01.Secret History of Windows Task Manager - Part 1 - Origins

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It looks like he's also on Reddit. Thanks /u/daveplreddit for the thousands of hours I wasted on space cadet pinball

👍︎︎ 58 👤︎︎ u/deruke 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

The title says "WinZip", but I presume they mean ZIPFolders, the zip support built into Windows! It'd be great if the author could edit the title, lest that Nico Mack guy get upset and challenge me to a duel or something.

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/daveplreddit 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

There was a guy who came to our first year Computer Science class at the U of R like 6 or 7 years ago. I don't remember him that well, but I bet it was this guy cause I remember he was quite accomplished.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/nicholt 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/niiiiiiik69 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm shocked I love this. What gets me is I spent 3 years at u of r comp science before changing majors and not one mention of this!! You'd think UofR would be proud of this fact.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Alundrix 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
25 years ago, I invented something that not only  has sold more than a Billion copies, but that is   still actively used by over 200 million unique  people each and every month, decades later,   to this very day. That's important to me because  popularity is one thing, but staying power is   really where it's at. For every Macarena there's  a Dark Side of the Moon, and I'd like to think   that I actually managed to write two programs  that have similarly withstood the test of time:   the Windows Task Manager and Windows ZipFolders.  And yes, I entirely appreciate that that's where   the similarities to Dark Side of the Moon end.   Still, having code that I wrote personally   surviving in Core Windows some 25 years  later is actually quite rare and rewarding,   and being that they were things that I wrote  largely independently and of my own initiative   as side projects makes them even more so. This is  the story of how Windows Task Manager came to be,   followed in Part Two by a tour and analysis of the  actual, never before seen Windows source code for   Task Manager itself. I'll take you through it and  show you how Task Manager works and why I wrote it   that way. Among other factors, we'll look at the  defensive programming techniques I developed for   it and the app's self-healing nature. You'll  learn a number of Task Manager secrets never   revealed until today. That's because I'd largely  forgotten most of them until I saw the code again!   In fact, it jogged enough memories that it made  me a little nostalgic, so I'll also try to give   you a sense of what it was like to be at Microsoft  in the 90s. For those that don't know me, my name   is Dave Plummer. I graduated from the University  of Regina and started at Microsoft back in 1993,   where I spent the next decade or so  working on MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows.   While I also contributed to Windows Ninety-Five  and Ninety-Eight, my focus was really on Windows   NT and its successors, such as Windows XP.  Those were our "advanced" operating systems,   designed by Dave Cutler, who had also designed  VMS before it, and they would evolve into what   you're using today in Windows 10. It's all built  atop and evolved from our original NT codebase.    How do you go from the U of R to Microsoft?  For me, it all started with a book. I was   working a summer Internship at SaskTel, the phone  company, and ate my lunch in the mall food court,   as the song says, with the old and the bored. I  wandered into what was then a Coles bookstore and   picked up a copy of a book titled "Hard Drive:  The story of Bill Gates and the Making of the   Microsoft Empire". Up until that point I had  largely been a Unix and Amiga programmer and had   never really touched a PC. Frankly, I considered  Microsoft to be the crude 800-pound gorilla of   the industry and I was not one of their fans,  to be honest. That was until I read the book,   however, and encountered the stories of the people  and the software projects that went on there.   It sounded like a company populated with people  I aspired to be like working on projects that   absolutely fascinated me. I knew immediately,  and with great certainty, where I needed to be:   Redmond, Washington. The only problem was that  it's a long way from Saskatchewan to Redmond,   and Microsoft was already receiving something on  the order of one hundred thousand job applications   a year. While I sent a copy of my resume to  general HR recruiting, I'm quite certain I   never heard back. Instead, I turned to one  of the programs I had written for the Amiga,   an operating system utility called HyperCache. In  those days before the web, users would typically   fill out a "registration postcard" with their  customer info and mail it back to the software   vendor for update notifications and that sort of  thing. I went through my big stack of blue cards   looking for anyone with a Microsoft.com email  address, and eventually I found one. It was a   fellow named Alistair, and I sent him an email  asking if he might suggest anywhere that I could   apply directly, rather than through HR. He gave me  one of the greatest gifts you can give an aspiring   graduate: the direct contact emails of a couple  managers who were actively hiring operating system   developers. Alistair is still with Microsoft, but  now overseas, and though we've still never met in   person, we stay in touch online and I send him  a thank-you note on my major anniversaries! Long   story short, his contact netted me a phone  screening which led to a phone interview which   then led to an in-person day of interviews down  in Redmond which ultimately landed me a summer   internship in the middle of my final year at  school. I came down to join in on the effort   for MS-DOS 6.2, where I was pleasantly surprised  to discover that interns are actually given real   core features to work on. That summer I completed  tasks like writing a new version of SmartDrv,   the system disk cache complete with support for  CD-ROM drives. I added single pass Diskcopy and   used a delta patching system I borrowed from  the FoxPro database, of all places, to build   a version of setup that fit the entire MS-DOS  upgrade onto a single floppy disc, potentially   saving the company millions of dollars. Not bad  for a summer intern in three months, I thought.    When my internship ended and I returned for my  final semester of school in Regina, much credit   is due to the patience of Dr. Howard Hamilton,  who mustered me through my final Computer Science   courses that fall as I basked in the glow of being  the only student in the advanced operating system   course to have actually written part of a major  commercial operating system! Don't worry, however,   as I'm certain that I handled the situation  with all the grace to be expected of anyone   in their early 20s. Being an intern might get  you on the shortlist for a full-time interview,   but I don't think even I appreciated how little it  actually promised in terms of lasting employment.   I think I believed that my performance as an  intern was my future ticket, but the reality   is that you have to completely re-interview all  over again with new people that you've never met   before, basically starting from scratch. I endured  the series of all-day interviews and ultimately   secured an offer. It was for thirty-five thousand  dollars a year, which I accepted without question.   Fortunately, I was also welcomed to the fold  with a whack of stock options that it turns   out would be a pretty good deal in the long run.   As soon as exams were complete I headed on down to   start work in Redmond on the Win32 RPC team  where I had landed a position. A few months   later I would fly back to Regina for a single  weekend to graduate, get married to my high   school girlfriend, pack everything that remained,  and immigrate to the United States all in about 72   hours. We said goodbye to the movers bearing all  of our belongings and headed for the airport; upon   landing at the US Customs entry point, however,  I was pulled aside into the "big glass room"   for additional questioning. After reviewing my  application, as my new bride looked on from afar,   the Immigration officer was yelling at  me, turning red, and waving his arms.   He was very upset and animated, and from her  vantage point it was clear that we were being   denied entry and that my Microsoft dreams were  crashing down around us right then and there.    What she didn't know, because she couldn't hear,  was that he had already long since approved my   work Visa! He was actually upset because their  copy of Microsoft Word printed a blank page at   the end of every one of their documents and it  was wasting paper and he wanted it fixed. I did my   best to help configure their page margins before  we were released to our new life in America!    Back in those days, just like today, I liked  to code. I liked to code a lot. In fact,   I'd code all day at work at Microsoft and then  come home and code on my side projects at night   until bed. I'm also the kind of guy who's just  genuinely curious about what's going on my inside   my system and who enjoys seeing machines  busy and hard at work. I could literally   sit and watch Norton Speed Disk shuttle blocks and  sectors around my disk in a fascinating dance for   longer than I should probably admit. Heck, I've  even defeated the safety mechanism so I could   keep the lid open to watch a cycle of my washing  machine out of curiosity about how it worked;   there could be a whole spectrum reasons  why, but I think I'm just wired that way.   Now that I was working on the fledgling Windows  NT, with all of its complicated internal   mechanisms, I wanted to get some insight into what  was going on with my own desktop as well, and that   interest led directly to Task Manager. Today you  might think of Task Manager primarily as a tool   for dealing with rogue apps and frozen desktops,  but that ability was actually secondary to the   monitoring piece of determining what programs  were running, what resources were in use, what was   still free, who owned what, and most important,  what if anything looked out of the ordinary. It   was really more about inspection than control. You  could see how much memory each process was using,   how many threads of execution each had operating,  how many graphics handles it had outstanding,   and so on. With a glance, a developer could  now spot a resource leak with ease. In a way   it's a debugging tool written by a developer  that even end users ultimately found useful.    I wrote the first drafts of Task Manager in my den  at home and then took the resultant rough program   into work. In those days we followed a practice  known as Eating Our Own Dogfood, which meant we   were self-hosted on the newest daily builds of  Windows NT even as we worked to create them.   Eventually a number of other developers talked  me into giving them copies of my Task Manager,   and it spread amongst the team. It eventually  came to the notice of Dave Cutler, the designer   of Windows NT and second at the company perhaps  only to Bill Gates as far as we were concerned.   Fortunately, he was a fan of the fledgling Task  Manager and gave me permission to add it to the   main Windows source tree. Once I had put it  into the product, a senior developer named   Mark Lucovsky was essential to keeping it  there. He served as its occasional champion,   fending off the complaints from the designers  of Windows 95 who found the whole thing overly   technical and nerdy in a way that ran contrary to  their mission of simplifying the PC experience.   Of course, it likely didn't help that DaveC  initially had me put it at the very top of the   Start Menu, which was basically received as a big  middle finger by the Windows 95 shell designers.   I moved the link to somewhere reasonable like  System Tools and everyone was satisfied.    No money exchanged hands and no contracts were  signed. I simply added it to the project source   tree and changed the copyright headers. It was  very much a wild west in comparison with how you   would go about it today. The best part about it  at the time, at least from my perspective, was   that once I added it to the product, my favorite  hobby then became my day job. The software that I   had been tinkering with in my den now became  my primary full-time job for a few months.   It would be very much like if you had a hobby  of building and painting little birdhouses,   and then one day you brought one in to show  your boss, and your boss said "You know Dave,   really like your little birdhouses,  and we're going to pay you to build   them while you're here at work too." My  birdhouses just happened to be Task Manager.    Contrast that experience with the one I had about  a year later involving the system software known   as ZipFolders. That's the code that enables you to  download and browse through Zip archives using the   Windows shell, and it lets you drag and drop  in and out to compress and decompress files,   and so on. I had written it at home and released  it as shareware after getting permission to do so.   I was selling perhaps a dozen copies a day when  somehow a Windows product manager at Microsoft   stumbled across the utility and decided that  it, too, belonged in the operating system as   part of Windows. To that end she called me at home  quite early one morning, before I'd left for work,   to explain that they wanted to purchase the  program from me for inclusion in Windows,   and would I be willing to discuss it? I offered  to stop right on by her office that morning,   which seemed to spook her - she demurred and said  I should talk to Microsoft Travel, which confused   the heck out of me. Why would I schedule a travel  visit to Microsoft when I worked there every day?   In fact, I lived only a few blocks away... I could  walk! It turned out, after some uncomfortable back   and forth, that she had no idea that I worked  at Microsoft, just as she did! She had merely   researched, tracked down, and cold-called the  author of ZipFolders, who happened to be me,   at home to explore an acquisition. As a result, my  choices were actually quite limited. If I did not   sell it to Microsoft, they would simply develop  their own or buy a competing one, and I'd have to   stop selling mine or quit my day job - I couldn't  just continue selling mine in competition with my   own employer once they had entered the market!  And so, I cheerfully accepted their first, best,   and only offer. Still, everyone was happy:  I showed up at work the next week in a red   Corvette and ZipFolders remains as part of Windows  to this very day. According to the New York Times,   Microsoft's initial public stock offering is said  to have created some 12,500 new millionaires at   the Company. Being the new guy, I was certainly  not among them yet, but working with people who   are worth tens of millions of dollars yet who  still act like normal folks in the lunchroom is   humbling and centering. And when they clearly do  not need to work yet they are passionately putting   in 16 hour days and sleeping under desks to do  so, it's also more than just a little motivating.   You can't really blow out at four thirty on a  Friday when everyone else is on a "Death March".    Ah yes, the "Death March". Hardly a  politically correct term then or now,   it was used to describe the phases of a  product cycle - sometimes months long and   sometimes running one into the next - where the  limitation of how much work you put in isn't   what's reasonable, it's whatever is possible.  If you've already worked a 14-hour day but you   haven't found the critical bug and it's possible  to work a 17-hour day then that is what you do.   If you need to sleep under your desk, you put a  sticky note on your door that reads "Please Email"   and you take a nap on the floor. As for  me, I had a small sofa-bed in my office.   If you need to wake up, you wander out to one  of the portable barista stations serving lattes   up and down the hallway. Eat in the food courts,  play some Robotron or Tempest in the build lab.   Whatever it took to keep us there, or more  accurately, to ship the milestone as soon as   possible, they were willing to provide. Early one  Sunday morning about 5AM I received a call from my   boss that there was a showstopper build break  in a component that I was a backup contact on;   Calculator or Pinball or some such thing. They  can't reach whoever normally owns the component,   but it's broken and it's blocking the entire  build. If you don't fix it not only does a test   build not come out but you're wasting the time of  about 350 developers who depend on it each day.   So, even though I had just made it to bed a few  hours earlier, I dragged myself back into work   and fixed whatever was broken. My boss's boss was  very appreciative which is why on that Monday when   I got to work, I found a pair of Dave Cutler's  courtside NBA tickets pinned to my corkboard.   Now I'm not a big NBA fan, but I AM a fan of  having popcorn and snacks brought to me courtside   by waiters, and my wife and I had a great time  rubbing elbows with the local rich and famous.   It's actually the last NBA game  I've ever been to, and if I recall,   the SuperSonics did, in fact, beat the  Bullets. I hope that doesn't date me!
Channel: Dave's Garage
Views: 226,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davepl, task manager, windows task manager, task manager app, windows, secrets, original author, history, easter egg, source code, windows 10, how to, windows xp, windows 7, university of regina, windows vista, bill gates, History documentary, Task manager windows 10, microsoft windows, windows 8, operating system, windows 98, microsoft windows 10, windows 95, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6avJHaC3C2U, 6avJHaC3C2U, the art of code
Id: f8VBOiPV-_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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