Liquid Drip & Splash Effect - After Effects Tutorial

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it was going on guys I'm like from Oh box graphics calm and in this video tutorial I'm going to be showing you how to use After Effects to create this really cool just kind of water droplet effect I saw it in somebody show real and it looks really cool and I wanted to challenge myself to see if I can recreate it and it's actually pretty simple so let's go ahead and jump right in so here we are in After Effects I'm just going to create a background layer new solid this green color looks good but I'm going to make it a little bit darker and then I'm going to lock the layer so I actually drew this faucet in Illustrator so I'm just going to drag it in and to make it stand out a little bit I'm just going to search for an effect called drop shadow and drag it right on the faucet and just kind of increase the softness just attach it so it kind of stands out from the background now what I'm going to do is I'm going to drag the anchor point to about the center of it that way the water droplet falls out you know just in the center and hit s on the keyboard I'm just going to scale it down a tad and bring it up okay so our faucet is basically done now it's time to just draw the water droplet so what I'm going to do is I'm going to open this up and go to grid and that'll give me a nice grid so that way I can easily draw a water droplet with pretty good symmetry so coming up here to the pen tool I am going to click and hold and that will give me these Bezier handles and then down at the bottom I'm going to click and hold and then I'm going to go and circle it around and making sure I click and hold so now I can just grab the pointer tool and start kind of messing with the geometry if you double click it it allows you to then grab the points like that and I'm just going to line them up and make them look nice and Center let me make sure okay I did it once before and my after-effects is kind of lagging so I just wanted to make sure that wasn't liking it but while I'm here I should probably save the save the composition so I don't make it crash like I did last time just in case so from here I am just going to shrink these Bezier handles and pretty close and make these maybe more flat something kind of like that and from here I can actually just add two more Bezier handles if you grab the pen tool you then click on the outside and I got some more that I can just hold shift and drag in to kind of give it a more water droplet look alright so that already looks pretty good I'm just going to Center up the the Anchor Point pressing Y on the keyboard and just dragging it up to the top shall I drag it well it doesn't matter the top is fine and I'm just going to drag this to the center of the composition and right there's a bucket I can just go ahead and go ahead and get rid of my grid and I kind of not in love with how flat the bottom is so I'm just going to bring these Bezier handles in a tad and they don't have to be absolutely perfect so from here I'm going to just hit S on the keyboard and scale this droplet down until I think it looks appropriately sized which that looks good and now we're ready to start animating so I'm just going to move it up here and maybe at 15 keyframes I'm going to place a position keyframe actually while I'm here I'm just going to right click and rename this to droplet that's how you still droplet it's probably not I'm just going to rename it to drop so I don't look like an idiot for the next five minute and so I want the kind of the droplet to kind of I should probably move my my time line I'll let the water droplets come about here and kind of slow down before falling to about here and splashing does that look good you can move that up hit J on the keyboard to bounce back to my other keyframes and I'm just going to move this whole thing up just a tad so I made - a mistake again I'm going to move that keyframe over want this to kind of kind of peek out before it drops so if I select these keyframes I can go ahead and open the graph editor selecting all of them I come here and select easy ease and I'll kind of give you an idea of how I want this motion to go but first I'll draw the curves so I'm just kind of ease down and then slowly drop or and you know kind of accelerate down before splatting right about there so let's see what that looks like so I think it's a little bit slow I'm just going to bring these together more so that looks pretty good select them all hold alt and maybe even drag them in a tad bit more and I'm just going to extend this out because I want the water droplet to kind of sit there for a second before completely falling through maybe make this a little bit farther down I think I'm going to mess with these just a tad bit more into the in the graph editor I think for this one it's pretty extreme so let's see if I can't make that a little less extreme there we go so I think that that looks pretty good I'm just going to scale it down just a little bit more get an S on the keyboard and I'm just going to add a light another effect here I'm going to create a shape layer an ellipse and I'm going to drag it just about there Center up the Anchor Point Y on the keyboard and what this is going to act as is basically um kind of like the water droplet kind of sticking to the to the top of the faucet so what I'm going to want to see here is that about this point by the way s on the keyboard for scale we move it up a tad want the scale to be about there and I want it to basically I'm going to end check uncheck this this constraint properties that way I can move it in I could do stretch in the x and y independently otherwise it would be linked and it here I want to make this a little bit longer and make the x-direction zero so let's see what that looks like I'm going to want to do something like that [Music] there's something kind of goofy going on with these keyframes I can't move that over okay so that looks pretty good I'm just going to move the faucet on top of these layers just so we can kind of see what that looks like so it does seem to get a little bit of ahead of itself should probably be ending about there and I could have done this via the this layer via paths but I think that that's a little bit easier to understand so I don't think there's any any other animation meaning we done there now all we need to do is make the splat for when this hits the ground so just before one keyframe before so we're going to start the motion so I am going to make a rectangle and draw a box just up just below the shape so I'm going to make this a black color press T on the keyboard bring up the transparency and I'm going to use this as a guide so this is going to be my floor basically so just selecting all these pressing U on the keyboard I don't need to see all of these objects and while I'm here I should probably rename this to drop added just because it's the second drop so it impacts about just about here so what I'm going to do is on this drop I'm going to open it up go to content shape path into the path keyframe and so basically what this path keyframe will allow me to do is change the time and it will let me move this shape to the bottom and lock it so I don't keep grabbing it so basically I can change the shape through time but there's not quite enough information here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to pull the pen tool out again J on the keyboard to my last keyframe of path and I'm just going to add a ton of extra points here the more points the more quote resolution I'll have to do my hand animation and if you did this ahead of time the only problem is that getting a perfect a perfect water droplet with all of these points would have been very difficult and you may not need this many points in fact I may not need this many points but it's a good place to to start okay so I just moved this down just a little bit just so I have a little bit more room and I think that this is would be a good place to start so I'm just going to open up this path here and you can see there are tons and tons of little dots so to make my life easier and to make the tutorial either I'm just going to drag some of these dots down especially the ones that are just being completely unused which are the ones at the bottom so I'm just going to drag a couple down just kind of get them out of the way here [Music] has to not confuse us anymore and I'm gonna be using this black box as a track mat so don't worry anything below this will not be visible okay so now we're ready to cause the impact of this water droplet so I'm just going to drag a couple of these over kind of give them a little bit of a gradient there so it looks like the water is kind of splashing and kind of just little wave by the way I am about as good at hand animating as I am at at at being a professional basketball player so keep that in mind when when you're doing this so that way you know that it is a challenging I'm just kidding it means that I'm bad it means that I'm bad at it so we kind of have the first impact and now we can kind of keep adding some more hand animations here just kind of making sure that you know the difficult part about it is knowing the timing right so each keyframe has a specific amount of time in between it and and the hard part about hand animating is that you don't really know how much time has elapsed in your head because you're looking at points in time as opposed to as opposed to a you know time moving so it's like well is there enough time of between those just those two actions was there too much time how fast did it go and those are all things that the more you animate the better you'll get it's something that I'm still not very good at to be completely honest I think I want to keep that one there bring this one down it's challenging to be honest it's it's simply it's not easy to hand animate or to know kind of where things should be at what point in time so I'm jumping a little bit of a few keyframes ahead only only to to just kind of try to understand where things are with respect to time so now what I'm doing is it's basically making these kind of start splashing the other direction that makes any sense which it probably didn't but that's okay you'll know what I mean in a sec bringing these down [Music] [Music] okay so I just probably sped up a bunch of time I had a really difficult time a hand animating this but basically what I've come to is it's something that looks like this when we turn off motion blur and so it impacts very simple a couple key frames later only two keyframes it kind of has some outward momentum and then it kind of dissipates as as it's causing curls kind of that way only to be finished which I'll probably delete that and kind of make these kind of looks kind of like more like that just so it kind of looks like this has dissipated see what that looks like [Music] like right here there's a lot of open in here which we don't want so it looks fine all right so now I'll show you what I mean by having this bottom layer covering the top so I'll go over the drop I'll actually go over both the drop added also the drop above the drop added switch this mode to alpha inverted mat and now you have something that looks kind of like this so fairly simple you can add some more effect to this so for example for example at impact you can have I'm going to close all these layers so they don't get in the way a little water droplets as well make sure the Anchor Point is centered scaling it rotating it kind of match I'm going to put it down here and [Applause] P on the keyboard S on the keyboard you on the keyboard and kind of have it launched out I'm also going to put our on the keyboard so it will scale to zero maybe I'll have it started a little bit bigger scale here so I can just duplicate this a couple times pressing you on the keyboard for all of them you can kind of see where they're all going this one I'll probably have go we're here they like that maybe and I'll have this one kind of go straight up start at a much larger scale rotate it 2-0 kind of have it make it do kind of a straight path [Music] rotate to maybe negative 100 so it kind of has a splash to it and it just kind of adds just that just a little touch almost not even existent [Music] so I'm just going to extend these out [Music] just kind of like that so now that have all of these water droplets I'm going to put them all together by just selecting all of the droplets including the top droplet ctrl shift C and then this water so that is the whole water droplet and now none of those little circles should be visible which they are and that's because I accidentally added that shape layer to the whole thing it should be there so let me not select that ctrl shift C and now let's try this again okay it just looks like the shapes here are starting a bit too high so I'm just going to select these bring the position down just so they're not visible and yeah that looks pretty good just one last effect roughing edges big part that you want to see is up at the top because that's kind of where rough and edges will play its biggest role it's a little bit crazy decrease it a tad increase the scale as to maintain most of them correct animation just to kind of rough in the it or rut ruffle yeah rough in the edges just a little bit they can look a little bit cleaner so now I should probably go effect generate fill on this and make it yes I can make it blood but I should probably make it just water pretty simple I know but it was hand animated and it did take an hour to do probably less for you but yeah I hope you did enjoy this I hope you learned a couple things about hand animating if only that it's extremely difficult and takes an extremely long amount of time so I know those guys if you enjoyed this video give it a like be sure to subscribe like the video share with your friends and let me know for future videos and the comments down below if you have any suggestions but be sure to check out my box graphics comm for all the latest news and information regarding tutorials so anyways guys thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: MOBOX Graphics
Views: 180,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: water splash after effects, water drop after effects tutorial, after effect water drop, water drop after effects, splash after effects, how to make water drop in after effects, 2d liquid after effects, liquid drop after effects, after effects water droplets, liquid splash tutorial, liquid drip after effects, water drip effect, liquid after effects, liquid after effects tutorial, afer effects liquid tutorial, water dropplet, mobox, after effects liquid, liquid, drip, effect, after
Id: cn4k9QMGR6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2017
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