Lisa Bevere | 9.19.20

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] breathe [Music] [Applause] [Music] people come together strangers neighbors our blood is one children of generations of nations [Music] [Music] god [Music] in your presence i found my peace where your voice is leading me your love is all that i need [Music] oh your grace can't capture my soul in faith now [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise your [Music] singing over me my god [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my heart [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you've always been [Music] rivers flowing oh is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome destiny family it's so good to see you we're excited [Music] freedom that we have come on together [Music] tonight [Music] he has done what our greatness has done see how his love overcomes he has done great things [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh he's been so faithful [Music] and i know you will do it again for your promises and break every day oh [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] and break everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] thank you jesus come on in the presence of my enemies louder than the unbelief [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i will watch the darkness [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] come on how many believe he's alive tonight the bible says make a loud noise let's do it [Music] [Applause] little together sing a little louder sing a little louder [Music] [Music] [Music] in the presence of my enemies of the storm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah you were the evolution [Music] is [Music] he's won the victory [Music] you death could not hold you down you are [Music] you are the reason you [Music] is oh [Music] you [Music] oh you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] come on can we praise the risen king tonight oh he's alive he's on the throne one with god [Music] what a beautiful what a day man it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus you didn't want heaven without using jesus [Music] us a wonderful name a wonderful name what a wonderful name a wonderful name it is [Music] we're blessings [Music] death could not hold before [Music] lord [Music] [Music] you have no is [Music] is [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] what a powerful day [Music] is is [Applause] [Music] and heavy burdened and i will give you rest we thank you for that promise god that in the midst of our situation our trouble's gone then we find rest in you and we can experience a peace like nothing else [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are here [Music] you are here working in this [Applause] [Music] you are here touching every heart [Music] you are here [Music] you are here [Music] every [Music] we're that is [Music] is is [Music] it's a beautiful church [Music] darkness [Music] you never stop working for me [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is is [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] father we worship you we honor you we thank you for your for your character for who you are wow we lift you up lord we just trust you we trust our future in you knowing that you'll never leave us or forsake us god you tell us in isaiah just forget the past don't dwell on the former things behold i am doing a new thing i will make streams in the desert i will make a way in the wilderness and i know it's hard and we don't always understand it or see it father but that's when you do your best work when we don't understand it when we don't get it when we don't feel it you're moving and you're working and so we just hold on to your promises and your truth tonight and we love you lord and it's in your mighty name we pray and everybody in the room said hey man can we give him praise one more time come on he's worthy amen amen we're so glad to see if you're if it's your first time we want to welcome you tonight once you do me a favor you can be seated and put your eyes on the screen welcome to destiny [Music] ladies mark your calendar for february 4-6 2021 for annual women of destiny retreat this year we are headed to a beautiful resort located on the gulf of mexico at the lodge in gulf shores alabama this retreat is a time where we as women can get away for a short weekend to quiet our minds and hearts and hear what the lord would speak to us it is a time of intentional fellowship with other women if you have not yet joined us we would love to have you as our guest you'll never regret the opportunity to grow in your relationship with god and others sign up today online well good evening how's everybody doing today are you doing well it's good to see you welcome we're so glad you're here today and you guys know the drill it's time to fill out your connect cards and for us to receive our ties and our offerings but before we do that as you pull out your phones and you start filling that out you can fill it up on our app you can fill it out physically if you want to hand write it it's in the seat pocket in front of you but as you fill that out i want to let you know about the retreat that you just saw the video for ladies you don't want to miss that you can sign up online as well as in the lobby after the service we can help answer any questions that you might have about the retreat it's going to be amazing so thank you so much for filling out your connect cards and for continuing to be faithful in your giving let's pray over our tithes and our offerings real quick lord we just thank you for who you are we thank you that you are a good god that you are a good father that you provide for us god and today we just give back to you thanking you for all that you've done in our lives god we give back to you and ask that you take it to further advance your kingdom to do something amazing in our community and it's in your name we pray and everybody said amen amen well if you put your eyes on the screen we're about to jump into a really special message [Music] [Music] well hey destiny this is a regional weekend so would you put your hands together and let's welcome our campuses as well as our online audience you might be wondering where that handsome guy is that's normally here on this platform i gave him the weekend off y'all i'm just teasing he is though it's his birthday month so he is doing a guy's trip this weekend you know he needs his time off to be refreshed as well aren't you glad that he can get away and be refreshed so i'm excited we've got a special weekend for you being a regional weekend um women of destiny was going to take place on friday night and we had one of our favorite speakers coming lisa bevere and so we transferred it to the weekend and so you guys are going to be blessed and the campuses are going to be blessed by hearing lisa this weekend so let me tell you about lisa and her husband john they are family to us they come often they have another home here in the area because they love us so much not the beach it's us right so but um and they are the co-founders of messenger international together the both of them have done that they have raised two boys that are handsome and on their own thriving godly men who have their own ministry so that's a lot to say in this day and age to raise men yes amen i know for me that speaks a lot to me i love that kind of stuff so i'm sure you'll get to see a photo of her beautiful family in just a moment but right now what i want to share with you i saw something today as i was thinking about this moment and i wanted to share it with you our destiny family and lisa i wanted to share it with you because i saw something fresh and anew when we moved from the skating rink here in the destin campus into this beautiful spacious state of the art auditorium women at destiny i i had a vision uh to not just meet the needs of the ladies in our congregation but to the community and so we brought in lisa she was our first guest speaker at women of destiny here at this campus and so that was a shift for us and so and then today is another shift for us as a family especially women of destiny because this year has been a year like none other can i get an amen on that we've had to make some shifts and so in order to provide for you what we said we would do safe spacious sanitized so that you could come and feel comfortable we moved the women destiny weekend to the whole weekend so that the regional family can hear her gift she's passionate to help not just women but men obviously she's raised three boys four boys that are thriving so she has a word for the body of christ she's passionate and i'm glad that i get to share my friend with you guys so would you put your hands together and make welcome my friend lisa bevere thank you so much well obviously i'm not practicing social distancing i love being here with my destiny family this weekend it is incredible incredible gift and i just want to just highlight that song we were singing we were talking about you're a waymaker it's not that he was a waymaker it is that he is a waymaker it wasn't that pre-covid he was a waymaker and now that we're all wearing masks and social distancing and everything is shut down that he's no longer a waymaker but god is a way maker and he is still a miracle worker and he is still a promise keeper and i just got so excited when we were singing that song because it was like something was shifting in the atmosphere and sometimes you just got to sing your way out to the other side i want to i just want to declare a scripture over you this is one of the scriptures that i used to just like tuck into my kids and say hey i got it all figured out jackie mentioned i have four sons i have four sons i have three daughter-in-laws and i have four grandkids i have two grandsons and two granddaughters that's awesome but jeremiah 29 i believe it's verse 11 it says for i know the plans i have for you that's god talking i don't know what plans he has but god is saying i know the plans i have for you declares the lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you a hope and a future i don't know what the plan is but i know that god is not a man that he should lie nor the son of man that he should repent has he spoken he will actually fulfill it when my boys were little i'd be like get in the car they'd be like wait a minute what are we doing are we going to run errands we don't want to run errands with you mom how long are we going to be gone i'd say i know the plan i know the plan that i have for you it's planned to do good and not harm it was usually about buying groceries i said how do you know you're not going to get a treat are we going to get a shot no you are not getting a shot i need you just to get in the car and enjoy the ride god has a plan he is not in heaven saying oh my gosh china launched a pandemic he is not stressed out he is saying oh no it's an election year nope he's not worried about that at all it says that he who sits in the heaven laughs he has a plan and his plan is for good and it is for his purpose in this earth so i am super excited to start to see that plan happen i want you to watch for the plot twist because god will take what the enemy meant for evil and he will flip it around for your good so i love that future and a hope love it okay so pastor steve was pushing me to try to push the greek culture but i am not greek i am sicilian i told him i had a book called godmothers he said does it have anything about greek people i said it does not have anything about greek people it is all about sicilian people because that is what i am but it's not about the mafia nor is it about fairy godmothers it is about that we all have gaps in our life do you know what i mean by gaps areas in our life where the way they should be and the way they actually are is a big difference we all have gaps in our marriage between the way our marriage should be i don't have that i don't have that anymore i got my dream husband sitting on the front row i have so enjoyed being in solitary confinement with this man i looked at him i said i really like you i'm so glad how many times have i told you you're my dream husband okay a lot of times so he has become my dream husband it only took 38 years hallelujah but i love that we have these gaps in our lives that we actually can meet with one another now see we're not made to do life in isolation how many of you know that people are getting really mean right now everybody thinks they're either an outlaw or a sheriff on social media because when you're in isolation you actually just go crazy so we love that destiny is a church that gathers gathers in safety but gathers so that people can grow and people can be honest about where they're at right now in their life and so i am a godmother to you for the next 25 minutes i am gonna try to close some of the gaps in your life and to close the very first gap i'm gonna have to tell you a story now john bevere turned 60 last year i turned 60 this year here's the challenge john's birthday is on june the second and my birthday is on june the 6th which means that my birthday gets sucked into the polar vortex of john bevere's birthday we have john bevere eve then we have job of your day then we have the day after john bevere's birthday it becomes john bevere's birthday week by the time june 6 comes along i'm just like y'all let's just we're just calling it quits like we don't have to do anything big but last year was a big birthday for john he turned 60. that's a big one pastor steve and jackie came out to celebrate him and one of john's friends who does not golf said you know what my wife booked me a facial he was like i don't want a facial he said lisa would you like to have a facial i said as a woman who has been sleeping in her makeup for the last two weeks i would love to have a facial and so i find myself in the spa i'm in those waiting rooms and i watch as this beautiful young girl comes walking in she walks in she goes to this window to look at the mountain view and there was two other women sitting there kind of whispering among themselves kind of looking at her like you're not part of our group get away from the window so she backs away from the window turns around and looks at me and when she looks at me she begins to start crying and i thought man i really need that facial i'm trying to put like how do i know her why is she looking at me why is she crying she had a magazine in her arms but she opened up the fold of her arms and she had my book without rival in her arms i stood up hugged her invited her to sit down with me and she begins to tell me how she'd won it in a contest how she was in a season where she felt frozen you know there is usually with two things they talk about fight or flight but there's a third problem it's called a generation and a people who are frozen and she began to tell me how she was in a new city her husband they were newly married new job new community new church and i said this sounds like an adventure why are you stressed out about it and she said i'm just afraid i'm going to miss god and i talked to her i said you know the enemy loves to take those who are so pure-hearted and cause them to doubt themselves to cause them to think no if i make a mistake then god is going to get mad at me i said you know what god is not trying to trick you i don't believe that you can you need to be afraid right now and so i prayed with her and i went back to my hotel room with my face clean and beautiful and 10 years younger and i was pondering in front of my computer screen everything that she had said to me i thought for 30 years i've heard people say i don't want to miss god and on the surface that sounds noble who wants to mess up nobody wants to mess up but then i heard the holy spirit say you tell my sons and daughters i am a very big target where can you look and not see his wonder what can you touch and not realize that he is the creator if you lift your eyes to the heavens it declares the legacy of a covenant and if you look out to the oceans you hear its roar and you perceive his power and strength david began to ponder about this dynamic about a god who was all around him and in psalm 139 verse 5 and 6 i'm going to read it first from the english standard version he said you hem me in behind and before and lay your hand upon me such knowledge is too wonderful for me it is high i cannot attain it see our god is not just surrounding us he is in connection with us he says you lay your hand upon me god is a personal god i don't care how much culture tries to isolate you god is behind he is before you and his hand is upon your life the message paraphrase reads it says i look behind me and you're there then up ahead and you're there too you're reassuring presence coming and going there is too much this is too much too wonderful i can't take it all in we are supposed to actually understand that we serve a god of wonder he is not a god who wants us wondering if we love him he is not a god wanting us to wonder like hey maybe they'll just gonna mess up let's watch and see what they do wrong no why would the one who sent his one and only son to die for you be looking for a reason to reject you our god is a god of rescue our god is behind us he is before us he has already been there he knows what the answer is and he has a plan and it is a plan that is a good plan it is a plan that has a hope in it it is a plan that has a future in it that is the god that we have but the only way you miss god is if you don't move see when we're frozen we can't have that mercy and grace following us now it's with us but god wants us to be a people that begin to step out and begin to move in faith believing that god will speak to us if we are moving in the wrong direction i can give you a couple hints if god says look over there go encourage that person it wasn't satan you can actually just go and do it you don't have to be like i don't know if that's god go ahead and do it it's not going to do any damage if you hear go give some money to that person it's not satan satan is not about blessing people he doesn't do those kind of things but what has happened is so many people have gotten frozen there's a saying it's saying it is way easier to steer a moving vehicle than a parked car you have to just begin to move a certain direction and we have the promise in isaiah that you will hear a voice behind you saying this is the way walk you in it you know when john and i first got married i remember being desperate for god to give me an answer on something but you know what i was doing i was basically giving him a quiz i said god do i quit my job or do i stay into my stay in my job you know we have access to the creator of the universe and yet most times when we're in prayer we're giving god a multiple choice quiz god do you want a or b that's all i'm going to give you right now that's it and he's like actually i got a whole plan it's not just a or b there's like a big plan and it's not just about your life it's about the life that will come through you and the lives that you will come in contact with and so we need to stop limiting god to our plan a plan b and just saying god you know the plan and i know that you're good and i know it's not to harm us and i know it's to give us a hope and a future so i'm going to move forward in faith now i am the mother of four boys and that's a that's a hallelujah and i am they're actually men now and i am the grand mother of four as i've mentioned but i want to tell you i have never been a perfect mother i have never been a perfect mother now i i've always wanted to do motherhood well and i have a quote for every single mother here it's a quote by jill churchill she says there is no way to be a perfect mother okay did you get that there's no way but a million ways to be a good one and one way to be a good mother is to be a woke mama now don't go oh my gosh lisa's talking woke she's white and she's awkward she should not say that word no no no i'm going to talk about the original woke mama the original woke mama is found in judges chapter 4. see there was a situation in israel that had 80 years of prosperity 80 years under a judge named ehud 80 years he ruled them and they had no problems and when he died the people started to be stupid they started to think you know what maybe we're doing good because we're our own gods maybe we got this all figured out maybe we could just set up our own places of worship and god watched them and it said now this is kind of a scary scripture but judges chapter 4 verse 2 says and the lord sold them into the hand of jaben king of canaan who reigned in hazard the commander of his army was sasera who lived in i'm not going to even try to say it then the people of israel cried out to the lord for help for he had 900 chariots of iron and he oppressed the people of israel cruelly for 20 years so 80 years of yay peace and prosperity 20 years of oppression and during this 20 years of oppression there was a woman named deborah deborah was a judge and a prophetess and it said that she judged under the palm tree i thought that sounds like a great job sitting under the palm tree judging people i could do that at home i would love to be a judge but no she wasn't doing that kind of judging it said that she was navigating the infighting of her people while they were oppressed on the outside it said in the days of deborah that the people were afraid to go out and work their fields why they were afraid if they went out work their fields they would be attacked it also said in the days of deborah that all the trade routes had been cut off and nothing was coming into the city and nothing was going out of the city there was an economic shutdown in israel people were afraid and the men the men were emasculated because the enemy had oppressed them but deborah i feel like i don't i don't know if this is true for you guys john and i can navigate any storm outside of our marriage as long as there's no infighting inside of our family but deborah's people were fighting within and surrounded by an enemy without and that is what happens when people lose all vision and all hope and all purpose but then one day deborah woke up now this is what the new king james says it says village life ceased it ceased in israel until i deborah arose arose a mother in israel so village life that means there's no vitality that means there's no connection that means there's isolation now i like that version but there's another one i like better it's the net it says warriors were scarce they were scarce in israel until you arose deborah until you arose a motherly protector in israel see i like to think that godmothers are motherly protectors god compares himself to a mama bear robbed of its cubs or a lioness there is a fierce uprising when god's children are oppressed but this one is my favorite and it's from the message it says warriors became fat and sloppy no fight left in them coveted then you deborah rose up you got up a mother in israel so i don't know if there was no warriors or scarce warriors or just a couple fat sloppy warriors but everything changed when deborah said enough is enough and i just believe that i am standing in the presence of some mamas and some fathers that are going to say enough is enough enough is enough enough of everything is enough it's more than enough and when deborah woke up she didn't call out you fat sloppy warriors what's wrong with you no she didn't do that she began to call forth the princes and when god begins to do something new we don't declare what is we don't declare what has been we begin to prophesy what will be she begins to call forth and judges four six she said she sent and summoned barack the son of bina from kadesh naftali and said to him has not the lord the god of israel commanded you i don't know what promise god gave you pre-covet i don't know who you imagined you were before but god is saying you were hand chosen for this moment in time has god not said i don't know what he has said to you but there is something in and on your life that is necessary for this time you are not born to live small and safe and fearful you were born to live large and fearless and then she said come on then she says go gather your men at mount tabor taking ten thousand from the people of naphtali and the people of zebulun and barack push back because that's what happens when people have been oppressed you get so used to captivity that when somebody begins to remind you of the promise of god in your life when somebody begins to declare has god not said you begin to push back and say wait i'm not sure i'm not going to go unless you go with me and i love what deborah did she did what true leaders do she didn't say i can't believe you're questioning me i am deborah of the palm tree i am the judge and the prophet is how dare you question me mr man who has been hiding in a city of refuge no she didn't do that she said okay i'm going to lend my strength see sometimes all it takes is for you to walk alongside somebody sometimes all it takes is for you to stop pulling rank and start to say i'm with you and i will go with you now she did say i'm gonna just warn you right now this is going to go to a crazy woman with a temp peg this is the crazy woman with the tent peg and i don't even want to go into all of that because it scares my husband to think that a woman would even do such a thing but there's a messy messy battle barack calls everybody forth they come the chariot wheels start falling off there is a big mess going on a river overflows the guy commander cesaro goes running for refuge into the tent of a wife of an ally but see when god begins to do something all allegiances and alliances begin to shift god is saying who is on the lord's side not who's republican not who's democrat he is saying who is on the lord's side he is getting his people in position and there's a there's a little bit of a violent scene so we're not going to talk about that we're going to skip from the messy bloody battle and we're going to go to judges chapter 5 verse 20 and 21. it says from the heavens the stars fought from their courses they fought against caesarea the river kishon swept them away the age old river the river kishon and then it says march on my soul be strong when you and i put strength into our being when you and i say okay i remember what god said when you and i begin to move i'm not talking about the messy battle i'm talking about that things begin to shift in the heavenlies and the stars begin to fight from their courses i want to see that happen you know i don't want broken i don't want hateful i don't want divided to be the world my grandchildren inherit so i'm gonna have to do some hard work and it's not going to be by fighting with other people it's going to be about declaring thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven it isn't about me telling everybody else what they need to do it's about me hitting my knees and saying god what is the issue in my own heart if everybody would just deal with their own heart and not go on social media judging everybody else we would begin to think see things shift i believe that i am talking to a gathering of warriors i believe that you are here because god has said something to you and what you see right now around you is not what you see in your spirit so i'm going to challenge you to rise up i'm going to challenge you to begin to speak the word of god i'm going to challenge you to remind one another of what god's promises are you know um i love that when i was pregnant with alexander i could eat unlimited amounts of ice cream i know that was a little bit of a segue there for you but i feel like we needed to bring in some ice cream and i i remember that john i was so poor and i had gotten so big that i sat on him for some reason on the floor and i thought to myself i am so i am so large and in charge no i was just i was just heavy i was just heavy and i remember thinking in that moment that i was strong because my husband was struggling and i was holding him down but here's the truth it takes more strength to lift people than it ever does to hold them down and i have never been able to pick up john and carry him and so as women right now i think we need to understand that we have some untapped strengths that we can speak to the warrior that we can remind him of who he is jeremiah 31 verse 22 don't panic you don't have it jeremiah 31 verse 22 says god's going to do a new thing where a woman is going to eclipse a warrior and when i looked at all the different commentaries they said we don't know what that is we're not sure what that was talking about so i was praying into it and i felt like there was two reasons that they didn't know what that was or what it was talking about number one i think it hasn't happened yet i think we get to be those women i saw a man seated in a chair discouraged and dejected and i saw a woman come behind him put her arms around him lean into his ears and begin to tell him that battles were real and videos for a game begin to tell him that he was a warrior and that he was not to be defeated in this season i saw women begin to use their voice to lift the sons and lift the daughters and lift the other women and lift the men i saw women saying we're going to rise up and we are going to surround some things that need to be eclipsed right now and we're going to lean in and we're going to say pornography is not the end of your story bondage is not the end of your story divorce is not the end of your story god is doing a new thing and the women get to actually take this role they've always had which is to take what is not good and to make it so very good we got to stop fighting one another one of these gaps that needs to be closed is the gap between male and female men and women are not enemies we are intimate allies and it is time that we use our strengths to bless one another and not blame one another the time for blaming the time for shaming is long past it is time for us to move forward so i'm going to close with this scripture it's a simple scripture everybody knows it but i well actually i'm going to skip i'm going to say one more isaiah 58 verse 12 and the message says you'll use the old rubble of past lives to build anew rebuild the foundations from out of your past you'll be known as those who can fix anything restore old ruins rebuild and renovate make the community livable again i believe that's what we're called to do i believe we're called to take the broken places in our lives and offer them and say here build a new with this build anew i want the christians to be known for as those who can fix anything that we can restore and renovate matthew chapter 5 verse 9 says blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of god i'm ready for people to see us watch how we react and say wait a minute did you see that did you hear that did you feel that i feel like i was in the presence of a child of god we have to be those people which means we're going to bless those that curse us which means we're going to do good to those that despitefully used and abused us that means when they slap us on one side we're going to turn the other cheek that means because they tell us to go one mile we're going to actually say we're not we're we're not going to be controlled we're going to be people who are gracious we're going to go two miles matthew 5 9 and the message says you're blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight that's when you discover who you really are and your place in god's family we discover who we really are by helping other people discover what they're called to do it's been an incredible honor and blessing to be with my destiny family this weekend i wanna i wanna pray a godmother pray over you heavenly father we live in a world that is so broken and so divided and so torn but god we rest in your hope that you have a plan and that is a plan for good that is a plan that does not harm a plan that heals and so father as a older woman as a grandmother and as a godmother father i thank you that there are divine connections that there are divine strategies father i speak to hopelessness and father i thank you for fresh vision i thank you for new dreams i thank you for restoration in jesus name and everyone that agrees say amen and amen god bless you god bless you can we celebrate the word that we just heard the encouragement that we had such an inspiration such an encouragement if you would just take a moment just close your eyes right where you are let's not rush this moment i promise it'll just take a minute or two [Music] we just heard about this gap between us and god and i don't want us to leave this place without giving you an opportunity to close that gap for some of you it's a gap between you and god that is it's not an issue of salvation it's something that you've separated yourself you've said i i don't feel welcome i feel ashamed she was just sharing god is not a hard target to hit he didn't go through all of this to be resisted so i just want you to pray this simple prayer say lord jesus by your holy spirit bring me back to you don't let me be ashamed let me know i am accepted in your presence and lord jesus wake me up say it louder wake me up awake me i'm ready to serve you and all you have for me for some of you today there is a gap that is more significant it's something that only god himself can fix and he's reaching out to you i don't need to convince you of what that gap is you already know it it's already [Music] tugging on your heart and that gap is is that you don't have a relationship with jesus christ you may be seeing this at a later time maybe late at night maybe early in the morning maybe you haven't slept wherever you are right now is that time where you can close that gap god is reaching out to you he came down to die for you so that you would never be separated from him so i just want to give you an opportunity to make the most important decision you'll ever make in your life it is the opportunity of a lifetime but make no mistake it's some for some it is one you only get once in a lifetime so take that opportunity today if you feel like you have not given your life to jesus christ maybe you need to pray this prayer for the first time or maybe you need to pray it for real this time i want all of us in faith to do what romans 10 9 says to confess with our mouth that jesus christ is lord and believe in our heart so right now i want you to repeat this prayer say lord jesus i am a sinner in need of a savior i accept your salvation i confess you as lord [Music] my lord i believe that you died for me and rose again on the third day and one day i will live with you forever i receive your forgiveness i am made new now father wake me up say it louder say father wake me up i'm ready to live for you [Music] i'm ready to come to life in jesus name and everyone says amen before you look up just for a moment wherever you are i just encourage you whether you're in this room now or even at home just take a moment i know no one can see you if you're at home but if you prayed that prayer for the first time or maybe you prayed it for real this time i just want you to lift your hand up where you are no one's looking this is between you and god matthew 10 32 says if you'll confess me before men i'll confess you before the father so right now all you're doing is confessing right now just lift your hand up let god see that you meant what you prayed thank you thank you father right now i pray that you would take every decision that's made you'd seal it lord thank you for the word we've heard tonight it's in jesus name we all pray and everyone says amen can we applaud the lord one more time for what he's done this evening thank you so much lisa for that incredible word and thank you for giving us the opportunity to be here i know women of destiny didn't happen but the men of destiny were very glad to be here so it's wonderful thank you so much well if you would stand to your feet want to invite our prayer teams to come forward if you need prayer something about this message stirred in your heart or about something else we want to encourage you to come forward otherwise god bless you you're dismissed we'll see you next weekend you
Channel: Destiny Worship Center
Views: 2,994
Rating: 4.8588233 out of 5
Id: vr9a7qo7TmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 26sec (4586 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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