Dio "Holy Diver" REACTION & ANALYSIS by Vocal Coach / Opera Singer

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"I hate it when songs by Dio end..." (E. Zharoff)

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/RedQueen2 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
welcome back to the charismatic voice recently we conducted a poll on the youtube community page asking you which do song we should do next on the channel and the majority of you responded holy diver so that's what we're gonna do now i love deal i've been going through this uh i guess an obsession with his voice many of you probably experienced this but this is my first time getting to hear him and start to explore him right on this channel and i haven't heard his banned deal with dio singing yet so this will be my first time hearing them together this song on the surface looks like it's about satan descending into hell however in an interview dio said that it's actually about a christ figure it's kind of interesting twist on those lyrics there we're definitely taking a look at the lyrics and of course listening to his god-like voice let's get to it [Music] uh [Music] i just want to say a quick word about these introductions that i've heard to some of dio songs now uh recently we did uh reaction analysis of gates of babylon that was also from that youtube poll by the way i loved your comments on that and just had to do gates of babylon as well so if you haven't seen it that was last tuesday's video um this is interesting i'm hearing the same kind of pitch bidding happening here it's not as obvious as it was in the intro of gates of babylon but you hear that it definitely has this feeling of setting the stage there's a certain ominousness as well here because you hear the sound of the wind and a low note that's just been sustained a bunch let's go back see if you can catch some of that pitch bending it's creepy hey right there i was like oh yeah [Music] a lot of interesting sounds in there it almost sounds like one of those ah what are they called it's one of those whistles that you have uh thing that you it's a slide whistle and one of those things you slide where it can uh or it could even be like a bottle that you blow water into and then the water goes away and it changes the pitch anyhow uh really really cool sounds in the background fun sound design there you go [Music] that was great it's like really really creepy and then all of a sudden bam that was a very shocking entrance nope wasn't ready the second time either [Music] [Music] a couple couple immediate things i love the energy and his consonants right he's got just extraordinary addiction it's so easy to understand him regardless of where he is in his range i like the bits of grit that he adds and takes away brings some cleanness and then i i've been thinking about it i was thinking about his e-vowels i know these are the things that i muse over like wow dio's voice is amazing how does he sing that one vowel he has really cool vowel placement he really he'll play around with it he also has really clean vowels um i think it was on me uh he will it sounds like he rounds just a little bit so if you round your lips a little bit on an e vowel sometimes that brings a little more roundness also into the tone and it can create a little bit more of a dome too often classical stingers will round their lips a little bit more sort of like make this like puckery kissy face on an e in their lower range especially so that it isn't as bright and it ends up matching the overall consistency in their voice so i was noticing he he sometimes rounds his ease sometimes doesn't right here he did though [Music] [Music] of me [Music] you can hear it especially on mean even more than me i hear just a little bit of rounding in there also uh talking about that constant energy it happens immediately in the very first word holy h's can be very difficult to project so if you essentially close down some things that are in the vocal traction a little bit more that'll create more friction on the air as it's going by so that you can project an h more and he does that here let's let's go back because why not okay uh maybe here here [Music] i love that sword as it comes into view [Music] ride the tiger you can see his stripes but you know he's clean oh don't you see [Music] [Music] [Applause] again [Applause] [Music] to say again i love the way that he'll have longer he'll essentially elongate certain vowels and cut certain vowels short he does this uh to create like points of articulation within his phrasing i love it so in this case uh he said cat i think it was cat and black instead of cat and black where you're elongating that bell it was cat and black so it was very very crisp and short i'm not even sure if he went hard to the two consonants right afterwards he might have been playing more with the silence there okay [Applause] [Music] okay so he does go to the constants of cat and black but he plays with silence right around them as well it's very interesting [Music] love the conviction in that [Applause] [Music] [Music] hard to phrase [Music] i hear a higher harmony in there i'm really curious if that was deo harmonizing with himself i think it is but i'm not 100 sure uh it's kind of nicely mixed too it's like in the background and his voice is still very forward so it's like a little little sprinkle on top but it's not like covering the cupcake with a thousand sprinkles because that's just too many everybody knows that i loved uh there's some fun vowel play in there let's go back and catch it [Music] there you go die eyes again uh when a person first starts singing a lot of times they don't realize how much of the line is carried by vowels the consonants can have and must have to be effective a lot of energy coming through them um but the consonants often will like break up the energy or have like it's it's they're really well used for articulation or um moments of shifting how the line overall feels but the consonants are that underlying steadiness so if you really work on your your vowels sorry did i say vowels or consonants you guys get the idea if you really work on the vowels that tends to be where the meat of the sound is heard now if you get specific with the vowels and things like a diphthong by the way that is d-i-p-h-t-h-o-n-g i'm laughing at you live chat and your various spellings of that word um if you get into a diphthong that means you've got two vowels that are happening in like that same vowel space it's really fun to play with the vowels in there and he's actually going back and forth between them and then like playing with that that can be great for accenting various kinds of runs or just really making a fun sound let's do that again [Music] i love the way he's saying wheel there and then it was like very pretty he had a moment of clean and then got back into snarl and grip one more time [Applause] [Music] did anybody else not think that that bird was live because i was so surprised when it started moving [Music] is i love i love the amount of grit and like he just pulls in fry in a really fantastic way it feels like he still has a round and healthy sound that still has this like crazy laser in it too he's got a balanced sound and then he adds some fry to just give it some extra character i love the expression that he has now let's talk a little bit about these lyrics so jump there was a jump jump jump jump uh jump jump jump on the tiger you can feel his heart but you know he's mean some light can never be seen yeah when i was going through the lyrics of this i felt like this part was uh particularly indicative of that uh christ figure or savior figure the dew had said the song was about it said some light can never be seen so i thought that was that was an interesting moment where i was like oh yeah i can see why most people and initially when i read it i also was interpreting it as a satan descent into hell but there are certain lines in there that i guess if you shift them you can say oh yeah i see what deal was getting at that's kind of cool i like it when songs have multiple possible interpretations okay back to [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh there's that pinch bend again i'm just mixing like ooh i love the ranginess of this solo right now and i'm really intrigued by the set that they've chosen for this you know we have um what did i say earlier mad martign i i have the feelings that duo is playing this mad mardigan character if you don't know that it's from willow and you should watch that movie um this is his his like whole garb and the sword and everything really reminds me of mad martin and i love what looks like an uh abandoned church here such an amazing set for a music video i want to know where this is and go seeing some creepy opera in it or something this is beautiful beautiful beautiful and then the imagery with it is also very interesting and i feel like it adds to that idea of a descent into hell [Music] fruit [Music] i like the note that the guitar ended on there it it was a second so it was right above the root of the chord so it felt like it it almost didn't return home right because it didn't settle back into that bottom note of the chord where this next verse started i think that's a very interesting choice it makes it linger with us a little bit longer wonder what else it might have to say it just doesn't feel settled so very very curious let's go back and listen to it once [Music] [Music] me whoa there's a bunch of unpack right in there that no no it's really cool and then the mount ah he's just so fierce and the way he sings ride it's like vicious [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] because i've been listening to you more and and just craving a lot more of his voice i'm starting to hear some of the mannerisms like the style that makes up what deo is and that's one of my goals also with listening to a lot more of his music we're going to see more on the channel i i just i'm really really interested in him i want to study how he sings it's incredible he could teach everybody uh one of the things i think is in the do style is this distinctive slide off it's almost like a toss off and it tends to be a little more subtle it's not like a slide down at the end of phrases and he doesn't always use it he uses it very specifically at certain times and he's got different ways of ending notes in particular that are interesting and make up part of what makes his um his style i'd say so this slide off there's sometimes a bite off and sometimes you hold things off uh hold things longer and then do a little tiny run-off so these things i'm noticing he he has them in his bag of tricks and they're one of the things that i think like i would say is part of the do sound let's go back a little bit listen to how he's uh working with his endings here [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is a fight [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the commitment here and that fierceness that he's delivering with like this consistent amount of energy the crazy thing to me is if i was listening to this kind of singing maybe not from him but if i had a student come to me singing with this much fry or great or harshness in their voice maybe five years ago i would have said i'm not sure you should do that too much and that's because a lot of times people approach harsh vocals in a not so healthy way so a lot of voice teachers will say like let's just keep it to clean singing you should learn how to clean sing because that's that fundamental but if you add harshness on top in the right way you can do it without damaging your voice and it sounds fierce and cool so that is definitely the case with theo here uh he never suffered in his career from any any sort of i think vocal abuse or anything like that this is well well done let's go back a little bit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh i love this this held nose [Music] it's so much fun because it goes up and he adds a little more vibrato into it vibrato that's nice relaxed even and then there's like a little ah like almost like a fry growl at the end of it oh back there i hate it when songs by dio end oh cool neat great artwork there i have to say it again i love dio i think that he is truly uh one of the best vocalists uh that he's almost like the freddie mercury of metal i love how he's come up with this style and this style that has evolved to form metal as we know it as well i love getting to discover him for the first time on this channel with all of you this song in particular had a really good groove and a really good drive the whole time i feel like it was really catchy definitely had a little bit of micro headbanging happening that's right it happened and i also just love how precise he is with his expression he can do anything he wants to with his voice and so it's so much fun to hear how he just can use one thing the ending of notes and express it in a bunch of different ways and he has a bunch of different tricks and he adds them if we could spend forever analyzing why he did a slide off of that or uh why he decided to bite off of a certain word but in the end i wonder if he would do it two takes the same way i think it might just be the feeling and the expression of the moment it's really really cool i want to learn so much more from dio so please keep making recommendations for what we should do next on the channel down below and if you want to come and say hello to me i'm here every monday tuesday and friday at 8 a.m arizona time that's when we premiere videos and have a live chat there are no commercials i just really like getting to know you better so come and say hello to us and you can find me also on patreon and at thecharismaticvoice.com see you somewhere soon
Channel: The Charismatic Voice
Views: 249,455
Rating: 4.944757 out of 5
Keywords: vocal coach reacts, ronnie james dio reaction, ronnie james dio, dio reaction, heavy metal, vocal coach reacts to dio, metal reaction, the charismatic voice, elizabeth zharoff, holy diver, holy diver ronnie james dio, holy diver reaction, ronnie james dio holy diver reaction, heavy metal reaction first time, heavy metal reaction videos, the charismatic voice dio, ronnie james dio holy diver
Id: _ioYg6Kx1UM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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