Dripping Liquid Text Effect - After Effects Tutorial

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hey what's going on guys this is Mike for mobiles and we're back with another video tutorial number 20 and here we are so in this graphics tutorial we're going to be taking a look at how to get some like liquidy type graphics and after-effects to kind of blend together it's really simple I'll just take you through it right now we're just going to go ahead and open up After Effects so again this could be used for numerous different types of applications I've used it for all kinds of different things so we're just going to create a new composition and let me drag the settings over to this monitor to tutorial 20 1080p 60 frames a second 10 seconds looks fine to me actually we'll make this five seconds because I don't think we're going to need any more than five seconds so here we are we're just going to start out by just creating some layers layer new solid and we'll make this layer I don't know maybe a dark almost black color and then we're going to create a new layer layer new solid and we're going to make this and make a kind of like a greenish color maybe maybe like a mint color almost and we are just going to drag this down to there so now we're just going to create a letter we're going to just use the letter H it doesn't matter you could use any letter you'd like well really you could use this this to do anything you like but we're just going to walk you through through it using this object I'm just going to Center this up if I could figure out how to use my align tool which is right there I'm just going to line that up so what we're going to do is we want this H to be underneath the this green color and I'm actually going to just lock those colors by the way to just so I don't touch them and what I want is I want this H to kind of be under the green so I'm going to hit p on the keyboard set a position keyframe down here and then after like a few seconds we're just going to have it lift up just like that okay that's amusing too this I use this this tool from mograph you can use the graph editor if you'd like highly recommend it Mount McGrath comm slash motion I believe so we have this smooth motion of this H kind of exiting will say that this is a liquid pool okay so what we want is we want like streams to like fall off this H as if almost as if this H came out of like a liquid bath or something like that so what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to create some actually you know before we get it too ahead of ourselves let's make this H come out just a little bit more just to kind of exaggerate the effect so we're going to do is we're going to create some rectangles so we don't want them to be attached to a layer so every time I click it I'm just going to click off and I don't like how that has a and outline to it we will maybe add an outline later but until then we don't need to do that so basically I'm just going to come in and just kind of add some streams off of this H and you could do this to make these as thin as you like as thick as you'd like depending on the effect you're going for if you follow along with this you'll probably get a pretty decent effect mostly just because um the thinner and more like kind of very they are the better it just looks a little bit better when you when you do it like that so that's probably good there's kind of a lot of layers but but it's not that it's not too bad so we'll just zoom out and I'm going to select all these layers and I'm going to press s on the keyboard so first things first I need all of these to have their their center point at the very top of each shape I'm going to use this tool again you could use use your tool if you have a tool or you can just press Y on the keyboard or select this up here and just move them all up to the top but having that tool definitely makes it a lot faster so basically what essentially that does is that when I scale them they scale from the bottom so let's see here I don't want to just undo that what we also want is we want these layers to follow this H so basically what we have is something that looks like that next we want to do is we want to change the scale of these so that's why they all have the scale selected I'm going to uncheck these little chains basically what this allows me to do now is make it so I could affect the X and the y independently so I could make this longer or I can make this wider without changing the other options so I'm just going to set keyframes across the board just hold down and drag and it creates keyframes and what I want is I want these to be to be 0 in the X direction so I'm just going to 0 actually what I can do is I'll select all of them 0 shift 100 and it should but it didn't it should change them all but it's not I don't know there it is ok so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to come up just before that center part of the H enters or exits the liquid I'm going to highlight all of them I'm going to press I'm going to come in here and do maybe 100 shift 0 and now what you get is you get something that kind of looks like that so I could stagger these a little bit I mean if you want you could stagger them however much you want I kind of like a little bit of stagger just to give it a more random look so now you have something that looks kind of like that see how these kind of these might might need to be moved up just a tad because they're not they're not touching the liquid and you you kind of want them to kind of have an effect that kind of looks more like that so that looks pretty good as is but they look too rigid and it just don't look too great so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to highlight these and I'm going to put a slight barrier around them but I'm going to make sure I change the color to the color of the liquid and I'll kind of modify the outline just a tad so now we got something that looks kind of like that and I'm just going to drag all of these underneath the green background so it kind of looks like that so now we're starting to cook with fire here what I'm going to do now is I'm going to grab all of these layers I'm going to hit ctrl shift C and now I have just the black background and I have this H in green and liquidy stuff so what I'm going to do is I'm going to search for a effect called roughing edges drag this on to the pre composition and now you start to see more of a liquidy shape to it I could increase the border I can increase the size I think I like I like increasing the size I think it adds some cool effects to it so you can see there that now it looks a lot more organic looking or something like that if you decrease the border increase a little bit see just kind of see what works best for you and you don't have to make it so these have so these have green around the outside you don't have to so maybe maybe that looks something more like what you're looking for and again you kind of get to a point like that and then you could start you know really changing making making adjustments depending on how liquidy you want it to look the larger the board of the more liquidy it looks but then you can clean it up with increases by increasing the scale so now you get something that kind of looks like that and we can go back in here and see what it looks like when we add a small border the sporter kind of looks cool only because if you have white liquid coming out of I guess a green bath it kind of might mix a little bit and I like the way that looks like that that kind of that has an really cool look to it so the only problem I have with this is that this H is now kind of a little fuzzy looking it doesn't really look you know it's not rigid maybe the rigid shape that you'd like so let's see if we can figure out how to do this I'll be honest I didn't practice this the head of time so I may or may not have problems doing this let's see if we let's see what happens when we just come in just copy this H over and paste it on top we're getting a little bit closer maybe I could scale this H up just a tad I still get kind of some weird outlines on the out on the on the inside maybe I could drag this apart a little bit maybe increase the scale of this a little bit more just kind of mess with it until you get something that looks a little less yes I don't know I don't know what you would call that but a little less liquidy around the shape but I don't know you can mess with it see see if you come across anything that that looks good for most cases having it make it making it look a little liquidy is fine but again if you want to clean it up you can mess with some other effects but that's just a quick look at how to get this liquidy effect in After Effects in your this video please give a like subscribe and be sure to check back next Wednesday for another tutorial anyways if you have any suggestions for future tutorials you you're more than welcome to leave them in the comments down below and we'll try to get to those so anyways guys thanks for watching
Channel: MOBOX Graphics
Views: 298,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dripping liquid after effects, dripping after effects, after effects dripping liquid, dripping liquid effect, after effects liquid text, dripping liquid, liquid text after effects tutorial, liquid text after effects, liquid text effect, after effects liquid, liquid text animation, liquid effect after effects, dripping text, liquid, after effects text animation, liquid after effects tutorial, gooy, liquid after effects, goo, slime, slimy shape, after effects liquid motion tutorial
Id: f8VO3E90tt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2016
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