My Most Chaotic Client EVER - Kallmekris Tech Makeover Part 1

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The most unexpected crossover but as a fan of both I am NOT complaining

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AppropriateHalf4513 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why does the bot skip some videos?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/InternationalReport5 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Any one know where i can see part 2 of this video?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Zomby66 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Will PT 2 be uploaded to YouTube?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JimPage83 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 26 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

What's the pc case? it looks so pretty!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HiddenFluff πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
we are doing the ultimate Tech renovation for the one and only call me Chris hello welcome and not to be outdone by Intel who sponsors these upgrades for our staff Asus Rog has sponsored this video where we will be doing everything new TV new monitors new game streaming setup wireless speakers new furniture RGB freaking lights all over the room and we god like six hours we are gonna need some help we are going to need some acoustic panels in here because we're going to be spent loud we're gonna be spending the majority of the shoot in this room yeah and this is atrocious so yeah fortunately we've got that covered yes these are Pros acoustic panels uh they have a couple sets we got the the thinner ones they have sound absorption in the front and then on the MDF panel that this is mounted to they actually have a dispersion ring routed into it so it's a wave guide that helps disperse sound from a small Point into a larger area all I know is that these cover these panels because they're taller that's terrific because as much as this is wonderful by the way they did a very nice professional job of terminating all your networking here I hope so I don't want to look at it no no it's ugly this is and he broke it no I didn't it's fine no it's she actually that looks no everything's fine oh I don't know what that is but it's getting covered so it doesn't matter good God I had expected this to be a lot more um done uh yeah a lot more uh show up and just put things on stuff well that's fine like yeah I'm gonna wear a two kind of Hoodie because I'm not gonna be moving that much geez or wait no you should do it why am I doing it I do you drill two screws drill we'll see in Your Excellence I am really good at falling so this is good don't push too hard as you go through as soon as you feel it go stop It's hammer time oh you're young enough I'm not sure if you get the reference but yes I do too sure that's good thank you uh if I recall correctly that's for like um flattening out like metal things or something that's not a hammer that I use for like leather working or like no it's a peen a peen one side you Hammer the other side is used for stretching out metal oh okay so like leveraging yeah I'm gonna make you touch my peen now this is a really fun screwdriver thanks like it like turns back and like you don't need to like keep you know what I mean can you say something for me that's our screwdriver I'm I'm getting One logo I like this we did this right oh look at that Beautiful by my calculations it should be right there all right perfect so here's what we're gonna do which should make sense because that's how this was basically we're gonna put this bad boy right here and then we're never gonna see it because it's just gonna hold yeah the panel right in front here so um perfect uh we didn't put in a drywallinkers we did not wait what the just a constant disappointment that's okay me too okay oh look at us yeah there you go okay good perfect this one I do want to level that's why I actually put it slightly above that because we can't take for granted that whoever put this wonderful I don't even care who's watching storing here it's probably not level knowing him it wasn't level no I I I'm not surprised at all okay at all there's a lot of deficiencies it wasn't close I have bad news you want the bad news now yeah okay um they are not going to be even yeah they won't right yeah that's okay oh that's fine I'm weird like it can be weird okay well in that case do you do and we I think we should lean into it if it's like just off I think that'd be like so in that case I want you to aim high aim high in this one low and this one we came up love it hello can I help you righty tighty lefty loosies this is basically three Three Stooges and sketch at this point I've assembled a table I've assembled coffee tables also it's too much I need to make more friends though because I've just been doing it all myself sad well I actually have a strategy for that what's that you just hire people oh that's what you do yeah I don't have I have lots of friends I just paid them there oh there we go okay we good yeah yeah right looks amazing okay TV it's a 55 inch OLED and why this uh because it's 55 inch TVM I don't know okay are you gonna game on it yeah it's perfect for that okay perfect okay do you like good image quality yes it's perfect for that perfect okay then we're good awesome 55c one from LG this room has a lot of natural light in it which isn't always ideal for an OLED blackout curtains oh really you're gonna go blackout I mean maybe she just think that's a bad idea yeah I mean I saw the I saw the heavy eyeliner but I didn't take you for like uh like golf chick necessarily no I'm not like I mean blackout you know what I mean God damn it looks fun okay so yeah that clearly goes there right does this hook underneath here or does that hook on top of there that would make more sense now you know what Chris yes oh yeah oh yeah there's a tech workout I'm supposed to be lightweight this is the extra bit for the arc sound bar right oh that's so cool they have a specific one for the art this Soundbar is awesome it's the best sounding sound bar that I have yet encountered pumped you know what I think people should do on their honeymoon build stuff build Furniture said this before do you know how many fewer divorces and annulments would go like this yes but this is so that's loud this is supposed to go on here though no yeah um like this the TV but the TV is here what is this I'm so confused am I even looking at yeah right here essentially step six add TV mount yeah okay so the TV mount okay no go on yes how the hell do I I don't know wow do you just have to like really give her a lot let's go back up oh it was cold this is so stupid I need a friend to do this bad news Chris I know I want you to just supervise yes and make sure this doesn't do that okay uh BRB because we didn't put the screws in on the bottom the TV could fall and I could break myself and it would ruin the shoot and ruin our friendship like that would be 100 friends you heard of your purse when I next time I need to move I'm calling you it's like and I'm gone I said friends not BFFs okay moving that's a big step in our relationship okay that's huge something I couldn't help noticing Chris is that your Genius contractor didn't um put like a like a conduit here did they know you were gonna put a TV here uh yeah okay but they didn't suggest maybe a conduit down to like where your HDMI sources they just said how about you figure it out I love the water bottle yeah this is ours too it's great how many liters is it logo um awkward uh thing I only know in ounces it's 40 ounces oh that looks great cool oh watch your head yep there we go yeah just a little friendly head bashing in inside yeah yeah wow yeah that's awesome uh we're gonna do two of these big ones yeah flanking the TV oh okay so that means you gotta tell me yeah we're gonna do one of those test your relationship things where I hold up a heavy thing yeah you stand over there yeah hum and ha have me move it millimeters at a time yes so you're ready where I want it yeah okay yeah I'm ready are you one are you feeling up high are you feeling down low are you feeling too slow because I'm feeling like you're too slow always I'm too close I actually cannot see how it looks I'll switch oh my God I don't know right yeah that's really tough bad high but it like it doesn't look so cool we have two extras of the small ones so something we could do is we could go up high and then have a small one filling in that blank space down low how do you feel about that yeah we can do that that's that's a Vibe okay let's do it I didn't give any thought to the studsiness so true I love what we're doing here yeah if we have one and one with a drywall anchor that's yeah that's fine yeah yeah okay I don't know okay we'll do three okay oh it's the wrong spot no no it's all good how are we gonna hit them though that's a great question I'm gonna try not to drill into your floor oh fantastic big reveal so I'm gonna line that up with that I'm gonna go I guess and there's we're gonna do two more Acres punch my wall that's the thing about good plans is there what you should have done in the first place I really wanted yeah so look at it this way I'm gonna lose either way you collab with a tech channel the handyman stuff's gonna suck yeah you collab with a handyman channel the tech stuff's gonna suck that's true what matters more Tech stuff matters more all the way I think I'm gonna hit a stud here oh that's not a stud what the hell how's that even possible holes in walls at this point oh my God Chris if you ever sell this place there's gonna be so many I would have to do so much spackling no you're gonna show it they're gonna be like wow this house is amazing you're gonna take all your paddles off though they're gonna hear what the hell is five holes in the wall it's like constellations right yeah oh that's actually the great Chariot race of Southern room [Laughter] Chris stop David's stop but I love it so much I can't wait to take this off and somebody like what the is that hey beautiful uh it's not level it's not even close what I'm level yeah that's what I was saying this isn't level so that's okay that yeah yeah everything's fine sort of yeah yeah okay it's level nice nice okay the audio is noticeably better and insanely better already this is great which is great everything is working he's working out it's exciting we are only two and a half hours in and we have put up acoustic panels in a TV okay is that bad oh yeah okay you do have an upper Outlet thing for a TV but it's here yeah I don't I don't know why is it here I don't know unless you're sitting like 18 inches in front of it you're gonna be right in front of the freaking door nothing makes sense in this room why would you why would you have your couch here in a room this size I actually was curious to oh okay I don't know if he thought that was gonna be because that's there's one here yeah it's like three o'clock already and I just found out that we actually have to build the computer thank you very much Jesus Rog thank you they actually sell completed computers but their components are great too yeah you see this texture uh-huh and that's not there uh-huh they didn't sand down the drywall mud between the panels oh it's the whole house this is great this is why we're getting nothing done he's just analyzing my entire house how crappy it is it's like it's so obvious now and I didn't notice it because I'm not a painter and he's a painter now he's going out of his mind this is the most rushed job both paint job that I have seen and they painted it like three four times because I asked them to keep repainting it he's this like I can just see like heads and screws yeah your paint job is so yeah that we don't even need a stud finder I bet I can find the gaps between the drywall just looking at it and then yeah there should be a stud right here hit me that's amazing it's like a super bad but it's not okay please tell me it's level oh it's already here wow that is like as level as again that's really level wow now it's time for some RGB not an original idea someone on YouTube had already done this I saw it and I changed it to work here uh but essentially diffused the plastic this is going to go sit on top just to capture it and then LEDs wow cool that's awesome well you have a nail gun should I trust you I just see final it has a safety stuff happening immediately okay so I'm just gonna give her right here give her beautiful okay I'm gonna show you oh no guess what smiling yeah he's a happy wall happy Vibes this is our massaging tool can you just get my I have a knot yeah yeah it's a kind of a now that's a vibrant perfect great there you go yeah let's go sideways maybe we can't wait because we'll have legs you have legs oh I have legs I was gonna check and see if she had legs oh my God this was the top of the line back when we started working on this collab it's still really good still really good 3080 TI it's it's good it's Katie that's what I had before yeah it's a little bit special it's a it's a TI though titanium ah it's also a one of one call me curious I'm also curious no you're Chris that's when I got here I was like do I call you call me Chris or Chris and she's like oh you can just call me Chris it was amazing it made me so happy is it supposed to smell like paint oh it really does did you paint it this is the oh that's why it's a 101 so that's why my gold controller hasn't been put back together yet look it was either spend two hours on that or three hours taking apart a controller that Avon wants to melt down it does look really good it does look really good you did a really good job thank you sharp what's up what's what what what what what what is this that's the Evo so this is all the parts for the Evo you freaking kidding me there's four storage drives and all these accessories and crafts no no it's so so we're doing a vertical GPU Mount are you freaking kidding me this is gonna take like three hours to build this was optional calling in I think he's aged five years since he's been here I see a gray hair coming in I can't try you know we can't waste time anymore we gotta build stuff I'm not gonna make out your credit this is why it's taking so long now I Think Jesus probably has some talking points for me to hit about some of these products but ain't nobody got time to read any of them so I'm gonna make them up as I go this is their Pro art z690 Creator Wi-Fi motherboard it's designed for creators pcie Gen 5 lots of room for storage tons of storage you got like four m.2 pcie gen at least four parts on this thing we're going with the 12900k because the don't worry I caught it with the foot because the chaos the ks wasn't out yet I'm assuming yep it's a 12 900k it's got 16 flipping cores eight of them are performance eight of them are the other more different things efficiency we've got that CPU in there uh this has got lots of heavy vrms you got lots of great cooling it's ddr5 so you can run off and you got yeah pcie Express 5.0 for your graphics card not that your graphics card supports it don't even worry about that Chris can you get me some memory You're Gonna Be My Lovely assistant okay okay uh memory is there okay ddr5 so you go ahead and open that up while I dig through the endless piles of freaking storage that crucial apparently provided for this build we're putting 12 terabytes of ssds in here she doesn't have a server she doesn't have well we could have built her a server for the cost of this well you're not wrong I want you to do a YouTube react video for me for this go for it yep okay you said you wanna you wanna do more YouTube stuff right I do do this stuff doesn't pay like Jack it doesn't pay in Canada I don't make a dime what unless I do a brand deal there's no Creator fund and I do those far and few between because I don't like filling my page up with brand deals so I do it because I enjoy it even for Americans though like even when they do pay they really don't pay that much wow yeah it's crazy Tick Tock yeah because they're making money you know that oh oh yeah if you go like live on there they take 80 of like if if people if people persist tip or anything like that they'll take 80 of it no yeah so I don't even I don't even bother because I don't want to give Tick Tock like it's crazy it's crazy this is really cool okay hey she's doing an unboxing video you saw it here call me Chris unboxing video unboxings are a staple it's like Christmas thank you you put the Chris in my Christmas that's good you know oh my God it's so new it's so beautiful look at that look at that fun look at that and then brought an accent out for you to see you how do you like the case it's awesome I know right on purpose all right as if my anxiety wasn't already up there it's to the ceiling the uneven ceiling okay tell you what it is you can open these for me yes of course so much storage that I don't know what to do with so normally the graphics card goes in like yes that's like how mine was yeah and then with the vertical mount it goes like this right with that settled then you want to go ahead and install it no that's for you you need to get home to your wife and children these fans are super cool what you do is you see these little contacts in here you just clip them together like I don't know I don't know I don't know there we go like so yes and then you only have to hook up one of them nice and the whole thing is powered and RGB that's amazing and it's gonna go in a little something like that cool yes okay the reason that I'm doing it this way is that I'm far more concerned about cooling for my GPU here it says 3080 TI this is a non-trivial piece of Hardware then I am about my CPU because we're using nice fresh air to cool the CPU this is all nicely heat synced up here not too worried about it I did want to have some exhaust fans but I'm also concerned about running out of RGB headers and what my wiring is going to look like so we're going to go all intake and we're going to hope that there's enough passive exhaust here that we're not going to run into trouble because this is going to be kind of fighting against this fan but I want this facing this way blowing air in because it's easier for maintenance it's easier for cleaning what do you think Colin and am I gonna get away with this all intake all the time the borderline in it yeah remember the last time you decided remember the last time this is better than that time you do have the intake from the bottom instead of from the top yes I know so you're not fighting physics oh that's not that's not the Difference Maker that was the difference we didn't help callanan who paid for this um these are ball and Studio yeah I could see that how do you like it so far it's looking pretty yeah I know real nice got all that Rog goodness okay we'll put this in here we are one power cable short of a powered up graphics card here ladies and gentlemen uh there should be a bag that has it perfect scared me for a second no you scared me first you scared me you scared me no we scared each other oh my God it's like an old married couple always with the ageism okay I'm sorry she said to me it's just like yeah it's kind of cool you know meeting people who have been using social media forever I said for for so long yeah that's so different that's such a non-synonymous way to put it it's a compliment what is up with you guys you know on the one hand I think you kind of like me because you're always hanging out with me in the live streams watching the videos but whenever you see someone take me down a notch or five you're just like his egos just a little bit a little bit more lower than he is already oh oh by the way I never gave you an update on this but I remembered there are the fans from the AIO I didn't use these ones on the AIO I forget why I didn't but I put them in the top so now we're gonna go intake along the side and bottom and we're gonna go exhaust out the top and probably still have a little bit of positive pressure this is going to be a totally awesome setup it'll be fine I know you did the whole hairdressing thing but like did you ever do like were you an esthetician like nails and stuff I was a hairdresser and I did lash extensions right so yeah but you're like a full hairdresser yes I'm a licensed character yes is there any hope for me this haircut you know what would you do you need to do something with it I would 100 take in the sides more and then put a little bit off the top like a solid inch off the top at least okay so I'm getting a call me Chris haircut after this yeah oh my God that'd be great yeah okay okay that would be great and then like the little mullet thing you got going on in the back maybe just like trim that up a little bit not the whole thing looks better this is Improvement 100 [Laughter] Chris how is the last monitor still those boxes are confused you're just what you're just watching me build the computer I didn't want to ask you look like you're busy it's like child it's Crispers oh that's what it is did I mention thank you Jesus for sponsoring this you have Thunderbolt 4 and lots of 10 gig USB like all the 10 gig ethernet and two and a half gig ethernet it's fast I'm so tired I know I'm losing my mind we're just getting started kids yeah yeah okay I know there's a lot yep we shamelessly broke this up into two parts but there's good news you can check out part two now over on or if you're looking for some more chaotic energy Linus builds a PC with someone I don't know you can check out the tuna
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 2,363,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kallmekris, kris collins, KallMeKris, CallMeKris, CallMeChris, KallMeChris, Tiktok, ASUS, Tech Upgrade
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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