GOD in A MAN with Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak

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run away from you ladies and gentlemen it's an honor for our speaking to us this prophet of god with jesus joy with a special and new good welcome can you join me to receive god's providence apostle joshua sermon come on enugu enugu [Applause] hallelujah praise the lord let's lift our hands to jesus good morning everybody lord we love you we thank you thank you for the grace thank you for vision thank you for wisdom thank you again for another session we ask oh god that he will visit us mightily this morning lord there are pastors here ministers of the gospel leaders in various capacities we have come to learn we have come to obtain grace and wisdom speak to us oh god and we declare that as we hear we will obey in the name of jesus touch everyone who needs a touch from you and we decree and declare that our time in your presence will be worthwhile and let jesus be glorified in jesus name i pray please just greet someone at your left and right and then please be seated hallelujah amen thank you again sir thank you bishop thank you for this great opportunity the lord bless you in jesus name i pray my honor again to every man and woman of god we have a lot to do this morning and god will grant us grace wherever we stop i trust that that would suffice for now praise the lord my teaching this morning attempts to touch a number of areas but basically my passion especially because i'm dealing with leaders and pastors is to help us to be efficient in the work that god has committed unto us and there are a few things that we need to know we have to know the bible says um arise shine isaiah 16 verse 1 for your light is calm it is when your light comes that you are able to arise and shine god desires that we be fruitful let's start with colossians chapter one colossians chapter one just two verses colossians chapter one 9 and 10. colossians chapter 1 please read with me we are reading verse 9 and 10. paul is mentoring the church in colossae here's what he had to say one to read please for this course we also since the day we heard it do not cease to pray for you and to desire that he be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding it says that ye might walk worthy of the lord unto all pleasing uh-huh being fruitful in every good work poor and increasing mentoring the knowledge of color to work worthy of your calling in the lord to be fruitful in every good work not some every good work being fruitful in every good work it's important we understand that god is passionate about our efficiency and our fruitfulness as believers and then as leaders and even ministers of the gospel all across the globe there are pastors leaders church leaders christian organizations and platforms who seek to find greater kingdom expressions they seek to see jesus revealed they seek to see jesus glorified but for many it does not seem to be the case and especially at this end times we are seeing a lot of frustrations growing in christians why they are unable to see the power and the glory of god i hope that god will grant us grace to touch on some of these things in the name of jesus christ according to scripture from the privilege of mentorship and even in my experience i want to share with us a few things that i believe um will have to be in place for a leader a man of god an individual to be efficient in the work of the ministry and then i would wrap up with three areas that i believe satan really wants to attack in the life of ministers in the life of leaders so that you will sustain the intelligence to not give him a foothold in these areas because if these areas come under attack in your life and in your ministry there may not be a future there may not be efficiency are you ready for this morning in one minute just ask the lord to grant you revelation father i'm here to learn i'm here to listen please pray let your heart be open i desire to be efficient you're praying as a man of god a woman of god as a church leader as a christian leader as a business leader i desire to be efficient teach me how grant me understanding hallelujah praise the lord the first thing i want to deal with is a revelation please look up a revelation of the divine life that we have received i told you yesterday that we're going to touch a bit about it most people do not realize that being a christian has a spiritual implication a man of god a minister of the gospel is not a political appointee a minister of the gospel is not a politician who was voted into power in a democratic system or appointed by some leader the call to ministry the call to leadership is a noble call that has spiritual implications there is a throne that backs anyone who is serving the purposes of god and more so called in the capacity of leadership hallelujah the first expression of the reality of god living in us is the divine life that comes through new birth jesus began this discourse with nicodemus in john chapter three when you read from verse one two three then we jump to verse sixteen john chapter three please help us media john chapter three we start from verse one there was a man of the pharisees the bible says named nicodemus he was a ruler of the jews then the bible says he came to jesus by night and began a discourse he said rabbi we know that thou art a teacher come from god for no man can do these miracles that thou doest except god be with him there are some results that cannot be produced by men outside of the influence and the assistance of god next verse jesus answered and said unto him verily i say unto you except a man be born again isn't this interesting he's talking to jesus about miracles signs and wonders and jesus is saying let me tell you how this happens is that's the foundation for this possibility is that except a man be born again that means these possibilities are proof that the kingdom has come to you and accept a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom when you get to the next verse he says accept a man be born of the water and spirit he cannot enter the kingdom this was jesus teaching a pharisee and when we get to verse 16 jesus now is teaching and yes what he said for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son now according to the authority of scripture when we read this scripture today he is not his only begotten son today he is the first begotten of wither brethren but as at the time he was the only begotten son and here's the condition that whosoever believes in him jesus are we together now remember the person he's saying who received this life is not dead physically that even though you are breathing in and breathing out there is another life that can come upon you so there is your biological life is that true that authorizes your body and your spirit to coexist in this realm that is biology but there is this spiritual life king james puts it as everlasting life um but when you study when you study scripture you study the greek and the hebrew expressions of these words you will find out that the word is not exactly everlasting now the way the bible was written as you know the old testament was written largely in hebrew and then the new testament was written largely in greek and aramaic there is a you know latin here and there both the old and the new now the way these words work is that the theologians would usually look for a word and look for the best contextual expression that captures that word and that is what is translated into english are we together so many synonyms come to terms with this expression and they picked everlasting sometimes you will see eternal they did their best but the truth is that the life that we have received the life that jesus is talking about is not everlasting life you may have heard me say it everybody has everlasting life everlasting life is not just what jesus gives when you come to him when people die they don't stop leaving they only stop they relocate themselves from this realm jesus himself was given the parable of the rich man and lazarus is that true both of them died but they were alive again in another dimension so everlasting life is not a privilege of christians everyone created by god has everlasting life the condition for everlasting life is that you pass through the womb of a woman once you are born of a woman the seed of abraham the seed of adam you have everlasting life are we together the word there is not even eternal the word translated there is called zoe by the time john the beloved when you look at the progression of his revelation and growth when we get to the epistle of john he now begins to call it the life of god john had grown the life of god so way is the greek word is a quality of life great men like papa hagin wrote books in fact there is a book by him calls away um many of them say it is the god kind of life now i respect the opinion remember revelation is progressive at the time they had this revelation they call it the god kind of life but according to the authority of scripture and the eye it is not the god kind of life it is the very life of god are we together now god did not give us his kind of life he gave us his very life the bible says he that is joined to christ who are going there shortly is one spirit he did not give us a type of his holy spirit it's his very spirit the same spirit that was in jesus is the same spirit that is in us there are not many of them and he just gave us a type no no is that true when he said i will send you another comforter is the word the paraklet allah's parakletos allah means of the same the exact same one heteros means another kind but of the same tribe so when he says i send you another comforter an extension of me listen carefully now when we come to christ the bible lets us know the condition of the fallen man paul was mentoring the church in rome and he said for all have seen and fallen short of the glory of god what glory is that you would have to go back to the book of the beginnings to help you understand the state of man as designed by god we considered a bit of that yesterday are we still together there are three things that god gave man that made him the zenith of his creation adam now number one god gave man dominion what is dominion sovereign power over the entire creation he mandated man to be head over his creation that everything he created would be subject to man number two god gave man something that we would learn in the polling epistle called righteousness what is causing doctrine now righteousness ew kenyon would define righteousness as the ability or the capacity to stand in the father's presence without a sense of guilt without a sense of inferiority and without a sense of condemnation but i define righteousness as the very nature of god it is your legitimate authorization to stand before god righteousness man had that the third thing that god gave man was his spirit and god breathed upon that man he was not just breathing a human spirit to enter him for man was first created spirit i hope you know that when god was giving this man dominion mandate he did not have a body that was why that's why the dominion mandate is not for the male because the woman was stealing the man when he was said be fruitful he was speaking to adam are we together now when we read genesis 1 verse 2 god now molded dust and transferred that spirit into that dust and man became that living soul man is spirit but according to the law of territory is illegal for a spirit to operate in this realm without a human body for you to operate in any territory you must be made of the same material of that territory is that true is the reason why demons are illegal occupants because they do not have authorized bodies to function it's also the reason why they look for men or they look for anything created out of when the bible says god made man from the dust of the earth it doesn't mean god used sand to make man it means he source the materials for his body from the elements of the ecosystem that means your body should be compatible to trees to water to wind it means none of them should hurt you if they haunt you a spirit is manipulating them because your body was created to be at peace with your ecosystem are you listening to me now please pay attention what we are discussing the divine life it's true you would notice a parallel operation between the human body and even your ecosystem let me give you a few number one your body is made of seventy percent water the same way the earth is made of 70 water you see there is that similarity is that true [Music] the same way you can mow your lawn and it grows back that's the same way the human hair works isn't it you can cut it it grows but just like grass the same way your bones after many years are still there is the same way rocks live for many many years you can carbonate rocks and see that they are probably millions of years there is a parallel that means the wind should not hurt you so when there is something called airborne disease water-borne disease there is a spirit manipulating them water should not hurt you listen the same water that is that is killing people is in you and yet it does not hurt you the same air that is hunting people is the one that you preach to give you life that is the reason why satan 2 uses them to destroy you because if the elements don't cooperate with him even him cannot do anything about it he will have to use this element listen when you understand what i'm teaching you don't tempt me in the name of jesus i reject this temptation in jesus name it's true the supernatural can only find expression in this realm when it is in partnership with the elements of this realm even the holy spirit if is to enter this earth he will have to be in the similitude of a dove or light or fire or come upon a human body are you seeing that now yes and so man was created to be at peace with this system remember three things don't forget number one that god gave man dominion sovereign control still worship and may i say this that the dominion god gave man is not absolute dominion there are two levels of dominion there is absolute dominion and there is shared dominion the dominion man received is shared dominion is that true yes shared dominion is the kind of dominion that a tenant gets when he pays rent it is his house even though the landlord owns the house but he has a right to call it my house and even the landlord will have to respect him from the time he pays the rent it is the landlord's house but he cannot come in and just open the door he will have to respect that man from that day because there was a legitimate ground upon which the man can say my house even in front of the landlord you are welcome to my house and the landlord does not say you are making a mistake because it is his house yet it is the landlord's house you understand that now yes so when he says the earth has he given to the sons of man when we say this is our territory we are not lying even though the earth is the lord's so we have shared dominion and we have absolute dominion absolute dominion talks of ownership shared dominion talks of still watching but both of them refer to authority and control are we learning something this morning so god gave man dominion he gave man righteousness he gave man the holy spirit so when man fell what do you think he lost if god gave man these three things these three things god gave man is what separates him from every other creation if man loses these three things there is no reason why creation should respect him again whoever has this tripartite combination of dominion the righteousness of god and the presence of the spirit of god qualifies to be the representation of god within that sphere when man fell these were the three things he lost if you don't know what man lost you would not know what redemption was made to restore you see when jesus came this is what he came to restore these three things that man lost man lost dominion he lost righteousness he lost the holy spirit who was the representation of the life of god so jesus walks to the earth now and he says i have come for a reason to bring reconciliation and for 30 years he went through all that process and then his passion would begin from the communion the bible lets us know that he broke bread i don't want to go into the whole theological explanation of those sacraments of the communion but jesus when he walked upon the earth please look up look up please look up please look up jesus came not only to die for man and restore these things we lost jesus came according to scripture as a pattern man he came to show us a blueprint of god's expectation how to walk upon this earth and to exercise that dominion in a way that satisfies the father and the father himself spoke from heaven and said this is my beloved son he is my recommendation hear him study him do not be afraid to pay attention to anything he tells you he has received my approval the bible says is that true and jesus began to walk upon the earth as an expression of god one of the reasons also that jesus came to walk upon the earth was to correct our perceptions about god because until jesus came they could not have that level of intimacy with god even when the bible tells us that moses and all of these men saw god face to face don't think they were just seeing god like that they saw similitude and they heard his voice from the midst of them when the bible says he saw god face to face the face of god is not like a human face no the face of god is a realm it's not an object that you look at if you if you look at the face of god you may not return to the earth again because you are entering into a realm the face of god is not like a human face you know when you say the face of a man you mean the upper part that just covers the skull that's the wrong definition when you are talking about god the face of god itself is a mystery so when they talk about seeing god face to face it doesn't mean that you just saw the entire face and the form of god the first time people would see an expression of god was when jesus himself came the bible calls him the incarnate of god he is the the expressed image hebrew says of the invisible god hebrews chapter one from verse one and three it says god who in sundry times and diverse manners speak to us in time past had in this last day spoken to us by the his son whom he has appointed to be heir of all things is that true media please let's walk together so that when we have these scriptures if the people can just look at it let's look at verse 3 it says who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person the express image of that invisible god the bible says the word became flesh so jesus was the expression of god now constrained in a material body i hope you know that his original name was not jesus jesus was the name that they were instructed to give him when he carried a mortal body his original name always was and is the word of god the logos of god the thoughts of god in action he is the rider upon the horse in revelations he is still called the word of god the bible says in the beginning was the word the name jesus was given to him you see if you understand this you will know that the power is not in pronouncing j-e-s-u-s you have been saying it when we say jesus we are letting people know that the one we are talking about is the one who was called jesus on earth it is not jesus that makes demons run away no because there are times you don't mention any neymar yet they run away and the bible says if they ever run it was the name that drove them so what did you say are you getting what i'm teaching you now i am not saying to not say jesus you understand what i'm saying when we say jesus we are telling creation that that jesus has been made both lord and christ so the lord and christ we are calling is the jesus you know the same way you say my father is a ceo his name is not ceo no the office gave him an office so that you can relate with him but when a child is talking and he said my father he said what are you talking about he said okay the ceo now you understand your ceo is my father he came as a manifestation of the word of god the god of the hebrews the one they could not understand the mysterious one who moved us fire smoke and all of these things now he was constrained in a human body and jesus began to walk miracles watch this signs and wonders marvelous things he began to teach them about a superior kingdom in a lecture that we have come to capture as the beatitudes he was mentoring them helping them they would gather in conferences like this and have jesus teach and can you imagine the level of the teaching that for three days people could not leave until he said you know what feed them do you see that it was justifiable that the pharisees were angry what sort of a man is this who would keep people down go home they say no way continue we have not had it in this manner if you were the priest will you be happy they had not seen it in this way they had not seen compassion this way they have not seen the miraculous this way god was teaching men how to know god jesus was not an ordained minister of the gospel jesus was not a pastor of a church jesus was god who came down to become the lecturer because the lecturers were misrepresenting him and he said i will come by myself and now i want to teach you so that you will know me and god said listen to him please sit down there are many things that jesus said that we must pay attention to and then the bible lets us know that he began the process of his passion the passion of jesus started officially from that communion table the mystery of the bread and the cup which he said were both himself the bread being his body the cup being his blood and then he went to gethsemane cried there prayed why did he cry because for the first time he would be disunited with the trinity they had always been one the father the son the holy spirit but jesus would not die if the trinity is united they would have to be disunited in some way and jesus will have to allow that for the purpose of redemption is that true now notice everything that happened to jesus the pauline epistle teaches us that it was an exchange is that true the bible lets us know that when jesus he was tripped naked why because man lost that glory that shakina that would cover him jesus had to be stripped naked in exchange for the restoration of that glory next thing they put a crown of torns on his head a crown is one of the symbols of a king's authority his crown and his scepter if a king loses his crown and his scepter even if he has a throne he is not a king so the crown of thorns was put on his head to restore our dominion as kings and priests revelation chapter 5 and verse 8 that we have today been made unto our god a kingdom of priests and that we shall reign forever are we still together then the bible says he was beaten according to the way they lashed the jews 40 stripes saved one he was he received 39 of those tribes and the bible tells us that by that tribe that means they thought they were just flogging him but they were fulfilling something there was an exchange by that tribe peter said we were healed as his body was lacerated blood was coming out and then he was now hung upon a tree why to fulfill the lord that says cost is a man paul was again teaching and i think that's galatians chapter 3 when you read from verse 10 it says christ has redeemed us from the course of the is written written what is written cause is every man not that dies if you die you're a dead man not a cause to be a cause you have to die on a tree so jesus carried that tree is that true please look for i think verse eight or so something like that from us 10 to 13 or thereabout did i get that right go to verse 12 or 13 so that we can have the reference christ has redeemed us he says from the cost of the law being made a cost for us for it is written everybody say it is written yes cost is every man that hangs on a tree if jesus died on the ground they will go and bury him he will be the one that died not for anybody's sins he needed to hang on the cross the bible says that the blessing of abraham you know what the blessing of abraham is the blessing of abraham is not cast on houses the blessing of abraham is justification by faith that is the basis for righteousness the blessing of abraham is justification by faith because abraham believed god and it was credited unto him for righteousness so we like abraham if we hear that it is the blessing of abraham that pattern was named after him is that true that the blessing of abraham might come upon we the gentiles command that now being righteous we may receive the promise of the spirit through faith the three things we lost now restored in redemption dominion restored righteousness restored the holy spirit restored when jesus hung upon that cross he died and said it is finished and you know jesus died and he did not go to heaven because when sinners die they don't go to heaven is that true and so they he went there already in my place at your place and when he went to hades the place of the dead the bible tells us paul was shown this you see why paul was a powerful apostle he saw by revelation what happened in the place of the dead that when jesus arrived there the cohorts of hell were forcing him to bow what is it about bowie bowing means acknowledging lordship so they were forcing him to bow to satan who had collected the kiss of dominion from adam and from that time he became the legal head of the earth god also had to respect it so he came i paid the price hand me over the keys revelations one verse one i am here when you read from verse one to six i am he that was dead and now he's alive and i have the keys that's where he got it he went and got it in hell and then he went and preached the gospel to those who were bound waiting in hope for this redemption and they believed him and he now led captivity captive and then he came out physically with his body alongside many of the departed saints they walked around jerusalem and everybody saw them but you see when he came out he went to heaven first because he was not done he was done as a savior but not yet as a priest now he would go to heaven and finish up the priesthood the melchizedek order of priesthood is that true now when he went to heaven he carried his own blood to the tabernacle there is a real tabernacle in heaven and when he went there he poured that blood once and for all and you've heard me teach it the mystery of the atonement is a system of pacifism but it was designed such that a one year old lamb would die so that it will be renewed because according to that law the length of the atonement is equal to the age of the lamb that died are you seeing that now so if it's a one-year lamb the atonement is for how long so jesus who is the ageless lamb now died and carried his blood there you see how it is so that for you to know how long the atonement is find out which lamb died that's why they said worthy is the lamb this lamb is not a one-year-old lamb it's not a 33 year old lamb please sit down it is on this basis that the bible says we have eternal redemption by his blood are we learning now remember when we are dealing we are not talking about redemption we are talking about the life of god if you do not know this you will never have genuine spiritual authority and power as a minister most people bypass this understanding and all they want is impartation is the reason why many people are not strong because it takes the oil and the vessel for profits to happen if the only thing you have is oil and there is no vessel there will still not be profit it is oil plus many vessels and a large spiritual capacity that's what brings profit hallelujah when he offered his blood the bible tells us that the next event in heaven was a coronation service david saw this paul saw this what did david see the lord said to my lord sit down at my right hand until i make your enemies your footstool that coronation service this is what he was saying in philippians chapter 2 from verse 5. he says let this man be in you which was also in christ jesus who although he was equal with god he didn't consider it to be robbery but he gave himself he came down he died is that true even dead on the cross wherefore by reason of this god had so highly exalted him and gave him a name here is our name again a name does not just mean a means of identification an office god gave him an office that is above every other office next verse it says verse 10 now that at the name of jesus at the revelation not just the mention the revelation of that name of jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven of things in heaven of things under the earth and that every tongue should confess that that jesus has been given an office the name of the office which is really the name is lord that's the office what drives demons is not j-e-s-u-s what drives demons is the power that backs his lordship the earth is the lord's so when we say jesus is lord we are saying this same jesus remember the apostles taught it in the book of acts they said today god has made him both lord and christ jesus is no longer just a carpenter's son he's no longer just mary's son he's no longer just the firstborn of his brothers no he is lord lord means absolute owner and anytime you are lord there are four things you must own if you do not own it you are not the lord can i show you am i wasting your time psalm 24 verse 1 anybody who tells you he is lord ask him show me your authority over these four dimensions the bible says the earth this is the first thing you must own to be lord you must have control over the earth number two the resources in the earth the fullness if you do not have control over the resources you are not lord number three the wall the mind control systems if you cannot influence the system and then number four the inhabitants if you cannot influence this listen this is the foundational pillar of dominion if you want to take over a territory you must take over the land the resources the mind control system and the inhabitants that's it there's nothing left in that territory again and this is what the devil is after when satan comes he's after land go and read your bible what was the word about land about that people every time satan shows up he does not just want man he wants the land to the physical land there is a dimension of faith that is expressed in land that is why when people give their lands to demons when they give their lands to strangers they are destroying the purposes of god over their life it is true kings in ancient times showed the extent of their dominions by the land they will conquer and then establish something that represents them please do not forget these four things i'm not teaching on dominion now we'll do that hopefully maybe later in the evening when we are talking about the mystery of the ark i want to show you how we triumph over battles and the vicissitudes of life by understanding the mystery of the act you will know why the nation of israel as heavy as that thing was they could enjoy it let it go with us to battle we will never go to battle without it hallelujah they would rather forget their thoughts and their weapons than to forget the ark but today we remember our check books we remember everything about the ark leave that for evening praise the name of the lord look at this the earth the fullness the system the inhabitants if enugu is to call upon the name of the lord these are the four things that the intercessors must pray about these are the four things that the captains of industry must pursue the earth must say jesus is lord the fullness must say jesus is lord the system must be designed to honor that lord and the inhabitants must call upon the name of the lord when this happens the kingdom has come let's get back to our teaching is someone learning something this morning at least we have established a foundation yesterday so i know that our hearts are right now we can discuss these truths [Music] when jesus went to hell and defeated satan he resurrected and then he ascended that coronation when it happened he now returned back to earth when he returned back to earth listen carefully he went and saw the timid disciples who were hiding and he appeared unto them and said all hail something just happened to me all authority exousia in heaven and on earth has been given unto me he says go therefore i send you with this same backing is that true yes now please listen to me what does it mean to be saved what does it mean to be a partaker of god's divine nature because many times we do not understand even us preachers we do a lot of altar calls and those who give their life they just clap and all they think the only thing they can relate to their experience is that i've escaped hell which is true but not sufficient for victory what really happened the bible lets us know according to the polling episode that at the point of the new birth among the many things that happen number one that there is a translation from the kingdom of darkness there is a switching of kingdoms the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of his dear son number two there is an exchange of dominion of the laws that are working that man's life galatians romans chapter eight and verse one it says there is therefore now no more condemnation to them which are in christ jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit why for the law of sin and death is that true have set me free or the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death so there is something called the law of sin and death everybody who is not saved no matter how confident they sound no matter how free they sound according to the authority of scripture that law is at work in them so when people are saved as simple as it sounds as simple as they look they may be laughing while they are saying it it does not negate the truth of scripture there is a translation from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of god so number two the administration of righteousness you cannot receive eternal life the life of god so way until you have righteousness equal to that of jesus and the bible already tells us that our righteousness is as filthy rags so by believing that report you receive the blessing of abraham justification by faith now that righteousness is imparted imputed to you and you can receive zoey the life of god can i tell you this the life of god is the holy spirit the holy spirit does not bring the life of god he is the life of god there is no record in scripture where the holy spirit is carrying any other object and bringing it to a man his very presence is the life of god the holy spirit is the representation of the life of god in man you are spiritually dead until he comes the manifestation of god in man now even though when you pray you don't pray to the holy spirit for salvation it is the office of the christ that is responsible for everything that has to do with redemption but the personality that lives in you in honor to that prayer is the holy spirit are we together now yes jesus christ is in your heart today you are right but theologically speaking jesus as a person the man jesus is seated at the right hand of the father it is the holy spirit who represents an extension of his presence in your life physically bodily and even spiritually because the bible says it's not only your spirit even your body is his temple so when you want to host god you don't just host god in a building like this yet it is that building that temple of your body this is very powerful the holy spirit does not just live in our spirit even this physical body can host him is someone learning something for the purpose of our discussion my goodness there are two principal implications to having the divine life number one when you have the divine life which is the life of god which is the holy spirit you must be aware of two things number one you must be aware that you have been made by that divine life one with christ please everybody say i am one with christ very simple teaching but it is very powerful the reality of our oneness first corinthians chapter six i believe from verse seven please let's look at it we're about to pray first corinthians chapter six and verse seven did i get that right oh dear please help me this is scripture that i'm looking for we have been made one with christ give me ephesians chapter two let's look at ephesians chapter two no no no not first corinthians 12. just go to ephesians chapter 2 ephesians chapter 2 the bible says and you as he quickened will do a bit of reading who were dead in trespasses and sins uh-huh wherein in time past you walk according to this world listen according to the prince of the power of the air the spirit that now walketh aha that means the sons of disobedience are not just disobedient they are one with a spirit there is a spirit that makes this happen to them next verse verse 3 it says among whom you had your conversation in time past fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind who were by nature the children of wrath even as others next verse hallelujah but god who is reaching mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us uh-huh even when we were dead in sin had quickened us together everybody said together the key word here is together verse verse six now and had raised us up together everybody said together your oneness with christ your oneness with christ we see the same expression in john chapter 15. one of the keys jesus was talking about being the vine and he ties it to our oneness with christ is it alright if we read it the first eight verse is let's do it very quickly i am the vine ye and my father is the husband man uh-huh every branch in me that bear it not fruit he takes away and every branch that buried fruit he project that it may bring more fruit three now ye are clean through the words which i have spoken to you abide in me and i in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine no more can ye accept he abided me powerful instruction he says i am the vine and ye are the branches he that abideth in me the same bringeth forth most fruit for without me ye can do nothing for without me if a man abideth not in me he is cast fought as a branch and is withered and men gather them and cast them into fire and they are burned if ye abided me and my words abide in you ye shall ask what ye will because i trust what you are asking because you are abiding in me if you are not abiding in me i do not trust what you are asking what then becomes the motivation for your asking are we together now being one with christ being one the reality of your oneness i am inseparable man of god listen to me you are not just a human body who was once a baby something happened to you when you gave your life to christ you are one with christ it's a principle of a salt covenant it's a way of binding relationships that do not break easily that means everybody was an ancient practice everybody will bring their salts together and once you pour your salt i pour my salt we mix it together the condition for the relationship to break is everybody must look for the assault and pick it out i'm no longer a slave to fear [Music] oneness with christ [Music] you are not just a christian you are one with christ it is true the bible lets us know that when the holy spirit came he did not just come to confirm that you have life now he came to represent the presence of god never will you walk alone never will you walk alone that abiding presence is with you you walk conscious of that presence when you are laying hands you know that is it's not only your hands that is on someone's head when you are preaching it's not only your voice their physical ears may be hearing your voice but their spiritual ears are hearing the voice of the one backing you jesus himself showed us that the secret to his excellent when he walked on the earth he said i can of my own do nothing jesus showed us the consciousness of his oneness with christ it has blessed me in life and in ministry can i tell you this sometimes you look at mountains that stand before you in ministry and you're wondering how do i start where do i go but i remember i'm not alone jesus told us that the holy spirit who was with him will be with us and in us there are many things joshua salman cannot do but not when the holy spirit is there the abiding presence of god i learned this from benihim the abiding presence of god men like ew men like um toza they wrote a book on practicing the presence of god and how to cultivate that consciousness it is already a reality but it may not find expression in your life until the consciousness is at work in your mind i am not alone someone shouted say i'm not alone me and the holy spirit cannot fail together i agree that i can fail but me and the holy spirit cannot fail together this is not just a pentecostal talk i really believe it with all my heart me and the holy spirit cannot fail together you carry this mentality to ministry carry this mentality to church carry this mentality to business me and the holy spirit cannot fail together [Music] man of god when you know this you will know that there are no gimmicks to ministry ministry will thrive and if they ask you why you don't just say because i'm intelligent i am conscious of this one this paraclete of god who represents the life of god in me otherwise how in the world do you believe that you're going to stand before someone who tells you i have been bound for 30 years and you believe in one meeting you can look at him and say go free what arrogance without the holy spirit by what authority a man has been bound for 30 years and you show up and look at him and say go i stand impact when you tell you see when i look at you and i say you are free the weed there the me who is telling you you are free it's not joshua sermon alone joshua selman in partnership with the life of god hi my goodness i'm praying for you that you believe what i'm telling you when you believe this you will be a marvelous blessing listen anyone just come let me use you as an example do you know if you believe you have this life all this good morning that you are shaking people anyhow and nothing is happening to them you will shake someone god bless you you know you know what you just said and yet the person's life did not change if you enter the house of a herbalist and say sorry this was not where i wanted to go do you know just for entering your life would not be the same like you were looking for a neighbor's house and you entered into a shrine and said sorry sir i didn't even know this was a shrine he will tell you bye-bye and pity you because you are coming back he knows that your life will just that you entered into a place and yet we believe we are carrying the holy spirit and we keep telling people bless you good morning you lay your hands on your documents you do everything and nothing changes and man of god we embrace people after service and they say sir nothing is changing can i tell you this help him the commodity we give people is not oil what we give people is i'm not saying those things are wrong the real thing you give people is a transference of that divine life that's what you give people the divine life that you have is transferable more than just power or anointing or bottle you are not a man of god just because you are speaking even when you are silent you are still a man of god 10 years those have not been opened ok i am going for a meeting now god bless you he touched you he touched god it is true he did not just touch a body of his pastor he made contact with heaven and you tell him go this gentleman will go and what refused to run away from him sees two people coming not just one person again the yolks they didn't run away because they saw only one person from that family but now because you made contact listen this is why i'm i don't feel bad this depastor's meeting honestly it should be an embarrassment for people to be in the church for a long time and nothing is happening to them no no no no even though i'm giving an example if this man's life remains the same i will go for a retreat i'm telling you if this man's life actually remains the same it's not pride i'm giving you an understanding it's not the oil that comes on you on ordination day is the revelation god dwells in a man i was not born like this your parents may still be alive but my goodness is the mystery of godliness [Music] this is how to be a blessing you are not a blessing just when you give people money or donation or something that's wonderful but the superior way to be a blessing is get god to people when they are flying you for a program they are not just bringing a man when people honor you they are not just honoring a body they are honoring the presence it's like the act of god you have come [Music] i truly believe what i'm telling you with all my heart i really believe it when i understood this help them i made a covenant with god that i will never nobody will meet me twice to be changed [Applause] no you can meet me to keep growing to keep getting blessed but if you meet you is impossible for your life to remain the same many of us have been preachers for a long time we keep preaching and nothing is happening you are sincere but that consciousness has not released the reality of the life of god within you i'm not talking of boastful carrying yourself up that is not where power comes from it comes from a sincere revelation nobody will ever look at you as a cost to them how in what way are you a cause so when someone says pastor come to my shop just come and drink minerals the person is wise he knows what he's doing he's not bringing a man's hand to hold a bottle of malt or whatever it is he's saying if there is a way let me be open adam please act come on now can i tell you this sincerely preach us we come but we just go as men of god and we go there nothing happens their lives remain the same look at jesus he walked as the living presence of god you don't have to act superhuman you are super human can i tell you this i don't mean please don't feel bad i'm not i'm not insulting you and and i'm not i'm not i know people are following all over the world but only god can tell the number of patients the number of sick people the number of communicable diseases by reason of the kind of ministry god has given me that i have contacted all my life if i were lying about the divine life believe me i would have died by now i have prayed for people that i have been warned be careful be careful i command that spirit to leave that gentleman now in the name of jesus christ please pay attention listen to what i'm telling you john g lake understood this in spokane he understood it believe us in this end time if we don't pay attention our churches will become empty if we cannot bring the reality of god to people people are tired of stories they want to see the reality of the reality of the life of god [Applause] i am one with god one with god one with god let me tell you something that happened in my house i was expecting a visitor and the person came with maybe was for someone to pray for and it was a family and then when they came i sat at the parlor and they had told me that they were coming and i was expecting them to have opened the door and for some minutes the door was not open and i hope i was hoping everything was all right and i was hearing it was like someone was hitting i said it can't be the dog i went and opened the door and there were the people on the floor just trying to open the door i'm not saying this to brag i'm saying that you see when you carry god you are not the only one who should know if you are the only one who knows that you carry god something is wrong with what you are carrying listen women do you cook anywhere in the house no there is a kitchen but if it's a serious meal you know what i'm talking about anybody in that house should suspect you are cooking something the fragrance from the kitchen no matter where you are it has a way of going to the living room you can suspect what is in the kitchen without going there can i tell you this when moses encountered the face of god the people did not need to climb up again to see god they just needed to look at the man who had seen god to see god reject this natural living this common sense living there is nothing wrong with your mind but there is a superior dimension of living you cannot expel doing end time ministry just acting like a counselor you need more than that you need to act like a genuine solution and it is in your oneness with god how do you know the sick will be healed how do you know life will change you don't wait until they testify to be sure they were blessed you can know they were blessed ah this is what jesus taught the disciples and when peter and john looked at the man is that silver and gold i do not have but such as i have there is something we do not see any physical thing being given i have life the life of god is transferable such as i have give i unto you in the name of jesus of nazareth rise up and walk let me pray for someone here whatever has kept you ordinary in your christian life that you are unable to walk in the reality of your divine life i pray let fire from heaven right now bring an activation to that divine life begin to walk in the reality of that dimension in the name of jesus christ begin to walk in the reality of that dimension hallelujah listen i remember one time i was told the story that archbishop benson is the host of someone who i think his face was deformed and he was in a hurry and they brought the person and he lifted the face to heaven he said god this man was made in your image if this is how you look leave him like that [Music] your bible that you have kept in your room that we preach with every sunday is full of wonders here ordinary men these are not parables men who walked upon the face of the earth like gods not in pride but in confidence i'm not alone god is with me there is an advantage my oneness with christ listen to me there are people who have been respected in this nation because of those they know not because of who they are i saw that photo you mean you and this man yes by the privilege of god's mercy you were with him that photo was not photoshopped yes i was with him all of a sudden your perceptions about you change you act with this billionaire you were in his house yes i was there and then matters become worse if the person's call comes while they are talking he's still the same person calling me ah that oneness is settled what if while you are talking about jesus he shows up too what if while you are telling the sick he heals he comes to heal them what if while you are telling the oppressed he delivers he comes to deliver them what if you are telling the poor that he can lift he comes to lift them help this woman please i question your relationship when the one who loves you does not show up in defense i question your relationship watch this sir when you were honoring the first lady even though she's not here but while they saw the picture everyone was celebrating her probably she may be following listening now and feeling very happy she's not here physically speaking but her relationship with you was preserved and the owner accorded that relationship was still communicated it is not because you cannot see jesus that shame has come to you it is because there is something your pastor taught you something this morning look how we talk about him we think about him we claim we are one with him we cry and we call him lord come and change lives lord come and bless people and then at the end of it may the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god amen i'm not talking about falling down i hope you know that's not what i'm talking about i'm talking about that someone who comes to service insulting god and insulting men of god by the time the fire from the worship comes the man of god has not even come up because those who are worshipping know that they are not musicians they are acts they are priests the opening of their mouth they are not singing special numbers they are communicating life as they hold that might it does not matter whether the person is leading or backing up it doesn't matter presents his presence that someone who came to church broken one song when the instrumentalists know that they are not just plain instruments they are releasing life through the instrument everything in a church should worship everything in the church should release the presence of god when the ushers please help me with one envelope one if the ushers are passing thank you sir if the ushers are passing this i know it's time for offering but because my hand touched it backing the pastor up while he ministers to you someone can just hold it and what happened something happened who is this usher you just passed an offering envelope no you pass your secret place with you too [Applause] listen this is how workers should be trained you are not just workers or staff you are priests you are first can i tell you this you return back home and gather your children and say listen you are not just young teenagers in this house let me teach you something you are representations of heaven you carry the presence of god the very shakina of god the bible says this is the record that god so we know where it came from god had given us the way eternal life the life of god and he said this life is in his son whosoever has the son has that life i have the life i have the life i really do i have the life it's an indestructible life it's a life of grace and power and effulgence of heaven in and through your life not by arrogance and boosting but by a sincere communication of this reality it is true i walk with this consciousness i'm not only anointed when i dress for a service anytime you meet me even when i'm joking the anointing is there if there is ever a need in your life that anointing will meet that need even while we are joking can i tell you this nobody should come near your life and go back the same again from today nobody nobody some of you with this consciousness you can run back to your homes and say my mother there is a conference ongoing i know you are coming in the evening but right now let me show you what i've learned bring your hands let's pray and you hold my mouse hand and as you are holding the hand the phone is ringing and he says i've been trying to reach this family for five years send me an account number and your mother said what has happened i brought the presence of god can i tell you this please look up when you know this you will not let society try to make you relevant by doing things and compromising you have to do a certain thing to be no you have been accepted in the beloved the highest and the noblest position on earth is being one with christ the only other position higher than it is being a monarch or the position after it is being a monarch please help the person [Music] our time is up we must respect the time wherever it is we can touch i i apologize but let me please sit down let me just jump this can i just share with you in the next five minutes three three areas that every leader and every man of god must excel in in this end time these are three areas that satan is prepared to attack in this end time number one the first area where the devil wants to attack in the life of ministers in the life of a church is in the area of church growth please pay attention the area of church growth can i tell you this satan hates men coming together to call upon the name of the lord if you're a minister of the gospel please hear this the moment you name the name of christ and god has apportioned an assembly or a people whether you like it or not you are a principal subject of attack because there is nothing more frustrating for a man of god than to be sincerely called and anointed but then the people who should hear what god has told you to say are not there one of the indices that measure the health of a man of god and the health of his assignment in ministry is that there must be people who come to hear what the lord has told you to say it is proof that he sent you if god is the one who sent you and there is nobody placing a demand on that call something is wrong mark chapter one let's look at the ministry of jesus a few minutes and i'm done i apologize for the time mark chapter one i tell you my spirit is fired up this morning i came to challenge you let me cut a few verses because of time i would have wanted us to read everything but mark chapter one two three is an expression of the ministry of jesus let's start from verse 21 for the sake of time mark chapter one this is in kaepernick praise the name of the lord god bless you sir i've been giving a few more minutes can you celebrate your pastor for me thank you thank you sir left for me you will remain here let me tell you sincerely i have i have the grace you will remain here till do you know this is how in the 60s and 70s the revival fire this was her papa hagin and this they would sit down every day for 30 days 60 days you will eat there and keep the plate there and continue the teaching the earlier i'm not saying would do that of course times have changed the early apostles will teach you someone who sleep and fall down and die they will raise the person back and continue the teaching let me use the time i was given and they went into kapanen please look up and straightway on the sabbath day he entered into the synagogue and taught and they were astonished at his doctrine so we know that jesus taught and we know what he taught doctrine comes from the latin word doctrina it means a body of truth allocated to make you become something exact doctrine for he taught them as one that had authority and not as the scribes and there was in that synagogue a man with an unclean spirit we no doubt that there are two kinds of spirits clean spirits and unclean or demonic spirits and he cried out saying let us alone that means there was an effect in his message he preached and there were many audiences not just men or many audience that were listening it was not just men spirits two were following the message and one said no i have to cry out this message is too hot is your message hot enough to penetrate from the atrium into the realm of the spirit you are sharing and you are teaching and something is happening right from the realm of the spirit people are being delivered chains are breaking because what you are teaching is truth thou jesus of nazareth had thou come to destroy us i know the whom thou art the holy one of god jesus rebuked him saying all your peace and come out of him and when the unclean spirit had told him he cried with a loud voice and then he came out of him next verse the bible says they were all amazed in so much that they questioned among themselves saying what thing is this what new doctrine is this for with authority commanded he even unclean spirits and they do obey him look how powerful this is what happened immediately not two weeks later not three weeks later there is a way god spreads his influence across the territory there are things that must be done and the results can be immediately immediately his fame spread throughout all the region of galilee was still reading and fourth wheat when they were come out of the synagogue they entered into the house of simon and andrew with james and john and simon's wife's mother lay sick of fever and anoint they tell him of her this is jesus now he came and took her by the hand and lifted her up and immediately we see that word again immediately the fever so fever is not a nigerian issue it's not an african it's been there for a long time and jesus did something about it that means the church can do something about it the bible says and when it was evening and the sun did set they brought unto him all that were diseased possessed with devils next verse and the city the city you see how we take cities and the city was gathered together at the door what were they coming to do to bear witness to see jesus thought he ministered with life there were sick bodies that testified there were miracles and signs and wonders that came in attestation to the truthfulness of what he was teaching as a result his fame went round the whole city came back the bible now says that the city was gathered together at the door and he healed many please pay attention that were sick of diverse diseases and cast out many devils suffered not the devils to speak because they knew him and in the morning now look at him with all these fearful results rising up a great while before day he went out and departed into a solitary place you are seeing the key to church growth here the key to excelling in ministry it tells us his public life it also tells us his private life he went out to pray he departed to a solitary place and there he prayed next verse the bible says and simon and dave that were with him did what followed after him you know you are producing results because you never walk alone there must be someone following you as a witness to the fact that the hand of god is upon you and when they had found him may this be someone's testimony please read with me and when they had found him they said unto him all men how many men all men means professionals laymen intellectuals all age ranges all races all men seek for thee this is what satan does not want to see beloved co-laborers in the gospel let me encourage you our world has become so harsh over the things of god there seem to be so many options right now and many men of god are under pressure it's like they are under pressure in defense of the call of god upon their lives can i tell you there are principles that when you walk with there is no shame for you as far as the people who will come to attend to what god has told you we are not the first to start this the bible says where the carcasses are it says there the eagles will gather i came in yesterday and the airport your airport was so busy i saw private jets everywhere and people had come because i was told that there are governors who came in for a meeting and i saw other people who were there there were those freelancing around there were those who came to dance to greet them and i said can you imagine every time there is something worth the attention of people that will give attention to it if people ignore you and ignore your church they are simply telling you something you should pay attention to guess what they are saying i may not be in doubt as to the fact that god called you but i need to see the evidence that parallels that which happen in the life of jesus i need to see you preach the gospel with power this is the key to church growth i need to see you teach the world with authority i need to see a demonstration of the reality of the efficacy of the truth that you are teaching through the healings through the miracles but more importantly through the transformation of the mind of the listeners people should sit down under you and on listening to you there should be that transition in their lives the greatest miracle is not just physical healing believe me the greatest miracle secondary only to salvation is transformation no matter who is healed no matter who is delivered if their minds are not right their lives will remain wrong this was the miracle that happened to the madman in ghana when he was healed he came and sat with jesus and the bible says the other people came and they met him seated in his right mind men can come but be in their wrong minds and you know the law is that everything that follows you is a report card to what you believe these signs shall follow them that believe that means the way to drive what is following you is not to tell it go away change what you believe and what is following you will change everything that follows you is a report card it's an attestation to what you believe if failure defeat is following you if weakness and mediocrity is following you they are not following you they are following your mindset and they've been mandated to honor that mindset you will drive them they will come back because they were instructed to be obedient so the way you drive these negative things is the teaching the accurate communication can i tell you this the primary assignment of a shepherd to his congregation according to jeremiah chapter 3 and verse 15 it says i will give you shepherds after my heart and that they will feed you with knowledge and understanding that is the assignment of a shepherd if you are after the heart of god as a pastor as a shepherd you must laboriously go through scripture and communicate doctrine doctrine that sustains the power to transform people so an ordinary person just comes as a new convert comes out receives the card i should come back after one year and meet that person walking serving the lord and i look at the person i say how are you i remember you and he says i remember you too so tell me what have you learned can i tell you this sincerely men and women of god let's challenge ourselves can i call five people not here generally speaking can you go to any assembly and call five people at random ask them to stand and examine them on the major doctrines of scripture you've been how long in this church or this ministry i've been here three years tell me what you know about prayer tell me what you know about redemption and righteousness tell me what you know about kingdom service tell me what you know about character tell me what you know about love and passion for the kingdom can i be sincere with you if we are to be honest in the name of the lord this is this this this conference this morning for many people at best if people really pass that test it may be two over five something is wrong with the content of what we are teaching something is wrong with how we are teaching believers are not getting matured and they are not satisfied with what is happening remember i'm teaching apostolically i'm teaching the body of christ so you understand we must examine what we are teaching it is the word that makes men mighty and if the word that is coming from our pulpit if the word is weak the people will be an expression of that weak word look how jesus transformed ordinary men look at the ratio of impartation to teaching three years to one night this is how jesus mentored people we have switched it over and i thank god because god has granted me the grace to walk in all these things but i tell you when it is time for the world you sit down when you fall you stand up and carry your barrel and keep writing the ratio of impartation to teaching according to the ministry of jesus was three years to one night but now we have flipped it over it is impartation three years and teaching one night how will people be you see people cannot grow so you have a lot of immature people carrying anointing around and they don't know what to do with it because the doctrine that brings stability is not there please i hope you are not offended forgive me huh if we really want to bring the church that brings glory to the name of the lord miracles don't match your believers they only help their conviction what matures believers is the accurate exegesis of doctrine when believers are soundly mentored methodically they are taught the ways of god miracles are supposed to come after doctrine has been communicated then the people now see the validity now i have taught you that god prospers i have also taught you the purpose of kingdom prosperity now the grace that empowers can come upon you and it will now profit you and profit the house but if all you receive is just an impartation for prosperity that money will come and it will kill you and it will not kill only you it will kill many people in that church too you see what what happens we win a lot of souls and when they come they reappear and they come back they are not occupying any position but they are freelancing around and so satan can easily find them discipleship is the name given to the system that brings maturity in believers we must restore genuine discipleship nobody in any assembly should outgrow being mentored nobody in any assembly should outgrow being taught there are no exceptions doctrine is for all this is what our fathers taught us that is the reason why their works last we have laughed at some of them maybe because they didn't work in miracles as much but there is stability some of the people who got born again under their ministry you see your pastor here telling you he got born again here is the man who god used to bring him and after how many years he's still standing go and find out the average harvest from our crusades after two weeks they are back almost worse than it was before this is an attack that satan is bringing on the end time church i ask you to spare me a few minutes because i believe in my heart that this will be the opportunity to share this can i tell you this when we get to the crusade ground we don't talk too much because we are constrained with time we just share the love of jesus and allow the miracles come to to prove that jesus is lord and by that miraculous by the show of love and by the communication of the gospel many come to jesus but when these people become saved and they now become part of the fold there is no rushing with mentorship can i be sincere with you there is a difference between teaching in a conference and building people in a conference you have one week or three days i'm here right now i'm trying to just teach everything in two minutes but when i'm building my people i'm not in a rush they are here with me till jesus comes i will teach them methodically man of god let's be careful this pleasure to bring rhema is why many people don't settle down to administer doctrine there is a pressure among men of god what are you repeating this faith thing again i thought you did it in january you teach it for as long as it needs to be taught what you should be after is not just newness but freshness freshness are you learning this is how our the body of truth that makes for the maturity of the believers is finite you exhaust them and come back again you will exhaust them and come back again until it becomes the things that are most surely believed among us there are fathers in this nation who have been saying the same thing for many years they said it until we believed it after 10 years if they had stopped at nine years we would not get it when you go to kenneth higgins or kenneth copeland in every 10 words you are going to hear the word faith or believer word of god they have been teaching this they laughed at them and most of the people who laughed at them have died and gone and they are still standing you want church growth except we want to keep doing these gimmicks that people do i i love the body of christ and i'm not teaching from a standpoint of sarcasm i have an apostolic call you see body of christ the alternative to this authentic principle of maturing believers is to play a lot of these things that we keep seeing around that is not bringing glory to the name of the lord manipulation becomes the only other alternative but god is changing someone here in the name of jesus what then is the principle of church growth there are many but basically the key that brings people hear me the gospel must be preached to preach means to declare it means to proclaim what is the gospel the gospel is a revelation of the father's love demonstrated in and through the substitutionary sacrifice of jesus christ man being the object of that love alongside creation to the intent that if we believe we are saved it must be taught we should not forget this there are people who have not made altar calls in many assemblies in a long time i don't say this out of sarcasm but without alter calls men will not be saved and if men are not saved satan will find them and when he finds them he will use them and use them against the church the work of an evangelist is not for evangelists the work of an evangelist is for everybody who truly loves jesus so in all our conferences our conventions our church meetings please i beseech you by the mercies of god we must give room for sinners to find jesus win yourself from the embarrassment of saying i made an altar called three weeks straight nobody came so what do you cry when you open your shop and for three hours nobody has come the fourth person that can come can buy everything in that shop you must carry that mentality could it be that after three weeks of nobody coming out for altar call by the next week the person who comes will become the next resident pastor of that church in the next 10 years what if billy graham was not saved what if baba de boy was not saved what if bishop uh was not saved what if pastor paula de farasana was not saved what if papa kumui was not saved what if these men were not saved think of the myriads of salvation that were in them at the point they were making the altar call i know what i'm sharing is old school but that's why it's powerful it has been tested for a very long time i am both new school and osculo depending on which one yes when it has to do with the gospel don't change it don't remove that ancient landmark let me can i tell you something with people sincerely i tell you this by god members are not stupid people they will gauge the pastor and get your level of spiritual seriousness if they have their a rating a plus they have a minus they have b they have c the next one is f they look at you when they find out that this man is there for my spiritual growth they know where to stay when they really want to grow when they want to enjoy themselves they know where to stay when they are back sliding and they don't want interruption they know where to stay may your church be where people stay when they really need god [Music] church growth please sit down and let me say this don't be careful so that you don't join some of these ignorant statements that said it's not all about crowd it's not all about people be careful without the people what are we doing god so loved the people and we are talking about where should the people be can i tell you the more a society has people in the house of god the more they can hear the truth the church is the only institution that has the authorized manual for transforming society the parliament only has part the law god only has part only the church has the authorized institute the manual for transforming men the court cannot save men it can arrest it can prosecute the parliament can pass policies does a parliament cast demons does a parliament heal the sick does the bank raise the dead this is why satan is isolating the church to fight the church and one of the ways the devil is fighting the church is to make sure that membership starts declining thank god for online thank god for those wonderful things the the rich of the internet but can i tell you this if you're a man of god pray that god will bring people and not a few i am telling you this if the space is there push the building open it expand it the building is not he didn't come from heaven it was man-made break that building and open it and give god space for as long as there is one sinner still left in enugu there is one more person who loves jesus let them find their way to the church i came and i saw many overflows here i said may god bless the man of god because you expect that more people will come please hear what i'm telling you if we do not take the issue of souls and church may god forbid it that a season will come in any goon when the most of the people in this place don't go to church that would be terrible this was the mistake the west made they made this mistake 20 30 40 years ago now all those young boys who did not go to church are now the leaders and they are only doing what they know yes we were not raised to honor god don't come here and come and talk to us about god every generation respects what they agree with if they didn't grow with god as part of their mind control system don't assume that they will later just come train up a child he says a child yet does not just mean the one you give back to physically train up a spiritual child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it [Music] may house on the road keep expanding in the name of jesus christ may house on the rock in enugu continue to find many who come to jesus it is called the house that is on a rock that even at these times of turbulence it is my prayer that all across the length and the breath of energy that the angels that gather the harvest that they will bring people from everywhere in the name of jesus christ and for every other church that is represented in this land please be intentional and go after souls look at me i don't mean to offend you but let me tell you where souls are there is a place there souls are not just in another man's church souls are in the beer parlor you must go there souls are in many many places that need the power of god do not just move and want to bring people and bring people who are already matured and processed bring people and start from the beginning he said go to the byways compel them to come and be ready to build them a good leader does not just make followers listen to me carefully a good leader transforms followers into leaders like your pastor has done and then he makes those leaders agents of change this is what dr miles monroe taught us an attack on church growth number two i may not have the time to teach it i'm sorry the second thing i'm preaching this from the depth of my heart because i share the burden of your man of god i know that he organized this conference and especially this session because many of you have been praying as to why things are not working in this end time can i be sincere with you if you are not about souls if you are not about revealing jesus if you are not about teaching doctrine if you are not about discipleship be ready for mtpus be ready for mtpus i vowed a vow under god sir that i will never gather the people of god to come and waste their time from mourning see people come six hours seven hours before church starts and they sit down waiting patiently and ministry starts and i waste people's time no the ones who taught us and mentored us did not teach us to waste people's time they taught us to carry the responsibility of a visionary whilst you are teaching people it doesn't matter whether it's at a house cell level it doesn't matter whether it's at a a departmental level it doesn't matter whether it's within the larger house there must be seriousness and intention given to everything that has been done the next attack is on the supernatural signs and wonders satan is gradually gradually bringing believers john chapter 4 verse 40 let's look at 29 and then we'll go to 48 john 4 29 then we'll go to 48. satan is fighting the supernatural in the church let me tell you sincerely let me tell you sincerely if we throw away the supernatural this was the story between the woman at the well remember the woman with five husbands who had the sixth one while she was talking with jesus the bible says after she encountered jesus she ran what did she say come see a man who told me the things i ever did is this not the christ next verse very quickly next verse 30 the bible says they went out of the city and came to him why because of the impact of what happened to her she was a popular woman whose problem was known by all as soon as jesus solved her problem she was too grateful to keep quiet 31 in the meanwhile the disciples were praying and they said master eat and he said to them i have meat that you do not know anything about next verse the disciples said to one has anyone brought this that he has eaten and he said my meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish uh-huh you know he said these are there not four months let's go to what what's the next um 48 for the sake of time just go straight to verse 48. jesus said accept sees signs and wonders ye will not believe except he sees signs and wonders can i tell you this people of god do not keep quiet with the marvelous things god is doing in the life of people let the city know that god healed people not exaggerated testimonies not lies genuine miracles that happen if you keep quiet you are shorting the manifestation of the glory of god testimonies are powerful tools that glorify the name of the lord the bible did not keep quiet over the things that jesus did in fact here's what he says in john chapter 20 he says many miracles did jesus in the presence of his disciples which are not recorded in this book but these are recorded that you might believe and that in believing you will have eternal life testimonies are more than just an attestation that a man is anointed you are letting people know that jesus is alive we have to keep bombarding the streets of any good with what jesus is doing so that when people sit eating outside their discussion is did you hear what god did we hear that a madman just entered during the service in house on the rock and without even prayer it was even the usher receiving him that madness just disappeared and that now the person has become a chief usher while they are talking about it another person says oh that is even an old story come and hear about a woman who for eight years she's not had a child just last week she gave birth to three blacks and someone says last week is too late let me tell you the one that happened yesterday that a whole family that had hiv from father to last born all of them went for a test and nothing happened [Music] can i tell you this there is something about human beings and there's something about africans they always go to where the news is happening [Music] even if to verify i said no i have to come and find out what did you say the lord is lifting people i hear that everyone who comes to that church in less than two weeks is having a job is i don't believe it but let me come they are still welcome because when that god knows how to prepare for those kind of people because their testimonies will be more powerful they doubted openly so when they acknowledge openly i believe in miracles i believe in signs and wonders i will be lying to you today as a man of god if i tell you those miracles have not played a role in the growth and what god has done in and through my life it will be childish to begin to tell you the testimonies and the things that god has done many of them will not even be believable that is the truth but all i can say is to him be the glory for the fearful things that he continues to do fearful indeed number three and we pray the third thing i see the devil attacking in the life of churches is their finances i will end with this [Music] apostle finances don't matter keep going there's nothing i have to tell you you just keep going i assure you by god keep going one day one day time does not change anything but time reveals all time reveals and time is such a brutal teacher it can teach men a lot you know for a long time this issue of money in the church there are two sides to it i'm working on borrowed time so forgive me we're not teaching finances here just have a few minutes and we'll pray i hope i didn't waste your time please pay attention to this one if you've been sleeping wake up god is speaking now can i tell you this i have seen more people compromise one time god servant bishop david the holy cow was talking to us and yes what he said the last thing he said was beware of the god of gold shocking beware of the god of gold beware of the god of gold i had that and it dropped my spirit i have seen finances lead people to live their convictions the lack of it more preachers have compromised because of finances than any other thing they may start in truth preachers of righteousness let rent bills start coming generate a fuel desire start coming payment of staff within the ministry and then you find out that people continue to do all kinds of ungodly strategies if you want to truly be a preacher of righteousness in this end time can i tell you you must obtain grace and wisdom from god to sort your finances both personal and ministerial because if ministerial is soft that your own personal one is not solved you are not entirely free i have listen i have counseled people by the grace of god who told me apostle i can't even pray again where did the attack come from finances do you know what it means for a man to come and be preaching perhaps multiple services and as he's preaching the text coming in his phone he says landlord just finish and wait for me he will come and meet me there and if for any reason maybe he wants to check a scripture i know you are laughing but there are some of you who know what this means i know a man of god whose wife refused that she was not going to be following him again for for service you can imagine what that does to the church because of the sheer anger why would god keep failing us like this as a family is he alive jesus did not keep quiet over the issue of finances he paid attention to the financial needs of the people he showed that he cared for the welfare of people because after preaching and doing everything he said don't leave them to go that way please give them something to eat they said we don't have enough he said i would do something about it but the people should eat they should not only hear and eat the spiritual meal god cares about our welfare he cares about our well-being according to second corinthians chapter 9 and verse 8 god is able to make all grace abound towards us the bible says so that we having all sufficiency in all things the bible says there is a relationship between all sufficiency and good works if you do not have all sufficiency there is a limitation to the good works that you can do many years ago sir we went for a crusade preach my heart out and preach jesus but we did not have money for the transport of the people back we didn't have money to pay for where we stayed and we didn't have money to pay for the the bus that was going to take the people back to zaria at that time i had to tell them just go true story we negotiated with the people to go and wait somewhere in zaria i told them by the time the boss is getting there after maybe about six hours of the journey your money will be waiting for you there everybody went after a powerful crusade miracles and jesus was glorified but this finance thing the sound people who we rented sound from at the time it was 150 000. it looks small now but my brother 150 000 even now it's not like it's exactly so small can i tell you this do you know what it means for a preacher whose students shouted for hours about a supernatural god now you are standing with the sound guys that came all the way from kaduna to that place you shouted about the supernatural god they were setting that sound in the crusade they saw the sick people healed you dressed in suit and you finished everything and now they are gone and the people say please have money where is that god who sent you he could open a blind eye and he could not give us our 150 000. this your god has something which one is easier to open a blind eye to heal a crippled man or to give you a hundred and fifty thousand and you see at that point no i'm not sharing this is past it's an old story but i stood there wondering god but what is this this is not fair i had to write an agreement with them god is my witness i had to go around and look for someone to help me with twenty thousand to give them i say just go there are times that you lock the door you are not praying you are just walking around charlize cooper has kadir bhagatushi and you are just sitting there and the next time you are you are on the window lord we need 200 million for this building lord we need 10 million or whatever for this boss and yet you have a conference to preaching and you have eight summons to come and then your child comes with pta letter and you see that pta letter you almost will call it an evil report because of what was written there oh because of the pandemic and the times we have increased the school fees everything has increased except your finances and you are there can i be honest with you that's when satan comes what he told you 10 years ago and he said god forbid i will not do it he will come again satan is a master at maximizing desperation he will come to you you are a lady and you said i will not compromise i will leave for jesus until everybody calls you and says i don't know this your thing you are doing i don't know the name of what you are doing with god and some unbeliever guy will come and tell you listen i'm not born again no i don't fear god do i have money he said oh no god forbid it's not you i'm talking about after five years by yourself you won't know when you carry your phone and say good afternoon if we don't teach the church this aspect will keep losing our precious people the devil will wait for us to prepare precious people and the devil will come and just carry them using the god of gold i'm wrapping up let me show you something genesis 42 verse 1 and 2. it's a new season it's a new season when jacob saw that there was corn where the location is wrong but the supply is correct i have a problem with the location but i need corn there is nothing wrong with the corn the problem is where to get it egypt jacob said unto his sons why do we look upon one another verse two this is a prophet speaking a man of god without corn behold i have heard that there is corn in a wrong location but there is nothing we can do get up and go to there and buy for us from there why so that we may live and not die the only thing that takes israel to egypt is hunger hunger when there is hunger even if you are a prophet you will find your way to egypt could that be why many men of god who started well unreasonable associations you never would now are you ready for me to take you to go and see that politician or not and he said let me pray about it go and read about balaam they kept coming they kept coming then they brought noble men and gifts and he said wait don't go back what did you say let me try he used divination how can i call on your name and land up in the shade no way after that encounter i vowed and i made up my mind that everything needed to excel in ministry i will learn i said lord i'm not ashamed until that time i came from a background that did not seem to pay attention to these things we were obedient to what we were taught fire hunger encounters the holy spirit we were having visionary encounters heavenly encounters miracles can i tell you this a time came in my life when those my people who i could not pay for the services we use they told me they were going to come and send police to come and arrest me and go and jail me i said lord am i going did i kill anybody at that time today i'm laughing but then i think the one of the times in my life i can tell you i was shaken to the call then i was waiting for my i was waiting for my scholarship so that i will use part of it because all of my scholarships were dedicated for the gospel and i was waiting for it the thing didn't come i knew i was in trouble can i tell you this by the privilege of god's grace one of the reasons today while we stand and continue to teach truth i will not lie to you is because god has shown us mercy even in this area if i have needs probably by now i would have compromised preachers we must be honest with one another let's not tell one another lies by the grace of god today if i sit down and there is i i know there is nothing to eat and i have the prophetic i can see your account number you are joking you think i will keep quiet [Music] so let's not just be condemning people and telling people walk in righteousness give them the tools that support righteousness provide them the tools don't tell the lady stop following bad men her mother is dying in the village there are 11 children none of them went to school she was the first person to stand and she feels i don't have anything except a beautiful face since beauty took esther to the palace let me try my own chance and say leave that thing and focus on god and then my man calls from the village and says so this is how i'm going to die with 11 children and the lady says i will do anything i don't care see i i did not start ministering to adults i started ministering among young people by the privilege of god's grace i can tell you i know a bit as to why many people don't stay with god when the needs that overwhelm them many of the people that i had the privilege to lead were either raised by single moms or were raised by some person somewhere or some freelance people moving around don't just condemn people and say you're an unserious person find out sometimes the motivation we have to do something about this issue of finances even for preachers when preachers run around politicians and compromise sometimes some of them are not serious with god but some are very serious with god it's just that this thing has pinned them to the neck when a man of god lifts up a song of worship and rain comes because there is no covering to where they rented and drenches everyone and the man of god stands and feels irresponsible and says there is someone i know who does not love god i can go and bow to him and quest with him and he will give me something righteousness is supported by provisions there has to be provisions satan is fighting the economy of the church the balance is that we must not just teach people about money blindly we must teach people prosperity as a tool to kingdom advance when we do not create that balance we feel lost in people so even people who are not serious with god like what we are teaching because it supports the lust in their heart we must help people love jesus and find jesus i have been treated so graciously by your pastor and the entire house on the rock and i just from from from the airport even up to this place i was just thinking i can only imagine how much was spent in this conference and i'm saying it sincerely i would be stupid to just assume nothing happened with all of this this love and dishonor you know how much it takes to fuel a crusade many of you here do crusades have you seen a preacher angry on the final day of the crusade because of the memory we're about to pray i'm giving you a prayer point already must we allow our families to be destroyed on the altar of compromise simply because of all of this i don't know about you but enugu as for me and my house we will not only serve the lord we will serve the lord truthfully but to embrace the whole council of god the whole council of god the whole council of god god is a provider god can make a way god can bless people please rise up on your feet thank you for giving me this allowance i want to pray for you as we prepare for the miracle service in the evening hosting god also means hosting the whole council of god the lord has taught us a number of things in this service the reality of the divine life that is at work in us that can help us to be fruitful or wise the reality of our oneness with christ and i didn't have the time to teach you about our positional advantage the bible not only says we are being raised up but it says we have be made to sit there is a throne that we sit upon far above principalities powers thrones dominions every name that is named not only in this life but even in the dispensation to come the bible declares and now i shared with you the three major areas where the devil is attacking the church satan is attacking membership let me tell you this satan is attacking membership there are still about 7.6 billion people on earth and as far as i know the last time i checked there are about 2.6 professing christians that includes those who are backsliding those who are not talking of authentic christians just those who name the name of christ 2.6 and we want jesus to return there is still a harvest if every church is filled to capacity we will not scratch 100 of the souls that still need to be saved and then we need signs and wonders please hear me tonight as you are coming don't only come inviting others come with your heart enlarged because i'm going to be teaching for a short time tonight and it's not only miracles that will happen tonight but i trust god that there will be a solid impartation this transference of grace that it will come upon you not only ministry in the different areas paul said i long to see you that i may impart upon you some spiritual gift to the end that ye might be established god has shown us mercy by the privilege of his grace there is nothing exceptional in our lives our sufficiency is of god who indeed has made us able ministers of the new testament after the spirit and not after the letter for the letter killeth it is the spirit that gives life let your heart be prepared tonight you have tabernacled all through this conference open up your heart for all the sessions left but for now please let me two or three minutes as you pray passionately you're going to ask the lord to plant in you a consciousness of your divinity the fact that god lives in you through his spirit the implication of your oneness with christ open your mouth and sincerely pray lord plant in me i am tired of ordinary living i am tired of living like a natural man there is an implication to my being saved i am a child of [Music] god i'm a child of god hallelujah now listen pray if you're a pastor here or you're a man of god or you're a leader in your own organization you're going to pray lord you are a god of increase luke 5 luke 252 jesus increased that means god increases people you are going to pray for increase increase that you will increase my greatness and even comfort me round about jesus himself increased you're going to pray for increase lord send souls a daily as many who should be saved i pray that there will be no empty pews and empty seats in the church that you have given me still worship over send us many who should be saved send us many who should be healed send us many who should be delivered is someone praying please lift your voice and pray [Music] lift your voice and pray pray for church growth pray for church group pray for the body of christ in any good state pray for house on the rock and go pray for the assembly that you passed on the organization that you lead lord bring increase in the multitude of men is the king's honor the lord gave the word great was the company of them that published it [Music] restore the days of the generals alcohol where multitudes multitudes will come to hear and to see where multitudes will come to hear and to see hallelujah hallelujah [Music] you're going to pray for your finances the issue of signs and wonders will settle that in the night but i'd like you to pray when it has to do with finances please listen to me there are two elements that are involved when it has to do with finances there is the understanding that you need to have because the bible says in proverbs chapter 13 and verse 15 he says good understanding procured favor he says but the way of the transgressor is hard you need good understanding you need to understand finances most people in church don't educate their minds they sit down in superstitious belief systems hoping that somehow they will be blessed there is a technology to wealth as far as the cosmos is concerned and we must submit ourselves to knowledge there are people who have documented this knowledge when the people were in luck the parable of the 10 virgins this was the advice go to them that sell and buy not everyone is in need there are people who not only have they also sell go to them that sell and buy he says by the truth you need to settle down and find out from the life of people who have been successful from the perspective of the kingdom not circumstantial wealth not up to them down tomorrow stability through understanding and then in addition to that background the empowerment of the spirit it is true that the holy spirit is able to prosper people but thou shalt remember the lord thy god he says for it is he that giveth the power there is such a thing called power to prosper capacity that empowers you most times in the church we focus on the power to prosper i have taught you if it's profit you are looking for it is oil plus a lot of vessel you don't need a lot of oil just get the vessel the oil will multiply to match the vessel if your understanding is small even if it's a greater launching on you you will still be begging it is a large capacity plus oil that equals profit if you have oil with no profit the problem is not oil the problem is vessels most of us may have oil but even if you do not i can tell you in this conference there are those that sell go to them that sell and buy you buy with meekness you buy with humility humility is currency honor is currency meekness is currency you can use it to buy oil so that your lamb will come back aflame again so please prepare your heart for tonight i apologize i've stretched you have taken your time this will not always happen but i believe that this is worth the while for your destiny if i wear you between now and when the night will start i will take a few minutes and pray and say lord give me a destiny altering encounter for good tonight let me not just come and share the grace my heart is open teach me your ways so that after this conference it will truly be that you are hosting god in experience alongside everything associated with god i pray for you may the lord bless you in the name of jesus you have labored here to end your sound doctrine this morning i decree and declare that as you meditate on these things as you give yourself holy to them i speak over you that your profiting will appear unto all the reality of the life of god dwelling in the midst of you and around you and with you will be visible to all men go and prosper in the name of jesus some of you even before the evening session starts i decree and declare you will already have testimonies i say it again between now and a few hours left to the evening many of you will collide with supernatural testimonies in the name of jesus christ bishop sir thank you thank you so so much the lord honor you
Channel: SBiC Connect
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Keywords: Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak's Videos, Koinonia Videos, SBiC Connect, AJS, Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman 2020, About Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman 2021, Apostle Joshua Selman's New Sermons, Apostle Joshua Selman Powerful Sermon 2021, Koinonia Global, Koinonia Abuja, Koinonia Zaria, Commanding Results, Joshua Selman, Selman, Nimmak, Apostle, joshua, Selman's Videos, Online Sermons
Id: 57Gs5TZzGRQ
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Length: 136min 42sec (8202 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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