Create A Liquid Animation In After Effects | Easy

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hi everyone welcome to noble creative tutorials today we are going to see how to create a liquid animation in Adobe After Effects without using any third party plugins in this tutorial it's actually going to be easy to create this kind of liquidy animations just by using a shape layer and some effects to create it as you can see in this first example liquid is going through a path and you can make it different as you want in different paths as in the second example here the same techniques we're going to create this the first one so whiskey sorry create your composition and then create shape layer and delete everything there just and just add the path stroke and trimming paths now we need for now and copy the paths that you want your pets you want to to be created and then on stroke we are going to with and make it something bigger and on a line cap we are going to make a round cap there and then we are going to enemy trimming path just maybe for frame can you frame the star in the end put them at 0 maybe add something like 25 put them one hand round the start and end and then just offset two keyframes and obviously the last keyframe of starts and the first K frame of the start as well just to create something like this now that's what we need for now and then we going to actually animate the stroke path as well one just want you to start like thinner and then getting thicker there maybe and then the same thing at the end make it like that and then we are going to add a wiggle pads wiggle pads is just like adding some noisy to struck like like a noise effects so we need change we change the size you see what's happening and details let's see but something like that for the first one and it's going to look like this and let's actually make that just like that and then duplicate these shape lawyer and then offset by 1 K by 1 frame and then just to just to make the variation we are just going to change the K frames here the star at the end may be easy is them you know just just to create the variation that's the point of it and change the size details and then duplicate one more time offset one maybe two keyframes two frames sorry and then the same thing we're going to just add the variation two to that the point is just to make to make it look different the stroke as well I'm going to make it just really the point of this is the variations maybe keyframe this so just to make that the variations we just want the variations something like that okay that's look fine for now and now we're going to duplicate the first one and then put it at the top same thing opposite the lawyer and then up in this one going to creates a group here and put everything inside the group let's call this shape one duplicate it on shape - we're going to delete the wiggle pads let's all of these to see what's happened there let's turn off the shape one that's what we have on shape - we are going to add is affixed called poker implodes and then put all right after the path one and then add amount something like there and then change the stroke and make it dashes there and gaps and just to give the point of this is actually to create like dots there just to make it look like splashes - our splash something like that okay that's look good let's turn on area back altogether it's going to look something like this I think this in here this one this shape have - we change the stroke actual weight sticker this one have to be something like this and there's some variations and also we need we need that where is it stroke yeah stroke is this one yeah for the dots just something like that okay so we have this but now if you're not great yet so we're going to make it great by adding the effects that we need let's create adjustment wire just my wire it's called a fix and then having a roughing it is by other guy you see what's actually is doing is like taking the car like softened edges of all the shapes and we're going to make the borders really something higher like that the scale and the fractal influence there's something like that stretch and width or height maybe just like cell effects for now it's something look like this and then we are going to add a turbulence displace and let's make the amount theater and the size Theory you can just play and see how one did you know doesn't really make it have to be theory about how it's going to look like and then maybe change the complexity something just like three I'm going to add more border that's too much just something like that scale maybe scale too much scale and then we are going to evolution and add suppression there times expression the same for turbulence evolution time maybe 400 so just to give it give us something like this and you can add more like variations you always can to wake things there you know to make it look the way you want and should be that's that's actually what is about you know to make it oh maybe we can the first one we can like keyframe keyframe and play on things to make it look more dynamics and now we going to add one more things for this yeah fix called Abbeville evil alpha what people offer is doing like its add like a dimension to these flats liquid just like you adding lights as you can see here let's keep the intensity just around there and you can make the angle you want and then let's add a motion blur to that let's make this dots bigger here dots here where are the dots okay shape to shape and let's make the amount of yeah make that something like there just give the variation it's always about making things look kinda here's the gaps we have to put more gaps there more gaps there is well more strokes there you know you get the idea of of doing this so as you see you get the idea you can create more you can refine it more to make it look great and you can actually create a control layer to actually have the control over everything like stroke size instead of going to change the stroke of each one you can make a master control for all the stroke size roughing edges and wiggle size and you can just from there make a different looks to all things without key framing and so on and even changing the lights the lights angles and all that things details so you get the idea hope you liked this tutorial if you have questions put it on comments and if you liked the video please like and subscribe for more videos coming soon thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: Noble Kreative
Views: 346,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: تعلم أفتر إفكتس, Liquid Animation, learn after effects, motion graphics tutorials, motion graphics, after effect animation tuts, Create A Liquid Animation, Liquid Animation In After Effects, Turbulence Displacement, Learn AE, AE, after effect tutorials
Id: Tdakfn2h8v8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2017
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