found it going get out of here let's go no way you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 9,382,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, roblox funny, roblox funny moments, roblox funneh, roblox krew, roblox funnehcake, no swearing, no cursing, roblox story, roblox story itsfunneh, roblox story funneh, roblox story krew, roblox mother tpn, roblox mother, mother tpn, roblox escape mother
Id: _dcvypBnEsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 37sec (1777 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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