Lisbon: What NOT to Do in Lisbon, Portugal

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hey there fellow travelers mark here with walters wednesday we're in lisbon portugal for the don'ts of visiting lisbon and i want to start off by talking about some of the transportation don'ts when you do come here one thing you need to realize is don't freak out when you have your first white knuckle taxi ride look the drivers around here are a bit crazy but the thing is you don't really have to worry about when you cross the street they're really good with the the crosswalks and stuff but when they drive here it is a bit little uh a little bit of rally driver inside and i've seen many of tourists that step out of their taxes from the airport going oh my god i cannot believe i just survived that so that's one don't i have for you another donut i have for you is you know that tram 28 you see that really cool yellow tram going by don't grab that there are other trams you can take that have beautiful tram rides to go on that one gets packed because people are going to work on and all kinds of stuff so do have a heads up for that one and the thing is though it is really nice thing to do but it is obviously you know a bit touristy and they actually do charge more for it if you are a tourist so that kind of sucks so that's one thing i will say a heads up to you another donut i'll say to you is all these tuk tuks you see around here don't think those are traditional lisbon those things are only been here for like the last five to seven years because we you know i lived here for five years there was not one took took out there all right so don't think that that is a normal thing when you are here now it can make it easier because you do have the seven hills of lisbon so they can't help a tourist out but just know don't think that's a normal thing another donut i have for you with those hills don't forget to prepare before you come to lisbon you need to be walking a lot because there's a lot of sites really close to each other and so you'll see one thing and they want to go to some other place you have a lot of really great architecture so a lot of times it's just walking around to see a church here going up to the castle and stuff like that so you do have that so don't forget to kind of you know stretch out those legs and get some walking in beforehand and speaking of walking around don't forget to bring some non-slipping shoes or non-slick shoes because you're going to see tons of tile here in portugal and general but especially here in lisbon you'll see all this great like stone work in the on the sidewalks of the pictures and stuff like that it looks fantastic but the thing is when it rains and yes it does rain occasionally here in lisbon it is slick as snot and you will slip so just make sure you bring those um bring those you know walking shoes a little bit of grip okay and for women i'm going to say this one don't bring high heels look there's some clubs here you could go to and stuff like that where they might be helpful but in general don't waste your luggage space when you come here on high heels all right now i do have some other don'ts i want to tell you about in terms of transportation here in lisbon one thing is don't run a car when you're here i mean there's no point to it you have very treat public transportation which is awesome you got taxes that are pretty affordable too yes you get the ubers and and things like that it's very easy to get around you can walk a lot of places too i mean i know it's it's still tough with the hills but it is worth it um but the thing is when you're parking here in lisbon it is insane because there is no parking or there's very little parking out there so if you're going to be driving around portugal what i recommend fly in explore lisbon and then when you're going to go and visit the rest of the country then rent your car and take off um another donut i have with transportation with you is when you come you're gonna see they have uh their viva viagen cards okay these are reloadable cards my first don't for you is don't forget to pick one up but also don't throw it away after you use it because you can just reload it and go and and what's great is it works on the metro it works on that tram 28 and all the trams and stuff like that it also works on the buses and you can take the buses a lot of places here and it's all safe so that's really cool so that's really helpful there so don't get rid of this you need this also don't forget you need to have your aviva card your viva viation card to get out of the metro as well to get in and to get out and uh especially one for you family travelers uh if you have a baby carriage or a big suitcase or something like that i have a dome for you don't use the normal exit in the metro you want to go to a special exit door that opens and closes that's for you'll have a sign for pregnant women and carriages and bags and stuff like that because that one stays open longer because otherwise your baby's going to get caught in the stroller in the middle okay i've seen it a lot of times so do have a heads up for that now in terms of some tourism don'ts when you are here one don't i have for you is we're in the baisha district right now okay this lower level here it's got really cool architecture there's tons of shopping you can do here and there's tons of restaurants what i will tell you is don't think that this is the only place to shop and the only place to eat in lisbon if you've got the main street at rue de agusta there's plenty of shops there i mean you could do all your tour shopping right there if you wanted to you'd be fine but you get some really better deals if you explore a bit more out the next street over is the big tourist street for eating okay it's just a bunch of tourist restaurants that are there i'm going to say is if you got a chance don't eat there go out and see some tashkas the kind of mom and pop places go eat those throughout the city they're going to give you a much more authentic experience when you're here now the thing is you can do your shopping and eating there no problem but if you want to get a little bit more realistic lisbon that's where we want to go but the thing is i'm not going to say don't ever go there because my next stone for you when you're here in lisbon is don't think you're going to be able to have dinner early you've got to have dinner sometime after like 8 o'clock at night sometimes after 7 o'clock at night because in portugal the restaurants might not close but their kitchen will probably close between three and seven pm and for a tourist if you're coming from northern europe or the u.s you're used to eating at five or six pm in the afternoon in the evening a lot of things are closed then except if you go to the tourist places like here in baisha they will be open so you can get your your segregator your secrets of blackport or your pork or your bakaya the cod fish and stuff like that you can have those things when you're here no problem and that's where you're going to go for that if you want to be eating earlier otherwise just wait till eight and there'll be plenty of places open they're gonna be really great that art is touristy and you can eat with some of the locals okay another couple of don'ts i have for you if you go to the belain district and the belain is where you see the tower of belay and the the monastery there the monsters are just gorgeous with the mandolin architecture it's just fantastic so don't don't skip out going there okay because it is beautiful now when you're in belain you're going to see this big huge line okay and it's going to go to the precise to bolan restaurant cafe kind of thing where they make the pashtai stabile though famous custard pastries from here in lisbon that's where they make them okay and the thing is when you go there you'll see this big line and you'll think oh i've gotta wait in the line to go in no no that long line don't wait that long line that line is for the takeaways if you want to go inside just walk in the side door to the left walk in it's like the biggest restaurant in portugal okay you'll just keep walking back and walking back to try to find a table you can see yourself or someone might seat you but that's where you're gonna go and you're gonna have the posterize to blend and don't forget to put the cinnamon and powdered sugar stuff on top because oh my god it's so good another donut i have for you when you're down there uh in belain don't feel you have to go into the tower of the land the tour de blind this beautiful beautiful tower that's there you'll see go oh my god they must be so fantastic inside because so fantastic outside look inside there's not really much to see and do it's kind of cramped it's it's kind of a it's it's not really worth it to go in the thing is it's much more beautiful just taking it from the outside and going to explore more and belaying than wasting your time going up there so don't feel like you have to go in the tower when you're there so another thing i want to tell you about for the don'ts if you look over my shoulder you'll see kind of some trees up there and that's where the castell de sao georges the st george castle it is a beautiful view from up there but i do have a couple don'ts for you if you're going to go up to the castle one don't expect to see historic stuff when you're up there it is just the ruins the walls you can go on but the thing is you'll get fantastic pictures from up on the walls it is just gorgeous up there beautiful views of the city like oh our hotel is over there old apartments over there liam was born over there you have these kind of really cool views from up there but but don't think it's going to be like that historic going to versailles walking through and seeing all those things okay if you want that you're going to go to central to see one of the palaces there okay another don't with the castle when you're looking for the ticket office don't think that the ticket office is inside the castle it's actually outside the castle down the hill a little bit so you actually pass by it on your right when you're walking up the hill and the door to go in is on the left you're like no no turn around walk down about 20 meters it's down there okay so pick up your tickets there and then come up and with that i will say is don't forget to bring your discount cards if you have student cards or if you have you know under 26 cards or whatever european union your ids and stuff like that any kind of discounts that you can get have your id for that because portugal does offer some really good discounts for for different people so that is something to check out okay the thing is lisbon has got so many great things to do and see what you are here that it's really tough to always come up with bad tones and sometimes it's good don'ts like don't forget there's more museums out here than just seeing the tower of lane and going up to the castle you've got the museum of water to check out you've got the gulbanka museum which is a great private collection that became a museum that you can check out i like the museum of art antigua or like ancient art there's all kinds of really great museums to check out here and i'll give you a list of some of them that i do like but you do have that um the thing is when you're here in lisbon you'll see like i said that great architecture and one of those things to see downtown actually if you go down road to augusta you're walking down to razoo where the train station is that you'll go to sintra you look on your left and you'll see the santa justa elevator this amazing elevator like oh my god that is so amazing i want to go up it you can go up it but my don't for you is don't feel that you have to pay to take the elevator up or down because you can actually walk onto it from the top so when you're going exploring barrio alto and things like that there's actually a walkway that goes to the top of it you can walk around for free and do that instead of paying to go up and down because you'll see there's a line of people waiting like dude you can just you'll walk up and see some cool shops on the way up there so just do that instead of paying the money to go up you can still get the great view anyway when you walk up around it without having paid to go up there okay um there are some other don't want to talk about you know i talked about the rozio station you're going to go out to sintra right well my next stone for you is don't just stay in lisbon i mean don't get me wrong i love lisbon i lived here for five years but there are some really amazing day trips you can do from here probably the most popular one is going to sintra that's where you see like that disneyland castle looking stuff but it's not just the disneyland the palacio de pena it's not just that there's another two castles there one's the moorish castle that's in ruins there's a national palaces there you can go through that's where you'll see the historic stuff in there that's a really cool one and so you have that day trip another one if you want to go see one of these old walled cities it's my favorite cute little town to go see when i'm here you got to take a bus to it so you have that or you can go to tamar there's a unesco world heritage site there and spend your day there or maybe you want to see the bone champion evra you can take the train or bust there so there's a lot of really nice day trips you can do when you are here and that's really cool and it kind of makes you think that you know what make sure you use lisbon as a base to explore more of portugal around here and the thing is though a lot of people do come here and one thing i do want to say is don't think that your airbnb you're staying in hasn't affected the city because i lived here for five years and i can see the differences and i talked to my friends how hard it is for them to afford to live in the center now because everything's getting turned into airbnb so one thing i'll say is don't think that your airbnb isn't affecting the local population but the thing is you're probably gonna use when you're here um but you don't have to um one thing i will say is for the hostiles when i say hostile don't think hostile when i think when i say hostile here in lisbon lisbon has some of the best hostels in the world and no they're not like eight people in a bunk kind of stuff i mean you can find that but they're like fancy kind of themed hostels and stuff and that's one of the things that really helped lisbon kind of pop up on the tourist map is they had all this great affordable accommodation in their hostels that were cool hostile so don't be scared to stay at a hostel when you are here the thing is lisbon has really become a very popular tourist destination i know for a number of years it was like the best weekend destination in europe and so the airlines have really made a big push for here so you've got the ryanairs and the easy jets delta flies here united flies here heck if you fly with a national carrier tap they'll let you do a little layover here for a few days you can do that and explore and then go see some other parts of europe so don't think it's not don't think it's hard to get to portugal anymore it is pretty easy to come here to lisbon okay um some other don'ts i'm going to tell about you some of them are kind of a little annoying don't let the people asking to sell you drugs and buy show or in barrio alto don't let them get to you okay you'll see them like oh cocaine marijuana hashish sunglasses whoa there's a lot of different stuff you're selling there don't let it get to you okay there and don't think they're actually selling you the real deal all right um just just don't let it get to you because a lot of tourists will say what's going on here now the locals will say oh that doesn't happen well it's because they asked the tourists they don't they don't ask the locals okay so you do have that now i know i mentioned about the later eating times here in lisbon before but i have some other don'ts for when you're eating here and drinking here one thing is don't think that port wine is the end-all be-all here in portugal um here in lisbon you'll see a lot of shinjina places or ginger it's a it's a cherry liqueur you'll have and actually one of those day trips if you go to obidus that's where you have it in little chocolate cups that's the place to go one of my favorite places but gingini is a drink you want to have here another donut i have for you as caleb just made me here one thing i'll say is if you do order the green wine the vegan verde don't let the server serve it to you unless it's really cold because you serve it really cold and it should have a sleeve on it to keep it cold keep it chilled so you can enjoy every single drop because the green wine here is fantastic and affordable and that's my next don't for you don't worry about your budget when you are here in lisbon now i'm not going to say lisbon is super cheap okay portugal overall is a pretty affordable destination and lisbon even though it has all these tours has still been a very affordable place for accommodation for going out to eat and having a good time and partying and stuff like that and you'll see that in the summertime on weekends it does get pretty full so what i would say is don't be scared to come to lisbon off season we're here it's the end of november here the kids had off for thanksgiving so we came back to visit and it's just such a wonderful place and there's very few tourists here and the thing is though if you're going to be coming here don't forget to bring some layers okay because it's not hot all year round yes the summer yes it's hot i'm not going to lie to you about that one but the thing is it definitely chills off at night so if you're coming in the summer make sure you bring an extra layer or two just in case okay also another thing is now that i think about going out at night here don't go out and listen before 10 or 11 o'clock at night in barrio alto because there's nobody at the bars at that time the portuguese they eat late they party late and they stay out late okay so don't think you're gonna be starting early here because i know when i first came here i went out like at nine ten o'clock i'm like where is everybody i thought this was like the party in place oh no it gets partying like 11 12 1-2 things like that all right so so don't start early start later if you're going to be having a good time when you are here oh also don't be afraid to buy a big bottle of beer and go look at one of the miradors and have a drink there to take in the views and then go out the bars because it's kind of a common thing is you sit around have some drinks with your friend outside and then go to the bars or the clubs and stuff like that now when you are in butter outside you do want to go a bit early around you can go to a photo show up there what i would say is don't feel that you have to pay to go to a photo show when you are here in lisbon i lived here for five years i heard fado a lot and i never paid one time you'll find bars that'll have a photo singer singing every so often it is kind of a cool thing so don't get suckered in to go into the photo shows i mean you could do them is a nice experience but you don't have to do that when you are here another thing is when i start thinking about it is don't forget to bring your whole family i've been here with the grandparents i've been here as a college student i've been here as a father i've been here as a uh you know as a young student this has got stuff for everybody there's great stuff for kids so don't forget to bring them the lisbon zoo one of the best zoos we've ever been to you definitely want to go there the oceanarium don't forget to take the kids there whether they're young or old you can have a really good time with that all right and another thing i want to say is if you're if you're traveling you're where you're going to get sick or stuff like that they've got all kinds of clinics here what's cool is the healthcare isn't that expensive at all it's actually quite affordable i mean it was so cheap we actually had a kid here yeah i'll show you this this is our our portuguese baby here he's gotten a little bit bigger since he says he popped out in 2011 but uh dr patricia thank you very much for helping us with this little guy and the thing is there's great things for kids there's great things for families all kinds of stuff young old anybody that wants to come that's what's really nice is lisbon is very accepting of all people all genders all sexualities all everything and it's just a really great place and that's why i love living here for five years and that's why it's really hard for me to find bad don'ts about this place because there's so much you will love okay so if you want to learn more maybe the shocks of visiting portugal or the don'ts of visiting portugal because we have more portuguese-centric things on that video check us out on our website at we're also on twitter facebook instagram youtube and if you like travel videos like this or you want to see actually liam's face sometimes instead of the back of his head check us out on our website at we're also on twitter facebook instagram youtube and we really appreciate your likes and subscriptions and again if you click that subscribe button and click that little notification bell you're going to know about the videos we put out every week and we put out a new video every wednesday and saturday so anyway i'll say bye from lisbon and muy tu brigado thank you very much for watching and we'll see you later adios bye
Channel: Wolters World
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Keywords: travel, europe, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, Walters World
Id: vMoGT44bNWs
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Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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