This Seems Like a BAD Idea - Intel $5,000 Extreme Tech Upgrade

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this was a huge mistake one of my favorite things about Intel extreme Tech upgrade is that when you give someone a five thousand dollar shopping spree and go into their home to help them install it it really tells you a lot about who they are as a person and how they live [Music] what is the deal with this dude were you born in a freaking Barn no but you're sure in one wow this place is amazing yeah he has been telling me about his shop for like the entire time you've worked here which is like two plus years now two and a half years now two and a half freaking years and I had no idea that it was this big it's something this is incredible well come on get under the hammock come on well I mean I don't know or I mean try it out I mean it's hammocks the hammock's looking pretty inviting here boys it's insulated you can nap in it you stay cozy there you go okay oh oh you're gonna poke a hole in it with a screwdriver but that's kind of okay oh no no I got this I got it I got the screwdrivers going in here so like what do you do here I just make stuff this is this is my place to come and be creative show me your three favorite pieces of gear great uh I think we got to start behind Brandon I guess it's uh my laser this is actually the same laser that we just put in the out the tea shop uh just a little older but it's big it'll handle like a four by eight sheet all the way through it another favorite tool of mine is my tapping arm this is a Pneumatic tapping arm that when you bring it up to a part you can send threads into it and what else do I got what's my other favorite tool it's probably this table that we have all my parts on you want to come check out these parts oh I'm coming okay I'm coming the portrait of Grace I'm good I'm good uh so we've got a core i7 11 700k for today for today for today there's actually a 12 700k there which is my actual CPU but the board didn't show up in time oh how'd you pull that off uh I have my ways very nice okay so you've got eight performance cores four efficiency cores 20 threads this boy is gonna game are you gonna game in here you better believe it so I guess that's what the RTX 3080 is for and uh I don't think we'd blame you given how chilly it is in here without the wood stove going if you just let it run nice hash while you're uh you were gonna do that you were gonna do that I was absolutely going to do that you've got to warm the shop somehow I don't even I don't even blame him you're adding 20 terabyte sister which is what the devil you need 20 terabytes of storage for well I just want to hold everything so I have a 10 terabyte drive at home that is my CFL drive and it stores every game I own on Steam I have all of them so these are going to be running in raid one and we'll have 10 terabytes here and then it'll be mirrored with C file at home and then I have it on a bunch of other devices got it so he's actually practicing what we preach a proper off-site redundant backup this will be nice huge upgrade for me when you're in the hammock and yes so there's even more that I didn't get to do today but I really want to bring a poll down here with a dance on with a monitor for dance well also why not both so I want to have a monitor station here that I can pivot so HTML that's why you wanted to work on that how many Thunderbolt cables can we daisy chain together so that there would be extra Optical Thunderbolt cables in the lmg staff only samples store well I'm on to this guy so he hasn't stolen anything yet what but he's biting his time problem with this guy is I probably wouldn't recognize the kind of stuff that he would take like for all I know this is our advice but I would no we have never had one of those I would I would how would I know that that's fair so I couldn't be lying right now for all I know this now actually this mouse did come from work yeah I did buy it though I I see you've run out of emergency liquor no no no there's an emergency Fireball up there is there more emergency liquor yeah there's backup emergency liquor kept emergency liquor when there's for when there's a real emergency for lunch mevu slingshot one shot one shot where's your target there's a there's a beer can up there that I used to hit with my pellet gun when I was really bored to the left of the painting inside yeah what are you doing shooting a pelican inside now the aiming is with the draw hand whoa oh rip oh well that's unfortunate that's the first thing you've broken okay so this is your lathe see I'm showing off how I know what things are now congratulations when you started would I have correctly identified this no he could he can be learned I love your taste in water bottles though yeah that's I think that's where I got that yeah so these walls are actually old uh movie Set walls so this is a green screen wall oh cool yeah this is the the healing bench so when stuff comes in it kind of just lands here yeah we've got power tool storage underneath um it's also the sound control center now this is one of the things we're upgrading today is it not it is but not this specifically yeah so we're adding a new subwoofer so this is not going to take this one out God no we want more but what do you need a computer in a place like this for I mean to be clear I I understand you need a computer in a place like this but what do you do with it it's running my VMS essentially so it runs C file my file server it runs octoprint which runs all my printers cool um and then it also runs uh windows but it's not very powerful it's pretty slow so what is it it's a Intel q6600 called oh my God it's a q6600 DDR3 okay all right continuing the theme of equip and call and shop for free why don't you give me a job why don't I give you a job well do you want to uh well we can shut down my old server and start harvesting the parts out of it let's do that okay let's get it I heard something rattling in there oh this drive's just kicking around oh that's not bad oh yeah there's where I put my power supply cables this wait what do you mean q6600 this is not a q6600. it could be wrong I give you my personal Linus Tech tips guarantee that it is not yeah I can't even remember what it is so are we reusing this case at all what are we sell we're just taking the power power supply and the SSD out of this got it so I see I've been set to a job now then yes well I'm working on this why don't you show us one of the more unusual things you're doing I see the giant sound panel over there the sound panel I think is a two-man job so I'm gonna uh set up the welder I am so excited about this part this is where the bulk of my money went it is a Miller Synchro wave 210 AC DC TIG welder it is an absolute unit of a welder and I get to set it up now it's been staring at it for months it's just been sitting here can't use it wait a minute I thought you were just rolling this in because you wanted to like no like show me more of your tools oh we paid for this we paid for this this was like 3 600 Canadian dollars kids can you say thanks Intel it's blue just like Intel it's it's the missing link I've been able to to subtractively manufacture things but I've never really additively like I have a cutting torch or like a gas welder and a little Mig right but this is like fine detailed TIG welding cool but we got to get all the gas lines run and run all the cables and stuff so that's what we're gonna do now I'm gonna focus on building computers this is another really cool thing that I bought for it it's called the tig finger and it is a little pressure sensitive button that you put on your TIG torch and then you don't have to use this foot pedal to control your amperage it wasn't cheap but it's a really cool really cool little product what did you do nothing it's fine that's tempered glass Linus I know which is good because it's now not broken um I recognize this boy this is the PC oh something pc05 this is from world's most comfortable gaming setup I did eventually uh tear it down and turn it into a little Lego room for my kids so I guess I'm building in this Tower again so I'm doing something a little interesting with this setup I gotta go find the other part though but I'm running two Regulators when you're TIG welding things in particular like pipes or anything where you're welding like through something the you need shielding gas on both sides of the weld so if I'm welding in in a pipe or something I need to put shielding gas in the back of the weld so it doesn't oxidize so we're going to run a splitter and run two separate um Regulators I just have to find them it's kind of funny to me that the machine I'm building is not what's ultimately going to stay here but most of the principles will stay the same we're just going to swap out the board because going from 11th gen to 12th gen is the biggest leap in performance that Intel has made in a long really really really long time like we talk about it's got eight performance cores and four efficiency cores but those efficiency cores are like comparable to a performance core from not that long ago so these things are flipping flipping fast the the board will still be um what's it called ddr4 though because that Ram is going to be a lot cheaper and I need more of it yes so at this point with the difference in performance between ddr4 and ddr5 and more importantly the difference in cost it totally makes sense to go with a nice High Performance ddr4 Kit so Colin's got a 3200 c16 kit right here that's a great mix between high capacity and solid speeds one of the coolest things about these 12th gen chips and we've got some videos planned around this make sure you're subscribed is that because they have performance and efficiency course for an application like Collins where he's using proxmox or if you were using unraid and creating virtual machines you could totally take your efficiency cores and just be like blah blah blah you go run the hypervisor and then you're giving up basically nothing in terms of let's say gaming performance if you pass your performance course through to a VM super cool we could weld at this point should we plug it in sorry what point can we weld at I didn't think it was a spot welder this is actually a very unusual case to build in to put the power supply in as you can see now we've got access to the bracket here you actually have to pull off this top unit that is a filtered exhaust for whatever reason in its default configuration so what I'm kind of thinking is especially in a shop environment like this one I'm probably going to turn those fans all around and I'm going to have the whole top be a filtered intake and hopefully that'll be enough for our poor RTX 3080 over here um I think we're going to skip grounding uh we will ground it yeah fine fine you're right think of it this way you're grounded either way because if you ground it you're grounded and if you don't ground it you're grounded get it that moment when you let your boss into your your home this was a huge mistake knock to it does such a great job of their coolers man they've just kind of got something for everything so basically the way it's going to work in this case is I'm going to orient it this way yeah yep I'm gonna go this way we're going to have our fans throwing nice fresh air in here this fan is going to grab it it's a nice slim fan it's going to push the air like this and then those fans are going to blow that hot air away onto the graphics card which is why I told Colin I think we might have to redesign the cover here to make sure that that graphics card has enough ventilation I might have a small problem to report Colin uh-oh I've got a clearance issue with your RAM now there's a couple different ways that we can potentially tackle this we can try flipping the fan over onto the other side I think then we might have a clearance issue with the side panel or I can pull this memory stick and see if it goes in without it okay just like run one less dim well that's not an ideal solution but since you got these at the lmg store you could go get something slightly more low profile and that would probably address it see the mounting posts for the cooler they're too high profile to actually get the 80 millimeter fan in there like I can jam it in but oh I can jam it in well noctua doesn't like it then they can uh they can make a lower profile cooler boom roasted they do well this is my new sub box I did an entire build and I filmed it all and you can watch that on floor plane if you're interested but this is going to more than double the amount of bass that I get out of my sound system here and we're going to be loading it with this this is a JL W3 it's about a it's a 500 watt RMS 12 inch sub now it's all going to be powered Careful by this this is the sp1 -700 from speaker power it's a lovely little plate amp that is more than capable of driving this it'll actually overdrive this I have to turn on a low pass filter to keep the skirt Excursion down it'll actually destroy itself if I just turn it up too high now there will be a mesh Grille that goes over this but I haven't designed and built it yet that's kind of fine I'll get to it another day which means probably never our tough gaming RTX 3080 is in here we've got our nice triple fan cooler 10 gigs Ram super fast GPU but we've got some problems ladies and gentlemen one is that I don't know if there's enough clearance for our dual 8 Pin power connectors under our case switches here at least not without kind of wrenching it over or maybe moving the mount over number two is that this hard drive cage is clearly not going in here anymore VHB no we are not VH being it we will put whole new holes in the case that's the correct way to do it and you know it now surely you're not actually going to game here at the shop so what do you need such a powerful GPU for so mostly for doing CAD work um Fusion 360 which is my primary primary CAD software isn't particularly GPU heavy but it'll be nice to have anyway and then I can always allocate it to other things unless I pass it through directly to Windows so I could parse that in and then use any device so I could have a laptop and then have access to a full 3080 just sitting here whirring away in the shop I feel I feel awful doing this to this beautiful case first time and it goes um yeah it doesn't fit yet but uh no no don't not you Colin I don't want you over here looking at it we're looking at his workmanship and you're proud of that well I'd be proud if it fit but it doesn't yet okay go away go away oh yeah all this because he doesn't like VHB tape we're not VH being in hard drives Colin okay thanks that worked really well now I just hold on hold on hold on I need to turn it around okay wait for it here it comes though this is my big moment my time to shine it'll go it'll go it's good yes yes okay success what why does everybody throw me these like weird challenging builds with parts that are not strictly speaking compatible for these Intel extreme Tech upgrades because we're building it from the schmorgasbord of stuff that's in the LTD store it's extremely tight the hard drives are literally right up against the GPU perfect in with screws properly mounted ish on their anti-vibration rubber grommet things we good to go this isn't even the thing that's going to make this whole setup sound good we're replacing my existing audio source which is just a Chromecast where I strip out the audio from an HDMI signal and we're putting in this a node 2i from Blue sound it's about 650 dollars if I remember correctly damn yeah I found it used on Craigslist like brand new for 500 Canadian dollars and uh picked it up and it does Super High Fidelity output like it's actually producing a source that's good but still from a streaming service so I've switched over to title now from Spotify because it does have Flac audio essentially and uh this is just going to make everything sound better just more data better in general this I think will live right there big moment I do think there's a solid chance that I won't get an output here because I haven't gone in and changed the PCI Express configuration to gen 3 but who knows maybe we'll get lucky oh my goodness oh hey we did look at that um question for you Colin how many watts is this fanless power supply that you're planning to run a 3080 off of I think it's like five or six hundred 700 maybe all my rent wait 32 gigs of RAM is that right yep yes okay all my rounds showing up all my drives are showing up yeah I think it's into the BIOS I think it's either 750 watts or a thousand there's no way it's a thousand so if it is at 750 damn oh my God yeah I can hear the vibration I can feel my clothes vibrating good good this pleases me greatly um so I did find the drives I rated them together and mirrored them so it's raid one and they're showing up as just empty storage enough so now I can apply that to anything I got 10 gigs of storage for 10 terabytes of storage way more than 10 gigs so my next job now is I'm going to take the new 3080 I have and pass it through to my windows VM so it can harness all of it now that means that I won't be able to use it for anything else it's dedicated Hardware just for that VM I have my brother on speakerphone he set this all up for me because as tech savvy as I am server-side things I just tossed to the server side guy and it turns out that bad boy here and apparently his brother told him this already has two DNS servers on his Network he doesn't have his router modem switch AP combo unit from the ISP in bridge mode so that one spitting out 192.168.0. whatever IPS if you plug directly into that and then his tp-link octopus arachnid spider thing over there is going 192.168.1. whatever and now no matter which of them you plug the computer into we're not getting an internet connection here because smart Linux is like nope this is too stupid I quit Meanwhile my phone is actually able to get an internet connection I turned off my mobile data and it's like oh you want to browse no problem okay all right we're ripping out the Debian I just I don't understand why it won't connect everything looks completely fine except that it is not fine realistically it's not worth it for us to spend all the time that would be involved in fixing this problem because we believe the problem was caught by changing up the motherboard which changed the network device ID and we're going to do that again anyway once Colin gets his uh 12th gen CPU and matching motherboard so our plan for now is to button this up and then do a magic and we're back the 12th gen upgrade is done Jake very graciously helps me pass through the GPU because I wasn't cutting it when it came to configuring proxmox and it runs great we've got eight CPU cores attached to my windows instance and four CPU cores attached to the Linux instance which was running C file and everything works just great we can pop right into Fusion 360. having that direct GPU pass-through is awesome everything is Flawless I've used it remotely from home with parsec and all together it took a lot of work I don't know if I would do it again I would probably just run a separate server for file server stuff and just run a separate PC but it's pretty cool to have this and now I can set up approxbox instance at home and have duplicated files across the internet and redundant storage so thanks Intel I guess and we'll pass it back on to Linus [Music] thank you all right it might impress the ladies but probably not who I know is impressed is me for all of you guys watching and big shout out for that also big shout out to Intel for sponsoring Intel Xtreme Tech upgrade stay tuned guys because upcoming we've got I think Brandon's coming soon aren't you yeah that's going to be a very interesting one
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 2,453,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: speaker, subwoofer, workshop, speakerpower, amplifier, welder, miller, TIG, machining, shop, intel, 12700, server, proxmox, GPU, Nvidia, 3080, gaming, fileserver, fusion, CNC
Id: cjGqxbsY9JA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 19 2022
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