Dark Age Astartes | Morningstar Breakdown | Ep 1 The Hunt

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hi guys welcome to counter points my name is Connor and today we're going to be breaking down Morning Star the hunt it is an animation by project Morning Star formerly known as lost Legion Studios the folks responsible for exodite exodite was a solid outing into the Warhammer 40K universe but it felt rushed busy and had way too many assets doing way too much way too quick this episode is not set in the Grim dark future of the 40th Millennium and for our purposes it's set in the Dark Age of Technology come along and I'll explain why this episode is brought to you by Hawkins and& company everything today is soulless and mass-produced but not the wallets from Hawkins and& company they're hand stitch in the United States from some of the finest locally produced leather Inc com in a variety of styles and configurations I carry the bfold wallet daily but they also have trucker and biker Style wallets available use code counterpoints at checkout and get 15% off your order get a wallet that's manly rugged and refined all at the same time today [Music] all [Music] [Music] we got a clear lot CLE F Target Landing Zone switch plan switch enemy has deployed secondary Weaponry possible strategy acknowledged maintain checking the white didn't relate to m cic alpha reacquire scen out clear [Music] [Laughter] station stationing at 21 235 we have from [Music] thef coming what is your ETD s is 3 minutes out be advised enemy May exit is on the ground and on rout additional exra artillery unit deploying acknowledge turning to engage good hunting [Music] in the prologue we are told that humanity is at the height of its power and is spread to the stars under a thousand confederated Empires known as the hegemon war is now a game played by powerful Elites driven by material profit the barcan mercenary Warriors are sent against the shy diaspora an outflow of aliens escaping an unknown disaster the opposing xenos are known as the Exogen the lore of the Dark Age of technology in the war universe is intentionally vague and far from being an actual Dark Age of ignorance it is a Dark Age of spiritual Decay science was a new religion and Humanity worshiped and craved its bounties humans became arrogant lazy and dependent on abominable intelligence to drive their expansion known to us as artificial intelligence AI helped guide colonist ships helped build colonist societies and helped Drive the miror technologies that rule daily human life it was from this Zenith of achievement that Humanity was destined to fall humans became totally reliant on these technologies that would soon turn on them but it's easy to imagine believing that this was the height of human achievement lasting between roughly the 15th and 25th Millennia an immensely powerful Confederation of Empires defended by power armored Warriors facing rival races and territorial disputes is perfectly in line with this era and could land us anywhere in the 10,000 years before machines would gain sentience and turn on Humanity the corruption of the hemony is already on display showing the Empire's vastness as a war satellite is called up repairs are requested and summarily denied as mercenaries are sent to slaughter foul [Music] [Music] zenos [Music] [Music] passing through exate defense lines need to counter [Music] [Applause] we have a clear run to Target better get back in [Music] [Music] oh [Music] an Exogen artillery piece fires broadsides into the hamon fleet as armored personnel carriers make ready for the assault and flyers zip past we hear the muffled booms of the artillery piece distant in The Limited atmosphere of the Moon Proto estaris occupy the hull of the armored personnel carrier preparing for imminent conflict the term adeptus means to hold while the term estaris means Stars meaning that the adeptus estaris of the Warhammer Universe are those meant to conquer and hold the stars now before you accuse me of heresy and tell me that the Emperor of mankind was responsible for their design and Fielding that's not entirely true during the Horus heresy Horus Lile Wars with a human civilization known as the or iian technocracy this war is particularly bitter for the Space Marines of the Luna Wolves Legion because their enemies wear power armor shockingly similar to that of Space Marines they are also similarly armed and deal devastating losses to the Marines while gradually losing the war this is because the orishan technocracy had a largely intact standard template construct a datab bank of human knowledge and design capable of building a warp capable Starship as easy as it was to build a hammer since the orishan technocracy had been cut off from the rest of humanity during the age of strife this can only mean that the power armor of the asares pre-existed the Space Marines of the great Crusade era another detail that reaffirms this is the Knights of caliban the Mortal Warriors that preceded Imperial contact also had mortal sized power armor and chainswords protom Marines inject themselves with combat drugs which makes sense since they wouldn't have access to the gene crafting of the emperor a beautiful detail is that the Proto Marines appear maglock to the chassis of the APC but when the Marine is ordered up to a firing position he releases and floats up gracefully showing The Limited gravity of this Moon the mercenary takes out Zeno's threats expertly aided by Advanced aiming and his Proto stormbolter similar to the stormbolter of the 40th Millennium this weapon is twin barrel and has two magazines one inserted from the bottom and the other from the side the rounds appear to be explosive similar to that of the bolt of the Grim D future the mercenary is able to finish off the zenos skiff before the APC jumps into the Exogen artillery platform leaving us in suspense of when we can see more glorious science fiction violence as a further tease Morning Star shows us the mercenary in melee and my facial reaction when first watching this piece I frankly love it I'm ashamed and angered that Games Workshop didn't see it fit to continue the employ of these boys making animations while exodite was at times stiff the models were beautiful and the action was competent the animators clearly brought their passion to this product and it shows so Games Workshop get your head out of your ass let creators create give them limited licensing and let them tell stories in your universe or pay them a small fortune and give them limited direction under your supervision I could tell that the animators were not in charge of exite because they had beautifully modeled cityscapes and assets that were on the screen for fractions of a second before they disappeared and were never seen again no animator worth his salt would spend months creating perfect models just to use them in a 5-second clip and throw them away this is a problem at gw's level and it needs to be worked out also a little joke and an idea to you the audience before we wrap up soas continue to create awesome animations in Titanfall Fallout and Halo universes should we break those down as if they fit into the Warhammer 40,000 timeline I don't know if you guys would enjoy that as much as me but I just think it's a fantastic idea which brings us to the end for now like share and subscribe and comment down below especially if you want me to break down those sodas animations as if they were a part of the Warhammer storyline if you like what we're doing here join the patreon at sponsors and if you're into politics check out the politics channels in the description as well I appreciate you catch you in the next one until the end
Channel: Counterpoints40K
Views: 103,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: counterpoints, connor, based individual, politics, review, warhammer, 40k, veteran, marine, cop, pig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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