Lisa Bevere, Lioness Arising

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we come before you may it be according to your word let it explode in our lives father let it transform every portion of our being every place of influence father we have not come to get more information but we have come for transformation so give us eyes to see ears to hear a mouth unafraid to speak and a heart and large to believe and everybody agrees saying Amen and a man awesome I really felt God quicken a scripture to me and it's in first Timothy chapter 1 verse 17 through 19 and I am going to read it out of the message paraphrase or message Bible and you say I'm sorry only the King James is the Bible you know what that's not true and so what I want to do is create a little bit of awe and a little bit of enlargement because how many of you know if you only read one version sometimes you just default you know what is going to say before you even read it and so I wanted to bring back a little wonder and so I read all versions of the Bible and I think you need to read multiple versions as well but it begins with deep honor and bright glory to the king of all times one God immortal invisible ever and always oh yes that is the messages amen oh yes so I'm passing this work on to you my son Timothy the prophetic word that directed but that was directed to you has prepared us for this all those prayers are coming together now so you will do this well fearless in your struggle keeping a firm grip on your faith and on yourself after all this is a fight we're in there are some you know who by relaxing their grip and thinking anything goes have made a thorough mess of their faith now I want to just break that down another version of it says with the prophecies that have gone before you wage good warfare and I felt in my spirit that the promises and the prophecies of the last decades the decades leading up to this decade have been hope but in this next decade the prophecies are now going to be weapons and you wield a weapon differently than you wield a promise and we need to be people that lay hold of the promises of God lay hold of the promises and the prophetic things that are in our life because they're going to meet us in this decade as a weapon and so you need to begin to enlarge your life the things that have been spoken over your life the things that you've dared to dream but haven't seen you need to lay hold of those in strength and so I'm going to actually really preach a message to kind of prepare you and enlarge you so you can do that but there are a couple things I want to bring out you know what number one our context of whatever God does in our life needs to be worship and honor it is the framework of the Church of Jesus Christ and when he says I'm passing this work on to you my son Timothy Paul is saying it's a season of transition and conferring and it said the prophetic word that has been given to you has actually prepared both of us for this you know in these last days it's not the old handing it off to the young in these last days it is all hands on deck we need the old and the young we need the men and the women we need the visions and the dreams we need strength and wisdom to run together and it says all those prayers are coming together now we are entering into a season of harvest so you will do this well there is an assurance fearless in your struggle authority and courage keeping a firm grip on your faith and on yourself there is strength and notice it doesn't just say keeping a firm grip on your faith it says on your faith and on yourself and then it says after all this is a fight you're in and there is our perspective and last our warning there are some you know who by relaxing their grip and thinking anything goes have made a thorough mess of their faith we cannot relax our grip we cannot be people that begin to ease up it is time to press in it is time to lay hold it is time to possess what God has for destiny and future and so I want to kind of like read a scripture again to enlarge this because I believe we are not looking at things as big as God wants us to look at it Luke chapter 4 verse 18 says God's Spirit is on me he has chosen me to preach the message of good news to the poor so right there why does God put his spirit on people because he wants them to preach the message of good news to the poor sent me to announce pardon to prisoners recovery of sight to the blind to set burdened and battered free to announce this is God's ear tact now I don't know about you but I love the announcement that this is God's ear tact you said well that was Jesus talking and you know he got up and he just said that you know what it is always God's ear to act God is always in the now and he is saying this is when I want to move into action this is my ear tapped and then it says Jesus rolled up the scroll handed it back to the assistant and sat down but you know what when you make a declaration like that every eye was still on him and he said they were looking at him intently and then he started in you have just heard scripture make history it came true just now in this place you know what tonight tonight may scripture make history I really want the scripture to be weighed that heavily because Jesus actually didn't do anything but declare something that it was God's time to act and the reason he act was he cared about people and release and recovery of sight and we need to be a people that have the same heart as God has so I'm going to preach a message to you tonight about being dangerously and fully awake because I'm afraid that the church is not dangerous nor is it fully awake and to do this I'm going to put some things in kind of context with a little bit of wild fierceness because you know what right now we have lost a lot of our passion our fierceness and our wildness we we come in to beautiful buildings and we come in clean and we try to live clean but you know what there's a world out there that needs you to actually get a little bit dirty and go out there and help them and so it's okay to gather here but it's not enough just to be the gathering of the clean we need to go out and we get to wash the shame that is on our world and watch the dirt that is on people and begin to set people free so I have tortured my family and been kind of enamored with a particular animal for reasons I'll explain later for about two and a half years this is meant that I have watched every possible documentary I could get my hands on about the lion and the lioness and so you're going to have to enter into my world right now and I'm going to tell you a little bit of a story of something I had seen I had traveled all day long from the snowy world of Colorado to Florida and I wasn't speaking till the next day but you don't take chances and blizzard you just go ahead and leave so I left got there got into my room took off all my layers of warmth plopped down on my bed flipped on my TV and there was a documentary about lions and lionesses and I was so excited to see it and it was a documentary about reintroducing them they're saying right now that in the next 80 years that Lions will be extinct if the pattern continues the way it is and you know that would be a very tragic thing because god only describes himself as three animals the lamb is our sacrifice the eagle as our deliverer and the lion as the judge and so I don't want to see that wildness lost and so I began to watch and they were introducing one male lion and two female lionesses into South Africa but you know what these Lions had been captive for so long that they didn't know how to respond to actually going into the wild so they put in an enclosure on to the fence opened up the fence and said okay here's your wide open expanse go into it but you know what they wouldn't go in they began to just trace back and forth over the boundary that had been there for so long so long and they thought we're going to have to do something to entice them into freedom and so they killed a buck put it on the other side into the wide open expanse hoping that they would cross over but it took days before their hunger exceeded their desire to be safe and it wasn't the lion that went out first it was actually the lioness one of the lionesses just she just couldn't take it anymore she left over she went out on the other side look back at the other lioness come like come on let's go out here and do this she comes out - and then I watched these two lionesses do something so amazing they didn't just start eating that book that was out there they dragged that buck back into the enclosure - the lion and I was stunned that in the animal kingdom they are often more noble than we are strength is for service not for status Romans tells us that those that falter need to be lifted up by those that are weak falter are those that would hesitate on the boundary of what is and what could be but they bring it back because you know if they decide to do they decide to honor the lion that would be instead of the one that was in front of them and we need to be people that begin to live in such a way that we bring out and inspire and speak to the nobility of each other and they tracked him for a while there was a collar on the male lion so they could track his movements but the day came where he was fully grown and now this collar was actually causing a problem for him because even though it tracked his movements he had already established his terrain and now the other male lions that were in there were challenging him for the terrain because the male lions will challenge each other based on the sizes of their Mane they will look at each other and go your Mane is too big for me to get my mouth around I'm not going to challenge you for your territory and they will back away well because he had a collar his looked smaller and he kept having too many challengers and so the Rangers were all like we're going to have to go in and we're going to have to take off the collar and so there's a bunch of men with a lot of testosterone with guns the dart guns and lions in the bush you know they're on a Range Rover vehicle and they're bouncing around and all of a sudden they see the lion and they you know they get him in the sight and they get him with a tranquilizer gun they've got him in the scope and they shoot him and he just kind of looks at him like are you joking is that the best you have and he just keeps walking with like this sedative dart hanging off of his thigh and they're like okay we're gonna have to shoot him again this is like a superstar lion and so they shoot him again and when that second dart hits him he goes down he's awake but he's incapacitated and they go moving because they know they don't have very long because he's not unconscious he can see and they don't want him to get up so they come come a little closer but before they can get to the lion all of a sudden out of the bush pops the lioness the one that was the first one to go out and bring back the buck and she begins to pace back and forth in front of the lion like to get to him you are going to have to deal with me pacing back and forth back and forth oh I thought she is so amazing then I heard the commentators say to get to him we're going to have to tranquilize her and when I heard that I thought isn't that what happened in the garden so they take very careful aim because they only have one sedative dart left and she goes down with the first one and they go in there and they come to the male lion and they get behind him they you know again testosterone like super high they're on adrenaline they're cutting off the call or they're pulling it off and then they go over to the lioness and they begin to look at her just to kind of assess her here and they realize that there's life in her that she is with a child and so they're they're feeling her they're looking at her teeth are looking at her health and they can hear the whole time in the background while they're messing with the lioness the lion is growling and he is trying so hard to get up on his feet but he can't and they you know they check her out and then they get on the vehicle and they're like talking and whispers and they started to put the Range Rover and you know in full speed and they start moving out and I heard the commentators say this okay yay we got away because there is nothing more dangerous than being in the presence of lions when they are fully awake and when I heard the pairing of dangerous and fully awake I couldn't help think about us that were tranquilized that we're aware of what's going on but we're incapacitated and so I want to talk to you about what that might look like you know our world has become very dangerous just one stat it's a very conservative stat right now they are saying that 50 million women and girls are missing off the globe a minimum I actually picked 50 million because that's the lowest one I've heard I have heard it is as high as a hundred and seven million women are missing off the globe right now what do you mean missing Oh aborted in China because you know the limits in birth or sex trafficked or killed or you know on or killing or just neglected or abandoned how do they know that because birth rates have been studied a Nobel Peace Prize Nobel scientists realize that in countries where there's war there are more men than women and that's not normal and so they projected and they came up with this estimate so I love being able to kind of stir the pot a little bit and I decided to put this number on Twitter and on my Twitter my Twitter feeds to Facebook and Facebook has conservative my conservative would probably twenty-eight thousand people on my facebook got that you know that little blurb fifty million women are missing from the planet because of gender side and misogyny and you know people responded I think on my on my profile page maybe 20 people said wow that's really that's really tragic and then on my fan page I think maybe 40 people said is this true can this be true this is awful but in a short while later I put a question up I asked is it okay for a female minister to preach sleeveless do you know how many responses I got on that one I got 450 responses I want to know why I get more of a reaction about this than I do about 15 million women missing off the globe I think we're confused about who we are I think we're confused about why we are there was a lot of opinions a lot of people were for sleeveless against sleeveless but really what bothered me more was the sleeveless Pro sleeveless and con sleeveless people started attacking each other on my Facebook I was actually at a you know audio recording it focus on the family to record my book lioness arising and came home and there was like a war on Facebook over sleeveless come on this is wrong we need to wake up and realize that the world needs us to major on what is major to God he doesn't say that it is to preach sleeps it is to preach the gospel to the poor and there are going to be a lot of people out there that aren't going to look the way we think they should look and you know what maybe we just need to see differently and so we need to be people they begin to rise up and really get dangerous to the kingdom of heaven because right now we're mostly dangerous to each other so let's talk about this what this might look like it's kind of embarrassing but you know we don't we don't have a an ally that is trying to remove a caller we have an enemy that is trying to contain us and he is trying to limit our strength limit our reach make us look ridiculous and we are cooperating with him far too often he knows he cannot capture and contain us if either both the male and the female are awake or one or the other are awake and so it's time we begin to wake up you know finances sex drugs alcohol those things can all tranquilize you as surely as depression and oppression can sedate you but religion will blind you and I don't want you blinded because when you're blinded you can be awake and still not see and we have preached an escapism gospel that tranquilizes and rarely motivates anybody to convert the lost and we need to get out of that mindset and stop to begin to really exercise because right now the kind of life were living has left us drowsy lethargic and for many of us spiritually fat so we need to go ahead and begin to exercise some restraint when it comes to the things that are really minors in the kingdom of God you know Sandi Redmond here has been a dear friend for many years and I had talked to her about some of my concepts I'm a verbal processor I feel sorry for any of my friends when I'm writing a book I will dump concepts on them and mass you know unedited forms and we were talking and she said that her and Tim had sat with a amazing brilliant rabbi who is actually travelling asking the Jewish people to pray that the Christians would wake up and remember who they are because they said they can't stand alone again the anti-semitism and some of the attacks that are coming if the Christians forget their roots and who they are so we've got the Jewish people praying for us to wake up so I think it's time we just wake up so I want to tell you a little bit why I would be attracted to a lion and a lioness I have four beautiful sons and you know John would love a daughter I think he'd still try to like to get me pregnant with a daughter but that's just not going to happen I did turn I did turn 50 in June and so we are going to have a spiritual daughters at this point and maybe my daughter-in-law is pregnant again maybe a G daughter maybe I don't know so we'd be really excited about that she'd be the first one in like decades so it would be awesome but when I was pregnant with my fourth son I don't know why but everybody would pick me out of crowds me like thus saith the Lord you are pregnant with a girl and I was like okay you know do I even have to do the sonogram because John and I didn't have insurance back then and sonograms we paid cash for and so I remember just being like alright okay so it's a girl girl girl everybody's prophesy and girl over me I scheduled the sonogram on John's birthday June the second to say happy birthday here's your girl but a few weeks before the happy birthday here's your girl dynamic I went to sleep an exhausted pregnant mother of three children five and under and I woke up in another time in another place I woke up in front of a scene that was so vivid so vibrant so substantial that I knew that I no longer was walking the paths of Earth but that I was in front of a scene in heaven in the scene was magnificent color and in front of me was a platform that was just perfect architecture and laying on its side on this platform with a lioness and she was so perfect that I remembered thinking she must be the prototype of all of the lionesses that now walked the earth it was like there was no space between her cells she just looked that concentrated like her fur was combed gold but she wasn't a statue she was a revelation she didn't move but I knew she was more alive than I was on the front of the platform there was a word numbers and the excreting scription of the number 23 when I had taken the whole scene in I heard a voice behind me say with the birth of this son you will awaken a lioness I began to shake I woke up my heart was pounding it was morning I was freaking out I was like what just happened son wait a minute I'm supposed to have a daughter lioness are you kidding I'm afraid of everybody and everything I am NOT some lioness but I closed my eyes and if you've ever had that happen it's like there's a lingering between that time when you are in the presence of God and you are still in a reentry process on earth and I remember being afraid to move because I didn't want to lose it and I just bask in it and then I reached over grabbed my Bible pulled it into bed with me opened up two numbers 23 and I began to read that it was the Oracle of Balaam which really depressed me I'm like wow this cannot be good Balaam bad man and so I began to think okay you know and I began to read God's promises about that he brought them out of Egypt they have the strength of the wild ox there was no divination against Israel or Jacob and it would now be said and all these different things and about the shout of the King among them but then I came to numbers 23 verse 24 and it says these people rise up like a lioness like a majestic lion they stand they refuse to rest until they have feasted on prey drinking the blood of the slaughter well now I'm like over the edge because I'm almost a vegetarian and I am NOT a blood drinking woman and I'm like what just happened here and why like a lioness at ease over a scripture of such violence and God began to say to me I'm going to give platform to women who are at ease with their strength and it rests with their power not women that are striving but women that get it that men and women do this together I remember thinking this must be some kind of joke some kind of mistake large pregnant woman laying in pajamas all of a sudden felt very different than the vision in heaven and so a couple weeks went by an amazing evangelist from Indonesia came through our town and me and another pregnant friend who had had a sonogram who did know she was carrying a girl we went out to lunch with her we began to talk and I began to think more and more that perhaps the lioness thing was for her that she was the lioness and I needed to give her the vision of whatever and we were all sitting at the table and all of a sudden she just you know kind of says hey you know I'm so excited Lisa you're going to have a little girl and I said but what if I have a boy and she's like how could you be so greedy you have three sons you should give John a daughter and I'm like okay I'm not sure I have control over this I was trying not to get pregnant so I don't know that I have any control and she was like you know so I said so then all of a sudden in an awkward moment I busted out the whole story of the lioness and the numbers 23 and everybody at the tables like what just happened we were talking about sonograms and now the sudden you're like talking about heaven and lionesses and it was very awkward and have you ever talked so long that you just realize you need to shut up because it's just going to get worse and so I just stopped abruptly and that point and she just looked at me and she just said when does your baby due and I said October 10th glad to be able to answer something that made sense and she looks at me kind of sideways and she said you could never be a lioness by October 10th I said I know I I agree with you thank you I'm probably gonna have a girl you know this is awesome thank you very much but then she added this comment there's just way too many things you still need to get sorted out in your life there's just you still have way too many issues now the sudden I was mad wait a minute it's March or April what do you mean I can't be sorted out by October what kind of problems do I have that can't be fixed in five months went home driving in my Honda Civic with my frizzed out spiral perm hair because that's what we did back in the early 90s if you were Christians you waited a couple years you were always a couple years behind in the fashion but anyway I remember rolling down my window and deciding to let the wind kick my hair out I'm just kind of looking in the sideview mirror you know you've done it anyway I just kind of did it and I was like maybe I will be a lioness now that was really stupid because lionesses have no Mane's but I still threw it out there gripped my steering wheel a little harder than I needed to sang a little louder gave birth to my son named him Arden Christopher which means fiery determined Anointed One and when Arden passed through my body something in me opened up I wrote out of control and loving it while I was nursing Arden over the next few decades I stopped being quite so afraid to begin to move out beyond myself I think maybe twice somebody like pulled me out of a crowd and called me a lioness I was like there you go there you go thank you thank you lioness it's done but about three years ago God began to deal with me I was in New Zealand doing a conference with Bobby Houston and Darlene Zschech and Deborah Cobre and Marie de young and I was in my room and I was Gary to speak that night and I didn't even have to prepare we just already done the conference we just need to do the same conference again and I'm in my room just feeling like God was enlarging something in me that God was saying there needs to be something more Lisa and I just began to pray in the spirit and all of a sudden I hear the Spirit of God say I said with the birth of your son you would awaken a lioness I did not say you were the lioness and he said Jesus is the Lion of the tribe of Judah and it is time his bride awakened a lioness and he said began to study the lioness and so I have been studying the lioness for the last couple of years and I'm not an expert but there are some things about them that you need to know first and foremost lionesses are considered the height of hunting prowess in the animal kingdom there is no greater hunter than the lioness and why is that they hunt together each of them has a role and a function and a skill that they honed so carefully that there is nobody else in the pride that can do it better than them but that doesn't mean they compete it means that they use their strengths on behalf of each other the lion is a more efficient killer but the lioness if you watch them hunt it's almost like a dance they have it so coordinated and God wants us to begin to work together each of us in our skillful place you know when I was watching the lioness and hunting you had to have to understand this I'm with those people that would close my eyes during you know animal kingdom you know I would be like cheering for the zebra Roxy bruh don't get up you know I mean I would just be like cry about it and John would be like that's so cool I'm like that's not cool that's horrible they're killers it's terrible but but then I began to find out that God actually refers to the lioness and the lion quite a bit throughout the scripture so there was something about them that I needed to be able to understand that it brought this skill and this stealth we know that Jesus came as a lamb but we also know in the Book of Revelations he's revealed the lion you know there's a search throughout all of heaven in the Book of Revelations for somebody willing or able or worthy to open the scroll and it says they searched all of heaven all of the earth and all of the under earth I didn't even know there was an under earth but there's an under earth and none were found worthy and so John the Revelator weeps and weeps because he knows certain things need to be set in motion that will not be set in motion without that scroll being opened then all of a sudden an elder touches John and says don't weep look the Lion of the tribe of Judah has prevailed he will rip open the scroll he will unseal and I have to begin to wonder if we are preaching Jesus way to safe way to tame way to small way to just a man when he calls himself the Alpha and the Omega the beginning the end the was that is the coming the one who was dead and now is alive not just alive but alive forever more the one that holds the keys to everything and we have preached him just as our God just the Christian nice safe Jesus he's still walking the shores with us but you know what according to my book of revelations he's got a breastplate of gold he's holding seven stars in his hand he's got a sword coming out of his mouth and when John who used to cuddle with him at the Last Supper sees him he falls like one dead and so we need to be people that begin to magnify God's name because if we will magnify his name then he will be lifted up not to say do you know Jesus we need to begin to actually get a revelation of who he is for ourselves and begin to tremble at his word and begin to really begin to manifest that in our lives so the lioness and the lion kind of grab some of that for me again going back to Balaam's prophecy um the enemy saw the children of Israel as a lion and a lioness rising up but they saw themselves as just wandering untrained Shepherds you have to understand how you see yourself and how the enemy sees you is very different and you need to get a revelation of how God sees you because how God saw Israel was a dual reveal of the men and the women rising up together and strength rousing themselves and not quitting until it was over so I want to talk to you about a couple of things that what does it mean to be awake I think you know what it means to be dangerous but what does it mean to be awake will awake is a verb and it means to cease from sleep to excite from a state resembling sleep as from death stupidity or inaction to put into action or new life to awake means we need to stop being stupid and we need to begin to snap into action romans 13 verses 11 through 14 says but make sure that you don't get so absorbed and exhausted and taking care of all your day-by-day obligations that you lose track of the time and doze off oblivious to God the day today will absorb you and you are the one who must begin to track the time the timing is urgent you have to keep track of it if you don't your doze off and you'll be oblivious to what God is doing he goes on to say the night is almost over dawn is about to break be up and awake to what God is doing you know what you don't have to figure out what you're called to do you need to figure out what God is doing and God right now is releasing captives God right now is declaring his name God right now is waking up his church and we need to be awake to what God is doing we need to stop looking at one another and comparing ourselves with one another and say God what are you doing right now and if you want a good dose of what God is doing you just look at the Book of Revelations because it is not just an endtime book it is a wake-up call to what God is doing God is putting the finishing touches on salvation work he began when we first believed we can't afford to afford to waste a minute must not squander these precious daylight hours in frivolity indulgence and sleeping around in dissipation in bickering and grabbing everything in sight get out of bed and get dressed don't loiter and linger waiting until the very last minute dress yourselves in Christ and be up and about you know what we're called to do something the opposite of what is comfortable we're called to be up in a motion while it's still night we are on the earth right now and what Celtic lore would call the time between times and we are in that season of mist where the way things are are getting ready to give away to the way things will be and we need to be sure that we understand that we have sight for something more now but you have to be awake to have that you know lions and lionesses they live in the light but they hunt in the dark and how they hunt in the dark is they actually have night vision and I don't know how but it has to do it their way their irises are made that they have the ability to interpret starlight or moonlight or candlelight or campfire light division they interpret translate it and actually see from what is inside their eyes they are lit from within and that's why cat eyes glow in the dark because they have refracted the light well if a lion or a cat or cheetah can be lit from within how much more should the Church of Jesus Christ have night vision because it's going to get darker around us but if we have eyes to see if we have ears to hear then we're going to hear and we're going to see and we won't see according to the environment around us we will be able to take any light in our environment interpret to vision and there are a lot of people lost in darkness waiting for you to see them but you have to let God give you eyes to see you know John I took a motorcycle class together I was the only female in that class and they taught us some things they taught us the most dangerous place for a motorcycle is an intersection and it's not because the motorcycle might do something dangerous it's just that people often don't see the motorcycle and so at the intersection they taught us to do something called C which stands for search evaluate and execute and every time we came up to an intersection we need to look around at everybody else at the intersection and say that person's on their cell phone they have not noticed me I'm going to have to be aware of them that person over there they have their turning signal on you know so they're going to be going this way I'm going to and we have to send very clear message I can't signal going left and then go straight because I'm going to be the most at risk and we need to be people that understand that we're at some intersections right now and we need to be more aware of everybody else at that intersection then we are ourselves if we are going to move through this intersection and so we need to be able to search which is a hunt and we need to search together because everybody has a piece and everybody has a part and we need to get the answers of each other so that we get a full picture we need to evaluate the things that come in and then we need to execute we need to begin to move forward with that I love that the Lions and the lionesses live very openly we need to be people that live in the open we live in the open we don't need to live in shadow we need to live openly and we need to live in the light if you are living in the dark it usually means that you have deeds that you're only comfortable doing in the dark we are children of light even in the times of darkness and we need to bring all of the deeds that God has to this place of light and Wonder and illumination because I don't know about you but I am NOT content with the way things are I don't like being embarrassed to say I'm a Christian I don't like the world saying where is your God and and me saying you know he's waiting for us to kind of sort it all out so he can like pour out his blessing and his anointing on us and we're trying to figure this out right I don't I don't like that I want people to see that were distinguished by light and right now the church is more aware of what it is against than what it is for and we need to be known what we are for that we are for people that we are for light that we are for compassion that we are for the poor and the downtrodden that we are for the widow that we want to be people that bring solution and that we are going to begin to lift those things up but we are not for compromise and we are going to begin to judge ourselves and stop judging everybody else because you need to remember that the harsh judgement that you do on everybody else is actually the exact measurement it's going to come back on you on and I don't know about you but I need a whole lot of mercy and so I'm going to so mercy so we need to be people that stop being harsh in this little and I'm gonna have to wrap up in my in my little journey with the lioness John I had an opportunity to actually go on a safari we were preaching in South Africa and these people were so gracious and they took us on Safari and we saw lions every single day and I can get a little crazy when I get in a book mode and I kind of felt like the lionesses were going to know me I kind of felt like you know they would know me I knew them you know I thought I could pet them and I remember this group coming right by our car and John seeing my hand just kind of like and he said absolutely not absolutely not so I've had to imagine the conversation that I would have had with the lion group if John wouldn't have stopped me from petting them and this is what I would have said I would have said to the lioness you know I would have petted her and she would have turned round said Lisa guardian of the earth and I would say a lioness how are you doing and my husband would have been amazed but he missed it by stopping me and then I would look at her and I would say you are stunning and she would say I know and then she would present her bottome and say do you want to see what I can do and I'd say show me and she'd put her pop release her claws safe see this yeah I do she'll say with these claws I can take down an Impala and feed my entire pride then she'd retract the claws and present her paw and say with this same paw I can raise up and nurture the mighty I go WOW and she said well you want to see else I can do it say come on she'd bare her teeth I'd back up a little bit and she'd say with these tea I hunt I kill and I defend but with these same teeth I move the young from one place to another without ever harming them and then she would stretch out to begin her average of a 20-hour day nap and she would say to me I am fearfully and wonderfully made and I would agree that the lioness is in fact the some a fear and wonder when I saw the lion on the plane there is nothing but fear some wonder about him but guess what so are you you are fearfully and wonderfully made and God has hand-picked you for a moment in time when the world is filled with fear wondering what is happening and I think you've forgotten who you are you are fearfully and wonderfully made you said well that's just an anti-abortion scripture nope no that is your Genesis that is how you were begun and it is not just how you begun it is how God created you to express david goes on a few lines later to say because i am fearfully wonderfully made I am a warrior and we need to be people that begin to wield that fearsome wonder of God and begin to really bring God's wonder to a world instead of just being weird I want to close with this lions and lionesses both have the ability to roar I bet you knew that but let me tell you something you might not have known for them to roar it requires a change in their posture they have to rise up they have to drop their heads they have to expand their chest until they can't hold anymore and then they let go a sound that has the ability to travel five miles on the still night air and shake everything in its path and when I learned that I heard the Holy Spirit say if my church wants to be able to rise up and begin to release a sound that will begin to shake everything in its path it is going to have to change its posture we are going to have to drop the heads that are held so high and we're going to have to begin to pray we're going to have to begin to join together because this is the way it goes the alpha lion roars and when he roars the other lions and lionesses answer back and what does the roar do will the roar declares I am up and I am awake and I am present and sometimes it declares and I am angry and other times it means I am hungry and they answer back and turn and we are here and we are present and we are related to you see rogue lions do not roar because they always are sneaking around so it is the Related Lions that roar the roar declares allegiances alliances territories boundaries it calls in the lost and the wandering the lionesses roar to bring in the lost Cubs to say come on in it's getting dark I don't want the hyenas to annoy you come close we need to be people that begin to roar which is really an unintelligible cry a shout rising from the earth that we actually can't necessarily give words to but it's not just like a really super super loud shout or roar is a raw declaration of power I also discovered that that lionesses will roar in groups of three or more and I thought that was pretty amazing because the book of ecclesiastes is by one you're not going to make it get a friend you have a chance but a three-fold cord is not easily broken and so we need to begin to have a threefold prayer and Matthew and again it would be so helpful feiyu scriptures instead of paraphrasing them because I know I'm sorry it's awful but Matthew talks about this and I love this it says in the word it says hang on in the message Matthew 22:37 says Jesus said love the Lord your God with all of your passion and prayer and intelligence we need people who will pray passionate intelligent prayers all of our passion all of our prayers all of our intelligence you know God needs our intelligence and I love speaking to women and I consider it quite a challenge and an honor to get to speak to the men I don't think there is a creature that makes a man prouder to be a male than the lion and at the same time I don't think there's a creature that should make any woman product to be a woman than a lioness and I believe that we need to understand that in the last days God is going to have a say according to acts 2:17 s it says in the last days God says sons and daughters old and young men servants maid servants do reveal listening for the sound of all of that coming together what that might look like Alexander the Great was the most brilliant military strategist that there ever was and he said I am not afraid of an army of lions lead lamb I am afraid of an army of lambs led by a lion and that is a picture of us we follow like lambs but we wore like a lion and you know what Jesus is the one we're following Winston Churchill said I was not the lion but it fell to me to give the Lions roar likewise were not the lion but has fallen to us to give the Lions roar what does God roar out against injustice what does he wore out against he roars out against religion that puts people in bondage and oppression what does God war out against really when people merchandise what he has entrusted them with we need to be people that begin to roar out against what God wars out against he wanted people to have relationship with God and never to be separated from them and so I'm going to ask you to stand to your feet right now and we're going to make a declaration be like is she going to make us roar cuz I don't know if I could roar no I'm not I'm not gonna I'm not going to make you work okay I'm not gonna I'm not going to do that look at me when the lioness that I didn't talk to but I pretended to talk to said that she was fearfully and wonderfully made it was because she had a revelation that it was not about what she looked like but what she was capable of and I don't know if you know what you are capable of but the enemy certainly does and he has worked overtime to distract you and absorb you into the day by day so that your life is not an adventure that it is not a wide open expanse that it is not frightening on any level that you are not dangerous to anything but God has a very different plan for you and so I want you to lift up your hands and I want you to declare with me say I am fearfully and wonderfully made I am for signs and wonders I am not for death and destruction I am NOT for rules and regulations I was saved for freedom God bring your fierce revelation to me and through me I want to see you as the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end the Lion of the tribe of Judah the one who has prevailed I've got a revelation so fierce so untamed then it cannot be contained but I will spill out into every area of my life god I am NOT content to be awake but tranquilized sedated or incapacitated by your spirit reveal to me Who I am God give me eyes to see ears to hear mouth to speak anoint me to be lit from within father right now I release a prophetic anointing over these people father I ask that you would cause them to see that father would be a generation that truly sees what is important to you and how things are to go father I thank you that you would bring us as lights in gross darkness father I ask that you would begin to separate the light from the darkness that would be in our own lives that we would be able to stand before you that you would separate the precious from the vile that our words would not fall to the ground but father in this intersection that we would navigate it well that we would be able to cross over into that season of something more than what we've seen in Jesus name Amen and amen awesome I want to I want to charge you to be and you can say standing I want to charge you to be strategic intelligent passionate and purposeful with your prayer I want you to pray dangerous prayers Psalm 10 is a mafia prayer break their right arms God break their left arms search and destroy every sign of evil but you know what you can't pray those kind of prayers when you're timid or you have areas of your own life I need you to pray the kind of prayers that as you're speaking them they scare you I want you to begin to magnify God as a God of justice I want you to begin to declare his name as high I want you to move beyond what you have known and the sterile and the barren and the clean and I want you to get dirty I want you to go out there I want you to begin to hunt together because there are so many people that are willing to step in and step across into some wild places if you see people with collars I need you to take them off them if you see people that are faltering I need you to bring them along in strength but I need you to be focused on what is important our world is watching and waiting for the answer of you
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 90,239
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Length: 57min 10sec (3430 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2014
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