List of all Dreadnoughts of the Imperium in Warhammer 40k

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[Music] foreign s here in this video we will discuss the nine different Dreadnought patterns of the Imperium not the castrofarium variants which are the Mainstay of the Dreadnought numbers here we will discuss the different Dreadnought patterns or classes for variants of the gastro fairum we will certainly make another video remember that before you complain like a witness Worm but you didn't include the Fourier there before we do the list though we will be talking a little bit on what the dreadnoughts are their Origins history and how they work just to get the new and upcoming 40K enthusiasts on board so let's get to it the origins and history so these deadly meccas are rather more specifically the cybernetic combat Walkers traced back their Origins to even before the Space Marines thousands of years before the first studies or even the primarks were created born out of the Grim Dark Age of technology these Walkers were once used to house either injured or near-dead human soldiers during the 25th Millennium and they would serve a pivotal role in defeating the men of iron during the cybernetic Revolt that brought down the Golden Age of humanity they would later serve as deadly weapons for the mechanicum on Mars as well as for numerous technocratic factions that make up the Earth during the age of strife they would then later be integrated with the estaris during the unification Wars and the great Crusade under the emperor and from there on out they would be married at the hip with a Space Marine Legions and chapters and will never be seen without them so how do these dreadnoughts work first of all they are not robots or Androids and they cannot work autonomously without human control at first glance they look like clumsy steampunk robots but rather than that they are more technically and accurately just life support systems that allow the human or a studies that is in critical condition like a corpse to still fight and not just that but bring forth the emperor's wrath and heavy Firepower support to their fellow Space Marines as well as other human Fighters like the Imperial Guard so whenever a notable or Elite and Veteran Space Marine is critically injured he is not left to die as he is too valuable to the Imperium his fighting capabilities are more than just necessary for the survival of mankind therefore his body is placed inside an armored cyber organic sarcophagus kind of like a coffin with a life support and the sarcophagus is then integrated within a Dreadnought that Walker which becomes their new body the Pilot's Consciousness is then linked to the Dreadnought system through cyber organic neural links and sensors to experience the outside world they are revered and cared for by the tech Marines and their ancient occupants are often sought out as advisers due to their old age and wisdom so the first pattern the Lucifer pattern so yeah definitely not much lower on this one not even sure if it's Canon or not but from what is available it is said to be one of the earliest types of dreadnoughts that were used by the emerging Empire during the Great Crusade and unification walls and were abandoned when the subsequent contemptor patterns were made available They Carried power malls and valkyr devices as their primitive reactors prevented the use of other energy weapons however it was still abuse and could be assigned to a drop Port making them a cupcake surprise for enemies especially against the Infantry number two the Proto dreadnoughts so these make up a wide range of different types of patterns of dreadnoughts and even these have just a pinch of law to back them up their existence but we can clearly state that they are Canon to the 40K lore these would be the ones that were pioneered in the Dark Age of Technology while their designs and stcs are lost to time the earliest ones however are dated to the end of the age of strife and are steam-powered and piloted by unenhanced humans during the unification Wars the clans of Albia used them against the emperor's forces before eventually joining The Fray the alliance interestingly the iron hands originated from these same Clans which were known for their tough warriors with proto-dreadnoughts one such protot Dreadnought is the or Golem pattern that were later used by the Thunder Warriors and the custodian gods number three the furry bundles pattern so these are one of the earliest ones that were fielded by the Imperium during the unification Wars as well as during the Great Crusade they were effectively one of the first ones used exclusively by the legionist estaris and not by other humans like Proto and Lucifer patterns the furry bundles looks more like an automata rather than a Dreadnought just to be honest and they are lightly armed Walkers relatively likely armed compared to the others they had a rounded upper body with no sloping plate ceramic armor and they also had longer legs which might have given them faster speeds on the battlefield they also had longer arms which were modular and can be fitted with various types of weapons but these types were replaced eventually by the contemptors and the castrofariums number four the radio pattern these are funny looking dreadnoughts which resemble Walkers that have no hands but are outfitted with long barrel guns in their place did the radio pattern Dreadnought was a heavy support frame used during the Great Crusade and the Horus heresy it was initially produced in limited numbers due to manufacturing difficulties but its durability and Firepower made it highly sought after during the Horus heresy the twinkling anvilus or the Canon battery was one of its Primary Weapons capable of destroying arm targets from out of the blue as during the battles of the heresy tanks and other contemptors were taken out before they could get in range and retaliate the terrarius scarpace could also Mount extra weapons and support systems such as heavy bolters flamers and the advanced eyeless missile launchers which had independent targeting systems number five the Leviathan Baron this is a heavier class of dreaded combat Walkers the Leviathan Stitch Dreadnought is a parallel development of the contempted design featuring heavier weaponry and highly durable and impressive armor they were created during the Great crusade in sacred in Terror without the help of the mechanicum from Mars these powerful machines are highly valued by the astatus commanders serving as Fierce Siege and hunter killer units their oversized reactors are capable of powering awesome Weaponry that obliterate everything unlike their counterparts the pilots of the leviathans rarely survived their deployment or are Driven Man by prolonged activation for this reason the leviathans are a rare Relic vehicle typically kept in a chapter Secure Storage and only authorized by the chapter Master for use in the most dire of circumstances number six the telemon pattern the golden security guards also have their own type of Dreadnought and since a custodius is bigger than a Space Marine this is also of a relatively bigger build as compared to the other asterisk dreadnoughts the telemons are crafted in a unique way and its armored plates are of auromite armor rather than ceramide material the custodis possess only a small number of these dreadnoughts the scarcity of these machines were partly due to the immense amount of Labor and resources required to create them as each one contain at least one plate personally crafted by the emperor himself these dreadnoughts are armed with an arachnid storm cannon on one hand and a telemon casters which is a power fist with a plasma projector on the other and also with a chassis mounted Vault launcher even if there are just a few of them a handful of them most of these are empty as the custodies are epically hard to be morally wounded or critically injured and so these are Coffee Guy life support units are mostly unused number seven the redemptor pattern these are the new primaries Dreadnought which along with the brutalis were a part of the indominus crusade of rubuti Gilman although bigger and more powerful which kind of sucks as they all just brush aside the firstborn Space Marines and dreadnoughts like massive Mary zoos rumors suggest that the advanced systems of the redemptors are both a blessing and a curse the text sevens who built these engines didn't consider the well-being of the pilot treating them as garbage or interchangeable parts it's been reported that many redemptors have caused their pilots to burn out due to the prolonged use of the machine's destructive power which is kind of like the same problem with the first bonds Crossing the Rubicon primaries upgrade their minds are Disturbed due to being updated for proper integration of the three added Gene seeds kinda sounds like a made in China's situation anyway these battle Giants the redemptors are built taller broader and more intricately crafted than all the dreadnoughts they are also filled by hyperdense plasma reactors and possess Advanced fiber bundles for control what kind of control more advanced control costs they are primaries number eight the castrofarium pattern these are the Mainstay of the Dreadnought numbers and most of the types that you have in your rooms are either variants of these or photo developments that stem from them the Ironclad the Furioso the mortise the Hellfire assault Death Watch Space Wolves and doom glaves just to name a few are different variants filled by different Space Marine chapters the Castro ferum dreadnoughts were developed by Mars and were one of the first ones to be exclusively used by the Space Marines which means that they can only be integrated with a morally wounded studies it is shorter than the others shorter than their contemptor the Leviathan or telemon patterns but what it lacks in height and heavier Firepower it makes up for with Mobility stability of usage and being highly modular as they can be easily outfitted with a wide range of weapons including assault cannons multi-melters twinling glass cannons twinling or canons dwindling heavy bolters dwindling heavy flamers missile launchers or also a plasma cannon the other dreadnoughts you think of when you hear the name out loud and number nine the contempt of pattern and finally we have the last unique pattern of Dreadnought on this list the contemptor predates the Imperium and is one of the early types of dreadnoughts used during the unification Wars there are variants of this as well but it has a unique shape that more resembles the astatus power armor than the other Dreadnought patterns they are larger and more powerful and possessed traits of the Legion semantica's automata their Powerco is very powerful but relatively unstable as it will explode like a mini nuclear bomb if damaged enough it has a simulated hair that possesses a vast array of sensors to make the cops studies inside of it feel like a wholesome individual these dreadnoughts can be fitted with all sorts of weapons but since they are mostly close fire support units they would either have a twinling heavy Bolter or a flamer on one hand and a power claw or the talents of predation on the other they are used and masked by the blood angels in many battles and were pivotal in a defense of their Homeworld against the turinets during the devastation of ball and they were also used to great effect during the ulnarok Crusade against the Orcs and so those are the different types of drenal patterns of the Imperium so I hope you have enjoyed watching this video do hit the like button for support and subscribe but most of all smash that Bell icon for regular updates and new videos on this channel take care boys
Channel: Nutbug
Views: 62,388
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Keywords: The 9 Different Dreadnought Patterns of the Imperium (Warhammer 40k), Dreadnought patterns of the Imperium, Castraferrum variants, Origins and History of dreadnought, Lucifer Pattern, Proto Dreadnought, Furibundus Pattern, Deredeo Pattern, Leviathan Pattern, Telemon Pattern, Redemptor Pattern, Castraferrum Pattern, Contemptor Pattern, Space wolves
Id: xW8pCzOb_Kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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