Linus goes into a real girl's bedroom - Intel Extreme Tech Upgrade

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Linus enters a real girls room for the first time /s

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TheMrDrB 📅︎︎ Jan 12 2022 🗫︎ replies

"Haha look, I am going into this girl's bedroom, so awkward, so quirky, cause you know....girls." adjusts fedora

Seriously, how cringe was that.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/darkt1de 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2022 🗫︎ replies
- I wasn't actually gonna go through your stuff that thoroughly, because I was like, "Surely Nicole wouldn't take, that many things from the office." You haven't even been with us that long. How have you managed to abscond with a fridge? Welcome, it's Intel Extreme Tech Upgrade Nicole edition. That's right, Nicole is one of our quirkiest editors. And how do I describe the theme of this upgrade without being rude? Should we just say it? - Well yeah. - She wants to hide from her family. - Yeah. (both laughing) - We're creating Nicole a safe space today. It's gonna have gaming, it's gonna have movie watching capabilities and you basically won't have to leave your room. - Yes, that's the plan. - Okay, let's get going. (dramatic upbeat music) It's weird because normally I have no problem invading the privacy of my staff, but I haven't gotten into a girl's bedroom other than the one I share with my wife in probably 16, 17 years. (laughing) So this is, yeah, it's very, you got a definitely very girl's bedroom vibe here. I'm like, I see workout Penguin who has made his way back home from your office. - Yes special guest. - Do you stream? - No, I'm not much of an in front of camera person. - Oh why do you have the stream deck and like a sick microphone and all this then? - Hot keys. - Right, that make sense. - Yeah. (Nicole laughs) - You haven't even been with us that long. How have you managed to abscond with a fridge? - Well, nobody said anything after I took it, so-- - I don't think I've ever actually seen you wear glasses. Do you have a prescription. - A little bit. - Oh wow not much. - No, that's mostly just for computer stuff, but I can see things from afar. That's a really good Santa look. I feel like this is like a Santa in the making. (both laugh) You got a future. - [Linus] Let's talk through what you're actually gonna change in here. - I'm gonna get an update upgrade, change up, this stuff.(laughs) - Okay, yes, that is what we do. But more specifically. - Well, when I built this. - Yeah. - [Nicole] I thought, okay, maybe in a year or two I'll update the graphics card. - Yeah oh! - And then a year or two came , yeah. - Now, do you use your GPU for games or just video editing? Do you do a turn on video editing at home? - Not any more, I try not to at all. Just so that it's like I can come home and chill. - Right? So then the new setup will be completely geared towards entertainment and games. - Cool, okay. Oh my God! Am I doing it right? - Yay! Yeah. - Okay ready? - I'm one of those people who actually finds massage very unpleasant. - [ Nicole] Really? - I get like tingles, but in a bad way. - Oh, then they just got to go harder. - No, I really don't think that's the solution here. (laughing) By the way, I love your pillow here. - [Nicole] Yeah. - Yup, yup for sure. You know, I don't know what it is, Andy I had no problems. So does leaping onto your bed, but I just feel like I need to say. - [Nicole] Oh yeah it would be great if it didn't break. - Yeah I learned my lesson. (laughing) Let's go have a look at some of the hardware. Well, we found some already. - Yeah, this is gonna be a huge upgrade. - So this is going like in your bedroom? - Yes. - Your bedroom is gonna be like entertainment city. - Yeah that's the plan. - Now I have to confess Nicole. I've never taken you for much of a gamer and it's not like a stereotype thing I don't think, you've like, you've never shown up for the PC gaming, like lounge nights or anything like that. Is this a relatively new thing for you Or? - I used to game a lot before I started playing a lot more badminton. - And now you're injured. - Yes. - How is your... How are you doing? - Oh I have like a nice little party trick where it like pops out. - Oh wait, you're not just like doing that? - No, no, no, if this falls out and then I push it back in, then it comes out and I'll push it back. - Yeah that's really creepy actually. - But it's-- (Nicole laughs) - Okay yeah. - But the knee is like real good now. - [Linus] Okay. - Yeah. - So there you heard it here first folks, the best way to recover from a knee injury is to hurt your shoulder, so you can't play. - Yeah. (Linus laughs) It balances out yeah. - All right, I couldn't help noticing there is one key component missing. - Oh, I'll be reusing my old case. - Okay, cool. Did you build that machine? - [Nicole] Yes. - So then I actually don't have to do pretty much anything today. - Oh okay. - You're gonna build the computer, right? - Yeah, we'll see about that. - Well you've built one. - I watched your videos. - All right, let's go get it. Oh, noticing that your monitor has an asset tag on it. You know, I wasn't actually gonna go through your stuff that thoroughly, because I was like innocent Nicole, she's always so smiley and nice to everyone. Surely Nicole, wouldn't take that many things from the office. I don't think we ever had purple clouds. So I think you're probably off the hook on this. I think it's time to dig a little bit deeper here though. - Okay. - Wait a second. - Yeah. - This fridge isn't even on. You're not even using it as a fridge, Nicole. - Yeah, when you guys said it was loud, I didn't think it'd be that loud. - No, no, it's really loud. - Oh my goodness. That's like keeps you awake at night loud. - Why did you keep it? Well, as you can see there's not a ton of storage in here. - So well then you thought you should bring in a fridge that doesn't work? (laughing) - Yeah. - This is the fanciest nail clipper I've ever seen in my life. - Oh my God! There's a great story behind that. - Uh huh. - So I got one from Amazon and then they sent me three. - That's the whole story? - Isn't that great? (both laugh) Those are... That's the graveyard. - Oh my God! - Well, you sure didn't steal this from work. This has existed since of well before our company was a thing. If you want gamer chops proof, right? All you have to do is look at someone's keyboard confirm. (Nicole laughs) However, I couldn't help noticing you're an ESDF kinda lady. What's up with that? - Oh, I don't know. I think maybe I just hit real hard on that. When I type I've been told that I kinda like-- - Oh wait, so for games, you're WASD? - Yes for sure. - Oh, but for some reason your W key just doesn't get like the same kind of wear. - I'm not like the most aggressive player, like a hang back as you can see. (both laugh) - She's a retreater ladies and gentlemen. - [Nicole] Yeah I run. - That is the funniest thing I have ever seen ever. (Nicole laughs) My W key doesn't get a lot of use. Oh, right we actually needed to get the computer. Sorry I got totally distracted. - Okay. - Oh oh okay that's just exciting grounding thanks. - It's speaking to me. (soft upbeat music) - Now how long ago did you build this thing? - Almost three years ago. - That's a VGA connection. - Oh yeah well, when I got this-- - Nicole you've got a tag sticking in your ethernet jag. (Nicole laughs) Naruto Running won't get you away from this. In Nicole's defense, that was a really, really poor design, back in the day of a lot of motherboard IO shields, where they intentionally actually it's on purpose. They had the tabs in such a position that they would-- - Oooh! - Oh know that it didn't take long. Okay its my fault. - Okay like, should I be prepared to catch? - Nope. - Okay. (Nicole laughs) - Rude. (Andy laughs) So they intentionally had them bent too much because the idea is that they serve a purpose right? They're for grounding, but they overdo it. So a lot of the time it's really easy for people to accidentally have the tabs sticking into their port, which can actually short out that port, which can obviously cause problems. Now you have got some dusts build up, you know how they say that dust is like, we know whatever percentage dead skin cells. - Oh I googled that it's not. - Apparently it's a total myth. - Yeah. - Yeah I can tell you almost for certain that a lot of this is dead skin(indistinct). - Oh no! - You managed to get some hair in here. - Oh my God! Why is there so much hair in here? What happened? - That's basically what I said word for word when I unclogged my wife's sink. Here's another one. - Oh my! Where did they come from? (both laugh) - Can I propose the theory? Okay wait, why am I doing this? Okay yeah. Okay you said you wanted to show me-- - Yeah, yeah, yeah, my special tool I'll be right back. - That is, oh, I think I see where you're going with this. I was going to be like, that's an adorable little hammer but, (screwdriver scratching) there's a screwdriver in the handle. - There is a screw driver. - Okay that's actually pretty. - There is another one. (upbeat music) - Oh, that's not what I actually expected to happen. I thought this was gonna screw into the bottom of this one. It's gonna be like a longer shaft and then it would be interchangeable bits. - Yeah. - Are you sure it doesn't have interchangeable bits? Like what's in there? - I don't know. - Right look at this. So you got to like neural things here. It's gotta-- (Nicole exclaims). - It's like one of those-- - Oh my God is there one more screw-- - It's a baby. (Nicole laughs) - Wait, how deep does this go? - No. (both laugh) - It's so cute. Is that a tattoo? - Yes. - How have I never noticed your tattoo before? - It's a pup print of my pup and her name. - [Linus] That is so cool. - [Nicole] Thank you. That's my little right pup. She's real cute like real fluffy. - [Linus] Yeah. - Gorgeous little pup hates living things. - Got it. - Yeah. - So we're not going to meet her? - She might bark for the next like eight hours until you leave. - Maybe we'll meet her before I go. - No more skin. - Yay! - It snowing. - You know what? Let's change our story. It's not all skin, it doesn't look like skin. - [Andy] It's snow. - It's snow, it's festive. (all laugh) Festive dust. If your timing is so good for Extreme Tech Upgrade because 12th Gen just launched. - Yeah I realized that. - So what'd you go with? - So I went with the intel Core i7-12700k. - [Linus] Yep. - [Nicole] I had the 7700K. - Yep, this is actually a really great choice for you because it's got the same number of performance course as the top spec, Core i9. And you're just giving up four of the e-course. Now, if you were doing a ton of video editing or like after effects work or something like that, I might've said, "Hey, you kind of want the Core i9, "you need the other course." But for like just gaming that's as good as it gets. - Yep. - Any particular rationale on this one? Or it seemed good. - I needed it. (both laugh) And then it also has USB-C. - Don't you feel bad for motherboard manufacturers sometimes. Like it's so hard to market your product when literally the main selling point is works with this thing. You need one. - That doesn't feel right. - You are good don't worry. - Okay. - Quite a lot of force on LJ 1700 to bring the arm down. There you go, nice. Okay, what's next? Now it seems to me that you went 64 gigs around last time around because you were doing more like video editing and stuff at home. So did you go for speed or did you go for capacity this time? - I went for speed. 3200. 3200, 16 Oh yeah okay this'll be fine, just fine. - Engine they'll click. - Sometimes you can get the memory module all the way in, but see that, no matter how much force it put that last little click isn't going. Don't worry about it. You'll be able to... It is all the way in. If you push it all the way in, it's in all the way in. It's okay to just close it manually what's next? - N.2 - Chosen for any particular reason, other than bang for the buck? - That's it? - That's it, yeah that's kind of what I figured. (both laugh) I don't think anyone chooses a WD Blue for like the sex appeal. - [Nicole] Yeah. - Man! Boards loaded up now CPU, RAM And about 2 SSD. - Yes. - What are we doing next? - I have an AIO so-- - Oh, so what I need is I need one of those fans and then I'm just gonna do a quick kind of like sanity check here. I love the color scheme by the way. - Thank you. - It's fantastic. So we could get a fan in there, but we're not getting a fan and a rat in there. - Okay. - Option two is we put our radiator in the front and hope our graphics card is gonna fit. Or we could open up the graphics fan and we could do a quick test fit. - Lets do a test fit. - Okay. Oh man, this is gonna be such an upgrade going from a 1060... look at then look on her face, she knows. I'm not even sure if that's gonna fit in your case at all. Let alone... - Oh yeah. - It's radiator in the front. Nicole, are you sure? - [Andy] it looks good. - [Nicole] Isn't it right? - [Linux] Its so big. I don't know if it's gonna fit Nicole. - Oh yikes. (Linux laughs) - Everyone is supposed to get like a compatibility check at some point in this process. Who was supposed to look at yours? Nobody, nobody looked at it. Okay I'm gonna have to speak with the coordinators for this project. 'Cause like the first couple I checked just to make sure. And then I thought it got delegated, but apparently it hasn't been. Okay, cool let's go shopping. I feel awkward about this because the whole Extreme Tech Upgrade thing is that you're supposed to like get a free upgrade, but you used all your budget and it really wouldn't be fair to other people if I was just like pulled out the company card and just bought whatever case so you're buying a case. Okay, cool. I'm just making sure that's all clear. So we're trying to find something that's big enough to fit your done GPU, Nicole. (Nicole laughs) - Dennis, Dennis inspired me. - Okay, so it all comes down to Dennis. - We want USB-C. - Yes. - And then we need something that can accommodate a dual fan AIO. - Yes. - Okay. - Well there's real big boy. Is this too big of a big boy? - Nope, no, that would work really well. That's a really good case. One of my concerns is that it might not actually be in stock, black, black, black, black, white, but this is the one you have. - The same one. (Linux laughs) - Okay so let's just-- - Let's move along. I mean, hold on a second this is on sale. How can they not have stock of it? Maybe we provide a demo unit. 'Cause it's like 90 bucks for a 4,000 deal-- - Is this bigger then? - Yes, yeah yeah. - Okay. - Here considerably bigger. - Ah, oh jeez okay. - You know what I'm just gonna put this here. - Yeah, yeah, this would be cool. - Not a bad haul. We ended up with this TP-Link Power Line WiFi kit 'cause in addition to not having a wired connection in her room, Nicole was saying that like WiFi sucks, right? - Yes. - And then we got the demo unit of the 4,000 D and this worked out really well 'cause they gave us 10% off. So for, it was $90 on sale already. So we paid 81. - Yeah. Something like that. $81. And because it's core share, we can take her existing case, rip all those Coursera accessories out, throw them in here. And we've actually wasted very little of our budget, even though you ended up with two cases. Oh, okay. Little case. - Goodbye. - It was nice knowing you. Nothing can defeat us today. We've got a computer store down the road, where conveniently we could get a 6,900 XT for 2300 Canadian dollars. - Wonderful. (Andy laughing) - I couldn't help noticing yet another of my team, went with an 850 watt power supply for a 30-80. It should be fine. - Okay. - A quality 850 watt power supply, should be fine, but we've run into issues before with ones that might be quality actually. But weren't really designed with 30 series in mind. That would just kind of turn off when power would spike like way above what the card is rated for, Which does happen. So hopefully it's fine. - Interesting. Okay, well I guess we'll see how that goes. - Yeah. Asus speakers? - Yes. - What made you choose those? - Alex, has Mackie speakers too. I edited his upgrade. - Oh, then I have heard of them. Maybe I've just forgotten that. - [Nicole] Yeah. - Cause I was definitely there. So what's the first game you're gonna play with the new upgrade. - I really want to give "Final Fantasy 14" a try. - Oh, so you figured, "You know what? I've got too much of a life right now. I need to take up an MMO." - Yes. - Relatable. I haven't looked at your side in a bit, but this side, looks awesome. (Nicole exclaims) Like, it's a stone cold stunner man. - That's amazing. - Okay. Well hold on. (Nicole laughs) (indistinct) It's all right. - [Nicole] Oh. - I accidentally pinned one of your fan connectors under the CPU back plate. (laughing) At this point, it's pretty inconvenient to get it out, unless... - Yeah. Let's call that cable managed. - Out of sight out of mind. That's what we call it. (laughing) It's time, to put our GPU RTX 3080 baby. Even in this case, this card looks ridiculously big. Yeah. There you go. Let's go do a quick power on test and see how we did. - Okay. (indistinct) - Well, that's not a good sign, especially cause I'm the one who plugged into the (indistinct)connector. - It's fine.(chuckles) - We never plugged in the 24 pin. - Oh no. Okay. - Remember how it was all like, oh yeah, we'll plug it in at the end. Cause that way it's not in the way. - And now everything else is in the way. - Now everything else is in the way. And that is why you never close up your side panels, before doing a quick post test. Any light? Oh, no light. Really? (Nicole exclaims) Now there's light. - Wow. Wow. - Yeah, that looks pretty cool. I actually didn't notice this before, but you've got a new microphone. You picked up the ever popular 8020. - [Nicole] Oh yes. - 20. My favorite feature of my GOXLR, which the mini also has, the swear button. So you press this expletive button right here and it just cuts your audio and then beeps it out. People have been so impressed. Like every time I use it, the comment section is just like, "What? Is there even producer who's like censoring his language. Is this pre recorded?" Nope. Nope. Its got the swear button. If you got it, you might as well(device beeping) use it. Right? You win. Super balling on your monitor. - Yes. - 170 Hertz IPS, G sync 1440 P. And it's the Gundam Edition. (both laugh) What does that even mean? - It looks pretty. - Okay.(chuckles) What's this monitor worth. - Like $800. - Okay. Final fantasy 14. But what else is your genre? We were talking off camera. You said FPS? Not so much. - Not as much anymore. - What else? - I'd like to see like more graphically intense games, just cause I never really had the opportunity to before. - Nicole. - Yeah. - You're gonna have so much monitor for the size of this desk. I can't believe a desk, wasn't in your budget here. Then again, once we put a 55 inch TV on that tiny little TV stand,(laughing) this entire wall is going to be monitoring TV. - All right we can put it on the wall. - Where are you going to sit to watch TV then? - I'm gonna lay in bed. - Wait. - No.(laughing) I can. Yeah, like. - Let's get the desk done. And then I'm gonna grab the TV and I'm gonna hold it there. - There is a mount also. Pulls out a little. - Alright. I'll have a look at it. - Okay. - Here's your new mouse. Oh, you went super late. - Yes, I was actually considering getting it myself. - Yeah. Well, why buy it when you can have someone else buy it? Hey, thanks Intel. - Yay. Thanks Intel. - So you've got a power play, which is a mouse pad that continuously charges your (indistinct). So cool. But you have a desk pad. Were you plan to put the mouse pad on top of the desk? - Yes. I like hard, most surfaces. But I like having a soft cushion for my keyboard. - That is a way more logical, perfect explanation than I could have expected. Where's the computer gonna end up? Is it going to be on the floor again? - It's gonna be on this (indistinct) - It'll be... Oh, is this Ikea thing part of the upgrade? - Yes. This is the thing that I built with the miniature screwdrivers. - Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. - Alex's are so popular. - [Andy] Yeah, I have a couple at home. - I know, we have two of them. Yeah. We've got Alex P, we've got Alex C. - Yeah, all the Alex's are sold out. - That's cause we have them all. Beep! Beep! Beep! Back in the (indistinct). Oh yeah. Gorgeous. Okay. I'm gonna try and make this a little bit nicer. Do you happen to have any more Velcro ties? - We have some extra ones from the PC case. - Yeah, that might do the trick. - Yeah. - Don't mind me. I'll just sit here. - Okay, I'll be right back. - I can't believe you're going straight from 720P to 4k. - Yeah. - And to OLED, at the same time. And one, two, three. (TV bangs) Don't worry, It's fine. - Okay. - The air cushions it. Show me your plan. - Yeah. Yeah. - So how are you going to watch from there? Like, demo. (upbeat music) And that's comfortable? - Yeah. Cause then it's gonna tilt a little. - Are you sure? - I'm not trying to be a hater or anything, but, are you sure. - Because it ends up being really low on the TV stand. - It ends up being low. - Yeah a little low. - Oh wow. - Cause I wanna be able to watch while I am fully... - Fully reclined. - Yeah. - I see. It's your Intel Extreme Tech Upgrade. So we're gonna do it your way. All right cool. - Now at least it's not on top of a fireplace. - That's true. Oh boy.(machine beeping) Okay. There's one. That's somewhat promising actually. (machine beeping) Oh that's freaking awesome. Okay. Do you have a pencil by any chance? - I have an outfits pencil.(laughing) - Oh no, no. That simply won't do. - Okay, I got no pencil.(laughing) - Whoa. Hold on a second. What is that thing in your right hand? (Nicole laughing) I never wanna see it again. We're not barking the wall with that. - (laughing) I don't have a pencil. But I have pens and there's something I found called off those tick. - How can I not make the joke? Okay. Your fill stick cannot appear in the video.(laughs) You cannot not set me up like that and have me not knock it down. (both laughing) They're hardwood flooring. We do not wanna put it on the wall. (laughing) We're gonna use a pen. (power tool clangouring) Okay that's good. And then keep spinning and pull it out. (power tool clangouring) - Wow. Power of tools. - I know. Right? You got to apply lots of pressure so that it doesn't slip. (power tool roars) Okay slip is bad. - Okay. - Let me see. (power tool roar) Okay (indistinct) - Okay. Well that's terrifying. - I'll just support the weight. You move the TV however you want. - [Nicole] Okay. We're in. - Both of them are in? - Yeah. - And you're stuck back there. - It's fine. - How are you doing Nicole? - I'm good. - (chuckles) Okay. There you go. - Wonderful. - She's free. - Yay. - You wanna do the honors? - Yeah. - Big peel. - Big peel. The biggest peel of my life. (nylon gently mellows) - I am inspired right now. I know what the title for this video is. - What is? - This is like, "The Ultimate Gamer Bedroom." You got your gaming PC, you got your TV, you got your snack drawer. You basically never have to leave. - Yes, that's the plan. - Right, that was, that was literally what you said when I walked in the door. Okay. Now there's one more thing that remains. - Yeah. - Nicole's really smart. So she like looked at the box a little bit and figured out exactly what power line networking is. But for the rest of you, I'm going to explain what it is. Essentially what you do, is you take these media adapters and you put one of them over by your router. And then you plug in with an ethernet cable, into that. Then you take the other one and you plug it in up next to your device. So we're gonna plug it into this power outlet right here. And then you plug in ethernet cable from that, into that. And what you're doing, is you're turning your house wiring, into a network cable. So that's going to go right there. And then this guy goes, holy crap. Do you guys not have any additional ethernet ports? The one plugged into the TV is not lit. And what is this over here? - It's plugged into the karaoke machine. - Which obviously needs internet. That's priority number one. - Yes Yeah. So the TV can go. It has WIFI. - And it's reception would be great. - Yes. - And then if anyone gets mad at you about the TV WIFI, then you blame me. - Okay. - You like, "Oh sorry Linus said it has to be this way." And you just like make this face. Wow. That's really good. In something like a game, which is extremely (fingers click) See that 130 to 103. That sucks. - Yeah. - And any time someone else is on your wifi doing something or anytime when something in the background, those updates, it is going to trash your game latency. Now, watch this. Screw this and let's flip on our power line. We've got a spike, but it was much smaller. So every time it's loading a chunk, we're still getting a spike in latency, but not like on WIFI where we were getting uploads of a hundred milliseconds. - Wow. - Cool. Right. - That's amazing. - The unintuitive part is that you guys probably noticed, WIFI has lower lows. But it's just when you get those awful spikes, that's when you get headshot, without even getting a chance to retaliate Because a hundred plus milliseconds, that is a lot. We are done Nicole set up. It's freaking awesome. She's got the Ultimate Gamer Bedroom now with the gaming rig in the corner, everything from voice recordings to gaming to media consumption. It can do it all, and the TV that... While I may not agree with the mounting location is gonna look absolutely flipping amazing from bed. And there's basically no reason to leave her room. So thanks for watching Intel Extreme Tech Upgrade. Thank you Intel for sponsoring. If you guys are looking for something else to watch, which one's been your favorite so far. - Dennis' (chuckles) - Okay, go watch Dennis' (indistinct). - (laughing) Yeah.
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 4,921,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OkCX8d8WSOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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