Limp Bizkit's Results May Vary - Worst Album Ever Made?

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[Music] yeah hello everyone Welcome to The Worst Album ever made a show where I'm on the hunt to try to find out what is the worst album ever made and it's finally time after years of trying after Spinning Wheel after wheel after wheel after wheel after wheel after wheel after wheel after wheel of wames we're here we have landed on Limp Biscuit results May Vary we finally reached this chapter I thought we never would be able to reach and what perfect timing for the 8-year anniversary of this channel one of the reasons I wanted to review results May Vary so bad is one it's a very critically uh panned album but also LM biscuit has always had this presence in my mind when I was a kid I was fascinated by Lim biscuit they cursed all the time they had an attitude Fred dur was a skateboarder he was in one of my wrestling video games and I wasn't allowed to listen to Lim biscuit for obvious reasons but when I finally got a suggestion to cover Lim biscuit on this show I knew I had to do it but but before we talk about this album right here I have to ask the question who is Limp Biscuit Limp Biscuit is a new metal band formed by frontman Fred Durst in Jacksonville Florida in the mid90s known for their obscene lyrics and their aggressive in your face style Lim Biscuit's main lineup features Fred Durst Sam Rivers John utto DJ lethal and the very talented face painted freak West Borland as the specific lineup they received massive success from their singles Nookie and break stuff from their album significant other and even more success from their album Chocolate Starfish and the hot dog flavored water this will be their highest selling release to date selling over a million copies in its first week of release for these five dudes with attitudes things were looking great until the sudden departure of West Borland from the group with Wes's departure from the group this led to a Nationwide contest where his replacement for the next album with eventual winner Being Mike Smith from the band snot who unfortunately barely contributed to the album only being featured in three of the 18 tracks featured on this record the album results May Vary released on September 23rd 2003 to critical ridicule pulling scores like 0 out of 100 10 out of 100 20 out of 100 and 30 out of 100 and finally resting on a 33% on metac cryp CRI all right it's now time to talk about the first track of the many on this over an hour release so let's go ahead and get started and talk about the very first track and it's called re-entry re-entry interests me it's a very simple introduction track that is just getting you in the mood to listen to some more Limp Biscuit they have the introduction track uh talk to you like you're out of Carnival there's a big top Carnival you hear elephants in the background carnival music is a blazing and there is a barker who is going outside telling come on come on come on Welcome to the Limp Biscuit show come on in and I I don't think it works step right up step right up everyone step right up and witness something you will be soon to never forget I don't know if I ever said this on the channel but one of my favorite things on this Earth the thing that really gives me some good serotonin up here is good theming and Limp Biscuit had a perfect opportunity to have some good theming and they just did not use it this album has a theme and that theme is medicine in the inside sleeve you have like a pill bottle even has a Fight Club reference the Doctor Who prescribed it to you was Tyler Duram but it continues there because the top of the CD art is the top of a pill bottle and then you open the pill bottle and then you have little LMP biscuit pills in there this is really cohesive theming and they're not using it built for you but what is it this is going to sound really stupid this is the most egregious out of the entire album is that choice to me if the song was already recorded before they made the pills okay perfect make the cover art Carnival make the CD art Carnival or if you're not going to put any thought into like a theme don't do anything but Limp Biscuit is no stranger to introduction tracks in fact the last album they did the really epically popular Chocolate Starfish in the hot dog flavored water also had a introduction track but this one wasn't called rein this one was just called intro wait oh oh wait that's right I'm reviewing two Limp Biscuit albums I have listened to both results May Vary and Chocolate Starfish 15 times to make this video and now I'm going to give you my findings you might be asking yourself Garrett why are you reviewing this record this is considered one of Limp Biscuit's best albums and yes that's the reason that's the reason why I'm reviewing it in order to see if results May Vary is truly as bad as people say it is I'm going to compare it to their most successful record when people think of Limp Biscuit they think of Chocolate Starfish and I want to know why that is and yeah let's go ahead and get into it intro this is reality all of my complaints about the theming of results May Vary goes to bed with intro uh you can see right here with Chocolate Starfish you have some aliens um on the front and they're bathing in hot dogs and they're holding up the chocolate starfishes and the intro while it does sound corny in a fun way has a little bit of a a funk techno beat to it that's kind of tongue and [Music] [Applause] cheek one thing it does succeed with it does bring alien Vibes which is all I'm looking for for the intro next up is a Infamous track and we're going to really sink our teeth into this one it's called Eat You [Applause] Alive behind so ichu alive is about essentially a stalker character who is very infatuated with a girl he thinks that she's really hot the her beauty is making him insane and one of the classic lines from this [Music] album these are just some of the lyrics You're Going to Hear in this song and it has a very uncomfortable vibe to it part of what makes it uncomfortable is you don't know if Fred Durst is playing a character or actually is writing this song genuinely if this is about an actual woman who does not feel these feelings about Fred Durst that's creepy that he wrote the song about her but if he's playing a character then it's whatever it's like a he wanted to write like a Horror Story song about this crazy stalker but where this song does fail is its music video and that music video for Eat You Alive is terrible so in this music video lint biscuit ties up a woman in the woods screams at her and she is rightfully terrified and the police are looking for Limp Biscuit because they just kidnapped a woman but then the music slows down Fred dur says I'm sorry I uh and being like this it's just you're so hot and then he does a little dance like this and then the woman's like you know what he might have kidnapped me but man what a gentleman girl got Stockholm syndrome in 4 minutes with ichu alive the guitar playing actually sounds pretty fun the instrumental of the song sounds really good to me but the problem is it just sounds like Mike Smith is just an understudy the next Limp Biscuit song I'm going to talk about on Chocolate Starfish is the song Hot Dog truly the real introduction intro is its own little thing hot dog is a great open for this album in the song Hot Dog Fred Durst says the word [ __ ] about 47 times in this song upud yes it's Juvenile and yes it's silly and yes they just rip off the song closer you want to me like an animal what makes the song Good is it's such an unique attit itude I believe that Fred dur was just so passionate about making a song that just had a curse word and literally every line of this song it's so funny not saying cursing is funny by itself but there's just something about Lim biscuit just doing that and it's so funny wow I'm sorry to Mike Smith but West Borland is a lot better West Borland isn't copying anybody West Borland is just making a song he would make while Mike Smith is making a song that's trying to be how West Borland would do it and because of that you get an inferior product with results May Vary but with this one it's genuine it's exactly what it should be and that's what makes it a higher quality product stop this B fish like when you listen to Hot Dog it has the vibe of Limp Biscuit and you are just hanging out and they just did this just to make you laugh and it works it works it's an inside joke kind of song but you are in the joke with them and I think it's great way better opening than a song about wanting to stalk a woman I think this is way more fun than that all right next song it's time for a big heaping tablespoon of generic This song is called give me the mic I'm going to straight up say this right from the gecko I'm not essentially looking for Quality here I'm looking for passion I want to believe what they're saying I don't want them to feel like they're walking through the motions just releasing something to release something and give me the mic has that feeling give me a m y give me a m right I'm out of sight y I'm out of sight I'm out of sight up the m so what gim me the mic is about is Fred Durst is saying that all the stuff that's on the radio now has no bite no Drive what you need to do is you need to give Fred dur the mic and he's going to show you how to rocket right y'all the song just seems uninspired the whole song just seems like Fred Durst is on autopilot withzy destroy crazy ass to be the ending is just so boring give me a [ __ ] mic y'all give me a mic y'all give me a mic so I can rock it right y'all there's no substance here none whatsoever and it makes me want more because I know Fred can deliver more next song is called My Generation now I don't know know if people know this or not but Limp Biscuit is just filled with a bunch of dorks and I don't mean that in a mean way I actually think that is a very Charming aspect of Limp Biscuit that is not covered when people talk about LMP Biscuit the name Limp Biscuit in itself was made to throw people off and made them not want to listen to the band cuz they wanted only hardcore nerds to listen to them and another thing about LM biscuit is how they reference and quote other bands like my generation was Fred dur was like you know what let's make a song that references one of my favorite who songs feel it Fred dur just in all these songs has an inherent need to reference material that he loves and put them in the songs that he is writing Welcome to the Jungle Punk take a look around SL biscuit [ __ ] up your town I know full well if Fred dur was born 20 years later he would have had a deviantART account he would have had a Tumblr he would have written fanfiction I know he would in the song My Generation instead of being talked about the who's generation it's talking about Fred dur Generation generation x it's just saying I don't really care about Authority because the authority doesn't care about me I want respect or I'm going to take it from you a you you don't give a [ __ ] about me my generation fantastic song I like it it gets stuck in my head a lot and I love the energy and passion that Fred dur brings on this performance next song is called underneath the gun this right here is more like it it doesn't sound like a Lim biscuit song but I feel that there's actual passion in these words searching for something home I've been working so hard a lot of Limp Biscuit faithful turned on Limp Biscuit for this album mostly because it's different sonically it doesn't have as much bite and Edge to it as the previous records I think it's a good change of [Applause] [Music] pace if you don't feel like writing that kind of pumpy in-your-face attitud like songs then you don't have to cuz if you're not feeling it you shouldn't be forcing yourself to write it and underneath the gun I think sounds better because it sounds more genuine to how Fred dur is feeling underneath the gun is a song about suicide it is a song about when everything is so Bleak and awful you think to yourself wow what am I going to do and that's one of the thoughts that pop into your head and then trying to deal with that like oh holy crap I just considered that that that's what the song's about there is a website called bad music Wiki and one of the things it criticized this album for is talking about suicide I'm in the camp that you can talk about suicide as long as you're being nice about it as long as you're not being Hello Kitty suicide club and just bringing up suicide to offend people that Fred durus is not doing that and this is just speculation but I think this came from Fred durst's own [Music] [Applause] experiences sometimes the song can be a little Meandering but there are some good moments in there like the bridge at the end you're right how does it feel to be [Music] right you know what this is not that bad at all this is a pretty decent song to me coming up next is Full Nelson don't even know meing sh about Fred durus is a man who gets made fun of all the time in mainstream media because the mainstream media did not like that Fred Durst and his merry men got successful in the mainstream circus and he is upset with how many people hate his guts for basically no reason it would really suck to be Fred Durst in the late 9s you'd be ridiculed all the time and this song is Fred dur venting his frustration and the only way he knows how to do it screaming and saying he wants to beat the crap out of you f cut your mou check your ass can't cash but one thing I do need to bring up is a poor word choice that he made where he compares the verbal abuse uh that he gets from other people that to the sexual abuse of rape I don't think that's on the same level how pathetic are people rap with I'm not saying cancel Fred dur because of a poor word choice he did back in the year 2000 I'm just bringing it up to keep y'all aware of hey this isn't a perfect song that was a pretty bad word choice it was just not necessary okay next up down another day down day down another day is this this this one is boring to me I think this one is quite a slog it's not the strongest it's really slow and the concept is not as interesting to me the song is about Fred Durst and how he can never seem to keep a relationship and it seems like every year uh a relationship comes and goes like the seasons coming around the B everything's going to change again towards the end of the song you do have some fun layering happening in it but other than that it's kind of forgettable the whole song doesn't really have a a real Crescendo to it it's lacking a lot of energy in the performance and in the music this is another one where I personally would have just kept it off the album now I don't have like a list of my like top 100 songs of all time but this next song would be on that list the song's called my way and why is that Garrett why the hell would my way by Lim biscuit beyond your top 100 favorite songs of all time and that is because of this one fact it was the theme song to WrestleMania 17 what many wrestling fans consider to be the best WrestleMania ever and that's going to mean nothing for a majority of you in the audience but to me this is the reason 100% Nostalgia is the reason why this is the song choice for Wrestlemania 17 was phenomenal and every bit of the song has a different context when you think about it in a wrestling platform yeah it up and I consider the song Perfect I would change nothing about it it is simple and concept but they execute it perfectly when I was listening to this album over and over and over again I never got tired of hearing it I could listen to this song every day for the rest of my life and I think it would only get annoying about half the time next song is called almost over learn how to rap as a little boy a lot of crap as a little boy always had to fight back as a little boy always under attack as a little boy oh my God this is this is not finished never got good grades as a little boy I was locked in a cage Bo afraid as a Bo knowing how many tracks that were cut from this I just wonder why did he think that this is the one to go with why did Fred go like yes the one where I repeat the phrase little boy and older man every single line is the one I need to go with like I get the concept this is how I was when I was a child this is how I was as a as a man this is how I felt back in the day this is how I feel right now but if you're going to do that don't repeat the same word after every single line felt a lot of pain as a old man I establish my name as old man people piss on my game as a old man a it bothers me that it is in the state it is it could have been a decent song but no one just took this time to just be like hey Fred maybe we should do another take on the lyrics say you need someone to tell Fred no and you need someone to tell Fred hey Fred let's do that again cuz this this isn't working fun fact for all the music fans out there did you know that Limp Biscuit is the only band to get the title WWE's favorite band WWE was so happy that they got to use my way in WrestleMania X7 they decided to bring back LM biscuit for Wrestlemania 19 a couple of years later and in this pay-per-view LMP biscuit performs twice they have the theme song that they perform called crack addict which was a cut song from results May Vary but they also perform the next song we're going to talk about Roland and another wrestling connection here Roland used to be the theme song to The Undertaker yes that Undertaker was sung to the ring by Fred Durst that is hilarious to me what is rolling about well it's a Party Anthem a Party Anthem telling everybody how awesome Limp Biscuit is and it has a catchy chorus and it just has such a triumphant feel of Victory behind it limp biscuits ride in high this is a basically a Victory lap celebrating the rise and the success of Limp Biscuit and unlike songs you're going to hear and results May Vary I believe them I believe the passion behind their words they're excited to share how excited they are towards you and I'm here for it now I don't think it's as good as Full Nelson or my way or even hot dog but I can admit that it is a fun song and I'm happy for limp biscuits for being so happy the next song was the officials theme song to Survivor series 2003 and that song is called build the bridge sorry that's the gun that goes off every time I make a wrestling reference I think build a bridge sounds perfectly fine this song features also on guitar um it features head from corn on guitar here and I think he also does a really good [Music] job Fred dur is a devout Christian man and I believe this is a devout Christian song every single memory you have is a stone that's trying to build a bridge a bridge that will take you to the other side into the kingdom of heaven and when you reach the Kingdom of Heaven the bridge will fall apart and get destroyed even though it's going to come down come down build what Fred Durst and Company is saying on that is not really saying anything they're just saying hey time is passing and we're going to die one day build [Music] bridge I think it does what it's supposed to an emotional ballad on the record sounds okay next song is living and up living it up is a strange concoction because they just take the Eagles life in the fast lane and they make that the main sample of this song You Stiller you are my favorite [ __ ] it is totally strange because I know Life in the Fast Lane very well never heard this song and when I hit play and that's what played I was like this is weird hell yeah I'm living life in the fast lane and over time I got used to it but I still think it doesn't quite work to my taste the song is a is another triumphant song just saying like I'm not giving a [ __ ] I'm living life to the freaking fullest I am Fred Durst and I Will Never Say Die silly [ __ ] marijana oops I don't even smoke but I love the way it SM I do think it is the weakest song so far that we've heard and it's just okay very strange little thing wasn't expecting to hear the Eagles in a Limp Biscuit project but here we are next song is Red Light Green Light Red Light Green Light Red Light Green Light Red Light Green Light Red Light Green Light this song had no reason to be bad Lim biscuit has a nice beat the chorus I will admit is catchy and you got Snoop Dog on the track and he's doing the best he can it's just Fred dur first put mind eaby lay theese baby he didn't put any thoughts into his performance he didn't put any thought into the verses at all if Fred Durst wrote two good verses this song would have been passable and I would have been like you know what this was a highlight on the album bab I to baby Fred Durst should not be repeating words every single line he says the word baby so many times in this song in fact one second I'm going to count them baby your fellas mad at me baby oh well enemies baby 58 times again just small changes could have made these songs good and that's what makes it kind of more infuriating that no one said anything next song is called the one inside you ins [Music] now I will admit that with a Chocolate Starfish it is kind of waited more on the front half of the record instead of the back half I do think the one is one of the weaker songs but even if it's weak doesn't mean it's not good and I still think that the one is a good solid song just a bit more forgettable than the other tracks on this record the one is a simple love song song but the twist here is that both parties don't feel like committing to it because they don't know how the other person feels if there's one thing that lisy can do is make a compelling chorus like this one like this could be just those really like those power choruses is something that they're really good at but the verses though are not as uh as strong as the chorus in this one this next song I think is really good it's one of the best songs off the album and it's a bonus track on the CD but a full fledge track on the Spotify release that song is called take it [Music] home up up up take it home is a great sounding song it's like a mix between like a like an acoustic Cowboy romp and then you have some funky Bas that just ripples throughout the whole thing it's a great sound that I wish they leaned more into it's so cool nothing else sounds like it and I think it sounds awesome no knows ways and I've learned what I also like on this song it is Fred dur just being himself and I don't believe any word of of what he was saying in Red Light Green Light I don't think he's a big Ladies Man and he's trying to be in that song and this one it's him being open and honest about his feelings and a more laid-back and different sounding song and I am all here for it I wish it was longer next up is the song Get Your Groove On never have I ever had a moment on this show that shows off the power of physical media yes Millennium [ __ ] you can't listen to get your groov on on Spotify the version you get on Spotify it's not the version on the album because there was a copyright dispute and Lim biscuit lost the rights to use the song uh gug groon is a song that I've been listening to all wrong this whole time and I'm kind of annoyed by that biscuit H to the Z yeah and it's the version I know and it's the version I think of when I'm thinking about this song cuz I was been listening to it for like 15 times now this is the reason why we need to keep physical media alive people because if anyone has control over your music like Spotify they can do whatever the freak they want to it and that's just going to become the new version people eventually you're going to forget that the original even existed [Music] s the feature of exhibit on here I think exhibit does a great job uh and Fred Durst he does a good job I I really like the song but I'm so used to the remix now and I wish I wasn't I wish I wasn't exposed to a remix before I heard the original my God God here's a song that's a real head scratcher This song is called the only one I think this is a pretty good song All Things Considered I think the sound is good it's Dynamic but it it the theme is very interesting it's basically Fred Durst advocating for celibacy uping too fast so yeah so Eat You Alive complete to tal opposite of this song here which makes me think that ich you alive is the song that Fred dur is playing more of a character and the only one is Fred dur the person and he's like listen I don't want to have sex on the first date let's wait I want to make sure you're the right one for me which is good [Music] advice for someone who did it all for the nookie he is being very conservative here I mean if you're down with celibacy okay if you're not down with celibacy okay too you can do whatever the freak you want and I Just Praise Fred dur for being true to his heart if this is the way he's actually going the next song is take a look around limp Biscuit's popularity knows no bound cuz when they finally went and made a new Mission Impossible movie Mission Impossible too they called Limp Biscuit to provide the theme song for it [Music] yeah when you listen to it you're going to listen to the Mission Impossible theme but LMP biscui and it sounds [Music] great and also what I love is they could have just made an instrumental song and it would have been really appropriate for the movie instead red dur was like well if I'm getting this uh stage I'm going to make sure I address all the haters and I'm going to make them drink that haterade but yeah I think the song is good I love the energy as I said before and just the fact that this is all tied to Mission impossible to is very funny next song is called let me down I'm excited now now what else is going to be behind the next Corner W results May Vary is such an interesting release so far cuz it seems like every song we're just peeling back the different layers of Fred dur psyche and there's a lot to unpack with let me [Music] down this song song is all about how Fred durus is just so fed up with people just not being there for him whether this be women or in my head Cannon this also has to do with Wes and this whole song is just trying to get those feelings out I think this is another song that would have benefited from like another draft cuz there's some uh lyrics I I just think are kind of cheesy or corny rumors are tumors of the sick and mainly useless or the first lyric is hard break is a headache like a toothache or an [Music] earthquake while the verses are kind of weak on this song I think it makes up for it with the pre chorus and the chorus having a really good solid sound to it and I can feel the frustration that Fred Durst has but he's not really screaming he's singing um which I actually kind of prefer uh if he was screaming like how he was in previous records it would have came off a little hamy the next limp song is it'll be [Music] okay one thing that Chocolate Starfish does better than results my very is I do think the lyrics are way stronger in this one like they had more time to cook it'll be okay is a song that actually would fit into the vibe of results May Vary it it's kind of like down another day where it's about a relationship ending but this one is about an abusive relationship and I think with the abusive relationship angle and the fact that Fred feels like he needs to get out of a relationship because he he doesn't feel wanted in this relationship like he is being played as a fool as a pond for this woman and that he needs to get out I think is a stronger thing than just Seasons come Seasons go and I'm sick of the relationship's ending in this crazy cycle [ __ ] up my whole life yeah [ __ ] up my whole life it's a slow song at first but then it takes you somewhere like the song picks up the pace at crescendos and the ending is really powerful because he's out of this relationship and he is telling the world I'm I'm going to a better place it will be okay I'm no longer going to kill myself with this other person I think the whole song overall was executed very well and I think for a Limp Biscuit song it's really good oh my God next song is lonely world another day another night is not a lonely world another game another fight lonely world lonely world is Fred dur reminiscing about how much he did like high school or that he really liked high school with the title like lonely world you think it would it sucked but he actually talked about how he he liked the experience he had a girlfriend and they made love on the creek but he also hated being a target of bullying once in a while basically he had the high school experience and he just decided to call his song Lonely World high school man I hated High School it was like prison with bullies always putting me down just a little skater boy they could pick on I learned to forgive them now I got the balls they can lick on listen Fred Durst I just want you to know it's high school it's public school every person on this planet was bullied one time or another you're not special I'm sorry you're not I don't care that you're a millionaire in this one aspect you're not special think of something else to talk about sneaking out when my m s with my goth theek I'm glad you're able to have sex with a goth girl that's really awesome why is the song here I'm just sorry but School songs need to have more substance than just school it sucks to go to next song is boiler okay okay you can stop falling vinyl fo down fo down somebody like you like you boiler is one of Limp Biscuit's Magnum opuses it is a wonderfully energetic song and it takes you on a seven minute journey and that journey is trying to tell everyone about how Fred Durst left an abusive relationship and with my way it'll be okay and boiler this sets the stage that Fred dur was in yet another terrible relationship enough that can fuel all of this relationship hate now get it is I know you just leave it alone reget it the music video is batshit insane Fred Durst goes through like a horror movie surrealist art piece and there's one part where it gets animated and Fred Durst is face to face with the characters off of the album cover did not see that coming did not see a pink void's the wall reference and all of these aliens get chopped up and turned into hot dogs what the literal hell but yeah it it's fun and there's so much power in Fred dur delivery of the why I don't think the song necessarily needed to be seven minutes and I don't I think the chorus could have been stronger but boiler is a great song and it is good as a nice little closer we we're not at the end of the album yet I would say I wish this was the final song off the album but it's fine it it's fine Garrett why can't you make a video without having something fall next song is called phenomenon phenomenon come on phenomenon makes me so sad years ago I made a video called do mood rings actually work and on that video I received multiple comments and the reception was very mixed much like this album I'm reviewing and one comment in particular has always stuck with me and this song every time I hear it I think of that comment and it said you can't pretend to have fun going cuz you ain't living like the biscuit you're just sitting on the sidelines you're just a fake kid if there's a title then I'll take I don't believe Fred durus is having a good time here I think he's lying to the audience and especially he's lying to himself I don't believe any word of this he is trying to say no everything is fine lip biscuits here to stay we're on top of the world we never needed our leag guitarist everything's fine o yeah kind of feeling Hony who that is what it say what it look like everything about this song I just think Fred Durst is singing this with the most tired eyes ever cuz I've seen him when he's happy I've listened to him when he's happy this is not a happy Durst next is hold on way you hold on is a very slow melancholic song that actually would fit right at home with uh results May Vary and like results May Vary there is a guest instrumentalist and that is Scott whand from Stone Temple Pilots also goes into the same well of relationship trouble and this time is uh Fred dur talking about how he pushed another woman away and this time it's because he's trying to have a relationship and he's scaring her [Music] off Fred Durst is a devout Christian man and I do hear a gospel influence on this track a little bit it has a place here um I wouldn't have placed it specifically in this spot uh again I would put boiler a little bit further and push this up a little bit more on the track listing if I had my way I think it is a good break from all of the screaming and in yourr faceness that the album gives you I think having a a song that pulls you back calms you down a little bit is really nice okay next song is creamer radio is dead this song gives me the same exact problems of phenomenon nothing is being said here I see you got your a cell phone I got a number you can something [Applause] 9 only oh the people on the radio these days they're not down like the biscuit they're not being authentic they're not being real like us while they themselves are being as fake as they've ever been in the song it's filled with humble brags like yeah that's right I hang out with Hugh Hefner in the Playboy mansion and that adds to your argument how but then like the chorus just confuses me even more because the whole song is saying like take me back to yesterday rolling Dice and getting laid which completely undermines songs like the only one because the whole song is like listen I don't want to have sex right now sex is not what I want I want to have a stable relationship I don't really care about sex as much as a good stable relationship and then you have L lonely world which is about like how he hated being a kid right cuz he hated being bullied but he wants to go back to how he was when he was bullied if the song is about how he doesn't like the songs on the radio give me examples talk about it the next song is called Roland again specifically Urban Assault Vehicle version of Roland back up back up what you going to do now this was featured on The Fast and the Furious soundtrack and it features the talents of Method Man red man and DMX the beat sounds fine I think the features do a great job on this song just I got to say why is this rolling I mean I get it rolling was a very popular single it's based off cars fast and the furious is a car movie there's a lot of synergy here and I I think that makes sense what Roland does it takes most of the lyrics in Roland and put them into this song but they also add a bunch of lyrics to it and not the features Fred Durst adds a bunch of new lyrics to the same song it it feels weird to listen to especially in like the same hour you listen to the last one and I don't like this as much as I did the first one tucking your gold cuz for the Platinum I'm jacking [ __ ] up in limo go ahead and make a a new song don't just make it the same song as the other one or keep the chorus the same and then just make all new verses it's it's a weird Frankenstein monster of a version and I think it would just been better if you just made a new song and and I don't think belongs here I think this could have been just released as a single taken off the album or even have it been a bonus track on the different release but not the main release the next song is a sound I really really like even though it is heavily inspired by System of the Down and Rage Against the Machine that song is called head for the barricade stick them stick them the whole song is like I'm sick of being pushed in a corner and everyone's saying they hate me I've been you know complaining about the songs off of this specific record but I don't hate Fred Durst I think he's made a lot of poor decisions and one of them is in this song but I do think that he is an overhated individual getting crowded in myip Living in a Dream R from a Hate Machine you but what he did do is something I am not 100% down with and that is he referenced his own pain to that of Colin got to a chamber deep inside the brain I mean bullying was one of the things that caused Colin Bine but that doesn't mean you have to reference it especially with how recent that tragedy was this was only 5 years since the incident so if someone like was a freshman during Coline they just graduated not not a smart thing to do but other than that I think the song sounds nice I think the chorus is fun even know it's simple it's simple fun and I I like it the barricade finally here we are it's the last track off of Chocolate Starfish and the hot dog flavored water and it's simply titled outro and boy is this a waste of time so what outro does is it starts off as a parallel to intro and it's that little diddy of those aliens saying mission accomplished take me back to my home planet okay I will and then that little techno beat from the beginning Fades out and then you have a weird we skit with Ben Stiller can't mess with lymp M cuz we get it on every day and every night so back it up you know what I'm saying what you don't like Limpus what no no no I think Limpus is great man what do you like about us um I like that you're so [ __ ] out there with your message you know shut the [ __ ] up man watch out mom big bad Rockstar an answering machine with Rob Dear deck in it what's up friend trying to catch up with you had to go to X Games and [ __ ] then it features the lead singer of Third Eye Blind stepen where you at guess where you at I don't want to go to London in London yeah it's like a podcast and while fans of Limp Biscuit might get something out of this I'm getting nothing out of it when you're doing a project like mine and you have to repeat this album over and over again to get to your to get to your listens I was just like oh my God [Laughter] why [Laughter] how does Chocolate Starfish and the hot dog flavored water end with a whimper but I would have preferred a bang if boiler just ended the whole album I think I would have liked that a lot more but yes now we are done with Chocolate Starfish so let's just plow through the rest of results May Vary next up is a very popular cover from LMP Biscuit the thing that got the most AirPlay out of anything off this album it is the biscuits cover of the who's Behind Blue Eyes no one knows what it's like to be the bad man to be the sad Fred dur as we already established earlier in this video is a fan of The Who and he thought he would honor the who by doing his own rendition of their famous song Behind Blue Eyes and out of all the songs why Behind Blue Eyes it's like when Disturbed did The Sound of Silence it was just kind of a an odd pairing there I do think there's some extra little ump to it the fact that Fred Durst is singing it Behind Blue Eyes is a song about someone who is hated I would say Fred dur is a very hated person in the music community and him singing it you can tell he's singing it because he feels like he needs to but my dreams [Music] AR as my cons seems to be um personally I don't think the speaking spell that they used in the song was necessary I think I would have cut it but other than that it's a fine cover I do think it has a place it can exist it's fine I prefer the who version but this is a version that can exist alongside of it after Behind Blue Eyes is over we are treated with another bonus track this one is all that easy I wish I wish I wish it was all all whatever really this song doesn't really add anything to the album and cutting it would have really helped this album's massive runtime would we really lose anything if we never saw it I don't think so okay we've had our fun with results May Vary this is the last song and I think it is a really good Ender to this album and that song is called drown as I said before I'm not looking for Quality I'm looking for passion I'm looking for Fred Durst to be honest with me I don't want the fakeness of phenomenon I don't want that garbage that was on creamer I want how Fred Durst is honestly and truly right at this moment and here he gives it to me me save me before I drown it it was hinted at in other songs that Fred dur wasn't doing okay he talked about how much he cries he talked about how he feels like a lot of people have abandoned him the relationships that don't work out he he's not in a good State mentally and in drown he feels like he's at the end of his rope sometimes I feel like a fool and it makes me feel terrible talking so ill about this record because it's true it it sucks to be Fred Durst you've done nothing but try to make it in an industry that does not want you in it and you try your hardest but you're just that same nerdy kid from North Carolina who's really into music and no one cares Fred Durst is so passionate about music he wants so badly for this to work it's heartbreaking give me I think it's really good especially for Fred Durst so if you have a recommendation for this whole thing it would be drown this is the song you should listen to so here we are once again everyone at the board of Shame and in my hand is a copy of Limp biscuits results May Vary it's time to ask the question does results May very belong on the board of Shame no I don't think it does now while I think there is some significant room for improvement here it's not all bad I think drown underneath the gun are pulling back the curtain a little bit on how Fred Durst is feeling and I think those are huge highlights on the album the title rings true the results will vary uh sometimes you might get a really good song that's really insightful and other ones you'll have them just kind of going through the motions and those are the ones I would avoid when listening to this thing here also it should go without saying but Chocolate Starfish also doesn't go on the board of Shame either thank you everybody for sitting through this Limp Biscuit double feature uh I hope this was something that was enjoyable in the slightest thank you for 8 years of cactus melt practice hopefully eight more years to come there's lots of music out there everybody and we haven't even scratched the surface of bad so keep those suggestions coming you can suggest an album down below like these people did or if you want to have a more guaranteed spot uh you can always subscribe to the patron and put your suggestion on the wheel of wame anyway that's that's the video everybody hope you enjoyed it and if you didn't [Music] bye [Music] hild [Music] take [Music] my me to [Music] the [Music] you what Borland who
Channel: Cactus Malpractice
Views: 19,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yL6RNDzkBvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 47sec (3707 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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