Lioz Has Everyone SHOOK!! | Grand Final | Australia's Got Talent

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good evening my first magic is called Mickey Mouse taking a Viagra [Music] [Applause] now I need a volunteer from the audience Shane would you like to come up on stage [Applause] thank you these are the linking rings yes Shane stand here please try to link try to connect them you cannot do it no no it's okay also I cannot do it [Music] now Shane I want you to put your hands up in the air and make a number with your fingers I'll try to guess the number the number is 1 no okay keep your fingers up I'll fix it [Applause] do number 1 or you will have none now let's give in hand because he's going to inflate the balloon [Applause] [Music] now I'm going to pass the needle through the balloon and it's won't burst while you put turns like that sorry it's ours my self-confidence it's okay we continue until you succeed [Laughter] here I have a balloon please all the tear in the nipple and here I have another balloon transparent balloon what will happen to my balloon will happen to yours just put your hands up like this and don't move [Music] [Applause] when surprised I'm a magician now I'm gonna reveal the secret I'm gonna tell you I did it I have another balloon all the Tyrian than me it's called you close to your face and I'm gonna do it again I'm going to do it in slow motion [Music] [Music] [Applause] with you shine round of the flower [Applause] you are amazing and didn't forget something check ooh they took something from you [Music] thank you oh my goodness leon's everybody you really get me in the funny bone Leon says no question Leo's has entertained us but can you see Australia making him tonight's winner shame I don't keep many souvenirs but I will treasure this for the rest of my life I can tell you it's become even us as judges go your watch backstage all the time I keep saying I need for you I love the your performance I just you just throw me excite me make me giggle you do all that so thank you mate I'm a fan well done Thank You Nicole leo I love your your dry delivery your sense of humor it's totally my sense of humor I just love you I could see you you're gonna have such a great career and your own show after this and so happy for you congratulations Mazel Tov might you've done you've done Baywatch no no it's mine it's mine it's mine it's mine it's to explain your shoe [Applause]
Channel: Australia's Got Talent
Views: 3,501,240
Rating: 4.8290877 out of 5
Keywords: australias got talent, agt, australia's got talent, magician, fire breather, fun, talent, singing, dancing
Id: WZb2b1c_-0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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