Must EAT Lisbon PORTUGAL | Cheap Eats & Hidden Gems

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we are in Lisbon Portugal the last stop  on our epic 100 day European Adventure   today we're going to show you all the  cheat beats this awesome city has to [Music] offer we are at a cool spot on top of a  hill called ladina trying a Portuguese [Music] quad thank you mine has like a smoked cheese of  balsamic vinegar and Rocket as well as Pudo and   they make those tortillas like by hand and press  them out like two ORD I got a veg option it's   Brie grilled zucchini and olive spread olive  spread looks so gross but I'm sure it tastes good all I'm missing is hot sauce and luckily  Brandon has some we're almost out we just   bought this like 4 days ago one thing it's  not all the way melted like a quadia would   be it's more like a panini sandwich sort of on  this really thick wholesome tortilla yeah it's   really good though the tortilla is so good I  would say that this is Alyssa's like perfect   ingredients of a sandwich like the zucchini  the bitter olives and then you also have that   like Bree cheese and now we've snuck in some  hot sauce so it is absolutely like made for Alysa that was a fantastic snack and something  you definitely have to try when you're in Portugal next up mon for pastis de which is a  Portuguese egg tart I am so excited to try this   that staff was so cool everyone smiling laughing  like everyone who came in here everyone was having   such a good time there's like a counter along  the side where they're making them to order and   they only make a few so they're nice and warm  when they come out and they hand them to you   and they're only €120 we got the good we got it  to go it was crazy in there super busy we have   had many egg Tarts before I was actually under the  impression that they were a Chinese dessert but it   turns out they're actually made from Portuguese  monks who lived in Lisbon who studied in Paris   and they learned the art of making pastries and  they used so many egg whites for starching their   clothes they had all these egg yolks left over and  they actually invented the egg tart like that and   one difference between like the Asian variety that  you can get is sometimes they'll add cinnamon to   the top and it's always creme bruleed like that  so they Brule the top whereas if you'll see them   in like Thailand or anything like that they'll  be just a full yellow but I am so excited to try this Brandon really hyped this up so I'm excited  M ooh ooh and it's warm oh the hype is real it's   like sugar custard inside of a croissant flaky  crust and it being warm is so good I've never   had a warm one they always come cold it's  like more melty and custardy because it's   warm whereas sometimes they're more like congealed  and solid it's so good warm I'm glad we got too   M was that like the place to get them I have no  idea I looked for a place that had good ratings   and there was a line this is so worth the hype  this is so much more custardy there's different   flavors the brulee is amazing the pastry it's  by far the best egg tart I've ever had I guess   you have to come to the source to Portugal to  lisban to try it for yourself this is a perfect [Music] thing these girls just pulled us over  and asked for directions to Pink Street which   apparently is a tourist attraction we had no  idea about so now we're just going to go that way too this seems to be just an instagramable  street that they've painted pink there's   umbrellas above and there's a cool Bridge the  end of the alleyway so we are not actually on   the prow for a pink Street we are looking for  a classic Portuguese sandwich called a bifana   and we're just a couple blocks away from the place  that we're going so if you're going to the bufana   spot might as well check out pink Street while  you're doing it we found the spot o triangula   we are headed in here to get one of Portugal's  signature Foods a yeah that's all it's called   B which is a pork sandwich on Squishy bread and  you can get cheese and egg we're going to get two   and this place is like the cheapest place in the  entire world you can get a sandwich for $2.80 or €280 so the grilled meats are being prepared  to order and she is like seasoning it and the   fire is going over the pan and she season it with  salt and pepper and just a little bit of fresh raw garlic so we got two sandwiches we got the  regular just pork and cheese and then we   got a pork cheese and egg they have mustard  and spicy sauce on the counter that you can   selfs serve on yourself the spicy sauce is so  good he said it's Peri Peri but better than   Peri Peri that I've had before this place is so  cute it's so tiny there's only six seats and it   didn't look like anyone was ordering to go food  so we decided to stand at the counter and get it   here and then we decided to order something to  go to take with us so we got three sandwiches   and two beers and our total was 11 AR we only  had to wait about 10 minutes I would say that   if you are in Portugal this is an absolute  must the bread is super rustic it's got like   a crispy outside but the inside is soft that  mustard is lightly sweet but mostly bitter   the Peri Peri like Alyssa said is the bomb and  the pork is seasoned amazingly it's so juicy I   couldn't believe how juicy it was they cook  it on the pla for like less than 30 seconds   so everything is just cooked so quickly and  to order it is absolutely incredible this is   incredible that was literally the most amazing  experience the guy was so cute and so nice and   he like helped us translate our Spanish into  Portuguese and he told us what to order and he   made sure that we had the spiciest salsa which is  homemade and it was freaking amazing this is like   one of my favorite experiences that we've had  in the whole 94 days that we've been in Europe   absolutely this guy had a line of 30 people and  he was just chilling making your sandwich quick   and then not charging enough yeah if you're  ever in Lisbon do triangula DEA you absolutely   have to experience this place and we are going  to experience it again on the streets [Music] now [Music] I know that this isn't the traditional place you  would have this but they had a salt Cod Fritter   and we haven't tried one yet so we're going to  dig in oh it's uh soft I'm just going to bite it I think M oh it's bomb this is actually really  incredible it's better than I thought that it   would be uh it's kind of has like a hairy furry  texture on the outside and you get stringy bits   of fish I will say it's most similar to like  we would get a crab cake I think it's because   they salt the Cod so you get a little saltier  sweet flavor uh it is really bomb though it's   good it's softer than I expected it would be  bomb if it's fried I can't say I've never seen   that in America so it's definitely worth  trying [Music] once it's so cold up here it's like so nice when you're walking up the hills  and then you stop sit down and it's so windy in freezing [Music] cheers we stumbled upon this tiny little  sandwich shop and it looks like they have   like American style Little Mommy sandwiches  so we're going to go in for a quick bite to   eat this is like the Big Mac of tuna sandwiches  it's humongous it's really good it's not like   a tuna salad or anything it's just regular tuna  but the tomatoes are so juicy on it it's really good I got the egg and cheese it's  just egg on cheese the cheese is so   stringy and melty it's delicious  and it's on White Bread I like   white bread and Bre and like sweet  bread so it like came perfectly for us we walked up some pretty intense steps to get  here and it was 1 million per worth it and this   gave me that Bodega New York feel that I have been  missing and it was amazing 10 out of 10 have a   great day he didn't have a credit card machine but  I think he shares with his shop across the street   so we had to come over here to pay but it was  only €8 for those two sandwiches and we got a huge   water for only €2 and that guy was like amazing he  was so nice and he has a sandwich [Music] magician we saw fries we had to stop they were  $3 who says no to $3 price we added p   p Mayo crispy onions jalapeno and Panetta  total $330 this place is super cute too The   Branding the decor the little stands for  your fries love it love everything about [Music] it the jalapenos are like fresh  they're super spicy we just followed on   Instagram and they updated in real time  their Instagram counter over there look at   this picture follow here's good on Instagram  we have traveled all over the world and we   love Real Palm freets those are just as  good if not better than any we've had in Belgium so the next spot that we're hitting up  is a tinned fish restaurant called Soul IESA and   Anthony Bain went there I have no idea what  what a Tin Fish Restaurant even means but I   guess we are going to find out [Music] shortly  so the menu is served on a fishing pole and has   a bunch of different options of tinned fish  and it looks like they have a display of some   of the items they offer it's freshly tinned in  Portugal and they use local ingredients and they   PL it for for you nice so you can eat and drink  and grab some Tin Fish he said I did a good job   so hopefully we got a good mix we got some baby  sardines we got some mackerel with habanero we   also got a codfish with garbanzo beans and some  goat cheese as well to drink it they had house   wine for like 250 a glass which is insane so  we got one red and one white in Portugal they   drank almost exclusively Portuguese wine so 98%  of the wines that you'll find in Portugal are   Portuguese wines which is really cool and cheap  and Che yeah this was 250 and it's quite good   this is just their house wine and it's similar to  like a malbeck fruity notes a little bit of like   dried plum but it's really easy drinking spicy  sardes and thank you so the cfish has like a   super buttery flavor but it's a very firm fish  it's got a very toome bite to it that habanero   mackerel is actually not very spicy but has a  roasted tomato flavor and it's so so good it   looks intimidating out of the ones that we got  but it's not and sardines I'm learning are my   new favorite I have to start eating them more the  olive oil is really high quality and they serve   it with like a coriander and there's a little  bit of pepper on there so there's some spice   I think that these guys are my favorite me too  they're so delicate you know how much I love tiny floors thank you thank you guys by man that  was absolutely perfect the staff was really   helpful and the wine was fantastic what  a great way to kill some time and have   a couple snacks so many different options  like it's a very long menu just go in get   a couple dishes per person yeah and he'll  help you out if you don't know what to get   just like tell them flavors that you like and  things that you're scared of and he'll make   sure you get it I cannot believe how good that  is I had no idea how much I actually loved Tin   Fish also it's just on pink street so if  you're coming to Pink Street to take the   Epic Instagram photo just stop in get a tin of  fish and a cheap beer why not be adventurous how   many times are you in Lisbon thank you guys  so much for watching our last 100 days in [Music] Europe but the travel is not not over yet the  next two weeks we're headed to New York and then   a quick trip to Mexico followed by 50 days in  Asia if you like travel videos like these don't   forget to subscribe to see where we go next  there's a car coming next up on the list is Monte I will like it better when I know how to  say the words monra for a pastis monra what how   would you say it monteia next up monteia really  we're American and we like sauce so he brought   over some garlic Mayo too so now we got Mayo  on our tuna sandwich I would honestly wear a   hat made out of this sandwich everywhere I  go so that people know how much I love it   every time every time I try to eat it end like  also you eat the sardin hole like don't worry   about bones or anything there's no freaking  bones in it just eat it so I have determined   after a couple days that everything in Lisbon  is uphill and that there are more peacocks   than people we left the house today and Brandon  said we have two places to try and at the first   place he's got us having three sandwiches  so I have no idea how much he thinks I can   eat whatever happen to predictability the  postman the paper boy stuff on [Music] TV
Channel: Here's Good
Views: 56,708
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Keywords: Cheap eats lisbon, Heres good lisbon, Hidden gems lisbon, Hidden gems lisbon portugal, Lisbon Portugal, Lisbon cheap eats, Lisbon food, Lisbon food market, Lisbon food tour, Lisbon hidden gems, Lisbon travel guide, best portuguese food, best things to do in lisbon, lisbon, lisbon food guide, lisbon food tour, lisbon portugal 2023, lisbon portugal travel, lisbon portugal travel guide, lisbon portugal vlog, lisbon vlog, portuguese food tour, things to do in lisbon
Id: zbVEcW4DgtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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