History Of Portugal

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to Western Europe is a nation that emerged after ferocity against its Muslim invaders who arrived centuries prior Portugal went on to pioneer many historic developments it refused to be politically absorbed by its neighbors and so it's people explored along the coast of Africa to reach India and beyond kick-starting the colonial age they went on to become a lasting Empire before unrest and revolution erupted this is the history of Portugal thousands of years ago the Iberian Peninsula was home to several different tribes Greeks and Phoenicians established strings of trade colonies in this region and from here Phoenicians voyages began along the Algarve coastline these interactions faded over time and the region became of paramount interest to the great powers of the day the Carthaginians established control over parts of Iberia before conflicts escalated with the Romans Roman emerged as the great power in the Mediterranean and invaded the Iberian Peninsula during the Second Punic War against Carthage provoked by raids from Western Iberia they conquered more territory but met fierce resistance from the Lusitanians and other indo-European tribes for decades the Lusitania fought, during the leadership of Viriathus the Lusitanians fought a bold and relentless war against the Romans fighting numerous legions and great generals inflicting a series of humiliating defeats upon them their triumphs would not last as following his death the Romans defeated them the Iberian Peninsula became fully integrated into the Roman world many Roman cities developed from pre-existing Iron Age settlements such as Lisbon Porto and Coimbra while other cities such as Braga were founded by the Romans with the Roman Empire falling into decline several Germanic tribes invaded the peninsula and eventually formed several short-lived kingdoms the suebi managed to firmly establish themselves in the region with their capital Braga while most Iberia fell under the control of the Visigoths the Visigoths would eventually conquer the Suebi Kingdom and gain control of Iberia the Visigoths converted to Catholicism and the structure of society did not differ greatly from its predecessor although in essence it was a warrior like society by the late 7th century the kingdom was struck by famine and plague which led to a heavy death toll economic problems and labor shortages across the Mediterranean a new force had swept across North Africa the Umayyad caliphate at the time the visigothic kingdom was internally weak and politically unstable it was ruled by king roderick who had recently seats the throne in 711 the Berber general Tariq bin Ziyad crossed the Straits of Gibraltar with 7,000 troops unopposed while Rodrick was busy subduing a rebellion by the Basque Tariq began to plunder a number of Visigothic cities before king roderick assembled a force and marched south the two sides met at the Battle of Guadalupe and the Visigoths suffered a devastating defeat the next six years saw the almost all-out conquest of the peninsula some Visigoths fled north seeking refuge in the Christian kingdom of Asturias protected by its mountainous terrain and would serve as resistance to the Muslim invaders Muslims called their new conquests in Iberia al-andalus and it became a region of scientific progress though many Jews Muslims and Christians lived alongside each other those who did not follow Islam were considered inferior and had to pay a heavy tax known as the jizya tax when the Umayyad dynasty were overthrown and replaced by the Abbasids a young prince managed to escape and took refuge this prince was Abdul Rahman and in the city of Cordoba he proclaimed himself Emir of an independent Umayyad state over time the emirate weakened and eventually collapsed into a number of independent states Christians within historias began to grow bolder in their attacks and several Christian kingdoms emerged many young Christian princes and knights were summoned from across Europe to aid in the fight against the Moors in what became known as the Reconquista or the reconquest during this time Alfonso the sixth of Leon invites the Burgundian Knight to his court named Henry and he became count of Portugal with his marriage to Alfonso's illegitimate daughter Teresa in time Henry's son Afonso Henriques proclaimed himself Prince of Portugal after a quarrel against his mother and soon after he became King meanwhile a new wave of Berber invaders known as the Almoravid's subdued the various Emir's to found their own dynasty who were in turn replaced by the Almohads stirred by hatred several Portuguese kings carried on the fight against more's until the algarve was conquered securing Portuguese rule although they would still need to discourage their most powerful Christian neighbour Castile who for now was still fighting off their enemies after the passing of King Fernando Portugal sank into a dynastic crisis King Fernando's half brother Joao of Aviz was the illegitimate son of Pedro the first the predecessor of Fernando and he assumes de facto control of Lisbon King Juan of Castile invaded Portugal to enforce his claim to be king and the two kings met on the battlefield one of the most important battles in Portuguese history would take place at the Battle of alijurbarrota the Portuguese army estimates to have been around 7,000 soldiers took defensive positions on a nearby Ridge ready to fight against the Castilian army perhaps numbering 20,000 troops in a battle lasting barely an hour it is said that Juan's forces were utterly defeated the invading force disintegrated and Juan's campaign ended in failure soon after the battle and an alliance was signed with England the Treaty of Windsor forging close ties that still remain in effect today making it the oldest alliance in the world with Portugal's independence firmly secured the beginning of Portuguese expansion an empire could begin it was in 1415 that the conquest of Ceuta have occurred one of the most fortified Islamic strongholds in the Mediterranean had just fallen soon after this conquest Joao's son Henrique of Portugal also known as Prince Henry the Navigator began to sponsor many explorers to travel down the coastline of Africa the Portuguese had developed an engineered small ships known as carve outs of triangular sails that could sail against the wind in a zigzag fashion allowing faster travel explorers sailed to the Congo River under Diego cow South Africa under Bartholomew Dias India under Vasco de Gama Brazil under Pedro álvares Cabral and Japan under Antonio de Mata each forging detailed maps of the one voyage at a time soon after the voyage to the Americas by Christopher Columbus Spain set about its exploration and its ideas of building an empire a treaty was signed between Spain and Portugal aimed at settling conflicts over lands newly discovered unlike its neighbour Portugal had a shortage of manpower less than two million in fact nevertheless they went about constructing an empire not based on territory but trade they set up military Garrison's and trading posts to trade but also to wage several wars against its rivals these rivals were mainly the Ottomans and her allies who were often competing for control of the spice trade within the Indian Ocean where several trading posts had been set up its Empire may have committed misdeeds such as opening up the transatlantic slave trade but was far less crude compared to other empires colonization of land also introduced many to their language today Portuguese is the sixth most spoken language in the world with over 250 million speakers worldwide Portugal was once again thrown into political turmoil at the death of King Sebastian he had set out on campaign into Africa but had left no heirs to his throne following his death amid the dynastic crisis king philip ii of spain invaded portugal to form a personal union the Iberian Union merging the Crown's of Spain and Portugal Portugal remained an independent state under the first few Spanish kings and till King Philip the fourth made Portugal a province of Spain and removed Portuguese Nobles from positions of power it was during this union other European powers started to annex Portugal's colonies most notably the Dutch who stole the spice trade and tried to annex Brazil the loss of colonies angered many in Portugal and the Portuguese restoration war began led by Joao the fourth who succeeded in gaining independence in the 18th century Portugal saw one of history's deadliest earthquakes it occurred in the city of Lisbon and is estimated to have had a magnitude of eight point five to nine on the Richter scale killing 10,000 to 100,000 inhabitants many were forced to sleep on a tented campsite the royal court accommodated with its people and when the chaos had passed Maria the first of Portugal built the Royal ajude Palace in its place the prime minister at the time Sebastian de Mello survived the earthquake when asked what was to be done he responded by saying bury the dead and heal the living setting about organisation and relief efforts during the Napoleonic Wars Portugal refused Napoleon's demand to stop trading with Britain Napoleon invaded but was unsuccessful in his attempts to occupy the nation with British intervention the Peninsular war helped maintain Portuguese independence with the end of the Napoleonic Wars Portugal was left devastated and extremely poor during the war the royal family fled to Brazil and set up courts at Rio de Janeiro making it the first hosted royal court in a colony raising the colony's infrastructure and status the royal family returned in 1821 and Brazil declared its independence less than a year later it was during the 19th century that other European powers began to carve up colonies within Africa forcing Portugal to move further inland into Angola and Mozambique in 1890 a British ultimatum was delivered to Portugal asking for the retreat of Portuguese military in the land between the Portuguese colonies of Mozambique and Angola the area had been claimed by Portugal but this clashed with British aspirations to create a railroad link between Cairo and Cape Town this diplomatic clash led to several waves of protest and prompted the downfall of the Portuguese government 1910 is the year in which Portugal underwent the most critical regime it involved the alteration in the sequence of its national history terminating the monarchy and becoming a republic during the first world war Portugal joined the side of the Allies supplying troops and aid at the loss of 12,000 troops following the war political chaos several strikes and considerable economic problems led to a military coup in 1926 Portugal got into a long period of right-wing dictatorship under the leadership of Antonio Oscar de frog's Carmona after crushing a revolution Carmona was elected as the president but economic chaos confronted Carmona and he was forced to hand over the country's finances to a professor Antonio de Oliveira Salazar Salazar was able to bring the country's finances in order rapidly Salazar was so good in construction such as railways and power stations but use censorship and a secret police to koala position under Salazar Portugal remained officially neutral in World War two and traded with both sides and following the war became one of the founding members of NATO in 1949 and the European free trade association in 1960 in 1968 he acquired a stroke and was replaced by Marcelo Caetano Marcelo was removed from power during the carnation revolution without a single gunshot Portugal's third Republic was born and moved towards a democratic system of government it was during this year that colonies around their empire started to break away and his empire officially ended in 1999 Portugal left a profound cultural and architectural influence across the globe it remains developed nation with over 10 million inhabitants its most important industries tourism which is largely as a result of its fascinating history thank you for watching don't forget to hit the like button if you enjoyed it stay subscribe for future episodes and other weekly videos many thanks to our patrons Shara Ogilvie and Jimmy Alexander if you'd like to support the channel and help us create more educational content you can do so through patreon thanks again for watching
Channel: VC3 Productions
Views: 403,649
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Keywords: History, History of Portugal, History of the world, VC3 Productions, Vasco da gama
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
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