Why Does Rebooting Fix Everything? Ask a Microsoft Engineer!

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As to the question someone had about restarting vs rebooting, it SHOULD all be the same on a modern PC. In older hardware, it didn't clear the memory usually and instead only caused the CPU to execute the reset vector interrupt. Nowadays a soft reset on a PC is quite thorough.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/daveplreddit 📅︎︎ May 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Another thing that should be more common knowledge is that modern Windows 10 installations have Fast Startup enabled by default. If you habitually shut down your PC when you aren't using it, you would think that your system is operating on a "fresh boot" when in reality, it isn't.

I always make it a point to disable Fast Startup, regardless if the system is on an SSD or not.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/freakingwilly 📅︎︎ May 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
OK so I don't know if this is true, I just thought of it. Why is it called booting and rebooting? What's it got to do with a boot? Well, you know how firefighter boots have those straps on the side so they can pull them on more easily? Well, there used to be a saying that derived from that, which is that people who were self-starters effectively pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps. Which is of course physically impossible but a clever visual. So when a computer loads itself up by starting with just a few instructions that then load the rest of it, that became known as bootstrapping, which has been shortened to just booting, and, when you start over, rebooting. Now look how much smarter you are in just 30 seconds! Imagine 12 minutes from now! --- Hey, I'm Dave, Welcome to my Shop. I'm Dave Plummer, a retired operating system engineer from Microsoft going back to the MS-DOS and Windows 95 days, and who better to look at why rebooting fixes so many problems than one of the programmers of Windows itself? That's why today, I'm going to take a peek behind the curtains at rebooting. Why is the simple act of rebooting such a perfect fix for so many different computer problems? It seems obvious at first, and yet, like so many things, it's much more complicated and interesting once you really think about it. Why does your computer feel and act differently when it's been freshly booted than it does when it's been on for a long time? Why can't computers just be like that all the time? We're taking a deep dive into rebooting and what it all means right here today on Dave's Garage. [Intro] A new computer is awesome. A new computer is fast and snappy and has lots of ram and the hard disk has tons of space free. It might only be a few months or a year old and it's built with all of the latest and greatest components. It's shiny and pretty and we like it. Because new computers are good. Old computers suck. Not only are they built out of boring old components that no one even wants any more, they're slow and draggy and the hard disk is almost completely full and fragmented. They take a long time to start up and a long time to shut down and a long time to use in between. An old computer is no fun at all. And yet, all it takes to turn a new computer into an old computer is maybe a year or so of use. Then you might reformat it and wipe it and start over, which could extend its useful life a little bit. But this aging process take time, and it doesn't happen overnight. Things like filesystem fragmentation that might accumulate can take weeks or months to happen before you can really even notice them. The slide into middle age mediocrity is a gradual one, but the pull is exorable unless you're actively fighting it every day. But we all know it doesn't always take months or years for a new computer to slow down. All it takes is some bad software and a little time. The worse the software, the shorter the time it takes. If you were to run a program like a word processor that simply never freed the memory it used along the way, and then kept actively using the program to edit your document, let's say it'd last about 5 minutes before it would have used up all the free memory that were available on the system before coming to a halt due to running out entirely. The thing is, though, people don't actually write software that poorly. It's a contrived example because nobody writes a word processor that doesn't free any of the memory it allocates. But mistakes do happen. I could envision how someone might create a word processor that frees all its memory properly except in some weird edge case where they have a bug that they didn't know about. Maybe when there are alternate Canadian spellings for a word like "Colour" or "Checque" the program forgets to free those, and so it leaks a little bit of memory every time you scroll past one of them. After a couple of hours of editing, let's say, a great deal of memory has been leaked by the nefarious Canadian vowels. Once physical RAM is exhausted and you start paging into virtual memory, your PC will become rather glacial, all brought to you by the letter U. Now what happens to that memory? Is it gone forever? Or do we need to reboot the computer right now to get it back? Actually, the answer is neither, because the operating system is still in charge. It may not have any idea what a program intended to do with the memory it allocated or why it allocated it, but the operating system, be it Windows, Mac, or Linux, has dutifully recorded and kept track of every allocation made in a long list. It's like a bank ledger of every outstanding memory allocation that the process has ever made and not yet returned. When the program exits, the operating system knows the program is done with that memory and can return it to general use. It runs through its list of memory that was allocated to or by that program and returns it to the pool for everyone's use. Even if the program lost track of the memory it was using, the system accounting will have an authoritative list. Of course, there are two problems with this approach. The first is that no one wants to have to periodically stop, close, and restart the programs they are using. Another is that you don't know how much memory the program might be using or might have leaked. And a third is that programs might not be responsive enough to cooperate. What if a program allocated a bunch of memory, leaked it, and then due to a bug or some other reason failed to respond appropriately to user input? First off, you couldn't be sure which process had allocated the memory, and second, you'd have no way of getting it back from it even if you did. And that's where Task Manager comes in. In fact, that's one big reason why I wrote it. Back in the early days of Windows NT, all of the software programs that ran on NT were very new, and it was common to discover bugs and defects in them. Programs could leak memory or handles or other resources. Your machine might slow down and start to act erratically, but unless it's obvious somehow, you have no real idea of what process is misbehaving. Task Manager makes it easy to identify programs that aren't playing nicely. If you sort by the memory used column only to discover that your word processor is using gigabytes of memory even without a document loaded, that's a good indication that the program has a memory leak or other defect. Same deal with handles and other resources - anything that can be allocated can be leaked, and if it's a limited resource of some kind, Task Manger will help you figure out which process is the culprit. Once you know which process is causing the problems, you can use Task Mangager to end it, which will return everything back to the system just as I described earlier, because the operating system has kept track of everything. But who's watching the watchers? By that I mean what if the operating system itself leaks memory? Or more likely, some other piece of code that gets to run in the special privileged mode known as Ring 0, like a driver does. In Ring 0, code has no recourse to the law. If your video driver leaks memory, whether it's system memory or video memory, it's gone "forever". Well, until you reboot. Aha! And now you know one of the very real reasons that rebooting can be so beneficial - it forces the operating system itself to start over, which means it starts with a clean slate and zero memory and resource leaks on the kernel side. Memory and resource leaks on the kernel side last until the next reboot, and that's a big factor in why rebooting can often make your computer feel like new again. After resource leaks, the next most common problems you'll find with application software are logic errors that cause it to either lock up entirely or use a ton of CPU. Again, Task Manager rides to the rescue with the ability to save the day in two ways. First, it allows you to identify which program is using a disproportionate amount of CPU. By that I mean disproportionate to the amount of work that it's doing. If Adobe Premiere is rendering video in the background, it's normal to use all the CPU it can get. It's not normal for notepad to do so, however. CPU hogs can be a little more challenging to detect if they're running on a single core and your system has many cores. If you have 16 cores and one program is CPU bound, it could be wasting an entire core and yet using less than 7 percent of the total available CPU, so it wouldn't be immediately obvious. That's why you should switch to the Task Manager performance mode that shows you individual CPUs, and look for one core that's close to 100%. If you find it, and it seems abnormal for that program, your next task is to find a program in the details view that is using about a core's worth of the total CPU. From there, once identified, you can make the decision of what to do next. By far your best option is to just close that program, ideally after saving your work to a new file, just in case all that CPU usage is a hint that there's corruption of some kind afoot in the process. No point in overwriting your existing good copy with new bad data. Ask me how I know these things! If the program won' t respond properly, that's where Task Manager provides its second major service in the ability to terminate a program against its wishes, or without its knowledge. Normally this is a bad idea as it doesn't allow the program a chance to save any information at all. But if the program is bunged and you just want your machine back, terminating the offending process can be a wise approach. As soon as you do, as discussed before, any resources its holding are made freely available to other programs again. Terminating the rogue program should return your machine to normal again. And if not, there's always rebooting. This notion of rebooting to reclaim leaked resources does not just extend to memory. It's also true of other constrained system resources, such as handles and windows and sockets and file objects and so on. The only thing that doesn't get reset entirely to factory original, of course, is your hard disk. Now the disk side of things is more than I want to get into for this video, but odds are by now you have some inkling if how hard disk fragmentation can slow down your disk access. When a disk becomes fragmented, data that is normally used together winds up scattered all over the disk and so the heads have to travel a further distance with more changes of direction over more time to read it in. Having the data broken up and scattered around the disk slows access, and that can be true of memory as well. Now, virtual memory acts as a layer of indirection above them but there are still physical pages with actual memory addresses. If memory references are close together, you have a greater chance of you CPU cache being effective than if they are randomly distributed around in memory. The bigger problem with fragmentation, however, is known as heap fragmentation. It's when there are no large, contiguous blocks of memory left even though lots of memory is still free. To illustrate, I'm going to use a somewhat theoretical example. Imagine a program that allocated all of the free memory in the system in 1 megabyte chunks. Then it returned all but every 4th chunk. You'd have 75% of your system memory free, but you would be unable to allocate any memory larger than 3 megabytes! You might have dozens of gigabytes free, but allocating 4 megabytes would fail. That's an extreme example of heap fragmentation. Short of meticulously unwinding every one of those allocations and/or terminating their owners, the only way to fix it is reboot the system. When you freshly boot a computer in a network environment there are other benefits as well. Your computer's host name will be refreshed in the DNS tables around your LAN. You'll get a chance at a new IP address, or at least a new lease on your old one. Routing tables might be created or refreshed. Your default gateway is reset and so on, all potentially fixing network issues that you might have been experiencing along the way. The list of things that get reset by a reboot is long, and sometimes not obvious. For example, the clock is reloaded from the battery backed up hardware clock. Since software clocks drift over time, your time will be most accurate right after a reboot, when it's been synced to your hardware clock or perhaps an SNTP server. When your system comes up freshly booted, there are plenty of resources available. As long as you haven't unduly cluttered your system with startup programs or contracted a virus, not much should be running yet and there won't be any windows open. That, combined with all the factors we've talked about so far, combine to make that "just booted feeling" a rather special one. Now if only you'd clean up the icons on your desktop, you'd really be onto something. Over time, however, you'll find that even a freshly booted PC can be slow due to factors ranging from disk fragmentation and registry errors to malware, but those are topics for a future episode. If you want to see it, be please sure you're subscribed to my channel! I'm not selling anything and I don't have any patreons, I'm just in this for the subs ands likes, so please do me a solid and leave me one of each before you go today! There is one thing you actually can buy, but I donate any and all profits all to Autism research: the Dave's Garage Mug. A mug so amazing that it's literally guaranteed to make your coffee actually taste better! Get yours now from the link in the video description. You're probably going to drink a warm beverage at some point in your life anyway, so why not do it from a cool mug while helping a kid? Thanks for joining me out here in the shop today! In the meantime, and in-between time, I hope to see you next time, right here in Dave's Garage.
Channel: Dave's Garage
Views: 118,647
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Keywords: why does rebooting fix problems, why does rebooting a computer fix problems, why reboots are the worst, why reboot, task manager, why reboot phone, why reboot router, why reboot a computer, why reboot your computer, task manager processes cleanup, reboot windows, reboot windows 10, task manager windows 10, why task manager using high cpu, why task manager cpu 100, windows 10, blue screen error, blue screen, windows error, why reboot, why reboots are bad, how to, How to fix
Id: 9IPP39OF78M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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